Visit our website at December 2010 Chordbusters are on the move By Dr. Greg Garvin, Executive VP/Music VP Possible Side Effects We as a chorus are on the move… Just think, we just competed in CSD contest and I think held “our own” considering we hired a new director and has some major changes in personnel. The members are really committed to working for our new leader and it shows. We are now in the midst of a busy holiday schedule and the guys are showing each other just how committed we are to this challenge. The fact that we are having a few double rehearsals shows the type of commitment we all have. I’ve always had the opinion that double rehearsals are a necessity. It is human nature to work for a goal and many of us including myself work better under pressure. It sounds great to say we should had started the Christmas music in the summer but the fact of the matter is that we don’t “retain” what we learn if we learn the material too early anyway. This isn’t saying however we can’t and won’t be better about being prepared in the future. I know for a fact that the leadership has already sat down and started to brainstorm and outline our activities for 2011 which is really needed to have a head start on the projects we want to complete. Another major factor for our double rehearsals is based on the fact that we have needed to rearrange our Thursday night schedule as the Davenport “Y” has shortened our chapter night and being creatures of habit we’ve had a bit of trouble getting more efficient with the shorter time. I have even received e-mails to address this and I will say we all need to begin to think outside of the box. If we stop at 9pm instead of 10pm, why not take some of the “fun” activities (Tag singing, gang singing, even quartet singing to the “Afterglow?” There has been and will always be a “core” of “Afterglow” members and even if you come for only 30-60 minutes and sing along something can be learned. I have always maintained we can stand on the risers for 3 hours and not learn some individuals skills we need to pick up (better vowels for example) that we can in a small group experience and more one on one teaching, so think about it Volume 50 No 10 Calendar of Events Chapter meetings Every Thursday evening 6:45-9:00 p.m. at the Davenport Family Y located at 2nd and Western Streets, unless otherwise notified. December 9, 2010: Board meeting, 5 p.m., location to be announced December 11, 2010: An Old-Fashioned Christmas show, 2 p.m. at 2nd Baptist Church in Rock Island December 11, 2010: Quad City Ballet performance, 6:15 p.m. at the Adler Theatre December 16, 2010 – Performance at Grand Haven Retirement Community, 6:00 p.m. December 18, 2010 – Chordbusters Christmas Party and Officer Installation, Rock Island Holiday Inn, 6 p.m. December 23, 2010 – Spring Village Retirement Village performance, 5:30 p.m. December 30, 2010 – Chordbusters’ Family Pizza Party. Happy Joe’s Pizza Parlor on Welcome Way in Davenport, Iowa. Time to be announced. January 15, 2011 – Accapellooza Fest, Galvin Fine Arts Center, St. Ambrose University January 15, 2011 – Performance at the Fairmont Branch of the Davenport Public Library, time to be announced Garvin continued on page 3 Page 1 Chapter Board Coach’s Corner By “Coach” Dennis Johns, Chapter President President Dennis Johns Dennisjohns63 @ gmail . com This will be my last column as your President. I will continue to write, but not in this place or under this banner. For the most part, I hope it has been a good run. We have been fortunate to have the support of a very hard working Board of Directors and most of the chorus members. Executive VP Dr. Greg Garvin ggarvin6 @ mchsi . com Treasurer John McNamara jrmcb4 @ gmail . com Secretary Amos Glanz chordsrus @ msn. com Music and Performance VP Dr. Greg Garvin ggarvin6 @ mchsi . com Program VP Vern Soeken ves39 @ mchsi . com Membership VP Vaughn Meehan vmmm4846 @ q . com PR and Marketing VP Don Payton umpref10 @ mediacombb . com Member at Large Russ Hartwig Member at Large Brian Williams dbriw @ yahoo . com Member at Large Jim Schneider JSchnei474 @ aol . com Member at Large Roger Akers akers03 @ mchsi . com Member at Large Mike Sellers italiansinger986 @ yahoo . com Chorus Manager Gary Schocker glschock @ hotmail . com Some reflection is in order. In any organization you have all kinds of members, but for the most part they fall into four categories: members that work very hard, those that talk a good game, some that just coast, and yet others that actually have a negative attitude and defeat the groups attempts at change which may mean progress. If I could point out one thing that I was taught years ago, “Memories don’t just happen, they are created.” Life is all about memories and the more you plug in the greater the return. As a chorus, we need to grow the membership. In the past Serenade, Mike Scott, our CSD Membership VP, pointed out ideas to help that cause. Growth starts with public exposure of a quality singing group. Good singing will only happen with chapter meetings that are planned, scripted for the members, (please refer to Vaughn Meehan’s article in this