SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Make your organization stand out at Inspire 2015 WASHINGTON DC G AY L O R D N A T I O N A L WWW.PERCEPTIVESOFTWARE.COM/INSPIRE APRIL 19-22 BE AT INSPIRE. INSPIRE, THE PERCEPTIVE SOFTWARE CONFERENCE Inspire is the preeminent Perceptive Software conference where like-minded professionals from around the globe converge to discuss, explore and shape the future of their software investment. It is here that customers and partners alike gain knowledge and new approaches to business strategy using Perceptive products and solutions. Becoming a sponsor of our flagship conference gives you an influential voice in this conversation, while raising your exposure and credibility to a core audience through valuable brand impressions and product interaction. Our various sponsorship levels offer turnkey packages that include valuable exposure, excellent pre-event and on-site brand recognition and extensive networking opportunities with access to key decision makers from our customer base, associates, partners, industry experts and analysts. THE INSPIRE ATTENDEES Inspire attendance has continued to grow at an exponential rate year over year, and we expect more than 1,500 attendees to join us for the 2015 conference in Washington D.C. Customer attendees consist of executives, directors, managers, supervisors, users and IT staff, and they all play a key role in the day-to-day processes and decisions within their organizations. HOST APPLICATIONS Attendees at Inspire use one or more of the following host applications to complement their Perceptive Software solutions: »»Banner by Ellucian »»McKesson »»CampusVue »»MEDITECH »»Cerner »»MS/Dynamics »»Colleague by Ellucian »»Oracle E-Business Suite »»Epic »»PeopleSoft »»ESRI »»SAP »»JD Edwards »»Workday FM »»Jenzabar »»Workday HCMS »»Infor Lawson »»And more Representatives across all industries—including higher education, healthcare, government, utilities, retail, manufacturing, banking, insurance and more—and from core business departments—accounting, human resources, contract management and legal—come to Inspire to look for products, solutions and expertise to help them increase productivity, streamline their processes and simplify operations. of customer attendees visit the Exhibit Hall for 30 minutes or more during the conference WASHINGTON DC G AY L O R D N A T I O N A L APRIL 19-22, 2015 BE AT INSPIRE. WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU 2014 ATTENDEES BY INDUSTRY The advantage of being a sponsor at Inspire is the direct access you’ll have with the Perceptive Software customer base. Our customers are actively using process and content management solutions to improve their business operations, and are on the lookout for complementary solutions to increase productivity and efficiency. With a sponsorship package at Inspire, your organization will: »»Generate significant brand exposure and revenue opportunities »»Leverage our network to expand your reach into new markets and industries »»Extend your company’s global reach »»Network with the Perceptive Software sales team and executives »»Interact with business managers, technical managers and developers in each of the core product areas of our business: Content, Process, Capture and Search »»Access the partner lounge and special partner networking opportunities »»Stay on top of industry trends and see what’s on the horizon for Perceptive Software HOW IT WORKS It’s easy to be a sponsor for Inspire 2015. We have several sponsorship packages and a-la-carte options available depending on your marketing objectives and budget. To view what’s included in each package and to see additional add-on items, please take a look at the next section. Once you’ve selected a package, please complete the registration form that follows. Banking Manufacturing Education Retail Healthcare Government Insurance of Inspire attendees are in a leadership or decision-making role at their organization WASHINGTON DC G AY L O R D N A T I O N A L APRIL 19-22, 2015 BE A SPONSOR. PLATINUM SPONSOR—$40,000 (A $73,750 VALUE) PLATINUM SPONSOR BENEFITS: »»10’ x 20’ booth space in the conference exhibitor area ›› Booth is equipped with 8’ high back drape, 3’ high side rail, 2–6’ skirted tables, 2 chairs, 1 wastebasket and 1 7” x 44” company name sign. Lead generating devices, hookups and other items available for additional fee. »»4 complimentary full-conference passes and up to 2 additional passes at 50% off the registration rate ›› The Inspire conference pass includes access to all conference sessions, networking events, and designated meals and breaks. »»Inclusion in an all-sponsor pre-event email/Customer Portal article (if confirmed by January 15, 