INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Payroll System User Manual Version 12 2002 Edition Copyright ITS ITS Payroll System Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION {HRM-2} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 1.1. GENERAL INFORMATION-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 1.2. OVERVIEW OF FINANCIAL SYSTEM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 1.3. OVERVIEW OF PAYROLL SYSTEM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 1.4. LINKING WITH OTHER ITS SYSTEMS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 1.4.1. Financial Code Structure Subsystem (CSS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 1.4.2. Student Accounts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 1.4.3. Staff Loans Subsystem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 1.4.4. Personnel System------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 1.4.5. Salary-Related Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 1.4.6. Reports Required By Salary Section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 1.5. IMPLEMENTATION SEQUENCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 1.6. USE OF COMPUTERISED PAYROLL SYSTEMS IN THE RSA----------------------------------------------------15 1.7. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE INSTITUTION CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------15 1.8. PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING PENSIONERS-----------------------------------------------------------------------15 1.8.1. Financial System -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 1.8.2. Personnel System------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 1.8.3. Payroll System----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 1.8.4. Financial STATS Reporting: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 1.9. 2. HINTS and TIPS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE {FPR-2} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 2.1. INSTITUTION DETAILS {FPRM-1} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 2.2. RUN CYCLE CONTROL FILE {FPRM-2} Ä-------------------------------------------------------------------------24 2.3. EVENT LOG FILE {FPRM-3} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 2.4. CYCLES FOR SCALE SETS {FPRM-4} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------------27 2.5. DEFAULT BONUS MONTHS {FPRM-5} Ä--------------------------------------------------------------------------28 2.6. ACCESS CONTROL PER APPOINTMENT TYPE {FPRM-6} Ä------------------------------------------------30 2.7. SUSPENSE ACCOUNT FOR INACTIVE GLA {FPRM-7} Ä ----------------------------------------------------30 2.8. VALIDATION CONTROL {FPRM-8} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------31 2.8.1. A - Automatic Increases - menu option {FPRN-1}------------------------------------------------------------- 31 2.8.2. N - On-line Notch Validation – menu option {FPRI-1}------------------------------------------------------- 31 2.8.3. R - Automatic Resignation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 2.8.4. B - Copy Start/End Dates on Individuals – menu option {FPRI-2}---------------------------------------- 32 2.9. DATES FOR PAYROLL CYCLES {FPRM-21} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------32 2.10. Clear Audit Trail {FPRM-22} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------34 2.11. Delete Old Individual Transactions {FPRM-23} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------35 2.12. CHEQUE RE-PRINTING {FPRM-24} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------37 2.13. Mentor/Tutor Claims Authorisers {FPRM-25} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------38 2.14. Query Event U Posting Dates {FPRM-27} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------38 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 ii ITS Payroll System Table of Contents 2.15. Reprint/Regenerate UIF File {FPRM-28} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------39 2.16. REPORTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40 2.16.1. Institution Details {FPRMR1-1} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40 2.16.2. Event Log Audit Trail {FPRMR1-2} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 2.16.3. Print Dates For Payroll Cycles {FPRMR1-3} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------- 43 3. CODE SUBSYSTEM {FPR-3} / {FPRC} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 3.1. BANK/BRANCH DETAIL {FPRC-1} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 3.2. RECEIVER OF REVENUE DETAIL {FPRC-2} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------46 3.3. PAY POINTS {FPRC-3} Ä------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 3.4. NOTCH CHANGES/STOP PAYMENT C ODES {FPRC-4} Ä----------------------------------------------------47 3.5. MANAGEMENT REPORT STRUCTURE {FPRC-7} Ä------------------------------------------------------------48 3.6. IRP5 TOTALS {FPRC-21} Ä---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 3.7. REPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------50 3.7.1. IRP5 Total Numbers {FPRCR1-1} Ä----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 3.7.2. Bank List {FPRCR1-2} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 3.7.3. Bank/Branch Detail {FPRCR1-3} Ä------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54 3.7.4. Receiver Detail {FPRCR1-4} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 3.7.5. Pay Points {FPRCR1-5} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 3.7.6. Print Stop Payment Codes {FPRCR1-6} Ä--------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 3.7.7. Print Notch Change Codes {FPRCR1-7} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 3.7.8. Management Report Structure {FPRCR1-21} Ä-------------------------------------------------------------- 59 4. OPERATIONAL MENU : GLOBAL DETAIL {FPRO-1}/{FPRG} -------------------------------------------------58 4.1. SALARY SCALES DETAIL {FPRG-1} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------------58 4.1.1. Validation of Salary Scales {FPRG-1} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 4.2. RANK / SALARY SCALE COMBINATIONS {FPRG-2} Ä --------------------------------------------------------59 4.3. FUNDS DETAIL {FPRG-3} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------61 4.4. LOOKUP TABLE TYPES {FPRG-4} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------------62 4.5. LOOKUP TABLE DETAIL {FPRG-5} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------62 4.6. EARNING / DEDUCTION TYPES {FPRG-6} Ä---------------------------------------------------------------------64 4.7. EARNING / DEDUCTION DETAIL {FPRG-7} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------68 4.8. NEW MEDICAL AID STRUCTURE {FPRG-8} Ä--------------------------------------------------------------------71 4.9. NEW MEDICAL AID STRUCTURE {FPRG-8} Ä--------------------------------------------------------------------72 4.10. Query Primary Rebates {FPRG-21} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------------------------72 4.11. Query Child Rebates {FPRG-22} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------------72 4.12. Query Age Rebates {FPRG-23} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------73 4.13. Query Threshold Amounts {FPRG-24} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------73 4.14. CALCULATION METHODS {FPRG-25} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------------------74 4.14.1. Method 1: Pct. of Salary Level Total------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 75 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 iii ITS Payroll System Table of Contents 4.14.2. 4.14.3. 4.14.4. 4.14.5. 4.14.6. 4.14.7. 4.14.8. 4.14.9. 4.14.10. 4.14.11. 4.14.12. 4.14.13. 4.14.14. 4.14.15. 4.14.16. 4.14.17. 4.14.18. 4.14.19. 4.14.20. 4.14.21. 4.14.22. 4.14.23. 4.14.24. 4.14.25. 4.14.26. 4.14.27. Method 2: Annual Bonus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 Method 3: Advised Amount ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79 Method 4: P A Y E----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 Method 5: Medical Aid ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 Method 6: Pct. of Transaction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83 Method 7: Salary Notch - Full month ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83 Method 8: Quantity * Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 Method 9: Workmen's Compensation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 Method A: Pension ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 85 Method B: Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)---------------------------------------------------------- 86 Method C: Group Insurance (Exact)---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87 Method D: Unpaid Days------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 89 Method E: Overtime Hours --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 Method F: General Lookup Table------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 Method G: Group Insurance (Next R100) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 91 Method H: P A Y E – Ciskei-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92 Method J: Difference between Transactions ---------------------------------------------------------------- 92 Method K: Sum of Transactions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94 Method L: Medical Aid: Age Range--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94 Method M: Medical Aid: Age and Spouse Age ------------------------------------------------------------ 94 Method N: National Insurance---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95 Method P: Pro-Rated Advised Amount----------------------------------------------------------------------- 95 Method S: Stabilisation Fund Deduction--------------------------------------------------------------------- 95 Method U: Medical Aid – Local Software -------------------------------------------------------------------- 95 Method V: Skills Levy--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96 Method W: Packaged Salary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97 4.15. MESSAGES ON PAYSLIPS {FPRG-26} Ä------------------------------------------------------------------------97 4.16. PACKAGE DEFINITION {FPRG-27} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------------98 4.17. NEW MEDICAL AID LOOK-UP TABLE {FPRG-28} Ä--------------------------------------------------------99 4.18. HOW TO HANDLE VAT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------99 4.19. REPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------101 4.19.1. Salary Scales {FPRGR1-1} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------101 4.19.2. Rank/Salary Scale Combination {FPRGR1-2} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------102 4.19.3. Funds Detail {FPRGR1-3} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------103 4.19.4. Lookup Tables {FPRGR1-4} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------104 4.19.5. Lookup Table Detail {FPRGR1-5} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------------105 4.19.6. Earning / Deduction Types {FPRGR1-6} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------106 4.19.7. Global E/D Detail {FPRGR1-7} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------------107 4.19.8. Design Form {FPRGR1-8} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------108 4.19.9. Primary Rebates {FPRGR1-21} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------109 4.19.10. Child Rebates {FPRGR1-22} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------110 4.19.11. Age Rebates {FPRGR1-23} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------------111 4.19.12. Tax Thresholds {FPRGR1-24} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------------------------112 4.19.13. Calculation methods {FPRGR1-25} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------------113 5. INDIVIDUAL DETAIL {FPRO-2} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------113 5.1. FIXED SALARY DETAIL {FPRI-1} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------------113 5.1.1. Validation Of Notches {FPRI-1}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------119 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 iv ITS Payroll System Table of Contents 5.2. INDIVIDUAL EARNINGS/DEDUCTIONS {FPRI-2} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------121 5.3. EARNING / DEDUCTION VALIDATION {FPRIR1-5} Ä -------------------------------------------------------125 5.4. INDIVIDUAL SALARY SCALES {FPRI-3} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------127 5.5. TAX DIRECTIVES {FPRI-4} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------127 5.6. TAX CERTIFICATES ISSUED {FPRI-5} Ä-----------------------------------------------------------------------128 5.7. FUTURE EVENTS {FPRI-6} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------129 5.7.1. MAINTAIN FUTURE EVENTS {FPRI-6} -----------------------------------------------------------------------129 5.7.2. Future Events Report {FPRIR1-27} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------130 5.7.3. DELETE FUTURE EVENTS {FPRI-26} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------131 5.8. PRO FORMA PAYSLIP {FPRI-25} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------------131 5.9. PAYMENTS IN ADVANCE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------135 5.10. CLEAR CALCULATION QUANTITIES {FPRI-21} Ä ------------------------------------------------------135 5.11. VALIDATE PERSONNEL DATA {FPRI-7} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------135 5.11.1. Validate Payroll Data {FPRIV-1} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------------------------136 5.11.2. Salary Transactions After Resignation {FPRIV-2} Ä ------------------------------------------------------140 5.11.3. Individual E/D Affected by Stop Pay {FPRIV-3} Ä --------------------------------------------------------142 5.11.4. Validate ACB Credits {FPRIV-4} Ä-----------------------------------------------------------------------------144 5.11.5. Validate Bonus Month and ID Number {FPRIV-5} Ä ------------------------------------------------------146 5.11.6. Validate ACB Tape Information {FPRIV-6} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------148 5.11.7. R.A / Arrears Pension Contributions {FPRIV-7} Ä --------------------------------------------------------149 5.11.8. VALIDATE GLA’S ON PAYROLL DATA {FPRIV-8} Ä -------------------------------------------------151 5.11.9. VALIDATE NOTCHES {FPRIV-21} Ä-------------------------------------------------------------------------152 5.12. BROWSE PAYROLL TRANSACTIONS {FPRI-8} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------153 5.13. CLAIMS AGAINST SECONDARY POSTS {FPRI-27} Ä -----------------------------------------------154 5.13.1. MAINTAIN CLAIMS {FPRIC-1} Ä----------------------------------------------------------------------------154 5.13.2. GENERATE FIXED CLAIMS {FPRIC-2} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------157 5.13.3. COPY CLAIMS TO PRS {FPRIC-3} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------159 5.13.4. ROLLBACK CLAIMS {FPRIC-4} Ä----------------------------------------------------------------------------161 5.13.5. List Appointments / Contracts {FPRICR1-1} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------163 5.14. GENERATE STAFF LOAN PR TRANSACTIONS {FPRI-23} Ä -------------------------------------------164 5.15. CLEAR PRO FORMA FILES {FPRI-22} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------168 5.16. COPY DEDUCTIONS TO STUDENT ACCOUNTS {FPRI-24} Ä -----------------------------------------168 5.17. CLAIMS – TUTOR/MENTOR BUNDLES {FPRI-28} 5.18. TIMESHEET DETAIL {FPRI-29} Ä ---------------------------------------------------170 Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------------------171 5.19. REPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------172 5.19.1. Fixed Salary Detail {FPRIR1-1} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------172 5.19.2. Individual E/D Detail {FPRIR1-2} Ä----------------------------------------------------------------------------174 5.19.3. Individual Package {FPRIR1-3} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------------176 5.19.4. Personnel Salary List {FPRIR1-4} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------------177 5.19.5. Personnel on Barrier Notches {FPRIR1-6} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------179 5.19.6. Personnel Service Record {FPRIR2-1} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------181 5.19.7. Forthcoming Increases {FPRIR1-7} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------183 5.19.8. Compensation Summary / Detail {FPRIR2-4} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------185 5.19.9. Taxable Transactions / Tax Withheld {FPRIR1-25} Ä -----------------------------------------------------189 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 v ITS Payroll System Table of Contents 5.19.10. 5.19.11. 5.19.12. 5.19.13. 5.19.14. 5.19.15. 5.19.16. 5.19.17. 6. Bonuses Paid / To be Paid {FPRIR1-21} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------191 Advised Tax Transactions {FPRIR1-22} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------194 R.A. / Arrears Pension Contributions {FPRIR1-23} Ä -------------------------------------------------196 UIF History Report {FPRIR1-24} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------198 Management Compensation Summary {FPRIR2-3} Ä --------------------------------------------------200 Employees to be Paid {FPRIR1-26} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------------203 Service Record Changes {FPRIR2-2} Ä--------------------------------------------------------------------205 Actual Annual Salary per Employee {FPRIR2-5} Ä-----------------------------------------------------207 MONTHLY RUN {FPRO-3} 6.1. Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------208 AUTOMATIC INCREASES {FPRN-1} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------------208 6.2. FULL SALARY CALCULATION {FPRN-2} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------212 6.2.1. Full Calculation Output {FPRN-2} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------215 6.3. ROLLBACK FULL CALCULATION {FPRN-22} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------218 6.4. ROLLBACK SINGLE CALCULATION {FPRN-23} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------218 6.4.1. “NORMAL” ROLLBACK--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------218 6.4.2. “LATE” ROLLBACK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------218 6.5. SINGLE SALARY CALCULATION {FPRN-3} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------219 6.5.1. “NORMAL” CALCULATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------219 6.5.2. “LATE” CALCULATION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------220 6.6. Adjustment Payslip {FPRN-24} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------220 6.7. Late Rollback Reconciliation {FPRNR2-21} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------------222 6.8. Net Payovers Reconciliation: Late Events {FPRNR2-23} Ä -------------------------------------------------224 6.9. PAYE Reconciliation Exception Report {FPRN-26} Ä --------------------------------------------------------226 6.10. Creation Of UIF File {FPRN-28} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------228 6.11. Pay Status Report {FPRNR1-1} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------------231 6.12. Net Salary Comparison {FPRNR1-2} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------237 6.13. Payslip Summary {FPRNR1-3} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------------239 6.14. Summary Per Earning {FPRNR1-4} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------241 6.15. Summary Per Deduction {FPRNR1-5} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------------------242 6.16. Detail Per Earning / Deduction {FPRNR1-6} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------243 6.17. E/D Code Summary Per GLA {FPRNR2-24} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------245 6.18. Variance Report {FPRNR2-5} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------246 6.19. Validate Non -Printables {FPRNR1-7} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------------249 6.20. Print Payslips {FPRN -4} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------250 6.21. GENERATE CHEQUES {FPRN-5} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------------------255 6.22. PRINT CHEQUES {FPRN-6} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------260 6.23. PRINT CHEQUES NEW STANDARD FORMAT 95 {FPRN-21} Ä ---------------------------------------262 6.24. CREATE FILE FOR ACB TAPE {FPRN-7} Ä------------------------------------------------------------------262 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 vi ITS Payroll System Table of Contents 7. 6.25. PAYMENT ANALYSIS {FPRNR2-3} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------268 6.26. PAY DISTRIBUTION LIST {FPRNR2-4} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------270 6.27. TAPE TRANSFERS REPORT {FPRNR1-21} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------272 6.28. BANK TRANSFERS REPORT {FPRNR1-22} Ä---------------------------------------------------------------274 6.29. COINAGE ANALYSIS FOR BANK {FPRNR1-23} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------274 6.30. IRP4 TAX REMITTANCE RETURN {FPRNR1-24} Ä -------------------------------------------------------277 6.31. EARNING / DEDUCTION PER GLA {FPRNR1-25} Ä ------------------------------------------------------278 6.32. SALARY SUMMARY PER STATS CATEGORY {FPRNR1-26} Ä -----------------------------------------280 6.33. SALARY-RELATED AUDIT TRAIL {FPRNR1-27} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------283 6.34. MANAGEMENT REPORT {FPRNR2-22} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------288 6.35. SKILLS DEVELOPMENT REPORT {FPRNR2-6} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------290 YEARLY RUN {FPRO-4} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------291 7.1. IRP5(C) REPORT {FPRY-3} Ä ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------291 7.2. TAXABLE BENEFITS REPORT {FPRY-4} Ä ----------------------------------------------------------------------291 7.3. EARNING / DEDUCTION SUMMARY {FPRY-21} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------291 7.4. GENERATE STATS GROSS SALARY {FPRY-22} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------293 7.5. YEAR-END CLOSE {FPRY-23} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------295 7.6. PRODUCE IRP10A {FPRY-27} Ä------------------------------------------------------------------------------------296 7.7. MENU FOR UPDATE OF NEW NOTCHES {FPRY-28} Ä------------------------------------------------------305 7.7.1. Create Old Notch File {FPRU-1} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------------305 7.7.2. Create New Notches {FPRU-2} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------------305 7.7.3. Update Employee Notch with New Notch {FPRU-3} Ä ---------------------------------------------------306 7.7.4. Rollback of Update {FPRU-4} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------------------------306 7.7.5. Update Individual Scales {FPRU-5} Ä -------------------------------------------------------------------------306 7.7.6. Back-pay Calculation {FPRU-6} Ä ------------------------------------------------------------------------------306 7.8. W.AS.8 REPORT {FPRY-5} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------308 7.9. EVALUATION OF PENSION FUND FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES {FPRY-6} Ä ------------------312 7.10. 8. 9. E/D PER GLA SUMMARY {FPRY-24} Ä------------------------------------------------------------------------314 CORRESPONDENCE SUBSYSTEM {FPR-4} / {FPRCOR} Ä ----------------------------------------------------316 8.1. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------316 8.2. CHEQUE RECIPIENTS {FPRCOR-3} Ä -----------------------------------------------------------------------------316 8.3. IRP5 / IT3(a) RECIPIENTS {FPRCOR-4 and 5} Ä --------------------------------------------------------------316 SITE (STANDARD INCOME TAX ON EMPLOYEES) {FPRN-25} -----------------------------------------------318 9.1. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------318 9.2. DEFINITIONS THAT APPLY TO SITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------319 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 vii ITS Payroll System Table of Contents 9.3. CALCULATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF SITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------320 9.4. CHECK LIST FOR SITE ADJUSTMENTS and IRP5/IT3(a) CERTIFICATES-------------------------------324 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 viii Introduction 1. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION {HRM -2} Ä 1.1. GENERAL INFORMATION This is User Manual for the ITS Payroll System. It is one of a series of manuals covering the ITS Systems, of which a complete list can be found in the General Support System Manual. The reader is referred to Section 1.3 for an overview of this system. The contents of this manual are: Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Chapter 9: Introduction System Maintenance Code Sub-system Operational Menu : Global Detail Operational Menu : Individual Detail Operational Menu : Monthly Run Operational Menu : Yearly Run Correspondence Subsystem SITE {FPR-2} {FPR-3} {FPRO-1} {FPRO-2} {FPRO-3} {FPRO-4} {FPR-4} {FPRN-25} The symbol Ä after a menu option indicates that the following section of the manual is available as on-line help by using Help Button on the menu. It is assumed that the reader is already familiar with the general operation of the menus and the keyboard. For easy reference, an “Example Function Key Layout” can be found at the back of this manual. The reader is reminded that the copyright of the ITS systems and documentation remains with ITS, and that users thereof are contractually prohibited from providing information thereon to third parties, such as other educational institutions. 1.2. OVERVIEW OF FINANCIAL SYSTEM The ITS Financial System (Menu option {FRM}) consists of the following modules (Menu option in brackets): The modules are listed in sequence under {FRM}: 1. 2. 3. {FCT} {FCMR} {FACB} Counter Subsystem (Receipts/Ad Hoc Payments) Mail Recording System ACB System ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 8 of 332 Introduction 4. 5. 7. 8. 21. 22. 23. 24. 27. 28. 29. Chapter 1 {FIN} {FEBC} {FPM} {FLL} {FSA} {FBL} {FAR} {FSDC} {FCS} {FGL} {MEB} Investment Recording System Electronic Bank Conversion Procurement Management (PMIS) Long-Term Loans Student Accounts Bursaries And Loans Accounts Receivable Debt Collection Interface Code Structures General Ledger Income And Expense Budgeting All of these modules are fully integrated with one another, and also with the other ITS Systems such as Personnel, Student Information and Asset Inventory. More detail on the individual modules is found in the appropriate User Manuals. A comprehensive system of access control applies to these modules. 1.3. OVERVIEW OF PAYROLL SYSTEM The ITS Payroll System comprises in general terms: ∗ salary-related detail of employees, for instance salary scales and notches, tax and bank detail, bonus and increase dates, etc. ∗ user-maintained tables which are used for calculations, for instance pension-, medical aid - and group insurance fund tables, general calculation tables and earnings and deductions ∗ the calculation phase which is based on monthly pay cycles ; several monthly calculations, and several pay dates within each calculation, are allowed ∗ comprehensive reporting like payslips, tax certificates, reconciliation-, summary-, posting-to-GL- and statutory reports. Some of the benefits and features of the system are: − all the standard earnings and deductions applicable to tertiary institutions are handled − the maintenance of statutory tax- and tax-related tables and the production of statutory reports are fully supported by ITS − compensation pa ckages are based on user-defined earnings and deductions , and may be specified at a global level per appointment type using powerful calculation methods, thereby saving about 70% of the effort required to advise packages at individual level and reducing the maintenance effort proportionately ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 9 of 332 Introduction Chapter 1 − salary payments can be done via tape transfer (i.e. ACB), bank list, cheque or cash; coinage lists are provided − bond repayments can be done via tape transfer or bank list − any number of pay points can be defined, and payslips can be sorted within payment method by pay point; pay distribution lists are provided per pay point − a powerful pro forma payslip facility which simplifies the handling of queries and advance payments − a rollback facility which allows re-calculation for all personnel or only selected individuals − up to twelve tax periods per year per person are catered for, taking full account of broken service periods, tax certificates being automatically issued for these tax periods − posting of transactions to the ITS General Ledger is automatic − both the STATS Cycle (January to December) and the Tax Cycle (countrydependent) are catered for, and STATS Gross Salary calculations are done automatically. 1.4. LINKING WITH OTHER ITS SYSTEMS The ITS systems are designed with a view to eliminating the entry of duplicate information into different systems, thus leading to the integration of systems with one another. This integration, in turn, results in interdependence of systems . The extent to which this applies to the Payroll System is discussed in this section. 1.4.1. Financial Code Structure Subsystem (CSS) Certain information is pre-requisite for the operation of the Payroll System. 1. The debits and credits generated by the Payroll System are posted to specific General Ledger Allocations, which are maintained in the Financial Code Structure system via menu option {FCSO-6}. They are also used for validation purposes and to generate a transaction file for the General Ledger (GL). These GLA's must be created before posts can be created in the Personnel System and before earnings and deductions can be specified in the Payroll System. 2. The institutional bank account for salary payments, as well as the information required for producing ACB tapes, must be set and maintained on menu option {FCSC-5} in the Financial Code Structure system, for subsystem “PR”. 3. The posting program {FGLP-5} will post all salary transactions that have not yet been posted, as well as reversing rolled-back transactions, which had already been posted before rollback. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 10 of 332 Introduction Chapter 1 4. The program, which generates cheques, {FPRN-5}, will also generate a number of GL- and Cash Book transactions for the five events, which have bearing on salary calculations. 1.4.2. Student Accounts Direct posting of fees deductions and study subsidies from the Payroll System to Student Accounts is possible. 1.4.3. Staff Loans Subsystem Staff loan repayment transactions can be copied in batch to the Payroll System and subsequently credited in batch to the staff debtor’s accounts. 1.4.4. Personnel System The degree of integration between the Payroll and Personnel Systems is very high. Apart from the obvious fact that a personnel record must exist before an employee can be compensated via the Payroll System, there are many other areas of interdependence: 1. Three code structures which are a prerequisite for creating personnel records and which are maintained in the Personnel System, are vital for the calculation of salaries, and should be maintained by senior officials only, namely: a) Appointment Types {PACS-1} Since compensation packages can be defined at a global level per Appointment Type , careful definition of these Types can result in a dramatic reduction of the amount of detail that has to be specified at individual employee level in the Payroll System, thereby reducing the maintenance effort significantly. b) Rank Definitions {PACS-2} In the Payroll System the salary scale of an employee is linked to the Rank at which he/she is actually appointed. The user defines the relevant scale(s) for each rank, which then default(s) to an employee who is appointed at the “Authorised Rank” for his/her post. When new salary scales are implemented, the correct new scale will automatically be assigned to all such employees. Upon creation of a new rank the system will default the built-in scale 9999 with zero financial values to this rank, since each rank must be linked to a scale. The next logical ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 11 of 332 Introduction Chapter 1 step, before an employee can be appointed to this rank, would then be to link the correct scale(s) to the rank. c) Post Definitions {PACS-4} In the tertiary environment, Council normally approves a post at a certain level of seniority (which is linked to an authorised rank) and at a certain salary scale. In practice, however, the rank of an employee may differ from the authorised rank, e.g. the authorised rank for a vacant post is “Professor”, but the person is appointed to this post at the rank (and hence salary) of “Senior Lecturer”. Other examples would be two junior people sharing a senior post, an employee on a personal (ad hominem ) scale, etc. In such cases salary scales must obviously be assigned individually, and will remain effective for these employees until individually changed again. More detail about the following relevant data elements is found in the Personnel System User Manual: − − − − − Appointment Types Authorised Rank Post Code and Description Allocation of Posts to different Departments GL-Allocation to which the cost will be debited. 2. Shared Information {PBOP} Much of the information kept in an employee's record is related to the personnel function only, but the following is relevant to the salary function: − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − Personnel Number Surname, Initials, First Names and Title Birth Date Gender Marital Status ID Number Home Address, Postal Code and Telephone Number Work Telephone Number Appointment and Resignation Dates Appointment Type Rank Post and Post Grade Number of Tax Deductible Dependants Number of Dependants on Medical Aid Membership information regarding Pension Funds Membership information regarding Medical Aid and Group Insurance Funds. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 12 of 332 Introduction 1.4.5. Chapter 1 Salary-Related Information Salary-related information may be of interest to both Salary and Personnel Sections, but the “ownership” (i.e. the responsibility for updating the information) may differ depending upon the allocation of responsibilities within an organisation. Because ITS cannot forecast its “ownership” beforehand, such information is normally maintained in the Payroll System under menu option {FPRI-1}, “Maintain Fixed Salary Detail”, and made available for viewing by authorised staff members in the Personnel System under “Salary-Related Detail”, option {PAOP-8}. In a similar vein, some of the reporting options are available only in the Payroll System and others in the Personnel System. The specific needs of an institution are met by means of the standard access control feature of the ITS Systems which allows personnel to access menu options as required. The salary-related information carried in the database is: − − − − − − − − − − − − − Salary Notch, Barrier Notch Increase Month, First Increase Cycle Payment Method, Bank Account Type Bank Account No., Bank Branch Code and Name Spouse's Names Bonus Month, Calculation Number, Pay-date Receiver of Revenue Code Preferred Language Income Tax Number Marital Status for Tax Purposes Is Bonus Taxed Monthly or Annually? Pay Point Stop Payment Indicator with Start and End Pay Cycles. Those data-elements not discussed in the Personnel System are covered in detail in the following Sections of this manual. 1.4.6. Reports Required By Salary Section The following is a selection of reports produced by the Personnel System, which could also be of use to the Salary Section: ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 13 of 332 Introduction − − − − − − − − − − − 1.5. Chapter 1 {PBOPR1-3} {PBOPR1-4} {PAOPR2-2} {PAOPR2-1} {PAOPR2-5} {PAOPR1-1} {PAOPR1-2} {PACSR1-1} {PACSR1-2} {PACSR1-3} {PACSR2-1} Personnel List Personnel Control List List of Personnel per Department Personnel per Appointment Type Work-Related Report Fund Membership Report Personnel to be Pensioned Appointment Types List Ranks List Posts List Posts with Expiry Dates IMPLEMENTATION SEQUENCE There is a very specific logical implementation sequence for the Payroll System. The following prerequisite information must exist: ∗ the appropriate GL-Allocations, the transaction types and bank account information; ∗ salary scales, defined via menu option {FPRG-1}, and ranks linked to salary scales, defined via menu option {FPRG-2}, before personnel records are created; ∗ personnel records created and maintained by the Personnel Section, with the (possible) exception of the salary-related detail as discussed before. The following actions must be performed in the sequence as indicated (the relevant menu options being shown in braces): 1. {FPRG-3} 2. {FPRM-1} 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. {FCSC-5} {FPRM-5} {FPRM-6} {FPRC-1} {FPRC-2} {FPRC-3} {FPRG-3} 10. {FPRG-5} 11. {FPRG-6} Define Funds (Pension, Provident, Retirement Annuity, Medical Aid, Group Insurance and Other funds) Supply Institution Tax Number, UIF Registration Number, Contact Person, Start of Tax Year, Sort Sequence for Salary Reports and Cash Rounding Details Supply ACB Transfer Details Define Default Bonus Months and Pro Rata Indicator Define Access Control per Appointment Type Define Banks and Branches for Employees Supply Receiver of Revenue Detail Define Pay Points Define Lookup Table Types (Pension, Medical Aid, Group Insurance, Non-RSA PAYE) Supply Lookup Table Detail Define Earning/Deduction Types ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 14 of 332 Introduction 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Chapter 1 {FPRG-7} {FPRI-3} {FPRI-1} {FPRI-2b1} {FPRI-2b2} Create Global Earning/Deduction Detail Supply Individual Salary Scales Supply Fixed Salary Detail for Employees Create Individual Earning/Deduction Detail Maintain ACB Tape Credits. The bulk of the routine maintenance load in the Payroll System would obviously lie with items 14 through 16. Item 6 would be updated if a new employee has an account with a bank and/or branch that is not yet on the system, or if an employee changes banks. Item 10 would require action only when the rules of a Scheme change. Item 13 would have to be done when a new set of salary scales is implemented. 1.6. USE OF COMPUTERISED PAYROLL SYSTEMS IN THE RSA The following notes apply to RSA users of the ITS Payroll System. In terms of directive 18/13/5/6, from the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, dated 199207-10. “It is no longer required of an employer to obtain authority from this office to make use of the statutory rates of tax or for a computer service bureau to obtain authority to supply an employer with a computer programme for the calculation of employees tax deductions”. ITS Payroll System adheres to the specifications as set out by the Commissioner. Our Tax Reference Number is 770/07/1239/3. 1.7. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE INSTITUTION CODE It is often necessary to determine whether a user is a foreign user or an RSA user, particularly where tax calculations and -certificates are concerned. The Payroll System makes this decision on the basis of the Institution Code , as entered on menu option {GCS-1} of the General Support System. These codes are defined on menu option {GCS-2}. RSA users use the approved STATS institution codes as per option {GCS-2}. If a STATS code has not yet been assigned to an institution, ITS will agree with the user on an interim institution code. 1.8. PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING PENSIONERS When Council approves the payment of contributions (e.g. Medical Aid premiums) on behalf of ex-employees who are already on pension, such people should continue to be handled by the Personnel and Payroll Systems. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 15 of 332 Introduction Chapter 1 STATS Table 4.07 makes provision for such payments under Rowcodes 41018 to 41022, “Payments by employer to retired or retiring member of staff and dependents of former staff”. Table 4.07 should be in balance with the first 5 columns of Table 4.4. These expenses should be allocated to Table 4.4 Rowcode 40722, (Programme 6.1), argument being that since this is a Council decision and is not within the “normal activities (programmes)” of the institution, the expenses are allocated to “Top Management”. The procedures to be followed and their effect are the following: 1.8.1. Financial System ∗ Depending on management's requirements, a separate Cost Centre can be created via menu option {FCSO-1} for the expenses to ex-employees, or the cost centre of the department in which the person had worked before, could be used. (The latter choice is not recommended, since that department will in reality not incur these costs). ∗ Create the appropriate ledger account(s) via menu option {FCSO -3}, linked to Account Category 324 = “Compensation: Unclassified” and STATS Rowcode 40722. ∗ Create the appropriate General Ledger Allocation(s) via menu option {FCSO -6}, ensuring that the “Include in STATS” indicator on the cost centre is set to (Y)es. 1.8.2. Personnel System ∗ Create separate appointment type(s) for the pensioners via menu option {PACS-1}, with “TYPE” = “T”, “FTE” = “0” and “Pay by Claim” = “C”. When menu option {PSOP3}, “Calculate FTE Values”, is executed, the system will set the FTE-values for these people to zero. ∗ Users are also advised to create special rank(s) for the pensioners via menu option {PACS-2} with “Subsidy Unit” = “2” and “STATS Level” = “7”. (These ranks will be linked to the default zero salary scale, which is correct). ∗ Create special post(s) for the pensioners via menu option {PACS-4}, using the appropriate GLA's. ∗ Create a special Leave Package via menu option {PLCS-1}, “N o Leave Applicable”. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 16 of 332 Introduction Chapter 1 ∗ Resign the person in the normal manner on his/her last day of service via menu option {PBOP-2}. ∗ Re-appoint the person on the second day of his/her pension period, using above post, rank, appointment type and leave package, and STATS Category 8, “Excluded from Personnel STATS”. Note that persons linked to category 8 will NOT be reported on the Personnel STATS Tables. ∗ (The one-day break in service ensures that, when IRP5 tax certificates are printed for the tax year during which the person went on pension, an IRP5 will be produced for the tax period ending on the last day of service. Obviously, since the person receives zero taxable earnings from the institution thereafter, no future IRP5 or IT3(a) will be produced, hence the “incorrect” starting date of the pension period has no adverse effect). ∗ Allocate the time of the pensioners 100% to Programme 6.1 via menu option {PSOP6b2}. NOTE: When the STATS Personnel Detail Validation {PSOP-5} is executed, persons linked to STATS Category 8 will be excluded. 1.8.3. Payroll System ∗ Special earning codes must be defined and linked to the appropriate STATS Row codes in the range 41018 to 41022, via menu option {FPRG-6}. ∗ The various contributions must be advised at individual level using these earning codes, via menu option {FPRI-2}. ∗ Global transactions must be created via menu option {FPRG-7} for these appointment types to contra the individual advice’s to the correct control GLA's, an appropriate calculation method being “6”: “Percentage of Transaction”. ∗ The pensioners will then receive nil payslips, but their contributions will appear correctly on the appropriate E/D Detail Reports, will be posted as usual to the GL, and will be allocated correctly on the STATS 4.07 Summary of Earnings {FPRNR1 -26}. 1.8.4. Financial STATS Reporting: In step 1 of Phase I of the calculation of Tables 4.4 and 4.07, the system will produce Table 4.4 based on STATS Gross earnings from the Personnel System, and Table 4.07 using data from the Payroll System. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 17 of 332 Introduction Chapter 1 Note that the system will calculate STATS Gross for a person with STATS category 8 only if the “Include in STATS” indicator on the cost centre of his/her post is set to ( Y)es. The system next does a comparison between Table 4.4 and 4.07, and adjusts Table 4.07 to correspond to Table 4.4. 