issue) and making sure that those meetings are not boring or repetitive. Vern’s time and “Compellingly Attractive Chapter Meetings” have helped create variety, but must not be terminated or even skipped because of some “big” event. We will always have these big events or should have. We need to “buddy up” with new members, do a better job of identifying future leaders, eventually electing them to board positions, and then training them to do their job in the best way that they can. It is called “running with the ball.” New blood and new ideas are almost always a positive influence. The most important aspect of this for the members is communication. We have finally put together a working music team and their key job is communication. Were there disappointments? Plenty. The last I heard we lost out on any chance of getting the 2013 Spring Convention. According to the CSD, the costs to put on a convention and the hotel rates are too high. The CSD would also like to open the conventions to chapters in other parts of the district. Eastern Iowa has hosted quite a few conventions in the past few years, sometimes out of necessity since no other chapters would step up to the plate to host a convention. The other complaint is our location; we’re too far east for the western half of the CSD. Our attempts at a Youth in Harmony event have been the greatest frustration. As I write this, (Thanksgiving) we are real close either way. It has been very difficult to coordinate money, facilities, and young people to the same schedule. On that note, I do want to thank those that have contributed to the Chorus General Fund, YIH Fund, and Harmony Foundation. It is hard to believe that only seven percent of the Society membership supports Harmony Foundation. That will be the life’s blood of the Society. If we could raise this to 30 percent, our efforts with high school and college age young people would really expand. “Harmony Foundation supports programs that will get more experts and more quartets into the local chapters for visits, seminars, and do general reconstructive surgery.” Coach continued on page 3 Page 2 Installation of Officers at the Rock Island Holiday Inn on December 18th. The food is always terrific and fellowship is even better. The Award Night ceremony will be held with the Valentine Party in February. That is the official time when we say thanks for a job well done. Coach continued from page 2 This is our organization and our chapter. Let’s get on board with this tax deduction. The transition of the boards is coming along fine. President-Elect Vern Soeken and I have had informal meetings and there are still more to come. We have had meetings with the critical team players. The calendar is set and the rest will fall into place this December. Please focus on what “you” can do for the Chordbuster Chorus. I’ll just bet that the more plugged in you get, the more rewarding the experience will be. Are there still issues? Certainly, it is always important to size up the membership about their concerns and interest. We must find new ways to do the job more efficiently and effectively. We must get into lock step with every device to reach a new membership. I have been studying social media and Face Book and for now that might have some merit. In closing, I want to acknowledge the debt of gratitude I owe to those members who supported me and the Board of Directors this past year. I certainly was a trying time. Thanks everyone, we certainly appreciated that support. Let’s keep asking, “How am I doing?” A positive future is just ahead. WE CANNOT SPELL S_CCESS without “U.” Plan on attending the annual Christmas Party and ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ talented acts all performed in part by Physicians of the Genesis Medical Staff. I will honestly say our quartet set the tone for the other performers and I feel helps get the message out just how much fun it is to sing barbershop a cappella-style music. Garvin continued from page 1 and if we start having some real interest in the “Afterglow” I think we will experience some of the learning experiences we measure. On November 19th Possible Side Effects performed at the Bucktown Revue held at the River Music Experience. A similar experience was felt there. I feel that it is vital to be involved in non-barbershop events to get our name out there and if we can provide a level of quality that equals or outperforms other forms of music we as a chorus only benefit from that effort and I will tell you in all certainty that we opened a few eyes about our hobby. The Music Committee for 2011 if planning on having a strategic planning meeting soon to begin some short range and long range plans for this chorus as far as the type and style of music we want to sing so any suggestions to any of the Music Committee members will be appreciated. I will personally say from my opinion is that we need to sing “barbershop a cappella-style” music to entertain our audiences. At the same time we need to spice that up with a sprinkling of “the old songs” to preserve our hobby. If we don’t do that we are not following our mission …. I’m hoping all