2015) ›› »»Special acknowledgment as a Platinum Sponsor on on-site event signage and materials »»Two social media mentions recognizing the sponsorship ›› »»Co-sponsorship of one evening networking event (see below) »»Full page advertisement in Inspire Conference Guide—premium position ›› The Conference Guide is distributed to all attendees on-site as well as digitally prior to the conference. »»2 promotional email blasts in the Inspire 2015 template with sponsor copy, company logo and sponsorship status sent to 1,500 registered customers, partners and associates ›› ›› 1 pre-conference email blast to full attendee list as of March 15, 2015 1 post-conference email blast to full attendee list »»Participation in Inspire Passport Game* ›› The Passport Game encourages attendees to stop by the sponsor booth for interaction and a chance to win a prize. ›› * Sponsor must provide a $200 minimum giveaway for participation in the Passport Game. »»Corporate logo and 100-word description: ›› Logo and description will be listed on the Inspire website (includes direct link to company website), in the printed and digital version of the conference guide, and on the mobile app. WASHINGTON DC G AY L O R D N A T I O N A L Email will be in the Inspire 2015 template with company logo, company description and sponsorship status sent to all registered customers, partners and associates as of March 15, 2015. Get in front of our customers and the entire Perceptive community, resulting in thousands of impressions on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook (choose two). »»Option to include 30-minute speaking opportunity ›› Opportunity to present to attendees during a designated time slot and provide handout. Topic and content must be pre-approved by the Inspire team. »»First right of refusal of a Platinum Sponsorship level at Inspire 2016 Platinum Sponsors may select one of the following to complete their sponsorship package. These events will be co-sponsored with Perceptive Software: »»Welcome Reception ›› Be recognized as the co-sponsor of the Welcome Reception on Sunday, April 19, 2015, located in the Lower Atrium of the Gaylord National. Your corporate logo will appear on all event materials. »»Customer Appreciation Party ›› Be recognized as the co-sponsor of the Customer Appreciation Party on Tuesday, April 21, 2015, located on the Riverview and Potomac Terraces at the Gaylord National. Your corporate logo will appear on all event materials. APRIL 19-22, 2015 BE A SPONSOR. GOLD SPONSOR—$25,000 (A $36,375 VALUE) GOLD SPONSOR BENEFITS: »»10’ x 10’ booth space in the conference exhibitor area ›› Booth is equipped with 8’ high back drape, 3’ high side rail, 1 6’ skirted table, 2 chairs, 1 wastebasket and 1 7” x 44” company name sign. Lead generating devices, hookups and other items available for additional fee. »»3 complimentary full-conference passes and 1 additional pass at 50% off the registration rate ›› ›› The Passport Game encourages attendees to stop by the sponsor booth for interaction and a chance to win a prize. ›› * Sponsor must provide a $200 minimum giveaway for participation in the Passport Game. »»Corporate logo and 100-word description ›› The Inspire conference pass includes access to all conference sessions, networking events, and designated meals and breaks. »»Choice of logo on one Inspire promotional item ›› ›› »»Participation in Inspire Passport Game* Logo on conference pen Logo on conference lanyard »»Inclusion in an all-sponsor pre-event email/Customer Portal article (if confirmed by January 15, 2015) ›› »»Full page advertisement in Inspire Conference Guide ›› The Conference Guide is distributed to all attendees on-site as well as digitally prior to the conference. »»Choice of 1 promotional email blast in the Inspire 2015 template with sponsor copy, company logo and sponsorship status sent to 1,500 registered customers, partners and associates ›› ›› 1 pre-conference email blast to full attendee list as of March 15, 2015 1 post-conference email blast to full attendee list Logo and description will be listed on the Inspire website (includes direct link to company website), in the printed and digital version of the conference guide, and on the mobile app. Email will be in the Inspire 2015 template with company logo, company description and sponsorship status sent to all registered customers, partners and associates as of March 15, 2015. »»Special acknowledgment as a Gold Sponsor on event signage and materials »»One social media mention recognizing the sponsorship ›› Get in front of our customers and the entire Perceptive community, resulting in thoughts of impressions on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook (choose one). »»First right of refusal of