Control Number : 43721 Item Number: 16 Addendum StartPage : 0 Donna L. Nelson Greg Abbott Governor Chairman Kenneth W. Anderson, Jr. Commissioner ^^.uI"i ,^t^(_`^^3 E^^i ^^^^ Brandy Marty Marquez Commissioner Brian H. Lloyd Executive Director TO: Public Utility Commission of Texas Donna L. Nelson, Chairman Kenneth W. Anderson, Jr., Commissioner Brandy Marty Marquez, Commissioner All Parties of Record FROM: Irene MontelongA Director, Docket Management RE Open Meeting of April 17, 2015 Docket No. 43721 - Application of West Texas Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. for True-Up of 2012 Federal Universal Service Fund Impacts to the Texas Universal Service Fund DATE: March 25, 2015 Enclosed is a copy of the Proposed Order in the above-referenced docket. The Commission is currently scheduled to consider this docket at an open meeting to begin at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, April 17, 2015, at the Commission's offices, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas. The parties shall file corrections or exceptions to the Proposed Order on or before Thursday, April 9, 2015. If there are no corrections or exceptions, no response is necessary. Q.\CADM\Docket Management\Telephone\MISCELLANEOUS\43xxx-44xxx\43721 PO Memo.docx Printed on recycled paper 1701 N. Congress Avenue PO Box 13326 Austin, TX 78711 An Equal Opportunity Employe 512/936-7000 Fax: 512/936-7003 web site: 00000001 DOCKET NO. 43721 ^^'^"^ <'b APPLICATION OF WEST TEXAS RURAL § PUBLIC UTILITVv^^wl^IMISSI^ TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. FOR § r ^' TRUE-UP OF 2012 FEDERAL UNIVERSAL § OF TEXAS SERVICE FUND IMPACTS TO THE § TEXAS UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND § PROPOSED ORDER This Order addresses the application of West Texas Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (West Texas) to true-up 2012 Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) impacts recovered from the Texas Universal Service Fund (TUSF). Public Utility Commission (Commission) Staff recommended approval of the application. The application is approved. The Commission adopts the following findings of fact and conclusions of law: 1. Findings of Fact Procedural History 1. On October 31, 2014, West Texas filed an application to true-up 2012 FUSF impacts recovered from the TUSF as a result of the Final Order in Docket No. 41526.1 2. On November 28, 2014, notice of this proceeding was published in the Texas Register. 3. On February 4, 2015, Commission Staff filed its recommendation on final disposition. Staff recommended that West Texas refund to the TUSF a total amount of $92,486 for the calendar year 2012. 4. On February 18, 2015, Commission Staff and West Texas filed a joint proposed order and motion to admit evidence resolving all issues pending in this docket. 5. On March 24, 2015, the Commission issued Order No. 3, admitting evidence into the record. ' Application of West Texas Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. to Recover Funds froin the Texas Universal Service Fund Pursuant to PURA § 56.025 and PUC Subst. R. § 26.406, Docket No. 41526 (Sept. 16, 2013). 00000002 Proposed Order Docket No. 43721 Page 2 of 4 True-Up of 2012 Impact Recovery 6. In Docket No. 41526, it was reasonably projected that the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) USF/ICC Transformation Order' , Regression Analysis Order 3 and Third Order on Reconsideration4 would reduce the amount that West Texas received in FUSF revenue by $173,069 for the calendar year 2012. 7. West Texas recovered the entire estimated impact of $173,069 in projected FUSF revenue reductions from the TUSF. 8. The actual impact in. FUSF revenue reductions to West Texas for calendar year 2012 was $80,583. 9. West Texas will refund to the TUSF ( in one lump sum) a total amount of $92,486 that was over recovered for calendar year 2012. II. 1. Conclusions of Law The Commission has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding pursuant to §§ 14.002, 56.021, 56.023, 56.025 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act, TEX. UTIL. CODE ANN. §§ 11.001-66.016 (Vernon 2007 & Supp. 2014) (PURA). 2. This docket was processed in accordance with the requirements of PURA and the Administrative Procedure Act, TEX. GOv'T CODE ANN. §§ 2001.001-.902 (Vernon 2008 & Supp. 2014). 3. Notice of the application was provided in compliance with P.U.C. PROC. R. 22.55. 4. This Order is consistent with the requirements of PURA § 56.025 and P.U.C. SUBST. R. 26.406. 5. This Order, taken as a whole, is a just and reasonable resolution of all the issues it addresses, is consistent with the relevant provisions of PURA and the Commission's rules. 2 Connect America Fund, WC Docket No. 10-90 et. al., Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC No. 11-161, 26 FCCR 17663 (Nov. 18, 2011). ' Id., Order, DA 12-646 (Apr. 25, 2012). 4 Id., Third Order on Reconsideration, FCC 12-52, (May 14, 2012). 00000003 Docket No. 43721 Proposed Order Page 3 of 4 6. This Order resolves all issues pending in this docket. 7. The requirements for informal disposition pursuant to P.U.C. PROC. R. 22.35 have been met in this proceeding. III. Ordering Paragraphs In accordance with these findings of fact and conclusions of law, the Commission issues the following Order: The application to the extent that it is consistent with this Order is approved. 2. Within sixty days of the date of this Order, West Texas shall refund to the TUSF (in one lump sum) a total amount of $92,486 that was over recovered for calendar year 2012. 3. Entry of this Order does not indicate the Commission's endorsement or approval of any principle or methodology that may underlie the calculations. Entry of this Order should not be regarded as binding holding or precedent as to the appropriateness of any principle or methodology underlying the calculations herein. 4. In the event that there are future actions by the FCC that would be retroactive and impact the 2012 true up numbers, the Commission retains the authority to modify its true up calculations. 5. All other motions, requests for entry of specific findings of fact, conclusions of law, and ordering paragraphs, and any other requests for general or specific relief, if not expressly granted, are denied. 0000000 Docket No. 43721 Proposed Order SIGNED AT AUSTIN, TEXAS the Page 4 of 4 day of April 2015. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS DONNA L. NELSON, CHAIRMAN KENNETH W. ANDERSON, JR., COMMISSIONER BRANDY MARTY MARQUEZ, COMMISSIONER q:\cadm\docket management\telephone\miscellaneous\43xxx-44xxx\43721 po.docx 00000005
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