Call for presenters for the INSPIRE INNOVATE: Leading Curriculum Change Conference to be held on Wednesday 18 March and Thursday 19 March 2015 at ANZ Stadium Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush. Note: The originally published 2014 conference dates have been rescheduled due to a conflicting major event now occurring at ANZ Stadium. If you have previously submitted an expression of interest for the 2014 dates, you will be contacted separately and do not need to complete an additional submission. This conference aims to give school leaders and teachers across NSW, the opportunity to enhance pedagogy, support curriculum implementation for all teachers and enhance the capacity of principals and aspiring leaders to lead innovation and change in their schools. Expressions of Interest are being sought from teachers K-12, school leaders and education advisors who are leading innovative curriculum change in schools and classrooms to support student learning. Presenters will conduct either showcase or practical workshop sessions based on one or more of the following: • Inspire the leaders of our schools to be innovative in their approach to leading learning across the curriculum • Challenge teachers by providing innovative perspectives on education and learning • Showcase new and emerging technologies, linked specifically to curriculum, and their educational benefits K-12. Sessions will be conducted over either one 60 minute session or two consecutive 60 minute sessions. Follow up Adobe Connect sessions will be conducted post conference with selected presenters to support communities of practice and action inquiry projects. Expressions of Interest require endorsement by the Principal, Director or equivalent prior to submission. Please provide the relevant information below in the application and follow the instructions for submitting the Expression of Interest to by 4:00 pm on Wednesday 17 September 2014. Further information about the EOI is available by contacting James Mallios on 0434 141 339. Successful applicants will be advised by Monday 13 October 2014. Please note that the successful applicant (main presenter listed below) will receive complimentary registration to the conference. Co-presenters are not funded but are welcome to register. STEPS FOR COMPLETING AND SUBMITTING THIS FORM Step 1: Save a copy of this form to your desktop Step 2: Open the document in Adobe Acrobat (version 8 or higher) Step 3: Fill in all relevant fields of the document Step 4: Save Step 5: Attach to a new email and send to EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: CALL FOR PRESENTERS Please complete the attached PDF document electronically, save the document to your desktop. Attach to a new email and send to by 4pm on :HGQHVGD\6HSWHPEHU Complete a separate form for each session submission. Workshop Title: Developing K-12 Learning Communities (The title to be advertised) Presenter Information Main presenter (Free Registration) Co-presenter 1 Name Stacey Southgate Position Relieving Deputy Principal School/Office Auburn North Public School Work Phone 0297481036 Co-presenter 2 Renee O'Rourke Angela McGufficke Relieving Assistant Principal Relieving Assistant Principal Auburn North Public School Auburn North Public School 0297481036 0297481036 Mobile 0416643326 Email Principal/Manager Mark Harris Principal email Principal Phone 0297481036 Number Mark Harris Mark Harris 0297481036 0297481036 Session Format: There are three session options available based on the content you aim to cover. If you are unsure please email James Mallios to organise a phone discussion. (Tick only one box) ✔ Showcase Session (60 minutes) Describe your workshop and outline: • • How does your workshop demonstrate curriculum innovation and change? What classroom strategies and practices and/or technologies are you employing to demonstrate curriculum innovation and change? Workshop Synopsis: 100 - 200 words (Published for participants to choose workshops) Within this statement, outline the outcomes for participants Additional requirements What additional resources do participants need to bring to this session (e.g. syllabus, unit of learning, laptop, mobile device)? (Published for participants to choose workshops) Practical Session (60 minutes) Showcase and Practical Session (120 minutes) `Developing K-12 Learning Communities' In this workshop, participants will learn about two innovative programs that we have co-led in order to exchange best practices with other schools, develop a K-12 learning community, and to achieve successful curriculum change. ~Project 1: Pedagogical Partnerships~ Auburn North Public School and Auburn Girls High School In this workshop, you will learn about two innovative programs that we have co-led in order to exchange best practice with other schools and develop a K-12 learning WHY? community. Purpose: strengthenPartnerships relationships(led andwith pedagogical practices between Auburn North Project 1:To Pedagogical Auburn Girls High School) Public School teachers and students and Auburn Girls High School teachers and Pedagogical Partnerships is leading changeimprove by givingK-12 teachers the students to further develop teachingcurriculum practices, further learning opportunity to engage professionally with colleagues beyond their own school outcomes, to facilitate effective and successful curriculum innovation and change, and community enrich theto educational for their students. It has strengthened to facilitate to each school achieve itscontext vision/ mission. relationships between the primary and secondary settings with a clear focus on None maximising student learning outcomes for all students from Kindergarten to Year 12 across all curriculum areas but especially English and Mathematics. It has also Auburn North School (ANPS) Aims: professional knowledge and practice contributed to Public the improvement of teacher through and collaborative approach. 1. its strategic, Share bestprofessional teaching practices in the areas of teacher clarity, learning intentions success criteria withproject AGHS colleagues, with a focus onPublic the new Project 2: The Bestand of Both Worlds Twitter (led with Merrylands East English and Mathematics syllabuses. School and Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership - AITSL) collegial relationships to successfully transition from Two2.schoolsDevelop that have different approachesfor to students teacher professional learning Stage 3 to Stage 4, with a specific focus on the new Mathematics syllabus.of empowered their teachers to connect through Twitter to improve their knowledge effective practices all curriculumthat areas, especially English practices and 3. teaching Develop collegialinrelationships enhance pedagogical and Mathematics. Merrylands East and Auburn North aimed to develop a model for the use EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: CALL FOR PRESENTERS Target Audience: K – 12 Teachers & Executive ✔ K – 6 Teachers & Executive 7 – 12 Teachers & Executive (Tick relevant boxes) School Leaders ✔ Special Education Rural and Remote English Focus Areas: (Tick relevant boxes) ✔ CAPA HSIE Other Mathematics ✔ ✔ Science History TAS PDHPE ✔ K-12 Teaching and Learning Communities (please specify e.g. Learning across the curriculum) Complete the following for all session formats Presenter Requirements All breakout rooms will be equipped with the following: • wireless Internet access • data projector • screen • microphone • speakers Additional Requirements(List below) None You will need to provide your own laptop. Please make arrangements to bring additional resources required for your presentation. NOTE: 1. Presenters will be required to supply their own VGA display adapter for Apple laptops. 2. Interactive Whiteboards will not be available. PRINCIPAL ENDORSEMENT Before submitting your Expression of Interest you must seek endorsement for this application from your Principal/Manager. Successful applicant’s Principal/Manager will be contacted by email to formally endorse the application and information listed above. STEPS FOR COMPLETING AND SUBMITTING THIS FORM Step 1: Save a copy of this form to your desktop Step 2: Open the document in Adobe Acrobat (version 8 or higher) Step 3: Fill in all relevant fields of the document Step 4: Save Step 5: Attach to a new email and send to
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