1.9. HINTS and TIPS ITS often receives queries about unexpected events regarding salary calculations or difficulty in reconciling various salary reports. We trust that the information contained in this section will help to resolve some of these problem situations for our users. 1 Why was a person not calculated for at all for a specific run? There are five possible reasons, all connected with data: ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ the person was not in service when the calculation was done; his/her notch was null when the calculation was done; the payment method was invalid, i.e. not “C”, “M ”, “T” or “Q”; the stop pay indicator was set for that pay cycle; the GLA for the person's post was invalid. The audit trail of option {FPRNR1 -27} will show whether one of the first four items has been updated in the meantime. Invalid GLA's are flagged as such at the very end of every full calculation or single calculation control report. 2 A report which requests a date or dates as input “did not work”, or gave an Oracle error. Invariably, a date or dates have been entered in the wrong format. Re-execute the option, giving careful attention to the format in which the date is requested. Be particularly careful of the difference between “0” (zero) and O (uppercase letter o). Should you make a mistake when entering a date, do NOT use the arrow keys to space back to the wrong character. Instead, always use the “backspace” key to delete everything up to the wrong character, and retype the entire date from there. Reports and input screens expect dates in the format “DD-MON-YYYY”. If you enter such a long date by mistake, you might get an Oracle error “ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string (1830)”, or an RPT error “RPT-0077: Value entered or set for xxxxxx is greater than declared -- Value truncated”. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 18 of 332 Introduction 3 Chapter 1 A report has always worked up to now, but today it is not working. The possible reason is data. Invariably, the input parameters have been incorrectly specified. Try again, being very careful about the input. Sometimes, an input parameter is “hidden”, e.g. for many of the payroll reports the system looks at the cycle of a record in the “Run Cycle Control File” and/or the “Event Log File” of menu {FPRM}. All such cases are indicated in the description of the particular report in this manual. Should a report request no input and still give unexpected results, please check your manual for the possible cause. In cases where you have to specify a fairly complex set of input parameters, it is possible that your parameters might be mutually exclusive. Hence, causing an empty report - e.g. a report is drawn for person 123456 and appointment type 10, but this person has appointment type 20 at report date. 4 When a pro forma calculation is done, an empty pro forma is produced containing the message: “Please note: Stop pay indicator is set for this cycle”. The reason is data, and can be twofold: a) The data for the individual being calculated for caused the merge program to abort, with an Oracle error message. In this case, contact ITS and we will help you to find the cause of the problem. b) When a pro forma has been viewed or printed, and the user returns to menu {FPRI} via “Q”, the message “Busy with Rollback .....” is displayed. The system is now deleting the user-specific working files which allows the pro forma programs to be multi-user. It is very important that the “Break” command not be used to cancel the report. This error also appears to occur when you are connected to the computer via a network and the network connection is broken whilst you are busy with a pro forma calculation. Should this happen, the pro forma merge will fail when the next pro forma is done for this employee, with a “Duplicate value in index” Oracle error. We suggest that in this case you ask your colleagues not to draw pro forma’s for a few minutes, and run the special program of option {FPRI-8} to clear the pro forma working files. 5 New Medical Aid, Pension or Group Fund Rules When these rules change, the user has two options: ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 19 of 332 Introduction Chapter 1 ∗ change the existing table immediately before the pay-run when it first applies, without having to update any global or individual transactions which refer to these funds, or ∗ create an additional table, link it to the fund, create the necessary global and individual transactions for the new table with a start date for the appropriate month, and put an end date of the previous month on those global and individual transactions, which refer to the old table. Whereas the second option appears to involve more work, it is, in fact, the better way to tackle the problem. The reason is simple: should any late rollbacks and calculations have to be done for periods preceding the new table, the old global’s and individuals will still be in place, and will not have to be advised merely for the purpose of the late events. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 20 of 332 System Maintenance 2. Chapter 2 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE {FPR-2} Ä Certain information which is required by the Payroll System is seldom updated, e.g. institutional details, rules regarding bonus payments, the implementation dates for new salary scale sets, etc. Other information would change on a monthly basis, e.g. the Run Cycle Control File and Event Log File. Such information is maintained in this option, which should be accessible only by a senior staff member who can thus control this sensitive information which, does not appear on the normal audit trail. Å 2.1. INSTITUTION DETAILS {FPRM-1} Ä Certain information concerning the Institution must be updated prior to the first monthly run. Fields E to P, which refer to data required for the ACB tape service, are merely displayed here - the information must be updated via option {FCSC-5} for subsystem “PR”. The user is referred to the ACB User Manual for more information on these fields. A. Institution Tax Number (A15) Supply the tax number of the institution as an employer. B. UIF registration Number (A9) Supply the UIF registration number of the institution. Please make sure that this number is correct as this number will be used to create the file name, which is sent to the dept of Labour. Should this number be wrong the file will be rejected. The number should be 0(zero) filled from the left. C. Start of Tax Year (DD-MON) Supply the start date for the payroll tax period. D. Contact Person (N9) Supply the number of the contact person for IRP5 tax certificate purposes. The next 13 fields are displayed only; they can be updated only in option {FCSC-5b2}: E. Installation ID Code (N4) The ID number as assigned by the ACB. F. User Code (N4) Every user of the ACB facilities is assigned a User Code, which is the same as the Installation ID Code if the user prepares the transfer tapes in-house. G. User Generation Number (N4) The first Live User Data Set submitted must commence with No. 0001, and thereafter must be 1 greater than the last Generation Number of the User Data Set successfully processed. The system updates this number after every run, except when a Test Tape was produced or if validation errors ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 21 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 were encountered. The user will have to reset this field in option {FCSC-5b2} if the bureau rejects a live tape. H. Installation Generation Number (N4) The first Live Tape submitted must commence with No. 0001, and thereafter must be 1 greater than the last Generation Number of the tape successfully processed. The system updates this number after every run, except when a Test Tape was produced or if validation errors were encountered. The user will have to reset this field in option {FCSC-5b2} if the bureau rejects a live tape. I. Type of Service (A10) ACB offers the choice of a ONE, TWO DAY or a FIVE-DAY service. The system defaults to “FIVE DAY” . J. User's Approved, Abbreviated Name (A10) abbreviated name to every user at time of registration. ACB assigns an approved, K. Tape Serial Number (A8) This is the number by which the institution identifies the physical tape that is sent to the bureau; it will also appear on the accompanying Tape Delivery Advice that is sent to the bureau. L. Aggregate Value Limit (N15.2) This field represents the maximum total debit allowed against the user's nominated account number during any ten day period, as agreed with the bureau. In practice, if the total debits on a tape exceed this amount, the tape will be rejected unless prior arrangements have been made with the bureau. Program {FPRN-7} that generates the ACB tape will warn the user if this limit is exceeded, thus allowing time to make special arrangements. M. Debit and Credit Item Limits (N15.2) These fields represent the maximum value of entries homing to one account on any one day by the user, as agreed with the bureau. In practice, if a user submits more than one entry for the same Action Date against any one homing account sequentially within a single Data Set, then the combined value of such entries processed may not exceed these limits. Program {FPRN -7} that generates the ACB tape will warn the user if this limit is exceeded, thus allowing time to make special arrangements. N. Bank Code (N2) The code for the institution's bank from which salary payments will be done; the name will be displayed. Banks are defined in option {FPRC-1b1}. O. User Branch (N6) The branch number of the institution's bank; the name will be displayed. Branch detail is defined in option {FPRC-2b2}. P. User's Nominated Account Number (N11) The bank account number which will be debited with salary payments (also via ACB transfers). ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 22 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 Q. Sort Seq. for Salary Reports Numeric (*) Alphabetic (*) Payslips, Cheques, the Coinage Analysis report, the Pay Distribution report and the Bank Transfer report are ordered in pay date sequence, within this by pay point or bank, and where appropriate by payment method. The user can specify whether personnel should be listed in alphabetic or numeric sequence on these reports, by setting this parameter = ( A)lphabetic or ( N)umeric. R. Sort Seq. for Payslip Printing (A1) If this field is left blank, payslips will be produced in the sequence as per Q above. If an “N” is entered in this field, payslips will be produced in strict numerical order, irrespective of the setting of Q. None of the other reports will be affected. The information on page 2 of this screen need only be entered by those users who wish to round up their cash payments automatically on an ongoing basis in order to minimise the handling of small denomination coins: S. Rounding Unit (N3) The valid entries are the valid coin denominations for a particular country, up to the value “100 ”. The system defaults to “1 ”. If the value of this field is “1”, the next six fields can be left blank. Cash Advance Details: T. E/D Code (A4) When a valid code is entered, the name is displayed. U. GLA (A4 + A8) (UK A6 + A8) When valid cost centre and account codes are entered, the names are displayed. The above information pertains to the suspense account for the “Cash Advance” earnings, which will be created by the system. Cash Advance Recovery Details: V. E/D Code (A4) When a valid code is entered, the name is displayed. W. GLA (A4 + A8) (UK A6 + A8) When valid cost centre and account codes are entered, the names are displayed. The above information pertains to the suspense account for the “Cash Advance Recovery” deductions, which will be created by the system. During every pay run the previous month's advance (if any) will be automatically deducted as a normal “Cash Advance Recovery” transaction. Rounding up will then be done if required, except in three instances: − in a person's resignation month; ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 23 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 − if a person has a “Stop Pay” indicator set for the following month; − if a person has a negative net salary, which is equal to or larger than the specified rounding unit. If rounding occurs, a “Cash Advance ” individual advice is created by the salary calculation program, with E/D Code and GLA as per T and U above at salary level “99 ”, with IRP5 Box “9999 ” and Calculation Method “3”. Simultaneously a “Cash Advance Recovery ” advice is created which is valid only for the following pay cycle, as per the E/D Code and GLA in V and W above. This transaction lies at salary level “98 ”, with IRP5 Box “9999 ”, Calc Method “3 ”, Start Date = first day of following month and End Date = last day of following month. The respective E/D Detail Reports, menu option {FPRNR1 -6}, will contain full detail of the month's cash recoveries and advances. The Detail of Cash Advances serves as a “List of Cash Advances to be Deducted during following Pay Cycle”. The posting to GL occurs as usual. X. Number of Hours Per Year (N4.4) Supply the number of hours per annum for the calculation of hourly rate of pay. Å 2.2. RUN CYCLE CONTROL FILE {FPRM-2} Ä The Run Cycle Control File enables the Finance Officer to set start and end dates for the occurrence of specific events, thereby restricting the different functions to be performed by the Salary Department to specific times of the month and/or year. In this way security is improved and the alteration of salary detail during the running of calculations can be precluded. This file will be supplied open-ended upon installation of the system, and should be set as soon as possible thereafter to coincide with the first active pay cycle. The events are pre-defined and are the following: The specific menu option(s) which will be controlled by a particular control record being shown in braces: Open Events (which are not linked to Pay Cycles or a particular calculation) G = Global Events, i.e. {FPRM-4} Cycles for Scale Sets {FPRM-5} Bonus Month {FPRC-1} Bank/Branch Detail ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 24 of 332 System Maintenance {FPRC-2} {FPRC-3} {FPRG-1} {FPRG-2} {FPRG-3} {FPRG-4} {FPRG-5} {FPRG-6} {FPRG-7} Chapter 2 Receiver of Revenue Detail Pay Points Salary Scales Rank/Salary Scale Combination Funds Detail Lookup Table Types Lookup Table Detail Global Earning/Deduction Types Global Earning/Deduction Detail I = Individual Events, i.e. {FPRI-1} {FPRI-2b1} {FPRI-2b2} {FPRI-3} {FPRI-21} Individual Fixed Salary Detail Individual Earnings/Deductions Maintain ACB Tape Credits Individual Salary Scales Clearing of Calculation Quantities Linked Events {FPRN-1} {FPRN-2/3} {FPRM- 28} {FPRN- 28} {FPRN-4} {FPRN-5} {FPRN-25} {FPRY-27} {FPRN-7} {FPRY} {FPRN-23} {FPRN-3} A = Automatic Increases = Salary C Calculations U = UIF Tape Creation Creation of UIF File P = Print Payslips Q = Generate Che Ques & Close Month R = ( SITE Calcs; ( Print IRP5 Tax Certificates T = Generate ACB Tape Y = Yearly Run and Reports X = Late Rollback Z = Late Calculation B = Biographical Detail When the option is queried, twelve records corresponding to the above events will be displayed. The following information can be updated: A. Frequency (A1) Supply the payment frequency. Valid values are (A)nnual, (M)onthly or (W)eekly. B. Week/Month (MM) For the events “G”, ”I”, “X”, “B” and “Z” the month defaults to zero, and the system treats these as open eve nts irrespective of what may be entered. The number of the month and the year (i.e. pay cycle ) must, however, be ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 25 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 specified for the other events; e.g. if the August 1992 Salary Calculation is to be run, the month for “C” will be set to “08” and the year to “92” C. Year (YYYY) The same remarks as above apply. D. Calc Number (N1) The events “G”, ”I”, “X” and “Z” are not linked to a particular calculation number, nor are “Automatic Increases”, “Generate ACB Tape” or “Yearly Run and Reports”. All other events must be linked to a particular calculation number E. Start Date (DD-MON-YYYY) Specify the earliest date on which this event is allowed, thus preventing alteration of information in advance. F. End Date (DD-MON-YYYY) Specify the latest date on which this event is allowed, thus preventing alterations in arrears. G. Cycle From/To (YYYYMMDD) These cycles will default from menu option {FPRM-21} and cannot be updated. Whenever one of the linked events A, C, P, Q, T, U, X or Z occurs, the system will create a record in the Event Log File. With the exception of the P, T, X and Z records, the existence of such a record will prevent the repetition of this event during the current pay cycle/calc number, unless the Finance Officer takes the appropriate action (refer Section 2.3 below). Å 2.3. EVENT LOG FILE {FPRM-3} Ä The execution of events during a payroll should occur in a fixed sequence. This file logs the occurrence of these events, which are discussed in Section 2.2. When the option is executed, a query will show all occurrences of those events, which are linked to pay cycles in descending date order. The event code, description, pay cycle, calculation number, sequence number, pay date, person number, pay frequency, Oracle username of the person who executed the option, and the date and time of execution are logged. In the case of late rollbacks and calcs, the personnel number of the employee who was affected is also logged. Only the system can create records in this file, and records cannot be altered. “C” (Salary Calculations) records can be deleted repeatedly during the current pay cycle/calc number if errors are detected and reruns are required, but only until such time as the cheques have been generated for the particular calc number. This means that any subsequent changes to personnel information cannot influence the results of ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 26 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 the current calc number, and the salary department can proceed with payment by printing cheques and by generating transfers to banks and the coinage analysis report. By the same token the salary file for previous cycles is protected against (accidental) deletion by means of a full rollback. An audit trail of the Event Log File between given pay cycles can be requested via option {FPRMR1-2}. This audit trail is important, particularly in view of late rollbacks and calculations. Å 2.4. CYCLES FOR SCALE SETS {FPRM-4} Ä A scale set consists of all salary scales, which are valid for a given period. This option allows the definition of a new scale set, which will come into effect at some future date. The system is installed with Scale Set 1 with “Start Month” = 199001, containing only a zero scale with scale code “9999”. Further detail may be supplied via menu option {FPRG-1}. When this option is exercised to create further scale sets, three columns are displayed with the headings “Scale Cycle ”, “Start Month ” and “End Month”, only the latter being user-updateable. The following messages are also displayed: “Upon entering the end-month, the system will create a new scale cycle with start-month equal to end-month + 1 of the old cycle. Upon <COMMIT>ting, a new set of scales will be created on the salary scale file with the new cycle number and scale values of old set”. Proceed to the last scale cycle which is displayed on the screen by using the <NEXT RECORD> command, and enter the end month of the old set in the forma t (YYYYMM) as per above instructions. The end month field for the new set is left blank to indicate that the time limit of this set has not yet been established. <COMMIT> and <EXIT>, and proceed to menu option {FPRG-1} to define the new set. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 27 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 DEFAULT BONUS MONTHS {FPRM-5} Ä 2.5. The normal (i.e. default) bonus months in which bonuses will be paid to employees must be specified in this option. When the option is executed, the system displays: Please indicate in which cycle the bonus must be paid to an employee whose birthday is in January February March April May June July August September October November December If all bonuses were to be paid in December, all values would be set to 12, but if employees were to be paid in their month of birthday except those whose birthdays fall prior to 30 April (in which case they are paid in April), the values would be: 04 for January to April 05 - 12 for May to December, respectively. When a biographical record is created for an employee, the system will default a bonus month for this person according to the above table. If an employee's normal bonus month differs from the above month, his/her bonus month can be changed in option {FPRI-1}. A reply is also required to the question: “Must Bonus Be Prorated In The First Year? (*) Yes (*) No • Persons, who reaches the end of their bonus month before their twelfth month of service, will automatically receive a prorated bonus if this indicator is set to “Y”, otherwise no bonus. Persons, who resign before a full bonus year has passed, will receive no bonus irrespective of the indicator setting. Those who resign on the last day of their bonus month during their first year of service will receive a prorated bonus if the indicator is set to “Y”, else no bonus. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 28 of 332 System Maintenance • Chapter 2 Persons who have been employed for a full year since the previous bonus or since they joined the institution, qualify for an automatic bonus irrespective of the indicator setting. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 29 of 332 System Maintenance 2.6. Chapter 2 ACCESS CONTROL PER APPOINTMENT TYPE {FPRM-6} Ä The staff members of a tertiary institution can be divided into three major categories, namely: “1 ” = top management “2 ” = other salaried personnel “3 ” = wage personnel. These categories also define the level of access required by a user of the Payroll System to be able to create, query or update records pertaining to one of the above categories. Linking each Appointment Type to one or more of the three Access Levels, sets up the Access Control structure: A. Type (N4) Enter a valid Appointment Type code, and the name will be displayed. B. Level (N1) Enter “top management”, “other salaried” or “wage personnel”. <COMMIT> the records. As an example, if Appointment Type “10” should be accessible only by Level “1” staff, it must be linked to Level “1 ” only. If Appointment Type “50 ” should be accessible by all staff, it must be linked to Levels “1”, “2” and “3”. If a user tries to query individual salary detail in menu options {FPRI-1/2/3/6} for a personnel member to whom he/she has no access, the system will respond with “Query caused no records to be retrieved”. If an attempt is made to create a record for a person to who access is denied, the system will respond with “Insufficient Privileges ”. Note that each user of the Payroll System must be given one of these access levels on menu option {FCSM-5} of the Financial Code Structure System, by setting the “Access Level In PRS” parameter to “top management”, “other salaries” or “wages personnel”. Å 2.7. SUSPENSE ACCOUNT FOR INACTIVE GLA {FPRM-7} Ä This option allows the user to specify a default suspense account to be used by the salary calculation program when it encounters a GLA, which is inactive for the current financial year of the PRS. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 30 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 If no GLA is specified here, the calculation program will reject transactions that are linked to inactive GLA’s, otherwise the GLA specified here will be substituted for the inactive GLA on the transaction. When a GLA is entered, the name of the cost centre and account are displayed. The system merely checks that the GLA has been defined on menu option {FCSO-6}, and does not verify that it is active for any particular financial year. Å VALIDATION CONTROL {FPRM-8} Ä 2.8. The programs as indicated use the information in this option. The user can turn the various validation options on or off by changing the “Action?” field to (Y)es or (N)o. The user cannot insert or delete records from this option. The records that are currently provided for are: 2.8.1. A - Automatic Increases - menu option {FPRN-1} The default value for this field is (Y)es. • • If (Y)es, automatic increases will be done as usual If (N )o, the program will still insert the “A” record into {FPRM-3}, but no report will be produced and no increases will be given. This is particularly useful for those institutions who wish to use salary scales for budgeting purposes, but give the annual increases on merit only 2.8.2. N - On-line Notch Validation – menu option {FPRI-1} The default value for this field is (N)o. If (Y)es, notches will be validated against salary scales when a notch is updated, • and invalid notches may not be <COMMIT>ted If (N )o, on-line validation will NOT be done • 2.8.3. R - Automatic Resignation • If (Y)es, the resignation date entered on the Service Record will default to menu options {USERS-5}, {PAOP-4}, {PAOP-5} and {FPRI-2}. If (N )o, the resignation date will only default to menu option {USERS-5}. • ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 31 of 332 System Maintenance 2.8.4. Chapter 2 B - Copy Start/End Dates on Individuals – menu option {FPRI-2} The default value for this field is (N)o. • • Å 2.9. If (Y)es, the start/end dates of the previous E/D code will default. If (N)o, the start/end dates will be null. DATES FOR PAYROLL CYCLES {FPRM-21} Ä This option is used to define the period applicable to Payroll cycles. These dates are set when the system is installed but the user may insert new records. This option consists of two blocks. On the first block, the records created may be viewed. The second block offers the facility to create new records. The details for these blocks is as follows: Block 1 – Dates For Payroll Cycles A. Tax Year (YYYY) This is a query only field and the Tax Year is displayed B. Pay Run Cycle Type (A1) This is a query field only and the valid values are (M)onthly or (W)eekly. The description defaults and cannot be queried. C. Week/Month Number (N2) Depending on the selection made in B above, the (M)onth or (W)eek number will be dislpayed. D. Start/End Date (DD-MON-YYYY) The Start/End dates will be displayed. Can only query on end date E. Corresponding Month (N2) This is the only field that can be updated. This field only applies where B above is (W)eekly and the user can indicate the applicable month in which the week start/end dates fall. Block 2 – Generation Of Cycles As previously mentioned, this blocks affords the facility to create new cycles that do not exist. A. Year (YYYY) Supply the Tax Year to generate records for B. Pay Run Cycle Type (A1) Indicate whether (M)onthly or (W)eekly records must be generated ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 32 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 C. First Cycle’s End Date (DD-MON-YYYY) Supply the end date for the first month or week. The program will use this date to generate the remaining months or weeks periods. The program will validate that the date provided does fall within the tax year specified in A above. After supplying the above, execute <INSERT RECORD> for the program to generate the desired records. These records can be viewed on block 1. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 33 of 332 System Maintenance 2.10. Chapter 2 Clear Audit Trail {FPRM-22} Ä Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Which data to delete or ALL (as per selection on report {FPRNR1-27}, including Leave Package Structure) Start and end dates for deleting Are you sure you want to delete ? (Y/N) (“N”o will abort) After supplying and is satisfied with the above answers, the user can execute the program by clicking on the RUN button or use <TAB> to get to the RUN button and use <ENTER> to execute the program. PRINT SEQUENCE : Within event by date-time and user SYSTEM SELECT All records between above dates, which are older than 30 days (except for Leave Package Structure, which must be older than 365 days). 02-AUG-2002 Program : f8Xrpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 : INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE AUDIT TRAIL DELETIONS BETWEEN 01-mar-1992 AND 31-mar-1990 ----------------------------------------------------EXPLANATION OF THE CODES ACC = GL ACCOUNT CLN = CALC NUMBER = REF SAL LEVEL ACN = BANK ACCOUNT NO CM = CALC METHOD PENSION S/DATE ACP = BANK ACCT TYPE CO = CODE SALARY LEVEL AD = APPOINTMENT DATE CS = CYCLE START SURNAME AM = AMOUNT DA = DAYS STOP PAY AT = APPOINTMENT TYPE DD = DECISION DATE SEX BA = BANK ACCOUNT DF = FROM DATE TAX BD = BIRTHDATE DL = LEAVE DAYS = TRANS END DATE FN = FUND LP = LEAVE PACKAGE PO = POST RSL HL = HIGH LIMIT AMT LT = LEAVE TYPE PR = PREF LANG SD = HN = HUSBAND's NAME LU = LOOKUP TABLE PS = PREV SURNAME SL = IC = INCREMENT ME = MED DEPENDENT PT = PAY TYPE SN = IN = INITIALS MS = MARITAL STATUS QT = QUANTITY ST = IRP = IRP5 NUMBER NC = BARRIER NOTCH RA = RANK SX = IT = BANK BRANCH NM = NAME RC = REFERENCE E/D TA = JD = JOIN DATE NT = NOTCH RD = REVISED DATE TED ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 34 of 332 System Maintenance BK = BANK IT NUMBER DEP TYPE BM = BONUS MONTH TAX STATUS BO = TAX ON BONUS = TRANS STRT DATE CC = COST CENTRE TAX DEPENDENT CE = CYCLE END USER Chapter 2 DT = TO DATE LA = LEAVE CALC PA = ADVISED DATE RE = REMARK TD = EDC = E/D CODE LC = LEAVE CATEGORY PC = PERCENTAGE RL = RELATION TS = EF = EFFECTIVE DATE LD = PENSION L/DATE PD = PENSION DATE EG = GROUP LL = LOW LIMIT AMOUNT PDN = PAYDATE NUMBER RO = REC OF REVENUE FD = LEAVE DATE LM = LEAVE TERM DATE STATUS PN = PAYPOINT RN = COUNCIL NO TSD TX = RS = RESIGN DATE ACB BOND REPAYMENTS J 01-MAR-92 19:34:03 INSERT NO=0000001 EDCD=6500 ACTP=C ACNO=11111111111111 IT=70700 PAYNO=2 J 01-MAR-92 19:34:46 INSERT NO=0000001 EDCD=6510 ACTP=C ACNO=01010101010101 IT=102 PAYNO=1 J 01-MAR-92 19:35:07 BEFORE NO=0000001 EDCD=6500 ACTP=C ACNO=11111111111111 IT=70700 PAYNO=2 J 01-MAR-92 19:35:07 AFTER NO=0000001 EDCD=6500 ACTP=C ACNO=11111111111111 IT=102 PAYNO=1 .................................................................................................................. ................. .................................................................................................................. ................. NUMBER OF RECORDS DELETED = 349 ***** END OF REPORT ***** Å 2.11. Delete Old Individual Transactions {FPRM-23} Ä This option allows the salary officer to delete old individual transactions, typically advice’s regarding bonuses, medical aid arrears, arrears salary, etc. Many of these are simply there for one month, and can safely be deleted once the particular tax year has been closed off. When the option is executed, the system will delete all transactions with an “End Date” older than a user-supplied date. A control report lists the deleted transactions. If no transactions are found which meet the above selection criteria, the following message appears on the report: “No transactions were found with end date older than supplied date”. An example of this report is found on the next page. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 35 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 Supply Date (DD-MON-YYYY) Up to 10 E/D codes to be deleted or “ALL” If “ALL”, up to 10 E/D codes to be excluded Are you sure you want to delete these records? (Y/N). (If the answer is ( N)o, the program aborts). After supplying and is satisfied with the above answers, the user can execute the program by clicking on the RUN button or use <TAB> to get to the RUN button and use <ENTER> to execute the program. PRINT SEQUENCE: E/D code sequence within personnel number. SYSTEM SELECT: All transactions with an “End Date” older than above date for the included E/D Codes. Transactions with null end dates are not deleted. 08-JUN-2002 13:59 Program : f8Vrpt.rdf PERS. NUMBER 3 4 4 12 15 V12.0.0.0 E/D CODE START DATE 9999 0500 1130 0150 01-JUN-1989 01-DEC-1989 01-DEC-1989 01-JUN-1989 3500 END DATE INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE 1 DELETION OF INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTIONS OLDER THAN 01-jan-1990 E/D CODES INCLUDED : all E/D CODES EXCLUDED : 0400 SAL METH LEV 30-JUN-1989 99 31-DEC-1989 40 31-DEC-1989 30 30-JUN-1989 0 01-JAN-1977 AMOUNT GL GL CC ACCOUNT 3 7729.86 F001 9332 3 1000.00 3 125.00 3 30.00 F001 9338 20-FEB-1981 QTY REFERENCE FUND 12 5 SOMS 34 6000 01-DEC-1989 31-DEC-1989 52 34 6100 01-DEC-1989 31-DEC-1989 51 34 7300 01-JUN-1989 30-JUN-1989 11 180 6320 01-DEC-1989 31-DEC-1989 74 3 3 3 1000.00 F001 9316 666.66 F001 9316 500.00 6000 0201 F001 9320 G 4.00 G3 180 6330 01-DEC-1989 31-DEC-1989 74 G F001 9320 5.00 G4 180 180 190 195 1002 8888 8888 155555 18 7400 7400 1105 0200 0310 1170 1170 1130 01-DEC-1989 01-DEC-1989 01-DEC-1989 01-DEC-1989 01-DEC-1989 01-MAY-1989 01-MAY-1989 01-DEC-1989 31-DEC-1989 3 31-DEC-1989 4 31-DEC-1989 40 31-DEC-1989 40 31-DEC-1989 40 30-JUN-1989 2 31-MAY-1989 3 31-DEC-1989 40 D 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 0320 0101 0320 0101 7.13 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1500.00 2500.00 1000.00 RECORDS DELETED ***** END OF REPORT ***** Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 36 of 332 System Maintenance 2.12. Chapter 2 CHEQUE RE-PRINTING {FPRM-24} Ä This menu option is sensitive to the following System Operational Rule on menu option {FCSM-1b2}: Rule Code DA SubSystem CT Description Cheque authorisation mandatory Alpha/ Numeric/ Date A Definition Valid values are (Y)es or (N)o. The defa ult is (Y)es. Before cheques are printed, must the authorisation rules that are defined on menu option {FCSM-6} be applied, (Y)es or (N)o. On menu option {FCSM-6}, users who are authorised to effect payments must be defined. When rule DA is to (Y)es and a cheque generation record, type Q, is generated by the Payroll System, the “Print Indicator” is set to (H)old. As soon as the user who is authorised to effect the payment, authorises it, this indicator is set to (N)o by the system. When the cheque is printed, this indicator is set to (Y)es and it will not be possible to print the cheque again unless this indicator is reset to (N)o. It is sometimes necessary to reprint cheques, because of problems during a print run. This option is then used to reset the print indicators for the damaged Payroll cheques. On enter of this option, the user will be required to supply a Cashier ID and Password. The Cashier ID and Password will not be required in the event where the user only wants to query payment records. The screen displays the following information: − − − − − − Payment Method (always “Q”) Cheque Number (as assigned by system) Cheque Date Personnel Number and Name Amount Print Indicator. This option will display only those cheques created by the Payroll System. Only the “Print Indicator” is updateable. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 37 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 <ENTER QUERY>, then enter the date on the cheques in the “Cheque Date” field. <EXECUTE QUERY> will then show all cheques generated for that date, and the appropriate Print Indicators can be set to “N”o, followed by a <COMMIT>. Å Mentor/Tutor Claims Authorisers {FPRM-25} Ä 2.13. This option provides the facility to record users who are authorised to approve Mentor/Tutor claims This option contains the following fields: A. User Code (A8) Supply the user code as defined on menu option {USERS-5}. The name will default to the ‘User Name’ Field. B. Region (A2) Supply the region for which the user may authorise. The name will default to the ‘Region Name’ field. C. Department (N4) Supply the department, for the region, for which the user may authorise. The name will default to the ‘Department Name’ field. D. Minimum Amount (N17.2) Supply the minimum value of a claim that the user may authorise. E. 2.14. Maximum Amount (N17.2) Supply the maximum value of a claim that the user may authorise. Å Query Event U Posting Dates {FPRM-27} Ä This option provides the facility to query post dates linked to a particular UIF tape generation record. Event U, that exists on the event log file. Users can only query on this option and consists of the following: A. Type (A1) The only value allowed is event U B. Cycle (YYYMM) The applicable cycle for which a tape has been generated C. Start Posting Date (DD-MON-YYYYHH24MISS) The first post date associated with this cycles tape generation record D. End Posting Date (DD-MON-YYYYHH24MISS) The last post date associated with this cycles tape generation record This information may be used to regenerate a UIF file.Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 38 of 332 System Maintenance 2.15. Chapter 2 Reprint/Regenerate UIF File {FPRM-28} Ä This option provides the facility to reprint or re-generate a UIF File previously generated and for which a record, event U, exists on the event log file Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Enter Cycle To Be Used (YYYYMM) Enter Start Posting Date (DD-MON-YYYYHH24MISS) Enter End Posting Date (DD-MON-YYYYHH24MISS) Is This A (T)est Or (L)ive Tape (A1) Must E-mail Address Be Included (Y/N) Supply Calculation Number or ALL (N2) Supply Calculation Sequence Number or ALL (N2) Supply The First Of Ten Employer Deduction Codes (A4) Supply The Second Deduction Code or <RETURN> Supply The First Of Ten Employee Deduction Codes (A4) Supply The Second Deduction Code or <RETURN> Do You Want To Include Banking Details (Y/N) An example of the output is as follows: Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 39 of 332 System Maintenance 2.16. 2.16.1. Chapter 2 REPORTS Institution Details {FPRMR1-1} Ä Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. SYSTEM SELECT: DATE : 02-AUG-2002 Program : f8Crpt.rdf Information on screen 1 of option {FPRM-1} INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE NO : 1 V12.0.0.0 INSTITUTION DETAILS FOR CYCLE : 9209 ------------------------------------ INSTITUTION CODE DETAILS OBTAINED FROM SUB-SYSTEM INSTITUTION TAX NUMBER 999 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PR ITS-Tax-no ACB DETAILS ----------INSTITUTION ID. NUMBER 999 USER CODE 999 USER GENERATION NUMBER 32 INSTALLATION GENERATION NUMBER 32 TYPE OF SERVICE TWO DAY ABBREVIATED NAME ITS-ACB TAPE SERIAL NUMBER AGGREGATE VALUE LIMIT INSTITUTION BANK ITSACB 2000000.00 20 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 40 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 USER BRANCH INSTITUTION'S ACCOUNT NO. 20103 CENTRAL 12345678901 Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 41 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 Event Log Audit Trail {FPRMR1-2} Ä 2.16.2. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Start and end dates for audit trail Do you wish to see only late events ? (Y/N) Personnel number or “ALL” Username or “ALL” (the Oracle username) After supplying and is satisfied with the above answers, the user can execute the program by clicking on the RUN button or use <TAB> to get to the RUN button and use <ENTER> to execute the program. PRINT SEQUENCE: If all events are selected, the records are printed in descending date-time sequence, irrespective of the type of event; If only late events are selected, the “X” and “Z” records are grouped by personnel number in descending datetime sequence. SYSTEM SELECT: All records in Event Log File between above dates, subject to selection of late events only. DATE : 02-AUG-2002 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE AUDIT TRAIL of EVENT LOG FILE for PERIOD : 01-mar-2002 -> 31-jul-2002 Late Events ? = Y ; Person = ALL ; Username = ALL (Program : f87rpt.sql) PERSON CALC NUMBER EVENT EVENT NAME CYCLE DATE TIME USER NUMBER -------- ----- -------------------- ----- ------------------ -------- -----140857 Z LATE CALCULATION 9205 09-JUL-92 16:14:03 J 1 X LATE ROLLBACK 9205 09-JUL-92 16:13:31 J 1 6922 X LATE ROLLBACK 9203 02-MAR-92 16:34:16 J 1 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 42 of 332 System Maintenance Chapter 2 6666 Z X LATE CALCULATION LATE ROLLBACK 9203 02-APR-92 17:24:11 J 9203 02-APR-92 17:22:49 J 1 1 2804 Z X LATE CALCULATION LATE ROLLBACK 9208 19-JUL-92 16:32:16 J 9208 19-JUL-92 16:31:02 J 1 1 1457 X X LATE ROLLBACK LATE ROLLBACK 9203 02-MAR-92 17:25:56 J 9203 02-MAR-92 16:34:04 J 1 1 916 Z X Z X Z X LATE LATE LATE LATE LATE LATE 9206 9206 9205 9205 9202 9202 2 2 2 2 2 2 CALCULATION ROLLBACK CALCULATION ROLLBACK CALCULATION ROLLBACK 30-JUN-92 30-JUN-92 01-JUN-92 01-JUN-92 25-MAR-92 25-MAR-92 11:50:00 11:49:18 08:44:57 08:44:21 09:47:28 09:45:22 J J J J J J Å Print Dates For Payroll Cycles {FPRMR1-3} Ä 2.16.3. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Enter Start Tax Date (DD-MON-YYYY) End Tax Date (DD-MON-YYYY) The Pay Frequency (M)onthly (W)eekly or (A)ll After supplying and is satisfied with the above answers, the user can execute the program by clicking on the RUN button or use <TAB> to get to the RUN button and use <ENTER> to execute the program. 29-JUN-2002 14:43 Program : f94ccc.pc V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Dates For Payroll Cycles Start Tax Date 01-MAR-2000 End Tax Date 28-FEB-2001 Pay Frequency (M)onthly (W)eekly (A)ll Sorted by Payroll Type , Date Tax Year ---- Freq Ind ---- 2000 2000 M M W/M Num --- Date ---- 3 4 31-MAR-2000 30-APR-2000 Page : 1 A ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 43 of 332 System Maintenance 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 M M M M M M M M M M 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 Chapter 2 31-MAY-2000 30-JUN-2000 31-JUL-2000 31-AUG-2000 30-SEP-2000 31-OCT-2000 30-NOV-2000 31-DEC-2000 31-JAN-2001 28-FEB-2001 Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 44 of 332 Code Subsystem 3. CODE SUBSYSTEM Chapter 3 {FPR-3} / {FPRC} The Code Subsystem contains user-maintained tables which are widely used in the Payroll System, but which are not directly accessed by the calculation program. 3.1. BANK/BRANCH DETAIL {FPRC-1} Ä The Payroll System requires bank information at institutional and employee level, which is maintained in this two-Block option. Block 1: BANK INFORMATION {FPRC-1b1} The system is provided with a basic list of sixteen banks and five building societies, which can be updated and expanded by the user under this option. The following information is required: A. Bank Code (N2) A unique code to identify the bank or building society. B. Bank Name (A30) The name of the bank or building society. The system comes with English names, but the user can provide alternate names if desired. C. Bank or Building Society (*) Bank (*) Building Society This indicator tells the system whether this is a (B )ank or a Building (S )ociety, to enable the transactions to be handled correctly for the ACB. The system defaults to (B)ank. Block 2: BRANCH DETAIL {FPRC-1b2} The institution's bank branch from which the ACB transfers will be done, and the branches of the banks or building societies to which the earnings of employees will be paid over or transferred, are defined here. Every branch of a commercial bank or building society in the RSA is uniquely identified by the first six digits of the so-called IT-number, which normally appears at the top right hand corner of cheques. The usual format is 16-04-45-00. To add records to this Block, the appropriate bank code must be queried in Block 1 and the user moves to Block 2 with the <NEXT BLOCK> command. The bank code will be displayed, and the following information can be supplied: ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 45 of 332 Code Subsystem Chapter 3 A. Branch (N6) This number forms part of the information on the ACB tape, and no transfer can be made if it is not available. In the case of a bank branch, the first six digits of the IT-number must be supplied, in the above example 160445. In the case of building societies which subscribe to the ACB service, one record per society must be created here with the branch code as indicated (refer ACB Magnetic Tape Service User Notices 64/92 and 65/92): BANK NAME -------------------ALLIED BANK NBS BANK LTD SAAMBOU BANK PERM UNITED BANK EP BUILDING SOCIETY UNIBANK BRANCH CODE --------420005 720026 730045 760005 632005 780017 790005 Please note that the above reference to PERM has bearing on all accounts OTHER THAN current accounts. PERM current accounts must be linked to NEDBANK branch 147105 “PERM Central”. B. Branch Name (A30) e.g. Church Street, Pretoria. In the case of building societies, which subscribe to the ACB service, the branch name is “ACB BRANCH” in all cases. C. Address and Postal Code (4xA30+A4) This information is optional, and is not used by the standard system. User-written programs for corresponding with banks, etc can access it. Å 3.2. RECEIVER OF REVENUE DETAIL {FPRC-2} Ä The codes, names and addresses of the different tax offices applicable to employees are maintained here. The following information must be supplied: A. Receiver Code (A4) A unique code B. Receiver Office (A30) The official name of the Office of the Receiver of Revenue. IRP5’s will be addressed to this name. Please note that the IRP5 form currently allows for a maximum of 18 characters only. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 46 of 332 Code Subsystem Chapter 3 C. Receiver Address and Post Code (A30x4+A4) The postal address and code of the above office. These fields are not mandatory. Å PAY POINTS {FPRC-3} Ä 3.3. A table of Pay Points can be created and maintained in this option. The following information is required per pay point: A. Pay Point (A4) A unique number to identify the pay point. B. English Pay Point Name (A40) An appropriate description must be supplied. C. Alternate Pay Point Name (A40) This information must be supplied if any employees have indicated an alternate preferred language, since this name is printed on the payslip. If no alternate pay point name is supplied, the payslip program will default to the English pay point name. D. Person Responsible (N9) The personnel number of the paymaster for this pay point must be supplied. The person's name will be displayed when a valid number is entered, and will appear on the Pay Distribution List. Å NOTCH CHANGES/STOP PAYMENT CODES {FPRC-4} Ä 3.4. This option provides the facility to define codes for stop payment and notch changes. When this option is executed, the user will be presented with two options, namely: 1. Reason Codes for Notch Change; and 2. Reason Codes for Stop Payments If the user selects 1, codes can be defined for notch changes as follows: A. Reason Code (A2) Supply a unique code for the reason code B. Description (A30) Supply a suitable description for the reason code. If the user selects 2, codes can be defined for stop payments. The fields to complete are the same as described above. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 47 of 332 Code Subsystem Chapter 3 MANAGEMENT REPORT STRUCTURE {FPRC-7} Ä 3.5. This four-Block option allows the user to define the structure of a Management Report, which is printed by option {FPRNR2-22}. The concept is simple: the standard Payroll reconciliation reports are oriented towards individual earnings or deductions, but management has needs for flexible reporting on salary expenditure, where earnings and deductions must be grouped together in various ways for various reports. The user must therefore be able to define: − − − − a heading or description for each report a description or name for the various E/D groups the contents of each E/D group the structure of each report, i.e. the various groups that will belong to a particular report. The four Blocks in this option allow exactly this. Block 1: REPORT DESCRIPTION {FPRC-7b1} A. Report Code (A2) A unique two-character code for each report. B. Description (A35) Supply a suitable description for the report e.g. “Council's Contributions”. Block 2: E/D GROUP DESCRIPTION {FPRC -7b2} A. Group Code (N2) A unique two-digit code for each group. B. Description (A35) Supply a suitable description for the E/D group e.g. “Pension Funds”. Block 3: E/D GROUP CONTENTS {FPRC-7b3} In this Block, we define which E/D Codes belong to each group as defined in Block 2: A. Group Code (N2) One of the codes as defined in Block 2. When the code is entered, the description is displayed. The <LIST> command will show valid codes. B. E/D Code (A4) A valid E/D Code as defined in {FPRG-6}. When the code is entered, the description is displayed. The <LIST> command will show valid codes. There is no limit to the number of E/D Codes that can be linked to a group. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 48 of 332 Code Subsystem Chapter 3 Block 4: REPORT STRUCTURE {FPRC-7b4} All that remains now, is to tell the system which groups belong to which report, as follows: A. Report Code (A2) A code as defined in Block 1. When the code is entered, the description is displayed. The <LIST> command will show valid codes. B. E/D Group Code (N2) A code as defined in Block 3. When the code is entered, the descriptio n is displayed. The <LIST> command will show valid codes. There is no limit to the number of E/D Groups that can be linked to a report. A particular group can be used in more than one report. The user should note that nothing prevents an E/D code from being used in more than one group either, which means that it is possible to link an E/D code twice to the same report. The report of option {FPRCR1 -21}, which prints the structure of a report based on the information in the foregoing Blocks, is useful for identifying such duplications of transactions. Å IRP5 TOTALS {FPRC-21} Ä 3.6. The IRP5 certificate is printed on pre-printed stationery with total boxes as prescribed by the Receiver of Revenue. When creating earnings and deductions, the user must indicate into which IRP5 total box the specific transaction should be posted. This Block cannot be updated by the user and displays the following: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. IRP5 Code Foreign IRP5 Code English Description Alternate Description Taxable/Non-Taxable Linked To E/D Code? Tax Code Groupings ITS has added a Box “9999 ” (“Non IRP5 Total”) to cater for amounts which should NOT appear on the IRP5, e.g. deductions paid over on behalf of an employee. The IRP5 Boxes for non-RSA users will be defined as per the instructions of the Receivers of Revenue in those countries. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 49 of 332 Code Subsystem 3.7. Chapter 3 REPORTS 3.7.1. IRP5 Total Numbers {FPRCR 1-1} Ä Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. PRINT SEQUENCE : IRP5 Box sequence SYSTEM SELECT All records in table 29-JUN-2002 5:11:53 V12.0.0.0 : page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE List Of IRP5 Total Numbers For Cycle : 199912 (Program : f85rpt.sql) IRP10 Code -----3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3696 3697 3698 3699 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 English Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Income - Taxable Income - Non-taxable Pension - Taxable Pension - Non-taxable Annual payment - Taxable Commission Overtime Arbitration awards - taxable Arbitration awards - non-taxable Annuity from Retirement fund Purchased annuity - taxable Purchased annuity - non-taxable Gross non-taxable income Gross retirement-funding employment income Gross non-retirement-funding employment income Gross remuneration Travel allowance Re-imbursive travel allowance - taxable Re-imbursive travel allowance - non-taxable Subsistence allowance - taxable Subsistence allowance - non-taxable Entertainment allowance Share options exercised Public Office allowance Uniform allowance - non-taxable Tool allowance Computer allowance Indi Link to E/D Code ---- -----------Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 50 of 332 Code Subsystem 3712 3713 3714 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 Chapter 3 Telephone / Cell phone allowance Other allowances taxable Other allowances non-taxable Acquisition of assets less than actual value and/or insurances ceded Use of motor vehicle Right of use of asset (other than motor vehicle) Meals, refreshments and meal vouchers Free or cheap or holiday accommodation Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 62 rows selected. ********** End Of Report ********** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 51 of 332 Code Subsystem Chapter 3 Bank List {FPRCR1-2} Ä 3.7.2. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. PRINT SEQUENCE : Bank code SYSTEM SELECT All records in table : 29-JUN-2002 5:11:53 V12.0.0.0 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE LIST OF BANKS (Program : f8irpt.sql) BANK CODE ----1 10 20 30 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 50 60 63 66 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 BANK NAME -----------------------------STANDARD BANK NEDBANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK VOLKSKAS BANK FRENCH BANK OF SOUTHERN AFRICA THE S. A. BANK OF ATHENS BOLAND BANK BANK OF LISBON BANK OF SWA/NAMIBIA BANK OF TRANSKEI BANK WINDHOEK TRUST BANK SANTAM BANK UNITED BANK UNION BANK OF SWAZILAND ALLIED BUILDING SOCIETY NATAL BUILDING SOCIETY SAAMBOU BUILDING SOCIETY SA PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY UNITED BUILDING SOCIETY PROVINCIAL BUILDING SOCIETY E.P. BUILDING SOCIETY TYPE OF INSTITUTION ------------------B BANK B BANK B BANK B BANK B BANK B BANK B BANK B BANK B BANK B BANK B BANK B BANK B BANK B BANK B BANK S BUILDING SOCIETY S BUILDING SOCIETY S BUILDING SOCIETY S BUILDING SOCIETY S BUILDING SOCIETY S BUILDING SOCIETY S BUILDING SOCIETY 22 records selected. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 52 of 332 Code Subsystem Chapter 3 Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 53 of 332 Code Subsystem Chapter 3 Bank/Branch Detail {FPRCR1-3} Ä 3.7.3. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. PRINT SEQUENCE : Branch code within bank SYSTEM SELECT All records in table DATE : 02-AUG-2002 Program : f8Brpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 : INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE : 1 DETAIL FOR ALL BANKS FOR CYCLE : 199108 ------------------------------------BANK : 1 STANDARD BANK TYPE : B BANK BRANCH CODE(IT) -------102 BRANCH POST NAME & ADDRESS CODE ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------PRETORIA NORTH 24 MAIN ST PTA NORTH 0023 103 VERWOERDBURG SHOP # 89 VERWOERDBURG CITY 0045 104 WATERKLOOF 81 CHARLES ST WATERKLOOF 0011 105 NEW PENTHOUSE SUNNYSIDE CENTRE SUNNYSIDE 0038 106 BLOEMFONTEIN 39 MAIN ST BLOEMFONTEIN 3009 107 HOUGHTON 63 MAIN ST HOUGHTON 1111 108 JOUBERT PARK CRESTA CENTRE JOUBERT PARK 1001 109 GROENKLOOF 134 STORRAR DRIVE GROENKLOOF 0039 10203 PRETORIA NORTH GERRIT MARITZ ST PRETORIA 0001 10304 VERWOERDBURG ENSLINSTRAAT VERWOEDBURG 0003 20203 DIEPKLOOF Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 54 of 332 Code Subsystem Chapter 3 Receiver Detail {FPRCR1-4} Ä 3.7.4. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does no t have parameters. PRINT SEQUENCE : Receiver code SYSTEM SELECT All records in table DATE : 02-AUG-2002 V12.0.0.0 : Page INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE LIST OF RECEIVER OF REVENUE DETAIL FOR CYCLE : 199104 (Program : f81rpt.sql) REC REV ---0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 RECEIVER OF REVENUE OFFICE NAME -----------------------------PRETORIA JOHANNESBURG MAFIKENG UMTATA WINDHOEK BLOEMFONTEIN DURBAN ADDRESS LINE 1 -------------------PRIVATE BAG X001 PRIVATE BAG X002 PRIVATE BAG X003 PRIVATE BAG X004 PRIVATE BAG X005 PRIVATE BAG X006 P/BAG X007 POST ADDRESS LINE 2 ADDRESS LINE 3 ADDRESS LINE 4 -------------------- -------------------- -------------------PRETORIA JOHANNESBURG MAFIKENG UMTATA WINDHOEK BLOEMFONTEIN DURBAN 7 records selected. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 55 of 332 CODE ---0001 2000 9000 3000 4000 1 Code Subsystem Chapter 3 Pay Points {FPRCR1-5} Ä 3.7.5. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. PRINT SEQUENCE : Pay point code sequence SYSTEM SELECT All records in table : DATE : 02-AUG-2002 V12.0.0.0 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE LIST OF PAY POINTS FOR CYCLE : 199108 (Program : f8krpt.sql) PAY PAY POINT POINT NAME --------------------------------------------0001 CHEMISTRY DEPT 0002 PHYSICS DEPT LAVOUSEUR 0003 DEPT OF MECH ENG LAVOUSEUR 0004 6666 ADMIN BLOCK PART-TIMERS (CHEMISTRY) ALTERNATE PAY POINT NAME ------------------------------ DEPARTEMENT FISIKA DEPARTEMENT MEGANIESE INGENIEU ADMINISTRASIE-GEBOU DEELTYDS (CHEMIE) PERSON NUMBER -------180 34 34 180 180 RESPONSIBLE PERSON ------------MRS V SMITH PROF B PROF B MRS V SMITH MRS V SMITH Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 56 of 332 Code Subsystem Chapter 3 Print Stop Payment Codes {FPRCR1-6} Ä 3.7.6. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. 30-JUN-2002 09:58:06 V12.0.0.0 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Reason Codes For Stop Payments (Program : f91rpt.sql) Stop Payment Reason Code -----------01 Stop Payment Reason Description -----------------------------Suspended without Pay ********** End Of Report ********** Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 57 of 332 Code Subsystem 3.7.7. Chapter 3 Print Notch Change Codes {FPRCR1-7} Ä Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. 30-JUN-2002 09:59:06 V12.0.0.0 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Reason Codes For Notch Changes (Program : f90rpt.sql) Salary Chang Reason Code -----------01 02 03 90 91 92 Salary Change Reason description -----------------------------Merit Increase Demotion Promotion Annual Increase General Increase Personal Adjustment 6 rows selected. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 58 of 332 Code Subsystem Chapter 3 Management Report Structure {FPRCR1-21} Ä 3.7.8. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Report code or “ALL” Must report also show E/D Codes that are not linked? (Y/N ) After supplying and is satisfied with the above answers, the user can execute the program by clicking on the RUN button or use <TAB> to get to the RUN button and use <ENTER> to execute the program. PRINT SEQUENCE: SYSTEM SELECT 03-AUG-2002 Program : f93rpt.rdf Report code sequence; group code within report; E/D code within group : V12.0.0.0 All records in option {FPRC-7} subject to above. INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT REPORT STRUCTURE FOR SALARY INFORMATION FOR REPORT CODE : CT COUNCIL's CONTRIBUTIONS: TOTAL GROUP CODE DESCRIPTION 2 BASIC SALARY: Permanent Staff 3 BASIC SALARY: Temporary Staff 5 BONUS 6 HOUSING SUBSIDY PAGE E/D CODE E/D TYPE DESCRIPTION 0001 0100 7300 7301 7400 0002 0111 4999 9998 0150 2400 7420 1100 E E D D D E E E D E E D E BASIC SALARY PENSIONABLE ALLOWANCE UNPAID LEAVE UNPAID LEAVE (ANNUAL) OVERPAID SALARY BASIC SALARY - TEMP PENSIONABLE ALLOWANCE CASH ADVANCE CASH ADVANCE RECOVERY BONUS STAB FUND (BONUS): OVERPAID BONUS HOUSING SUBSIDY 3 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 59 of 332 Code Subsystem 7 MEDICAL AID 9 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 11 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 12 15 DISABILITY INSURANCE PENSION FUNDS Chapter 3 1101 2200 2210 7410 3500 3510 4100 4101 E E E D E E E E HOUSING ALLOWANCE HOUSING SUBSIDY (NONHOUSING ALLOW (NONOVERPAID SUBSIDY MEDICAL SAMED: MEDICAL SOMS: WCA: EMPLOYER'S WCA: EMPLOYERS 4000 4010 9090 4050 3000 3010 3100 3110 E E E E E E E E GROUP LIFE INSURANCE: GROUP LIFE INSURANCE: GROUP LIFE INSURANCE: DISABILITY INSURANCE PENSION FUND 1: PENSION FUND 2: P/F 1 ARREARS: P/F 2 ARREARS: *** End of Report *** Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 60 of 332 Global Detail 4. Chapter 4 OPERATIONAL MENU : GLOBAL DETAIL {FPRO-1}/{FPRG} Detail is kept at the highest possible level in the Payroll System, and in this option salaryrelated information is maintained which is valid for the institution at a global level. Employee-specific exceptions are handled in menu {FPRI}. SALARY SCALES DETAIL {FPRG-1} Ä 4.1. A person's salary scale usually consists of one or more “subscales ”, each comprising a bottom notch, equal increments and a top notch, e.g. 24 000 x 240 = 30 000 or 9 000 x 120 = 12 360 x 150 = 12 660. The system allows the building of any scale by combining consecutive subscales into a socalled “tree”. A scale may consist of one or more trees, which need not be consecutive, i.e. the top notch of the first tree need not be the same as the bottom notch of the second. Since the number of subscales in a tree may conceivably increase in future, it is recommended that a few scale codes are left unused between trees. The following information is required: A. Scale Cycle (N2) The number of the scale set to be created. If a new set was specified under option {FPRM-4}, the system will have copied the previous set and the user may change the amounts after querying on the particular cycle. B. Scale Code (N4) These are consecutive numbers within a subscale . Since these subscales are attached to different ranks, it is advisable to use the same codes in different cycles (i.e. sets). C. Prior Code (N4) To create a tree of subscales, the system requires the code of the preceding subscale. A zero must be entered here for the first subscale of a new tree. D. Start of Scale (N10) The lower limit of the scale. This value may not be less than the “end of scale” for the preceding one, unless it is the first subscale of a new tree. If the second or further subscale of a tree is being created, this field will default to “end of scale” for the preceding subscale. E. Increment (N10) The amount by which the salary will normally be increased annually. This value is set to zero for fixed scales. F. End of Scale (N10) The upper limit of the scale. This value is the same as the “Start of Scale” for fixed scales. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 58 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Each record should be <COMMIT>ted as it is completed, since any subscale may be used as a previous subscale in a following record. When the user <EXIT>s from this screen, the option is provided to validate the salary scales . The system will check that the start of a scale plus a whole number of increments results in exactly the end of the scale. 4.1.1. Validation of Salary Scales {FPRG-1} Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. PRINT SEQUENCE: Scale code sequence SYSTEM SELECT: All scales valid in pay cycle of “A” record in “Run Cycle Control File” Date: 30-JUN-2000 Time: 12:07:1 f8Hccc.pc V12.0.0.0 Salary Scales Validation For Cycle 200006 ========================================= Error: Error: Error: Code Start Incr End 201 777 5103 3250 500000000 57900 250 100000345 3000 3850 1000000000 1000000 37 Scales Validated; Page 1 3 Scales In Error -- Validate Process Completed -- Å 4.2. RANK / SALARY SCALE COMBINATIONS {FPRG-2} Ä In this option the default subscale(s) applicable to a rank are specified. The prerequisites for the creation of this table are the creation of Approved Ranks via option {PACS-2} in the Personnel System (refer Section 2.2, Manual Personnel System), and the Salary Scales via option {FPRG-1} above. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 59 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 The following information is required: A. Rank (N5) When an existing rank code is supplied, the description is displayed. B. Scale (N4) When an existing scale code is supplied, the appropriate subscale will be displayed according to cycle dates. If a scale consists of more than one subscale, all the relevant subscales must be linked to the rank. (If a specific employee's salary scale differs from the normal scale for his rank, an adjustment must be made via option {FPRI-3}, which updates the detail of an individual). The combination of control date, cycle and scale set allows the handling of automatic increases on a specific date, for example: Assume that the rank of “Lecturer” is connected to the following subscales of scale set 1, which is valid until 30 June 1990: Set 1 1 Code 12 13 Scale 24 000 x 240 = 30 000 30 000 x 360 = 40 080 New salary scales become effective on July 1 1990, and scale set 2 is created beforehand with the following subscales: Set 2 2 Code 12 13 Scale 26 000 x 300 = 32 000 32 000 x 480 = 44 000 From July 1 the system will automatically select the correct new scale from set 2, without any user intervention, for all new appointments. It is obvious that this automatic linking will only be accurate if the new scale codes correspond to the old ones. In the event that the new lecturer's scale were extended, e.g. Set 2 2 2 Code 12 13 14 Scale 26 000 x 300 = 30 500 30 500 x 400 = 38 500 38 500 x 500 = 46 000, subscale 14 will have to be manually linked to the rank of “Lecturer” via this option. Hereafter, the linking of scales 12 -> 14 to the rank would happen automatically for new appointees . ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 60 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Existing lecturers must still, however, be linked to the new scales by updating their individual scales via option {FPRI-3} after the new notches have been linked to existing employees as described in Section 7.8. Å FUNDS DETAIL {FPRG-3} Ä 4.3. This option allows the definition of the Pension Funds, Provident Funds, Retirement Annuity Funds, Group Medical Schemes, Group Life Insurance Funds and Other Funds to which employees of the institution may or must belong. The following information is required per fund: A. Fund Number (A4) A unique number to identify the fund. B. Fund Name (A30) Supply an appropriate description for the fund C. Fund Type (A1) Allowed values are: (G)roup Insurance, (M )edical Aid, (P)ension, (R )etirement Annuity, Pro(V)ident Fundand (O)ther. The type of fund is displayed when a valid code is entered. D. Look at Notch? (*) Yes (*) No. Indicate by “Y”es if a fund looks at actual monthly income, or income based on full notch. For Medical Aid, this value would typically be “Y”es. If the answer is “N”o, the field may be left blank. Calc methods “5”, “A”, “C” and “G” for the various funds are sensitive to this indicator. E. Pay in Advance? (*) Yes (*) No. Indicate by “Y”es if the monthly premiums must be paid in advance. If the answer is “N”o, the field may be left blank. If the answer is “Y”es, the salary calculation program will automatically deduct double contributions during the first month of membership of this fund, and will automatically deduct no premiums in an employee's resignation month. Most Medical Schemes and Group Funds operate in this way. F. Pension Clearance Number (N11) Supply the Pension Clearance Number for Tax purposes. G. Child Dependents (N1) Supply the maximum number of child dependents for medical aid purposes. H. Employer Contribution (N3.3) percentage, for medical aid purposes. Supply the employers contribution, in ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 61 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Should an employee resign from a fund whilst still in service with the institution, the deduction of premiums in the resignation month must be manually stopped by entering the actual fund resignation date in option {PAOP-4 and 5} of the Personnel System. Should a new employee maintain unbroken existing membership of a fund, and therefore not be subject to an advance payment, the first month's premium should be advised at individual level as one-half that of the normal premium. Å LOOKUP TABLE TYPES {FPRG-4} Ä 4.4. The information in this table is a prerequisite for the detail of the Lookup Tables (option {FPRG-5}) which in turn is a prerequisite for the creation of the detail of some earnings and deductions (options {FPRG-7} and {FPRI-2}). The relevant Lookup Ta bles are created as follows: A. Table (N4) A unique code must be entered. Note that code 1 is reserved for the PAYE tax table, which is provided with the system. B. Table Name (A30) The name of the table is entered, for example SOMS, SAMED, AIPF, PGI, etc. C. Table Indicator (A6) This field cannot be updated by the user. This only applies to the UK clients. Å LOOKUP TABLE DETAIL {FPRG-5} Ä 4.5. The following information is required to create a lookup table: A. Table (N4) When the code of an existing table is entered, the name of the table is displayed. Code 0001 is reserved for the PAYE Tax Table, which is supplied with the system and is not updateable by the user. B. Dependents (N1) The only tables for which a person's dependents must be specified, are those which refer to Medical Fund Contributions. For all other tables the default value zero is used. If a medical aid fund contribution stays constant from (say) five dependents, records must still be created for 6, 7, 8, and 9 dependents. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 62 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 C. Status (A1) This indicator has different meanings depending on the type of table being defined: it could refer to Tax Status, Marital Status or Gender. If a table does not refer to a status at all, the default value zero must be used. RSA PAYE Table : Tax Status “A” = Married Person “B” = Single Person “C” = Married Woman (For other countries, this status could have different meanings). Group Insurance: “M ” = Male, “F” = Female, “0” = non-applicable Pension Table : “M ” = Male, “F” = Female, “0 ” = non-applicable Medical Tables : Marital Status “0” = non-applicable (usual case) “M ” = M arried “S” = Single (The calculation program will treat marital status “W”idow(er) as “M ”arried; “D”ivorced is treated as “S”ingle if number of dependents is zero, or otherwise as “M ”arried). D. Pay Frequency (A1) (Y)early. Indicate whether the table is (W)eekly, (M)onthly or E. Cycle (YYYY+N2) Supply the year and week/month from when this table is applicable. F. Low Amount (N15.2) Specify the low value of a range. An amount must be entered, e.g. 0.00. G. High Amount (N15.2) Specify the high value of a range, which must be larger than the low amount. An amount must be entered, e.g. 999999.99 . Note that for PAYE tables the above amounts represent taxable annual earnings; for other tables which refer to earnings they represent monthly earnings. H. Range Amount (N15.2) The calculation of an earning or deduction is always based on a fixed amount or a percentage or both. The fixed amount applicable to the above range is specified here. If only a percentage is applicable, this field must be left blank . ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 63 of 332 Global Detail I. Chapter 4 Range Percentage (N7.2) If only a percentage is specified, the deduction will be calculated as a percentage of the taxable amount (in the case of PAYE) and of the relevant salary level total in other cases. If only a range amount is applicable, this field must be left blank. If both a range amount and a percentage are specified, the deduction is calculated, in the case of PAYE, as the sum of the range amount and the specified percentage of the excess of taxable annual income above the low level of the range. In all other cases the deduction is calculated as the sum of the range amount and the specified percentage of the relevant salary level total. When detail is loaded for Medical Aid, Group Insurance and Pension Tables, consideration should be given as to whether the total contribution applicable to an employee should be loaded, or only that portion for which he/she would be responsible (the institution contributing the rest). This could influence the reports to the Fund Administrator. Refer Section 4.7 for more information in this regard. The system is supplied with the PAYE Tax Table detail, which is valid at date of installation for a particular country. In the case of RSA users, this is the detail as per the then valid IRP10 Tables (Vol. 31 of the Statutory Rates of Tax). ITS will update the table for RSA users as directed by the Receiver of Revenue. Non-RSA users should contact ITS if this table has to be updated for their country, in order to evaluate possible implications concerning the tax calculation method in the event of a change in tax structure. Å EARNING / DEDUCTION TYPES {FPRG-6} Ä 4.6. The basic information about an earning or deduction is defined here, the detail being maintained in options {FPRG-7} and {FPRI-2}. The system is supplied with a basic list of 49 Earnings and 50 Deductions, which cover most of the requirements of tertiary institutions. The user may change the names, or add to or delete from this list to suit a particular institution, as follows: A. E/D Code (A4) Supply a unique code. It is recommended that Earnings run from 0001 to 4999, and Deductions from 5000 to 9999, for easy reference. The <LIST> command is linked to this field. B. E/D Type (A1) Indicate whether this is an “E”arning or a “D”eduction. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 64 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 C. Inactive From (DD-MON-YYYY) This E/D is inactivate from the date that is entered here, which means that it may not be used for any transaction that occurs in this pay cycle and later. Various input screen programs, as well as the salary calculation program, perform the necessary tests against the “C” record in {FPRM2} to ensure this. D. Description (A30x2) Supply the description of earning or deduction in English and an alternate language. The appropriate description will be selected for printing purposes on the payslip, depending on the employee's preferred language. E. Valid From (DD-MON-YYYY) Supply the date from which this E/D code and its details are valid from. An E/D code’s details may change from time to time and, thus may be duplicated and redefined with the new details. The user must indicate the start date for the redefined E/D code. F. Valid To (DD-MON-YYYY) This field cannot be updated by the user. The program will insert an end date one-day less than the start date of the redefined E/D code mentioned in E above. G. Include in STATS Gross (*) Yes (*) No. The “STATS Gross Salary” can be described as the total contribution of the institution to the benefit of the employee. If an earning should be added into the “Gross Salary”, this indicator is set to “Y”es, else to “N”o. It is also possible that a portion of an earning is to be reduced by a deduction. In order to reflect this correctly as part of STATS Gross, the E/D code to reflect the deduction must be an earning with a negative value and STATS Gross set to (Y)es. The system defaults to “Y”es for earnings and will always be “N”o for deductions. H. STATS 4.07 (N10) The system will produce STATS Table 4.07, and a valid STATS Rowcode must be supplied for all earnings and deductions which form part of the “STATS Gross Salary”. Leading zeroes need not be provided, e.g. “2 ”, “24 ”. The name of the Rowcode is displayed. This field is mandatory for any earning and deduction where the “Gross Salary” field is set to (Y)es. The Rowcodes are pre-defined and the <LIST> command is linked to this field. Only those codes flagged with a “Y” are valid, that is, rowcodes for Total Rows and Sub-total Rows may not be entered. I. Tax Code (N4) The default box on the IRP5 Tax Certificate in which this transaction will be reported. An IRP5 total 9999 represents non-IRP5 entries and must be used for all earnings/deductions, which should not be reported on the IRP5. The <LIST> command is linked to this field. J. Calc Method (A1) The default calculation method that will be used for this transaction. When an existing calculation method as defined in option {FPRG-6} is ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 65 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 entered, the description is displayed. Refer Section 4.7 for a full discussion of the various calculation methods. The <LIST> command is linked to this field. K. Salary Level (N2) The default salary level at which this transaction should be calculated. There is a logical sequence in calculating the net salary of employees. This user-defined salary “level” determines the sequence in which the system will do the various calculations, normally starting off with level zero, which is the basic salary or notch. The level totals are cumulative, the result of a calculation at a given level being added to the preceding total to produce the next level total. Generally speaking the sequence should be as follows (suggested level ranges appear in parentheses; PAYE MUST be at level 50): (0) ( 1 - 9) (10) (11 - 39) (40 - 49) (50) (51 - 57) (58 - 59) (60 - 64) (65 - 99) Basic Salary plus Taxable Pensionable Earnings less Pension Contribution by Employee plus Taxable Non-pensionable Earnings less Tax Deductible Deductions less PAYE (Table look-up) less Manual tax advices and SITE adjustments less Computer-generated SITE adjustments plus Non-taxable Earnings less Other Deductions (incl. WCA and UIF) = Net Salary L. GLA (A4+A8) (UK A6 + A8) The default General Ledger Allocation to which this transaction will be posted. A GLA consists of a Cost Centre (A4) (UK A6) and an Account (A8). Upon creation of a post, it is linked to a GLA to which all earnings associated with the post will default if these fields are left blank. It is, however, possible to override the default GLA for an earning in one of two ways: ∗ the entire GLA can be specified, in which case the calculation program will use it instead of the GLA of the post; ∗ only the Account can be specified , in which case the calculation program will combine the Cost Centre of the post's GLA with the Account that is specified here to “build” an effective GLA for this transaction. If we assume, then, that the Account specified for the post refers only to the salary component of compensation, the GL Account for other types of compensation, such as bonus, pension, allowances, etc., can be specified at global level. The calculation program will ensure that the proper cost centre is debited, and that the posting will always occur to the proper GLA. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 66 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 ∗ ON THIS SCREEN it is possible to specify a cost centre only, an account only, a full GLA or no GLA at all for any E/D. BUT, in options {FPRG-7} and {FPRI-2} it is not possible to specify only a Cost Centre for an earning , and a complete GLA must be specified there for deductions , since most deductions are posted to a Control Account from which payment is later made. M. Regular E/D? (*) Yes (*) No. Indicate by “Y”es or “N ”o whether this is a regular E/D or not. (N)o indicates an “Annual Payment” (or “One-time Earning”), e.g. an annual service bonus, which is effectively taxed at marginal rate. The system defaults to “Y”es for earnings and “N”o for deductions. The following four fields are optiona l. The information contained in them will default to the appropriate fields in {FPRG-7} “Global E/D Detail” and {FPRI-2} “Individual E/D Detail” when a record using this E/D code is created there. N. Print on Payslip? (*) Yes (*) No. If this earning/deduction should be printed on the Payslip, this indicator is set to “Y”es, else to “N”o. The system defaults to “Y”. Normally all earnings/deductions will be printed, but if an earning is cancelled by a deduction of equal amount , the user may opt not to print it on the payslip. O. Include for WCA? (A1) Must this E/D code be included for the calculation of Workman’s Compensation Assurance contributions? Users should ensure that the allowed earnings to be included for calculation correspond with those allowed according to the Laws and Regulations. P. Include for UIF? (A1) Must this E/D code be included for the calculation of Unemployment Insurance Fund contributions? Users should ensure that the allowed earnings to be included for calculation correspond with those allowed according to the Laws and Regulations. Q. Tax Certificate ? (Y/N) This indicator defaults to (N )o. It can be set to (Y)es (for deductions only) to indicate that the deduction represents a donation by the employee to the institution. Tax exemption certificates can then be printed from the Counter System for such cases (refer User Manual Counter System). R. Retirement Funding (A1) Is this income to be considered when calculating pensionable income? (Y)es or (N)o. S. Skills levy? (A1) Must ED be taken in to account for Skills Levy calculation? (Y)es or (N)o. The following fields are defaults for menu options {FPRG-7} and {FPRI-2}. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 67 of 332 Global Detail T. Chapter 4 Temporary? (A1) Is this transaction temporary(T) or a permanent transaction (P/null) U. Start Date (DD-MON-YYYY) If T above is (T)emporary, a start date may be supplied. V. End Date (DD-MON-YYYY) If T above is (T)emporary, an end date may be supplied. W. Low Limit Amount (N15.2) Low limit amount of range in which this earning/deduction is valid. X. High Limit Amount (N15.2) High limit amount of range in which this earning/deduction is valid. Y. Hourly Factor (N6.3) Enter pay factor applicable for timesheet calculations. This only applies for weekly payroll. Depending on the calculation method selected, the program will indicate which fields, 1 through 7, need to be completed. Whereas ITS has taken due care in setting the indicators for the standard earnings and deductions supplied with the system, the final responsibility rests with the user to ensure that these settings are correct according to the relevant regulations. Å 4.7. EARNING / DEDUCTION DETAIL {FPRG-7} Ä This option allows the creation of a “global compensation package” per appointment type , thereby obviating the effort required to create full detail at employee level. Only exceptions for specific employees need be maintained at employee level. All salary calculations are based on the information on this screen, which implies thorough and careful planning by the user before creating these transactions. A design form can be produced via option {FPRGR1 -8} The user is responsible for the following prerequisite information: Appointment Types − {PACS-1} General Ledger Allocations − {FCSO -6} Fund Types − {FPRG-3} Lookup Tables − {FPRG-4/5} Earning/Deduction Types. − {FPRG-6} ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 68 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 The screen is divided into two sections. Section one contains information, which is valid for the global transaction, including the calculation method to be used. Some of the fields will be optional. In section two the detail of the calculation method is specified. For each calculation method only certain data fields are valid or relevant, and the system will indicate which fields are to be completed for the particular calculation method selected in Section one. Global Transaction Information A. Appointment Type (N2) When a valid appointment type code as specified in the Personnel System {PACS-1} is entered, the description is displayed. The <LIST> command is linked to this field. B. E/D Code (A4) When a valid code as specified in option {FPRG-6} is entered, the name and an “E/D” indicator are displayed. The <LIST> command is linked to this field. C. Salary Level (N2) The value as specified in Section 4.6 will default here, but may be changed. D. IRP5 Box (N4) The value as specified in Section 4.6 will default here, but may be changed. The <LIST> command is linked to this field. E. Calc. Method (A1) The value as specified in Section 4.6 will default here, but may be changed. The <LIST> command is linked to this field. F. Retirement Funding? (A1) Is this income to be considered when calculating pensionable income? (Y)es or (N)o. G. Start Date (DD-MON-YYYY) The date on which this transaction should become effective. If this date is later than the cycle date of the monthly run, the system will ignore this transaction. For an earning/deduction, which is always active, this field must be left blank. Calculation of this transaction will then be controlled by the appointment and resignation dates of the specific employee. H. End date (DD-MON-YYYY) The remarks as in G. above apply except that this date, if specified, will terminate this transaction. I. Low Limit Amount (N15.2) If the earning or deduction should be valid only within an income range, the low limit is specified here. Note that this amount refers to annualised earnings. This field may be left blank if no test is to be done on a low limit. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 69 of 332 Global Detail J. Chapter 4 High Limit Amount (N15.2) The same remarks as in I. above apply. Note that the salary calculation program will test against low and high limits only for calculation methods “1” (Pct. of Salary Level Total), “3 ” (Advised Amount), “6” (Pct. of Transaction), “9 ” (WCA), “B ” (UIF) and “F” (General Lookup Table). For WCA regular and one -time earnings are accumulated separately to arrive at a correct annualised income. For calc methods “1”, “ 6” and “F”, the program assumes that only regular monthly earnings are involved, and applies the test against the salary level total at the “Reference Salary Level” specified in paragraph 2. below. For calc methods “3 ” and “7” the test is done against the person's annual notch. K. GLA (A4 + A8) (UK A6 + A8) The value as specified in Section 4.6 will default here, but may be changed. L. Reference No (A15) Reference numbers other than a person's Tax, Pension, Medical Aid or Group Insurance Numbers are usually specified here. Note that this Reference Number is normally not used at a global level, but becomes important at a personal level, e.g. when a deduction is made on behalf of a specific organisation. In such a case the membership or other number of the employee is entered, and will appear on the relevant Report per Earning/Deduction Type, option {FPRNR1 -6}). M. E/D Included (A1) This field is for the purposes of the Evaluation System on menu option {PMAIN-5}. This field’s link with the Evaluation System is not yet in place and will be available in a later release. Information Required For Calculation This heading on the second section of this screen is followed by: “Complete ONLY the following fields: The possible values for this field is: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Advised or Reference Amount Lookup Table to be Used Reference Salary Level Reference E/D code Quantity Calculation % Fund Number ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 70 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 The <LIST> command is linked to fields (2) and (7). Depending on the calculation method, the system will indicate which fields should be completed. The required values are: Calc. Meth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Full month) 7 (Part of month) 8 9 A B C D E F G J K L P S U V W 4.8. Required Field(s) 3, 6 1 or (3, 6) 1 2 2, 3, 6, 7 3, 4, 6 No Fields 6 1, 5 1, 6 2, 3, 6, 7 6 2, 3, 6, 7 5 5, 6 1, 2, 6 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 3, 4, 5, 7 3, 4, 5, 7 2, 3, 6, 7 1 3, 4, 6, 7 2, 3, 7 6 No fields NEW MEDICAL AID STRUCTURE {FPRG-8} Ä Completion of this option is only applicable in the event that calculation method U is to be used to determine contributions. Users must indicate for each medical aid fund the E/D codes for Employee, Employer, Medical allowance and reference E/D codes. Å Inserts, changes and deletes to the information in this table are written to a log file, and may be printed via option {FPRNR1-27}. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 71 of 332 Global Detail 4.9. Chapter 4 NEW MEDICAL AID STRUCTURE {FPRG-8} Ä Completion of this option is only applicable in the event that calculation method U is to be used to determine contributions. Users must indicate for each medical aid fund the E/D codes for Employee, Employer, Medical allowance and reference E/D codes. Å 4.10. Query Primary Rebates {FPRG-21} Ä Changes and amendments to Primary (tax relief) rebates announced in the annual budget by the Minister of Finance are implemented by ITS and can only be viewed by the user. This option consists of the following fields: A. Tax Year (YYYY) The user can supply a particular tax year and the applicable primary rebates can be viewed. B. Rebate Code (A1) Rebate codes for married, unmarried persons and married woman can be viewed. Their descriptions default. C. Amount (N15.2) The value of the primary tax relief announced per the annual budget by the Minister of Finance. Å 4.11. Query Child Rebates {FPRG-22} Ä Changes and amendments to Child (tax relief) rebates announced in the annual budget by the Minister of Finance are implemented by ITS and can only be viewed by the user. This option consists of the following fields: A. Tax Year (YYYY) The user can supply a particular tax year and the applicable child rebates can be viewed. B. Tax Status (A1) Status codes for married, unmarried persons and married woman can be viewed. C. Number Of Children (N1) Rebates can be claimed for up to nine children per tax status. D. Amount (N15.2) The value of the child tax relief announced per the annual budget by the Minister of Finance. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 72 of 332 Global Detail 4.12. Chapter 4 Query Age Rebates {FPRG-23} Ä Changes and amendments to Age (tax relief) rebates announced in the annual budget by the Minister of Finance are implemented by ITS and can only be viewed by the user. This option consists of the following fields: A. Tax Year (YYYY) The user can supply a particular tax year and the applicable age rebates can be viewed. B. Tax Status (A1) Status codes for married, unmarried persons and married woman can be viewed. C. Low/High Age (N3) Age rebates can be defined per age groups D. Amount (N15.2) The value of the age tax relief announced per the annual budget by the Minister of Finance. Å 4.13. Query Threshold Amounts {FPRG-24} Ä Changes and amendments to Threshold amounts announced in the annual budget by the Minister of Finance are implemented by ITS and can only be viewed by the user. This option consists of the following fields: A. Tax Year (YYYY) The user can supply a particular tax year and the applicable thresholds can be viewed. B. Tax Status (A1) Status codes for married, unmarried persons and married woman can be viewed. C. Low/High Age (N3) Thresholds can be defined per age groups D. Number Of Children (N1) Thresholds can be set for up to nine children per tax status, age group combination. E. Amount (N15.2) The value of the threshold announced per the annual budget by the Minister of Finance. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 73 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 CALCULATION METHODS {FPRG-25} Ä 4.14. The Payroll System currently provides 29 calculation methods, which can be used in the creation of earnings and deductions. These calculation methods are pre-defined and cannot be changed by the user. They may be viewed in this option by <EXECUTE QUERY>, or printed as follows: Print Calculation Methods {FPRGR1-25} USER SELECTION: None 25-AUG-2002 11:50:04 page 1 Integrated Tertiary Software List Of Calculation Methods For Cycle : 200208 (Program : f86rpt.sql v12.0.0.0) Ca Me -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P S T U V W X Calculation Method -----------------------------PCT. OF SALARY LEVEL TOTAL BONUS ADVISED AMOUNT P A Y E - RSA, NAMIBIA MEDICAL AID PCT. OF TRANSACTION SALARY NOTCH QUANTITY * AMOUNT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PENSION UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE GROUP INSURANCE (EXACT) UNPAID DAYS OVERTIME HOURS GENERAL LOOKUP TABLE GROUP INSURANCE (NEXT R100) P A Y E - CISKEI DIFF. BETWEEN TRANSACTIONS SUM OF TRANSACTIONS MEDICAL AID: AGE RANGE MED. AID: AGE AND SPOUSE AGE NATIONAL INSURANCE PRO-RATED ADVISED AMOUNT STABILISATION FUND DEDUCTION TRANSITION LEVY MEDICAL AID - LOCAL SOFTWARE SKILLS LEVY PACKAGED SALARIES LEAVE PACKAGE DAYS 29 rows selected. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 74 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 ********** End Of Report ********** The salary calculation program will not write nil transactions to the transaction file. A description of the calculation methods, with examples of transactions that use them, will now be given. These examples are based on the assumption that the institution would want to show their total contribution to the employee's compensation package on the payslip. We assume that Pension is calculated on the cumulative total at salary level “10 ”. Bear in mind also that tax is always calculated at level “50 ” on the cumulative total at level “49 ”, which means that all transactions below level “50” are pre-tax, and those above level “50” are post-tax. Whereas ITS has taken due care in preparing the examples of E/D's in this Section, the final responsibility rests with the user to verify that the information contained in the examples is correct according to the relevant regula tions. 4.14.1. Method 1: Pct. of Salary Level Total The “Salary Level Total” is the cumulative total at the reference level. Typical examples would be: a) The specification of an E/D as a percentage of basic salary (level “0”, i.e. notch), irrespective of marital status, gender, number of dependents, etc. An example would be a pensionable or non-pensionable allowance. b) The specification of PAYE as a fixed percentage of earnings (i.e. not according to the tax tables). An example would be compensation on a claim basis , where 25% tax must be deducted for persons above a certain annual income level. An example of a Global transaction would be: 3. 6. Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth 21 0100 1 3601 1 Ref Sal Lev Calc % 0 10 Full-Time Perm Admin Pensionable Allowance (E) Income - Taxable Pct. of Salary Level Total ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 75 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 This means that all employees in Appointment Type 21 will receive 10% of notch as a pensionable allowance at salary level “1 ”. The implication is, of course, that pension must be calculated at a level higher than “1”. 4.14.2. Method 2: Annual Bonus The system allows a person to earn an annual service bonus based on his/her number of completed service months or service days on the last day of a particular month. A bonus will, thus, be paid automatically if the person is in service on the last day of the following month, (the so-called “bonus month ”). An automatic bonus will, therefore, not be paid during a person's appointment month. The Payroll System calculates tax at marginal rates in the case of bonus earnings. An indicator which determines whether tax on bonus should be deducted in total when the bonus is received or in equal monthly amounts during the relevant tax year, is set according to the choice of the individual in option {FPRI-1} (refer Section 5.1.2.P). Please note that if a separation bonus is paid in a person's month of resignation or retirement, and an annual bonus has already been paid earlier in the tax year via calc method “2”, this separation bonus and any stab fund contribution must be advised via calc method “3”. (If calc method “2” is used for a second time in the month of separation, the cumulative tax calc (and SITE calc) will be incorrect). Furthermore, if a person pays monthly tax on bonus, the user must be particularly careful not to use calc method “2” twice per year. Any further bonus earned will, therefore, be taxed in month of bonus. The amount of service bonus earned can be specified at global level per Appointment Type as a percentage (usually 100%) of a salary level total (usually level “0”, i.e. the employee's notch). An optional deduction in respect of a Stabilisation Fund can be specified via calc method S. If the rules for the automatic calculation should not apply to a particular person, the globally-specified bonus can be overridden at individual level in any month (not only a person's bonus month), thus allowing the advising of an early bonus upon retirement or death of an employee. This can also be useful when no bonus at all is to be paid or when a reduced bonus is to be paid for reasons other than unpaid leave. Such advices can be given either by a different percentage or by an advised amount. An advised amount will always override any percentage that may be specified. The system will automatically prorate a bonus during the first year of service if, and only if, the calculation percentage = 100%. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 76 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 An advised bonus will always override the standard prorating . This can be useful when a partially-earned bonus is carried forward from a previous employer, and the employee must receive the full bonus (note that an amount must be advised in this case, since a percentage = 100% will result in standard prorating!) Particular care should be taken when a bonus is advised for a person who pays monthly tax on bonus, since the system must do the bonus calculation every month in order to calculate the monthly tax deduction. In such cases, the bonus transaction must be specified with “start” and “end” dates = the month of the bonus payment, but the transactions must remain in the system until the last pay run of the particular tax year has been completed. They should be deleted by using option {FPRM-23} before the first pay run for the new tax year is done. The default bonus calculation is based on service months (in which case partial months are counted as full months). Alternatively, the calculation can be based on service days rather than service months, with a maximum bonus period of 365 days. This is done by entering the word “DAYS” into the first four positions of the Reference Number. If the latter option has been chosen, ∗ Unpaid leave days taken during the bonus period can be automatically taken from the Personnel Leave Subsystem for one type of unpaid leave, by entering the threecharacter code for the Unpaid Leave Type into the last three positions of the Reference Number on the global transaction. Note that the system will recognise only leave periods which fall completely within the bonus period. ∗ Alternatively, the number of unpaid leave days during the bonus period can be specified at individual level as the low limit amount in the bonus E/D detail, and the system will calculate the deduction for unpaid leave based on a 365 day year. Note that a non-zero entry in this field will always override a specification as per the previous paragraph. ∗ The Stabilisation Fund Contribution can be calculated via calc method S. Either as a percentage of the actual gross bonus paid (i.e. the bonus reduced by the number of unpaid leave days) or, as a percentage of the maximum gross bonus, by entering the characters “MAX” into positions 6 -> 8 of the Reference Number. A typical set of four Global transactions that define the bonus would consist of: ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 77 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 − One transaction that defines the gross bonus for the employee. In this example, the calculation is based on service days, the maximum bonus is 100% of salary level “0” (i.e. notch) and is calculated at level “11 ”, and the unpaid leave with code “UPL” is taken from the Personnel Leave Subsystem to determine the actual bonus earned. The stabilisation fund deduction will be based on maximum bonus. Note that in the example only the appropriate GL Account is specified - the system will therefore default to the cost centre of the employee's post : 3. 6. Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA Ref Number 21 Full-Time Perm Admin 0150 Annual Bonus (E) 11 3601 Income - taxable 2 Bonus 0211 Staff Benefits (Bonus) DAYS.MAX.........UPL Ref Sal Lev Calc % 0 100 − an (optional) transaction which defines the stabilisation fund deduction of 7% is calculated at level “12”; it must use Calc Method 'S' and it must refer to the above E/D code that was used for the gross bonus: Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA 3. Ref Sal Lev 4. Ref E/D code 6. Calc % 7. Fund Number 21 Full-Time Perm Admin 5800 Payment to Stab Fund (Bonus) (D) 12 3601 Income - Taxable S Stabilisation Fund Deduction F0019338 Work Fund: Stabilisation Fund 11 0150 Annual Bonus 7 P3 Pension Fund 3 − two contra transactions reflecting the institution's contribution to the stabilisation fund, calculated as a percentage of the employee's contribution to the stabilisation fund, i.e. a percentage of the preceding transaction, but not of the bonus transaction: Appt Type 21 Full-Time Perm Admin E/D Code 2400 Stab Fund (Bonus): Employer (E) Sal Level 60 IRP5 Box 9999 Non IRP5 Total Calc Meth 6 Pct. of Transaction ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 78 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 GLA 3. 4. 6. Staff Benefits (Bonus) Ref Sal Lev Ref E/D code Calc % 12 5800 Payment to Stab Fund (Bonus) 300 Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA 21 Full-Time Perm Admin 5800 Payment to Stab Fund (Bonus) (D) 60 9999 Non IRP5 Total 6 Pct. of Transaction F0019338 Work Fund: Stabilisation Fund 3. Ref Sal Lev 4. Ref E/D code 6. Calc % 4.14.3. 0211 12 5800 Payment to Stab Fund (Bonus) 300 Method 3: Advised Amount Both earnings and deductions may be advised. Amounts may be specified as negative numbers (i.e. with a leading minus sign) if desired. The Reference Number field can be used for items such as Bond Numbers, Policy Numbers, short messages, etc., which will then appear on detailed E/D reports. Advised amounts are almost without exception individual transactions, e.g. 1. Pers. No. E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA Ref Number 3 Q Gordon 8000 Private Insurance (D) 90 9999 Non IRP5 Total 3 Advised Amount F0019322 Work Fund: Pers Ins Deduction GOR/33-743-77 Adv/Ref Amt 1005.00 The fact that there are no start and end dates specified, means that this deduction will occur every month until the employee resigns or instructs the institution to stop the deduction. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 79 of 332 Global Detail 4.14.4. Chapter 4 Method 4: P A Y E The correctness of the settings of the “Regular E/D?” indicators on the E/D Definitions is crucial for accurate tax calculations. The system does not usually calculate PAYE cumulatively, but calculates an employee's yearly tax by annualising the taxable regular earnings for a particular pay cycle (taking due account of “short” appointment and resignation months) and then applying the appropriate tables to the nearest lower whole Rand amount. Due account is taken of income and/or tax rebates. The yearly tax on regular income is then reduced to arrive at the monthly tax deduction for regular earnings. One-time earnings during the pay cycle are taxed at marginal rates and added to the previous figure to arrive at the total tax deduction for this month. A “cumulative” tax calculation simply means that all regular taxable earnings for the tax period are annualised; tax is then calculated on annualised regular earnings and on (annualised regular plus non-regular) earnings, the difference between these amounts giving the tax on the non-regular earnings. The tax on the regular earnings is then converted back to the actual tax period, and the tax on non-regular earnings is added to this amount to arrive at the total tax payable for the period. From this amount is then deducted the total tax already withheld during the period, resulting in the tax which is payable this month. Due account is taken of tax on bonus in this calculation, since people who spread out tax on bonus on a monthly basis must only pay a certain fraction of the tax on bonus. The system will attempt to do a cumulative tax calculation under the following conditions: ∗ automatically in an employee's resignation month - this is particularly important for those who pay monthly tax on bonus, since all outstanding tax on bonus must be deducted in this month; ∗ automatically in the last month of the tax year (for everybody) - the calc program will then act similar to the SITE calculation; ∗ at user request whenever a calculation is done, typically in the first pay cycle when new tax tables are implemented - the adjustment for the new tables is then automatic because the program re-calculates year-to-date tax on the basis of the new tables and adjusts this month's tax deduction correctly. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 80 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 It must be understood that the cumulative calculation can be done only for an employee's current tax period, i.e. that portion of the tax year to-date during which they were employed. Furthermore, the cumulative calculation will only be done if the tax deductions for the employee were done solely according to the tax tables during this period. Any advised tax, except RSA SITE advices, will cause the system to do a normal monthly calculation as above, a message being printed to this effect. (Unless this was done, the system would persistently override advised tax deductions). Report {FPRIR1-22} can be used to display “Advised Tax Transactions” which would prevent a cumulative tax calculation. The global for tax deduction is the following: Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA 2. Lookup Table 1 21 Full-Time Perm Admin 6000 PAYE (D) 50 4103 Total Employees tax 4 PAYE F0019316 Work Fund: PAYE - Perm Staff PAYE This means that tax will be deducted at salary level “50 ” on the cumulative earnings up to level “49 ”. The system will insert each employee's tax number as specified in option {FPRI-1b1p2}. 4.14.5. Method 5: Medical Aid Although intended for Medical Aid Funds, this calc method can, in principal, be used whenever an amount can be read from a table, which is connected to a Fund, (other than Pension or Group Insurance), as defined in option {FPRG-3}. This amount is then multiplied by a percentage (e.g. 100%) which is specified in the detail of the E/D. Membership numbers are obtained from the membership records as specified in the Personnel System (option {PAOP-5}) to display on detailed reports to Fund Administrators. The reference amount, which must be applied to the table, is specified as a Salary Level Total. The calc method is used almost exclusively at global level. When these globals are defined, it is important to keep in mind whether the full monthly premium or only the member's portion is contained in the lookup table, and whether the contribution by the institution is to be shown on the payslip or not. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 81 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Let us assume that the table values represent the member's portion of the monthly premium, that the institution contributes the same amount, and that this amount is taxable, and that it will be shown on the payslip. We must, therefore, define an earning = 100% of table value, and two deductions of similar value which are paid to the Fund. The pre-tax contribution occurs at level “30”, and the after-tax deductions occur at level “72”: 2. 3. 6. 7. 2. 3. 6. 7. 2. 3. 6. 7. Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth 21 3510 30 9999 5 Full-time Perm Admin Medical SOMS: Employer Cont (E) Lookup Table Ref Sal Lev Calc % Fund No. 3 SOMS 0 100 SOMS Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA 21 Full-time Perm Admin 6250 Medical SOMS: Payment to Fund (D) 72 4005 Medical Aid Contribution 5 Medical Aid F0019318 Work Fund: Medical Scheme Lookup Table Ref Sal Lev Calc % Fund No. 3 SOMS 0 100 SOMS Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA 21 Full-time Perm Admin 6250 Medical SOMS: Payment to Fund (D) 72 9999 Non IRP5 Total – Not taxable 5 Medical Aid F0019318 Work Fund: Medical Scheme Lookup Table Ref Sal Lev Calc % Fund No. 3 SOMS 0 100 SOMS Non – IRP5 Total – Not Taxable Medical Aid Note that the member's contribution is linked to IRP5 Box “4005 ”. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 82 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 The detail report for deduction “6250 ” will now represent the total payment to the Fund, with two entries per member. If the table contained the total contribution to the fund, the above percentages would change to “50”. Should the institution prefer not to show its contribution on the payslip, the two pre- and post-tax contra-transactions would have to be non-printable in order to hide this. However, since one E/D code cannot be both printable and non-printable, we now require two deduction codes representing respectively the member's and institution's contribution, and hence will have two lists of deductions, each representing half the contribution to the fund. 4.14.6. Method 6: Pct. of Transaction With the exception of the “Advised Amount” (calc method “3 ”), this calc method is probably the most widely used. An earning or deduction can be specified as a percenta ge of another E/D which is defined at a specific salary level, a typical example being an allowance which consists of taxable and non-taxable components. The total allowance is then individually advised for those employees that qualify, and the allowance components are calculated at global level as percentages of this individual transaction. The reference transaction may not lie at the same calculation level as the resulting E/D. If it occurs at a lower salary level, the reference transaction could be either a calculation or an advised amount; but if the reference transaction has not yet been calculated (i.e. lies at a higher salary level than the result), the reference transaction must be an advised amount. Refer the discussion of calc method J below for an example of using calc method 6. 4.14.7. Method 7: Salary Notch - Full month This calc method will divide the person's annual notch by 12 to arrive at his basic pay for a full month worked. Reduced monthly income for “short” appointment and resignation months is calculated as number of days worked * annual notch / 365. The global transaction would be: Appt Type 21 Full-time Perm Admin E/D Code 0001 Basic Salary - Perm Staff (E) Sal Level 0 IRP5 Box 3601 Income - Taxable Calc Meth 7 Salary Notch ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 83 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Method 7: Salary Notch - Part of month This calc method will divide the person’s annual notch by 12 to arrive at his basic pay for a full month worked. Reduced monthly income for “short” appointment and resignation months is calculated as number of days worked * annual notch / 264. The global transaction would be: Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth 21 0001 0 3601 7 Full-time Perm Admin Basic Salary - Perm Staff (E) Income - taxable Salary Notch 6. Indicator for working days 1 Please note that the Indicator for working days does not take part in the calculations, except to indicate that the working days formula must be used. 4.14.8. Method 8: Quantity * Amount This calc method allows for easy maintenance of claims which can be calculated as a number of hours at a given hourly rate. It is invariably used at individual level, e.g. a student who claims for 20 hours laboratory assistance at R30-00 per hour: 1. 5. 4.14.9. Pers. No. E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth Start Date End Date 3 A Samuels 0300 Laboratory Assistance (E) 1 3601 Income - Taxable 8 Quantity * Amount 01-MAR-90 31-MAR-90 Adv/Ref Amt Quantity 30.00 20 Method 9: Workmen's Compensation This calc method refers to the special WCA Total (refer Section 4.6.H) to calculate WCA contributions. This total is based on actual earnings if a person is employed for a portion of a month only. The “Low Limit Amount” must be set to “0 ”, and the “High Limit Amount” to (e.g.) “45084 ”. The indicator which determines the maximum WCA payable (e.g. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 84 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 “36000”) is specified as the “Advised Amount”. The calculation percentage must also be specified. Two global E/D's are required to specify the contribution to the Fund on behalf of the employer, as follows: 1. 6. 1. 6. Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth Low Limit High Limit 21 Full-time Perm Admin 4100 WCA: Employers Contribution (E) 91 9999 Non IRP5 Total – Not taxable 9 Workmen's Compensation 0.00 45084.00 Adv/Ref Amt Calc % 36000.00 .15% Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth Low Limit High Limit GLA 21 Full-time Perm Admin 5900 WCA: Payment to Fund (D) 91 9999 Non IRP5 Total – Not taxable 9 Workmen's Compensation 0.00 45084.00 F0019341 Work Fund: WCA Control Adv/Ref Amt Calc % 36000.00 .15% Should the institution not wish to show their contribution on the payslip, both transactions would be non-printable, and the employee would not realise that any contribution was being made on his behalf. 4.14.10. Method A: Pension A pension fund is defined by a short table, which can distinguish between male and female. Membership numbers are obtained from the membership records as specified in the Personnel System, option {PAOP-4}, to display on detailed reports to Fund Administrators. Three globals are required to define the pension transactions, namely the pre-tax contribution by the member, and the two contra transactions representing the institution's contribution of 2,04 times that of the member: ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 85 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 2. 3. 6. 7. 2. 3. 6. 7. 2. 3. 6. 7. 4.14.11. Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA 21 Full-time Perm Admin 5000 Pension Fund 1: Employee Cont (D) 40 4001 Current Pension A Pension F0019312 Work Fund: Pensions Control Lookup Table Ref Sal Lev Calc % Fund No. 10 Pension Fund 1 10 100 PGI Pension Fund Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth 21 3000 70 9999 A Full-time Perm Admin Pension Fund 1: Employer Cont (E) Non IRP5 Total Pension Lookup Table 10 Pension Fund 1 Ref Sal Lev 10 Calc % 204 Fund Number PGI Pension Fund Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA 21 Full-time Perm Admin 5001 Pension Fund 1: Employer Cont (D) 70 9999 Non IRP5 Total A Pension F0019312 Work Fund: Pensions Control Lookup Table Ref Sal Lev Calc % Fund Number 10 Pension Fund 1 10 204 PGI Pension Fund Method B: Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) This calc method refers to the special UIF Total to calculate UIF contributions. The “Low Limit Amount” must be set to “0 ”, and the “High Limit Amount” to the maximum as currently specified by the Fund. The calculation percentage must also be specified. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 86 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 The calc method looks at potential monthly income if a person was employed for a portion of a month only. 6. 6. 4.14.12. Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth Low Limit High Limit 21 Full-Time Perm Admin 4150 UIF: Employers Contribution (E) 90 9999 B Unemployment Insurance 0.00 58188.00 Calc % 1.0 Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth Low Limit High Limit GLA 21 Full-time Perm Admin 5850 UIF: Payment to Fund (D) 90 9999 Non IRP5 Total B Unemployment Insurance 0.00 58188.00 F0019340 Work Fund: UIF Control Calc % 2.0 Method C: Group Insurance (Exact) This calculation method can distinguish between male and female, if desired. Group schemes are typically specified by a formula which calculates the monthly or annual premium, as y cents per R1000 cover, where cover is {annual notch x cover factor}. The above formula must be treated as follows to allow calculation of monthly premiums by the PRS: 1. The monthly or annual premium must be converted to a percentage of monthly basic salary, and this percentage is then specified in the table. Hence, if the monthly basic salary is multiplied by this percentage, the result is the monthly premium. 2. This premium is then further multiplied by a percentage, which is specifie d in the detail of the E/D to arrive at the monthly contribution for the employee and council respectively. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 87 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 The value of this percentage depends on whether the full contribution or only the employee's contribution has been specified in the table. An exam ple follows: Scheme rules are: cover factor = 3 monthly contribution per R 1000 cover = 33,2 cents = R 0,332 a) Assume annual salary = 29220, i.e. cover = 3 x 29220 = 87660 b) Thus monthly contribution = (87660/1000) x .332 = 29.10 c) We must now find which percentage of monthly basic this is: Monthly basic is 29220 / 12 = 2435; Hence percentage = (29.10 / 2435) * 100 = 1.195078 = 1.1951% (to 4 dec). d) Monthly premium = 2435 x 1.1951 / 100 = 29.100685 = 29.10 (rounded) The table in {FPRG-5} does not allo w more than 3 decimals. This is handled by loading the table with a value that is 10 times bigger, and loading a percentage in the global {FPRG-7} that is 10 times smaller. Please refer to Section 4.3 for comments regarding the treatment of entry- and resignation months with respect to Group Schemes. Membership numbers are obtained from the membership records as specified in the Personnel System, option {PAOP-5}, to print on detailed reports to Fund Administrators. The global transaction for a fully contributory Group Scheme would be: 2. 3. 6. 7. Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA 21 Full-time Perm Admin 6310 Group Life Insurance: Fund 2 (D) 74 9999 Non IRP5 Total C Group Insurance (Exact) F0019320 Work Fund: Group Insurance Lookup Table Ref Sal Lev Calc % Fund Number 21 Group Insurance Fund 2 0 100 G2 Group Insurance Fund 2 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 88 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 4.14.13. Method D: Unpaid Days This calc method can be used only in the case of salaried personnel, i.e. people who have a salary notch. Unpaid days for full month appointments are specified as Quantity x Daily Rate of Pay Where Daily Rate = Yearly Notch / 365 Unpaid days for part of the month appointments are specified as Quantity x Daily Rate of Pay Where Daily Rate = Yearly Notch / 264 If the appropriate deduction from basic salary is specified at salary level “1 ” (assuming that basic salary lies at level “0”), pension and PAYE will be calculated on the reduced amount, but medical aid and group insurance (assuming they refer to notch) will be calculated as normal. An individual transaction could be: 5. Personnel No E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth Start Date End Date GLA 3 Q Gordon 7400 Overpaid Salary Recovery (D) 1 3601 D Unpaid Days 01-MAR-90 31-MAR-90 60100201 Logistical Services: Salaries Quantity 12 Note the start and end dates. 4.14.14. Method E: Overtime Hours This calc method can be used only in the case of salaried personnel, i.e. people who have a salary notch. Overtime hours are specified as Rate Percentage x Quantity x Hourly Rate of Pay Where ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 89 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Hourly Rate = Yearly Notch / 365 / 8 “Rate Percentage” would typically be 100% (normal overtime), 125% (time -and-a quarter), 150% (time-and a half), etc. The system defaults to 100%. If the institution calculates “Hourly Rate” by means of a formula different from the above, the “Rate Percentage” has to be prorated to values different from 100%, 125%, etc. E.g., if the yearly notch should be divided by 52 * 38.5 = 2002 instead of 365 * 8 = 2920, the standard formula would calculate an hourly rate which is too small. If the percentages are increased by a factor 2920 / 2002 = 1.45854, i.e. 100% -> 145.854%, etc., the standard formula gives the correct result. It is possib le to limit the payment of overtime to people with certain post grades, by specifying the lower and higher grades as the “Low Limit Amount” and “High Limit Amount”. If a person claims overtime and his/her grade falls outside these limits, the system will reject the transaction with an error message. If these fields are left blank, or if the person has no post grade, this check will not be done . The same grade may be entered in both fields. An individual transaction could be: 5. 6. 4.14.15. Personnel No E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth Start Date End Date Low Limit High Limit GLA 3 Q Gordon 0050 Overtime Pay - Perm Staff (E) 1 3601 Income - Taxable E Overtime Hours 01-MAR-90 31-MAR-90 14 15 60100201 Logistical Services: Salaries Quantity Calc % 25 150 Method F: General Lookup Table This calc method is similar to Calc Method “5” above, except that the reference amount is not a salary level total, but an advised amount. This also implies that it would be used at individual rather than global level, and hence there is no linking to a fund, nor is the method sensitive to marital or other status or number of dependents. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 90 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 A typical usage would be the lookup of the taxable value of the private use of an employer-supplied motor vehicle . The user maintains tables as supplied by the Receiver of Revenue. The value of the vehicle and the table, which corresponds to its engine capacity, are specified at individual level for the employee. The actual engine capacity and registration number can be entered in the “Reference Number” field for permanent reference. The value of the vehicle is specified as the “Advised Amount”. Both the pretax earning and post-tax contra deductions would be non-printing items on the payslip. Rebates for own fuel and maintenance are also handled via this calc method for ease of updating when these rebates change, the “Advised Amount” being specified as “0 ”. Other relevant deductions, e.g. monthly payment to employer for rental of vehicle and GST, insurance, and maintenance contract, are specified as Advised Amounts via Calc Method “3”. The individual transaction could be: 1. 2. 6. 4.14.16. Personnel No E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth Start Date Ref Number 3 Q Gordon 0030 Vehicle Subsidy (E) 49 3601 Income - Taxable F General Lookup Table 01-MAR-90 1800: CB34334 Adv/Ref Amt Lookup Table Calc % 34700.00 2000 1601 - 2000cc 100 Method G: Group Insurance (Next R100) This calc method can distinguish between male and female, if desired. It differs from Calc Method “C” in that the cover is rounded off to the next R100 before the annual premium is calculated. Also, the “cover multiplier” (e.g. 4) must be specified in the “Quantity” field of the E/D. The system will then calculate the cover as annual notch x multiplier, rounded off as required. Apply the annual premium in Rands per R10 000 (which is specified in the “Percentage” field in the table ) to arrive at a monthly premium. This premium is then multiplied by the percentage, which is specified in the detail of the E/D to arrive at the monthly contribution. Membership numbers are obtained from the membership records as specified in option {PAOP-5} of the Personnel System to display on detailed reports to Fund Administrators. The global transaction would be: Appt Type 21 Full-time Perm Admin ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 91 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 4.14.17. E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA 6330 Group Life Insurance: Fund 4 (D) 74 9999 Non IRP5 Total G Group Insurance (Next R100) F0019320 Work Fund: Group Insurance Lookup Table Ref Sal Lev Quantity Calc % Fund Number 31 Group Insurance Fund 4 1 5 100 G4 Group Insurance Fund 4 Method H: P A Y E – Ciskei This calculation method is no longer in use. 4.14.18. Method J: Differe nce between Transactions This calc method can be used to avoid rounding errors when an amount must be split into two on a percentage basis, e.g. when a subsidy or allowance must be divided into pretax and post -tax components. An earning or deduction can be specified as the difference between two other E/D's which are defined at specific salary levels. The latter E/D's may not lie at the same calculation level as the resulting E/D . If either of them occurs at a lower salary level than the result, they could be either calculations or advised amounts; but if they have not yet been calculated (i.e. lie at a higher salary level than the result), they must be advised amounts . As an example, consider a travel allowance of which 35% is taxable. ∗ The allowance is advised after tax at individual level, and is non-printable on the payslip - it will merely be used to calculate the pre- and post-tax portions of the allowance. ∗ At global level we can specify the pre-tax portion of 35% as a percentage of this advised amount ∗ Also at global level, we specify the post-tax portion of 65% as the difference between the advised amount and the 35%. ∗ We also need to contra the advised amount with a non-printable after-tax transaction = 100% of the allowance. The set of four transactions would be: ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 92 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 1. Personnel No E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA 3 Q Gordon 2000 Travel Allow (Advised Control) (E) 80 9999 Non IRP5 Total 3 Advised Amount F0019339 Work Fund: Advised Allow Control Adv/Ref Amt 800.00 Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth 21 1100 13 3701 6 3. Ref Sal Lev 4. Ref E/D code 6. Calc % 3. 4. 5. 7. 3. 4. 6. Full-time Perm Admin Travel Allowance (Taxable) (E) Travelling and Subsistence Allowance Pct. of Transaction 80 2000 Travel Allow (Advised Control) 35 Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth 21 2200 60 3701 J Full-time Perm Admin Travel Allow (Non-taxable) (E) Ref Sal Lev Ref E/D code Quantity Fund Number 80 2000 Travel Allow (Advised Control) 13 1100 Travel Allowance (Taxable) Appt Type E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA 21 Full-time Perm Admin 6900 Trav/Allow (Deduct Ctrl/2000) (D) 81 9999 Non IRP5 Total 6 Pct. of Transaction F0019339 Work Fund: Advised Allow Control Ref Sal Lev Ref E/D code Calc % 80 2000 Travel Allow (Advised Control) 100 Travelling and Subsistence Allowance Difference between Transactions Of course, if a person does not get an allowance, none of the globals would be active in his/her case since all of them refer to the individual advice. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 93 of 332 Global Detail 4.14.19. Chapter 4 Method K: Sum of Transactions This calc method can be used to avoid rounding errors when two amounts must be added to one earning/deduction. An earning or deduction can be specified as the sum of two other E/D's which are defined at specific salary levels. The latter E/D's may not lie at the same calculation level as the resulting E/D. If either of them occurs at a lower salary level than the result, they could be either calculations or advised amounts; but if they have not yet been calculated (i.e. lie at a higher salary level than the result), they must be advised amounts. Pers. No. E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA Ref Number 3 Q Gordon 0050 Special Allowance 35 3601 Income - Taxable K Sum Of Transactions 3. Ref. Sal Lev 30 4. Ref E/D code 0010 One-time Earning 5. Second Ref Sal Lev 21 7. Second E/D code 0012 Gift 4.14.20. Method L: Medical Aid: Age Range This calculation method is exactly similar to method “5”, but is intended for those Medical Aid Funds which do not determine premiums on the basis of monthly income, but on the member's age at the end of the month for which the premium is due. When the tables are created for these funds, the fields “Low Limit Amount” and “High Limit Amount” in option {FPRI-2} should contain the lower and upper values of the various age brackets, e.g. 0 -> 30; 31 -> 50; 51 -> 999. 4.14.21. Method M: Medical Aid: Age and Spouse Age This calculation method is not in use. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 94 of 332 Global Detail 4.14.22. Chapter 4 Method N: National Insurance This calculation method is for the UK clients. ` 4.14.23. Method P: Pro-Rated Advised Amount Pro-rated Advised Amount functions exactly like Method 3, but multiplies the advised amount by the fraction of the month that the person was in service. Pers. No. E/D Code Sal Level IRP5 Box Calc Meth GLA Ref Number 1 Adv/Ref Amt 4.14.24. 3 Q Gordon 2100 Travelling Allowance (Advised Control) 90 9999 Non IRP5 Total P Pro-rated Advised Amount F0019322 Work Fund: Pers Ins Deduction GOR/33-743-77 1005.00 Method S: Stabilisation Fund Deduction This calculation method is similar to calc method '6 ' as described above, except that it may only refer to calc method '2', i.e. “Bonus”, and that it must be calculated at a salary level higher than the bonus. The stabilisation fund deduction is calculated as a percentage of either the maximum possible bonus or the actual bonus paid, according to the rules as specified in calc method '2'. Please note that, in order to stay compatible with earlier versions of PRS, calc method 'S' is stored in the transaction file as calc method '2'. It is, however, shown as calc method 'S' on the Pro-forma Payslip and the Full Calc Report. 4.14.25. Method U: Medical Aid – Local Software Due to changes in legislation regarding medical aid funds, medical aid companies have restructured their premium deduction tables and the result of which is that the way in which premiums are calculated vary from company to company. This resulted in institutions making policy changes and the net result is that the way in which each institution now calculates the member/company contributions varies. Due to the variable nature of calculations, it is not ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 95 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 possible to design a mechanism, which can be standard and thus each institutions design is handled individually by the use of this calculation method. This calculation method is designed to handle different ways of looking up Medical Aid premiums from tables using varying lookup parameters, and also to handle different methods of calculating Employer contributions (eg. A percentage of total, or a percentage of a standard fund, regardless of the fund to which the individual staff member belongs, or a fixed contribution amount, referred to as an allowance. Each institution, which makes use of this calculation method, is provided with the details on how this calculation method is to be implemented and maintained. 4.14.26. Method V: Skills Levy This calculation method operates in the same manner as that for calculation method B with the exception that the ‘Low’ and ‘High’ amounts are not required. Users must indicate on menu option {FPRG-6}, which E/D codes must be taken into account for the calculation of the value of skills levy. An E/D code for Skills Levy must be defined on menu option {FPRG-6}. This E/D code, VAT on Skills Levy and a deduction, calculation method K, E/D code must be linked to ALL appointment types on menu option {FPRG-7}, as follows: Appt. Type: E/D Code: Salary Level: Calc. Method: GLA: Complete Only The Following: 4) Reference E/D Code: 6) Calculation % 1 SKL1 (E) 96 V Appt. Type: E/D Code: Salary Level: Calc. Method: GLA: Complete Only The Following: (1) 1 SKIL2 (E) 97 3 (4) (6) SKL2 1 (1) .14 (VAT rate) Appt. Type: 1 E/D Code: SKIL3 (D) Salary Level: 98 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 96 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Calc. Method GLA Complete Only The Following: 3) Reference Salary Level: 4) Reference E/D Code: 5)Second Reference Level 7) Second E/D Code 4.14.27. K MAC1 0607 (3) (4) (5) (7) 96 SKIL1 97 SKIL2 Method W: Packaged Salary This calculation method is for the purposes of those institutions that afford their employees the opportunity to structure their own salary packages. That is, where an employee is appointed and given an amount and the employee may decide on how to structure it to suit his/her own needs. This calculation method has been created to cater for a pre-tax calculation of the Taxable Cash Benefit portion of a person’s salary package on salary level 49. This means that the current notch of an employee represents that employee’s entire salary package, which may be made up of various different earnings (and even some deductions). The system needs to know what Earnings and Deductions need to be subtracted from or added to the package to result in a (varying) cash benefit, which represents all monies other than benefits received as part of an employee’s package. The parameters with which this calculation method will work must be defined on menu {FPRG-27}. Å 4.15. MESSAGES ON PAYSLIPS {FPRG-26} Ä This option provides the facility to enable the printing of messages on payslips. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 97 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 This option consists of two blocks and contains the following details: BLOCK 1 Global Message On Payslip A. Line (N3) Supply the line number applicable for the text. B. Message (A80) Supply the English text for the line number. C. Alternate Message (A80) Supply the English text in an alternate language, if required. BLOCK 2 Individual Message A. Personnel Number (N9) Supply the Personnel number for whom the message applies. The Initials and Surname default B. Preferred Language (A1) The preferred language of the person supplied will default. C. Line (N3) Supply the line number applicable for the text. D. Message (A80) Supply the English text for the line number. Å 4.16. PACKAGE DEFINITION {FPRG-27} Ä This option affords the facility to define the parameters, per appointment type, to determine the cash benefit of an employee’s salary package. Those users who afford their employees the opportunity to structure their own salary packages will use this option. Furthermore, the reader is referred to 4.14.27 above for the explanation on the use of calculation method W. The net result of the calculation set-up is the cash benefit for the employee and this result will be the value for the E/D code, for calculation method W, defined on level 49 for the appointment type concerned. This option consists of one block and the details are as follows: A. Appointment code (N2) Supply the appointment type for salary package structure calculation. B. Sequence Number (N3) Supply the calculation sequence of the Earning/Deduction code. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 98 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 C. E/D Code (N4) Supply the Earning/Deduction Code to be taken into account for calculation. D. Salary Level (N2) Supply the salary level on which the Earning/Deduction Code is defined for the appointment type. E. Operand Indicator (A1) Indicator whether this Earning/Deduction Code is to added or subtracted within the calculation. Å 4.17. NEW MEDICAL AID LOOK-UP TABLE {FPRG-28} Ä This option is only applicable in the event that calculation method U is to be used to determine contributions. On this option, contributions of member, adult and child dependants, and MSA levels must be defined for each medical aid table Å 4.18. HOW TO HANDLE VAT Users should follow the prescriptions of the VAT legislation, and nothing contained in this Section will or can indemnify you or your institution from infringement of this Act. The following example refers to the most common case and generalisations were used for explanatory purposes. VAT is applicable to the “Use of Company Assets ”, e.g. a university car, technikon house, etc., because value is added in the process of making the asset available to the employee. The employee is thus the “end-user”, and the institution should recover and pay the VAT amount on the “cash equivalent” of this added value to the Receiver. Both the amount on which the VAT was calculated and the VAT amount must be reported on the VAT 201 return (Boxes 1 and 4 respectively). In the example we have structured the transactions to address this problem. The VAT on the cash equivalent should, under normal circumstances, be paid by the employee, and will then be treated as an after-tax deduction from his/her salary, which is paid over to the Receiver. However, should the institution decide to pay the VAT on behalf of the employee, the contra amount of the VAT should be treated as a taxable earning. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 99 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 One possible procedure in the Payroll System is the following: 1. Create up to four E/D Types specifically for VAT, i.e. A) B) C) D) Cash Equivalent (to be reported on VAT 201, Box 1) Contra deduction for (A) Out-VAT on (A) (to be reported on VAT 201, Box 4) Contra earning for (C) 2. If the employee pays the VAT, create three transactions as follows ∗ After tax: (A) is debited to control account (a) ∗ After tax: (B) is credited to control account (b) ∗ After tax: (C) is credited to the Out-VAT account (c) 3. If the institution pays the VAT on behalf of the employee, create four transactions as follows: ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ After tax: (A) is debited to control account (a) After tax: (B) is credited to control account (b) After tax: (C) is credited to the Out-VAT account (c) Before tax: (D) is debited to the person's expense account (d) In the cases of 2 and 3 above, amounts (A) and (C) can then be added to the VAT 201, Boxes 1 and 4 respectively. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 100 of 332 Global Detail 4.19. Chapter 4 REPORTS Salary Scales {FPRGR1-1} Ä 4.19.1. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. PRINT SEQUENCE : Scale code sequence SYSTEM SELECT All scales in scale set valid during cycle of “A” record in “Run Cycle Control File” Date : 30-AUG-2002 Program : f8Drpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 : INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page No : 1 Salary Scales For Cycle : 200006 -------------------------------Cycle : 17 Cycle ----17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Salary Scale ----201 202 501 502 601 777 987 1401 1402 1601 1602 1701 Period : 199907 Previous Scale ----201 501 201 1401 1601 Start Of Scale ----3250.00 3850.00 5680.00 6772.00 9573.00 500000000.00 3850.00 18575.00 22075.00 24025.00 27025.00 27025.00 Scale Increment --------250.00 300.00 273.00 364.00 1470.00 100000345.00 1.00 700.00 1500.00 1500.00 2500.00 2500.00 End Of Scale ----3850.00 5650.00 6772.00 7500.00 11043.00 1000000000.00 5550.00 22075.00 23575.00 27025.00 29525.00 32025.00 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 101 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Rank/Salary Scale Combination {FPRGR1-2} Ä 4.19.2. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Enter the Payroll Cycle (YYYYMM) : [Return for latest] Enter the Sort Order (C)ode, (D)escription, or (S)ort Sequence : After supplying and is satisfied with the above answers, the user can execute the program by clicking on the RUN button or use <TAB> to get to the RUN button and use <ENTER> to execute the program. PRINT SEQUENCE: As per above SYSTEM SELECT: 30-AUG-2002 11:46:23 V12.0.0.0 Scale set which is valid during cycle of “A” record in “Run Cycle Control File” page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE List Of Rank/Salary Scales Combinations For Payroll Cycle : 200006 Scale Cycle : 17 ( 199907 to 999999) , Sort Order = c (Program : f8brpt.sql) Rank Code -----1 5 8 Rank Name -----------------------------RECTOR Scale Cycle ------17 VICE-RECTOR REGISTRAR 17 17 10 DEAN 17 20 25 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT PROFESSOR 17 17 30 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR 17 Salary Scale -----987 6501 7001 7501 5002 6501 6501 7001 7501 6001 5001 5002 9999 Scale Detail -----------------------------------3850 X 1 X 5550 86400 X 0 X 86400 100800 X 0 X 100800 100000 X 12000 X 160000 59400 X 2400 X 66600 86400 X 0 X 86400 86400 X 0 X 86400 100800 X 0 X 100800 100000 X 12000 X 160000 90000 X 0 X 90000 55000 X 2200 X 59400 59400 X 2400 X 66600 0 X 0 X 0 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 102 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Funds Detail {FPRGR1-3} Ä 4.19.3. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. SYSTEM SELECT: 30-AUG-2002 11:47:34 V12.0.0.0 All funds page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE FUND DETAIL (Program : f8hrpt.sql) Fund ----9997 9998 CARM COMS DH01 DH02 DH03 DH04 G1 G2 G3 G4 GRP HPEN Fund Name -----------------------------UNIN -SOUTHERN UNIN - OLD MUTUAL CARINA MEYER FUND FOR HOMELESS COMSA DISCOVERY CLASSIC COMP. DISCOVERY ESSENTIAL COMP. DISCOVERY VITAL COMPREHENSIVE DISCOVERY VITAL HOSPITAL GROUP INSURANCE FUND 1 GROUP INSURANCE FUND 2 GROUP INSURANCE FUND 3 GROUP INSURANCE FUND 4 GROUP ENSURANCE FUND PENSION FUND Fund Type ---G G O G M M M M G G G G G P Type -------------------Group Insurance Group Insurance Unknown Group Insurance Medical Medical Medical Medical Group Insurance Group Insurance Group Insurance Group Insurance Group Insurance Pension Look At Notch ------Y Y N Y N N N N Y Y Y Y N Y Pay In Advance ------N N N N N N N N Y Y Y N N ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 103 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Lookup Tables {FPRGR1-4} Ä 4.19.4. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. SYSTEM SELECT: 30-AUG-2002 11:48:31 V12.0.0.0 All Lookup Tables page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE List Of Lookup Table Names For Cycle : 200006 (Program : f83rpt.sql) Lookup Table ------1 3 7 8 9 10 11 13 20 21 Lookup Table Name -----------------------------P A Y E - RSA Tax Tables Table B Subtraction. Yr.97/98 NW PROV TAX TABLE SOMS (M) - EFF. 1/1/94 SAMED (FULL) PENSION FUND 1 (MEMBER) PENSION FUND 2 PENS INS GROUP INSURANCE FUND 1 GROUP INSURANCE FUND 2 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 104 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Lookup Table Detail {FPRGR1-5} Ä 4.19.5. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply Lookup Table Code or (A)ll : Enter Period (YYYYMM) : After supplying and is satisfied with the above answers, the user can execute the program by clicking on the RUN button or use <TAB> to get to the RUN button and use <ENTER> to execute the program. SYSTEM SELECT : 30-AUG-2002 11:50 Program : f90ccc.pc V12.0.0.0 As per above INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Tax Tables Lookup Table : ALL For Period : 199903 Page : 1 Lookup Table : 1 P A Y E - RSA Tax Tables Low Limit High Limit Range Range Status Cycle Children Amount Amount Amount Percentage ___________________________________________________________________________________________ A 1999 1 Y B 1999 1 Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 15001.00 20001.00 30001.00 40001.00 50001.00 80001.00 100001.00 0.00 15001.00 20001.00 15000.00 20000.00 30000.00 40000.00 50000.00 80000.00 100000.00 9999999.00 15000.00 20000.00 30000.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 2000.00 4000.00 6500.00 15500.00 22500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 0.000 10.000 15.000 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 105 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Earning / Deduction Types {FPRGR1-6} Ä 4.19.6. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. PRINT SEQUENCE: E/D Code sequence SYSTEM SELECT: 30-AUG-2002 V12.0.0.0 All E/D's in table 11:53:07 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE List Of Earning And Deduction Types For Cycle : 200006 (Program : f82rpt.sql) Earn/ E/D Sapse Print Uif Wca REGL SAL IRP5 CALC Deduct TYP E/D ENGLISH NAME E/D ALTERNATE NAME Y/N Y/N Ind Ind E/D? LEV BOX METH CC ACCOUNT ------ --- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----- ----- --- --- ---- --- ----- ---- ------ ------INACT DATE STATS ROWCODE ----------- ------------------------0001 E BASIC SALARY BASIESE SALARIS Y Y Y Y Y 00 3601 7 2. Permanent Staff 0002 E BASIC SALARY - TEMP STAFF 2. Permanent Staff BASIESE SALARIS - TYD PERSON Y Y Y Y Y 0003 E BASIC SALARY - IN DOLLARS 3. Other Staff BASIESE SALARIS - TYD PERSON Y N Y Y Y 0004 E TOTAL SUBTOTAL INCOME 22. Other TOTALE SUBTOTAAL INKOMSTE N Y N N N 02 1 8 00 1 7 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 106 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Global E/D Detail {FPRGR1-7} Ä 4.19.7. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply the Appointment Type Required (N2) or ALL : Print (C)urrent Detail (Using Current Date) or ALL : [C] After supplying and is satisfied with the above answers, the user can execute the program by clicking on the RUN button or use <TAB> to get to the RUN button and use <ENTER> to execute the program. PRINT SEQUENCE: E/D Code Sequence SYSTEM SELECT: Date : 30-AUG-2002 11:54 Program : f82rpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 Earning/Deduction Start Date End Date Salary Level Calculation Method Advised Amount Lookup Table Calculation Quantity Reference Number All Global E/D's per selected Appointment Type INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Global Earnings And Deductions Per Appointment Type For Monthly Cycle : 199911 ( 01-NOV-1999 - 30-NOV-1999 ) , (C)urrent or ALL : C Appointment Type : 1 FULL-TIME PERM:ACAD 0001 E BASIC SALARY 7 SALARY NOTCH Reference Earning/Deduction Reference Salary Level Low Amount High Amount IRP5 Total Number General Ledger Allocation Page No : 1 3601 Income - Taxable Calculation Percentage Fund ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 107 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Design Form {FPRGR1-8} Ä 4.19.8. This report can be a useful take-on aid for options {FPRG-7} (“Global Earnings/Deductions”) and {FPRI-2} (“Individual Earnings/Deductions”). All Earnings/Deductions as specified in option {FPRG-6} are listed along the vertical axis, whilst provision is made for six Appointment Types (or individual employees) across the page. The user then completes the form by answering the following questions: − − − − − GI: should this Earning/Deduction be defined at a (G)lobal or (I)ndividual level? (Option {FPRG-7} or {FPRI-2}) SL: at what (S)alary (L)evel should it be calculated? I5: in which (I)RP(5 ) total (box) should it be accumulated? CM : what (C)alculation (M )ethod should be used? Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. 30-AUG-200211:56:54 V12.0.0.0 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE List Of Earning And Deduction Types For Cycle : 200006 (Program : f8drpt.sql) Earn/ Deduct -----0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 E/ D -E E E E E D D E E E Earning/ Deduction Name -----------------------------BASIC SALARY BASIC SALARY - TEMP STAFF BASIC SALARY - IN DOLLARS TOTAL SUBTOTAL INCOME COMMISSION DEFFERED COMPENSATION TEST H COMMISSION OMITTED HOUSING ALLOWANCE TEST IRP5 ONE-TIME EARNINGS Appointment Code : GI:SL:I5:CM ------------|__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| Appointment Code : GI:SL:I5:CM ------------|__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| Appointment Code : GI:SL:I5:CM ------------|__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| Appointment Code : GI:SL:I5:CM ------------|__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| Appointment Code : GI:SL:I5:CM ------------|__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| Appointment Code : GI:SL:I5:CM ------------|__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| |__:__:__:__| ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 108 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Primary Rebates {FPRGR1-21} Ä 4.19.9. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. 30-AUG-2002 11:58:41 V12.0.0.0 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE List Of Primary Rebate Name And Amount For Cycle : 200006 (Program : f88rpt.sql) Rebate Code -----A A A A A A B B B B B Type Name Rebate Rebate Type Amount ------------------------------ ---------- -----------MARRIED PERSON (INCOME) I INCOME .00 ANY TAX PAYER (INCOME) I INCOME .00 SOLE BREADWINNER (INCOME) I INCOME .00 MARRIED PERSON (INCOME) I INCOME .00 MARRIED PERSON (INCOME) I INCOME .00 MARRIED PERSON (INCOME) I INCOME .00 UNMARRIED PERSON (INCOME) I INCOME .00 UNMARRIED PERSON (INCOME) I INCOME .00 UNMARRIED PERSON (INCOME) I INCOME .00 SINGLE/UNMARRIED (INCOME) I INCOME .00 UNMARRIED PERSON (INCOME) I INCOME .00 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 109 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Child Rebates {FPRGR1-22} Ä 4.19.10. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. 30-AUG-2002 11:59:42 V12.0.0.0 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE List Of Child Rebate Name And Amount For Cycle : 200006 (Program : f8lrpt.sql) Tax Chil- Type Name Status Dren ---------------- ------ -----------------------------MARRIED PERSON 0 NO CHILDREN (INCOME) MARRIED PERSON 0 NO CHILDREN (INCOME) MARRIED PERSON 0 NO CHILDREN (INCOME) MARRIED PERSON 0 NO CHILDREN (INCOME) MARRIED PERSON 0 NO CHILDREN (INCOME) MARRIED PERSON 0 NO CHILDREN (INCOME) MARRIED PERSON 1 ONE CHILD (INCOME) MARRIED PERSON 1 ONE CHILD (INCOME) MARRIED PERSON 1 ONE CHILD (INCOME) MARRIED PERSON 1 ONE CHILD (INCOME) MARRIED PERSON 1 ONE CHILD (INCOME) Rebate Rebate Type Amount ---------- -----------I INCOME .00 I INCOME .00 I INCOME .00 I INCOME .00 I INCOME .00 I INCOME .00 I INCOME .00 I INCOME .00 I INCOME .00 I INCOME .00 I INCOME .00 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 110 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Age Rebates {FPRGR1-23} Ä 4.19.11. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES > is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. 30-AUG-2002 12:00:51 V12.0.0.0 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE List Of Age Rebate Name And Amount For Cycle : 200006 (Program : f8mrpt.sql) Tax Stat ---A A A A A A B B B B B Status Type -------------------Married Person Married Person Married Person Married Person Married Person Married Person Unmarried Person Unmarried Person Unmarried Person Unmarried Person Unmarried Person Low High Rebate Rebate Age Age Type Amount ---- ----- ---------- -----------000 0999 I INCOME .00 000 0999 I INCOME .00 000 0999 I INCOME .00 000 0999 I INCOME .00 000 0999 I INCOME .00 000 0999 I INCOME .00 000 0999 I INCOME .00 000 0999 I INCOME .00 000 0999 I INCOME .00 000 0999 I INCOME .00 000 0999 I INCOME .00 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 111 of 332 Global Detail 4.19.12. Chapter 4 Tax Thresholds {FPRGR1-24} Ä Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. 30-AUG-2002 12:01:55 V12.0.0.0 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE List Of Tax Thresholds For Cycle : 200006 (Program : f8arpt.sql) Tax Status -----A A A A A A A A A A A Age Low High ChilThreshold Category Age Age Dren Amount ---------- ---- ----- ------ -----------UNDER 65 000 0064 0 15579.00 000 0999 0 15000.00 000 0999 0 20000.00 000 0999 0 .00 UNDER 65 000 0064 0 19526.00 UNDER 65 000 0064 0 21111.00 UNDER 65 000 0064 1 15579.00 000 0999 1 .00 000 0999 1 15000.00 UNDER 65 000 0064 1 19526.00 000 0999 1 20000.00 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 112 of 332 Global Detail Chapter 4 Calculation methods {FPRGR1-25} Ä 4.19.13. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. This report does not have parameters. 30-AUG-2002 12:04:08 V12.0.0.0 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE List Of Calculation Methods For Cycle : 200006 (Program : f86rpt.sql) Calc Method -----1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B Calculation Method -----------------------------PCT. OF SALARY LEVEL TOTAL BONUS ADVISED AMOUNT P A Y E - RSA, NAMIBIA MEDICAL AID PCT. OF TRANSACTION SALARY NOTCH QUANTITY * AMOUNT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PENSION UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 113 of 332 Individual Detail 5. Chapter 5 INDIVIDUAL DETAIL {FPRO-2} Ä In the previous Section, global compensation packages were specified and linked to employees through their appointment types. Such information is relatively static, and needs only occasional maintenance. The salary-related information at individual employee level is much more dynamic, and is maintained in this option. It is good discipline to close off a payrun completely before starting to change individual information for the next payrun. It is recommended that the “A”, “C”, “P”, “Q”, “R” and “T” records should all be set to the following pay cycle and/or calculation number via option {FPRM-2} immediately after a payrun has been completed, but not before. The reason is that many programs in the Payroll System are sensitive to the pay cycles and calc numbers connected with one or more of the above records, e.g. all programs that use salary scales. Å 5.1. FIXED SALARY DETAIL {FPRI-1} Ä This option will display five blocks of information, but only certain data fields may be updated, the non-updateable values being drawn from information normally maintained in the Personnel System. When a specific employee is queried, the following information will be displayed on Page 1 of Block 1: Block 1: BIOGRAPHICAL DETAIL {FPRI-1b1p1} − − − − − − − − − − − Personnel Number - <LIST> is available Surname, Initials, First Names and Title Birth Date Number of Tax Deductible Dependents Gender Marital Status Number of Dependents on Medical Aid ID Number Home Language Home Address and Postal Code Home Telephone Number. Work Related Detail ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 113 of 332 Individual Detail − − − − − − − − − Chapter 5 Latest Appointment Date Latest Appointment Code and Description Latest Post Code and Description Latest Rank Code and Description Post Grade From and To, and Current Grade Work Telephone Number Resignation Date Default GL-Allocation Code and Descriptio n Primary Department Should it be required to view the service records of the person being queried, a button is available for this purpose. When <RETURN> is pressed the cursor will automatically go to Page 2. Block 1: SALARY RELATED DETAIL {FPRI-1b1p2} The following information can be updated here: A. Salary Notch (N10) The valid notch for this employee. If the “N” record in {FPRM-8} is set to (Y)es, the system will validate upon entry of a notch that the notch is valid for the employee's personal salary scales. Please refer to Section 2.8.2 for more detail. Please note that every adjustment to a notch also creates an entry in Block 5 with an “Effective Date” equal to the first day of the month as currently set for the “A” record in the “Run Cycle Control File”, option {FPRM-2}. This record is stored with the “Reason for Adjustment” set to “PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT”. B. Barrier Notch (N10) A barrier notch if applicable. The system will not perform automatic increases beyond barrier notches. C. Weekly Rate (N10.2) This only applies for weekly paid employees. Supply the rate at which these employees are remunerated. D. Time Sheet Rate (N10.2) This only applies for weekly paid employees. Supply the rate at which these employees are remunerated. E. Pay Frequency (*) Monthly (*) Weekly The pay frequency will default from the appointment type defined on menu option {PACS-1} but may be updated here. The valid values are (M)onthly or (W)eekly. F. Pay Date (N1) The value from the person's appointment type in {PACS-1} will default when the biographical record is created, but may be changed here. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 114 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 G. Payroll Calculation Number (N1) The value from the person's appointment type in {PACS-1} will default when the biographical record is created, but may be changed here. H. Inc. Month (N2) The month of the employee's annual increase. The system will try to give an automatic increase to a person only in this month. Values “0” to “12” are allowed. The system will default to the person's appointment month, but this may be changed. The value “0 ” in this field means that the system will never try to give an automatic increase to this person, whose increases will then have to be advised manually by changing the notch. I. First Increase: Month (N2) J. First Increase: Year (YYYY) These two fields define the first Increase Cycle for this person. The system will default to the appointment month and the (appointment year + 1) respectively, but both these values may be changed. The system will try to give an automatic increase to a person only after this first increase cycle has been reached or passed. These fields are useful when a person's increase month is not the same as his/her appointment month, and the first increase month must be skipped when automatic increases are done . The “first increase month” usually has the same value as the “increase month” of C. above. K. Bonus Month (N2) When a personnel record is created, the system will default the bonus month as per the table in option {FPRM-5} into this field, but it may be set to any value between “0 ” and “12”. The value “0 ” in this field means that this person will never get an automatic bonus - his/her bonus will have to be advised. L. Tax on Bonus (*) Annual (*) Monthly. Bonuses may be taxed either (M )onthly in advance or (A)nnually in bonus month, depending on the institutional policy. The system defaults to (A)nnual. This indicator is held at employee level to allow personal choice. The system calculates tax on bonus at marginal rates, i.e. the tax on bonus T = (Yearly tax on normal salary + bonus) less (Yearly tax on normal salary only). ∗ If the indicator is set to (A)nnual, tax T is added to the normal monthly tax in the month of bonus payment. If the indicator is set to (M )onthly, tax T is divided by the number of months for which the person was employed during the relevant tax year, and the result is added to the normal monthly tax every month. ∗ If an employee who is taxed monthly should resign before he/she receives their bonus, the system will refund the tax deducted in advance. Should the person resign after the bonus has been received, but before the end of the tax year, the system will ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 115 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 recover all outstanding tax in the resignation month, as per the directive of the Receiver. ∗ Should an employee wish to change from monthly tax on bonus to annual tax on bonus, or vice versa, such an option must only be exercised in the first month of the tax year. M. Spouse's Names (A40) This field is optional. N. Preferred Language (A2) Advices to employees such as payslips, IRP5 Certificates, etc., can be printed in a language of preference, either (E)nglish or an alternate language. O. Pay Point (A4) The code of the pay point to which this person's payslip is to be sent. The name will be displayed. The <LIST> command will show valid codes. P. Stop Payment (Y/N) (A1) Indicate by (Y)es or (N)o whether payment must be stopped for this employee during certain pay cycle(s), e.g. a lady who will be taking maternity leave. The system defaults to “N ”. If the answer is (Y)es, the following two fields must be completed. Q. Start Cycle (YYYYMM) The first pay cycle during which the above instruction will be effective. R. End Cycle (YYYYMM) The last pay cycle during which the above instruction will be effective. S. Reason (A2) Supply the reason code, defined on menu option {FPRC-4}, for the stop payment period. A <LIST> function is available. T. Method Of Payment (A1) Supply the applicable method of payment for this employee. The methods available are: ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Cheque Cash Bank Transfer Tape Transfer The next three fields are mandatory if payment method in T. above is (M) = Bank Transfer or (T)ape Transfer: U. Bank Account Type (A1) The allowed values are (C)urrent, (S )avings, (T)ransmission, Tele(B)ank, C(R)edit Card. Note that currently only “C”, “S” and “T” are acceptable for ACB transfers. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 116 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 V. Bank Account No. (A24) This account number usually appears at the foot of a cheque. The format may vary between banks and different types of account, a common format being |0486 |:160445|: 1604.511.645| 04 The Bank only uses the first two sections and the last section. The Bank Account Number in this example will be 1604511645, the first four digits usually indicating the number of the Branch. Note that account numbers, which are to be used for ACB tape transfers for PERM accounts other than current accounts, are 13 digits long; all other account numbers may not exceed 11 digits. Leading zeroes are not essential. Only numeric characters must be used , to ensure that hash control totals for the transfer tape are correctly calculated. W. Bank (N2) When the branch is supplied below, the bank code and description will default and cannot be updated. X. Branch (N6) When an existing Branch Code is entered (as maintained in option {FPRC-1b2}), the names of the branch and the bank are displayed. The <LIST> command will show valid codes. Y. Receiver of Revenue (A4) This field is mandatory. When an existing code is entered (as maintained in option {FPRC-2}), the name is displayed. The <LIST> command will show valid codes. Z. Print IRP5? (A1) The printing of a previously printed tax certificate can be suppressed by means of this non-mandatory indicator. It defaults to null (i.e. “print certificate”) but can be set to “N” (i.e. “do not print certificate”). AA. Income Tax Number (A20) Enter the employee's reference number with the above Receiver of Revenue. BB. Tax Status (A1) The system defaults to the (redundant) old RSA values, namely: “A” - Married Person; “B” - Unmarried (Single) Person; “C” - Married Woman. The default values may be left as is. The Marital Status as defined in the person's biographical record is also displayed for reference purposes. Block 2: PERSONAL SALARY SCALES {FPRI-1b2} ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 117 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 The salary scales applicable to this employee may be seen in Block 2 of this option via the <NEXT BLOCK> and <EXECUTE QUERY> commands. The scales are not updateable here, but are maintained via option {FPRI-3}. Block 3: SCALES OF ACTUAL RANK {FPRI-1b3} The scales for his/her actual rank are displayed in Block 3, which would normally be the same as the personal scales (refer Section 1.4.B.1.c for a discussion of cases where the two sets of scales would differ). Block 4: SCALES OF APPROVED RANK {FPRI-1b4} The scales for his/her approved rank as defined in the Post Structure in the Personnel System {PACS-4b1} are displayed in Block 3. Block 5: SALARY HISTORY {FPRI-1b5} ∗ If the salary notch of the person has been updated in Block 1 of this option, an <EXECUTE QUERY> in Block 5 will display all the person's salary history records. Each record consists of the personnel number, effective date of adjustment, new notch, reason, reason code for adjustment and the scale cycle and code. ∗ All fields on this screen may be queried, and all are updateable except the personnel number. ∗ The record which has just been created will have an effective date = the first day of the month of the “A” record in the Run Cycle Control File. This date may be adjusted to any value up to the last day of that month and the reason for adjustment may also be changed. ∗ If a notch is changed because an employee received a backdated adjustment in salary, it is merely necessary to change the effective date to the appropriate value and <COMMIT>. ∗ Of course, the back pay and other earnings/deductions connected with such an event (e.g. arrears contributions to medical aid, pension fund, etc.) will have to be advised manually to the calculation program, as the system does not cater for automatic backdated adjustments. ∗ It is thus possible to enter a complete salary history for any individual dating back to his/her initial appointment date, but future records may not be entered. The system as and when the notches are updated will create these. Either automatically via new scales or manually. Please note that if records are to be added to this table, the person ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 118 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 must first be queried in Block 1, thereafter <PREVIOUS BLOCK>s will take you to Block 5. The audit trail (option {FPRNR1 -27}) can assist in reconciling between payruns, and serves as a permanent record of manual changes to salary-related detail for employees, i.e. all changes which were made via option {FPRI-1}. 5.1.1. Validation Of Notches {FPRI-1} If the “N” record in {FPRM-8} is set to (N)o, the program will afford the user the opportunity to validate salary notches upon <EXIT>ing. Please refer to Section 2.8.2 for more detail. This validationt is particularly handy at take-on time and after a new scale set has been introduced. This report may be produced at any time by simply executing option {FPRI-1} and <EXIT>ing immediately. The system validates against a person's latest scales - this means that, in the event of a future promotion, a currently valid notch may be indicated as invalid (since the promotion would have linked the person to the default scales of his future rank). Such cases are flagged with the message : “***** FUTURE PROMOTION *****”. USER SELECTION: None Date: 25-AUG-2002 f8Fccc.pc v12.0.0.0 Time: 14:03:27 Page: 1 Invalid Notches for Monthly Cycle 200208 ======================================== Person 1 SALARY notch 100000 Person 2 SALARY notch 100000 Person 3 SALARY notch 148000 Person 4 SALARY notch 120000 Person 8 SALARY notch NULL Person 9 SALARY notch 125000 Person 10 SALARY notch NULL Person 11 SALARY notch 24593 Person 14 SALARY notch NULL Person 20 SALARY notch NULL ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 119 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Person 22 SALARY notch NULL Person 27 SALARY notch 110000 Person 28 SALARY notch NULL Person 29 SALARY notch NULL Person 36 SALARY notch NULL Person 37 SALARY notch NULL Person 39 SALARY notch NULL Person 40 SALARY notch NULL Person 43 SALARY notch NULL Person 50 SALARY notch 53000 Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 120 of 332 Individual Detail 5.2. Chapter 5 INDIVIDUAL EARNINGS/DEDUCTIONS {FPRI-2} Ä This option consists of three Blocks: Block 1: INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION INFORMATION {FPRI-2b1} Every employee can be linked to a global compensation package as created via option {FPRG-7}, through his/her appointment type. Specific earnings or deductions relevant to an employee are maintained here , or the employee's entire package can be maintained. The layout of the screen is identical to that for Global E/D's, except for three fields: ∗ Personnel Number must obviously be supplied instead of an Appointment Code <LIST> is available; ∗ if the field “Temporary?” has the value “T”, an end date must be inserted; any other value will allow a null end date to be accepted; ∗ if the field “Post to Sub-system?” is set to (Y)es, the deduction will be posted to the student's account if the “Reference Number” field contains a valid student number in the format ST**9999999 (refer Section 5.14 for full detail). The default values from {FPRG-6} for salary level, IRP5 Box, calc method and GLA will be inserted in the appropriate fields in this screen. When individual salary transactions are created or updated and start- or end dates are supplied, the system checks that start date <= end date, and that start date >= appointment date and end date <= resignation date (if a resignation date exists). The reader is referred to the importance of the Reference Number facility at a personal level. If the membership-, insurance policy- or other number of the employee is entered, it will appear on the relevant Report per Earning/Deduction Type, option {FPRNR1 -6}). When an individual E/D is created for PAYE, Pension, Medical Aid or Group Insurance with a calculation method other than “4”, “A”, “5”, “C” or “G” respectively, it is essential that the individual's reference number be entered here to ensure that it appears on report {FPRNR1-6}. The total compensation package for an employee at any particular time consists, therefore, of both the individual and the global earnings and deductions which apply at that time. When a salary calculation is done, the system combines the entire individual and global E/D's applicable to an employee. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 121 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 NOTE: It is important to realise that an individual E/D will override the global, if it is specified at the same salary level as the global. Hence, if, for example, arrears PAYE has to be deducted for an employee as an Advised Amount, this deduction should be specified at a higher salary level than the global PAYE calculation. If it is specified at the same level, the system will respond only to the individual deduction. If a global exists for this E/D Code, all values for the latest global that exists in {FPRG-6} for this appointment type will default when the E/D code is entered in this screen. Inserts, changes and deletes to the information in this table are written to a log file, and may be printed via option {FPRNR1-27}. Block 2: MAINTAIN ACB TAPE CREDITS {FPRI-2b2} This option allows the maintenance of bank information, which will be used by the ACB tape program {FPRM-7} to credit the bond accounts of employees with the amounts that are deducted during the monthly salary calculation. The type of information is similar to that carried in {FPRI-1} for the crediting of net salaries, as follows: A. Personnel Number (N9) When a valid number is entered, the title, initials and name are displayed. B. Deduction Code (A4) Enter the deduction code used for this person's bond repayment deduction, and the description is displayed. Only deduction codes are allowed. The <LIST> command will show valid deduction codes. C. Account Type (A1) Allowed values are (C)urrent, (S)avings, (T)ransmission and (B)ond - the latter for Building Societies only. D. Bank Account Number (N24) The same rules apply as specified in section 5.1.V of this manual. Note that account numbers, which are to be used for ACB tape transfers for PERM accounts other than current accounts, are 13 digits long; all other account numbers may not exceed 11 digits. Leading zeroes are not essential. Only numeric characters must be used, to ensure that hash control totals for the transfer tape are correctly calculated. E. Branch Code (N6) When an existing Branch Code is entered (as maintained in option {FPRC-2b2}), the names of the branch, the bank code and the bank name are displayed. The <LIST> command will show valid codes. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 122 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 F. Tape Paydate (N1) Allowed values are “1 ” and “2”. “1” means that the payment will be credited on the First Action Date of the ACB tape, whereas “2” will result in a transfer on the Last Action Date. G. Maximum Amount (N15.2) This field is optional. User may indicate the maximum amount that may be deposited into the specified account for bond payments. H. Sequence Number (N2) The sequence the program must use for allocation of unallocated monies. When <NEXT BLOCK> is pressed, the user is given the opportunity of validating the information entered in Block 2 (refer next Section). Block 3: VALIDATE ACB TAPE INFORMATION {FPRI-2b3} If the user indicates (Y)es, the user will be prompted for the following: Report on (W)eekly or (M)onthly Paid Personnel : [M] Enter Monthly Payroll Cycle (YYYYMM) : Supply 1st Of 10 E/D Codes (A4) : PRINT SEQUENCE: Personnel number within E/D Code SYSTEM SELECT: All employees who will be in-service during the given pay cycle who have one or more of the supplied E/D codes in either Block 1 or Block 2. Only those employees who do not have the E/D code on both tables will be printed. The report consists of two sections: 1. 2. Those transactions found in Block 1 but not in Block 2 Those transactions found in Block 2 but not in Block 1 01-AUG-2002 15:05 PROGRAM : F9Fccc.pc V12.0.0.0 PERSONNEL NUMBER --------72 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE E/D CODES NOT ON ACB TAPE CREDITS For E/D CODES 6500 6510 For Cycle : 199503 PERSONNEL NAME --------DU PLESSIS, MRS U 01-AUG-2002 15:05 PROGRAM : f9Fccc.pc V12.0.0.0 E/D CODE ---6510 PAGE 1 PAGE 2 E/D DESCRIPTION ----------SECOND BOND PAYMENT INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE E/D CODES NOT ON INDIVIDUAL EARNINGS TRANSACTIONS ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 123 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 For E/D CODES 6500 6510 For Cycle : 199503 PERSONNEL NUMBER --------180 PERSONNEL NAME --------SMITH, MRS V E/D CODE ---6500 END OF E/D DESCRIPTION ----------BOND PAYMENT REPORT Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 124 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 EARNING / DEDUCTION VALIDATION {FPRIR1-5} Ä 5.3. It is sometimes necessary to define sets of two or more earnings/deductions of which some may have to be specified at individual level for a large number of employees, e.g. a Travel Allowance. This facility allows the user to verify that full sets of up to six E/D codes have indeed been specified for all these employees. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply Start Date (DD-MON-YYYY) : Supply End Date (DD-MON-YYYY) : Please Supply up to Six Earning/Deduction Codes for Which the Validation Must Be Done – Enter the Code or Press <RETURN> When Finished Supply the 1st Earning/Deduction Code : After supplying and is satisfied with the above answers, the user can execute the program by clicking on the RUN button or use <TAB> to get to the RUN button and use <ENTER> to execute the progr am. PRINT SEQUENCE : SYSTEM SELECT 04-AUG-2002 Program: f8Mccc.pc Employee number sequence : Those employees, who do not have full sets, listing the missing E/D's for each such person. INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE 1 V12.0.0.0 MISSING EARNING/DEDUCTIONS FOR CYCLE : 9108 ------------------------------------------- CODE SET => 0001 5800 2400 EMPLOYEE NAME -------- ---41 Mr MR UNDERWOOD 180 Mrs V SMITH . EARNING/DEDUCTION EARNING/DEDUCTION --------------------------------5800 PAYMENT TO STAB FUND (BONUS) 2400 STAB FUND (BONUS): EMPLOYER CO 5800 PAYMENT TO STAB FUND (BONUS) 2400 STAB FUND (BONUS): EMPLOYER CO ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 125 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 671 Mr S CRAWFORD 5800 PAYMENT TO STAB FUND (BONUS) 2400 STAB FUND (BONUS): EMPLOYER CO 672 Mnr T VAN DER 5800 PAYMENT TO STAB FUND (BONUS) 2400 STAB FUND (BONUS): EMPLOYER CO 680 Mr A NXHUBE 5800 PAYMENT TO STAB FUND (BONUS) 2400 STAB FUND (BONUS): EMPLOYER CO 1002 55555 1993626 Prof I NEWTON 5800 PAYMENT TO STAB FUND (BONUS) 2400 STAB FUND (BONUS): EMPLOYER CO Ms Y CARTER 0001 BASIC SALARY - PERM STAFF Mr P MOKWENA 2400 STAB FUND (BONUS): EMPLOYER CO 2400 STAB FUND (BONUS): EMPLOYER CO Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 126 of 332 Individual Detail 5.4. Chapter 5 INDIVIDUAL SALARY SCALES {FPRI-3} Ä This option allows the maintenance of an individual's salary scales. When a personnel number is queried, the person's name and the scale code(s) and subscale(s) linked to him/her will be displayed - <LIST> is available on this field. If this person has a personal scale other than the default scale for his/her rank, the undesired subscale(s) may be deleted by means of the <DELETE RECORD> and <COMMIT> commands. Subscale(s) may be added by creating new records and entering the person's number and the appropriate scale code. Upon <EXIT>ing from this screen, the system allows the validation of salary notches against assigned scales for all employees , any discrepancies being listed on a validation report which will include people to whom notches have not yet been assigned. The report can be produced at any time by executing option {FPRI-3} and <EXIT>ing immediately. When a person has resigned, no name will appear against his/her number, and such records should be deleted from time to time. Å 5.5. TAX DIRECTIVES {FPRI-4} Ä This option provides the facility to capture directives issued to personnel by the Receiver of Revenue. NOTE: Only one directive is allowed for a given tax year. This option consists of the following: A. Personnel Number (N9) Supply the personnel number for whom the directive applies. The title, initials and surname of the personnel member will default into the name field. B. Directive Number (A13) Supply the directive reference number provided by the Receiver of Revenue. C. Tax Year (YYYY) Supply the tax year for which the directive applies. The tax period will default into the next fields and may be updated. The directive issued will be in respect of either of the following two selections. The user must complete the applicable one. D. Percentage Tax Rate (N2) Supply the tax rate per the directive, if applicable. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 127 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 E. Lump Sum (*) Yes (*) No. Indicate whether the directive is in respect of a lump sum payment. F. E/D Used For Lump Sum (A4) Specify the E/D code that was used for the lump sum payment. Å 5.6. TAX CERTIFICATES ISSUED {FPRI-5} Ä This option provides the facility to capture IRP5 and IT3a certificates that may be issued during the course of a tax period. This option consists of the following: A. Personnel Number (N9) Supply the number of the personnel member for whom a IRP5 or IT3a certificate has been issued. B. Tax Year (YYYY) Supply the tax year for which the IRP5 or IT3a certificate was issued. C. IRP5 or IT3a Indicator (*) IRP5 (*) IT3a. Indicate whether the certificate issued is a IRP(5) or a IT(3)a. D. Certificate No. (A8) Supply the certificate number. E. Total Tax (N15.2) Supply the total tax paid per the certificate. F. Start Date (DD-MON-YYYY) Supply the start date for the tax assessment period G. End Date (DD-MON-YYYY) Supply the end date for the tax assessment period. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 128 of 332 Individual Detail 5.7. Chapter 5 FUTURE EVENTS {FPRI-6} Ä This facility allows the Payroll Controller to ensure that events for the future are indeed actioned. This can, for example, be an advice from an employee that her/his annuity will increase from a certain date, a reminder to change the person’s calc number in the future, etc. − The future actions to be taken are maintained in option {FPRI-6}. − Option {FPRIR1-27} “Future Events Report” shows all those future events where action has not yet been taken. − Option {FPRI-26} “Delete Future Events” will delete all records from this table where the action has already been taken. 5.7.1. MAINTAIN FUTURE EVENTS {FPRI-6} This option provides the user the facility to capture future information of transactions that must be effected for individuals. The following information must be supplied (all fields are mandatory): A. Person Number (N9) A valid personnel number must be entered; the employee's title, initials, surname and calculation number are displayed. <LIST> is available. B. Action Cycle (YYYYMM) The pay cycle for which the action is required. C. Calc Number (N2) The calc number to which the person is currently linked is displayed here, but can be changed. Please note that a change in calc number here does NOT update the calc number field in {FPRI-1}. D. User (A8) The Oracle username of the person who is entering the information defaults to this field upon <COMMIT>, and cannot be changed by the user. E. Action Taken (*) Yes (*) No. This field indicates whether the action has been taken or not. F. Remarks (A60) The action that must be taken is entered in this mandatory field. Records may be freely created and deleted in this option ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 129 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Future Events Report {FPRIR1-27} Ä 5.7.2. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Enter Action Cycle (YYYYMM) : Enter Calc Number (N1) Or ALL : Enter User Name (A8) Or ALL : Enter Personnel (N9) Or ALL : Order By (U)ser Name Or (P)ersonnel Number : After supplying and is satisfied with the above answers, the user can execute the program by clicking on the RUN button or use <TAB> to get to the RUN button and use <ENTER> to execute the program. PRINT SEQUENCE SYSTEM SELECT 30-AUG-2002 13:58 Program : f94rpt.rdf Person Number 1 V12.0.0.0 Name MAFUMA T.H.O : Calc number, username, personnel number, or personnel number depending on above : As per above INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Future Events Per Personnel Number For Cycle 200201 Calc Number : 1 User Name : all Personnel Number : all Calc Comment Number 1 111 Page : 1 User J End Of Report ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 130 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 DELETE FUTURE EVENTS {FPRI-26} Ä 5.7.3. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Enter Action Cycle (YYYYMM) Or ALL : PRINT SEQUENCE SYSTEM SELECT 30-AUG-2002 14:01 Program : f95prg.rdf Action Cycle 199801 V12.0.0.0 : Cycle number : All future events, which have already been actioned in above cycle(s) INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Delete Future Events Records For Cycle 200201 Page : 1 Total Deleted 1 End Of Report Å 5.8. PRO FORMA PAYSLIP {FPRI-25} Ä This powerful facility may be used for answering employees' queries regarding the current pay cycle or any future pay cycle, or for calculating payments in advance. The report is produced on the screen or on plain stationery, and displays relevant biographical and salary-related detail as well as all calculations and methods used in arriving at a person's predicted net salary for a given pay cycle. The calculation takes all global and individual transactions into account, which will be valid during the cycle of the pro forma. Due account is taken of future increase dates, a warning message being provided if such an increase has been given. Warnings are also provided if there are future non-cancelled claims against secondary posts, which have not yet been copied across, and if the person has staff loan(s), which will be active during the pro forma cycle. Please note that the calculation cannot take such future events into account, since individual advices do not yet exist, and it does not know ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 131 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 whether the future claim will in fact be paid, or whether the staff loan will perhaps be redeemed faster than normal via advised repayments. The program asks whether a cumulative tax calculation must be done and must nonprintable E/D Codes be displayed. It then asks for an employee number and the pay cycle for which the run is to be done. Different personnel numbers for different pay cycles may be entered. A complete salary calculation is done but no transactions are written to the salary file. Nor is the employee flagged as “already calculated” (i.e. no rollback is required after the calculation). Pro forma calculations may, therefore, be done as often as desired, since normal pay runs are in no way affected . Several users can draw pro forma’s for different people (or the same person) at the same time. During the tax calculation, a message will be shown on the screen indicating whether a normal monthly or cumulative tax calculation is being done. Please note that, if a pro forma is requested for a future period, the system checks whether a calculation has been done for the previous pay cycle. If none has been done and this is not the first month of the tax year or the person's appointment month, a normal tax calculation will be done. The reason for this rule is that a pro forma could be drawn far into the future. For example, it could be drawn after the April calc for a person's resignation month which is December, with no transactions in the database for the seven actual calcs which are still to be done between May and November. In this case, a cumulative tax calc would be completely wrong. Note also that ITS takes no responsibility for the correctness of a pro forma which is done in the past, since the program does not take past increases into account. That is, it will continue to use the latest notch of the person and will not decrease the salary if the specified pay cycle is before the last increase date). Such queries could be answered by referring to the appropriate full calc report or the copies of the payslips. When a pro forma has been viewed or printed, and the user returns to menu {FPRI} via “EXIT”. During “EXIT”, the program deletes the user-specific working files, which allows the pro forma programs to be multi-user. If this process should be interrupted by using the “Break” command or when a terminal is linked to the computer via a network and the connection is broken, the pro forma merge will fail when the next pro forma is done for this employee. An empty pro forma will be printed with the message: “Please note: Stop pay indicator is set for this cycle”. The user should then execute option {FPRI-22} to clear these files. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 132 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Sample Pro Forma Payslip {FPRI-25} Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Must Cumulative Tax Calculation Be Done? (Y/N) : [Y] Display Non-Printables on the Pro-Forma. (Y/N) : [Y] Supply Employee Number for Calculation of Salary (N9) or <RETURN> to EXIT : Supply Monthly Cycle for Salary Calculation (YYYYMM) : Date : 30-AUG-2002 14:14:37 Program : f84rpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page No : 1 Proforma Salary Calculation For Cycle : 200206 ( 01-JUN-2002 to 30-JUN-2002 ) ============================================================================= Print Non-Printables : Y Number : 1 Rank : 999 VICE PRINCIPAL Title : DR. Post : 96 VICE PRINCIPAL NON-ACADEMIC Initials : T.H.O Appointment Type: 21 FULL-TIME PERM ADMIN Surname : MAFUMA Latest Appointment Date : 01-FEB-2001 Gender : F Husband's Full Names : PROF H.H MAFUMA Marital Status : M Tax Deductible Dependents : 5 Birth Date : 01-JAN-1990 Dependents On Medical Aid : 4 I.D. Number : 7123456098123 Tax Status : A TAX TABLE "A" Bonus Month : 5 Latest Resignation Date : 31-DEC-2001 ============================================================================================================================== Hourly Rate Barrier Notch Increase Month Income Tax Number Tax On Bonus Stop Pay Pay Point Calculation Number Pay Frequency : M : : : : : : : : 1111.0000 12 A ANNUALLY 0001 CHEMISTRY DEPT 8 Bank Branch Bank Account Number Bank Account Type Payment Method Receiver Of Revenue First Increase Cycle Paydate Number : : : : : : : : 10 NEDBANK 1004 YEOVILLE 4567 C CURRENT Q CHEQUE 0001 PRETORIA 199012 1 ============================================================================================================================== Level ----00 01 08 10 16 50 61 76 Calculation Method -----------------7 SALARY NOTCH 6 PCT. OF TRANSACTION 1 PCT. OF SALARY LEVEL TOTAL 6 PCT. OF TRANSACTION 3 ADVISED AMOUNT 4 P A Y E - RSA, NAMIBIA 3 ADVISED AMOUNT 1 PCT. OF SALARY LEVEL TOTAL Earning/Deduction ----------------0001 BASIC SALARY 6251 ENTERTAINMENT ALL 0100 PENSIONABLE ALLOWANCE - PERM 3488 ENTERTAINMENT ALL CONTRA 1113 ENTERTAINMENT ALL 6000 P A Y E 3516 MEDICAL: EMPL CONTR ACCELERATE 4050 DISABILITY INSURANCE Ref. Code ---------E D E E E D D E 1113 00 6251 00 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 133 of 332 Amount -----4166.67 -1500.00 416.67 1500.00 1500.00 -1233.33 -20.00 41.67 Individual Detail 76 78 98 99 1 3 V 6 PCT. OF SALARY LEVEL TOTAL ADVISED AMOUNT SKILLS LEVY PCT. OF TRANSACTION Chapter 5 6400 9901 SKIL TEST DISABILITY INSURANCE SUNDRY DONATION SKILLS LEVY TEST TEST SKILLS LEVY D D D E Date : 30-AUG-2002 14:14:37 Program : f84rpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 00 SKIL INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Proforma Salary Calculation For Cycle : 200206 ( 01-JUN-2002 to 30-JUN-2002 ) ============================================================================= Print Non-Printables : Y Possible Payments Not Taken Into Account --------------------------------------Staff Loan Repayments Loan Code And Description 30 31 10 20 Annalise se motor lening Annalise se versekerings loan CAR LOAN 1 SECOND CAR LOAN -41.67 -400.00 -22.92 22.92 ----------4430.01 Page No : 2 Last Amount Paid 164.26 ============= End Of Report ============= ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 134 of 332 Individual Detail 5.9. Chapter 5 PAYMENTS IN ADVANCE If an advance is made to an employee against his/her salary whether by cash, hand cheque or via the Ad Hoc Payment System, it is important that this person should still be included in the normal monthly salary run. This is to ensure correct posting of the expenses, calculation of the deductions to be paid over, and updating of the salary record for STATS reporting purposes. The following procedure is recommended: ∗ If the entire salary is to be advanced, the calculation is done via option {FPRI-25}, “Pro Forma Payslip” (refer Section 5.6 above) ∗ Payment is made ∗ The system is advised of the advance payment by creating the appropriate deduction via option {FPRI-2}, “Individual Deductions ”, with correct start and end dates. When the monthly pay run is done subsequently, the system will perform the identical calculation for this person, take the “Advance Payment” deduction into account, and make no or partial payment accordingly. Å 5.10. CLEAR CALCULATION QUANTITIES {FPRI-21} Ä Calc Method “8 ” refers to “Quantity * Amount” and is normally used for employees who are paid hourly, the hours and the rate-amount being entered at individual level for each employee. The quantities will not be dropped automatically after a pay run, but must be cleared via this option, which only affects individual transactions specified via option {FPRI-2}. The quantities are cleared per appointment type and calculation number. When the option is executed, the system requests the appropriate appoin tment type and the calculation number or a <RETURN> for the entire pay cycle. The system will do no clearing if cheques have not yet been generated for this cycle/calc number, or if the Run Cycle Control File prevents individual events. No report is produced. Å 5.11. VALIDATE PERSONNEL DATA {FPRI-7} Ä This submenu contains a number of validation options, namely: − − − − Validate Payroll Data Salary Transactions After Resignation Individual E/D Affected by Stop Pay Validate ACB Credits ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 135 of 332 Individual Detail Å − − − − − Chapter 5 Validate Bonus Month and ID Number Validate ACB Tape Information R.A. / Arrears Pension Contributions Validate GLAs on Payroll Data Validate Notches Validate Payroll Data {FPRIV-1} Ä 5.11.1. This program performs extensive validation of salary-related personnel biographical information, service records, and fund membership records. When the option is executed, the user can elect to validate (A)ll personnel on the database or only those personnel in service during the current (T)ax year (based on the “C” record in the Date Control File). Up to three error reports will be produced by the program, containing “Fatal Errors” and/or “Warnings”. An error report is produced if there is at least one fatal error or warning. A control report is always produced. The ideal situation is a personnel database, which produces a control report with a zero fatal error count and a zero warning count. The fatal errors will cause either the salary calculation or the SITE/IRP5 program to crash or act unpredictably, and the warnings will, or may, affect the correctness of salary calculations and tax certificates. The reports and their respective error messages are: A. Validation Of Salary-Related Deta Fatal Errors: − − − − − − − invalid marital status invalid increase month invalid account type for payment type bank or tape transfer no bank account or branch code for bank or tape transfer invalid bonus month tax-on-bonus indicator = “M ” for bonus month = 0 or null invalid calculation number or paydate Warnings: ◊ invalid tax-on-bonus indicator ◊ invalid payment type ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 136 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 B. Validation Of Fund Membership Records Fatal Error − duplicate end dates C. Validation Of Service Records Fatal Errors: − − − − − − − − − no service records at all duplicate start dates duplicate end dates start date on record bigger than end date end date of record is bigger than start date of next no record with start date = appointment date no record with end date = resignation date record has no end date, but resignation date exists record with no end date is followed by record with end date Warnings: ◊ post, rank or appointment code or name missing ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 137 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Validate Report {FPRIV-1} Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Validate (A)ll Personnel or Only For This (T)ax Year ? (A/T) [T] PRINT SEQUENCE: Per personnel number 30-AUG-2002 15:09:32 f8Uccc.pc V12.0.0.0 Warning INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Pay Cycle 200201: Validation of PERSONNEL SERVICE RECORDS ================= ======================================= Person 87: POST/RANK/APPT CODE or NAME MISSING - Start Date = '01-OCT-1998' Warning Person 165: POST/RANK/APPT CODE or NAME MISSING - Start Date = '01-OCT-1998' Warning Person 220: POST/RANK/APPT CODE or NAME MISSING - Start Date = '01-OCT-1998' Warning Person 320: POST/RANK/APPT CODE or NAME MISSING - Start Date = '01-OCT-1998' Warning Person 375: POST/RANK/APPT CODE or NAME MISSING - Start Date = '01-OCT-1998' Warning Person 505: POST/RANK/APPT CODE or NAME MISSING - Start Date = '01-OCT-1998' Warning Person 672: POST/RANK/APPT CODE or NAME MISSING - Start Date = '01-OCT-1998' Warning Person 680: POST/RANK/APPT CODE or NAME MISSING - Start Date = '01-OCT-1998' Warning Person 777: POST/RANK/APPT CODE or NAME MISSING - Start Date = '01-OCT-1998' 0 FATAL ERRORS detected; The WARNINGS will affect 9 WARNINGS detected Service Record Reports, and should be attended to 30-AUG-2002 15:09:32 f8Uccc.pc V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Pay Cycle 199911: Validation of PERSONNEL DATA (Control Report) ================= ============================================= Validation of FIXED SALARY INFORMATION: 0 FATAL ERRORS detected; 0 WARNINGS detected Validation of FUND MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION: 0 FATAL ERRORS detected; 0 WARNINGS detected Validation of SERVICE RECORDS: 0 FATAL ERRORS detected; 9 WARNINGS detected ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 138 of 332 Page 1 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Validation of FEMALE MARITAL HISTORY RECORDS: 0 FATAL ERRORS detected; 0 WARNINGS detected TOTAL VALIDATION: 0 FATAL ERRORS detected; 74 WARNINGS detected Validation took 0.05 min. for 449 people Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 139 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Salary Transactions After Resignation {FPRIV-2} Ä 5.11.2. If the Payroll System is operated correctly, there will never be salary transactions for a person beyond his/her resignation date, since the Late Rollback and Late Calculation features ensure that transactions will always lie in the correct pay cycle. However, if a user has introduced late transactions into the system by artificially extending a person's service period, and then subsequently resetting the resignation date to the correct value, both the IRP5 and STATS 4.07 information will be incorrect for such a person. This report highlights the existence of such salary transactions. The user must then correct the situation by doing the required late rollbacks and calculations. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply Start Cycle (YYYYMM) : PRINT SEQUENCE : Personnel number sequence SYSTEM SELECT : A line entry per person per month where late transactions exist 30-AUG-2002 15:09:32 V12.0.0.0 page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Personnel with Salary Transactions beyond Resignation Date From Cycle 200203 (Program : f8nrpt.sql) Person Name Res. Date -------- ------------------------- --------133 Ms FW Darling 28-FEB-2002 Cycle ----200204 Amount ---------60.13 274 Mrs PJ Smit 31-JAN-2002 200207 10000.00 1056 Mr M Pringle 12-FEB-2002 200203 923.96 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 140 of 332 Individual Detail 140857 Mr J Foster Chapter 5 31-JAN-2002 200204 200205 200206 200207 923.96 923.96 923.96 6726.04 200204 4112.67 8 records selected. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 141 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Individual E/D Affected by Stop Pay {FPRIV-3} Ä 5.11.3. A stop pay indicator can be set to (Y)es for an employee whilst there are individual E/D's which are advised for the period during which pay is stopped. The danger then exists that these E/D's will “fall through the crack” and never be processed by the calculation program. This report highlights such cases, and allows the salaries department to take the appropriate action. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Report on (W)eekly or (M)onthly Paid Personnel : [M] Supply Start Cycle (YYYYMM) : Supply End Cycle (YYYYMM) : PRINT SEQUENCE : SYSTEM SELECT 30-AUG-2002 15:09:32 V12.0.0.0 Date sequence : All individual E/D's which are active during the period when the person's pay has been stopped altogether. page INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Individual Earnings/Deductions for Periods when Stop Pay Indicators are Set For Pay Cycles 200201 to 200212 =========================== (Program : f8orpt.sql) Start End Sal E/D Calc Cost Person Name Cycle Cycle Level Code Meth Centre Acct Amount -------- ---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ---- ------ -------- -------333 Untermeyer-Boshoff Prof A 9101 9112 8 0100 1 13 0120 1 40 0400 3 176.00 41 0300 3 -717.60 45 1101 3 725.39 34 Lavouseur Prof B K 9105 9105 11 12 45 66 70 70 70 0150 5800 0300 6511 3100 6677 6678 2 S 8 3 3 3 3 F001 0211 9338 F001 9316 F001 F001 9162 9162 Start Date 30.00 1000.00 200.00 01-JAN-91 100.00 150.00 End Date 01-JUN-93 31-DEC-92 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 142 of 332 1 Individual Detail Chapter 5 90 90 0100 8000 3 3 F001 F001 9338 9322 1000.00 1300.00 01-FEB-89 14 rows selected. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 143 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Validate ACB Credits {FPRIV-4} Ä 5.11.4. The user is given the opportunity of validating the information entered in {FPRI-2b2} Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Report on (W)eekly or (M)onthly Paid Personnel : [M] Enter Monthly Payroll Cycle (YYYYMM) : Supply 1st Of 10 (MAX.) E/D Codes (A4) : PRINT SEQUENCE : SYSTEM SELECT Personnel number within E/D Code : All employees who will be in-service during the given pay cycle who have one or more of the supplied E/D codes in either{FPRI-2b1} or {FPRI-2b2}. Only those employees who do not have the E/D code on both tables will be printed. The report consists of two sections: 1. 2. Those transactions found in {FPRI-2b1} but not in {FPRI-2b2} Those transactions found in {FPRI-2b2} but not in {FPRI-2b1} 01-AUG-2002 15:05 PROGRAM : F9Fccc.pc V12.0.0.0 PERSONNEL NUMBER --------72 PERSONNEL NAME --------DU PLESSIS, MRS U 01-AUG-2002 15:05 PROGRAM : f9Fccc.pc V12.0.0. PERSONNEL PERSONNEL INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE E/D CODES NOT ON ACB TAPE CREDITS For E/D CODES 6500 6510 For Cycle : 200203 E/D CODE ---6510 1 PAGE 2 E/D DESCRIPTION ----------SECOND BOND PAYMENT INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE E/D CODES NOT ON INDIVIDUAL EARNINGS TRANSACTIONS For E/D CODES 6500 6510 For Cycle : 200203 E/D PAGE E/D ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 144 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 NUMBER NAME --------- --------180 SMITH, MRS V CODE DESCRIPTION ---- ----------6500 BOND PAYMENT END OF REPORT Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 145 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Validate Bonus Month and ID Number {FPRIV-5} Ä 5.11.5. The user is given the opportunity of validating the information regarding bonus month, birth date and the first six characters of the ID number, entered in {PBOP-1} and {FPRM-6} Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Sort Personnel ( A)lphabetic or ( N)umeric Validate (A)ll Personnel or Only For This (T)ax Year? Select one of the following: 1. Bonus month against birth date 2. ID Number against birth date 3. Both PRINT SEQUENCE SYSTEM SELECT 30-AUG-2002 15:20:50 Program : f9Iccc.pc V12.0.0.0 : Within Personnel number : All employees who will be in-service during the given tax year where there is a difference in the birth date, first six characters of the ID number and the bonus month INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Validation Program On Bonus Month And ID NUMBER Sort Personnel (A)lphabetic Or (N)umenric : N Validate (A)ll Personnel Or Only For This (T)ax Year : T Your Selection - (1)Bonus Month, (2)ID Number (3)Both : 3 Personnel ID NUMBER Birth Bonus Date Month PAGE: 2 Number NAME --------2 ---VAN JAARSVELD-JONES, DR. W ------------3102286666666 28-FEB-1931 12 3 GORDON, DR Q 3002287665003 5 27 SMIT, MR L 6704270000000 27-APR-1965 4 First 6 numbers of ID not equal to birth date 28 PEDRO, MR MA 6307190000000 19-JUL-1950 7 First 6 numbers of ID not equal to birth date 50 SMIT, MISS W 6002127763318 12-FEB-1960 7 Bonus month not equal to birth date's month 28-FEB-1930 Message ----- -------Bonus month not equal to birth date's month Bonus month not equal to birth date's month ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 146 of 332 Individual Detail 65 MALANs, MRS V Chapter 5 2301557665002 29-FEB-1928 4 Bonus month not equal to birth date's month 2301557665002 29-FEB-1928 4 First 6 numbers of ID not equal to birth date ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 147 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Validate ACB Tape Information {FPRIV-6} Ä 5.11.6. The user is given the opportunity of validating the ACB Tape information before creating the tape file. When executing the option the system will run a validation . 30-AUG-2002 15:23:29 Program: f9Hccc.pc V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE ACB Tape Validation Report For Cycle 200201 (C) For ACB Bond Payments --------------------- Personnel Number Name Calc. Number Description of Error 122 KES MR MR 2 Error(s) Have Been Found. Page : 1 1 - Account Number s011111111111 contains non-numeric character(s) Pay Date '4' is not '1' or '2' These Must Be Corrected Before The ACB Tape Can Be Created. ***** End Of Report ***** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 148 of 332 Individual Detail 5.11.7. Chapter 5 R.A / Arrears Pension Contributions {FPRIV-7} Ä This report highlights employees who are approaching, or have exceeded, the allowable tax-deductible limits for contributions towards Retirement Annuities and/or buy-back of pension. The 1996 RSA limits are the defaults, but the user can change these values. The report should be drawn monthly, before the salary calculation is done. If an employee is found to be close to exceeding the limit, the deduction should be adjusted to allow only the rest of the allowed deduction before tax, and the rest after tax. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Start / end cycles for report Supply R.A. Limit [1750 ]* Supply Percentage of Taxable NonRetirement-Funding [15] [3500] Less Pension Fund Contributions Supply Percentage of R.A. Limit to be Flagged [90 ] Arrears pension limit [1800 ] Supply Percentage of A.P. Limit to be Flagged [ 90 ] Supply the Salary Level for Pensionable Income [10 ] Calculation number [ALL] Personnel number [ALL] Personnel sorted (A)lpha or ( N)umeric ? 09-AUG-2002 20:20:11 f8Dccc.pc V12.0.0.0 PRINT SEQUENCE : Person within calculation number SYSTEM SELECT : Employees whose contributions to either R.A. (IRP5 Box 16) or arrears pension (Box 11) have exceeded the stated limit. INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE : 1 R.A. / ARREARS PENSION CONTRIBUTIONS FOR PERIOD 9303 to 9310 =============================================== R.A. LIMIT : M/S 1750; MW = 875; PCT = 90 A.P. LIMIT : M/S 200; MW = 100; PCT = 50 For ALL Employees and ALL Calculation Numbers ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 149 of 332 Individual Detail PERSON ------99 999 914 926 REPORT Chapter 5 NAME TS ------------------------------------------ -GERBER, MS FK S 1 ROBERTSON, MR R M 1 JONES, PROF M A S 2 1816.90 103.82 THATCHER, MRS M MW 2 2325.00 265.71 TOTALS : 4 EMPLOYEES ***** CN -- <-------- R.A. --------> <----- ARR. PENS. -----> CONTRIB. % LIM EXCESS CONTRIB. % LIM EXCESS ------------- ------250.00 125.00 50.00 198.00 99.00 -2.00 66.90 1450.00 R.A. : END OF REPORT 2 A.P. : 2 ***** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 150 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 VALIDATE GLA’S ON PAYROLL DATA {FPRIV-8} Ä 5.11.8. This option provides the facility to validate GLA’s before executing a salary calculation run. USER SELECTION: None Date : 30-AUG-2002 15:32:47 f97ccc.pc V12.0.0.0 Personnel Name INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE GLA Validation of Payroll Transactions For Monthly Cycle : 200202 (01-FEB-2002 / 28-FEB-2002) Salary Post Post's GLA E/D Level Invalid GLA : 0001 00000001 : TEST Test UDW budget cont Error : Account is not Valid for this Year ----------2 VAN JAARSVELD-JONES, DR. W 5656 0001 00000001 0001 0008 0010 0050 0055 0100 0100 1100 2400 3000 3010 3400 3401 0 12 30 1 12 1 2 13 60 70 70 60 61 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 151 of 332 Page: 1 Individual Detail Chapter 5 VALIDATE NOTCHES {FPRIV-21} Ä 5.11.9. This option provides the facility to validate salary notches in the event where the validation control N on menu option {FPRM-8} is set to (N)o. USER SELECTION: None Date: 30-AUG-2002 f8Fccc.pc Invalid Notches for Monthly Cycle 200006 ======================================== Person 1 SALARY notch 50000 Person 2 SALARY notch 100800 Person 8 SALARY notch 243119 Person 9 SALARY notch 125000 Person 14 SALARY notch NULL Person 24 SALARY notch 108000 Person 27 SALARY notch 110000 Person 28 SALARY notch NULL Time: 15:41:45 Page: 1 ***** FUTURE PROMOTION ***** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 152 of 332 Individual Detail 5.12. Chapter 5 BROWSE PAYROLL TRANSACTIONS {FPRI-8} Ä This option provides the facility to query payroll transactions of a personnel member. This option consists of the following: Block 1 – Browse Payroll transactions A. Person Number (A9) Supply the number of the person to query. B. Title (A4) Supply the title of the person to query. C. Initial (A6) Supply the initials of the person to query. D. Surname (A30) Supply the surname of the person to query. Users can query on any of the fields mentioned above. On <EXECUTE QUERY>, the latest year, for which payroll transactions exist, will default. However, users can scroll down to see previous years. When the desired year has been selected, users can execute <NEXT BLOCK> function to query financial details. Block 2 – Financial Details Users can query on any of the fields mentioned hereunder. A. Month (N2) Supply the payroll month to query. B. Transaction Date (DD-MON-YYYY) Supply the date on which the date was processed. C. Earning/Deduction Code (A4) Supply the E/D code to query. D. IRP5 (N4) Supply the IRP5 box number to query. E. GL CC Code (A4) Supply the Cost Centre to query. F. GL Acc Code (A8) Supply the Account to query. G. Salary Level (N3) Supply the salary level to query. H. Calculation Method (A1) Supply the calculation method to query. I. Calculation Number (N1) Supply the calculation number to query. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 153 of 332 Individual Detail J. Chapter 5 Calculation Sequence Number (N1) Supply the calculation sequence number to query. K. Transaction Amount (N15.2) Supply the value of the transaction to query. L. Reference Number (A20) Supply the reference number to query. M. Calculation Quantity (N20) Supply the quantity to query. N. Retirement Funding Indicator (A1) Supply the retirement funding indicator to query. The following fields are display only O. Earning/Deduction Name (A30) The name of the E/D code. P. Cost Centre Name (A40) The name of the Cost Centre. Q. Account Name (A30) The name of the Account. R. IRP5 Box Name (A80) The name of the IRP5 box. Å 5.13. CLAIMS AGAINST SECONDARY POSTS {FPRI-27} Ä The service record in {PBOP-2} of the Personnel System allows record-keeping of an employee's primary post, but does not keep record of secondary (additional) appointments against other posts, e.g. an administrative employee who also teaches part-time at night. Such work is typically on a contract basis, with a limited amount of compensation available for a limited period of time, paid against claims submitted by the employees . Option {PAOP-2} “Secondary Appointment Detail” in the Personnel System allows the appointment of employees against secondary posts. The maintenance of claims against these contracts is discussed in the rest of this section. Å 5.13.1. MAINTAIN CLAIMS {FPRIC-1} Ä ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 154 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 This two-Block option is used for the recording of approved claims, and can also be used to record claims for employees who fill only one post and are paid by claim on a regular basis. The monitoring of expenditure against contracts is also done here. Block 1: SECONDARY APPOINTMENT DETAIL {FPRIC-1b1} In Block 1 of this option the user can query a personnel number, a secondary postcode or a contract number. <LIST> is available on personnel number. The system now displays − − − − − − − − − − − person's name current post, appointment and resignation dates secondary post, start and end dates earning code GLA contract number contract sequence contract rate and maximum quantity monthly claim maximum amount allocated to contract notes. Block 2: SECONDARY APPOINTMENT CLAIMS {FPRIC-1b2} This option is used to enter monthly claims. The person’s name is displayed at the top of the screen, as well as the calculation number, pay frequency, current pay cycle, contract number, appointment type and pay point. An automatic query is done in this Block to show existing transactions. The system will allow the entry of current or future claims , or changes to existing records, only under the following conditions: − the pay cycle of the claim must fall within the contract period; − transactions must not yet have been copied to Payroll for this pay cycle and the employee's calc number, nor must cheques have been generated; − the pay cycle of the claim may not be smaller than that of Payroll. The personnel number, secondary post code and contract sequence number default from Block 1, and the following information is required to register a claim: A. Pay Cycle Year (YYYY) Enter the year of the pay cycle when the claim must be processed in this mandatory field. B. Pay Cycle Month (MM) Enter the month of the pay cycle in this mandatory field. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 155 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 C. Salary Level (N2) The system suggests “41” or the level of the E/D Code for this contract, which is fine if only one claim is to be processed for this employee in this pay cycle for this contract. If more than one such claim is to be processed, subsequent claims must lie at higher pay levels. The system will not allow a salary level higher than “49”. NOTE: One of the following two fields must be completed, but not both. D. Amount (N15.2) This field is used when calculation method “3 ” is used to advise an amount. The fixed monthly claim from Block 1 will default but may be changed. When an amount is entered, the system checks that the contract maximum is not exceeded, and will not allow such an entry. When an amount is entered, the system will not allow an entry in E. below. E. Quantity (N7.2) This field is used when calculation method “8 ” is used to calculate an amount. Enter the hours, weeks, number of papers, etc., which are claimed for. The same check as in D. above is done against the contract maximum, and in addition against the maximum quantity. When a quantity is entered, the system will not allow an entry in D. above. The field “Copy Date ” is displayed only, and will contain the date on which this transaction has been copied to Payroll. F. Cancel Claim (A1) A (Y)es in this field will cancel a claim that has already been copied. Such cancelled claims will be disregarded whenever the expenditure against the contract is calculated. Care must be taken when this field is updated, as it cannot subsequently be changed. All inserts/changes and deletes in this screen are audited, and may be printed via option {FPRNR1-27}. Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 156 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 GENERATE FIXED CLAIMS {FPRIC-2} Ä 5.13.2. This option allows the creation in batch of future fixed monthly claims, i.e. those cases where a fixed monthly amount has been entered in {PAOP-2}. A control report is produced. The system will generate claims for cycles smaller than a person's end date (if any), and as long as the maximum amount is not exceeded, taking all non-cancelled copied claims into account. Existing future claims, which may have been entered manually, will not be modified. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply the Start Cycle From which to Generate Claims (YYYYMM) : Generate Claims for (W)eekly or (M)onthly Personnel : [M] Number of Months for which to Generate Claims (N3) : Personnel Number or ALL : PRINT SEQUENCE : Post code within personnel number SYSTEM SELECT : As per above 13-AUG-2002 18:34:25 PROGRAM: f8Aprg.rdf (PR) V12.0.0.0 PERSON NAME 2 VAN JAARSVELD-JONES..... INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE LIST OF FIXED CLAIMS GENERATED FROM PAY CYCLE : 200202 FOR 6 MONTHS AND PERSON all POST SECONDARY POST DESCRIPTION START DATE DR W....* 200 END DATE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT OF BOTA 01-FEB-2002 CLAIMS TO DATE PAGE : 1 PAY CYCLE AMOUNT 790.00 200202 10.00 200203 10.00 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. 200203 200204 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 157 of 332 10.00 10.00 -------- Individual Detail Chapter 5 21 CLAIMS GENERATED. 180 SMITH MRS V 365 JUNIOR LECTURER IN MATHEMA 01-JUN-92 TOTAL 210.00 ============ 800.00 200204 200205 200206 200207 200208 200209 6 CLAIMS GENERATED. 27 CLAIMS GENERATED. TOTAL REPORT TOTAL ***** END OF REPORT ***** Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 158 of 332 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 -----4500.00 ============ 4710.00 ============ Individual Detail Chapter 5 COPY CLAIMS TO PRS {FPRIC-3} Ä 5.13.3. When claims are recorded in option {FPRIC-1}, they are not accessible to the salary calculation program until salary advices have been created by this option, as follows: ∗ The claims for the appropriate pay cycle and calculation number are copied to option {FPRI-2}, after deleting similar transactions for previous months. A control report is produced. ∗ The copy program inserts the system date as copy date in the claims in {FPRIC -1b2}, after which they cannot be updated or deleted by the user. The individual advices in {FPRI-2} are identified in the Reference Number field by the secondary post code, the word “A/CLAIM ” and the pay cycle and calc number, and cannot be updated or deleted there. ∗ The system will reject claims, which are linked to inactivate earning codes, or inactive GLA's, with error messages and control totals. Before the salary calculation is done, the user must correct any such errors, after which a rollback and another copy must be done. Copying of claims is not allowed after cheques have been generated for this pay cycle / calc number. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Enter Personnel Number (N9) or (A)ll : [A] Copy Claims for (W)eekly or (M)onthly Personnel : [M] Pay Cycle for which Claims Must Be Copied (YYYYMM) : Supply the Calculation Number (1-9) : Sort Personnel by (N)umber or (A)lphabetic : [N] PRINT SEQUENCE : SYSTEM SELECT : 07-AUG-2002 14:25:42 PROGRAM: p0aprg.rdf V12.0.0.0 Post code within personnel number As per above INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE LIST OF CLAIMS COPIED TO PRS FOR PAY CYCLE : 200206 ( 3 ) PERSON NAME POST E/D CODE SALARY COST LEVEL CENTRE G/L ACCNT 4 BESTER MNR B 5 41 2018 0001 6000 PAGE : 1 AMOUNT QUANTITY 30.01 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 159 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 0001 42 0001 45 6000 2018 6000 0501 150.00 140.00 E/D .01 GLA INACTIVE 0001 46 6000 2019 INACTIVE 2 CLAIMS COPIED 2 CLAIMS REJECTED ***** END OF REPORT ***** Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 160 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 ROLLBACK CLAIMS {FPRIC-4} Ä 5.13.4. This option provides a rollback facility which deletes the “A/CLAIM” transactions for a given pay cycle and calculation number, and sets the copy date and cancel indicator to null for the corresponding claims in {FPRIC-1b2}. A control report is produced. The rollback facility is intended for the case where a late batch of claims has been received after copying to Payroll has occurred, but before the final pay run has been done. The transactions are rolled back, the late claims are entered, and the copy is repeated, thus allowing the late claims to be included in the pay run. Rollback of claims is not allowed after cheques have been generated for this pay cycle / calc number. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Enter Personnel Number (N9) or (A)ll : [A] Rollback Claims for (W)eekly or (M)onthly Personnel : [M] Supply the Pay Cycle for which Claims must be Rolled Back (YYYYMM) : Supply the Calculation Number (1-9) : Supply the Date on which the Claims were Copied (DD-MON-YYYY): PRINT SEQUENCE: Post code within personnel number SYSTEM SELECT: As per above 07-AUG-2002 14:36:52 PROGRAM: p0bprg.rdf V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE ROLLBACK OF CLAIMS FROM PRS COPIED ON 07-jul-93 FOR PAY CYCLE : 200206 ( 3 ) PERSON NAME POST E/D CODE SALARY COST G/L ACCNT LEVEL CENTRE AMOUNT 4 BESTER MNR B 0005 0001 0001 41 42 30.01 150.00 6000 6000 2018 2018 PAGE: 1 QUANTITY 2 CLAIMS ORIGINALLY COPIED ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 161 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 2 CLAIMS ROLLED BACK ***** END OF REPORT ***** Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 162 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 List Appointments / Contracts {FPRICR1-1} Ä 5.13.5. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Enter Campus Code (N2) or ALL Enter Department Code (N4) Or ALL Must Claims Be Included ? (Y/N) : Must Personnel Be Sorted (A)lpha Or (N)umeric ? : Start Date (DD-MON-YYYY) Or ALL : PRINT SEQUENCE : Per campus, department, person, post, contract sequence SYSTEM SELECT 01-AUG-2002 12:09 Program : p0crpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 : All employees in {FPRIC-1} who are inservice on supplied date, and their claims if these are requested in selection. INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Secondary Appointments / Contracts For Department : 2 ACCOUNTANCY/T51 Campus Code : 1 LYCEUM Include Claims Information ? y Between : all And Person Post Start Date 9 JONES MR TOM 3 LECTURER ENGLISH 01-JAN-1995 Contract Seq, Number & Notes Contract Rate Maximum Quantity 1 - 8989 Total Claims 10000.00 Balance Remaining .00 Page : 3 End Date G/L Acc. CC1231 000000 Monthly Claim Max Amount Allocated 1000.00 10000.00 Claims Paid 4000.00 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 163 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 GENERATE STAFF LOAN PR TRANSACTIONS {FPRI-23} Ä 5.14. This option is also available in the Accounts Receivable Subsystem as {FARS-5}. Users should ensure that access is allowed to only one of these two options. After interest has been generated, the option is used to create transactions for the Payroll, which allow the fringe benefit value of low interest loans to be taxed and the loan repayment to be deducted from the person's salary. The transactions which are generated by this option cannot be deleted nor updated via option {FPRI-2}, “Individual Earnings/Deductions”. This option will clear these transactions for debtors who are still active during the following pay cycle, as explained below. Old transactions for debtors who have redeemed their loans can be cleared periodically via option {FPRM-8} “Delete Old Individual Transactions”. The program will create transactions for the cycle of the “C” record in the Run Cycle Control File {FPRM-2}; if this cycle is incorrect, the user can terminate the run and ensure that the Payroll cycle is set properly. The program next checks whether interest has already been calculated for this pay cycle, and terminates the run if not; in this event, option {FARS-3} must first be executed before this option is attempted again. Hereafter the program checks whether transactions have already been generated for this pay cycle - if so, the run will terminate. If the foregoing tests are successful, the user must indicate whether transactions must be generated for inactive debtors, whereupon the program selects staff debtors who are inservice and whose loans have not yet been redeemed. For those loans with “Generation of E/D's Required” indicator = ( Y)es, the value of the interest is obtained from the debtor's transaction file and the following calculations are done (where I = interest rate, P = principal, CP = cumulative principal repayment, N = balance of repayment period, RP = reducing principal, OR = official interest rate): • the current value of the fringe benefit = (OR - I) * RP / 1200 • if an “Advised Repayment Amount” is given, it is accepted as the instalment, otherwise: F1 = (1 + I / 1200)N, F2 = F1 - 1, and Instalment = (F1 / F2) * RP * I / 1200 (rounded to 2 decimals) (Due attention is paid to the final instalment; in the last month of the loan term, the system will recover the total outstanding amount) • then: new RP = P - CP - (instalment - interest) ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 164 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 New CP = CP + (instalment - interest) Up to three transactions are now generated and inserted into {FPRI-2} for each loan, after similar transactions have been deleted which may exist from the previous month for this staff member, E/D Code and salary level. The transactions are the post-tax loan deduction, the pre-tax value of the fringe benefit and the post-tax contra of the latter. The latter two transactions are obviously generated only if a fringe benefit actually exists. The following are common to all three transactions: personnel number, calc method = '3', start/end date = first/last day of specified cycle, GLA = salary loan suspense GLA. The differences are: ∗ Loan deduction: E/D Code and salary level as specified for loan, IRP5 Box = 9999, reference number = debtors code + loan code + “LOANREP”, advised amount = instalment as calculated or advised. ∗ Taxable value of fringe benefit: E/D Code and salary level as specified for loan, IRP5 Box = 3807 , reference number = “LOANREP”, advised amount = current value of fringe benefit as calculated. ∗ Contra of the fringe benefit: E/D Code and salary level as specified for loan, IRP5 Box = 9999 , reference number = “LOANREP”, advised amount = current value of fringe benefit as calculated. At the end of this calculation/generation, the system offers a report of the transactions generated, as well as a control report listing the following people for whom no transactions were generated, i.e.: − personnel with “Stop Pay” indicator = (Y)es for this pay cycle − personnel for whom a loan with a non-zero balance exists, but the “Generate E/D's” indicator = (N)o − one or more of the E/D codes for this loan have gone beyond their inactivation date − inactive debtors (if transaction generation not requested above). The report also lists those debtors with no fringe benefit (because loan interest rate >= official rate). If any inactive E/D's are encountered, the run aborts and these E/D codes must be updated before another attempt is made. If the run is successful, the salary calculations can be done, and the resulting transactions will be in the payroll transaction file. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 165 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 At this stage, the salary loan suspense account will reflect ht e total deduction for loan repayments. On “Post-to-GL”, the following transactions will be posted: ** CR to suspense account for repayment DT to suspense account for fringe benefit CR to suspense account for contra. ** NOTE: This credit will be cleared by “Copy Staff Loan Transactions to AR ” in option {FARS-7}. Control Report: Generate Staff Loan PR Transactions Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Include inactive debtors (Y/N) PRINT SEQUENCE: Loan code within personnel number SYSTEM SELECT: As per text DATE : 18-AUG-2002 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE : 1 Program : fb1ccc.pc TRANSACTIONS GENERATED FOR PAY CYCLE : 200204 V12.0.0.0 PERSON NAME ACT DEBTOR LOAN GLA E/D DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ------- ------------------------------ --- ------- ---- ------------- ---- ------------------------------ -----------1 Magnificus ... Prof A 2 Van Jaarsveld-Joness ... Dr W A A 8000001 0010 F001 9346 9301 STAFF CAR LOAN 1 REPAYMENT 3901 TAX BENEFIT: CAR LOAN 1 9401 TAX BENEFIT: CAR LOAN 1 244.1363.38 63.38- 8000001 0110 F001 9346 9311 STAFF COMPUTER LOAN 1 REPAYMT 3911 TAX BENEFIT: COMPUTER LOAN 1 9411 TAX BENEFIT: COMPUTER LOAN 1 110.8021.12 21.12- 8000001 0120 F001 9346 9312 STAFF COMPUTER LOAN 2 REPAYMT 3912 TAX BENEFIT: COMPUTER LOAN 2 9412 TAX BENEFIT: COMPUTER LOAN 2 451.2912.73 12.73- 8000002 0110 F001 9346 9311 STAFF COMPUTER LOAN 1 REPAYMT 3911 TAX BENEFIT: COMPUTER LOAN 1 9411 TAX BENEFIT: COMPUTER LOAN 1 104.1734.64 34.64- ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 166 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 # REPAYMENT DEDUCTIONS : # FRINGE BENEFIT EARNINGS : # FRINGE BENEFIT CONTRAS : TOTAL # RECORDS CREATED : 4 = 4 = 4 = 910.39131.87 131.87- 12 *************** END OF REPORT *************** DATE : 18-AUG-2002 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Program : fb1ccc.pc TRANSACTIONS NOT GENERATED FOR PAY CYCLE : 9209 V12.0.0.0 PERSON NAME ACT DEBTOR LOAN GLA REASON ------- ------------------------------ --- ------- ---- ------------- -------------------4 Bester ... Mnr B # # # # # STOP PAY CASES NO E/D's REQUESTED INACTIVE E/D's INACTIVE DEBTORS NO FRINGE BENEFIT TOTAL # ENTRIES N : : : : : 0 0 0 1 0 : 1 8000004 0010 F001 9346 PAGE : 1 DEBTOR INACTIVE *************** END OF REPORT *************** Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 167 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 CLEAR PRO FORMA FILES {FPRI-22} Ä 5.15. Before the option is executed, users should agree not to run pro forma’s for the minute that it takes to execute. USER SELECTION: None The output will consist of three lines, e.g.: 1 row deleted. 33 rows deleted. 21 rows deleted. Å 5.16. COPY DEDUCTIONS TO STUDENT ACCOUNTS {FPRI-24} Ä Fees deductions and study subsidies deducted from employees' payslips are typically posted to a Fees Control GLA, and Student Debtors must then subsequently journalise to the students' accounts. The following procedure allows direct posting of such transactions to Student Debtors from Payroll: 1. The user creates, via option {FCSO-7} “Transaction Type Definitions”, a special Transaction Type (TT) (e.g. “Sal Deduction for Student Fees”, “Payroll Deduction”, etc.) linked to subsystem SD, Update = A, event = 29, (F)ee and (C)redit to student account, no Debit GLA, Credit GLA = “Student Debtors Control”. 2. The user next defines the appropriate E/D(s) in {FPRG-6}, as after-tax advised amount(s) with the Fees Control GLA as GLA. Please note that the CC of this GLA must have a zero VAT code. 3. In {FPRI-2} a field “Post to Student Account (Y/N)” must be set to (Y)es. 4. When the payroll advice is created in {FPRI-2}, the following must be entered into the reference number: ST**9999999 . The system will validate on insert or update that 9999999 as a valid student number. If the student's account should be credited with this amount, the “Post” field must be set to (Y)es. 5. After a particular calculation number has been closed off (i.e. the “Q” record exists in {FPRM-3}), the user can credit student accounts in batch as follows via option {FPRI-24} : User Input: ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 168 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Pay Cycle From Which Transactions Must Be Copied (YYYYMM) : Calculation Number or ALL : • The system will validate that cheques have already been generated, that event 29 and the TT exist, and that the TT is linked to SD, is a ( C)redit, and has a credit GLA. • The system will now process those individual advices with reference number as in described above and “Post to Student Account” indicator = (Y)es, as follows : • It will scan the payroll transaction file for the given cycle and calc number, matching on personnel number, E/D code, salary level, GLA, reference number and amount. If such a transaction is found that has not been copied before, it will date-stamp it with system date and create a transaction in {FSAO-1} “Student Account Transaction”. • This program produces a control report. • There is no danger that a transaction can be copied twice, in view of the date stamping mentioned above. 6. When “Post to GL” is done for Payroll, the summary crediting of the Fees Control GLA will happen as usual. 7. When “Post to GL” is done for Student Debtors, Fees Control GLA will be debited, and Student Debtors Control GLA credited. At the end of this process, the balance of Fees Control GLA should be zero. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Pay Cycle From Which Transactions Must Be Copied (YYYYMM) : Calculation Number or ALL : PRINT SEQUENCE: Personnel number sequence ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 169 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 SYSTEM SELECT: As per text NOTE: Transactions can be rejected for four reasons : 1. 2. 3. 4. Copied before (no problem; for information only) Invalid student number Invalid GLA Rolled back since being copied In cases 2., 3 and 4, users must pass manua l journals to correct the situation. 04-AUG-2002 21:19 PROGRAM: f8Bprg.rdf V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE LIST OF PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS COPIED TO STUDENT DEBTORS SYSTEM FOR PAY CYCLE : 200205 CALCULATION NUMBER : all GENERATE NOTE : Y PAGE : 1 PERSON NAME STUDENT NAME NUMBER E/D SAL CODE LVL AMOUNT COMMENTS 930 999 JONES, MR F X JACKSON, MS S 9200000 JL MANSFIELD 9255555 E JOHNSON 8181 62 8181 62 400.00 39.60 2 DEDUCTIONS COPIED TOTALLING 439.60 0 DEDUCTIONS REJECTED ***** END OF REPORT ***** Å 5.17. CLAIMS – TUTOR/MENTOR BUNDLES {FPRI-28} Ä This menu provides the facility to generate, maintain, copy and rollback Tutor/Mentor claims to and from the payroll system. This menu consists of the following menu options: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Maintain Bundle Claims {FPRIM-1} Generate Bundle Claims {FPRIM-2} Query Bundle Claims {FPRIM-3} Copy Bundle Claims To PR {FPRIM-4} Rollback Bundle Claims {FPRIM-5} Reports available are: 1. 2. 3. Mentor/Tutor Claim Report {FPRIMR1-1} Unauthorised Claims {FPRIMR1-2} Partially Unauthorised Claims {FPRIMR1-3} ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 170 of 332 Individual Detail 4. Å 5.18. Chapter 5 Authorised Claims To Be Paid {FPRIMR1-4} TIMESHEET DETAIL {FPRI-29} Ä This menu provides the facility to maintain and generate timesheet and payroll transactions for weekly paid employees. This menu consists of the following menu options: 1. 2. 3. 4. Å Capture Timesheet Information {FPRIT-1} Maintain Timesheet Information {FPRIT-2} Generate PR Transactions {FPRIT-3} Rollback PR Transactions {FPRIT-4} ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 171 of 332 Individual Detail 5.19. Chapter 5 REPORTS Fixed Salary Detail {FPRIR1-1} Ä 5.19.1. This report reflects salary related information defined on menu option {FPRI-1}. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply The First Employee Number (N9) : Supply The Last Employee Number (N9) : Print Details as at Date (DD-MON-YYYY) : [Today's Date] Supply Address Type's Information To Print : Supply Telephone Number Type's Detail To Print : PRINT SEQUENCE : Employee number sequence SYSTEM SELECT : Information as per option {FPRI-1} Date : 02-AUG-2002 10:59 Program : f83rpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Fixed Salary Detail For Employees as at 02-JUL-2002 =================================================== Employee : 1 Dr. Page No : 1 T.H.O MAFUMA ********** Biographical Detail ********** First Names Tax Deductible Dependents Dependents On Medical Aid Husband's Full Names : THIVHAKONI HUDSON : 5 : 4 : PROF H.H MAFUMA Date Of Birth : 01-JAN-1990 Home Address : I.D. Number : 7123456098123 Gender : F Marital Status : M Home Tel. No.: 012-3467789 ********** Work Related Detail ********** Latest Appt Date : 01-FEB-2001 Latest Resg Date : 31-DEC-2001 Post Grade From : Appointment : Work Tel. 1 General Ledger Allocation : No.: 21 FULL-TIME PERM ADMIN Current Post :96 VICE PRINCIPAL NON-ACADEMIC 012-3467789 Current Rank :999 VICE PRINCIPAL To : 10580103 Current Grade1 ACCOUNTING-PMB Salaries-Other (PC1) ********** Salary Related Detail ********** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 172 of 332 Individual Detail Salary Notch Barrier Notch Increase Month First Inc Year Start Cycle End Cycle Calc Number Paydate Number : 50000 : : 12 : 1990 : : : 8 : 1 Scale 5301 Chapter 5 Bank Account Number Bank Account Type Payment Method First Inc Month Tax Status Tax On Bonus Bonus Month Pay Frequency : : : : : : : : Previous Scale 4567 Rec Of Revenue : 0001 PRETORIA C CURRENT Bank : 10 NEDBANK Q CHEQUE Branch : 1004 YEOVILLE 12 Stop Payment : A MARRIED PERSON Pref. Language : E ENGLISH A ANNUALLY Income Tax # : 5 Pay Point : 0001 CHEMISTRY DEPT M ********** Salary Scales ********** Scale 30000 X 1000 X 40000 ********** Salary Scales For Approved Rank ********** Scale 5301 Previous Scale Scale 30000 X 1000 X 40000 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 173 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Individual E/D Detail {FPRIR1-2} Ä 5.19.2. This report reflects E/D codes linked to personnel on menu option {FPRI-2}. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply The Employee Number Required (N9) or ALL : PRINT SEQUENCE : E/D code within salary level SYSTEM SELECT : All E/D's specified via option {FPRI-2} Date : 02-AUG-2002 11:07 Program : f86rpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page No : 1 Individual Earnings And Deductions Per Employee ----------------------------------------------Employee : 1 Dr. Earning/Deduction Start Date End Date Salary Level Calculation Method Advised Amount Lookup Table Calculation Quantity Reference Number Debtor/Student Earning/Deduction Start Date End Date Salary Level Calculation Method Advised Amount Lookup Table Calculation Quantity Reference Number Debtor/Student X001 E KOBUS - TESTING 2 2 BONUS 1000.00 T.H.O MAFUMA Reference Earning/Deduction Reference Salary Level Low Amount High Amount IRP5 Total Number General Ledger Allocation Calculation Percentage Fund Post to Subsystem? 0001 E BASIC SALARY 01-MAR-1998 31-MAR-1998 3 3 ADVISED AMOUNT 5000.01 Reference Earning/Deduction Reference Salary Level Low Amount High Amount IRP5 Total Number General Ledger Allocation BACK PAY Calculation Percentage Fund Post to Subsystem? 10.00 50.00 3601 Income - Taxable 00580101 ECONOMICS Salaries-Permanent S 12.000 N 1 Directors remuneration - priva N ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 174 of 332 Individual Detail Earning/Deduction Start Date End Date Salary Level Calculation Method Advised Amount Lookup Table Calculation Quantity Reference Number Debtor/Student Chapter 5 0015 E KAAPTECH HOUSING ALLOWANCET 12 A PENSION Reference Earning/Deduction Reference Salary Level Low Amount High Amount IRP5 Total Number General Ledger Allocation 3704 Subsistence allowance - taxabl 8000 KAAP HOUSING ALLOW Calculation Percentage Fund Post to Subsystem? 100.000 KAAP KAAP HOUSING ALLOWE N ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 175 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Individual Package {FPRIR1-3} Ä 5.19.3. The system will merge the applicable global and individual sets of earnings and deductions for a particular employee, and print his/her complete package. Please note that not all E/D's need necessarily be active for a given employee in a given month, e.g. the employee may not be a member of all the funds that are relevant to his/her appointment type. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply Employee Number (N9) or <RETURN> to EXIT : Supply Monthly Payroll Cycle Number (YYYYMM) : PRINT SEQUENCE: E/D code within salary level SYSTEM SELECT: Date : 02-AUG-2002 11:11 Program : f85rpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 All global and individual E/D's for this person INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page No : 1 Personal Package For An Employee For Monthly Pay Cycle : 200202 ( 29-FEB-2002 ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Employee : 1 Dr. T.H.O MAFUMA GLA For Post : 1058 0103 ACCOUNTING-PMB Salaries-Other (PC1) Earning/Deduction Start Date End Date Salary Level Calculation Method Advised Amount Lookup Table Calculation Quantity Reference Number 0001 E BASIC SALARY 0 7 SALARY NOTCH Reference Earning/Deduction Reference Salary Level Low Amount High Amount IRP5 Total Number General Ledger Allocation 3601 Income - Taxable Calculation Percentage Fund ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 176 of 332 Individual Detail 5.19.4. Chapter 5 Personnel Salary List {FPRIR1-4} Ä Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Produce List for (W)eekly or (M)onthly Personnel : [M] Supply the Monthly Pay Cycle Number (YYYYMM) : Supply The Faculty/School Code (N4) or ALL or 0 To Exit : Supply The Department Code (N4) or ALL : Must Personnel be Sorted Alpha betically or Numerically ? (A/N) : Must Personnel be Sorted Within Appointment Type ? (Y/N) : PRINT SEQUENCE: As per above, within Department within Faculty. If sort by appointment type is requested, the appointment type is clearly indicated when it changes. SYSTEM SELECT: Personnel in-service during given pay cycle. In-service decision based on service records. Departmental link based on primary department of post as per service record. Scales as per scale set valid for pay cycle. NOTE: It is possible that an employee may have two (or more) service records for the requested pay cycle. In such a case, the number of service records is indicated after the start date. The employee may appear more than once within a given department and/or appointment type, or not (see sample report). Such cases may influence the total of notches. 02-AUG-2002 11:14 Program : f8Qrpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Personnel Salary List For Monthly Pay Cycle : 200202 ( 29-FEB-2002 ) Personnel Sort Sequence n ; Sort By Appointment Type y Page 1 Faculty/school 1 = SCIENCE Department 1 = ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING...* Person App End Of Surname Scale Title Init Number Typ Start Date Incr Dup Mnth Notch Barrier Notch Scale Salary Scale ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 177 of 332 Start Of Incremt Individual Detail Chapter 5 ------------------------------ --------------Appointment Type : 1 FULL-TIME PERM:ACAD ---------------CAWOOD Mev M 66600 ------- -- ----------- === 100 1 18-MAY-1999 --- ------- ------- 5 ------ -------- 5002 6501 86400 ABU-DABI 66600 Dr. C 5435 1 01-SEP-1998 6 5002 6501 86400 LEADBEAD 66600 Me ENG 5656 1 01-NOV-1998 1 50000 5002 6501 86400 NEL 66600 Mrs M 7776 1 01-JAN-1996 1 5002 Mr 86400 test bonus calc 66600 86400 test prorata bonus 66600 86400 Eleven 66600 Mr Mr M TT TT Test V 9712 11051 11052 11101 1 1 1 1 01-JAN-1997 01-MAY-1996 01-SEP-1996 01-JUN-1999 1 5 6 6 12000 86400 89100 180000 Ms VV 11997 1 01-JAN-1999 6 150000 Me D 15610 1 01-NOV-1998 6 50000 Mr PMT 33445 1 01-AUG-1996 8 86400 59400 86400 2400 0 2400 0 0 59400 2400 6501 86400 0 5002 59400 2400 6501 86400 0 5002 59400 2400 6501 86400 0 59400 2400 86400 0 59400 2400 86400 0 59400 2400 86400 0 59400 2400 86400 0 49390 2200 5002 5002 5002 5002 6501 86400 GOOSEN 66600 59400 0 86400 6501 86400 LE ROUX 66600 86400 2400 2400 6501 86400 Eleven 66600 59400 -- 59400 6501 86400 PHALA 66600 ------- 5002 6501 86400 Appointment Type : 2 PART TIME PERM:ACAD ---------------VAN DER LINDE Mnr T 51590 672 2 01-OCT-1998 1 2101 5202 70000 CARINA 2 66600 Qq QQ 33346 2 01-JAN-1970 1 5002 6501 60000 59400 86400 86400 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 178 of 332 2500 2400 0 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Personnel on Barrier Notches {FPRIR1-6} Ä 5.19.5. This report reflects personnel who are on barrier notches for a given payroll cycle. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: For Which Cycle Must the Test be Done (YYYYMM) : PRINT SEQUENCE: Personnel number sequence SYSTEM SELECT: All in-service personnel with increase month in above pay cycle, who will not get an automatic increase because they are on a barrier notch. The inservice decision is based on the service records. By drawing this report a few months ahead of time, ample opportunity exists for giving attention to the removal of the barriers. 04-AUG-2002 f8Nccc.pc V12.0.0.0 PAGE : 1 PERSONNEL ON BARRIER NOTCH FOR CYCLE : 200205 ====================================== BARRIER NOTCH ----- EMPLOYEE -------1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PROF A MAGNIFICUS 85500 MNR FW VAN VOLLENHOVEN 32025 SENIOR ------ WORK PHONE ----- SALARY SCALES ------------84000 X 1500 X 87000 33 MNR B BESTER 24025 X 1500 X 27025 27025 X 2500 X 27025 X 2500 X 32000 X 2750 X 29525 32025 37500 76 MR RA MILLIKAN 51590 DR Q GORDON 333-33 47190 X 2200 X 51590 51590 58790 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 179 of 332 X 2400 X Individual Detail 180 33300 MRS V SMITH Chapter 5 22075 PROF B LAVOUSEUR 343434 29700 X 1800 X 33300 41300 4 EMPLOYEE(S) SELECTED ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 180 of 332 X 2000 X Individual Detail Chapter 5 Personnel Service Record {FPRIR2-1} Ä 5.19.6. This report includes both the promotional history and the salary history of a person, in chronological sequence. Note that service records are printed one per page. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Must Report Contain Only In-service Personnel ? (Y/N) : Enter (R)ange Or (I)ndividual Department Codes (R/I) : Enter (R)ange Or (I)ndividual Appointment Codes (R/I) Sort Personnel In (A)lphabetical Or (N)umeric Sequence : Report Per (P)erson or Per (F)aculty/school/department ? PRINT SEQUENCE: Per department, personnel number, start date SYSTEM SELECT: DATE : 06-AUG-2002 Program : f8Erpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 Any personnel member within selected range, whether in-service or not INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE : 1 PERSONNEL SERVICE RECORD -----------------------34 PROF B LAVOUSEUR DATE RANK ========= ============================== ============================== 01-JAN-85 LECTURER 01-JAN-86 01-APR-86 01-JAN-87 01-JUN-87 SENIOR LECTURER PROFESSOR FACULTY/SCHOOL : 5010 INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT DEPARTMENT : 5010 RECTORATE COUNCIL POST DECISION ======================================== ======== SENIOR LECTURER (2) IN CHEMISTRY A55/C PROFESSOR (2) IN CHEMISTRY HEAD OF DEPT. OF CHEMISTRY B55/C C55/C D55/C NOTCH REASON ====== 40000 NEW APPOINTMENT 42000 GENERAL INCREASE 43500 PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT 45000 GENERAL INCREASE ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 181 of 332 Individual Detail 01-JAN-88 01-JUL-88 01-SEP-88 01-JAN-89 01-APR-89 01-JUL-89 Chapter 5 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT DEAN OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES E55/C F55/C 46500 GENERAL INCREASE 48000 PERSONAL INCREASE 52000 PROMOTION TO DEAN DEAN 30-SEP-89 01-DEC-89 VICE-RECTOR 01-FEB-90 01-MAR-90 G55/C VICE-RECTOR: ACADEMIC J55/C 66000 PERSONAL INCREASE 78000 PERSONAL INCREASE RESIGNATION RE-APPOINTMENT 66000 ADJUSTMENT 100800 PERSONAL INCREASE ****************** END OF REPORT ****************** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 182 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Forthcoming Increases {FPRIR1-7} Ä 5.19.7. This report lists those in-service employees who are due for an automatic increase in a specified pay cycle. It is identical to report {PAOPR2 -6} in the Personnel System. It can be useful for control purposes, and should be drawn prior to running the automatic increases program (option {FPRN-1}) for the requested pay cycle, since no report will be produced if automatic increases have already been done. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply Monthly Cycle For Calculation of Increases (YYYYMM) (<RETURN> to EXIT) : Order by (D)epartment, (A)ppt Type or (P)ersonnel ? (D/A/P) [P] : Order Personnel (A)lpha or (N)umeric ? (A/N) [N] : PRINT SEQUENCE: As per above SYSTEM SELECT: Personnel in-service during given pay cycle, based on service records, whose increase month = month of pay cycle. Rejections are listed on report. Exclude : Personnel with a null salary notch or a notch = zero Forthcoming Increases Report 02-AUG-2002 11:34:23 f8Rccc.pc V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Forthcoming Increases for Monthly Cycle: 200002 ======================================== Page: 1 Empl. Latest First AP Rank Post PS <----- Notches ----> Scale Number Employee Name Appt Date Incr CD Code Code GR Old New Barr Problem Code Scale ------- ---------------------- ------------ -- ----- ---- ------- ------ ------ ------------ ---- ---------------------24 KIRSTEN P 01-JUL-97 199000 1 50 50 16 108000 NOT ON SCALE 9999 0 X 0 X 0 X 8800 POMPIES P M 86400 01-MAR-95 199500 1 10 10 4 65000 NOT ON SCALE 6501 86400 X 0 7501 100000 X 12000 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 183 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 X 160000 7001 100800 X X 100800 2 Candidates Examined; 0 Increases can be Given 2 Increases Cannot be Given because: 2 not on scales at all ***** END OF REPORT ***** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 184 of 332 0 Individual Detail 5.19.8. Chapter 5 Compensation Summary / Detail {FPRIR2-4} Ä This powerful report allows the user to select the monthly compensation per person during a given period in a number of ways. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Report in (S)ummary or (D)etail (If (D)etail, each salary transaction during the report period will be listed individually, otherwise only totals per pay cycle will be provided). Group by cost centre ( Y/N) Sort order: (N)umber or (S)urname Report by: 1. Range of Personnel Numbers, 2. Selection of Individual Personnel Numbers, 3. Appointment Type, 4. STATS Personnel Category, 5. Rank, 6. Cost Centre / Account, 7. Fund Group, 8. Department Code. Your Selection : If (1): Start and End Personnel Numbers If (2 ): Supply 1st of 15 Personnel Numbers To Be Included (N9) or ALL If (3 ): Up to 10 Appointment Types to include or “ALL” If “ALL”, up to 10 Appointment Types to exclude If (4 ): Start and End Category Codes If (5 ): Up to 10 Ranks to include or “ALL” If “ALL”, up to 10 Ranks to exclude If (6 ): Up to 10 Cost Centres to include or “ALL” If “ALL”, up to 10 Cost Centres to exclude ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 185 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 If (7 ): Up to 10 Fund Groups to include or “ALL” If “ALL”, up to 10 Fund Groups to exclude If (8 ) Supply 1st of 10 Department Codes To Be Included (N4) or ALL Include (1 ) Net Earnings (i.e. all transactions) (2 ) STATS Gross Only (i.e. those transactions for which the “Include in STATS Gross” indicator of option {FPRG-6} is set to “Y”es) (3 ) Range of Earnings Only (4 ) Range of Deductions Only (5 ) Selective Earnings Only (6 ) Selective Deductions Only If (3): Start and End Earning Codes If (4 ): Start and End Deduction Codes If (5 ): Include up to 25 Earning Codes or ALL If ALL, exclude up to 25 Earning Codes If (6 ): Include up to 25 Deduction Codes or ALL If ALL, exclude up to 25 Deduction Codes Report on (W)eekly or (M)onthly Paid Personnel : [M] Start and End Cycles Calculation Number or “ALL” PRINT SEQUENCE: According to above. The appointment type, rank and STATS category for an employee is selected from the service records as the latest value which applied during the report period. SYSTEM SELECT: According to above If detail is requested, the E/D Code and description as well as the GL Account is shown for each transaction. Subtotals per person and a report total are provided for all options. Subtotals per Appointment Type, Personnel Category or Rank are provided if those options were requested. Two examples of this extremely flexible report now follow. Compensation Detail ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 186 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 DATE : 30-AUG-2002 Program : f8Srpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE COMPENSATION DETAIL BETWEEN CYCLES 9206 AND 9206 -----------------------------------------------NET EARNINGS for PERSONNEL NUMBERS 180 to 180 for CALC NUMBER ALL PAGE : 1 FOR COST CENTRE : 0320 ZOOLOGY-DBN ----------------PERS NR PERSON GLA RANK APPT SAP TYPE CAT 180 Mrs V Smith 0101 40 2 1 PAY E/D E/D DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUB-TOTAL CYC CODE 9206 0001 BASIC SALARY 1722.92 0320 0100 PENSIONABLE ALLOWANCE - PE 172.29 0320 3510 MEDICAL SOMS: EMPLOYER CON 20.00 0320 3000 PENSION FUND 1: EMPLOYER CT 231.97 0320 3010 PENSION FUND 2: EMPLOYER CT 309.30 0320 4100 WCA: EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTIO 2.84 0320 4150 UIF: EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTIO 17.06 0320 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0111 TOTAL for COST CENTRE 0320 ===================== EMPL 1 REPORT TOTAL ============ EMPL 1 2476.38 -----------2476.38 ============ -----------2476.38 ============ ===== END OF REPORT ===== Compensation Summary ............................................................................................................................. .. ............................................................................................................................. .. DATE : 30-AUG-2002 Program : f8Srpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE COMPENSATION SUMMARY BETWEEN CYCLES 9203 AND 9208 ------------------------------------------------STATS GROSS EARNINGS for STATS PERSONNEL CATEGORIES 1 to 2 for CALC NUMBER 1 FOR COST CENTRE : 0320 ZOOLOGY ----------------PERS NR PERSON RANK APPT SAP TYPE CAT PAY CYC AMOUNT SUB-TOTAL ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 187 of 332 PAGE : 6 Individual Detail Chapter 5 180 Mrs V Smith 40 2 1 9206 2476.38 2476.38 8000 Miss M Van Jaarsveld TOTAL for STATS CATEGORY ======================== 40 1 1 1 20570 Mnr PJA Marais 9203 9205 9206 EMPL 40 21 2 9178.84 9178.84 9178.84 27536.52 -----------30012.90 ============ 2 9203 9205 9206 1281.18 2222.37 1281.18 4784.73 20571 Mnr PJ Marais TOTAL for STATS CATEGORY ======================== TOTAL for COST CENTRE 0320 ===================== 40 2 21 2 9203 9205 9206 1281.18 2394.80 1281.18 EMPL 2 EMPL 4 4957.16 -----------9741.89 ============ -----------39754.79 ============ ............................................................................................................................. . ............................................................................................................................. . REPORT TOTAL ============ EMPL 10 -----------808930.23 ============ ===== END OF REPORT ===== ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 188 of 332 Individual Detail 5.19.9. Chapter 5 Taxable Transactions / Tax Withheld {FPRIR1-25} Ä Unexpected results from a cumulative tax calculation usually arise from the fact that the “Regular” indicator in option {FPRG-6} has been set incorrectly for certain E/D's. This report can help to explain such unexpected results. It shows the taxable transactions and tax withheld for a particular person between given pay cycles, thus enabling the user to see exactly on which basis the cumulative calculation was done. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply Personnel Number: Supply Start Cycle (YYYYMM): Supply End Cycle (YYYYMM): PRINT SEQUENCE: The regular and one-time taxable earnings are grouped together with subtotals, and the total tax deducted during the specified period is also grouped together with a total. SYSTEM SELECT: All taxable transactions and tax withheld transactions Taxable Transactions / Tax Withheld DATE : 30-AUG-2002 V12.0.0.0 page INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Taxed E/D's and Tax Deducted for Person 919 : MR J OLDMAN Current Tax Status A1; Date of Birth 01-JAN-50; Tax-on bonus A; Period 9503 to 9505 (Program : f8srpt.sql) Cycle -----9503 9504 9505 ****** Calc Code T E/D Name Level Meth IRP5 Tax Reg Amount Calc Date ---- - ------------------------------ ------ ---- ----- --- --- ---------- ------------0001 E BASIC SALARY 0 7 1 Y Y 11875.00 19-MAR-95 0 7 11875.00 19-APR-95 0 7 11875.00 19-MAY-95 **** * ****************************** ---------- ************* sum 35625.00 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 189 of 332 1 Individual Detail Chapter 5 9503 1130 E TRAVEL ALLOWANCE (TAXABLE) 9504 9505 ****** **** * ****************************** sum 14 6 14 6 14 6 3 700.00 19-MAR-95 700.00 19-APR-95 700.00 19-MAY-95 ---------- ************* 2100.00 9503 8181 D PRE-TAX DEDUCT: PRIV. ANNUITY 9504 9505 ****** **** * ****************************** sum 42 3 42 3 42 3 16 -2164.34 19-MAR-95 -2164.34 19-APR-95 -2164.34 19-MAY-95 ---------- ************* -6493.02 ***** *** ---------sum 31231.98 *** sum 9503 6000 D P A Y E 9504 9505 ****** **** * ****************************** sum 50 4 50 4 50 4 9503 6001 D TRANSITION TAX LEVY 9504 9505 ****** **** * ****************************** sum 56 T 57 T 57 T 15 N ---------31231.98 N -3482.80 19-MAR-95 -3799.23 19-APR-95 -3641.01 19-MAY-95 ---------- ************* -10923.04 -415.85 19-MAR-95 -76.18 19-APR-95 -76.18 19-MAY-95 ---------- ************* -568.21 ***** *** ---------sum -11491.25 *** sum ----------11491.25 15 rows selected. f8srpt ********** END OF REPORT ********** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 190 of 332 Individual Detail 5.19.10. Chapter 5 Bonuses Paid / To be Paid {FPRIR1-21} Ä This report provides a list of forthcoming annual bonuses or annual bonuses already paid for a specified pay cycle. Due account is taken of advised bonuses, both global and individual, Please note that only bonuses and stabilisation fund deductions calculated via calc methods “2” and “S”, respectively, are taken into account. All other “bonuses” are specifically excluded, and could cause the totals of this report to disagree with the Payslip Summary and E/D Detail Reports for calc methods “2” and “S”. If drawn in advance, the report can serve as a coding sheet for unpaid leave to be advised prior to the salary calculation. If unpaid leave is automatically drawn from the Leave Subsystem, the report will show the unpaid leave days per person, both for forthcoming bonuses and for bonuses already paid. The report can be requested under three different conditions: 1. Forthcoming bonuses - auto increases have not yet been given: in this case, future increases will be given as for a pro forma salary calculation. If a person was given an increase, it will be flagged on the report. 2. Forthcoming bonuses - auto increases have already been given, but no calculation has been done : in this case, the existing notches are accepted. Obviously, individual increases given subsequent to drawing this report will not be reflected on the report. 3. A calculation has already been done: in this case, the report will list the bonuses as actually paid during the pay cycle. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Cycle for calculation of increases Sort order: within appointment type or not Sort order: alphabetical or numerical for personnel ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 191 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 PRINT SEQUENCE: As per above criteria SYSTEM SELECT: Employees in-service during given pay cycle, not blocked by a stop-pay indicator, who are eligible for a bonus in this pay cycle. In-service decision is based on the service records. Exclude: Personnel with a null salary notch. Bonuses Paid / To be Paid DATE: 07-MAY-2002 12:10:20 f8Wccc.pc V12.0.0.0 PERSON OF NUMBER F/APPT INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE : 1 FORTHCOMING BONUSES FOR CYCLE : 200205 ==================================== APPT NAME MONTHLY TYPE ADD. NOTCH INC (Auto increases not yet given) GROSS EARNINGS STAB BONUS NET FUND UNP. BONUS DATE DAYS 2 VAN JAARSVELD JANSE VA W 1 6500.00 650.00 2389.86 -167.29 2222.57 01-DEC- 3 GORDON Q 1 7000.00 2500.00 2342.47 -163.97 2178.50 01-DEC- 4 BESTER B 1 5500.00 2500.00 8000.00 -560.00 7440.00 02-AUG- LAVOUSEUR B K 1 8407.33 NAPIER G 1 3000.00 89 89 89 34 7566.60 7566.60 36.50 01-DEC- 89 666 1000.00 4400.00 -308.00 4092.00 01-MAY- 88 SUBTOTALS FOR 1 MAGNIFICUS O'DONOGHUE- A 21 7000.00 VAN VOLLENHOVEN FW 21 2460.42 GERBER FK 21 MARAIS PJA MARAIS PJ 5 BONUSES : ------------ ------------ -----------24698.93 -1199.26 23499.67 6510.96 -490.00 6020.96 25.50 01-DEC- 2460.42 -172.23 2288.19 01-JAN- 5315.83 5315.83 -372.11 4943.72 01-DEC- 21 920.25 777.77 -54.44 723.33 01-JAN- 21 920.25 920.25 -64.42 855.83 01-JAN- 89 33 *** 89 99 89 20570 91 20571 91 SUBTOTALS FOR 1458 SYMINGTON TJ 66 5 BONUSES : ------------ ------------ -----------15985.23 -1153.20 14832.03 0.00 1458.00 1458.00 89 SUBTOTALS FOR 1 BONUSES : TOTALS FOR 11 BONUSES : ------------ ------------ -----------1458.00 0.00 1458.00 ------------ ------------ -----------42142.16 -2352.46 39789.70 ============ ============ ============ ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 192 of 332 01-DEC- Individual Detail Chapter 5 ******* END OF REPORT ******* ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 193 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Advised Tax Transactions {FPRIR1-22} Ä 5.19.11. As explained in Section 4.7.4, the presence of advised tax transactions would necessarily prevent the cumulative calculation of tax. This report allows the listing of various selections of advised tax transactions for a given period and calculation number, and will assist in checking the correctness and validity of such advices. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Start and end pay cycles (S)ITE only, (P)AYE only or “ALL” (Foreign users will specify “ALL”) Calculation Number or “ALL” PRINT SEQUENCE: For each calculation number, pay cycle within personnel number. SYSTEM SELECT: DATE: 07-MAY-2002 12:10:20 V12.0.0.0 All tax transactions for the above selection criteria which were advised, i.e. not calculated according to calc method “4 ”. page 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE TAX ADVICES for PERIOD 9203 to 9302 Selection (S)ITE / (P)AYE / (A)LL = A for CALC NUMBER all (Program : f8frpt.sql) IRP5 CALC PERSON NAME NUM -------------------------------------------8002 Botha Mr HJ 1 8003 Swanepoel Mr M CYCLE AMOUNT BOX CALC METHOD E/D ----- ---------- ---- ---------------- ---------------------------- 9203 -1250 15 1 PCT. OF SALARY 6000 D P A Y E 9205 9206 -1250 -1250 9203 -236.18 15 1 PCT. OF SALARY 6000 D P A Y E 1 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 194 of 332 Individual Detail 8015 Joubert Mev FC Chapter 5 9203 -2250 9205 -2250 9203 -500 9205 9206 -500 -500 9203 -2527.5 9204 9205 9206 -3000 -3000 -3000 15 1 PCT. OF SALARY 6000 D P A Y E 15 3 ADVISED AMOUNT 6000 D P A Y E 15 3 ADVISED AMOUNT 6000 D P A Y E 1 55555 Carter Ms Y 1 916 Erasmus, Mr FP 2 71 rows selected ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 195 of 332 Individual Detail 5.19.12. Chapter 5 R.A. / Arrears Pension Contributions {FPRIR1-23} Ä This report highlights employees who are approaching, or have exceeded, the allowable tax-deductible limits for contributions towards Retirement Annuities and/or buy-back of pension. The 1996 RSA limits are the defaults, but the user can change these values. The report should be drawn monthly, before the salary calculation is done. If an employee is found to be close to exceeding the limit, the deduction should be adjusted to allow only the rest of the allowed deduction before tax, and the rest after tax. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Start / end cycles for report Supply R.A. Limit [1750 ]* Supply Percentage of Taxable Non-Retirement-Funding [15] [3500] Less Pension Fund Contributions Supply Percentage of R.A. Limit to be Flagged [90 ] Arrears pension limit [1800 ] Supply Percentage of A.P. Limit to be Flagged [ 90 ] Supply the Salary Level for Pensionable Income [10 ] Calculation number [ALL] Personnel number [ALL] Personnel sorted (A)lpha or ( N)umeric ? [N ] PRINT SEQUENCE: Person within calculation number SYSTEM SELECT: Employees whose contributions to either R.A. (IRP5 Box 16) or arrears pension (Box 11) have exceeded the stated limit. 09-OCT-2002 20:20:11 f8Dccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE : 1 R.A. / ARREARS PENSION CONTRIBUTIONS FOR PERIOD 9303 to 9310 =============================================== R.A. LIMIT : M/S A.P. LIMIT : M/S 1750; MW = 200; MW = 875; PCT = 100; PCT = 90 50 For ALL Employees and ALL Calculation Numbers ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 196 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 PERSON NAME TS CN ------- ------------------------------------------ -- -99 <-------CONTRIB. --------- R.A. --------> <----- ARR. PENS. -----> % LIM EXCESS CONTRIB. % LIM EXCESS ----- ------- ------------- ------- GERBER, MS FK S 1 250.00 125.00 50.00 999 ROBERTSON, MR R M 1 198.00 99.00 -2.00 914 JONES, PROF M A S 2 1816.90 103.82 66.90 926 THATCHER, MRS M MW 2 2325.00 265.71 1450.00 REPORT TOTALS : 4 EMPLOYEES ***** R.A. : 2 END OF REPORT ***** A.P. : 2 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 197 of 332 Individual Detail 5.19.13. Chapter 5 UIF History Report {FPRIR1-24} Ä This report can be useful when the Department of Manpower requests UIF Contribution information for an employee for an extended period of time. The system selects UIF information on the basis of records in the salary transaction file which were calculated using calc method “B ”. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Start - end cycles Personnel number PRINT SEQUENCE: Cycle number SYSTEM SELECT: Cycles during which the employee received earnings subject to UIF. 12-OCT-2002 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE : 1 f9Accc.pc V12.0.0.0 UIF CONTRIBUTION HISTORY REPORT : PERIOD 200203 to 200210 =============================== EMPLOYEE : 901 JEFFREYS, MS F E CYCLE ----- EARNINGS -------- EMPLOYEE CONTRIB ------- EMPLOYER CONTRIB ------- TOTAL CONTRIB ------- PCT --- 9203 9204 9205 9206 9207 9208 9209 9210 9211 9212 9301 9302 3200.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 28.80 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 28.80 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 57.60 64.80 64.80 64.80 64.80 64.80 64.80 64.80 64.80 64.80 64.80 64.80 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 198 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 9303 9304 9305 9306 9307 9308 9309 9310 TOTAL : 3600.00 32.40 32.40 64.80 3600.00 32.40 32.40 64.80 3600.00 32.40 32.40 64.80 3600.00 32.40 32.40 64.80 3600.00 32.40 32.40 64.80 3600.00 32.40 32.40 64.80 3120.00 28.08 28.08 56.16 3019.35 30.19 30.20 60.39 ---------- -------- -------- -------70539.35 637.87 637.88 1275.75 ========== ======== ======== ======== 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 199 of 332 Individual Detail 5.19.14. Chapter 5 Management Compensation Summary {FPRIR2-3} Ä This report provides the same information as the appointment type option of {FPRIR2-4} in schedule format. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Sort appointment types alpha or numeric ? Up to 10 Appointment Types to include or “ALL” If “ALL”, up to 10 Appointment Types to exclude Include (1 ) Net Earnings (i.e. all transactions) (2 ) STATS Gross Only (i.e. those transactions for which the “Include in STATS Gross” indicator of option {FPRG-6} is set to “Y”es) (3 ) Earnings Only (4 ) Deductions Only If (3 ): Start and End Earning Codes If (4): Start and End Deduction Codes Start and End Cycles Calculation Number or “ALL” PRINT SEQUENCE: 5 pay cycles across a page; by appointment type within pay cycle SYSTEM SELECT: As per above. The appointment type for an employee is selected from the service records as the latest value which applied during a given cycle. For each appointment type/cycle entry, the number of employees is indicated. Subtotals per cycle, line totals and a report total are provided. Management Compensation Summary 04-AUG-2002 17:23:40 f89ccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION SUMMARY REPORT BETWEEN CYCLES PAGE: 200201 AND 200209 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 200 of 332 1 Individual Detail Chapter 5 V12.0.0.0 OF NET EARNINGS INCLUDE APPOINTMENT TYPES : ALL EXCLUDE APPOINTMENT TYPES : 77 88 89 34 66 SORT SEQ : n & CALC NUMBER : all APPOINTMENT TYPE AND DESCRIPTION TOTAL 70 99 ----- 9301 ------ ----- 9302 ------ ----- 9303 ------ ----- 9304 ------ ----- 9305 -----NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 01 FULL-TIME PERM:ACAD 285987.56 18 62244.47 0 0.00 18 67304.27 19 85618.48 19 70820.34 02 PART TIME PERM:ACAD 36178.30 5 10020.77 0 0.00 4 7417.10 5 9824.08 5 8916.35 11 39252.87 0 0.00 11 41202.69 12 51276.53 12 63898.58 1 4223.67 1 4223.67 1 4223.66 21 FULL-TIME PERM ADMIN 195630.67 92 SPECIAL 16894.67 1 4223.67 0 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTALS 35 115741.78 0 0.00 34 120147.73 37 150942.76 37 147858.93 534691.20 04-AUG-2002 17:23:40 f89ccc.pc V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION SUMMARY REPORT BETWEEN CYCLES 9301 AND 9309 OF NET EARNINGS INCLUDE APPOINTMENT TYPES : ALL EXCLUDE APPOINTMENT TYPES : 77 88 89 34 66 70 99 SORT SEQ : n & CALC NUMBER : all APPOINTMENT TYPE AND DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAGE: ----- 9306 ------ ----- 9307 ------ ----- 9308 ------ ----- 9309 -----NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 01 FULL-TIME PERM:ACAD 88491.30 21 02 PART TIME PERM:ACAD 8659.14 5 21 FULL-TIME PERM ADMIN 83334.83 14 88491.30 0 8659.14 0.00 0 0 0.00 64740.61 0 92 SPECIAL 4223.67 1 4223.67 0 98 SPECIAL2 100.00 1 100.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0 AMOUNT 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 9297.11 0.00 0 NO. 1 0 0.00 2 9297.11 0.00 0 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTALS 42 166214.72 0 0.00 1 9297.11 1 9297.11 184808.94 REPORT 719500.14 **** END OF REPORT **** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 201 of 332 TOTAL Individual Detail Chapter 5 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 202 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Employees to be Paid {FPRIR1-26} Ä 5.19.15. This report lists those salaried employees who will be paid during a given payrun. Periods of Stop Pay are indicated Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Pay cycle Calc number or ALL Department Code or ALL Sort by Department ( Y/N) (A)lpha or (N)umeric sort on personnel PRINT SEQUENCE: Per pay cycle, calc number, department and personnel sort order as above SYSTEM SELECT: 31-MAY-2002 20:04 PROGRAM : f9Eccc.pc V12.0.0.0 In-service personnel as per above, with notch bigger than zero and not null. In-service decision is based on service records INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE EMPLOYEES TO BE PAID Cycle : 9506 Calc Number or All : all Department Code or All : all Sort by Department Y/N : n Sort Personnel (A)lphabetic or (N)umeric : N PERSONNEL PERSONNEL NUMBER NAME --------- --------- DEPT DEPT CODE NAME ---- ---- APPOINT. RESIGN DATE DATE -------- ------ 34 50 56 76 180 195 666 671 155555 1003 1003 1004 1003 1001 1002 1003 2 1003 01-JAN-85 31-OCT-95 Y 01-JAN-93 N 01-JAN-95 N 01-APR-85 N 01-JUN-92 31-AUG-95 N 01-JUL-85 Y 03-AUG-87 N 02-MAR-91 N 01-FEB-92 Y LAVOUSEUR, PROF B K SMIT, MISS W FARRADAY, PROF R MILLIKAN, MR RA SMITH, MRS V LAPLACE, PROF C NAPIER, MS G CRAWFORD, MR S KENNEDY, MS Y CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY PHYSICS CHEMISTRY ZOOLOGY MATHEMATICS CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTANCY CHEMISTRY PAY START END STOP CYCLE CYCLE ---- ----- ----9105 9105 8905 8905 8905 8906 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 203 of 332 PAGE : 1 Individual Detail Chapter 5 ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... 