Veckobrev, 2015-04-12 Prodekanus Per Berglund välkomnar KTH:s personal till två seminarier med fokus på utbildning och kvalitet. Mer information om seminarierna inklusive anmälningslänkar finns i KTH-kalendern. För mer information och anmälan: KTH:s pedagogiska pris 2015 Lärare som gjort en framstående pedagogisk insats som gynnar studenternas lärande kan nomineras till det pedagogiska priset. Två lärare vid KTH erhåller priset som utgörs av resestipendier till ett värde av 20 000 kr till vardera vinnaren. Nomineringar inklusive motivering kan sändas till Sören Östlund ( senast 12 juni. Nominering av hedersdoktorer 2015 Det är nu dags att komma med förslag till hedersdoktorer för 2015. Fakultetsrådet ska utse 3-5 hedersdoktorer och vid promoverings- och installationsfesten i november kommer de att ta emot hatt, ring och diplom. Under länken: hittar ni riktlinjer för utseende av hedersdoktorer samt en förteckning över tidigare utsedda hedersdoktorer. Förslag ska sändas senast fredagen den 1 maj till Anna Höglund Rehn via e-post ( eller internpost (Anna Höglund Rehn/UF/Brinellvägen 8). Inbjudan till studiebesök inom ramen för Innovationskraft Stockholm - Handlingsprogram för tillgängliggörande av Forsknings- och Innovationsinfrastruktur I november 2014 hölls ett mötet på RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) gällande tillgänglighet av Stockholms lab-, test- och demoanläggningar (forskningsinfrastrukturer). Inbjudna var chefer/ansvariga för forskningsinfrastrukturer i Stockholmsregionen. Deltagarna uppskattade möjligheten att vidga sitt nätverk inom andra labb och forskningsmiljöer i regionen. Ett mål efter detta möte var att möjliggöra studiebesök på några forskningsinfrastruktur-miljöer under våren och hösten 2015. Nedan är inbjudan till två miljöer som tar emot studiebesök under våren 2015. 11 maj: Karolinska institutet bjuder in till studiebesök på MR Center och NatMEG Tid :11 maj kl. 15.00 – 17.00 Plats: MR-centrum Karolinska Sjukhuset Solna kl. 15.00 och sedan NatMEG kl. 16:00, Nobels väg 9, Karolinska institutet, Solna Mer information om MR Research Center Mer information om NatMEG Anmälan: 10 juni: RISE bjuder in till studiebesök på SP Process Development. Tid: 10 juni kl. 9.00-11.00 Plats: Forskargatan 18, Byggnad 341, Södertälje Mer information om SP Process Development Anmälan: KTHs hantering av ny forskningsinfrastruktur Nedan vidarebefordrar jag information från Research Office angående behovsinventering av infrastruktur för forskning. Jag tar emot förslag kring detta och gör en sammanställning från skolan. I år startar implementeringen av Vetenskapsrådets nya modell för hantering av nationell forskningsinfrastruktur, som togs fram och beslutades under 2014. En del i detta arbete är den behovsinventering som regelbundet kommer att genomföras, nu för första gången under 2015-2016. Exakt datum för när möjligheten att registrera anmälningarna öppnas och avslutas är ännu inte klart, men preliminärt kommer detta att ske under tidig höst 2015. Nödvändiga förberedelser på KTH inkluderar: En kort beskrivning från varje skola av önskemål samt behov av ny större nationell forskningsinfrastruktur. Dessa samlas in för att möjliggöra att initiativen ska kunna inkluderas i VR:s ”Guide till forskningens infrastruktur”. Endast initiativ som står listade i Guiden kommer kunna söka bidrag från VR 2017 (eller möjligen 2019). Initiala kontakter bör ha tagits med forskargrupper från andra universitet för att säkerställa den nationella karaktären och möjlighet till ett framtida konsortialavtal. För att tas in i Guiden i höst behöver även ett antal andra punkter beskrivas, se VR:s information där dessa nämns: 5.4.5b5331114b70e41aef3ffc4.html Då möjligheterna att söka bidrag från VR för lokal/regional forskningsinfrastruktur kraftigt begränsats görs samtidigt en behovsinventering på KTH över vilka behov som finns av stöd till dessa. Vi ber därför också om: En kort beskrivning från varje skola av önskemål samt behov av ny större forskningsinfrastruktur av lokal/regional karaktär där finansiering (till stor del) önskas av KTH-interna medel. Beskrivningarna skickas till Susanna Pehrson, senast den 31 maj. Det ska klart framgå vilka infrastrukturer som är nationella (och således ska ingå i behovsinventeringen) respektive lokala/regionala. Scientific Development – a series of seminars spring 2015 These seminars consist of lectures and presentations by experienced research team leaders on topics such as; research-financed institutions, regulations, working with scientific development at different levels etc. Presentations will be in English only. Each seminar part is separate, self-contained and for your own combination. Responsible for the series is Dean of Faculty (Katja Grillner will be present at the 4th and 27th of May) and Associate Professor Lars Geschwind, Education and Communication in Engineering Science, ECE, KTH. Notify your participation to Lars-Erik Skagersten, 4 May 2015, 10-15 Assessment and analysis of research output Leader: Professor Anders Forsgren, Engineering Sciences, SCI, KTH Studio B i KTHB, Osquars backe 31 27 May 2015, 13-17 Implementation of research Leader: Head of Office Ulrika Ljungman, Business Liaison, KTH 4 June 2015, 9-12 Managing Research Leader: Associate Professor Joakim Lilliesköld, Electrical Engineering, EES, KTH Studio B i KTHB, Osquars backe 31 Angående ÅBU, Årlig bibliometrisk uppföljning och registrering i DiVA Från 2014/2015 har rektor beslutat att introducera en s.k. Årlig Bibliometrisk Uppföljning, ÅBU, beslut V2014-0934. Under 2015 genomförs en första ÅBU i slutet av februari (27/2) med en planerad uppföljning i september. Från 2016 kommer sedan ÅBU att genomföras och presenteras i september månad. För den bibliometriska uppföljningen i september 2015 är det viktigt att komplettera den publikationslista som finns i DiVA. Publikationer som man vill få med och som sedan tidigare inte finns med i DiVA kan registreras fram till 30 april 2015. Då kommer de med till ÅBU september 2015. ÅBU kommer att presenteras via KTH:s webb. Resultat på skolnivå är öppen att se men för att se den individuella ÅBU:n måste man logga in. ÅBU: Registrering i DiVA:!