a Gold Sponsorship level at Inspire 2016 WASHINGTON DC G AY L O R D N A T I O N A L APRIL 19-22, 2015 BE A SPONSOR. SILVER SPONSOR—$10,000 (A $20,000 VALUE) SILVER SPONSOR BENEFITS: »»10’ x 10’ booth space in the conference exhibitor area ›› Booth is equipped with 8’ high back drape, 3’ high side rail, 1 6’ skirted table, 2 chairs, 1 wastebasket and 1 7” x 44” company name sign. Lead generating devices, hookups and other items available for additional fee. »»2 complimentary full-conference passes ›› The Inspire conference pass includes access to all conference sessions, networking events, and designated meals and breaks. »»Half page advertisement in Inspire Conference Guide ›› The Conference Guide is distributed to all attendees on-site as well as digitally prior to the conference. »»Participation in Inspire Passport Game* »»Corporate logo and 50-word description: ›› Logo and description will be listed on the Inspire website (includes direct link to company website), in the printed and digital version of the conference guide, and on the mobile app. »»Inclusion in an all-sponsor pre-event email/Customer Portal article (if confirmed by January 15, 2015) ›› Email will be in the Inspire 2015 template with company logo, company description and sponsorship status sent to all registered customers, partners and associates as of March 15, 2015. »»Special acknowledgment as a Silver Sponsor on event signage and materials »»First right of refusal of a Silver Sponsorship level at Inspire 2016 ›› The Passport Game encourages attendees to stop by the sponsor booth for interaction and a chance to win a prize. ›› * Sponsor must provide a $200 minimum giveaway for participation in the Passport Game. WASHINGTON DC G AY L O R D N A T I O N A L APRIL 19-22, 2015 BE A SPONSOR. ADDITIONAL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES CYBER CAFÉ—$10,000 EXCLUSIVE The Cyber Café (located in the high traffic Resource Room) is open during conference hours and provides an easy location for attendees to check email, print boarding passes and more. This sponsorship offers branding in the Cyber Café for the entire three-day conference. Your logo will be on the café and signage around the room recognizing you as the sponsor. MORNING OR AFTERNOON REFRESHMENT BREAK—$3,000 These 20-30 minute breaks provide your organization the opportunity to be recognized as a partner of Perceptive Software with signage. Known as one of the best times for attendees to connect during the day, these breaks also allow you to meet and greet with attendees as they casually move between sessions. This sponsorship offers the opportunity to have branding signage in the refreshment areas for the morning or afternoon breaks. Your logo will appear on all break signage and information indicating you as the sponsor. Five refreshment break sponsorships are available; dates and times will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. PRE-SHOW AND POST-SHOW EMAIL—$3,500 PER EMAIL (A $5,000 VALUE) Showcase your business and participation at Inspire by communicating directly with over 1,500 customers, partners and Perceptive Software associates before or after the event. This sponsorship allows partners to send a pre-show and/or post-show email to all attendees registered for Inspire 2015. You’ll provide your email content and Perceptive Software will send it out to the conference list in the Inspire email template. Email list will not be provided to sponsor. WASHINGTON DC G AY L O R D N A T I O N A L ADVERTISEMENT IN INSPIRE CONFERENCE GUIDE— $5,000 (FULL PAGE), $3,000 (HALF PAGE) The Inspire Conference Guide is distributed to over 1,500 attendees both on-site as a hard copy and electronically as a digital file. This sponsorship offers the opportunity to place either a full- or halfpage color advertisement in the Inspire Conference Guide. Each registered attendee will receive the guide. Sponsor is responsible for providing ad artwork. INSPIRE SIGNATURE DRINK—$3,500 An Inspire tradition, the signature drink is the talk of the networking events. Choose from the Welcome Reception or Customer Appreciation Party. This sponsorship offers a partner the option to sponsor a specialty beverage at either of the Inspire customer events. The sponsor logo will be on event signage and on the drink trays. MOBILE APP—$40,000 EXCLUSIVE The Inspire mobile app has become a staple of the event, providing attendees a way to stay connected during and after the conference. The comprehensive app provides the complete agenda, the opportunity to provide feedback through surveys and polls, and the ability to search for and connect with other attendees. The sponsor will be recognized when the app is opened and referenced. The sponsorship will also