May Replique 5_finaal v druk

Campaign 5
1 July 2015 to
2 August 2015
We create life-changing opportunities everyday!
Passport to Paradise p2 | Wellness Days p4-5 | Personal Sales On My Mind Competiton p6-8 | Slimming Competition p9 |
Consultant profile: Pumza Mgijima p12 | Recruitment Competition p16-19 | Essense Miracle Tissue Oil Body Lotion p 20.
Seas the day!
More reasons why you absolutely have to be part of the 2016 Captain's Extravaganza Cruise!
When we chose our overseas destination for 2016, we truly
reached for the top shelf. A luxury cruise along the
Mediterranean coast is something many people can only
dream of doing, but for our Annique Consultants who work
hard and achieve growth, this dream will become a reality
next year.
With reviews like these, we can't wait to board the Oasis of the
With reviews like these, we can't wait to board the Harmony of the
Seas in the ground breaking Oasis class of ships of Royal Caribbean.
We know how excited we are about this once-in-a-lifetime trip,
but just to make sure that it really will be as incredible as we
imagine it to be, we looked up some reviews of the cruise and
were simply blown away by what people had to say. If these
don't make you want to pack your bags immediately, we don't
know what will.
“The ship is a
definite WOW. We loved
the neighbourhood areas.
They were very clean and
we never felt that there
“My husband and mm
were over 6000+
I just finished ourm
Easter Caribbean
on board.”
njourney aboard the Oasis of
the Seas in April. This
nnnvacation was to celebrate
nnnour honeymoon and my
y th
nnnnhusband's birthday.
“This is m
**Please refer to your May and June
yal Caribb ice
nnnnnWe had an
e with Ro
Replique for more information on
and nnnnnnnexcellent time.”
and it was
how to qualify for this incredible
nding. I a
Overseas Incentive Tour. You can
was outsta at job. I simply told
also read the full set of rules in the they did a gre
Vegan o
“Documents” section on our
ing I ha
waiter th
every even
Enterprise Portal.
ved the
night, and
fantastic d
Almond C
“This was our
second time on the
Oasis of the Seas.
We had cruised on it last April
and loved it so much that we
booked again for this April.
We loved it so much this
time, we booked it again
for November!”
“We just
on Oasis of the Seas
and it was the most
perfect, memorable,
amazing vacation
we have ever
Captain’s Extravaganza Cruise
2 0 1 6
Qualify for a dream holiday
Captain's Extravaganza
Spend four days in Zanzibar, an island paradise in the
Indian Ocean, experiencing all that paradise can offer
Your dream of sailing into the sunset can come true.
Join fellow Annique Consultants on an unforgettable
Mediterranean Cruise on the Oasis of the Seas cruise
Zanzibar Targets
Level 1: 8 Consultants
Level2: 4 Consultants
Total Personal Sales from all new recruits in this
period: R135 000 (non-discountables excluded)
Qualifying period:
1 April 2015 – 30 November 2015
Captain's Cruise Targets
Level 1: 12 Consultants
Level2: 6 Consultants
Total Personal Sales from all new recruits in this
period: R210 000 (non-discountables excluded)
Qualifying period:
1 April 2015 – 30 November 2015
What to expect on these amazing tours:
• Beautiful, powdery sand beaches shaded by
• palm trees.
• Sparkling, turquoise water with stunning
• coral reefs, perfect for those who enjoy diving
• or snorkelling. If you don't enjoy getting wet,
• you can sail along the coast in a traditional
• wooden dhow.
• A wonderful, laid-back atmosphere.
• The busy Stone Town
• offers narrow alleys to
• explore palaces,
• mosques and tiny
• shops.
• The air is filled with
• the smell of fruit and
• spices.
July 2015|2
Captain’s Extravaganza
• Entertainment from morning to night.
• The boat offers you everything from
• shopping and relaxation at a spa, to
• entertaining night shows.
• Almost 30 restaurants on board
• offering you cuisines from all over the
• world.
• Fun opportunities to get your
• adrenaline pumping, including
• rock-wall climbing, zip-lining
• and surfing on board.
• A lively night life that includes
• night clubs, comedy clubs
• and shows.
• Day stops in Spain, Italy and
• France.
