Redeemer’s Got Talent! 6 September 2012 Volume 28 Issue 27

6 September 2012 Volume 28 | Issue 27
Redeemer’s Got Talent!
Forget Andrew de Silva...
Redeemer’s Got Talent!
In Weeks 3 and 4, Redeemer’s Senior
School made two pilgrimages to the
home of talent, the Kleinschmidt Centre
Auditorium, to laugh, to clap, to cheer
and to celebrate the diverse gifts and
abilities of Senior students.
Redeemer’s Got Talent (RGT) 2012 is the
third event organised, managed and run
by the Cultural Committee. Coordinator,
Mr Philip Sharwood Biedermann noted
that the event has been taken to the
heart of the Redeemer community. “A
number of performers were asking in
January when RGT would be held. A lot
of time and effort is invested by students
Pavement Art
‘Through The Window’
The Interhouse Pavement Art
Competition for 2012 was themed,
Through the Window. The design
requirement was based around the
interpretation and inclusion of a window
or windows. Each of the four Houses
entered three teams of four students. The
event reflected the vertical House ethos.
Some teams even had siblings working
The chalk art designs could be devised in
several ways: Students could use a
famous artwork as a starting point and
change or “appropriate” the composition
to suit this challenge. Or, they could use
their own art work but ensure their
composition contained a window or
windows. Even though there was no
requirement to reflect Redeemer or
in their acts and it’s reflected in the
support and popularity shown every year
by students and staff alike.”
creativity and artistry shown by the
students made it a pleasure to be a part
of this wonderful event.”
Due to a lengthy list of talented
performers, and a very good cause for
the gold coin entry fee in the Cambodia
team, RGT 2012 ran over two concerts.
Judges Ms Mel Chard, Mrs Jane Gado,
Ms Mel Kanowski and Mr David Law were
stunned by the depth and range of
talents, including magicians, musicians,
dancers and singers. Notably, a number
of students arranged existing songs and
one wrote their own “4 Chord Song”.
The winner of the competition was
Michael Boulus for his performance of
Michael Buble’s “Hold On” while the
coveted Cultural Committee’s Choice was
split between the ”4 Chord Song” trio of
Luke Borgert, Alex Groves, and Dan Ryan,
and Lulu Edrisinghe’s performance of
“Hello” by Beyonce, arranged and
accompanied by Elisabeth Jessop.
Ms Chard summed up the judges’ mood
in three words - “enthralled, inspired and
amazed” – adding that “the high level of
The Cultural Committee would like to
thank all staff, performers and audience
members who made RGT 2012 a runaway
House imagery or mottos, it was amazing
to see the creative ability of so many of
the designs to incorporate strong House
messages and to so successfully
communicate the ethos of RLC.
The lunch time event had plenty of bustle
and enthusiasm. Students produced an
amazing array of interpretations for the
theme, ranging from a brilliant stained
glass window framed by fingers and
thumbs to the very conceptual idea of
using computer windows!
All teams are to be congratulated on
their originality, imagination and skill. A
very large crowd of spectators
contributed with encouraging support
and certainly added to the spirit of the
competition. The carnival atmosphere of
this fun event was further enhanced by
the Ramsay Barbecue!
Judging this year was the most
challenging in the history of this event
with all works very closely placed. In fact,
First Place: Lavarack House team;
Drassinah Papadimitriou, Sam Kershaw,
Margo Smyth and Ellicia Lim-ja.
there was only half a point between
third and fourth place. Lavarack does
deserve commendation on the
outstanding quality of craftsmanship
and innovative conceptualisation for all
three of their entries.
Lost Property
Online Literature Festival Scholarships in 2013
As usual towards the end of term, there is
a significant amount of items in the
Senior School lost property that is
un-named or where the name is illegible.
Last Wednesday 29 August, the Year 7
students participated in an Online
Literature Festival with author Jackie
French and over 50 other schools. Students
learnt how to develop ideas into creative
pieces of writing in an interactive
workshop with students from across
Queensland. Jackie French also shared her
inspirations for some of her most popular
fiction novels and picture books. At the
end of the session, Jackie French answered
questions about her novel Somewhere
Around the Corner which the Year 7s are
currently studying. Through sessions such
as the Online Literature Festival, students
are able to engage with authors and
students both far and wide!
If your child has lost any items, they
should come and check our supply in the
Senior School Office. Parents are also
welcome to come and search.
