Information Guide for exchange students Faculty of Business Economics and Statistics Academic year 2015/16 Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics University of Vienna Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna, Austria Welcome International Exchange Support Faculty of Business, Economics & Statistics University of Vienna Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Wien e-mail: Facebook - International Office - Student Mobility University of Vienna Universitätsring 1 1010 Wien 2 Addresses 3 Term Dates 4 Admission to Studies 5 Language Requirements 6 Studies at the University of Vienna 8 Courses 14 Registration to Courses 19 Transcripts of Records 21 IT-Services at the University of Vienna 22 Housing 22 Passport & VISA Requirements 23 Libraries 24 FAQs 25 Important Links Congratulations on your nomination to study at the University of Vienna! With this guide we want to inform you on the procedures to become an exchange student at the University of Vienna, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics in the areas of Business Administration, International Business Administration, Economics and Statistics. This guide contains specific information on our faculty and the registration procedure. You should additionally visit the website of the International Office of the University of Vienna, once you have been nominated as an exchange student by your home coordinator. We strongly recommend to find out about the prevailing contents and aims of the courses you wish to attend and to check up in advance with your home coordinator or supervisor which courses you should take or not. If problems arise in any situation please let us know immediately! We try to help in any matter. We wish you an enjoying stay in Vienna! Ingrid Pleschberger International Exchange Support 1 Campus altes AKH g. ßE ST as RA r. st dt RT EN Ha yg N es AU tro an br m Re RE TE UN r. r te nb Au ga er H S e r v iten- h ic f s Sal z- . tr . de ar . -S ng c- ng he Ju M Ho g. r nt ur m te St ep ha n r nue Ba stät te Ja go som tts ir t r. - Ro ub la tn ol at g. er rg ße el Ha bs bu G Tr kt er r Au en Ho Am A ar m hl Gö l nr ei H g. hw ert g. er of H m Sc n be ra G er ef - nn . hg uc ra St rg . Re Ko ratsstr R e ic h s GA R ö ge rg . D‘Orsay-G. gasse RING lze Eben- TÄTS Op po ERSI UNIV NUS gasse rM ü l ln e tpl. vel Ro ose t r. sratss Reich dorfer s tr. ng. G a r n is o . St lg. 3 I u s s t r. rG ra g. - . Main Univeristy Building KA Ratha ge S- or 1090 Wien, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 public transportation U2 U4 tramway D, 1, 31 2 lin EF ies n La lg r. . e OS z Ma 220 rk t dm sk Lic ro hte ng min ns . Er B te t 2 rand 4 - g 110 ch Tu G Peterspl. ra be n nal at - dan - rst . rfg do g. G o n tor za ga g. fs ßE ass - . fs at se ge Judenpl. Jor nd st l- steing yg Z-J Jo TSSTRA re AN pl zgr lv u ka FR sg ol lin na e ud ipp ei 0 ss R Sal Sa St - we B a rt e n ch g. i ff a m t s ch ng. m in e Do ga . rb g. er U W 0 gn er g. ln Lö Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Fä Bo r- Herrengasse old op . L eF i g l - G Minoritenpl. le al g. W dh s au e ag e e ss ss r- e Ti ag to ss nk N er ss g. g ga ga d er ga ga U z- - - ße ckh tra yun g. - ing W fen GERICH S S Schottenring ag or l rs Fre lt- an ka e nz ut Eß - ge tr. rs rfe R o Schottenstift . str Ba lin an Ze ss Go TE u sta u s s tr. . ed ga NG Börsepl. s e s ga lin R a th a rg ch I NR rs e ipp ei n- to Ringturm Ne T HO Deutschmeisterpl. W s er . Bö SC ng. - te Fr - elf R ST rre fa . l st r. LANDES rs . Ho SE Fö ftg ße z- E ick H tte st He in Te lg af an ND hl ge Kr WilhelmKienzl-Park Roßauer Kaserne . vo we uspl. a nb ng ey Josef-MeinradPl. Ratha T NS Alte Börse t te Schr E RK EN he ho L . H SI Ho Sc ho uspl. Rathauspark Sc UNIVERSITÄT * 2 -T E ER g. U Schottentor R a th a A RI ß He RAßE A tra Sc re . ße M tz gr ra - Lö ng. Pe i n g st lin Burgtheater nfelsg g. . g. pla E ag Ko TÜ g. SS 1 r ue ßa cke o Oskar- R rü Morgenstern- B Pl. ßE RA LÄ GAS ns r. as ÄTSST uer ßa Ro G. lick SPITAL Moserg. g. Sch A LG st ken W 2 . 1 ag S ta d i o ng. in- asse Josefstädter S t r. r SigmundFreud-Park Rathausplatz L ic h t e l la ste aug asse Len id - R HÖ . RATHAUS U rze Tü as feldg gasse e Grillpa rzerstr . rs t r. e P o W Buch Lange Rathaus raß ERSIT - ss rg- ßE e g. Schm F e ld e rst RA u rg g a s s ss e Lamm Florian FriedrichSchmidtPl. Tulpeng. igasse Be Rooseveltplatz g. L ie b i g n- ST Wickenb Sc hl ös se l ga L a u do n g as s e sp Fe rst elg UNIV pl. U gasse . A L S E R S T R . Frankh- ur ER . F ra n k- N Rossauer Lände gasse tor- ag ng arz- Th NG ove ng. Platz RI eth niso Schw ÄH Be Gar ie an g. Rote nhaus n en ga Wa s G. wie g. n-S rer Va kie c La Otto(Altes AKH) Wagner- Maria Treu- . nieg mo Ha r ichDietri n g . ste W t en UniversitätsCampus rte . Boltzmanng a sse RFE SDO W. - E . asse er-G e lm - Wilh Bauernfeldpl. se 3 ga Fr en - g. ns Au gasse ROß AUER Grü ann g. Se s ga mer . - se F ür ng ste ten lt z m gas se o fg a s ch lh Strud Pra g. - ßE Bo dler A