of the members will make a very special effort to be at all of the events we are committed to this holiday season so that we can perform our “best” and raise a few more eyebrows. This is the only way we will grow as a chorus as it is true we can one on one recruit new members, but our performances I feel if performed well in public can influence men who like to sing and hopefully want to join our ranks, so do your part as a chorus member and help in that way. Possible Side Effects sings the Jurassic Larks’ version of the musical parody of “Yesterday” at the Bucktown Revue. Photo by David Haase. Possible Side Effects has been busy as we enter the Holiday Season. We had the honor and privilege to sing in the first annual “Doctors Recital” on November 8th at Centennial Hall of Augustana College. This benefit was being held to raise funds to support Hospice Music Therapy for Genesis Health System. There were a number of very Page 3 January 20th: Board meeting, place TBD Notes from the Chorus Manager NOTE: Normal practice times are scheduled at this time (6:40 p.m. set up, first note by 6:50 p.m.) I am trying to establish another performance for December, but nothing is set yet. Hope to see all of you at rehearsals. By Gary Schocker It is that time of the year! The holiday season is in full swing! By the time this has gone to press, Thanksgiving will be done and all will be “stuffed”! There are many events that will be happening in December and into January that I need to report on. Some are not finalized as I type. Here is the list for December and January as I have it so far: 2011 Chapter Board December 6: Monday night rehearsal at 7:05 p.m. at the “Y.” The following were elected to serve on the chapter board for 2011: December 9: Board Meeting at Front Street Brewery, 5:00 p.m. All “old and new” board members are “requested” to attend. President – Vern Soeken Executive VP – Greg Garvin Past President – Dennis Johns Secretary – Amos Glanz Treasurer – John McNamara Program VP - Vaughn Meehan Membership VP – David Knapp Music VP – Greg Garvin Chorus Manager – Gary Schocker At Large – Jim Schneider At Large – Don Payton At Large – Rick Liljequist At Large – Russ Hartwig At Large – Morris Merle December 11: Chordbusters Christmas Show at 2nd Baptist Church, Rock Island. Performance at 2:00 p.m., warm-up and sound check at noon. Dress code is “Christmas colorful”. December 11: Pre-show performance for the “Nutcracker Suite” at the Adler. Performance time is 6:15 p.m.; we need to be there by 6:00 p.m. Dress code will be the same as our Christmas Show. December 16: Performance at Grand Haven Retirement Home, Eldridge. (6:00 p.m.) Dress code TBD. December 18: Chordbusters Christmas party and Officer Installation. Party will be at Rock Island Holiday Inn, 6:00 p.m. “Social Hour”. $18.00 per person, preferred if paid prior to that evening. Check the sign-up book and pay me. December 23: Spring Village Retirement Village performance, 5:30 p.m. December 30: Family Pizza Party at Happy Joes on Welcome Way. Time tentatively planned for 6:30 p.m. No regular rehearsal! January 15, 2011 – Accapellooza Fest, Galvin Fine Arts Center, St. Ambrose University January 15, 2011 – Performance at the Fairmont Branch of the Davenport Public Library, time to be announced December 15 - Grover Hartsuch Page 4 meeting and I think you will appreciate some new things that will be added to the program. I hope that you will give him the support that you gave to me. I know that he will be open to listen to any suggestions that you have. Vern's Time By Vern Soeken, Program Vice-President I will now have another privilege to serve the chorus as President of the Chordbusters. There is so much talent and experience collectively in the chorus that I am humbled by the task. However, I know that with everyone contributing their best singing, committee assignments and small physical activities, such as helping set up and take down practice arrangements, will we continue to improve. It is very important that Board members and committee members attend their scheduled meetings and complete their assigned duties. The chorus members are depending on you to make our yearly activities happen by planning and informing them where and how they can participate. It has been challenging, enjoyable and a privilege to serve as the Program Vice-President this past year. I appreciated the cooperation the chorus members gave to me and other chorus members when we attempted many different kinds of activities. There were other activities that I would have liked to have us try, but time was not always available. Vaughn Meehan will be the new Program VicePresident. Vaughn, Coach Johns and I have had a transition A special thanks to Coach who has kept us on course and to Deb Ragan who is ratcheting up our singing ability. