checklist for erasmus students summer semester 2016

All details of the mentioned topics can be found on our website under:
General information on the University of
Vienna (AWien01) - a brief overview
Nomination by your home university
Receiving of an information e-mail incl.
"Letter of Acceptance"
before nomination
Registering online to one of our
"Orientation" sessions
various possibilities, please mind the
deadlines on our website. General advice for
accommodation in hall of residence: the
earlier, the better!
depending on your home university and the
departmental coordinator at the University
of Vienna
between December 15, 2015 and January 15,
Receiving of the email with your student IDnumber and information on u:account etc.
at the beginning of February 2016 at the
Activating your u:account
after receiving your student ID number
Issuing of Learning Agreement
Registering for courses
Language requirements / German
language courses
see "FAQ" - item 1)
by November 1, 2015
see "Nomination"
after nomination by your home university,
from middle of April to November 10, 2015 see "Registration/
at the latest
Completing of the "online pre-registration" by December 1, 2015
Accommodation in Vienna
depending on your field of study: as from
approx. February 2016, ends often mid/end of February
preparatory German courses before the
start of semester, courses during the
semester: please mind the deadlines on our
see "Accommodation"
see "Course choice/
Learning Agreement"
see "Arrival in Vienna/
see "Registration/
see "Course Choice/
Learning Agreement"
see "Language
see information under
Students with physical and psychological (optional; if possible, please contact us and the link provided at
Student Point after your nomination)
Incoming Students/
Health insurance
please make sure that you have adequate
health insurance coverage for your
ERASMUS stay, before arrival in Vienna
Entry and residence requirements
please inform yourself about the
requirements before your entry into Austria
Registering for the Buddysystem of ESN
Paying of the fee for the Austrian National
Union of Students ("ÖH-Beitrag")
Registering for sport courses at the
University Sport Institute (USI)
see "Entry into Austria/
Visa/ Insurance"
see "Living in Vienna"
depending on when the student ID card
see "Registration/
shall be valid, deadline: between
January 7, 2016 and April 30, 2016
(optional, the courses are fee based,
registering is possible as from approx. mid- see "FAQ" - item 7)
February 2016)
(recommended) arrival in Vienna
approx. mid-/end of February 2016, in case
see "Arrival in Vienna/
of a preparatory German language course
Registering of your address
within 3 days of arrival
Beginning of the semester
March 1, 2016
Participating in an "Orientation" session:
registering & receiving your student ID card
depending on the chosen date (between
beginning of February and beginning of
March 2016), online registration between
December 15, 2015 and January 15, 2016
see "Arrival in Vienna/
Contacting the departmental coordinator,
signing of Learning Agreement
after arrival in Vienna (or as agreed)
see "Course Choice/
Learning Agreement"
Lecture free day
March 11, 2016
Easter holidays
March 21, 2016 - April 3, 2016
Pentecost holiday
May 14, 2016 - May 17, 2016
Confirmation of registration
(Anmeldebescheinigung) for
EU/EEA/Swiss citizens
within 4 months of arrival
End of the semester
June 30, 2016
Certificate of attendance by the University
of Vienna
(optional, not earlier than 5 days before
your departure)
not earlier than 3 days before your
De-registering of your address
Transcript of Records
after all your grades have been registered in
your UNIVISonline Account (valid at least
until November 30, 2016)
see "Entry into Austria/
Visa/ Insurance"
see "Entry into Austria/
Visa/ Insurance"
see "End of your stay /
Transcript of records"