See- Lie Exn TR re ßE Addresses se TRA gas S rhofe teur hel- R Wide Hahn- E AUS RS T ON G ler be e IN Pich ss R ga H Pas Mic Ä F l u ch t g . W O 1010 Wien, Universitätsring 1 1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 2 Addresses Ste pha ns Term Dates Winter semester Welcome meeting: September 23rd 2015 (compulsory attendance), 3 pm Part of the meeting will be an accompanied course registration. (Exact date and time will be announced on the homepage within the section “Incoming” and in a separate e-mail to all incoming exchange students.) Winter semester: Exams: Preregistration: Update of course catalogue: Course registration October 1st – January 31st End of January - Beginning of February by July 1st (Erasmus) by May 1st (Non-EU Exchange Program) July September 14th until September 24th Summer semester Welcome meeting: to be announced (around February 23rd) Part of the meeting will be an accompanied course registration. (Exact room and time will be announced on the homepage within the section “Incoming” and in a separate e-mail to all incoming exchange students.) Summer semester: Exams: Preregistration: Update of course catalogue: Course registration March 1st – June 30th End of June - Beginning of July by January 1st (Erasmus) by October 1st (Non-EU Exchange Program) Mid of January Mid of February Further Information For detailed information on holidays: Courses at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics usually start in the 1st week of October/ March. You have to be present in the first class unit, otherwise you will lose the qualification for attending the course! If you cannot attend due to serious reasons please send an e-mail to the respective teacher or secretary. Term Dates Some courses are “blocked courses” and their final exam may be at an earlier date. Please check the details either when registering for the courses or in the first lesson! Notice that you will need time to settle in Vienna, therefore we advise you to arrive at least a week before the Welcome meeting. 3 Admission to Studies The International Office of the University of Vienna (Universitätsring 1) is in charge of the admission process. Non-EU-Exchange: Please, visit their Website to inform yourself about the steps you have to take. Contact the International Office of the University of Vienna and the International Exchange Support of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics after your arrival to finalize your registration. Erasmus: International Office University of Vienna Student Mobility Office Universitätsring 1 1010 Wien Contacts: ERASMUS-Incomings: Tel: +43-1-4277-18202, e-mail: Fax: +43-1-4277-18229 International Exchange Support Faculty of Business, Economics and Statisics Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Wien Contact person: Ingrid Pleschberger Tel: +43-1-4277-37043, e-mail: Office hours: published on: Non-EU-Exchange-Incomings: Tel: +43-1-4277-18230, e-mail: Fax: +43-1-4277-18229 Current office hours: Monday & Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. 4 Admission to studies step by step Language Requirements Specifically students who wish to follow courses offered in German should have a certificate of language proficiency in German at level B2/2 CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), at least. The same standard will apply for students who wish to follow courses taught in English: level of English at B2/2 CEFR, at least. Language German English Name of language test CEFR as described above Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Goethe Institut - Goethe Zertifikat Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer StudienwerberInnen (DSH) Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF) test along CEFR TOEFL IELTS Level/score B2/2 B2 B2 level 4 minimum in all parts of the test B2/2 80 (internet-based) 213 (computer-based) 550 (paper-based) 6 German Language Courses The Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH offers German language courses for each language level, before and during each semester. Students who wish to attend a course have to make a placement test in order to make sure that they will receive the adequate training according to their language skills. Language Requirements Please note that the participation in these courses is not free of charge but as an ERASMUS/Non-EUExchange student you will receive a discount on most of the fees. For further information please visit the following site: 5 Studies at the University of Vienna Study Programmes offered at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Business Administration Bachelor programme code: A 033 515 three-year programme (180 ECTS-credits) with specialization in “Management”, “Business Statistics” and “Economical Analysis” Master programm code: A 066 915 two year programme (120 ECTS-credits) International Business Administration programme code: A 033 514 three-year programme (180 ECTS-credits) majoring in “International Business” programm code: A 066 