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Finally, I will give you a brief idea about what I will be covering during "Vaughn's Time" so you will be ready when it comes up. The sequence for these events will vary from week to week just to make the meeting different and interesting for everyone. By the way if you have a request for "Vaughn's Time", please don't hesitate to contact me about your favorite idea. What Is Scripting and How It Can Help the Chordbusters By Vaughn Meehan, 2011 Program VP You have all heard Dennis “Coach” Johns and others mention this past year the term "scripting", but not all of you know what it is and how useful it can be for all of us. Simply put, scripting for the Chordbusters is putting out a detailed agenda for each upcoming meeting/practice. I should be starting to provide you with a script or agenda for each meeting no later than the 1st of the New Year, and hopefully sooner if I can get my act together. I really believe it will be nice to see what we will be doing for an upcoming meeting in advance of the meeting. I am also putting the Program VP Plan of Action together for the coming 52 weeks. What a chore!!!! It is my desire to put this agenda out to all of you by Monday evening before each practice so you will know what we will be doing the following Thursday. If done properly and timely, the agenda will do several things for you. UNIFORM UPDATE By Amos Glanz The yellow ties are now back from the cleaners. Rick Liljequist, our uniform chairman, will re-issue these to each member of the performing chorus, who will be responsible for taking care of their own ties from now on. The yellow ties will no longer be turned in, as was done at the Fall contest. [NOTE: the yellow ties cannot be washed; they must be dry cleaned.] First, it will tell you what music is scheduled to be covered by Deb Ragan during her 1-1/2 hour time she has with us. The music might change by Thursday depending on Deb’s needs for her time. Secondly, it will provide us all the administrative details such as upcoming singouts and Gary Schocker's concerns for getting signed up early and what to wear to the events. However, the yellow pocket squares will continue to be issued at the site of any performance where these is part of the uniform, and turned in to Rick at the end of each performance. Recently, several dedicated Chord Jewels spent 8 hours re-constructing these pocket squares so we will look more professional. Thanks go out to Pat Brown, Cindy Glanz and Sharon Jund for their hard work on our behalf! Thirdly, it will also highlight other upcoming events such as the Leadership Academy (formerly known as COTS), the Central States District and International competitions, and Chordbuster socials/parties, among other events. Having this information in advance of each meeting should reduce the amount of administrative dialogue that we use during our current meetings have. Page 5 Well let’s see now…how many times did A Touch of Fun headline on a show? Several times, with international champion quartets. Each performance, regardless of how large or small the audience, or with whom we shared the stage was a memorable and exhilarating experience. Getting to Know… Mike Jund My most intimidating experience? I think I was the last person that was actually required to audition to determine whether I was accepted into the Chordbuster Chorus. I actually had to sing my part alone with three other guys singing their respective parts. While the director and section leader listened. Wow! What a memorable experience!!! Compiled By Amos Glanz Where were you born and raised? What is your current line of work? How long have you been in this field? Any particular retirement or other plans for your future? At my grandmother’s house in the small obscure town of Zeeland, North Dakota (near one of my famous “a wunnerful a wunnerful” relatives’ home town of Strasburg, North Dakota). I grew up in Mobridge in north central South Dakota and obtained my BSE degree from the University of South Dakota at Springfield and a MSE degree from Western Illinois University. I am currently tired (not retired) after teaching for over 40 years – mostly at Scott Community College. I am currently teaching classes for an international consortium which also helps me to stay abreast with the latest industry trends for the first revision of my recently published textbook. Plans for the future? Sing, sing, sing and oh yes, sing some more. How long have you lived in the QCA? We moved to Davenport in 1972. At that time we expected to live here for two years and then head back to Montana where we thought we wanted to live. Something went awry making our stay in the Quad Cities the longest two years of my life. Spouse's first name? What special interests/hobbies/passions do you have? How do you spend your spare time? I am a car buff and someday I will hopefully find time to finish restoring my 1955 Thunderbird convertible. Sharon and I also try to seize every opportunity to follow our grandson playing hockey. Sharon Do you have any children? I enjoy hunting, fishing, golfing, woodworking – you name it – if it can be done with family or friends, I’m doin’ it!!! We have one son Mic, who resides in Des Moines with his wife, Kara, and our grandson, Collin. How did you get introduced to or learn about the hobby of barbershopping? Feel free to add any parting comments that you'd like to throw in. I sang in the church choir