/DiVA%20svensk%20manual.%201.0-2015.pdf Docentföreläsning Välkomna att lyssna på Eva-Lotta Johansson Thunqvists docentföreläsning om ”Säker vattenhushållning”. Datum: 29 april Tid: 13.00 Plats: CHB, plan 7, KTH Haninge Disputationer Jonas Johnson kommer att lägga fram sin avhandling “The Cardiac State Diagram, a New Method for Accessing Cardiac Mechanics” måndagen den 27 april kl 14:00. Disputationen blir i sal 3-221, Alfred Nobels Allé 10, Flemingsberg. Malin Larsson kommer att lägga fram sin avhandling “Towards Increased Applicability of Ultrasound Contrast Agent” tisdagen den 28 april kl 10:00. Disputationen blir i sal 3-221, Alfred Nobels Allé 10, Flemingsberg. Madelen Fahsltedt kommer att lägga fram sin avhandling “Numerical Accident Recontructions - A Biomechanical Tool to Understand and Prevent Head Injuries” fredagen den 8 maj kl 9:00. Disputationen blir i sal 3-221, Alfred Nobels Allé 10, Flemingsberg. Summer School on Biocomplexity, Biodesign and Bioinnovation The 14th International Summer School on Biocomplexity, Biodesign and Bioinnovation sponsored by the NSF, co-sponsored by the Akdeniz University, the University of Houston, the IEEE EMB Society, will be held on June 16-22, 2015 in Izmir, Turkey. Fellowships ca be provided and candidates should send their application, CV, a recommendation letter from their advisor or department chair, a summary of their research, and their career goals for evaluation to Dr. Akay at The applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their applications by April 18, 2015. Women, minorities and students with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply. For further information see: Web page of this year's Biocomplexity and BiodesignSummer School at or previous year summer school at Weekly letter, 2015-04-12 Vice Dean Per Berglund welcome KTH staff to two seminars focusing on education and quality. More information about the seminars including notification links, see the KTH calendar. For more information and registration: KTH pedagogical price 2015 Teachers who have made an outstanding educational contribution that promotes student learning can be nominated for the educational price. Two teachers at KTH will receive the price that is made up of travel grants to the value of 20 000 kr to each winner. Send your nomination including justification by e-mail to Sören Östlund ( not later than June 12, 2015. Nomination of honorary doctorates in 2015 It is now time to come up with proposals for honorary doctorates for 2015. The Faculty Council shall appoint 3-5 honorary doctorates and at the promotion- and installation festivities in November, they will receive hat, ring and diploma. Under the link: you will find guidelines for appointment of honorary doctorates and a list of previously appointed honorary doctors. Proposals should be sent by Friday, May 1 to Anna Höglund Rehn via email ( or internal mail (Anna Höglund Rehn/UF/Brinellvägen 8). Invitation to a study in the context of Innovation Capacity Stockholm – Action Program for increased availability of research and innovation infrastructure In November 2014 a meeting was held at RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) regarding the availability of Stockholm's lab, test and demonstration facilities (research infrastructures). Invitees were managers/operators of research infrastructures in the Stockholm region. The participants appreciated the opportunity to expand its network to other labs and research in the region. A goal for this meeting was to allow visits to two research infrastructure environments during the spring and autumn 2015. Below is the invitation to two environments that will receive visits in spring 2015. May 11: Karolinska Institute invites to study at the MR Center and NatMEG Time: May 11. 15:00 to 5:00 p.m. Location: MRI center Karolinska University Hospital Solna PM. 15:00 and then NatMEG PM. 16:00, Nobels väg 9, Karolinska Institutet, Solna More information about MR Research Center More information about NatMEG Registration: June 10: RISE invites to study at SP Process Development. Time: June 10. 