914 two-year programme (120 ECTS-credits) Economics Bachelor programme code: A 033 513 three-year programme (180 ECTS-credits) Bachelor programme code: A 033 551 three-year programme (180 ECTS-credits) Master programm code: A 066 913 two-year programme (120 ECTS-credits) Master programm code: A 066 951 two-year programme (120 ECTS-credits) Statistics Exchange students of our partner universities should register in one of the above mentioned programmes. The programmes should relate to the study programme that you are following at your home university! Please use the correct programme code. 6 Studies at the University Vienna Departments and Division of the Faculty Department of Business Administration o Controlling o Electronic Business o External Accounting o Cooperative Studies o Industry, Energy and Environment o Innovation and Technology Management o International Management o International Marketing o International Personnel Management o Marketing o Organization and Planning o Production and Operations Management o Supply Chain Management Chapter codes of the study programmes for searching in the online-course catalogue 4.01 Business Administration 4.02 International Business Administration 4.03 Statistics 4.04 Economics 4.05 Doctorate 4.06 PhD-Programmes 4.07 Doctorate 4.08 Complementary Study Programmes (Minors) Department of Finance Department of Business Law o Financial Law o Private and Business Law Department of Statistics and Operations Research Department of Economics Department of Industrial Sociology Vienna Center for Experimental Economics Division of Business Languages Studies at the University Vienna 7 Courses Please be aware that exchange students are allowed to take courses from Bachelor and Master levels. Bachelor students who want to follow a master class have to inform the course instructor in advance. They have to prove that they fulfil the necessary prerequisites. General course information There are two types of courses at the University of Vienna: - Courses with continuous assessment of course work (prüfungsimmanent) • This means that course attendance is compulsory • There is no final exam but all partial performances will be counted for the final mark • To attend this course you have to register via Univis - Courses with no continuous assessment of course work (nicht-prüfungsimmanent) • Attendance is not compulsory • There is one final exam • You do not have to register to attend the course • You have to register for the final exam via Univis In general, courses take place once a week at the same place and time. Some courses are “blocked”. When choosing these courses please be aware of the fact that such block courses may collide with other courses. Detailed information about the type of the course, the course content and recommended literature can be gained in the course directory: Please make sure that you are searching in the right semester. 8 Courses Organization of Studies strongly discouraged These courses should not be taken by exchange students. You should already have gained the basic skills at your home university recommended with reservation Those courses are often more advanced and can only be attended under certain conditions STEOP: Introduction and Orientation Phase Exchange students should not take STEOP Courses. At the end of the STEOP there is only one final exam that covers the content of all STEOP Courses. FK: Advanced university courses - The corresponding introductory university courses should have been completed. UK: University courses University courses are divided into three different kinds: VK: In-depth university courses - Deepening university courses build on the contents of either introductory or advanced university courses and should be attended only after their completion. EK/VO: Introductory university courses and Lectures Please check the “further informations” for prerequisites SE: Seminars Exchange students that want to take a seminar have to contact the course instructor in advance and prove that they fulfil the necessary prerequisites. German skills may be necessary for group works and presentations. WIKO: Wirtschaftskommunikation Business Communication Courses can only be attended, if the language of instruction is not the mother tongue. For „Business Communication“ courses your language skills schould be at least level B2 of the CEFR. Courses highly recommended Exchange students can take all courses if they have the prerequisites VK Business German This is a special course offered for incoming exchange students. To follow this course you have to have a good German knowledge at level B1 at least (CEFR). It is no beginner’s course. You can attendGerman beginner’s courses at Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH: http://deutschkurse.univie. 4.08 Complementary Study Programmes (Minors) The courses that appear in this chapter are courses which are offered by the Faculty for students coming from other majors (highly recommended for exchange students). 