with Bill Morse, a former Chordbuster, who touted me to join the Chordbusters for several years before I finally decided to join. That choir was directed by Larry Monson, the former Chordbuster director. Finally when our son went off to college, my wife informed me that I no longer had an excuse of his activities keeping me too busy to join. My family heritage is steeped in musical tradition and, as a teenager; I decided that being a jock was more exciting than pursuing music as a hobby. I did the usual things like sing in the high school mixed chorus, boys’ glee club, quartetting (I think The Music Man hadn’t been introduced in South Dakota at that time and the Kingston Trio was as close to a quartet for which my music teacher could find arrangements. So we were a ‘triquartet’. And I was even selected to sing in the High School All State Chorus. What aspects of the barbershop hobby appeal most to you? As I said previously, quartetting is the ultimate experience for any barbershopper. I have had the distinct privilege of singing in the A Touch of Fun Quartet with three of the greatest people I know for over 20 years. Dick Sabbe, Stan Brown and Terry Tingwald have broadened my musical horizons and increased my love for singing immeasurably. More importantly they and their spouses are our extended family. When a group spends as much time together as we have over the years (traveling, singing together, weekends together, etc., they do become family). How many can I cite?? Quartetting is the ultimate experience that anyone can have that has an interest in barbershopping. I love ringing those chords and hearing those overtones (and, yes, the undertones as well). Seeing the grin on a perspective new member’s (or visitor’s) face when they have successfully sung their first tag and heard the overtones we all love to hear. What was your most memorable experience as a barbershopper? Page 6 • If the chorus has pitch difficulties, avoid pieces Singing in tune filled with chromatic progressions. Stick to the diatonic scale. • If the vowels in the text are predominantly EH, IH, or EE, this may contribute to flatting since many choruses and quartets control these vowels poorly. • If the tessitura (average range of the melodic line or voice part) of one or more parts lies consistently in its high register, this could cause flatting. • The tessitura of one or more of the voice parts that fall consistently in the "break" area will cause flatting. Singers sometimes have only one area of two or three tones that are sung off-pitch habitually. This is most frequent on the several notes just below the break. • Melodies that descend and suddenly turn upward are harder to keep in tune. • Intervals that are repeated in sequence tend to lose their proper interval relationship in a short time. • Many diphthong combinations can cause flatting. • Following rather than thinking for oneself will lead to flatting. • Over-learning a selection (going stale) likewise leads to flatting. • Having singers in the wrong voice part may cause them to sing out of tune. By Freddie King, international coach (from Dundalk Md Charivari, Tom Wheatley, editor) Editor’s note: This is part seven of a nine part series by Fred King on “Singing in Tune”. Chapter 7 - Song effects considerations If you are coaching or involved with a chorus that tends to go flat, here are some things you can look for in the composition of the song. • Most choruses sing more in tune when they are singing major keys, rather than in minor ones. This infers that accustomed hearing affects pitch since we are used to hearing and singing in major keys. Therefore, it is a good idea to have a chorus vocalize in minor keys as well as in the major ones. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Tag of the month Page 7 VP REPORTS: Membership VP: Vaughn will be distributing some of the new recruitment posters. Public Relations VP: Don reported that 2nd Baptist Church male chorus will be rehearsing on Saturday. He suggested that some of the Board members attend their rehearsal. Don will coordinate with the 2nd Baptist Church on when the building needs to be opened for the various performers to warm-up, etc. We want our chorus members there, ready to sing, NLT 12:00pm, or perhaps 11:30am. Don will have Brian order 450 tickets printed for the Christmas Show. Vaughn agreed to handle ticket sales for the Christmas Show. Vaughn’s phone number will be placed on the flyer. MOTIONS PASSED: Moved by Gary, seconded by Don, the Afterglow price for 2011 will be $12 per person. Motion carried. Moved by Amos, seconded by Don, that up to 70 show comp tickets (2 per high school) be made available for the 2011 show. