The Index ONE-HUNDRED-THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE STUDENT MAY 14, 2014 Kalamazoo, Michigan EST. 1877 ARTS Art Prize to Celebrate Kalamazoo’s Artistic Talent Robert Manor/Index Debate: First-year students Danielle Gin, Christine Cho, Malavika Rao, Celeste Nosow, and Taylor Miles dress up for K’s annual Crystal Ball event. Crystal Ball’s Waning Impact The once highly anticipated event is now viewed as unconstructive trisha dunham and neeha mian index staff writers On Saturday, May 10, Kaleidoscope and the Office of Student Involvement (OSI) hosted Crystal Ball in Anderson Athletic Center. The event showcased the campus-wide support for the LGBTQA community by encouraging students to experiment with gender performance and roles in a safe environment. K-Scope member Rachel Ellis ’16 said that the goal of the event was “firstly to raise awareness of different cultures that are apart of the LGBT community and allow students to creatively and in a safe place play with their gender and have fun!” Although this event only lasts for one evening, the organizers of the event, as well as many participants, stress the importance of continuing dialogue regarding the LGBTQA community and gender performance. Before the event took place on Saturday, there was a discussion on Thursday night, in which a speaker was brought in to discuss transphobia, as well as other issues the event might garner. The organizers stressed that the importance of respecting the event’s goal was through an enforced dress code. “We [want to enforce] a dress code because so often many [people] may accidentally offend people that are transgender, which is why we expect no lingerie,” explained Ellis. During the actual event, multiple students gave feedback of their expectations of IMPACT on page 2 Kalamazoo’s OSI will initiate the Kalamazoo College Art Prize at the end of the month kamal kamalaldin index staff writer For a long time, Kalamazoo College students have been producing works of art. As a sign of recognition, K hangs some of those pieces on walls, and displays others throughout campus landscapes. The Office of Student Involvement (OSI) will now sponsor another sign of recognition for artistic talent: Kalamazoo College Art Prize. The event will exhibit K students’ artwork and will feature local art vendors. Students enjoying the show will have the opportunity to vote for the work they like. The program welcomes any art medium, including perfor- CAMPUS LIFE viola brown index staff writer On May 7, Kalamazoo College hosted its annual Take Back The Night event, which was co-sponsored by S3A (Sexual Safety and Support Alliance) and P.O.W.E.R. (Progressive Organization of Women Engaged in Revolution). This event is a worldwide direct action that emerged in the 1970s against rape, intimate partner INSIDE violence, and other forms of sexual violence and assault. The night started off with a “speak out,” during which nine speakers relayed their personal experiences and/or second hand accounts of sexual violence. Then, the event separated according to gender and while the men were in a discussion, the women went on a march along West Main to the intramural fields. While at the fields, all the women gathered in a candle-lit circle where they were free to share any experiences they have had with sexual assault. “Every year we have seen an increasing number of students attending all parts of the event, and this year was The Issue News................................2 Opinions.........................4 Arts....................................5 Giggle..............................6 Sports.............................8 NIGHT on page 2 ART on page 2 HOUSING K Students Take Back the Night The event that brings awareness to intimate partner violence and sexual assault was held May 7 mances, documentary films, and visual art. “This event is the first of its kind to happen at Kalamazoo College,” said Kari Paine ‘14, one of the OSI interns. “[OSI has] modeled it off of the popular Grand Rapids Art Prize event, but [has] made it specific to K.” The Grand Rapids Art Prize event began in 2009, and proved to be a huge success. It was the first time that locals were the ones to decide upon the overall winners. Although Kalamazoo’s Art Prize will be at a much smaller scale, it still hopes to draw the same appeal. Mirroring the Grand Rapids Art Prize event, Kalamazoo’s Art Prize will determine its winner by both popular and jury vote. Student voting will take place from 9:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Limited number of juniors to live offcampus Poetry: Natasha Miller, delivering one of her passionate poetic pieces. Miller visited Kalamazoo College April 25 “Young Democrat of the Year” Distinction Awarded to K Senior Abby Minor ‘14 was honored by the Michigan Democratic Party on April 26 mallika mitra features editor On April 26, senior Abigail Miner won the “Young Democrat of the Year” award from the Michigan Demo- cratic Party. At the annual Jefferson-Jackson fundraising and awards dinner at the Cobo Center in Detroit, Miner was presented her award and dined with several politicians who are currently serving or running for state and federal offices. According to Miner, the Michigan Democratic Party gives the “Young Democrat news opinion K Senior recieves Party Honors Proud to be a Hornet Abby Minor ‘14 was honored as the “Young Democrat of the Year” at the party’s April 26th gathering at the Cobo Center in Detroit. Notable attendees included former president Bill Clinton. PAGE 2 In a response to Justin Danzy’s critique of the Kalamazoo College Football Team, Ryan Gregory ‘14 reflects on his experience as an African American on the team. For Gregory the experience was a positive one. PAGE 4 of the Year” award to anyone under thirty-five for “distinction in service, recruitment, innovation, and fundraising,” and that it has been several years since the award was given to a woman. Miner was on the executive board of the Michigan Federation of College Democrats (MFCD) for about 14 MINOR on page 2 Rising juniors will be able to seek offcampus housing next school year due to the growing student body marquise griffin index staff writer In the fall of the 20132014 school year, Kalamazoo College enrolled the largest first-year class in the recent history of the College. The record enrollment included 450 students for the class of 2017, along with 14 transfer students, for a total of 464 new students. The large amount of new students affected the campus community in unique HOUSING on page 2 sports Men’s Tennis Team Remembers Seniors Following their playoff defeat in Pennsylvania, it is time for the Men’s Tennis Team to say goodbye to their senior members, who have provided the Hornets with leadership and a 76th straight MIAA title. PAGE 8 Pizza’s Kitchen One journalist’s story of eating with restrictions one week at a time. INSIDE Page 4 TODAY’S HIGH: 66 DEGREES VOLUME CXXXVII ISSUE XXIV News PAGE 2 PHOTO OF THE WEEK 14 MAY 2014 Art Prize to Display Kalamazoo College’s Artistic Talent ART FROM PAGE 1 Graham Key/Index May 31, and the winners will be announced at 11:45 p.m. By hosting Art Prize in Hicks Student Center, OSI hopes to view the event as more than just a showcase of art pieces. The set up will be unlike other Zoo after Dark events: art pieces will decorate Hick’s walls and hallways. Students