GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal______________________________ ISSN 2347-6915 GIIRJ, Vol.3 (4), APRIL (2015), pp. 26-32 IMAGE IN PAINTING: STRUCTURAL SIMILARITY INDEX EXEMPLAR-BASED METHOD AND SR ALGORITHM INDU SAHU*; ASHISH DEWANGAN** *PG STUDENT, ELECTRONICS & TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING CHHATARPATI SHIVAJI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, DURG (C.G.) INDIA. **ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, ELECTRONICS & TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING CHHATARPATI SHIVAJI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, DURG (C.G.) INDIA. ABSTRACT-Image in painting is a method to reinstate a damaged portion of image. This technique has found extensive use in application such as restoration, object removal, scratch removal, error recovery, multimedia editing, and video privacy protection. This restoration can be made by using two approaches, image in painting and texture synthesis. Most usual techniques are computationally exhaustive and unable to repair large holes. Existing methods use diffusion-based approaches where linear structures propagate through diffusion based on partial differential equations and variational methods but these were more complex, time consuming and difficult to fill large holes. To overcome the above problem, the method proposed in this paper use Exemplar based technique and Structural Similarity index measurement method. KEYWORDS-Image in painting, Texture synthesis, Diffusion based method, Exemplar based technique, Structural Similarity index measurement. REFERENCES [1] Bertamilo, M, Sapiro , G., Caselles, V., Ballester, C.: Image inpainting. In: SIG- GRPAH 2000. [2] Bugeau, A., Bertalm´ıo, M., Caselles, V., Sapiro, G.: A comprehensive framework for image inpainting. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing 19, 2634–2644, 2010. [3] M. Turkan, “Novel texture synthesis methods and their application to image prediction and image inpainting”, Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Rennes, Dec. 2011. [4] Freeman, W.T., Jones, T.R., Pasztor, E.C.: Example-based super-resolution. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 22, 56–65, 2002. [5] Glasner, D., Bagon, S., Irani, M.: Super-resolution from a single image. In: IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). Volume 10, 2009. [6] Chang, H., Yeung, D.Y., Xiong, Y.: Super-resolution through neighbor embedding. In: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Volume I., 275–282 2004. [7] Zongben Xu, Jian Sun, “Image Inpainting by Patch Propagation Using Patch Sparsity”, IEEE Trans. On Image Processing Vol. 19, no. 5, May 2010 [8] A. Levin, A. RavAcha, and D. Lischinski, “Spectral matting”, in CVPR, 2007. GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal______________________________ ISSN 2347-6915 GIIRJ, Vol.3 (4), APRIL (2015), pp. 26-32 [9] Efros, A.A., Leung, and T.K.: Texture synthesis by non-parametric sampling. In: International Conference on Computer Vision, 1033–1038, 1999. [10] Tschumperl´e, D., Deriche, R., “Vector-valued image regularization with pdes: a common framework for different applications”, IEEE Trans. on PAMI 27, 506–517, 2005. [11] Criminisi, A., P´erez, P., Toyama, K., “Region filling and object removal by examplarbased image inpainting”, IEEE Trans. On Image Processing 13, 1200–1212, 2004. [12] Drori, I., Cohen Or, D. Yeshurun, H.,” Fragment-based image completion”, ACM Trans. Graph, 22, 303–312, 2003. [13] Harrison, P.,” A non-hierarchical procedure for re-synthesis of complex texture”, in: Proc. Int. Conf. Central Europe Comp. Graphics, Visual and Comp. Vision, 2001. [14] Barnes, C., Shechtman, E., Finkelstein, A D., Goldman, B., “Patch-Match: A randomized correspondence algorithm for structural image editing”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 28, 2009. [15] Komodakis, N., Tziritas, G., “Image completion using global optimization”, in Proc. IEEE Computer Soc. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 442–452200,. [16] Wexler, Y., Shechtman, E., Irani, M., "Space-time video completion, In: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR,, 2004. [17] Boykov, Y., Kolmogorov, V., “Computing geodesics and minimal surfaces via graph cuts”, in ICCV, 2003 [18] Mart´ınez-Noriega R., Roumy A., Blanchard G., “Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting: Fast Priority and Coherent Nearest Neighbor Search”, IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal processing Sept-2012. [19] Le Meur O., Gautier J., Guillemot C.,”Examplar-based inpainting based on local geometry”, In: ICIP, 2011. [20] Naser Jawas , Nanik Suciati , “Image Inpainting using Erosion and Dilation Operation, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology”, Vol. 51, February, 2013. [21] Zongben Xu, Jian Sun, “Image Inpainting by Patch Propagation Using Patch Sparsity”, IEEE Trans. On Image Processing Vol. 19, no. 5, May 2010.
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