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:23pm. HIGHLIGHTS OF BOARD MEETING MINUTES By Amos Glanz, Chapter Secretary October 21, 2010 – Hickory Garden Family Restaurant, Davenport, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Johns, John McNamara, Gary Schocker, Don Payton, Amos Glanz, Vaughn Meehan, Russ Hartwig, and Jim Schneider. MEMBERS ABSENT: EXCUSED: Greg Garvin, Brian Williams, and Vern Soeken. UNEXCUSED ABSENTS: Mike Sellers and Roger Akers. GUESTS: Cindy Glanz and Deb Ragan. Singing Valentines: Help Wanted By Amos Glanz We plan to deliver Singing Valentines on February 13th and 14th in 2011. If you are willing to help, by singing in a quartet, driving, publicity, etc., please contact Amos. Also, please start talking this up among your friends and associates. It is just around the corner. The cost of a Singing Valentines for 2011 has been reduced to $39.95. Order forms will be out in early January. PRESIDENT JOHNS CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER at 5:05 PM. He referred to a nice letter he had received from Frank Klipsch from the Y. He distributed various materials for filing. He showed various iterations of the Christmas Show flyer prepared by Brian Williams. It was suggested that the amount of flyer verbiage be reduced. Also, several sample flyers which Brian Williams had prepared on recruitment were circulated. Dennis Johns complimented the Chord Jewels on their support at contest. Dennis will be holding several transition meetings with key personnel. As I announced at the last board meeting, this will be our last year coordinating this project. Cindy and I have truly enjoyed the experience but it is now time for others to do their share. Please consider volunteering to chair this important chapter fund raiser. Training will start in January. CHORUS MANAGER/MUSIC TEAM REPORT: Gary Schocker reported that he was very happy with the way things went at contest. Several members still owe for their contest photo. John Donehower needs a list of the performers and songs for the Christmas Show. John plans to send a mass e-mail about our Christmas Show to other Eastern Iowa choruses, with an open invitation for their members to be a part of our mass chorus. Gary announced that the Rock Island show will be Nov. 21 and the Dubuque Chapter show will be on Nov. 5 and 6. Gary will try to schedule Happy Joes on Welcome Way for a family pizza party on Dec. 30. Due to a conflict with our performance at Grand Haven Retirement Home on December 16, Gary moved that we change the December Board meeting to Dec. 9th. Vaughn seconded. Motioned carried. Chapter looking for someone to take over Singing Valentines in 2012 Amos and Cindy Glanz have agreed to manage Singing Valentines through February 2011. In order for the chapter to continue this important chapter fund-raiser, one or more volunteers are needed to take over for them in 2012. If you think you might be interested, contact Amos or Cindy to find out what the job entails. The work is not that onerous and all of the bugs have been worked out over past years. They hope to be able to show their successor the ins and outs next February to make the transition easier the following year. Remember, to have a successful chapter, volunteers must step up to the plate to carryon projects such as this one. Questioned was raised about whether or not the new ties will need to be dry-cleaned. Cindy Glanz will verify this with Uniform Den. All of the ties the chorus used at contest showed various problems (make-up stains, perspiration, etc.). Page 8 Chordbusters perform for the Festival of Trees Photos by Cathy Doubet The Chordbusters, under the direction of Deb Ragan, perform at the Quad-City Arts Council’s Festival of Trees Possible Side Effects sing “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer.” Page 9 idea and the booklets to your family and friends. Mark Herrin will have more details soon. The Note Dispenser David Haase - Editor 563-391-6426 (home) 563-320-3501 (cell) The Note Dispenser is the official publication of the Davenport, Iowa chapter. Articles written by the editor do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the members and officers. Space will be made available in The Note Dispenser for opposing points of view. NEXT Submission Deadline: December 21 Taking the plunge…again By David Haase, Note Dispenser Editor Well, it’s finally official; Cathy Doubet and I are engaged to be married. We have been talking about this for some time now and decided it was time. We’ll be saying our “I do’s” on April 16, 2011 at 1 p.m. at the Adventure Christian Community Church. The church is located at the former Moose Lodge on Northwest Boulevard in Davenport. A Save the Date postcard will be sent out soon followed by a formal invitation later on. Need an idea Christmas gifts? for The Chordbusters will be selling the Quad-Cities Dining Tour coupon books again this year. Mark Herrin will be the chairman for this year’s campaign. These make great birthday, anniversary, graduation, and Christmas gifts. There are hundreds of coupons that allow you to buy one, get one free or so much off on the second dinner. In last year’s book a coupon to Bass Street Chop House alone has a value of $24.00. There was also a coupon for a buy one, get one free for Circa 21 on Wednesdays valued at $46.39. Last year’s cost was $35.00 for the book. If you eat out a lot or even occasionally during the year you will recuperate more than the $35.00 it costs for the book. Start selling the Page 10
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