All unclaimed property will be removed at
the start of the holiday break on Friday
21 September at 4.00pm.
Careers News
University Scholarships
'You gotta be in it to win it'... Universities
are often communicating with schools the
issue of not enough students applying for
scholarships. It is important that Year 12
students are making themselves aware of
scholarships that are available to them
and one way they can find out what is
available is to check university websites
and their school email. Ms Mackie emails
all Year 12 students scholarships
High flying Year 11 students
QUT is having a high-achievers evening on
Wednesday 26 September at 5.00pm,
where parents learn about supporting
their son/daughter through their senior
year and students learn about practical
skills, study and time management skills.
Year 12 Formal
Saturday 13 October, 2012
Student Arrivals
5.00pm–5.30pm in the main entrance
and foyer of the Sebel & Citigate, King
George Square, Brisbane
Pre-Formal Function
5.30pm–6.30pm in the function area of
the Sebel & Citigate, King George
Departure: Parents will depart at 6.30pm
and students will continue to have
photographs until 7.15pm.
Year 12 Formal
Venue: The Sebel & Citigate Hotel
Time: 7.20pm–11.20pm
Celebrate Middle
School Music & Art
A reminder that all Middle School music
ensembles (choral, strings, band) will be
performing at the next instalment of the
Redeemer Concert Series on 11 September
at Redeemer's Kleinschmidt Centre. The
accompanying Art Exhibition, featuring
works by Middle School students, will
open at 5.00pm, and the concert begins at
7.00pm. Please bring a plate of food to
share for supper.
We look forward to a memorable
evening, see you there!
In 2013, Scholarships for Year 11s will be
changing. If you have a student that is now
in Year 9 in 2012, when they are in Year 10
in 2013, they will need to apply for a Years
11-12 Scholarship in the first term
(February of the year they are in Year 10).
From 2013, Year 11 Scholarship
applications will be changed in line with
the current Years 8-10 Scholarship program.
This means that every family wishing to
apply for a scholarship at Redeemer will
need to sit a formalised Scholarship Test
conducted by EduTest and will need to put
together a portfolio of their child’s work.
Scholarships will be a 50% bursary of
tuition fees and there are two categories,
Academic and All-Rounder. Full instructions
on how to apply for a Scholarship will be
available on our website from Term 4 this
year or contact
Departing Students
If your child will not be returning to
Redeemer in 2013, please make sure that
you let the Enrolments Office know in
writing by no later than Monday
8 October 2012 to avoid being charged a
term's fees in lieu of notice.
For further information, please contact
the Enrolments Office on 3340 8807 or
Student Achievement
Congratulations to Jarod Lam (Year 8)
who competed at the 2012 RoboCup
Junior Queensland Championships as a
Team Private entry in the Rescue category
and won the second prize! The
competition was held at the UQ Centre on
25 August and there were 60 teams in this
category. This was Jarod's first attempt at
the RoboCup Junior Queensland
competition and exceeded his
JG Block Set to Go!
We are very excited to announce that we
will be moving into the new JG Block
building this weekend (8-9 September)
ready for occupancy by students and staff
on Monday 10 September!
Parents can follow the progress of the
new Junior School playground
construction online at:
Sport Sausage Sizzle
The P & F would like to hold a sausage
sizzle on Saturday 8 September for the
JTAS and Senior TAS home games. All the
supplies will be organised however we do
need your help to operate the barbecue
and canteen on the day. We need
volunteers from 7.30am until 11.30am,
you can volunteer for an hour or stay for
the 4 hours, but we do need your help in
order to operate this facility. If you are
able to help at any of these times please
Parents and friends of Redeemer Lutheran
College are invited to celebrate the
Official Opening &
Dedication of JG Block
Official Opening to take place by Premier of
Queensland, The Hon Campbell Newman MP.
Dedication to be conducted by Rev James
Haak, 2nd Vice President, Lutheran Church
of Australia, Queensland District.
Thursday 20 September, 11.15am
Next Thursday, 13 September 2012
Saturday 8 September:
MPC Canteen & Stolz Sportsfields
-Year 5.2 & Year 6 Basketball,
and Senior TAS.