Millionaires’ Club
For many Consultants, earning over R1 million in Group Sales is a dream come true. These
Consultants have taken their businesses to new heights by adding six zeros to their Group
Sales figures or have jumped into the next million band of sales during the period 1
February 2014 to 31 January 2015.
One million Rand
Group Sales
Vanessa Botha
Groups Sales 2014: R330 000
Group Sales 2015: R1 000 000
Two to five million Rand
Group Sales
Petro Venter
Group Sales 2014: R1 800 000
Group Sales 2015: R2 145 000
After Vanessa quit her job to
become a fulltime Annique
Petro's first Pamper Party
Consultant, she achieved
showed her just how easy it
Executive Sales Leader status
was to sell the Annique
(R76 000 in Group Sales in
products. Even though she
2014/2015) in just one month.
joined Annique full time after
She has grown her business by a whopping 203% in a
the birth of her third child, her
year to enter the millionaire's club with her R1 million
life changed completely when she heard Ernest explain
Group Sales figure!
that good is the enemy of great. In a year, she grew her
business by 19% to R2.1 million!
Sophia Coetzee
Group Sales 2014: R980 000
Annemarie Cronje
Group Sales 2015: R1 000 000
Group Sales 2014: R3 750 000
Sophia sets goals by using
Annique’s Profit Plan and she
Group Sales 2015: R4 380 000
In 2014 Annemarie hosted nine
works hard to achieve them
WOW meetings, in which she
every month. She regularly walks
recruited a total of 34 new
from door-to-door in Tsumeb,
Consultants. She set her sights
Namibia to sell Annique products.
on developing new leaders and
She is dedicated and hosts regular team
the fact that she achieved
meetings to motivate and reward her
R4.4 million in Group Sales and 16% growth in the past
Consultants. Her passion for Annique has helped
year, attests to the fact that she has achieved that goal!
her grow her business to R1 million Group Sales
Celeste is passionate about the
Ten to twenty million Rand
Group Sales
Celeste van der Walt
business, training and sharing her
knowledge. She even goes as far
as giving purpose to the more
mature citizens of her community.
She may be older than some of
Group Sales 2014: R17 915 000
them, but she still has more
Group Sales 2015: R18 280 000
positive energy than most, and that
has helped her to achieve a Group
Sales figure of over R18.2 million!
July 2015|3
Create life-changing
n companie
Sick leave costs South
African companies billions of
Rand per year. According to
statistics, more people are
taking sick leave than ever
before, which is bad news for
companies, because less
people at work, means less
productivity, and ultimately
less revenue. Sick leave
taken in South Africa had
increased by 397% from 2000
to 2011. With statistics like
these, more companies are
realising that the health of
their employees are
important, and that is why
wellness days are now
popular events at many
How to get
Contact the public relations
departments of medical
schemes to find out about
wellness days in your area.
Contact companies directly to
find out if they will be hosting
wellness days. The CEO's
personal assistant or the Human
Resources Manager is normally
the correct person that can help
you with this information.
July 2015|4
help employees by:
Wellness days help employees by:
• making them aware of bad habits that might lead
• to illnesses;
• showing them how to decrease their stress
• levels;
• helping them implement a healthier lifestyle that
• includes better eating habits and exercise;
• exposing them to health tests to monitor their
• health;
• introducing them to supplements and products
• to improve their health.
The good news is that Annique's Lifestyle ranges
can help improve employee health, and that is
why you should take part in company wellness
Introduce Annique
and change lives!
Once you have made arrangements to take part in
a company's wellness day, make sure that you
follow the right steps to get the most benefit for
your business and to change the lives of the people
that you will meet.
Make yourself stand out at the wellness day
by identifying a unique selling point for your
exhibition. For example, introduce Annique's
tea range by hosting a tea tasting event.
Invite the employees to taste the teas, while
explaining to them the benefits of drinking
Rooibos tea, as well as the various herbal
teas. If there are any tea specials in the
month, remember to mention them to the
attendees. Remember to take orders.
Tip: Use the Product
to make posters.
Use theCatalogue
Product Catalogue
to make
Take it apart and laminate the pages individually to
posters. Take it apart and laminate
give your exhibition a professional look.
the pages individually to give your
exhibition a professional look.