will walk through a set path of corridors, simulating a true experience of an exhibit. The event will not be limited to being an art gallery; documentary film screenings, circus performances, poetry, crafts, activities, and free food will be available for visitors to enjoy. The winner’s award will be a “night on the Town.” The winning artists will be provided transportation to and from the Alamo Draft House Cinema, dinner, and a movie. The winner may also pick four friends to accompany him or her throughout the night. The event will be held on May 31, with the deadline for submitting pieces being May 21. To register, email Flame On: Penelope Owen ‘16 juggles flames outside of Stetson Chapel late Monday night. Crystal Ball’s Impact Wanes IMPACT FROM PAGE 1 of the event. Dallas Pallone ‘17 stated, “Basically I just really hope that people are respectful of drag and take the event seriously.” When asked what she hoped she would gain through this event Olivia Finkelstein ‘17 responded, “things to be gained for the campus is what happens throughout the week with the education and community reflection, and becoming informed about drag, but the event itself is not that constructive.” Overall, there was a general response from students and the organizers for there to be more discussions and reflections of the present issues that extend beyond Crystal Ball and should be considered consistently throughout the year. In efforts of continuing the discussion there will be a Talkback on Wednesday, May 13 with the time and place to be determined. This Talkback will include dialogue about certain aspects of the event, as well as listening to students reflect about the event as a whole. “Young Democrat of the Year” Distinction Awarded to K Senior MINOR FROM PAGE 1 months, during which she managed college chapters of College Democrats at different schools and hosted conferences for members across the state to get together, she said. According to Miner, her duties also included acting as a liaison between MFCD and chapter leaders, and sometimes with different candidates who wanted volunteers. Miner was also the secretary of Kalamazoo College Democrats during her sophomore year. “When they first called me I definitely thought it was a joke,” Miner said about first receiving the phone call from the Executive Director of the Michigan Party informing her that she had won the award. “My gut reaction was that they had called the wrong person.” According to Miner, the Jefferson-Jackson dinner is an award ceremony and fundraiser that the Michigan Democratic Party holds every year, and this year raised over $5,000. Miner was able to meet Bill Clinton, the event’s keynote speaker, and dined with U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow. “It was a big honor to be taken seriously as someone who is 22 years old in a room of people who are 20, 30, 40 years older than me,” Miner said. She explained that when the Michigan Democratic Party chooses the awardee, there is “a table discussion” about four different awards that are given out. Miner said she believes she was chosen because this year the party emphasized the importance of membership recruitment, and she did a good job with recruitment, bringing about 600 new members to the Democratic Party. Miner said she greatly appreciates K’s Political Science department for funding her trip to Detroit for the awards dinner. “I’m hoping to work one or two years before applying to grad school for public policy,” Miner said about her plans after graduation. She added that she hopes to work on a campaign and stay in Michigan for at least one election cycle. K Students Take Back the Night NIGHT FROM PAGE 1 no exception. I also feel that this year the stories that were shared represented a wider variety of experiences than we have had in the past,” said Lindsey Koening ‘14, one of the co-leaders of P.O.W.E.R. and a member of S3A. Take Back The Night planning starts as early as winter quarter, and takes up much of the time during P.O.W.E.R. meetings. “Planning for Take Back the Night is extremely extensive. Most of the time in our meetings leading up to TBTN was devoted to planning for the event, and getting people to volunteer for tasks regarding the event (advertising, tabling, etc.),” said Emaline Lapinski ‘15, another co-leader of P.O.W.E.R. “As one of the co-leaders, and I’m sure Lindsey can attest to this, planning for the event takes up a lot of our free time outside classes.” Both Lindsey and Emaline have been attending the event since their freshman year and believe that it is very beneficial to K because sexual violence is an important issue that is prevalent on college campuses. It also gives a voice to “Our event helps clear the confusion up within the student body,” an issue that is usually silent. “Many people still do not know if their experiences can ‘count’ as a ‘legitimate’ form of assault, and our event helps clear the confusion up within the student body,” Lapins- ki said. “I also feel like the separate male and female discussions about rape and rape culture educate our student body about what these things can look like, as well as what can be done to stop it. I know for a lot of women, the event is therapeutic for them, and provides a safe space for their stories to be told.” Both leaders find the event to be very important. According to Lapinski, even though she is not a survivor of sexual assault or rape, the event is important because “as a feminist, [she] feels that destroying rape culture will move our society forward.” “Although heartbreaking, every year this event not only revitalizes my drive to help survivors as a career, but it reestablishes that intimate partner violence and sexual assault need to be talked about and that the culture that we live in needs to change,” Koening concluded. Administration: Some Juniors Allowed Off-Campus For Fall 2014 HOUSING FROM PAGE 1 ways, specifically regarding housing and roommate assignments. Eric Staab, Dean of Admission and Financial Aid, commented in the fall that no one was more surprised about the enrollment size than Admissions. “You don’t ever know the percentage of accepted students that will actually matriculate until it happens,” he said. Because of the influx of first-year students, the Office of Residential Life had to scramble to adjust. Dana Jansma, Associate Dean of Students, said Residential Life heard from Admissions that the class would be large but they did not know how large. “The deadline for accepted students to submit their deposit is May 1,” Jansma explained, “So around May 15th we sent an email to rising juniors notifying them that of a lottery to allow off-campus housing in the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year.” Normally juniors are not allowed to live off-campus until their spring quarter, but the large incoming class created an exception. “Last year was an anomaly,” Jansma declared. “I’ve been here 14 years and that has never happened before.” However, now the process is being repeated for next school year. On May 6, Mike Sosulski, Dean of the Sophomore Class sent out an email to the class of 2016 stating, “Residential Life is now offering the opportunity to allow a limited number of current sophomores (a.k.a rising juniors) the opportunity to move off campus for the entire academic year next year. Normally juniors are required to live on