offer the opportunity to place a banner ad along the bottom or top of the mobile app. Sponsor is responsible for providing ad artwork. APRIL 19-22, 2015 BE A SPONSOR. ADDITIONAL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES (CONTINUED) DIGITAL SIGNAGE—$15,000 EXCLUSIVE BUS TOUR CO-SPONSORSHIP—$15,000 EXCLUSIVE Located throughout the meeting space, digital signage provides up-to-date meeting information as well as daily agendas by the meeting rooms. This sponsorship offers the opportunity to promote your company with up to three rotating slides. Signs will be placed throughout the meeting space at the Gaylord National. Sponsor is responsible for providing artwork. This night-time bus tour of the National Mall will be made available to conference attendees on Sunday, April 19, 2015. Help provide attendees with an unforgettable Washington, D.C. experience by co-sponsoring this event with Perceptive Software. Sponsorship will include branding of tour buses and all related documentation for the event. Additionally, sponsor will have the opportunity to provide attendees with a company-specific handout during the event. Sponsor is responsible for providing artwork. INDUSTRY HAPPY HOUR SPONSORSHIP—$5,000 On Monday, April 20, 2015, attendees break off into industry-focused happy hours designed to provide networking and discussion relevant to a particular industry. This sponsorship offers the opportunity to promote your company during one of the industry happy hours. The sponsor logo will appear on signage and information indicating you as the sponsor for that industry happy hour. Additionally, the sponsor will have the opportunity to provide attendees with a company-specific handout during the event. Five happy hour sponsorships are available and will be assigned on a first-come, firstserved basis: higher education, healthcare, government and utilities, retail and manufacturing, banking and insurance. WASHINGTON DC G AY L O R D N A T I O N A L WE’LL WORK WITH YOU Although we are confident that you will be able to find a sponsorship item that fits your specific interest and budget, we are open to any sponsorship ideas that will help you meet your marketing objectives. Please contact inspire@perceptivesoftware.com for more information about the competitive options available to you. APRIL 19-22, 2015 SPONSOR REGISTRATION TO REGISTER FOR A SPONSORSHIP, PLEASE SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING: »»Completed registration form »»Payment »»100- or 50-word description for Inspire materials (sponsors only) »»Corporate logo: a high-res vector format (.eps or .ai) ) for promotional use SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES AND ADDITIONAL SPONSORSHIP ITEMS ARE AVAILABLE ON A FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS. PLEASE SELECT FROM THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS: ____ PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP—$40,000 For Platinum sponsorships, please choose one additional item: ____ Co-Sponsorship of the Welcome Reception ____ Co-Sponsorship of the Customer Appreciation Party ____ GOLD SPONSORSHIP—$25,000 For Gold sponsorships, please choose one additional item to display your corporate logo: ____ Conference Pen ____ Conference Lanyard ____ SILVER SPONSORSHIP—$10,000 ADDITIONAL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES __ Cyber Café—$10,000 exclusive __ Refreshment Break—$3,000 __ Pre-show and Post-show Emails—$3,500 per email __ Advertisement in Inspire Conference Guide—$5,000 full-page __ Advertisement in Inspire Conference Guide—$3,000 half-page __ Inspire Signature Drink—$3,500 __ Mobile App Advertisement—$40,000 exclusive __ Digital Signage—$15,000 exclusive __ Industry Happy Hour Sponsorship—$5,000 *Please indicate what industry __________________ __ Bus Tour Sponsorship—$15,000 exclusive SPONSOR INFORMATION Company (as it will appear on promotional materials) __________________________________________________________ Contact Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Title ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________ Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ To submit this form, please scan and email to inspire@perceptivesoftware.com. You will receive a confirmation email when we receive your registration form and will be invoiced for payment. The confirmation email will include a spec sheet listing any additional deliverables needed that correspond with your sponsorship selection (ex. company description, graphics, URL). QUESTIONS? VISIT WWW.PERCEPTIVESOFTWARE.COM/INSPIRE | EMAIL INSPIRE@PERCEPTIVESOFTWARE.COM WASHINGTON DC G AY L O R D N A T I O N A L APRIL 19-22, 2015
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