You can launch a slimming club at a
wellness day to target employees that would
like to lose weight or follow a healthier
lifestyle. By checking in with employees
weekly or monthly, you can gain on-going
sales, while making a difference in their lives.
A study released by Bloomberg
ranked the most and least
stressed countries in the
world. South Africa was
named the second most
stressed nation on the planet.
You can help employees stress
less by introducing Annique's
Relax Herbal tea!
• from 1 July to 30 September 2015.
• A good idea is to show testimonials of the
• previous Body Beautiful Competition
• winners to interested employees to
• inspire and motivate them to join your
• Slimming Club and take part in the
• competition.
Follow these steps to start your own
slimming club
• Exhibit the Forever Healthy and Forever
• Slim ranges, the Lifestyle Shakes and the
• tea range.
• Remember your Lifestyle Booklets and
• Forever Healthy Wheel.
• Determine the BMI of the employees who
• would like to take part in your slimming
• club. You will need a measuring tape to
• measure their height, as well as a scale.
To work out your BMI:
Divide your weight in kilograms (kg) by
your height in metres (m).
Then divide the answer by your height
again to get your BMI.
• Schedule the first Slimming Club meeting
• time so that it suits most of the participating
• employees.
• Explain the benefits of Annique's slimming
• products and the Lifestyle Shake to the
• interested employees.
• Explain to employees that they stand a
• chance of winning fantastic prizes, should
• they wish to take part in Annique's Body
• Beautiful Slimming Competition that runs
You can also host a relaxing Foot Spa at the
wellness day. For more information, please
see the Foot Spa article in the June 2015
Annique's Forever Healthy range has a wide
variety of supplements for every health
need. Use the Forever Healthy
Recommendation Wheel to help the
employees determine what products they
need. It's also a good idea to ask employees
what supplements they are currently using,
and to identify the areas where they might
lack in supplementation. For example, if
someone does not take a calcium
supplement, you can explain the benefits of
taking the Forever Healthy OptiCalMag
Remember to stay in contact with all the
people you meet at the wellness day. Follow
up regularly to remind them to stock up on the
products that they need. By doing this, you are
helping them to live healthier lives and to
ensure that they get all the nutrients they need
to face the demands that each work day brings.
July 2015|5
Increase your
Personal Sales and
great prizes this month
To qualify for incentive gifts in the bands,
you need to grow your Personal Sales by:
Band 2: 15%
Band 3: 14%
Band 4: 13%
Band 5: 12%
Band 6: 11%
Band 7: 11%
How to
Step 1:
Determine your Personal Sales figure for 1 to
31 July 2014, excluding all non-discountables
and first-time kit purchases. (You can request
your July 2014 sales figure from your Senior
Sales Leader, your Sponsor or the Customer
Relations Department at Annique Home
Band 1
Personal Sales
< R3000 sales in July 2015
Grow into Band 2 to 7 to qualify for a gift.
Step 2:
Determine your Personal Sales goal for July
2015 – this will be the Personal Sales figure
you determined in step one (in Rand-value)
plus 11% to 15% growth, depending on the
band you are working towards. New
Consultants can set any goal, as long as they
achieve growth and have sales of more than
Step 3:
After setting your goal, it's now time to start
working! You will receive the gift in the band
that you qualify for. If your growth exceeds
your goal and you qualify in the next band, you
will receive the prize in the higher band.
July 2015|6
Band 2
Personal Sales
R3001 – R5000
Annique Overlay
Band 3
Personal Sales
R5001 – R8000
14% growth
Annique Overlay
Essense Skin Detox 30ml
Essense Moisture Serum 30ml
Band 4
R8001 – R13 000
Annique Overlay
Essense Skin Detox 30ml
Essense Moisture Serum 30ml
Essense Lifting Essence 75ml
13% growth
Band 5
R13 001 – R20 000
Annique Overlay
Essense Skin Detox 30ml
Essense Moisture Serum 30ml
Essense Lifting Essence 75ml
Forever Young RetiniQ 30 ampoules
12% growth
July 2015|7
Band 6
R20 001 – R30 000
Band 7
Annique Overlay
Essense Skin Detox 30ml
Essense Moisture Serum 30ml
Essense Lifting Essence 75ml
Forever Young RetiniQ 30 ampoules
Annique blanket
Delight fragrance 50ml
Personal Sales
R30 001+
Annique Overlay
Essense Skin Detox 30ml
Essense Moisture Serum 30ml
Essense Lifting Essence 75ml
Forever Young RetiniQ 30 ampoules
Annique blanket
Delight fragrance 50ml
Be Daring fragrance 100ml
• Except for new Consultants or those falling in Band 1, all Consultants in one of the following bands will
• have to achieve the minimum Personal Sales growth in July 2015, compared to July in 2014.