9:00 to 11:00 Location: Forskargatan 18, Building 341, Sodertalje For more information about SP Process Development Registration: KTH management of new research infrastructures Below I forward information from the Research Office regarding the needs for an inventory of research infrastructure. After receiving suggestions not later than May 20th I can make a compilation from school. Starting this year is an implementation of the Research Council's new management model for national research infrastructure, which was developed and finalized in 2014. A portion of this work is the needs assessment that will be regularly carried out, for the first time during 2015-2016. The exact date of when the option of registering suggestions is opened and closed is not yet clear, but tentatively this will be done in early autumn 2015. The necessary preparations at KTH include: A brief description from each school covering the wishes and needs of new major national research infrastructure. These are collected to enable initiatives to be included in VR's "Guide to research infrastructures". Only initiatives that are listed in the guide will be able to apply for grants from the VR 2017 (or possibly 2019). Initial contacts should have been made including teams from other universities to ensure the national character and the possibility of a future consortium. To be included in the Guide in the fall it will be necessary to add a number of other points , see VR information where these are mentioned: 5.4.5b5331114b70e41aef3ffc4.html As the opportunities to apply for grants from VR for local/regional research infrastructure will be severely restricted, KTH needs to make an assessment over what the needs are for assistance to them. We therefore ask also for: A brief description from each school concerning the wishes and needs of new major research infrastructures of local/regional nature where financing (to a large extent) is desired by the KTH internal funds. The descriptions should sent to Susanna Pehrson, later than May 31. It must be clearly identified if the infrastructures are of national (and thus be included in the inventory of needs) or local/regional character. Scientific Development – a series of seminars spring 2015 These seminars consist of lectures and presentations by experienced research team leaders on topics such as; research-financed institutions, regulations, working with scientific development at different levels etc. Presentations will be in English only. Each seminar part is separate, self-contained and for your own combination. Responsible for the series is Dean of Faculty (Katja Grillner will be present at the 4th and 27th of May) and Associate Professor Lars Geschwind, Education and Communication in Engineering Science, ECE, KTH. Notify your participation to Lars-Erik Skagersten, 4 May 2015, 10-15 Assessment and analysis of research output Leader: Professor Anders Forsgren, Engineering Sciences, SCI, KTH Studio B i KTHB, Osquars backe 31 27 May 2015, 13-17 Implementation of research Leader: Head of Office Ulrika Ljungman, Business Liaison, KTH 4 June 2015, 9-12 Managing Research Leader: Associate Professor Joakim Lilliesköld, Electrical Engineering, EES, KTH Studio B i KTHB, Osquars backe 31 Regarding ÅBU, Annual bibliometric monitoring and recording in DiVA From 2014/2015 the Vice Chancellor has decided to introduce a so-called Annual Bibliometric monitoring, ÅBU, decision V2014-0934. In 2015 the first ÅBU was carried out in late February (27/2) with a planned follow-up in September. From 2016, ÅBU be conducted and presented in September. For the bibliometric update in September 2015, it is important to supplement the list of publications available in DiVA. Publications that you want to include and which was previously not included in DiVA can be registered up until 30 April 2015. Then they will be included in the ÅBU September 2015. ÅBU will be presented via KTH's website. Results at school level is open but to see the individual ÅBU unit, you need to login. ABU: Registration in DiVA:!/DiVA%20svensk%20manual.%201.0-2015.pdf Lecture for docentship Welcome to listen to Eva-Lotta Johansson Thunqvist docentship lecture on "Safe water management". Date: April 29 Time: 13:00 Location: CHB, 7th floor, KTH Haninge Dissertations Jonas Johnson will defend his thesis "The Cardiac State Chart, a New Method for Accessing Cardiac Mechanics" Monday, April 27 at 14:00. The defense will be in Room 3-221, Alfred Nobels Allé 10, Flemingsberg. Malin Larsson will defend her thesis entitled "Towards Increased Applicability of Ultrasound Contrast Agent" on Tuesday, April 28 at 10:00 am. The defense will be in Room 3-221, Alfred Nobels Allé 10, Flemingsberg. Madelen Fahsltedt will defend her thesis "Numerical Accident Recontructions - A Biomechanical Tool To Understand and Prevent Head Injuries" on Friday, May 8 at 9:00 pm. The defense will be in Room 3-221, Alfred Nobels Allé 10, Flemingsberg. Summer School on Biocomplexity, Biodesign and Bioinnovation The 14th International Summer School on Biocomplexity, Biodesign and Bioinnovation sponsored by the NSF, co-sponsored by the Akdeniz University, the University of Houston, the IEEE EMB Society, will be held on June 16-22, 2015 in Izmir, Turkey. Fellowships ca be provided and candidates should send their application, CV, a recommendation letter from their advisor or department chair, a summary of their research, and their career goals for evaluation to Dr. Akay at The applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their applications by April 18, 2015. Women, minorities and students with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply. For further information see: Web page of this year's Biocomplexity and BiodesignSummer School at or previous year summer school at
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