campus through winter quarter. Remember that there are only a limited number of spaces available for rising juniors to be released for fall and winter quarters.” The fall housing process will take place during ninth week with the lottery numbers released online next week. FOLLOW THE INDEX ON TWITTER @KCollegeIndex STAY IN THE KNOW Want to Advertise With Us? DO IT! We can design and place ads for your business, or organization in a wide array of size options! Student Organization ads are free-of-charge. Contact our Business Manager Ogden Wright for more information by email at 14 MAY 2014 The Index ONE-HUNDRED-THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE STUDENT Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief......................Allison Tinsey Associate Editor..................Graham Key Layout Editor...................Ray Hernández News Editor.....................Katie Schmitz Features Editor........................Mallika Mitra Opinions Editor.......................Emily Pizza Arts & Entertainment Editor....Sarah Wallace Sports Editor.......................Daniel Herrick Web Editor.............................Clare Lee Business Manager...................Ogden Wright Copy Editor.........................Francesca DeAnda General Staff Artists in Residence................Shelby Tuthill Staff Photographer....................Robert Manor Staff Photographer...................Megan Rigney Staff Writer...............................Viola Brown Staff Writer........................Trisha Dunham Staff Writer...............................Colin Smith Staff Writer........................Marquise Griffin Staff Writer........Kamal M. Kamalaldin Staff Writer..................Justina Kilumelume Staf Writer............................Emily Kotz Staff Writer......................Camden Krusec Staff Writer.......................Spencer MacDonald Staff Writer..........................Olivia Nalugya Editorial Policy We, the Index staff, produce this publication to accomplish the following goals: The Index will serve as a means of communication between students, administrators and members of the community. We will respect all opinions and present them in an unbiased manner. The Index will inform and entertain readers and address trends and issues important to its audience. Although we are a staff comprised solely of unpaid student members, we will strive to make The Index accurate and truthful to adhere to all standards of professional journalism. We recognize and respect the privileges given to us under the First Amendment, including the freedoms of speech and of the press. The Index is a form of editorial expression and we, the staff have the authority to make our own content decisions. We will provide a sounding board for the campus community; therefore the opinions expressed in by-lines, opinion articles and letters should not be considered to be the opinions of the newspaper staff as a whole. Submissions Policy The Index encourages reader response in the form of letters to the editor. The Index reserves the right to edit for clarity, length, grammar and libel. Also reserved is the right to not print letters to the editor or to print them in their entirety. Signed letters are preferred, but unsinged letters dealing with sensitive issues will be accepted and printed at the discretion of the editorial board. Letters should be submitted via email by midnight on the Sunday before the issue in which they are to appear. Please contact the Index with any further issues, comments or inquiries. Please keep letters under 300 words. HUMANS OF K Features PAGE 3 Margot Couraud: Outdoor Leader mallika mitra features editor Many may see Margot Couraud ’16 around campus with her signature spunky, short hair, but few know how much she thrives in the backcountry. According to Margot, as a member of the executive board of the Kalamazoo Outing Club (KOC), she has “to put together meetings, make sure trips are running, get trip sponsors, and manage a budget.” As a board member, she attends KOC meetings every Friday, meets once a week with the rest of the board, and meets once a week with the board and the Outdoors Programs interns. “I like to orchestrate outdoor events for people,” Margot said. “It’s a really great community.” This past summer, Margot was a LandSea leader. “It was a great experience for me because I love being a part of that community and it was just a great group of people and a great program,” she said. “I think it can challenge people from a physical and mental standpoint. Being a LandSea leader helped make me believe in myself and grow in confidence because I knew my patrol Sophomore Margot Couraud enjoying the outdoors. Margot is on the Kalamazoo Outing Club Executive Board trusted me, and being there for them was really great.” The sophomore has also led trips with the KOC, including the spring break trip to Big Bend National Park, which she said was one of her favorite trips to lead. She got to co-lead with some amazing people, found the national park to be a “really cool place,” and was “happily surprised by how diverse the landscape was.” “I think that being outdoors is a chance to get away from the normal stresses of life. People have a chance to slow down and get to know each other,” Margot said. You get a chance to think about what’s really important.” This summer, she will be working at Crystalaire Adventures, a camp for outdoors trips, as a logistics manager. She will handle logistical aspects of the camp’s trips, including planning routes and figuring out food proportions. As a member of the Kalama- EnvOrg and Student Commission Reach Day of Gracious Living Water Compromise neeha mian envorg contributor At last Monday’s Student Commission meeting, there was an initiative for StuComm to reach a solution on the previous conversation of having single-use water bottles at Day of Gracious Living (DOGL). It was decided earlier that StuComm would respect EnvOrg’s wishes to not provide single-use water bottles due to the negative environmental effects it would cause. One solution reached was utilizing the large Gatorade jugs owned by the athletic department. However, the issue of how the water will be distributed and with what containers concerned StuComm and EnvOrg. Earlier in the week, StuComm had sent a representative, Amanda Johnson ’17, to an EnvOrg meeting to come up with multiple options that would be presented at the StuComm meeting, and later voted on. The StuComm meeting began with multiple EnvOrg members making public comments on behalf of more sustainable solutions for DoGL, and urging StuComm to think of the potential impact the campus would have if support was shown for environmental stewardship. The options were presented, and concerns were raised by various StuComm members about the logistics of certain options, such as transportation, waste management, sanitation, and sustainability. Ultimately, all concerns were taken into account on both sides, and a decision was reached to collect 250 cups from around campus and from trisha dunham E very Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday morning, the dedicated students of the Conditioning and Speed physical education course pull themselves out of bed and head over to the Anderson Athletic Center’s weight room for the 6:15 a.m. start time. The course consists of about 70 students. A majority of them