• Band 2: 15% growth;
• Band 3: 14% growth;
• Band 4: 13% growth;
• Band 5: 12% growth; and
• Band 6 and 7: 11% growth
• Competition Dates: 1 to 31 July 2015.
• All Consultants registered before 31 July 2015 are eligible to enter.
• Although every effort will be made to prevent out-of-stock situations, Annique cannot be held
• responsible for non-qualification due to stock fluctuations. Please confirm stock availability when
• placing your order.
• Gifts will be sent directly to winners with their orders between 31 August and 31 October 2015.
• All queries for this competition will close on 31 August 2015.
• For more information contact your Sponsor or the Annique Customer Care Department on 012 345 9800
• or
• Only use the official Annique Order Form, Electronic Order Form or Enterprise Portal.
• Gifts are not transferable.
• The decision of Annique management will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
July 2015|8
Now is the time to help your clients reach their weightloss
dreams! Annique's Body Beautiful Slimming Competition is
kicking off this month and amazing prizes are up for grabs,
so don't miss this opportunity to change people's lives.
Start your own Slimming Club, enter clients in our Body Beautiful competition and grow your business!
Help clients reach their weightloss goals:
Commit: Clients must
purchase Annique products
during the competition.
Spending cash on products
means greater commitment
from clients.
Set goals: Help clients set
goals. Explain to them that
by using Annique's slimming
products they can expect
better results and reach
their goals faster.
Celebrate: Small wins
build momentum. Host
regular weigh-ins to keep an
eye on clients' progress.
Reward clients that achieve
their goals.
your gacoahl
Sign up interested candidates for the three-month challenge in
one of the following categories:
· CATEGORY 1: Ideal weight target - less than 20kg to lose
· CATEGORY 2: Ideal weight target - 20kg or more to lose
Winners of the
2014 Body Beautiful
Winners in each of the
two categories will win:
A complete hair, skin-care and colour
make-over to the value of R5000
+ R5000 towards a new wardrobe
+ R5000 worth of Annique products!
A complete hair, skin-care and colour
make-over to the value of R5000
+ R3000 towards a new wardrobe
+ R4000 worth of Annique products!
VALUE: R15 000 per category
VALUE: R12 000 per category
Prizes are valued at R78 000!
VALUE: R7 500 per category
VALUE: R4 500 per category
A complete hair, skin-care and colour
make-over to the value of R3500
+ R1500 towards a new wardrobe
+ R2500 worth of Annique products!
A complete hair, skin-care and colour
make-over to the value of R3000
+ R1500 worth of Annique products!
Chantel Fouché
from George
19.8 kg
3 months
Elme Bronkhorst
from Centurion
For the first twenty days of the Body Beautiful
Competition, I replaced all my meals with Annique
Lifestyle Shake, which cleansed and detoxed my body.
I drank Lifestyle Shake with full-cream milk three times a
day and I didn't snack. I made sure that I drank my
required amount of water and had at least five cups of
Rooibos tea a day. I never got bored with the taste of the
Lifestyle Shakes, because I bought one of each flavour.
Each morning, I drank a Forever Healthy OptiFlora, and
Forever Slim's ActiSlim, ActiVate and ActiCleanse.
I believe that all the essential vitamins and minerals in
these pills and Lifestyle Shakes gave me the energy to
get through each day. After day 20, I drank Lifestyle
Shake only in the mornings and at lunch time. I ate as
much vegetables, salad and meat as I wanted for dinner.
I truly believe that my overall health has improved!
16 kg
3 months
I have never been on a diet before and I was unsure that
I could do it, but I actually enjoyed changing my lifestyle.