9 Courses as described in the course catalogue direct link to the index to see if the course is on Bachelor or Master level Course number Language of instruction Place Course instructor direct link to the course registration Further course information A lot of teachers use e-learning in their courses (moodle)! Please read more about e-learning in “ITServices at the University of Vienna”. 10 Courses How to proceed? 1. Choose the courses you want to take from the course catalogue. If you want to search for courses in English: all the courses offered at our Facutly start with the number 04xxxx. 2. Please make sure to take courses which correspond to your level of studies at home. 3. Please be prepared to have alternative courses in case you will not be accepted in a certain course! 4. Register for courses via univis within the online registration period. Follow the instructions on page 17 (or the video tutorial on our website). 5. Concept a weekly schedule for the semester as soon as possible, as you need to know if there are any time clashes before you register . There will be no automatically created timetable! 6. Fill in the Learning Agreement and bring it to our office by mid October/mid March. If you need the Learning Agreement earlier, please contact Courses 11 Abbreviations in the course catalogue 12 Abkürzung/Ausdruck abbreviation/term Ausgeschriebener Wortlaut text in full length Englische Übersetzung English translation Erster Termin: Letzter Termin: MO DI MI DO FR SA SO wtl VB Erster Termin: Letzter Termin: Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag wöchentlich Vorbesprechung HG Hauptgebäude NIG Neues Institutsgebäude SR HS EG OG 1. OG von ... bis Max. Zi VVZ BW IBW VWL KFK SE VK FK EK Seminarraum Hörsaal Erdgeschoß Obergeschoß 1. Obergeschoß / 1. Stock von ... bis maximal Zimmer Vorlesungsverzeichnis Betriebswirtschaft Internationale Betriebswirtschaft Volkswirtschaftslehre Kernfachkombination Seminar Vertiefender Universitätskurs Fortführender Universitätskurs Einführender Universitätskurs first meeting/first class last meeting/last class Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekly/every week first information meeting Attention: On this date (or “Erster Termin” you have to be present in class! If you don’t come you lose your place in the course! main building (Universitätsring, 1010 Wien) new departmental building (Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien) seminar room lecture room ground floor upper floor 1st floor starting on ... until maximum room course catalogue Business Administration International Business Administration Economics Core subject combination Seminar in-depth university course advanced university course (is not always a basic course - especially in the Master programmes prerequisites are necessary) VO UK VM ABW RdW LV Vorlesung Universitätskurs Vertiefung Management Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaft Recht der Wirtschaft Lehrveranstaltung Lecture university course Specialization Management General Business Administration Business Law course Courses Abbreviations of the core subject combinations (Master International/Business Administration) Within the Business Programmes the abbreviation KFK usually indicates a Master course. Abkürzung/Ausdruck abbreviation/term Ausgeschriebener Wortlaut text in full length Englische Übersetzung English translation KFK CTR KFK CF KFK EU KFK eB KFK EUR KFK FD KFK FM KFK HCM KFK IndM KFK ITM Controlling Coporate Finance Energie- und Umweltmanagement Electronic Business Externe Unternehmensrechung Finanzdienstleistungen Finanzmärkte Health Care Management Industrielles Management Innovations- und Technologiemanagement Investments International Marketing Marketing Operations Research Organisation und Personal Production Management Public Utility Management Revision, Steuern und Treuhand Supply Chain Management Transportation Logistics Wirtschaftsinformatik Finanzinstitutionen Controlling Coporate Finance Energy and Environmental Management Electronic Business External Business-Accounting Financial Services Financial Markets Health Care Management Industrial Management Innovation and Technology Management KFK IV KFK iMAR KFK MAR KFK OR KFK ORPE KFK PM KFK PUM KFK RST KFK SCM KFK TL KFK WINF KFK FI Courses Investments International Marketing Marketing Operations Research Organization and Personnel Production Management Public Utility Management Revision, Tax and Escrow Supply Chain Management Transportation Logistics Business Informatics Financial Institutions 13 Registration to Courses Course registration system in UNIVIS-online: Please find an online video tutorial here: course-registration/ Login via: with UNET-account USER-ID and password, then click on “registration system” and make your course registration. (direct login to the course registration system: 1 To successfully login to the UNIVIS-online you are in need of an active UNET-account. Follow this link to register your UNET-account: Insert your matriculation number (this number will be given to you in an e-mail) and your unet password. NOTE: the course registration system uses the unet-email-account for corresponding with the students. If you want to have your e-mails forwarded to your private e-mail address, please, follow this link: https:// 2 To change the language use the button in the upper left corner 14 Registration to Courses 3 Courses/ Exams leads you to your registration 4 For a new course registraion click on “new registration” Registration to Courses 15 5 to find the course you want to register for , use the course number from the course catalogue or choose WIWI and take care that you search in the right semester 6 16 Registration to Courses 7 8 The registration system provides you with 1000 points at the beginning of each semester. The more points you set the higher the chance that you will be accepted in the course. According to this, and to your personal preference, you should distribute all your 1000 points. For some courses you don’t have to give points, they are specially marked in the system. Registration to Courses 17 9 cancel the course registration There are five types of status: • angemeldet Only this status means that you are accepted in the course. • abgemeldet You are not accepted in the course. • vorgemerkt Wait until registration period is over and go to the first session of the course. You will then be accepted if there are enough places left. • auf Warteliste (you are on the waiting list) You will be accepted for the course if other students quit. • angelegt Please contact, something went wrong during the registration process. Once the registration period ends the students will then be listed according to their given points, with the first getting a place within the desired course until the course is full. What to do if you did not manage to get a place in a desired course? • register for another additional course with the same topics at a different time (if the registration is still open) • contact the course instructor or go the first lesson, telling that you are an exchange student • register for any other course where places are left • after the registration period only the course instructor has the possibility to accept you for the course • Don’t forget to cancel courses you are not going to take until 2 weeks after the start of the semester, otherwise you will get a failed 18 Registration to Courses Transcript of Records At the University of Vienna the transcript of records has an electronic signature. This means that the transcript is valid without any handwritten signature and stamp. Therefore you can self-download your transcript from the UNIVIS website and forward it to your university. If necessary, we ask you to inform the teachers, that you will need the grades earlier than the foreseen dates. On the transcript German language courses from other institutes will NOT appear! For these language courses you will receive an independent transcript of the Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH! Download your transcript 1. login at UNIVIS at: with your ID (matriculation number) and password (same login process like for course registration). 2. click on „printservice“ (on left side) 1 Transcript of records 19 3. click on „Sammelzeugnis“ and then your transcript download starts. 2 3 4 In case your University needs a different document with a stamp and a signature from our University, please refer to or In case you have problems with your grades, please contact the examiner of the course or his/her secretary! 20 Transcript of records IT-Services at the University of Vienna All the IT-Services at the University of Vienna are serviced by the ZID (Zentraler Informatikdienst). More Information about the ZID and its services you will find at: UNET-account For having access to the computers at the University of Vienna, for participating in the e-learning platform MOODLE and for course registration you will need the UNET-account! What kind of services UNET includes you will find at: You register at: You have to enter your matriculation number and the password from the online-pre-registration. See also in chapter: “Registraion to Courses” The University of Vienna has also WLAN access! You will find more information at MOODLE: E-LEARNING The Moodle e-learning platforms are used by more and more teachers to provide teaching materials and literature. You can register via: If the Moodle e-learning platform is used for a certain course it is marked with “e-learning” in the online course catalogue of the University of Vienna and you also have the pictogram of the used platform near the course information. IT-Services at the University of Vienna 21 Housing There are various possibilities to find accomodation in Vienna. The International Office gives you a detailed overview of accomodation possibilities on their website: Please see item 1.20. Passport & VISA Requirements Please inform yourself on the website of the University of Vienna about: 1. Entry to Austria 