are members of the football team, for which the course is mandatory. However, the remainder of the students are voluntary participants, seven of whom are female. According to Assistant Coach Ryan McElwain, the common goal of the course which is “to increase your overall fitness level, as well as awareness,” and improve overall LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Kalamazoo College Dining Services and StuComm would purchase 250 designated sustainable cups. The StuComm meeting ended with K senior and President of EnvOrg Emma Dolce ’14, expressing her concern for StuComm to take a more active role in sustainability on campus, and to become more aware of various actors on campus who share this concern as well. As DoGL approaches, StuComm will also be encouraging students to bring their own reusable water bottles to minimize waste at the beach. Kazoo Frisbee Teams to Hold Annual BBUT Tournament trisha dunham index staff writer On Saturday May 10, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., the Kalamazoo College Ultimate Frisbee (KCUF) teams hosted their annual Beez Buzz Ulitimate Tournament. This is a hat tournament in which anyone from either the Kalamazoo College community or greater Kalamazoo community is welcome and encouraged to play. Women’s team captain Christina Lehman ’14 explained that the tournament is a fundraiser for the Frisbee team, and that the organizers try to advertise as much as possible by inviting the entire campus and tabling in Hicks. “There’s a fundraising element, [but] it’s really about tradition,” said men’s team captain Woody Tauke ’14. “Members of the community really rely on it”. A Closer Look at the Women of Conditioning index staff writer zoo College Cross Country Team, Margot spends a lot of free time running. She also enjoys watching “How I Met Your Mother,” and her favorite movie is “Little Miss Sunshine.” Currently, she is listening to Fleet Foxes, Beach House, and The Temper Trap. While she isn’t at school, Margot lives in East Lansing, Michigan with her mother, father, and dog Rusty. They, along with her older sister, are “a great support system.” “physical and mental health.” McElwain said that all participants of the course take part in the same activities, regardless of gender. He added that throughout the course he himself does not “motivate the women differently” and that motivation “varies by individual, not by gender.” Female students Claire McCarthy ’16 and Simone Arora ’15 confirmed McElwain’s statement. “[The coaches are] very encouraging at whatever level any of us are at,” McCarthy said. “The coaches really push us in a positive way,” Arora explained. Coach McElwain reflected on the impact the women have had on the football players. “The women are inspirational for the football players. They are willing to come and want to get in shape,” he said. McCarthy said her reasoning for taking the course was that she “missed having a team and being held accountable.” “I’m doing it for me, not for anyone else,” McCarthy added. She explained that, although in the beginning she felt a bit uncomfortable and intimated by the football players, she has come to understand that she is not working against them, but working with them. McCarthy said she has begun to feel more empowered. “I am using my body in a very physical way. I am proving to myself that I am strong,” she said. Arora added that her reason for taking the course was that she “wanted to learn something new from people that really know what they’re talking about.” She said this has definitely become one of her favorite courses she has taken at K. Fellow student Lauren Zehnder ’17 explained that during the course she has not necessarily become more empowered because she never felt powerless. “But I definitely feel more confident,” Zehnder said. She added that she is really enjoying the course and hopes to take it again next year. “I am using my body in a very physical way. I am proving to myself that I am strong.” THERE’S MORE! A majority of the members of the community that participate are either alumni from KCUF or members of the Kalamazoo Ultimate Disk League, known as KUDL and pronounced like “cuddle”. This year’s tournament was one of the biggest yet, with about 80 people signed up. The cost for each participant is $10, which includes refreshments and lunch. All remaining profits are put into the KCUF account for the following year’s team. Tauke explained that the club has, “never really done much fundraising” and that “it’s something new to the club this year.” The reason behind these fundraising efforts involved difficulties the team encountered during winter quarter when trying to secure practice space from school facilities. KCUF had to pay an outside facility in order to continue practicing. The money raised during fundraising went to paying for practice space, but also was put into the club account for next year’s team and team trips. One of the overall goals of KCUF is to keep the club’s cost as low as possible, so that everyone interested is able to participate, something they are only able to do with the support of the school and fundraising. “[This was] part of the reason for the tournament. In case we lose funding from the school, we’ll be able to continue the philosophy of inclusion,” Tauke said. Not everything we write is in this issue. Access photo galleries, archives and breaking news on our website TODAY! PAGE 4 The Index Opinions The Student-Run Paper of Kalamazoo College Since 1877 1200 Academy St. Kalamazoo, MI 48306 FRANCESCA DeANDA ALLISON TINSEY COPY EDITOR EDITOR-IN-CHIEF EMILY PIZZA OPINIONS EDITOR The opinions expressed herein are solely the works of their authors and do not necessarily constitute the official position of The Index. Letters to the editor are welcome, but may be edited for length, grammar and libel. Please direct submissions to our email: For our complete editorial and submissions policy, please visit KELLY LETTER TO OHLRICH THE EDITOR Making an Educated Decision for Secretary of Finance Due to the upcoming run-off election, I believe the student body needs to be better informed about the positions they are voting for. As current Secretary of Finance for Student Commission, I feel that I can accurately tell you who is needed for this very demanding full-time job. Being the Secretary of Finance requires a great deal of energy, patience, and humility. This person is not only in charge of managing over $112,000 of your money, but also constantly works with student organizations to make sure their events can run smoothly. From registration to reimbursement, the Secretary of Finance is your advocate for accessing Student Activities Fee money. Just as this position is extremely important, so is your decision in this Thursday’s election. To start, this position requires constant and instant replies to emails - always. You can never be late, forget, or skip a meeting, and exceptional organization is needed to balance things smoothly. You must have excellent time management skills, as there is little time to study because you will inevitably put your job and fellow students first. This is not a resume booster. It requires constant dedication and persistence, and a real and deep desire to help your fellow students. Students need a Secretary of Finance who is so proactive that they have already made it a priority and started