I started my journey with the Lifestyle Shake, Forever
Healthy OptiFlora and the Rooibos Herbal teas. Later, I
used Forever Slim ActiVate and Forever Healthy
OptiBoost. I think that the Body Xpert products are
amazing. I have lost centimetres thanks to these
products. My family has changed their lifestyle as well.
My five-year-old son, Joshua, thinks the Lifestyle Shakes
taste like milkshake and he loves it.
July 2015|9
JULY 2015
Last day for EFT orders for
Campaign 4 (June) at 12:00
Last day for CC orders for
Campaign 4 (June) at
12:00 midday.
(Note that if the EFT payment
is received in our bank
account in June it will count
for the June sales figure. If
the payment is received in
July it will count for the July
sales figure. Please be aware
that the payment may take
up to three days to reflect).
(Note that if the CC
payment is received in our
bank account in June it will
count for the June sales
figure. If the payment is
received in July it will count
for the July sales figure.
Please be aware that the
payment may take up to
three days to reflect).
Campaign 5 (July)
Enterprise Portal back
online at 12:00 midday
Can order till 12:00 midday
on the Enterprise Portal for
Campaign 4 (June). Will
count for June sales figure.
Can order till midnight on
the Enterprise Portal for
Campaign 4 (June). Will
count for July sales figure.
Skin-care training at
Home Office. Bookings:
Lifestyle training at
Home Office. Bookings:
Advanced skin-analysis
training at Home Office.
Replique and Beautè
available to order
Make-up training at
Home Office. Bookings:
Campaign 6 (August)
Last day for EFT orders
forJuly sales figure
at 12:00 midday
Last day for CC orders
for July sales figure at
12:00 midday
Last day for EFT orders for
Campaign 5 (July) at 12:00
Last day for CC orders for
Campaign 5 (July) at 12:00
Last day for new
registrations paid with
EFT at 16:00
Last day for new
registrations paid with
CC at 16:00
(Note that if the EFT
payment is received in our
bank account in July it will
count for the July sales
figure. If the payment is
received in August it will
count for the August sales
figure. Please be aware
that the payment may
take up to three days to
(Note that if the CC
payment is received in our
bank account in July it will
count for the July sales
figure. If the payment is
received in August it will
count for the August sales
figure. Please be aware
that the payment may
take up to three days to
Can order till 12:00 midday
on the Enterprise Portal for
Campaign 5 (July). Will
count for July sales figure
Can order till midnight
on the Enterprise Portal
for Campaign 5 (July).
Will count for August
sales figure.
Links of August Replique
and Beautè sent to field
Slimming club training at
Home Office. Bookings:
Enterprise Portal back
online at 12:00 midday
Contact Persons
Reception and switchboard
Mary Lanza | Jeanri Koekemoer
Customer Relations Manager
Estelle October
Customer Relations Supervisor
Zandria Steyn
Home Office
Telephone number: 012 345 9800 / 012 345 9801
Email orders:
Fax number for orders and proof of payment:
086 676 7218
Order Queries:
Address: 29 Regency Drive, Route 21 Corporate Park,
Irene, 0157
Postal address: Private Bag X2, Elardus Park, 0047
Email orders:
Fax number for orders and proof of payment:
00 264 61 230039
Registrations and Database
Rashika Perumal
Please contact for sales, membership numbers, new
registrations, monthly sales figures, address changes,
email changes, cellphone-number changes, bankingdetail changes, and additional-discount queries.
Email: |
Fax: 086 584 7832
Credit Notes
Marie Potgieter
Queries and feedback
Rita Robinson | Judith Monoto |
Marie Venter | Viki Coetzer | Bonita Scheepers
Sales Manager
Renette Josling
PA to Renette Josling
(Sales Manager)
Harriet van der Bank
Sales Administration and
Events Manager
Alma van der Merwe
Sales Support Coordinator/
Dalene van Niekerk
Estelle October |
Maryke Oosthuizen
Network Development Manager
Ciska Swanepoel |
Ronel van Heerden
Communication and Project
Liezl Russell | Natali Wiblin
Training Executive
Eliska Swanepoel
101Build your business
Warren Buffett is an American business magnate, investor
and philanthropist, who was named the world's wealthiest
person in 2008 and the third wealthiest in 2011. He was also
ranked one of the world's most influential people in 2012.