RSVP to or
phone College Reception on 3340 8888
Interhouse Pavement Art
continued from page 1
I paused and watched the news story on the death of Neil
Armstrong. It was not a tragedy – he was 82 after all. But I
stopped to consider what he had achieved. Spaceflight has
always captured my imagination, and the history of
spaceflight, and the Gemini and Apollo missions in particular, I
find endlessly fascinating. Spaceflight is something I will never
get to experience myself, so I imagine and experience it
vicariously through the achievements of others.
Third Place: Wilson House team
Caitlin Nicol, Sydney Cock, Tonia Wright
and Kristy Anna Hampel.
Second Place: Ramsay House team
Nicola Myatt, Sophie Hawkins, Alana Gibson and
Nicola Kelly.
Walking on the Moon
Fourth Place: Mansfield House team
Peter Lloyd, Charlie Kiemann,
Tim Kiemann and Lauren Henderson.
Redeemer’s Got Talent
continued from page 1
Neil Armstrong was the first human being in history to set
foot on another natural object outside of Earth. Imagine that.
In the history of the human race, Neil Armstrong’s name will
be forever remembered as synonymous with one of the most
historic achievements of humankind. We can only imagine
what that must have been like, to be the very first human
being to step onto the moon. What was going through his
mind as he was climbing down the ladder of the Lunar
Module? Was his heart pounding as he reached down to
touch the surface? Did he understand fully the significance of
the moment, or was it just too big to comprehend? I am lost
for words as I meditate on that moment, and nothing I say can
capture the wonder of it all! I’m a preacher by trade, so words
are my game, but never will I utter words that will be forever
etched in human history like “That’s one small step for man…
one giant leap for mankind.”
But Neil Armstrong was, of course, just one person of an
enormous and invisible team of scientists and engineers and
astronauts and other experts, all of whom played a vital role
in getting Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins to
the moon on Apollo 11. The rockets launch from Cape
Canaveral in Florida, but Flight Control is in Houston, Texas.
There were designers and builders and test pilots and preparation
missions and experts on the ground monitoring every
technical aspect of the flight – from the moment of the launch
to landing back on Earth. It took hundreds of people years of
work for Neil Armstrong to take that “one small step for
man”. Let’s not forget that. Neil Armstrong’s step was just the
public manifestation of the achievements of so many people.
It’s an illustration of precisely how God does things. “For the
body itself is not made up only of one part, but of many parts.
If the foot were to say, ‘Because I am not hand, I don’t belong
to the body’, that would not keep it from being part of the
body…So, then, the eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I don’t need
you!’, nor can the head say to the feet ‘I don’t need you!’. On
the contrary, we cannot do without those parts of the body
that seem to be weaker…” (1 Cor.12:14,15,21,22)
‘Pigs Did Fly’
Lavarack House Kite Flying Competition
Lavarack House members competed in their inaugural intrahouse kite
flying competition. They made their kites from meagre rations:
a plastic bag, some tape, string and dowel - but the results were
There is no such thing as another human being who is unimportant
or insignificant to us. Imagine thinking like that every day.
Pastor Paul Thiele, Senior Chaplain
Prayer Thoughts
L03 won the most creative prize (and the highest flight):
yes, a very cute pink pig!
L01 achieved the longest flight (an impressive 9.1 seconds).
L03 (with an angel) and L08 (a fish) shared the best decorated prize.
This was a fun way to build Home Group teamwork and an avenue
for students to demonstrate their diversity of talents. Its success will
cement it as a permanent activity.
Mrs Marie Hughes, Lavarack House Leader
Pray for all Year 12 students doing QCS and heading into
their major exam block.
Pray for all other students currently working on assessment.
Pray for Year 9 students currently at Camp Tuchekoi.
Pray for a deeper appreciation on the mutual
inter-dependence of all people.
Middle School Prayers
Sabrina Henry 6LK, Petra Stiller 8TR, Emerson Wu 7RM,
Angela Ulhmann 6VF, Noah Kerridge 7RM, Alex Campbell
6DL, Emma Hawley 8KS, Michael Dileo 8FF, Louise Seet 6VF.
Senior School Prayers
M05: Gordon Cheng 12, Henry Choi 12, Hawon Choi 9,
Travis Dever 11, Joel Gallagher 12, Felicity Hoopmann 12, Elliot
Ledger 11, Kelly Lee 11, Jessica Ling 11, Stanley Ling 10, John
Luc 10, Ayla Manson 9, Ellise Mortensen 12, Ryan Mortensen 9,
Chris Nguyen 9, Maryse Warbrooke 10, Rochelle Warbrooke 9.