the job as a Commissioner. They must already know what they are doing and have a plan in place for next year. They have even already called the bank personally to finally figure out how to get student organizations debit cards. I have certainly not been perfect in this position. However, after four quarters, I know what it takes to do this job well and believe that I have done the best I can. This is your money on the line: which candidate will you trust with this responsibility? Take a look at the one who has really been campaigning and reaching out to students - the choice should be clear. Kelly Ohlrich ‘14 is the current Secretary of Finance for the Student Commission RYAN LETTER TO GREGORY THE EDITOR Proud to be a Hornet While last week's issue gave a voice to a player who felt alienated by the Football Program, he failed to acknowledge his overrepresentation of the black community as a whole. As a former captain of the football team and an African American male, I feel it is imperative to portray the FAMILY that I have been a part of for the last four years. Arriving on K’s campus was definitely a culture shock; the diversity and beliefs here differ greatly from the Metro Detroit socialization I received. However, that is the beauty of going to college, especially an institution like Kalamazoo College. You are supposed to leave your comfort zone; things that worked in high school will not guarantee you success in college, whether it’s academically, socially or athletically. Yes, things can be difficult here. We’re all experiencing new things and learning on the fly, but getting through this and coming out on the other side is the most rewarding part - being able to say, ‘I made it’. As student-athletes we made the decision to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, and to accept the ups and downs that come with this decision. Sometimes the only way to overcome those challenges is to dig deep and discover the answer yourself. Players, both black and white, have chosen to walk away from the team. However, these were personal decisions that were not based off of race. During the recruiting process, Kalamazoo College was the only school that went above and beyond to ensure that I felt a part of a family, and not just another black kid who was good at football. I’m aware that other minorities have come on this campus and felt alienated and without a support group, but before I ever stepped foot on this campus I felt a part of a family. As a freshman, I began fall quarter with 80-plus brothers (of all races) who had my back and were willing to help me grind through any obstacle I encountered. Even if a player was not on the same page as the team or wanted nothing to do with us, we supported them and let them know that we were there for them, because that’s what families do. Besides my brothers on the team, I had a father figure in Coach Zorbo who was always on my side. Coach LETTER TO THE EDITOR Using the Term “Ally” The colloquialism of the term “Ally” on this campus is problematic. Kalamazoo College students have adopted this term as a way of has pushed me to be the best in everything that I do. Because of Coach Zorbo, I’ve learned not to be content with the average, but rather, to always strive for excellence. I’ve seen this man bend over backwards to ensure that all of his players are capable of reaching their full potential, especially African American players. Coach isn’t naïve to the cultural differences here at K, and I know he has done everything in his power to make Kalamazoo feel like home to all his players. I can’t think of another group or team on K’s campus that is as diverse or accepting than the football team. I’m writing this letter to express that there are other outcomes for African Americans here. You have the power and ability to gain as much as possible from this institution and football program. It all depends on how much you put into it and if you take advantage of the opportunities placed in front of you. I promise you that doors will open for you like you have never imagined possible. I have enjoyed and loved my four years as a student-athlete at K, and will forever be a Hornet. Ryan Gregory is a K senior glorifying themselves. It is a way to claim a ‘social justice’ identity without actually having to participate in the associated movements. It is a noun taking the place of a verb. Calling yourself an “Ally” provides you with an unnecessary space. Your “Allyship” draws attention away from the work of marginalized people. It clouds their voice. Your self-identification as an “Ally” does not assist the progression of their 14 MAY 2014 Pizza’s Kitchen No Labels Drives Me Nuts A fter seven weeks of changing my diet and going from starvation to plentiful meals, I completed my final week Emily Pizza of restrict- Opinions Editor ed dieting: no nuts. Peanut and tree-nut allergies are the most prevalent food allergies, effecting 3 million people in the United States. This contributes to many Americans having an allergic reaction, which could land them in the hospital. Once I started my journey, I realized that most foods were not going to be a problem. I obviously would not eat peanut butter or peanut sauce, but for the most part the meal itself wasn’t the problem. Instead what I was forced to keep an eye on were the desserts, which definitely caused me some trouble. Every day I would go to the dessert section and watch as every single food had “contains nuts” signs next to them, which was definitely frustrating. There was never a dry dessert option like cookies or brownies. I suppose you could always eat ice cream, a bowl of cereal, or a cup of fruit. But chocolate chip cookies without nuts would have been a great treat for me every once and awhile. That said I understand that the chance of contamination is a problem. So, I think that a sign above the foods, cautioning that there could be some contamination; similar to what the cafeteria does for the fried foods on the Home Line. But poor labeling extends beyond the cafeteria. Since the start of my journey six weeks ago, I realized how important the labeling in the cafeteria is since some foods that contained an allergen surprised me. However, I didn’t realize that as much as I did this week. Trying to buy a cookie at the Book Club was like flip- ping a coin, maybe it was totally fine, or maybe (if I actually had a nut allergy) it could kill me. While putting stickers on the cookies - like the ones on the signs in the cafeteria - would definitely be ideal. Perhaps just having the name of the cookie on the basket where they are contained would have made things much easier. You would be surprised how similar peanut butter and sugar cookies look. Overall, I have to congratulate the cafeteria on their progress these past few weeks. I have seen lots of improvements every week that have only helped me through my process. Although there will probably never be a perfect solution to all of these dietary restrictions, I am really glad that we have a group of people so dedicated to making sure that every student can have a safe and yummy meal. “Poor labeling extends beyond the cafeteria. LISA LETTER TO BROCK THE EDITOR Anne Dueweke’s Call to Action In response to the heartfelt series written by Anne Dueweke, which I read as a call to action, I offer the following sources to those who want to dig deeper in