(March 2015) InterDB monitoring system introduction

Structural funds
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- Software development -
Project monitoring system
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Project monitoring system
What does it do ...............................................................................................................................2
System ............................................................................................................................................3
Functionality ....................................................................................................................................5
Application form - General information: ........................................................................................7
Progress - Costs ..........................................................................................................................8
Progress - Workflow.....................................................................................................................9
Progress reports ..........................................................................................................................9
Payments - Accounts .................................................................................................................12
Payments - Project.....................................................................................................................13
SFC Payment forecast ...............................................................................................................14
SFC Payment request ................................................................................................................15
Report generator ........................................................................................................................16
File sharing ................................................................................................................................18
For more information checkout our website at: www.interdb.com
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Project monitoring system
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With the InterDB system, R.G.IT offers a fully operational monitoring system for management and
control of EU-Structural funds programs e.g. INTERREG-programs. The complexity of various
actors and different international rules has been transformed into a user friendly application, in
which every partner manages his tasks and workflow steps at his own computer at home or in the
office. The InterDB system has been used and fully tested for over several years by the
INTERREG IIIA and IVA Programs Germany-Netherlands and Maas-Rhine and was certified by
the EC and the ministry of economic affairs in the Netherlands. With all-time personal support and
short communication lines, InterDB could be implemented easily and comfortable in all European
What does it do
The InterDB monitoring system monitors projects and administrates programs. Starting with the
lead partner who uses the system to apply for funding by entering an application form. Each
version of this application is stored and can be retrieved later. A workflow process is linked to the
project so that each step in the decision process can be registered. Important documents can be
uploaded to the system. Once an application is approved, the progress can be monitored.
Financial data can be entered or imported (using excel as a template). These costs are then
automatically calculated towards financial participation of each of the financers, using the last
approved finance plan from the application form. Each cost collection is linked to its own workflow
that follows it from entry to approval. Each step leaves an audit trail. Once released for payment,
the system shows the cost collection in the project payment screen. Here payments and/or prepayments can be made for the EU-fund or for those financers that you specified that the payments
will be made using this system. InterDB keeps track of the available funds. Each period (e.g. 6
months) the lead partner has to fill in a progress report that includes the results of the indicators
(InterDB includes an additional set of indicators to monitor publicity) and custom questions. This
data can be printed at any time using the progress report.
On programme level, the results of the projects are summarised to show the progress of the
programme. Using the standard reports or the report generator extensive information can be
obtained. N+3 rules can be estimated and SFC reports can be pre-viewed. The following SFC
reports can be generated from InterDB and be uploaded to the SFC system: Payment request,
Payment forecast and Annual report. There the user can login (using the access codes from the
SFC), verify and approves the uploaded data. Thus InterDB only prepares the reports within the
SFC. The SFC data can be downloaded into InterDB to view the results.
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Project monitoring system
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 Web based application (without cookies)
 User friendly
 Supports E-Cohesion (internal messaging and file sharing system)
 Lead partner users have direct access to their project(s)
 Supports up to four languages: English and up to three other languages1
 Access rights can be defined per user group. A user can be a member of several user
groups. Rights per workflow stage is also supported.
Hosted SQL 2008 R2 service (own hosting is possible)
Database can be used to supply data for program website (i.e. project search engine)
Communication is secure, fully encrypted and uses HTTPS
Fully conforms to the EU regulations VO (EG) 1080/2006 and 1083/2006. It delivers all the
documents as described in regulation (EG) 1828/2006
Linked to the central EC monitoring system 'SFC'.
Supports the following roles: Project information, Program management, Management
authority, Payment authority, Certifying authority and Audit.
Supports custom workflow's at project and cost collection level, resulting in an audit trail.
Flexible - We can adjust the system to your requirement.
Support - Guaranteed excellent support during the whole programme period.
English Dutch and German are available, other languages can be translated with a built in translation tool.
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Web based application - Can run on any platform (using modern web browsers).
No cookies used (can run on highest security settings)
SFC link (web service)
Supports up to four languages (English and three custom languages)
Custom layout
Audit trail
Users can be linked to the applicant of a project. They can then access the system on behalf of
that applicant.
Custom user groups and their rights can be defined.
Specific rights per workflow stage can be defined.