Tuckshop Roster
5 volunteers required next week!
If you would like to help out in Tuckshop next week, please call in and see
us or phone us on 3340 8854 or via email on
Mrs Teri Grandin, Tuckshop Coordinator
Middle School & Senior School
Christina Kemp, Help Needed!
Stephanie Ellis, Janelle Rech, Kath Ramsay.
Help Needed! (2 volunteers required).
Help Needed! (2 volunteers required)
Margaret Squires, Carol Scothern.
Tuckshop Specials & Menu
Coming Events: September
10 - 14 September
Chicken and Gravy Roll .............................................. $3.50
Sushi (per stick) ......................................................... $2.20
Creamy Chicken & Mushroom Pasta - L: $4.50 .. Sm: $4.50
Sushi....... $2.20 per stick, and Fried Rice .................. $3.00
Green Thai Chicken Curry & Rice - Lg $4.50 ... Small: $4.50
Taco Sub OR Baked Chicken and Cheese Roll ........... $3.50
Hokkien Beef Noodles - Large: $4.50 ............. Small: $3.50
Hot Chocolate is now available for $2.50 to students before school and
during meal breaks when we have staff available.
Coffee (cappuccino, café latte, mochacino, flat white, espresso) is also
available to parents before school $2.50.
Year 11/2013 Scholarships close 21 September
Redeemer Lutheran College is offering up to four scholarships for
Year 11 students in 2013.
Academic Scholarships: Two of these available for academically
gifted students on the basis of reports and assessment.
Cultural Scholarship: One of these available to a student able to
contribute to the college’s cultural program in areas like music, drama,
public speaking.
All Rounder Scholarship: One of these available to a student able to
contribute to at least two major areas of college life.
For further information, or to download an application form, visit our
website or contact the
Enrolments Officer, Mrs Cathy Mostert on 3340 8807.
Thank You!
Special thanks to all Prep and Year 1
students and their parents involved
with the Christian Dance as part of
last Sunday morning’s service, and
for enriching our worship!
This Sunday at Redeemer Chapel
8.30am .............. Overcomers: ‘Praying for the Lost’
9.30am ..............................Kids for Christ - kids club
9.30am .......................................... Under 5s Singing
6.00pm .................................. Evening Praise service
7 Year 12 Exam Block commences.
7 Met East Primary and Secondary
Athletics Track & Field Carnival (QSAC).
7 Senior Concert Band Performance
with Qld Youth Orchestra, 6.00pm9.30pm (Old Museum Building).
7 Year 3 Sleepover, 6.15pm (MPC).
8 JTAS Round 7: Football & Basketball.
8 TAS Round 8: Boys Basketball &
Football, Girls Volleyball & Touch
vs St Johns Anglican College (home).
10 Year 12 Exam Block continues.
11 Middle School Art Exhibition and
Music Concert, 5.00pm-8.30pm (KC).
14 JTAS Athletics Carnival (QSAC).
14 Year 12 Exam Block concludes.
15 TAS Round 9: Boys Basketball &
Football (Soccer), Girls Volleyball and
Touch Finals.
19 TAS (Red) Athletics Carnival (QSAC).
19 Music Supporters Group Meeting,
7.30pm (KC11).
20 Official Opening and Dedication of
JG Block, 11.15am (MPCA).
21 Term 3 Concludes.
22 Italy Tour departs, 8.45am (Airport).
22 Tuchekoi Group 1 Open Day, 9.30am4.30pm (Tuchekoi Outdoor Centre).
24 OSHC Vacation Care Program
Coming Events: October
Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday.
Term 4 Commences.
Tuchekoi Group 2 Departs, 7.00am.
Operation Christmas Child commences.
Year 12 Pre-Formal and Formal.
Redeemer Fair, 2.00pm-8.00pm.
College Calendar for 2012-2013 and Term dates:
Next Week at Our Saviour
Tuesday ................................................. Play Group
8.30am in the Multi-Purpose Centre
Wednesday ................................ Mid-week Prayer
9.15am in the Prayer Chapel (RC14)
Thursday ..................................... Thursday Ladies
9.30am in Redeemer Chapel
Friday .......................... Lazer (Junior Youth Group)
3.45pm at the Chapel
Friday ................. OSSY (Our Saviour Senior Youth)
7.00pm at Redeemer Chapel