their understanding of race, racism and the African-American Experience in the United States. Here are twelve books and four films/ documentaries that address the topic in different ways and on different epochs. I hope this is useful. Books Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (Free Press, 2012) Martha Biondi, The Black Revolution Campus (University of California Press, 2012) Eduardo Bonilla Silva, Racism without Racist; Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America (Rowan and Littlefield, 2013) Michael Gomez, Exchanging Our Country Marks: The Transformation of African Identities in the Colonial and Antebellum South (Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1998) Cheryl Harris, Whiteness as Property (Harvard Law Review, Vol. 106, No. 8, pp. 1707, 1993) Leon Litwack, Trouble in Mind (Vintage Press, 1999) Jeanne Theoharis, The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks (Beacon Press, 2013) Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark (Vintage, 1993) David Roediger, The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class (Verso, 2007) Randall Robinson, The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks (Plume, 2001) Craig Wilder, Ebony and Ivy: Race, Slavery and the Trouble History of America’s Universities (Bloomsbury Press, 2013) Harriet Washington, Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present (Doubleday, 2007) Films Eyes on the Prize: American Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1985 (Produced/Directed by Henry Hampton of Blackside, released 1987) Twelve Years a Slave (Director, Steve McQueen, 2013) Slavery By Another Name: The Re-Enactment of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II (Written by Douglass Blackman, Producer/ Director Sam Pollard, 2012) Fruitvale Station, (Produced & Directed by Ryan Coogler, 2012) work. It is not about the labels you place on yourself. It is about what actions you take to support oppressed communities. Your adoption of “Allyship” creates stagnation where movement is essential. Your work does not finish because you label yourself an “Ally.” It is a way of life that should not require any label. It is not about you. It is about collaboration. Using phrases like “working in conjunction with” or “collaboration with” place the focus on the underrepresented instead of on you. Your goal should be to create meaningful relationships. Not create an exploitative dialogue where people are dehumanized. Marginalized people should not be utilized as banks of information about their experiences. They are not here to inform you of your priv- ilege. That’s your job. That being said, one of your tasks is to listen and to show up. That is what working in collaboration looks like. Your silence is integral to their movements, but so is knowing when to speak up. Cassandra Solis and Isabelle Ciaramitaro are Kalamazoo College Sophomores Arts 14 MAY 2014 PAGE 5 Saturday’s Jazz Band Performance not a Drag EVENTS emily pizza opinions editor Thursday, 5/15 T he Jazz band concert Saturday was definitely a change of pace from previous concerts, as several of the band members were dressed up in drag. Stepping onto the stage, these performers looked completely different, but as soon as they started playing, their true identity showed through. Their first song, Rooster Parade, required the audience to start the tune by clapping to the beat which definitely pulled them into the uphill of this musical rollercoaster. The star of this song was piano player Ian Williams ’17, who moved his hands up and down the keys as if he was born to do just that. Even director Tom Evans couldn’t contain his impressed clapping as Williams finished. The second song, Rivers, was another tune, which featured drummer Chris Monsour ‘16. Even though his legs and arms moved at lightning speed, his sunglasses gave him the appearance that it was just another walk in the park. Peer Gynt 7:30 p.m. Nelda K. Balch Playhouse Friday, 5/16 Peer Gynt 8:00 p.m. Nelda K. Balch Playhouse Saturday, 5/17 Jazzy Nights: Ian Williams ‘17, Sam Lichtman-Mikol ‘15, and Brad Stech ‘15 jam out in drag during Saturday night’s performance. Baritone saxophone player, Lasse Grunewald WMU ’15 was also a spectacle in this tune; dropping to those low notes from an octave above was impressive to everyone listening. A later piece, Freddie Freeloader, was slower and more bluesy than the earlier songs. While multiple soloists performed, two really stuck out. Alto sax player Joe Barth ‘14 moved up and down scales during his solo like crazy, and never missed a note. Bass player Curtis Gough ’14 finished the song out with a solo that made everyone’s eyes bug out. His ability to move up and down his instrument showed a mastery that many players could only dream of. For a chance of pace, a Latin piece, Fiesta Bahia, was thrown into the mix. The song took off so fast that I could hardly keep the beat. Luckily, drummer Monsour was able to keep it better than I could. Barth one again showed his skills during his solo, moving through scale notes in a peculiar order that kept the audience on its toes, but never gave a wrong sound. However, piano player Ian Williams once again stole the song with his solo that used every key on the piano, top to bottom. The whole group, however, really showed skill in their unison pauses. As a musician myself, I can attest to how difficult It can be to get four people to stop playing at the same time, let alone 17. Finally, the band concluded with an encore of “Walk The Dinosaur” featuring Brian Craig ’14 singing the lyrics and doing the dance up on the stage. The audience erupted into cheers at the end of the song and putting an end to a truly fantastic year of formal jazz band concerts. Gilmore Free Day Comes To Kalamazoo emily katz opinions editor Kalamazoo College welcomed Welsh pianist Llŷr Williams to perform last Tuesday in Stetson Chapel as part of the Gilmore International Piano Festival’s free day at the College. The festival is celebrating its 25th anniversary, so far holding five such similar concerts all in the chapel at 2:00 p.m. In his third performance of the festival, Williams continued to perform a collection of Beethoven Sonatas with paramount talent, shining through each piece’s technical difficulties with effortless ability. The selected program included Beethoven’s famous “Funeral March,” sonata No. 27 in E Minor, Op. 90, and sonata No. 32 in C Minor, Op. 111. Each piece exemplified Williams’ mastery of Beethoven’s swift thematic changes and explosive finger patterns imbedded within each movement. The extreme nature of Beethoven’s work, the sweeping range of intense highs and lows, fill his sonatas to their core. Williams began the program with the “Funeral March,” a reflection of Beethoven’s abrupt and dynamic compositional methods, and so requiring an extreme sense of dexterity to grapple with and play. Williams’ transitions between Beethoven’s musical mood swings with succinct eloquence in both sound and stamina. His hands work total control over the high tempos and chilling tumult of notes to then transition smoothly into the grandeur, deep, and echoing melodies. Sonata No. 27 offers different challenges, none of which Williams had doubt over. A call and response narrative is played between the two hands, comparing the two main themes of the piece in individual style. Translated