Application form
Progress form (cost declaration and progress report)
Project workflow (fully customisable and multiple supported)
Financial workflow (fully customisable and multiple supported)
Certifying authority
Payment authority functionality (including multiple and shared account numbers)
Internal mail functionality
Internal file sharing functionality
Application form
Creation of a financial template (excel file) and importing financial results
Cost collection report (declared amounts)
Progress report
Final report
Custom reports
Report generator
SFC link (payment forecast, payment request)
For further information and more specific questions you can contact us by mail: info@rgit.eu.
For more information checkout our website at: www.interdb.com
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The application consist of the following parts:
 Projects
 Application
o Application form
o Workflow
 Progress
o Workflow
o Costs
o Progress reports
 E-Cohesion (Mail and file sharing)
 Payment authority
o Account management
o Project payments
 Reports (pdf)
 Report generator
 SFC reports (and integration)
o User and user group management
o System settings
o Program default values (including the operational programme data imported from
Projects can be searched on and the user can sort on the visible columns.
A separate windows application is available for the setup. This application is only accessible for the
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Once a project is selected, the user sees the following screen:
When a project application is opened (viewing or editing) the project chapters are shown with a
status icon, showing its status, e.g. error, warning, disabled or correct.
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Application form - General information:
Information requested in this (first) form:
Project nr, name, description, project type, workflow. Receipt, start date and end date. Priority,
action field, priority theme and economy code. Lead partner and users allowed access on behalf of
that lead partner.
Other project chapters are:
(Optional) Regions where the project has a direct impact on
Lead partner and partners, including contact details
Contacts: People responsible for financial, content, etc
Information: Text based information and descriptions, like a short description, project
activities, etc (description types can be defined). Attachment(s) can be linked to a
description. A question can be asked as well (e.g. regarding equality rights).
Indicators (including required indicators).
Actions: Define the actions of this project and the partners partaking in them.
Cost plan (multiple cost lines per cost type are possible)
Annual plan
Finance plan
Approval of the application by the lead partner.
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Project monitoring system
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Progress - Costs
Costs can be entered, verified and audited. All steps are stored and can be easily made visible.
Each cost collection goes through a (predefined) workflow from entry, approval by lead partner,
approval by first level control to payment initiation and optional audit steps. When a step is
approved or rejected, an email is sent3. As an alternative to entering the data here, an excel
export/import option is available. With this function, each partner easily collects all his payments
data in an Excel-sheet. Over 100 payments can be entered in one time.
An overview of all the cost collections and their workflow status.
Cost lines can be marked to show those that are to be checked by the FLC.
Optional: A supplier and/or a tender can be selected (and managed within the system).
This is optional and can be set to regular email or internal email.
For more information checkout our website at: www.interdb.com
March 2015
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Project monitoring system
- Consultancy –
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Progress - Workflow
Here the workflow stages of the cost collection are shown.
The workflow log shows when a certain stage was approved and when it was changed.
Progress reports
For each half year during the project's time, a progress report can be selected and filled out.
For more information checkout our website at: www.interdb.com
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Project monitoring system
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A progress report consists of questions and information (you can define these questions using the
system module) and indicator progress.
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Project monitoring system
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The relation between the costs and the finance is shown. Filters on workflow, date, partner,
financer and cost type are available. Project realisation van therefore be monitored easily at all
For more information checkout our website at: www.interdb.com
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Payments - Accounts
Accounts can be defined. One account can be used to store money of multiple financers.
All modifications on an account are shown here.
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Payments - Project
Per project the open amounts are shown.
The approved cost collections are shown and compared to the actual amount paid.
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SFC Payment forecast
For more information checkout our website at: www.interdb.com
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SFC Payment request
A direct link to the SFC system:
For more information checkout our website at: www.interdb.com
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Report generator
Reports can be created, loaded and shared:
Once loaded, the filters can be set (except for shared reports, they are read only).
Reports can be exported as PDF, Word or Excel.
Project filter allows you to specify the projects to be taken into account:
Additional detail: Per cost type (only applies to costs and cost plan)
Field 1 - 4: Four individual fields where you can filter on certain criteria.
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Field selection:
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A message can be created from almost every screen. The message is automatically linked to that
project/screen, so if you have a question the receiving party can go to that point immediately.
You can mark a message for follow-up, in which case the receiving party can mark the message as
finished and you can verify this.
A message can be sent to one or more users and/or user groups and can contain one or more
File sharing
A folder can be created and published to one or more users and/or user groups. You can specify
which users/user groups can add files and which ones can only read them.
For more information checkout our website at: www.interdb.com
March 2015