Beforecommencingeachlessonor practicesession,makesurethat your guitaris in tune. See page 4 to learnhow to tune the guitar. THE C MAJOR CHORD A chord is a group of three or more notes that are played together. Chords are used to who is pldvinqthe irelodv of a sonq.The first accompanva srnqer,or an instrumentalist 'irou will lea-rnis the C maior chord. usuallviust tal[ed the C ch6rd. Maiorthords are chord m6st the common chords.The C maioi chord is indicatedby the letter C. Chords are written on chord diagramsas introduied on the previouspag6. Chord Symbol C Major Chord 1st Fret To playthe C chord,placethe first finger of your left hand just behindthe first fret of the 3rd Fret second string, the second fingerjust behindthe second fret of the foufth string and your third finger just behind the third fret of the fifth string. To play the C chord, play all six stringswith the pick at the sametime using a downward motion.this is calleda strum. Hold the pick lightly and strum from the wrist. Keep you wrist relaxed.lf any notesbuzzor sounddeadenedyou may haveto pressharderwith the left handfingersand makesurethat your fingersarejust behindthe fret (nottoo far back). 2nd Fret STRUMMING V Thisis the symbolfor a Thisis a whole note strum. downwardstrum. It lastsfor four beats. Thisis a quarter note strum. There is one whole note It lastsfor one beat. strumin one bar of fttime. Count: I There are four quarter note C o u n t : 1 2 3 4 strumsin one bar of ft time. In the followingexamplethere are four bars of the C major chord playedin f time. The chord symbol is written abovethe staff and a new chord symbol is placedat the beginning of each bar. Playthe chord with four quarter note strumsin each bar.To makethe example sound finished alwaysend with one strum of the first chord (a whole note strum V ). 7 Strum: C C C V V V V V V V V V V V V C o u n t : 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 To help keeptime playthe first quaternote strumin eachbar louder.The two dots at the end of the staff before t h e d o u b l eb a r linesare calleda repeat sign and meanthat you playthe exampleagainfrom the start. 15 THE SEYENTHCHORD Another type of common chord is called the dominant seventh chord. lt is usuallv referred t6'as the "seventh" chord. The chord svmbol for the seventhchord is th6 number 7 written after the alphabeticalletter.The svmbolfor the G seventh chord is G7. G Seventh Chord G7 Chord Symbol Nut 1st Fret To playthe G7 chord,place the first, second and third fingersof your left handas shown in the diagram. Strumall six strings. 2nd Fret 3rd Fret THE HALF NOTE STRUM This is a half note strum. It lastsfor two beats. Thereare two half note strumsin one bar of Count: I ft time. 8 In the examplebelow there are four bars of the G7 chord. Plavthe G7 chord with two half note stiums in each bar.The bold numberstell vou to strum the chord,the smaller numbersindicateto hold it until the next strum. G7 G7 G7 G7 G7 V Strum: Count: CHORDPROGRESSIONS A chord progressionrefersthe the sequenceor order of chordsthroughouta certain amountof bars.A chord progression can containany quanityof bars or chords.The durationof a chordcanvarythroughouta chordprogression. 1-T, lot \&_/ e The followingchord progressioncontainsthe C and G7 chords. C G7 S t r u m : V V V V V V C o u n t : 1 2 3 4 C G7 V V V V V V 16 Chord Symbol G Major Chord Nut G 1st Fret J To playthe G chord,place the first, secondand third fingersof your left handas shown in the diagram. Strumall six strings. 2nd Fret 3rd Fret /--\ kffi9ro ek- _-/ The followingchord progression containsall three chordsyou havelearntso far. G G V V V V V V T C C V V G V @r Thefollowingchordprogression containstwo chordsin e a c h b a r . E a c hchord receivestwo beats. C G7 C G 7 C G 7 C G 7 C V V V V V RHyTHM PATTERNS Insteadof changingthe strummingfor eachbar it is quitecommonto playthe samepattern of strums throughout the chord progression.This is called a rhythm pattern. lt is placed above the staff and representswhich strummingpattern is played in each bar of music. Rhythm Pattern V V V V 1 2 3 4 OPEN CHORDSHAPES The chord shapesgiven in this lessonand throughoutthe remainderof this book are calledopen chordsbecausethey containopen strings( finger is placedon the fret). Anothertype of chordto learnis calleda bar chord.Theseare commonlyusedin Country music.To learn about bar chords see ProgressiveCountry Guitar Technique.
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