from German, the piece’s title comes to be, “with liveliness and with feeling and expression throughout,” and Williams portrays this to the greatest effect possible. Harsh, resounding chords are contrasted to light crystal clean touches given to the shrill high notes. Williams approaches the keyboard with an equal mixture of toughness yet sensitivity, able to draw out the two opposing aspects of the piece with force and flowing style. Positioning Sonata No. 32 as his last piece, Williams displayed his virtuosity in commanding Beethoven’s work. The sonata is full-bodied, all encompassing work, leaving nothing out to mesmerize the audience in awe of its both simple and complex themes and phrases. And William’s did just that, making the audience become completely immersed in the differing subtle voices arranged in the work. Williams expert use of the foot petals added to the vastness of the arrangement, magnifying each somber or angelic chord. Lifted out of their pews, the rose to give Williams a standing ovation after the final note was allowed to float off into infinity. This concert being a prime example, it has been another successful year for the praised Gilmore Festival. Kalamazoo Thespians Perform Peer with a Twist Gavin Family Band 7:30 p.m. Recital Hall Peer Gynt 8:00 p.m. Nelda K. Balch Playhouse Sunday, 5/18 Irish Music Workshop 12:00 p.m. FAB Room 11 Peer Gynt 2:00 p.m. Nelda K. Balch Playhouse Shurbert and Faure 4:00 p.m. Stetson Chapel Tuesday, 5/20 Bach Community Sing 6:30 p.m. Dalton Theatre Wednesday, 5/21 Bach’s Lunch Concert 12:00 p.m. Recital Hall OFF-CAMPUS EVENTS sarah wallace arts & ent. editor Henrik Ibsen’s slightly profane, possibly offensive yet thrilling romantic dramatic play will be performed by Kalamazoo College students as a part of the close to the Festival Playhouse’s 50th season . The romantic dramatic play is Peer Gynt, and Kalamazoo College will be putting on Colin Teevan’s adaptation of it for the modern stage, first written by Henrik Ibsen. The show is playing this Thursday through Sunday, May 15-18, in the Nelda K. Balch Playhouse. Peer Gynt is the both the name of the play and its main character, and is played by Kyle Lampar ’17. Peer is characterized as someone who will do and say anything to get what he wants. Lampar described his character as “vulgar, carefree, and unapologetic…but behind that persona of tough teenage angst, there’s a fragile individual who only wishes to fulfill his dreams.” This modern stage edition of Peer Gynt comes with updated language and situations. Guest Director Todd Espeland believes will make this more accessible for Kalamazoo College students. “The roughness of the language, modernizing Peer’s adventures by making him a human trafficker, and its references to the way we idolize TV celebrities, brings Ibsen's message into the 21st century while ON-CAMPUS Friday, 5/16 Annie Get Your Gun 7:30 p.m. Civic Theatre Auditorium Saturday, 5/17 Annie Get Your Gun 7:30 p.m. Civic Theatre Auditorium Raunch and Roll 8:00 p.m. Barn Theatre Sunday, 5/18 Peer Gynt: Performers in the Theater Department’s rendition of Peer Gynt rehearse. Peer will close out the troop’s 50th season. still keeping the heart of the fairy tale.” These differences include the mentioning of current cultural norms. Dramaturg David Landskroener ’14 elaborated on the modernization. “The ever-increasing modern societal message is that everything is about ‘me,’ which this adaptation deconstructs in an even more timely and resonant fashion through references to reality TV,” said Landskroener. The show opens Thursday, May 15 at 7:30 p.m. (which is “pay-whatyou-can” night), and runs Friday and Saturday, May 16-17, at 8:00 p.m., and Sunday, May 18, at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $5 for students, $10 for seniors, and $15 for other adults and may be purchased at the door. To make reservations, please call 269.337.7333 or visit the website for more information. Int’l Art Museum Day 11:00 - 5:00 p.m. Kalamazoo Institute of Art Annie Get Your Gun 2:00 p.m. Civic Theatre Auditorium The City Sings Bach (times vary) Area Churches Monday, 5/20 ARTbreak: Images to Inspire: Bobats, Great Horned Owls and Bald Eagles 12:00 p.m. Kalamazoo Institute of Art Giggle sometimes your life just needs a little laughter PAGE 6 Sh*t K Professors Say K professors are known for their zany outbursts and unusual anecdotes. The Index likes to capture those moments of beyond the pale lecture and immortalize them in cartoon form. “Papers that you love are like children, they never quite come out the way way you want.” “Jefferson was one twisted balloon animal” THE ONION Four United States Senators Mauled During Thursday’s Congressional Tiger Show FROM THE ONION NEWS NETWORK WASHINGTON—Four United States senators are reportedly recovering in Washington-area hospitals today following a shocking and grisly incident Thursday night, when a 480-pound male tiger brutally mauled the elected officials in front of a full audience at the nightly Congressional Exotic Live Tiger Show held in the senate chamber. “At the time of the incident, [Sen.] Dianne [Feinstein (D-CA)] and I were performing a routine flaming ring jump—a trick we’ve done hundreds of times during the show’s nine-year run—when Marduk, one of our white Bengal tigers, swatted her to the ground and then proceeded to clench her in his teeth and toss her around on the podium for several seconds,” said chief congressional tiger-master and two-term Georgia senator Saxby Chambliss, appearing deeply shaken as he explained how the tiger then leapt into the crowd and attacked Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Carl Levin (D-MI), and Pat Roberts (R-KS), dragging the latter by the neck out to the Capitol rotunda. “I still have no idea what went wrong. Marduk had been completely docile and compliant from the beginning of the show when I commanded him and [Siberian tiger] Georgina to stand up KROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Nautical 6. Pint-sized 9. CIA employee (abbr.) 12. “Phantom of the ______” 13. ______ Howard of “Happy Days” 14. One (Sp.) 15. Handling 17. Total 18. Put in again 20. Movie awards 23. Of the countryside 26. Scheme 27. Owns 30. Festive occasion 31. Weight measure 32. Swiss mountain 33. Allow 34. Restless desire 36. According to 37. Wealthy 38. Good spirits 40. Military command (2 wds.) 42. Used logic 45. ____ voyage! The Week 47. Overfull 51. Spanish career 52. Before, to Shakespeare 53. Taunt 54. “The ____ Couple” 55. _____ Plaines 56. Sultan’s wives DOWN Negative word 2. Tax mo. 3. Neckline shape 4. Biblical mountain 5. Tardier 6. Small bird 7. Long periods 8. Join in 9. Sydney’s country 10. Large antelope 11. Male cat 16. Accident 19. Toupee, slangily 20. Of the eye 21. Slow-moving mammal 22. Worried 24. Baldwin and Guinness on their hind legs at the start of the Pledge of Allegiance, to when Mitch [McConnell] led him through his choreographed leaps across all 100 senate desks. It’s just a terrible tragedy.” In the wake of the incident, all upcoming live tiger shows have been canceled indefinitely, though congressional sources confirmed The Magic Of McCain Illusion Extravaganza would continue its twice-nightly performances as scheduled. 