Instrumentation Instrumentation Instrumentation Personal Care Applications Hair Tress Evaluation Various Applications For For MTT175 Instrument Generic tensile tester for personal care applications cost effective instrument to evaluate performance of hair & skin care products several testing accessories can be easily fitted to the MTT175 All In One solution for product testing Measures hair friction 25 years of experience helping our customers to deliver better products to consumers bi-directional coefficients of friction on hair tresses in the dry or wet state used for “smoothness”, “damage repair” claims for screening surface active ingredients or formulations Measures hair combing Combing/detangling properties on hair tresses in dry or wet state used for “ease of combing” or “detangling” claims complementary to friction measurements Measures compressibility of hair curl stiffness properties of hair curls treated with styling or wash & care products claims such as ”Softness” or “Retention” can be made © Dia-Stron Limited | Page 1 Passionate about Fibre Testing & Automation © Dia-Stron Limited flexion properties of hair tresses and other materials ideally suited to evaluate styling polymers and styling products used for “hold”, “flexibility”, “stiffness” or “humidity resistant” claims Measures the volume/body properties of hair tresses designed to evaluate body and volume properties of hair tresses treated with shampoos, conditioners, and styling products used for “Volumising”, “Body”, “Volume control” claims MTT175 Substrate Friction accessory MTT175 Combing accessory MTT175 Hair Curl Compression accessory Passionate about Fibre Testing & Automation MTT175 3-point bending accessory Measures flexural properties of hair tresses MTT175 Tress Volume accessory MTT175 Hair Friction accessory Dia-Stron offers a wide range of instruments for personal care product testing applications For | Page 2 Measures tribological properties of flat samples directional coefficient of friction on flat substrates such as artificial skin (Vitro-Skin® ) in the dry or wet state Friction data are indicators of “skin smoothness” MTT175 Tack/Adhesive accessory Measures product tack and adhesion properties tack/adhesion profile of personal care products extensional rheology: stringiness and string break ideally suited for styling products to assess wet to tacky to dry phase transitions Passionate about Fibre Testing & Automation © Dia-Stron Limited | Page 3 Single Hair fibre Instrumentation FDAS770 – Fibre Dimensional Analysis System Measures fibre crosssection dimensions Single Hair fibre Instrumentation CYC800 – Cyclic Tester the contribution of the cuticle layers to the fibre torsional stiffness is greater than in bending or in tensile ideal to assess cuticle integrity and cuticle damage due to chemical & physical treatments tensile cycles until break more realistic simulation of real life hair grooming shows bigger differences than tensile experiments used for “breakage resistance” claims as well as assessing the effect of chemical & physical insults FBS900 – Fibre Bending System Measures hair fibre bending properties fibre flexibility at specific rotation angle hair movement driven by fibre bending stiffness assessment of softness, cuticle state, film formers evaluate the impact of mascara on eyelashes Passionate about Fibre Testing & Automation © Dia-Stron Limited | Page 4 DTM310 Dermal Torque Meter measures skin elasticity Proven method for evaluation of stratum corneum elasticity, hydration & frictional properties. Easily adjustable for study of different skin layers. Typically supports “moisturisation” and “elasticity” claims BLS780 Torsional Ballistometer measures firmness and softness of the skin LEX820 – Linear Extensometer Measures accurately small fibre tensile deformation high throughput: 100 fibres Automated and consistent in the dry or wet state can support “strength”, “moisturisation” or “damage repair” claims Measures tensile fatigue properties of fibre Skin Evaluation Measures torsional properties of hair fibre MTT680 – Miniature Tensile Tester For FFT950 – Fibre Torsion Tester based on laser scanning micrometer principle automated rotation and translation for cross-section dimensions evaluation used to normalise tensile measurements Measures tensile properties of single fibre Instrumentation designed to measure precise tensile stress and strain recommended to assess visco-elastic properties of single fibres through stress relaxation or creep methods Impact method for studying skin firmness. Non-gravity dependent measurement for access to small sites (e.g. side of the eye, lips, chin). It has been used in the evaluation of skin anti-ageing products, cellulite, medical conditions such as Schleraderma and oedema, and the quality of wound healing. TLS850 Translucency Probe measures sub-surface scattering light through skin DSM770 – Dynamic Swelling Module Measures dimensional swelling of fibres in liquid Evaluate diametral change of fibre cross-section while immersed in a liquid particularly relevant to hair colouring or relaxing technologies assessment of hair damage ALS1500 – Automated Loading System Automation platform for metrology modules ALS1500 with integrated FDAS and FBS hosts single fibre measurement modules automated loading and unloading of specimens from/to the storage cassette increased measurement productivity and quality Passionate about Fibre Testing & Automation © Dia-Stron Limited | Page 5 Incident light interacts with the skin structure and pigmentation through absorption and sub-surface scattering mechanisms, responsible for the translucency phenomena. Unlike colorimeter, this instrument is not sensitive to surface optical effect and measures how much of the light is absorbed and scattered. It is used to support skin “radiance” or “complexion” claims. For more information, please visit our website at Dia-Stron Limited 9 Focus Way Andover | SP10 5NY United Kingdom T. +44(0) 1264 334700 F. +44(0) 1264 334686 888 Sussex Blvd Broomall PA 19008 | U.S.A. T. (610) 328 9038 F. (610) 328 7157 Email: Passionate about Fibre Testing & Automation © Dia-Stron Limited | Page 6
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