Buffett has a keen business mind, but keeps his approach
simple, which is why we have selected some of his most
memorable quotes for you to apply in your Annique business
to help it grow.
“I don't work to collect money. I work because I love what I'm doing.”
Buffett's success stems from the goal to live as he
chooses. Think back to why you joined Annique and you
will find that you probably have this in common with
him. What's even better is that you simply have to exude
your passion to infect others with it. Show off how much
you love what you do and others will be bound to follow
“Hang out with people better than you, and you cannot help but
We are often influenced by the people around us.
Therefore it is not only important to identify and recruit
stars into your team, but also to take tips and training
from your upline. Buffett's advice is to pick someone you
admire most and write down reasons why you admire
them. By figuring out what you find commendable and
choosing to admire yourself, you can take on the
qualities of people who inspire you and inspire others to
join your team.
like Buffett
“It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it”
The people that are successful year after year are
people of deep integrity. Why? Because when you
practice Annique's values (honesty, integrity, openness,
transparency, truthfulness, trust, excellence and
professionalism), people put their faith in you and will
want to walk a path with you. Be the right person and
you will attract the right people to your team.
“Stick within your circle of competence”
“Stick within your circle of competence”
Buffet's knowledge of his strengths lies at the core of his
success: “You have to stick within what I call your circle
of competence. You have to know what you understand
and what you don't understand. It's not terribly
important how big the circle is, but it's terribly important
that you know where the perimeter is.” Never make
promises you can't keep, but don't be afraid to grow and
learn or to push your business to the next level by
building your team.
How to sign up a new Consultant
the the
kit order
kit order
The new Consultant completes
a registration form and places
the first-time kit order (less 50%)
on all price-list products. Kit
orders are limited to one of
each product and exclude
specials and business tools. The
first order must be a kit order
and it will only be executed
directly from the Annique Home
= R1000
= R1000
(PAY R500)
(PAY R500)
= R6000= R6000
(PAY R3000)
(PAY R3000)
In addition to the amount of
R6 000 you are entitled to one
DermaLIFT I galvanic machine
(R1 999) OR DermaLIFT II
(R2 699) at less 50%.
Send us
the us
the documents
You, as the Sponsor, add a R15
Administration Fee to the first-time
kit order and send it, along with a
copy of the recruit's ID, to Rashika
Perumal at Annique Home Office:
Fax: 086 584 7832.
Note: each order will have a R15
Administration Fee added to the
Receive a membership
a membership number
Rashika will add a unique Annique
membership number to the first
order and send it to the new
Consultant. This unique number
must be used on all orders,
products, complaints and
correspondence with Home
Check Check
your delivery
your delivery
If the first-time kit order is for R1750 or more
(pay R875), it will be delivered to the new
Consultant free of charge. If the order is for
less than R1750, the new Consultant will pay
the applicable courier fee. If the new
Consultant wants to place an order for less
25% on specials or any standard-line
products, he/she can do so by completing
a second order form with the extra products
and attaching it to the kit order. If the
collective value of both orders is more than
R1750, free delivery is applicable.
Future Orders
The next and all future orders for the new
recruit will qualify for at least a 25% discount
if a minimum order of R500 is placed. No
orders under R500 will be processed. A
minimum order of R1750 is needed to
qualify for free delivery. Orders to the value
of between R500 and R1749 will be charged
at between R45 and R90 per delivery,
depending on your specific location. Please
check with Customer Care to clarify the
exact charges for your delivery.
July 2015|11
is an attitude.
is a choice.
is one of the secrets of contentment!
Contentment is recognising the sacred in the ordinary. We
recognise the sacred when we take a moment to give
thanks for the wonders in our lives we so often take for
granted; the cooling breeze on a blistering hot day; the
sticky kiss from your toddler's lips, or the reassurance and
warmth of your husband's hand at your back. That plate of
food full of variety, colour and nutrients designed to keep
us healthy. Gratitude is in every one of us and it is the
wellspring of joy.
We have one life on planet Earth – and we need to make
the most of it. Being in joy is a wonderful gift to enjoy in
your one life. Joy is easy when life is all sunshine and roses.