25. Woodturning machine 28. Pub beverage 29. Leapt 35. Laughing sound 37. What Moses parted (2 wds.) 39. Sped 41. Fangs 43. Tender 44. Dollar bills 45. Ghost’s shout 46. Not new 48. Paving liquid 49. WNW’s opposite 50. Rep.’s opponent Ahead W Wednesday, May 14 Intercultural House Forum 4:00 PM Banquet Hall Th Thursday, May 15 Armstrong Lecture 7:00 PM Olmstead Room S Saturday, May 17 Music of the Night 9:00 PM Upper Quad T Saturday, May 20 Mapping Project Discussion 4:00 PM Dewing 103 To see the full schedule, or sign up visit our website! F OR MORE INFORMATION : O UTDOOR P ROGRAMS @ KZOO . EDU HTTP :// REASON . KZOO . EDU / OUTDOOR F ACEBOOK . COM /K ZOO O UTDOOR P ROGRAMS 269-337-7357 MozinaGriffin Murder-Suicide on a Small Campus Gail Griffin Wednesday May 14, 2014 6 – 8 pm Hicks Center Banquet Room Kalamazoo College 269-337-7317 Mills June 18-23: Pictured Rocks Back packing “The Events of October” Books available for purchase. Refreshments will be provided. Hess June 16-23: Wilderness Medical Associates Courses Enjoy an evening with four faculty authors as they read from and sign their newest books. SIGN UP NOW: FOURINANEVENING. FOR KALAMAZOO COLLEGE OUTDOOR PROGRAMS Kalamazoo College Bookstore Presents WE WANT YOU SPORTS PAGE 8 THE INDEX MAY 14, 2014 Baseball Team Falls in FirstEver MIAA Tournament Slot spencer macdonald index staff writer The Kalamazoo College Baseball team was defeated in the program’s first ever MIAA playoff appearance, falling to Adrian College 17-1 last Wednesday and then 10-3 in the elimination game against Hope on Thursday. First year Nate Donovan scored the only run in the first game against the Bulldogs as his fellow classmate Mario Ferrini drove him in. Sophomore pitcher Dylan Pierce, who held Adrian to one run over six innings in his last outing against them, struggled early on and allowed the Bulldogs to jump out to an early 7-0 lead. In the second game, Marc Zughaib led the charge in his final appearance in orange and black, going 2-4 on the day. Juniors Carter Chandler and Joey Aliota both knocked in an RBI a piece in the loss. The Hornets were outmatched in both contests despite beating Hope three out of four games in the regular season and playing a number of close games against Adrian. “I think we let the moment get a little too big for us,” said junior pitcher Adam McDowell. “We’ve proven we can hang with these teams but we just psyched ourselves out a little bit. Hopefully when we get back there next year we’ll be able to compete a little bit more.” The program has seen a drastic turnaround since the appointment of a full time head coach in Mike Ott, who was hired for the 2013 season. The Hornets finished 15-13 in conference play, which is the first winning season since 1990. They also made the postseason for the first time in school history despite fielding a roster filled with youth. The change to a winning culture is trending among many of Kalamazoo College’s athletic teams, but nowhere has the shift been as dramatic as this baseball season. “It was a big step forward for the program,” said junior first baseman Carter Chandler. “This means a lot to the school and the athletic department as they’re trying to change the culture around here. I definitely feel like we’ve helped with that.” The Hornets will enter next season with everybody returning except their captain and starting second baseman Marc Zughaib. Zughaib received All-MIAA second team honors for the second time in his career this season and was pivotal to the team’s success. Even with the loss of a great player and leader, the outlook is still very optimistic for the 2015 season. Outfielder Scott Devine returns for his senior season after garnishing all conference honors as will freshman Mitch VanKoevering. Fellow freshman Ian Kobernick will play a large role for the Hornets next year after batting .377 in his first season, which was good for first on the team. Adam McDowell will head the pitching staff once again for his senior season. “This season we showed not just everybody else, but ourselves too, that we can compete in this league,” said McDowell. “With the most players returning out of any team in the conference, I think the expectation is to not only make the conference tournament but to win it as well.” Men’s Tennis Says Goodbye to Senior Members daniel herrick sports editor After defeating Grove City 5-0 in the first round of NCAA regional play last Friday, the Men’s Tennis team fell 5-0 to Case Western Reserve in the second round on Saturday. The Spartans proved their number two regional ranking and number nine national ranking as they handled the Hornets with little issue. After winning all three double’s matches, Case received wins at number’s one and three singles to complete the 5-0 sweep. The defeat marked the end of the season for the Men’s Tennis team and the end of a career for three seniors: Peter Rothstein, Mike Korn, and Skippy Faber. Korn and Faber were both four-year players at K, while Rothstein transferred into K for his sophomore season from Johns Hopkins. Whether they played three years or four, all of the seniors felt blessed to be a part of this team and this program. “It’s a great feeling to know that I contributed four years to our history,” said Korn. “I hope that I was able to not only have an influence on these last four years, but also on the future players going forward as well.” “It’s special being part of something that means so much to so many different generations,” said Rothstein. “It mean’s a lot because it is bigger than just one year’s team, it means something to 76 years of teams. Each year I was playing for the hundreds of men that have played at K.” Being a part of the legacy is something that these three won’t soon forget. It occupied a special place for all three during their time at K and they would be quick to recommend their program to future generations of players. “I would advise any recruit to give K a long look,” said Faber. “It’s a winning atmosphere where a chance to play in the NCAA tournament is but guaranteed every year.” “If you’re an in-state player, unless you’re a superstar, like D-I level,” said Korn. “K is the school for you. I don’t know why you would look anywhere else.” History and resources are of course factors that speak well for K, but the players feel that Coach Riley should absolutely be mentioned as one of the main reasons for attending K. “He’s a very experienced coach, but he’s more than a coach,” said Korn. “He treats you not just as a player, but as That is all: Skippy Faber ‘14 (left) and Michael Korn ‘14 (right) competing in their final season at Kalamazoo College. Both members are seniors. a person. He’s very interested in your development both on and off the court.” “He brings out the best in players and makes the entire experience of playing college tennis much more enjoyable,” said Faber. “Which is a lot more than what can be said for other programs.” Follow Index Sports on Twitter! @IndexSports Rothstein had the unique opportunity to play for two college tennis programs and provides a unique perspective on the K program because of it. “At Hopkins, there was no winning tradition. After graduation, it was the end of Hopkins tennis,” said Rothstein. “At K, you are in the family for life.” Sidelines Tennis (M) 5/9 Grove City (@Carnegie Mellon): W, 5-0 5/10 Case Western Reserve (@ Carnegie Mellon): W, 5-0 Baseball 5/7 @Adrian: L, 17-1 5/8 Hope (@Adrian): L, 10-3
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