2. Registration at „Magistratisches Bezirksamt“ (“Meldezettel”) 3. Confirmation of registration for EU/EEA and Swiss citizens (“Anmeldebescheinigung”) 4. Notice of Departure before leaving Austria before-your-stay-in-vienna 22 Housing • Passport & Visa Requirements Libraries Vienna University library The library of the University of Vienna is located at the main university building in the first district (Universitätsring 1) and has a large number of encyclopaedias, academic works, anthologies, newspapers and much more. Most books can be ordered online (http://opac. The lending of books through this library is usually free of charge. To enlist the services offered by the university library you need a “Library Sticker”. This can be ordered free of charge from the library during office hours. You need to submit your student identity card as well as the “Meldezettel”. More library catalogues, including other universities and “Fachhochschulen”, can be found on: http:// Library for Business Studies opening hours: Mo - Fr 09:00 - 22:00 Sa 09:00 - 18:00 Libraries 23 FAQs What is the best time to arrive in Vienna? Each semester we organize a Welcome Meeting for our Incoming Exchange Students. Attendance of the Meeting is compulsory, so please, arrive in time. (Mid February/ September - exact date and time will be announced on our website.) What is the address of the Faculty of Business Economics and Statistics? Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien When do the lectures start? 1st October winter term 1st March summer term Which level of language skills requires the Faculty of Business Economics and Statistics? To be able to follow courses taught in English or German you should have at least the level B2 of the CEFR. What should I do if I did not manage to get into a course I want to take? Please contact the course instructor or go to the first session of the course. Mention that you are an exchange student. How can I change courses? After the end of the registration period it is pretty hard to change courses. The only way to get into a course you did not register for is to contact the course instructor. How can I find courses in English? Please, look into our course catalogue or visit our website: Where can I take a German language course? German language courses of different levels are offered at the Innovationszentrum: Those are not free of charge but as an Exchange Student you will get a special discount on most courses. Please be aware that the courses will not appear in your Transcript of Records, but you will get a Certificate. How can I register for courses? Registration has to be done online. Please follow the instructions on page 14 for further information about the registration system. When will the exams take place? There is one exam week at the end of the semester: 26th January – 30th January. Be aware that exams can also take place outside of this period. Am I allowed to take courses of Bachelor and Master Level even if I am a Bachelor student? Theoretically yes, but you have to prove that you have certain prerequisites especially for seminars and Master courses. Please, contact the course instructor in advance! Do I have to register for exams? You will have to register for exams of courses without continuous assessment of work. Registration has to be done online via Univis. Am I allowed to take Business Communication courses even if the language is my mother tongue? No. Am I allowed to take STEOP courses? You should not take STEOP courses as an exchange student. 24 Who has to sign my Learning Agreement? You can get your Learning Agreement signed at the International Exchange Support . Please find the opening hours on our website: Do I have to attend each class? Attendance is compulsory for courses with continuous assessment of work. In case of illness you should present a medical confirmation. How can I get my transcript of records? Our Transcript of Records has an electronic signature. Therefore it is valid without stamp and signature. You can print out your Transcript of Records online via Univis. Please, follow the instructions on page 19. FAQs Important Links Universität Wien Website of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics International Exchange Support - Faculty of Business, Economics & Statistics International Office - University of Vienna Student Point: Information and Service List of English courses English_Course_List.pdf On-line Course Catalogue of the University of Vienna Private Housing ERASMUS Student Network German Language Courses at Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH Information about Vienna, online City-map, leisure time activities, etc. UniversitätsSportInstitut, UniversitySportsInstitute Information about living and studying in Vienna Important Links 25 Impressum: Universität Wien Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Wien Redaktion: Ingrid Pleschberger Gestaltung: Caroline Satzer May 2015
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