It is when it is dark and gloomy that having and keeping joy
fades. In times of difficulty, it is important to practice joy
and an attitude of gratitude as much as possible. Joy is
having the continual expectation that something wonderful
is going to happen. Everyday becomes alive with
possibilities. We cannot control what is outside of us, but
we do have full responsibility for what takes place on the
inside of us. Make a quality choice today to rise up in
thanksgiving and joy, knowing that in your life, your
business and in your future, you can create a new pathway
when you choose to see it with joy. This moment is all you
have. Make the most of it. Joy is totally within our reach.
Joy is a choice – as with most things in life. We are always
only one decision away from changing our perspective,
because the world is not really the way it is, but it is the
way we see it – then for sure, that is the way we experience
it. Just imagine if we started seeing our lives and our
circumstances through the eyes of joy? Joy is gratitude for
life. Joy is a mood-lifter.
How would your Annique business change if you
expressed joy and thankfulness for every sale you make –
even the small ones; for each new person you meet, for
every new Consultant you sign up? People love to be
around joyful people. I dare you to try inviting joy,
expressing joy and giving joy to everyone you meet from
this month onwards. You will be surprised at how it will
positively impact your business, your mood, your health
and ultimately your wealth! Together let's Dream it, Do it,
Live it!
Don't let the good go bad
How to identify expiry da
and determine when to let go
Many of the items we use on a daily basis will let us know when it's time
to toss them. That newly-formed white layer around your Cheddar? Time to
say goodbye. Chunky milk? Down the drain it goes. But what about your
Hydrafine Ideal Herbal Moisturiser or Essense Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil?
Understanding expiry
expiry dates
All products have expiry dates and at Annique, these
dates are clearly printed on the packaging of every
product. You will either see the full date (e.g.: 09/2015) on
Lifestyle products or the Period After Opening (PAO)
symbols (e.g.: “3M” or “6M”) printed on skin-care, body-care
and cosmetic products. These PAO symbols indicate that
the product will begin to expire once you open it, with “3M”
representing three months, “6M” indicating six months, etc.
Can products
products still
still be
be used?
Expiry dates on Lifestyle products like the Lifestyle Shake,
Forever Healthy and Forever Slim indicate the time period
within which the active raw material quantity stated on the
label is still guaranteed. After expiration, the product isn't
suddenly rendered inactive or dangerous. It means that the
active ingredients quantity might not amount to the
quantity stated on the label. It is still safe to use products in
the month of and after expiry for your own consumption.
However, there comes a time when your business (and
ours) cannot take risks on behalf of others. For this reason,
we suggest new guidelines for products that are
discontinued, such as OptiEnergy. The last batch of
OptiEnergy will expire at the end of October; therefore
your last orders for OptiEnergy should be placed well
before 30 September 2015. Furthermore, we will not
accept any returns of OptiEnergy after the end of July
2015. If you wish to order OptiEnergy in October, we will
allow it, however, use of the product will be at your own
risk and we do not recommend that you sell it to your
clients unless you have communicated the above to
them before closing the sale. This way you keep them
informed and build trust in your relationship.
July 2015|13
in Buy Me to Try Me testers!
Every Consultant should invest
July 2015|14
How many times have you paged through a
magazine, spotted a sample of a new
moisturiser, tested it and ended up loving it!
People are not always willing to buy products
that they don't know. But, if a much cheaper
option, like a sample, is available, they're more
open to trying something new. By keeping Buy
Me to Try Me testers at hand, you can easily
introduce Annique products to everyone you
meet. This will help you grow your Personal
At Annique we don't believe in giving away product
samples for free. If you get something for free, the
chances of you actually using it is much less than
when you have to pay a small, affordable fee.
People are more willing to spend a nominal amount
on testers rather than the full amount on a full-sized
product that they might not like. Offer testers to
your clients if they're unsure of products. If they
purchase a tester from you, offer a discount on the
product. Experiencing the products for themselves
at a fraction of the cost, can help push up your sales
when the sample sale leads to good results! See
the price list for the price, code and availability of
Buy Me to Try Me testers
Remember, don't hand out testers
for free – clients must be willing to
buy the testers to show that they
are seriously considering
purchasing Annique's products.
Invest in testers to
grow your business
If you don't order testers every month, you are missing out on an amazing opportunity to
introduce people to Annique's products at a fraction of the cost. How many people are
currently saying no to purchasing products from you? You can convince these people to try the
products by saying: “Do you want to find out what you are missing? Why not buy these
testers?” Once they try it, they might love it and you will have a new loyal client. Remember to
offer clients that purchase product, after testing, a discount.
Investing in your business is like any investment elsewhere. You have to give something, before
you get anything in return! Use testers in your business in the following ways:
• Entice customers to buy for a certain amount from you (more than they usually do) by including a
• free testers. Say something like: “Lerato, you usually order for around R400 a month. If you order
• for R450 this month, I will include a free Buy Me to Try Me of our Tenacity fragrance that you •
• enquired about last week, with your order.”
• Use testers at your Annique Team Meetings as free gifts, rewards and incentives. These tools •
• can help your downline build their businesses, which in turn builds your own! A small gesture •
• goes a long way.
• Invest in the testers and give these away at your Pamper Parties for orders that amount to a •
• minimum requirement.
• Know your customer. If you know your customer's skin type, you can entice her with the correct
• products that suit her needs, by recommending that they buy a tester to try. Hence the
• concept: “Buy Me to Try Me”.
to promote
available soon
Home Office will be
sending out these
stunning bookmarks that
you can print out on
good-quality paper for
your clients. You can
attach the Buy Me to Try
Me testers to the
bookmark, so that your
client can read about the
amazing benefits of
products, while testing it.
Each bookmark also
features amazing
testimonials to inspire
everyone you meet.
Replique Buy Me
to Try Me
special offers!
Don't miss out on these great Buy Me to Try Me special offers,
only available in the Replique this month!
Baby Body Lotion 3ml
special offers!
Two for only
Five for only
(Value: R25) SAVE
Code: 2220045
(Value: R50)
(Value: R10)
Code 2220044
Ten for only
Code: 2220046
Safe-in-the-Sun SPF 30 with DN-Age 3ml
special offers!
Two for only
Five for only
Ten for only
(Value: R20)
Code: 2320027
(Value: R50)
Code: 2320028
(Value: R100)
Code: 2320029
Colour Caress Feels Like Silk Ginger 3ml
special offers!
Two for only
Five for only
Ten for only
(Value: R30) SAVE
Code: 2422104
(Value: R75) SAVE (Value: R150) SAVE
Code: 2422106
Code: 2422105
Colour Caress Feels Like Silk Summer 3ml
special offers!
Two for only
Five for only
Ten for only
(Value: R30)
Code: 2422107
(Value: R75)
Code: 2422108
(Value: R150)
Code: 2422109
July 2015|15
July 2015|16
July 2015|17
July 2015|18
July 2015|19
The nourishing oils in Miracle Tissue Oil include:
Rooibosinfused oil:
a blend of Rooibos
extract and oil that has
powerful antioxidants to
protect the skin from
ageing, reduce the
appearance of wrinkles
and soothe skin
Soybean oil:
a rich source of
omega 6 that strengthens
cell membranes to help skin
look firmer and healthier. The
body can't produce omega
essential fatty acids and that is
why it's important to
supplement your skin with
these important
Sweet almond
oil: Sweet almond oil
improves your circulation,
which means that your skin is
strengthened by the correct
nutrients and detoxed from toxins,
which can improve cellulite and
A healthy blood flow in the body
ensures that the correct nutrients
Vitamin E:
are delivered to your skin, to
This important
function optimally. It also
vitamin protects your
transports toxins away
skin from sunburn, boosts
from your skin.
the sunprotecting factor that you
Rosehip oil:
use and reduces the
contains omega 3,
amount of UV6 and 9 fatty acids.
damaged cells.
Fatty acids keep your
skin supple,
Baobab oil:
and can reduce
contains traces of
redness and dark
vitamin A, D3 and E,
and omega 3, 6 and 9.
It's especially
effective in treating
itchiness and
your skin
Code: 1120110
The magnificent healing properties of
Essense Miracle Tissue Oil are now available
in a soothing, moisturising body lotion, the
Essense Miracle Tissue Oil
Body Lotion
This month!
Buy the Rooibos Miracle Tissue Oil 100ml
and get the Rooibos Miracle Tissue
Oil Body Lotion 200ml
July 2015|20