950001 2000019 3103857 6000000 7930444 FOURIE, MRS E MOTHOAGAE, MRS PZ FOSTER, MR J VAN STADEN, MRS Y.X.Z DU RANDT, MISS U 1004 1004 1004 5016 1003 PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PUBLIC RELATIONS CHEMISTRY *** END OF REPORT 01-JAN-94 N 01-JAN-95 N 01-JAN-90 N 13-NOV-72 31-DEC-99 N 01-DEC-93 01-JUN-95 N Total of Personnel to be Paid : 130 Total of Personnel with Stop Pay : 4 Total In-service Personnel : 134 *** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 204 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Service Record Changes {FPRIR2-2} Ä 5.19.16. This report lists changes to service records for a range of personnel, in a selected period, with the option to list deletions, inserts or both. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Start - End Personnel Number Start - End Date (D)eletions, (I)nserts or (B)oth PRINT SEQUENCE: Per personnel number, date and time of service record change. SYSTEM SELECT: 22-JUL-2002 10:26:23 f9Jccc.pc V12.0.0.0 Personnel Number --------5 Personnel Name --------MRS G MANSON Personnel as per above , with service record changes between selected dates. INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Service Record Changes From Start Personnel : 5 End Personnel Number : 13 Start Date : 01-MAR-2002 End Date : 31-JUL-2002 (D)eletions, (I)nserts Or (B)oth : B PAGE: 1 <------ CURRENT ------> <---------- CHANGES TO SERVICE RECORDS --------> Appointment Resignation Date & Time Of Appointment Resignation Date Date Record Change Action Date Date ----------- ----------- ------------------ ------ ----------- ----------01-MAY-1995 31-JAN-1997 06-JUN-1996 12:37 Insert 01-JAN-96 17-JUL-1996 10:03 Insert 01-JUL-96 15-JUL-1997 11:24 Insert 01-AUG-96 15-JUL-1997 11:26 Insert 01-OCT-96 15-JUL-1997 11:42 Insert 15-OCT-96 18-JUL-1997 13:54 Delete 15-OCT-96 18-JUL-1997 13:54 Delete 01-OCT-96 03-OCT-96 18-JUL-1997 13:54 Delete 01-AUG-96 31-AUG-96 18-JUL-1997 13:54 Delete 01-JAN-96 30-JUN-96 18-JUL-1997 13:54 Delete 01-JUL-96 31-JUL-96 18-JUL-1997 14:20 Delete 01-MAY-95 31-DEC-95 18-JUL-1997 14:20 Insert 01-MAY-95 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 205 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 206 of 332 Individual Detail Chapter 5 Actual Annual Salary per Employee {FPRIR2-5} Ä 5.19.17. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply First Appointment Type or ALL (A4) : Supply First Rank to include or ALL (A5) : Supply First Rank to Exclude or Return if none (N5) : In-service/Resigned/All Personnel (I/R/ALL) : Basic Salary Earnings Code (A4) : Payroll Cycle (YYYYMM) : Sort Order (A/N) : 02-JUL-2002 12:07 Program : p05rp1.rdf V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Actual Annual Salary per Employee as at 199901 From Appointment type : all Including Ranks : all In-Service/Resigned/All (I/R/ALL) : all Basic Pay Earnings Code 0001 Payroll Cycle : 200201 Sort Order : n Staff No Name -------- ---1 4 4 403 5901 5901 9000000 Age Gender Status --- ------ ------ MAFUMA T.H.O BOTHA B BOTHA B TEST MONTHLY FOR ENGLAN MR Watson M Watson M LEKWALE S 10 34 34 39 46 46 54 Female Male Male Male Male Male Female Married Married Married Single Married Married Single Appointed --------01-FEB-2001 01-JUL-1997 01-JUL-1997 01-JAN-1997 01-JAN-1997 01-JAN-1997 01-SEP-1994 Page: Notch Salev ----- ----129000.00 120000.00 20640.00 4245.00 4000.00 400.00 26832.00 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 ***** End Of Report ***** Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 207 of 332 1 Monthly Run 6. Chapter 6 MONTHLY RUN {FPRO-3} Ä GENERAL This option comprises the functions required for the normal monthly pay run, i.e. − − − − − − − − − − − the generation of automatic monthly increases the execution of pay calculations and rollbacks the printing of reconciliation reports the printing of summaries and detailed reports the printing of payslips the generation and printing of cheques the creation of ACB transfer tapes and lists the printing of coinage analysis reports the printing of pay distribution lists the printing of tax remittance information the printing of audit trails. Wherever relevant, reports will provide detailed comparisons between the two most recent pay runs, thereby simplifying the process of reconciling between pay runs. Assuming that all maintenance of the salary-related detail for personnel has been completed for the current month, there is a fixed sequence in which the pay run must be executed. The first step in this sequence is the setting of menu option {FPRM-2}. The start/end dates for the Global and Individual events to preclude the possibility of manual changes during the pay run. The setting of the correct pay cycle and calculation number for automatic increases, salary and SITE calculations, printing of payslips, generation of cheques and production of ACB Tapes then follow this. Å 6.1. AUTOMATIC INCREASES {FPRN-1} Ä This is the second step in the pay run. The system does the calculation for in-service employees based on the pay cycle, salary scales, current and barrier notches, and increase months. An automatic increase will not be given in an employee's first month of service, nor will it be given until the first increase cycle has been reached or passed. A report is produced which lists those employees who received automatic increases as well as their new and old notches, and also people who did not receive increases because ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 208 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 they were on barrier notches, at the top of their scales, or in their first month of service. This report should be filed for auditing purposes, since automatic increases are not reflected on the audit trail {FPRNR1-27}. Verifying the automatic increases is simplified if the “Increase Month Report” (option {FPRIR1 -7}) is drawn prior to this run. After automatic increases have been given, and before the salary calculation is done, any special increases must be advised via option {FPRI-1}. No salary calculation will be permitted in any pay cycle unless this option has first been executed. The calculation will insert the “A” record into the Event Log File, which means that this option may be run once only per pay cycle. If the “A” record in {FPRM-8} is set to (N)o, automatic increases will not be given and no report will be produced. Please note that the program, which does automatic increases, can only handle combinations of sub-scales correctly if all notches are unique. The program will have the same trouble as a human being if it is instructed to grant an increase to a person on the basis of an ambiguous sub-scale combination. The golden rule is that a sub-scale combination will work if one is always able to grant the correct increase with no other knowledge other than the person's sub-scales, increase month, present notch and barrier notch, and appointment month (since no increases are given in a person's appointment month). This can best be explained by means of the following examples: Combinations such as 1000 x 500 = 4000 4000 x 750 = 7000 7000 x 1000 = 10000 and 1000 x 500 = 4000 4750 x 750 = 7000 8000 x 1000 = 10000 and 1000 x 500 = 4000 2900 x 700 = 7800 7000 x 1000 = 10000 12000 x 0 = 12000 and 12000 x 0 = 12000 13500 x 0 = 13500 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 209 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 16000 x 0 = 16000 and 1000 x 250 = 3000 1000 x 400 = 3000 and 1000 x 500 = 3000 1000 x 500 = 4000 and 1000 x 500 = 2000 1100 x 500 = 2100 present no problems, since any given notch is either unique and appears on only one of the sub-scales, or it appears as the top of one sub-scale and the bottom of the next, or in the case of the last example, the first sub-scale is completely contained in the second. Unless barrier notches are specified, an individual can progress from the bottom of the lowest subscale to the top of the highest. All the above examples are perhaps not very logical, but all are legal. If the program has to make a choice between two sub-scales, it will always select the lowest sub-scale on which the person's notch will fit , e.g. people who must receive an increase from the notch 4000 in the combination 1000 x 500 = 4000 4000 x 750 = 7000 4000 x 1000 = 7000 will progress to notch 4750 on the second sub -scale. Similarly, people who must receive an increase from the notch 2500 in the combination 1000 x 250 = 4000 1000 x 300 = 4000 will be placed on the lowest sub-scale since the notch 2500 occurs on both sub-scales. These last two examples are illogical and should not occur in practice. It is obvious that in the latter case, a person should be linked to only one of the two sub-scales, and in the former case, to the first sub-scale and either the second or the third. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 210 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Automatic Increases Report {FPRN-1} Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Order by ( D)epartment, (A)ppointment Type or (P)ersonnel ? Order personnel (A)lpha or (N)umeric ? PRINT SEQUENCE: As per above SYSTEM SELECT: Personnel in-service during pay cycle of “A” record in Run Cycle Control File {FPRM-2}, based on service records, whose increase month = month of pay cycle. Rejections are listed on report. Exclude: Personnel with a null salary notch or a notch = zero The sample report shows a selection by appointment type, sorted alphabetically on personnel. 03-JUL-2002 102806 f81ccc.pc V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Automatic Increases Given for Monthly Cycle: 200007 =========================================== Page: 1 Personnel First <----------------------- Notches ----------------------------------> Number Employee Name Incr Old New Barrier Increase Problem --------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------190 DARWIN C 198607 79200 OFF SCALE Scale Code : 6001 Scale : 90000 X 0 X 90000 195 LAPLACE C Scale Code : 6001 198607 Scale : 66000 90000 X 0 X 90000 OFF SCALE 992 THERON P A Scale Code : 199607 Scale : 86000 3850 X 1 X 5550 86400 X 0 X 86400 100800 X 0 X 100800 OFF SCALE 199607 Scale : 120000 100000 X 12000 X 160000 OFF SCALE 199607 85000 OFF SCALE 987 6501 7001 2727 REDFORD RA Scale Code : 7501 5678 TAU ML ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 211 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 FULL SALARY CALCULATION {FPRN-2} Ä 6.2. Since a salary calculation could last for several hours, the program is executed in “background”, which means that the user's terminal is released for further work (not connected with the Payroll System). The user may also logoff if he wishes. The following questions must be answered when the option is executed: − “Must a full calc report be printed? [Y]”: (default answer is (Y)es). This report lists, per employee, every calculation in the sequence in which it was performed. 4. “Must a referring report be printed? [N]”: (default answer is (N)o). This report does not contain fatal errors, but is informative in nature and lists referred transactions, which were not found for specific employees. (An example would be a person who does not receive a bonus this month, in which case the two global transactions for the employer's contribution to the Stabilisation Fund would be listed). The report is not normally drawn after successful take-on of the Payroll System. 5. “Must a cumulative tax calculation be done? [Y]” : (default answer is (Y)es). If the answer is (Y)es, a cumulative tax calculation will be done. 6. “Supply minimum net pay to be flagged on Payment Analysis [0]”: (default answer is zero). If you take the default, only negative payslips will be flagged. If you choose e.g. “10 ”, all employees receiving net pay less than 10 currency units will be flagged. • Before the calculation starts, an automatic validation of personnel data will be done for everybody employed during the current tax year. Validation is done on salary-related biographical information, service records, and fund membership records. • If any “Fatal Errors” are found in this validation, the salary calculation is aborted. These fatal errors must be corrected before the full calculation is attempted again. • Please note that “Warnings ” will not cause the calculation to abort, and are, in fact, not printed on the above error reports. A count is given of any warnings, however, and they should be attended to immediately after the calculation since they indicate cases where the calculation program will assume certain default values and where information for tax certificates is suspect. The warnings can be fully displayed by executing option {FPRIV1}. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 212 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 • It is strongly suggested that option {FPRIV-1} be executed well before a full calculation is attempted! • If no fatal errors are detected, the system gets the pay cycle and calculation number from the “C” record in {FPRM-2}. Combines (“merges”) the individual and global earnings/deductions for all employees who must be calculated in this calc number and who are in service during this pay run, as long as their salaries have not already been calculated for this cycle/calc. number and their notches are not null. Those individual transactions, which override global transactions, are selected at this stage. The system then calculates salaries, taking account of appointment, resignation and bonus dates, stop payment instructions, and all start and end dates and other special conditions specified at E/D level. Should a ‘C’ record already exist for this cycle and calc number, the program will give a message indicating the number of persons who have already been calculated for and the sequence they are link ed to and indicate the sequence number to be used for the persons now being calculated. • In addition, a “C” record will be inserted into the Event Log File, indicating that a salary run for this pay cycle, calc number and sequence number has been done. • During the calculation phase, a “Validation Report” is always produced which lists those employees with taxable income below their tax thresholds. The report also identifies inconsistencies and errors in the definitions of tables and earnings/deductions which would result in incorrect salary calculations , e.g. pre-tax transactions which were coded to IRP5 Box 9999. Such transactions are rejected, and are not included in the calculation. These “fatal” errors must then be corrected and the pay run repeated. Once the definitions of tables and E/D's are “clean”, these error messages will disappear. • The calculation program checks that every GLA is active for the financial year of the Payroll in option {FCSO-6}. Transactions with inactive GLA's are listed on a special “Inactive GLA Report”. If no suspense GLA has been defined in option {FPRM-7}, such transactions are rejected and will NOT be posted to the General Ledger. On the other hand, if the suspense GLA does exist, it will be substituted for an inactive GLA and the transaction will be posted to the suspense GLA. In the latter case, the Financial Section will have to pass correcting journals after posting to GL has occurred. • Note that if the GLA for an employee's post is inactive, and no suspense GLA has been specified in {FPRM-7}, none of his/her transactions will be processed, although the program will continue to check all his/her transactions for other inactive GLA's. • Control totals are given at the end of the Validation and Full Calc Reports. It indicates how many transactions were processed, their net value, how many active and non-active personnel were found, how many invalid GLA's were encountered and how many pre-tax transactions were rejected because they were coded to IRP5 Box 9999. (By “non-active” is meant that there were global transactions for this person, but none of ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 213 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 them applied during this calculation. A non-active person will be identified on the report, without any transactions). • After the calculation, the validation for “Non-balancing Non-printable Salary Transactions” of option {FPRNR1-7} is automatically executed. PLEASE NOTE that even if this automatic validation is clean, subsequent single rollbacks and calcs may still introduce non-balancing transactions. This means that option {FPRNR1-7} should always be executed again before payslips are actually produced. • The “Payment Analysis” of option {FPRNR2-3} is also executed automatically at this stage, to draw immediate attention to negative payslips and personnel with invalid payment methods. • In summary, the following reports result from a full calculation: − − − − − − − Validation of Personnel Data (up to 5 reports) Validation of Salary Transactions Inactive GLA Report (if any are found) Validation of Non-balancing Non-printable Transactions Payment Analysis Referring Report (if requested) Full Calculation Report (if requested) ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 214 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 6.2.1. Full Calculation Output {FPRN-2} f8Uccc.pc V12.0.0.0 Pay Cycle 200207: Validation of PERSONNEL SERVICE RECORDS for THIS TAX YEAR ONLY ================= ======================================= ---------------------- 0 FATAL ERRORS detected; The WARNINGS will affect 74 WARNINGS detected Service Record Reports, and should be attended to Please execute Menu Option {FPRID-7} to see detail of the warnings ================================================================== 03-JUL-2002 10:29:38 f8Uccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Pay Cycle 200207: Validation of PERSONNEL DATA (Control Report) for THIS TAX YEAR ONLY ================= ============================================= ---------------------- Validation of FIXED SALARY INFORMATION: 0 FATAL ERRORS detected; 0 WARNINGS detected Validation of FUND MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION: 0 FATAL ERRORS detected; 0 WARNINGS detected Validation of SERVICE RECORDS: 0 FATAL ERRORS detected; 74 WARNINGS detected Validation of FEMALE MARITAL HISTORY RECORDS: 0 FATAL ERRORS detected; 0 WARNINGS detected TOTAL VALIDATION: 0 FATAL ERRORS detected; 74 WARNINGS detected Validation took 03-JUL-2002 102941 Program : f82ccc.pc 0.05 min. for 441 people INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page: 1 Salary Transaction Validation For Monthly Payroll Cycle : 200207 And Calc Number : 8 ============================================================================ Merge took 0.07 min. 300 records written to merge file Message Message Message Message Message Message Message Message = = = = = = = = 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 Calc took ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid TRANSITION TRANSITION TRANSITION TRANSITION TRANSITION TRANSITION TRANSITION TRANSITION LEVY LEVY LEVY LEVY LEVY LEVY LEVY LEVY TRANSACTION TRANSACTION TRANSACTION TRANSACTION TRANSACTION TRANSACTION TRANSACTION TRANSACTION - NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CALC CALC CALC CALC CALC CALC CALC CALC ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person = = = = = = = = 2; 5656; 5659; 11101; 11997; 15609; 15610; 20000601; E/D E/D E/D E/D E/D E/D E/D E/D Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code = = = = = = = = 0005; 0005; 0005; 0005; 0005; 0005; 0005; 0005; Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc 0.08 min. NO. OF TRANSACTIONS = 178; NET SALARY = 216333.52 ACTIVE PERSONNEL = 12; NON-ACTIVE PERSONNEL = 0; PERSONNEL WITH BREAK IN SERVICE = 0 NO. OF REJECTED GLA's = 0; NO. OF INACTIVE GLA's = 237; NO. OF PRE-TAX BOX 99 TRANSACTIONS = 0 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 215 of 332 Method Method Method Method Method Method Method Method = = = = = = = = T T T T T T T T Monthly Run Chapter 6 END OF CALCULATION INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Date : 03-JUL-2002 Time : 10:29:46 Inactive GLA Report for Monthly Cycle : 200207, Calc Number : 8 ============================================================= (Transactions WILL BE POSTED to SUSPENSE GLA MAC1 2012 Page : 1 ) Person Earning/Deduction Cost Centre Account --------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------1 Mafuma, Dr. T.H.O INACTIVE GLA FOR POST 96 1058 ACCOUNTING-PMB 0103 SalariesOther (PC1) 0001 E BASIC SALARY 1058 ACCOUNTING-PMB 0103 Salaries- 6251 D ENTERTAINMENT ALL 6000 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRA 9312 Pensions Other (PC1) Control...* 0100 E PENSIONABLE ALLOWANCE - PERM Other (PC1) INTEGRATED TERTIARY SO Page 1 Program : f8Trpt.rpt Person Number Month Year 1058 ACCOUNTING-PMB 0103 Salaries- 03-JUL-2000 10:29 Non-Balancing Non-Printable Salary Transactions For Monthly Cycle 200007 ( 01-JUL-2000 / 31-JUL-2000 ) Calculation Number : 8 E/D Code Date Print Type Total Earnings : Total Deductions : Net Difference : Amount .00 .00 .00 Payslips Are In Balance - End Of Report INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Payment Analysis for Monthly Cycle : 200207 (01-JUL-2000 / 31-JUL-2000), Calc Number : 8 03-JUL-2002 10:29:53 f8Cccc.pc By ACB Tape Transfer By Bank Transfer By Cheque By Cash Unallocated TOTAL PAYMENT 15050.87 0.00 201282.65 0.00 0.00 -----------216333.52 ============ 1 0 11 0 0 ----12 ===== Employees with zero payslips = 0 Active employees = 12 Total of Negative Payslips ---------0.00 payees payees payees payees payees payees No. of Negative Payslips = 0 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 216 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Date : 03-JUL-2002 Full Calc. Report for Monthly Cycle : 200007, Calc Number : 8 Page : 1 Time : 10:29:46 =========================================================== E/D Tax C Sa S Code Earning/Deduction Box R M L L Amount Level Total UIF Tot WCA Tot GLA ---- ------------------------- ---- - - -- ---------------------------------------1 Mafuma, Dr. T.H.O TAX A5 MED 4 VICE PRINCIPAL NON-ACADEMIC CHEQUE 0001E BASIC SALARY 3601 Y 7 0 Y 4166.67 4166.67 50000.04 50000.04 MAC1 2012 SUSP GLA 6251D ENTERTAINMENT ALL 3713 Y 6 1 N 1500.002666.67 MAC1 2012 SUSP GLA 0100E PENSIONABLE ALLOWANCE - 3601 Y 1 8 Y 416.67 3083.34 55000.08 55000.08 MAC1 2012 SUSP GLA 3488E ENTERTAINMENT ALL CONTRA 3713 Y 6 10 N 1500.00 4583.34 MAC1 2012 SUSP GLA 1113E ENTERTAINMENT ALL 3713 Y 3 16 N 1500.00 6083.34 MAC1 2012 SUSP GLA 6000D P A Y E 4103 4 50 N 606.675476.67 MAC1 2012 SUSP GLA 3516D MEDICAL: EMPL CONTR ACCE 3 61 N 20.005456.67 MAC1 00021 4050E DISABILITY INSURANCE 1 76 N 41.67 5498.34 MAC1 2012 SUSP GLA 6400D DISABILITY INSURANCE 1 76 N 41.675456.67 MAC1 2012 SUSP GLA 9901D SUNDRY DONATION 3 78 N 400.005056.67 E010 9479 SKILD SKILLS LEVY TEST V 98 N 22.925033.75 F001 0677 TESTE TEST SKILLS LEVY 6 99 N 22.92 5056.67 MAC1 2012 SUSP GLA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Å ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 217 of 332 Monthly Run 6.3. Chapter 6 ROLLBACK FULL CALCULATION {FPRN-22} Ä This option is used to delete the results of a previous calculation if the salary calculation for all employees must be repeated. It also automatically deletes the “C” record created by the previous calculation from the Event Log File. Before the rollback starts, the user is given the option to abort the run. The user must then supply the pay cycle, calc number and sequence number to be rolled back. When the rollback is complete, a message to this effect is given, which must be acknowledged by the user. Full rollbacks may be performed only until such time as cheques have been generated for a pay cycle/calcnum, thus protecting the salary file for previous months against (accidental) deletion. Å 6.4. 6.4.1. ROLLBACK SINGLE CALCULATION {FPRN-23} Ä “NORMAL” ROLLBACK This option deletes the salary calculation for one or more given employees, so that the calculation(s) may be repeated. A single rollback must be followed by the deletion of the “C” control record in the Event Log File. The program requests the pay cycle and calc number for which the rollback is to be performed, and then the personnel number(s) involved. When the last personnel number has been supplied, a <RETURN> will end the process. If a personnel number is supplied whose calc number does not match with the supplied value, a rollback will not be done. Normal rollbacks cannot be performed after cheques have been generated, i.e. after the “Q” record for this pay cycle/calcnum exists in the Event Log File - in such a case, Late Rollbacks must be performed (see next Section). 6.4.2. “LATE” ROLLBACK A perennial problem exists when late tax or other advices are received in respect of people who have resigned, but only after the pay run has been closed off by generating cheques, i.e. the “Q” record for this pay cycle already exists in the Event Log File. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 218 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 In order to force late advices to appear into the correct pay cycle, thus ensuring that tax certificates and STATS 4.07 Reporting are correct, single “late” rollbacks must be performed in such cases. Under no circumstances should resignation dates be artificially advanced in order to process such transactions in a later pay cycle. When the option is executed, the system requests the pay cycle and calc number for which the rollback is to be performed, and then the first personnel number. The user is warned that cheques have already been generated, and must reply to the question: DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE WITH THE LATE ROLLBACK ? (Y/N) If the response is (Y)es, the rollback is done, and the user can then enter successive personnel numbers for further rollbacks. A <RETURN> will end the process. An “X” record with description “LATE ROLLBACK” is inserted into the Event Log File for every late rollback. This record also identifies the person for whom the rollback was done, the system date and time, and the User-ID of the person who performed the rollback. These records cannot be deleted by the user, and will remain as a permanent audit trail of such events (which may be listed via option {FPRMR1-2}). Note that the system will save the old transactions in a special file for later access by the program that Posts to GL, as well as reports {FPRNR2 -21} “Late Rollback Reconciliation” and {FPRN-24} “Adjustment Payslip”. Å 6.5. 6.5.1. SINGLE SALARY CALCULATION {FPRN-3} Ä “NORMAL” CALCULATION Execution of this option must be preceded by a Single Rollback and deletion of the “C” (Salary Calculation) record from the Event Log File. This option enables the salary calculation to be repeated for one or a few persons, after the normal pay run has been done. It allows the correction of erroneous input for an individual without repeating the entire pay run, resulting in significant savings in computing resources. The system asks whether a cumulative tax calculation must be done and asks for the employee number(s) and does the salary calculation for the person(s), including the creation of an entry in the Event Log File. The “Full Calculation Report” is produced automatically, and can be sent to a printer of the user's choice. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 219 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 New payslips for the individuals can be printed via option {FPRN-4} This option should not be used for answering salary queries, the Pro-Forma Payslip option {FPRI-25} being provided for that purpose. 6.5.2. “LATE” CALCULATION If a “Late Rollback” has been performed, it will usually be followed by a “Late Calculation”, in which case the system will insert a “Z” record into the Event Log File with description “LATE CALCULATION ”. The personnel number of the person for whom the action was done, the date-time and User-ID will also be logged. “Z” records cannot be deleted by the user, and will remain as a permanent audit trail of such events, which may be listed via option {FPRMR1-2}. It is not necessary (in fact it is impossible!) to delete the “C” record in the Event Log File before a late calculation is done. All that is required is to set the “C” record in the Run Cycle Control File to the correct cycle and calc number for the late calculation. When the option is executed, the system asks whether a cumulative tax calculation must be done, followed by a request for the first personnel number to be calculated. The user is warned that cheques have already been generated, and must reply to the question: DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE WITH LATE CALCULATIONS ? (Y/N) If the response is (Y)es, the user can enter successive personnel numbers for calculation. A <RETURN> will start the calculation phase. The “Full Calculation Report” is produced automatically, and can be sent to a printer of the user's choice. New payslips for the individuals can be printed via option {FPRN -4}. Å 6.6. Adjustment Payslip {FPRN-24} Ä This report is similar to a pro forma payslip, and gives the “Before” and “After” pictures in respect of. late rollbacks and calculations. The first half of the two-section report represents the new payslip, and the second half the previous payslip. The time of the rollback is also indicated, which can be correlated with the “X” record. In the event that several late rollbacks and calcs were done for one person for a particular pay cycle, the report will contain a section for each of these events. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 220 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply Payroll Cycle (YYYYMM) : Was this a (M)onthly or (W)eekly Run? (A1) : [M] Supply 1st of 10 Personnel Numbers (N9) Or ALL : Program : f8Urpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 Level Amount 00 4166.67 01 1500.00 08 416.67 10 1500.00 16 1500.00 50 606.67 61 20.00 76 41.67 76 41.67 78 400.00 98 22.92 99 22.92 Adjustment Payslip For : 1 DR. T.H.O MAFUMA For Monthly Payroll Cycle : 200207 Adjusted Payslip As Calculated On 03-JUL-2002 Calculation Method Earning/Deduction 7 SALARY NOTCH 6 PCT. 0001 BASIC SALARY OF TRANSACTION 1 6 PCT. PCT. OF OF 6251 ENTERTAINMENT ALL SALARY LEVEL 0100 TRANSACTION 3488 ENTERTAINMENT ALLOWANCE ALL - PERM CONTRA OF SALARY LEVEL E D 3 ADVISED AMOUNT TOTAL 4050 6400 DISABILITY INSURANCE - V SKILLS LEVY SKIL SKILLS LEVY TEST OF TRANSACTION - DISABILITY INSURANCE E D 9901 SUNDRY DONATION E E 3516 MEDICAL: EMPL CONTR ACCELERATE D OF SALARY LEVEL TOTAL 6 PCT. PENSIONABLE 6000 P A Y E 3 ADVISED AMOUNT 1 PCT. - 1113 ENTERTAINMENT ALL 4 P A Y E - RSA, NAMIBIA PCT. E D TOTAL 3 ADVISED AMOUNT 1 Reference Number D - D - TEST TEST SKILLS LEVY E ---------- 5056.67 =========== Date : 03-JUL-2002 11:09 Program : f8Urpt.rdf INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page : 2 Adjustment Payslip For : 1 DR. T.H.O MAFUMA For Monthly Payroll Cycle : 200207 Previous Payslip As Saved On 03-JUL-2002 11:08:39 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 221 of 332 Monthly Run Level Amount 00 4166.67 01 1500.00 08 416.67 10 1500.00 16 1500.00 50 606.67 61 20.00 76 41.67 76 41.67 78 400.00 98 22.92 99 22.92 Chapter 6 Calculation Method Earning/Deduction 7 SALARY NOTCH 6 PCT. 0001 BASIC SALARY OF TRANSACTION 1 6 PCT. PCT. OF OF Reference Number 6251 ENTERTAINMENT ALL SALARY LEVEL D TOTAL 0100 TRANSACTION 3488 3 ADVISED AMOUNT E - PENSIONABLE ENTERTAINMENT ALLOWANCE ALL - CONTRA 1113 ENTERTAINMENT ALL PERM E E E 4 P A Y E - RSA, NAMIBIA 6000 P A Y E D - 3 ADVISED AMOUNT 3516 MEDICAL: EMPL CONTR ACCELERATE D - 1 1 PCT. PCT. OF SALARY LEVEL OF SALARY LEVEL TOTAL TOTAL 4050 DISABILITY INSURANCE E 6400 DISABILITY INSURANCE D - 3 ADVISED AMOUNT 9901 SUNDRY DONATION D - V SKILLS LEVY SKIL SKILLS LEVY TEST 6 PCT. OF TRANSACTION D TEST TEST SKILLS LEVY E ---------- 5056.67 =========== 6.7. Late Rollback Reconciliation {FPRNR2-21} Ä Late rollbacks and calculations affect not only the posting to GL, but could also affect payments to Funds, to the Receiver of Revenue, etc. In order to facilitate such payment adjustments, this reconciliation report is useful. It can be drawn for a particular pay cycle, and will give the net result of the late events per person per Earning / Deduction. The format of the report is similar to that of the “Detail per Earning / Deduction Report” {FPRNR1-6}. Please note that the net totals shown on this report do not necessarily reflect the true amounts that are involved, since the program cannot know whether any payments had already been made at the time of the late rollback/calc. The above statement is true even when only one late rollback/calc was done for a person in a particular pay cycle, since if no payments had been made at that time, the net effect is zero irrespective of the report totals. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 222 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 When more than one late rollback/calc was done for a person in one pay cycle, the program will flag the second and further rolled-back transactions for the same person for the same E/D with the message: “*** Unable to Reconcile ***”. The total for the E/D will be similarly flagged, as will be the report total. In order to assist the user in interpreting this report, the date on which a transaction was calculated is shown on the report. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Report on (W)eekly or (M)onthly Paid Personnel : [M] Supply Monthly Payroll Cycle to Reconcile (YYYYMM) : Enter 1st of Max. 10 E/D Codes to Include (A4) OR ALL : Enter 1st of Max. 10 E/D Codes to Exclude (A4) OR <Return> : PRINT SEQUENCE: Personnel number within E/D code SYSTEM SELECT: All transactions involved in late rollbacks and calcs in selected pay cycle ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 223 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Late Rollback Reconciliation {FPRNR2-21} 03-JUL-2002 11:14 Program : f8Vccc V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Late Rollback Reconciliation Per Earning/Deduction for Monthly Period 200207 (01-JUL-2002 / 31-JUL-2002) E/D Codes Included : ALL E/D Codes Excluded : EARNING Employee EMPLOYEE(S) 03-JUL-2000 03-JUL-2000 TOTAL FOR EARNING ==> NET EFFECT ==> 03-JUL-2002 11:14 Program : f8Vccc Employee 4166.67 4166.67 ----------4166.67 =========== ----------4166.67 =========== ----------0.00 : 0100 EMPLOYEE(S) 03-JUL-2000 03-JUL-2000 TOTAL FOR EARNING ==> NET EFFECT ==> Page : PENSIONABLE ALLOWANCE - PERM Calculation Current Date Transactions Name 1 DR. T.H.O MAFUMA 1 Rolled Back Transactions INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Late Rollback Reconciliation Per Earning/Deduction for Monthly Period 200207 (01-JUL-2002 / 31-JUL-2002) E/D Codes Included : ALL E/D Codes Excluded : EARNING Rolled Back Transactions 416.67 ----------416.67 =========== 416.67 ----------416.67 =========== ----------0.00 Å 6.8. 1 BASIC SALARY Calculation Current Date Transactions Name 1 DR. T.H.O MAFUMA 1 : 0001 Page : Net Payovers Reconciliation: Late Events {FPRNR2-23} Ä This report aids reconciliation of the net payovers account and identifies discrepancies caused by late rollbacks and calcs Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 224 of 332 2 Monthly Run Chapter 6 A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply Start Processing Date (DD-MON-YYYY) : Supply End Processing Date (DD-MON-YYYY) : PRINT SEQUENCE: Personnel number SYSTEM SELECT: “X” and “Y” events from Event Log File between the given dates. The oldest and youngest sets of transactions are selected (e.g. if rollbacks were done on 28/1, 29/1, 30/1 and 4/2 for the same person, the system compares the records for 28/1 and 4/2) 03-JUL-2002 11:07:34 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Program : f9Gccc Net Payover Reconciliation: Late Events V12.0.0.0 Between Dates 03-jul-2002 and 03-jul-2002 Note : The last recalculation amount per person/cycle has been obtained from the latest records. Person Number Name Difference Page: 1 Cycle <---------- Rollback ---------> <------- Recalculation -------> /Calc Date Time Amount Date Time Amount 1 MAFUMA,DR. T.H.O 200007-8 03-JUL-2000 110839 5056.67 03-JUL-2000 110856 5056.67 0.00 ------------ ------------ --- --------Personnel Selected : 1 5056.67 5056.67 0.00 ============ ============ ============ *** End Of Report *** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 225 of 332 Monthly Run 6.9. Chapter 6 PAYE Reconciliation Exception Report {FPRN-26} Ä It can happen that the total tax deducted for a tax year according to the “E/D Summary” {FPRY-21} (which represents tax paid over) does not agree with the total of the SITE Report (which shows the distribution of the paid-over tax). The reason is that the SITE program takes account of service records when it analyses taxable E/D's, whereas the E/D Summary looks purely at the existing salary transactions. These two totals MUST obviously agree, and it can be very difficult to find those (few) persons who cause the difference between the two totals. This program will isolate most such cases. In many cases an investigation of the person's service records will explain the difference, assisted by reports “Taxable Transactions” {FPRIR1 -25}, “Compensation Detail” {FPRIR2-4} and the “Audit Trail” {FPRNR127}. Once the service records have been corrected and a SITE report drawn again, this program can be run again. The program MUST be preceded by a FULL SITE Report , since it makes use of the SITE output file. It can be run on a monthly basis if a year-end is forced in the SITE report. The program gives the user some detail about the last SITE report, and then the procedure is as follows: Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Do you want to proceed with this run? (Y/N) [Y] Supply up to 15 E/D codes which were used for tax transactions (<RETURN> after last code) PRINT SEQUENCE: Personnel number SYSTEM SELECT: Only those persons having a difference between IRP5 total and E/D total. People with multiple IRP5's are flagged with ****. An in-balance report is empty. 03-JUL-2002 11:21:48 f9Dccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page: 1 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 226 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 V12.0.0.0 Paye Reconciliation Exception Report for period: 200003 to 200007 ======================================== For E/D CODES 6000 Empl Name IRP5 Tax E/D Tax Difference ------- ---------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------======= ============================ =========== =========== =========== Control Totals For 12 Employees: ======= 117753.70 End Of Report 117753.70 0.00 ======= ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 227 of 332 Monthly Run 6.10. Chapter 6 Creation Of UIF File {FPRN-28} The UIF file is created in this option, there is however a few things that must be in place for the system to generate a UIF file. 1. The E/d Codes must be set up correctly in menu option <FPRG-6> indicating whether a specific Earning Code forms part of the base on which UIF will be calculated. Please confirm with your auditors which E/D codes should be included for UIF. 2. The UIF Status and Reason for non contributing must be correct on the service records in BPOB2, the system does limited validations on the Service records and the payroll calculation to make sure that this information is captured correctly, providing that a person is linked to the correct appointment type. 3. The UIF file is created from posted transactions, which means that the payroll must be finished and correct and posted to the General Ledger, before a file may be generated. 4. The first time that a FINAL UIF file is created on the system it will ask the start and end date and time which must be supplied, thereafter only the end date and time will be entered as the system keeps a log file of every final UIF file and adds 1 second to the last end date and time to create the next UIF file’s starting date and time. 5. A Test file will not write anything to this log file and may be run as many times as needed, however the final file may only be run once for a specific date and time. 6. The file has further validations, which will only allow natural persons information to be generated on the file. This means only Nature of person A,B,C or M where the UIF status on the Service record in menu option PBOP-2 is not 11. All other Nature of persons will be ignored when the UIF file is generated. The following information must be captured to create the UIF file. 1. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The UIF Registration number. This number must be 100% correct, else the dept of labour will reject the UIF file. This number may be obtained from the dept of labour, if you already have this UIF registration number please verify that this number is correct. This number must be advised in the ITS system on the following menu options: V10 - FPRSMM-1 V11 - FRPM - 1 If the registration number is 2279560 the UIF Registration Number must be advised as follows : 002279560 The contact person will be the person who is currently the contact person for IRP5 submissions, his/her detail will be on the file. If the file is going to be E-mailed, the following parameter must always be a ‘Y’: Must E-mail address Be Included (Y/N) ? [N] Y The first time the file is created it is important to follow the following procedure: The UIF file is created on menu FPRN-28 V12. The UIF file is created based on posting dates, this means that only transactions that are posted will be included in the UIF file for specific dates. The greatest implication of this is that posting must be done on a monthly basis to create the UIF information separately on different files for the dept of labour. If postings are only done every three months then the UIF information will reflect three months information as one month. Please make sure that the correct posting dates are advised when the file for April 2002 is run because once a live file is run you cannot create another file with data that has the same posting dates. Please run a test file until you are sure that the posting dates and the total UIF amounts are correct on the report, and then do a live file with the correct information. Once the first live file has been created then the system automatically determines the start date and time of the UIF file for the next month. Is This A (T)est Or A (L)ive [T] : T The posting date format is as follows: Start Posting Date Is : 02-JUL-2002 230701 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 228 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Supply The End Posting Date And Time (DD-MON-YYYY HHMMSS) : 02- AUG-2002 235959 The time advised after the date is important if there were more than one posting on a specific date example 02-Aug -2002, if only certain transactions should be included in the UIF file then the correct time must be advised for up to what time transactions must be included. Start Posting Date Is : 02-JUL-2002 230701 Supply The End Posting Date And Time (DD-MON-YYYY HHMMSS) : 02-aug-2002 140000 7. The payroll cycle does not determine what will be included in the UIF file as rollbacks and late calcs could have been done for other cycles and posted between the dates specified, but it must be declared for the dept of labour as to what month’s information you are submitting. Supply The Payroll Cycle : 200207 8. Supply The First Of Ten Deduction Codes For Employer Contribution To UIF (A4) : The UIF deduction code that is set up for the Employer must be defined here, this is the E/D Code Against which the UIF amounts will be identified. 9. Supply the First of Ten Deduction Codes for Employee Contribution to UIF (N4) : The UIF deduction code that is set up for the Employee must be defined here, this is the E/D Code Against which the UIF amounts will be identified. 10. The UIF file name is now displayed if it already exists, press enter to continue. Supply File Name To Be Used In Creation Of File : [/disk3/itsv10/fin/02279560.001] : The Specified File Name Already Exist, Do You Wish To Override It Or Create An Additional File ? Override (Y/N) [N] : The payroll cycle that is specified above occurs in the file, there for the same suffix (.001) may be used for different cycles, This will result in all files being called xxxxxxxx.001 where xxxxxxxx refers to the UIF reference number. A Second file must be generated for a specific cycle ONLY IF additional information is advised for a cycle for which a Live UIF file has already been submitted, then a new file with a new suffix must be created and the existing file may not be overridden. The dept of labour will override information on their data base if the file name, suffix and the cycle is the same, else if the file suffix differs for the same cycle the information will be added to the database for that specific cycle. ITS suggests that you always create your UIF file once on the same day that you generate your cheque for UIF and that you try and create only one UIF file per month with the same suffix .001 for all the cycles. 11. The program will generate two reports the first one being the detail of the UIF that is on the File and the second report is an error report, if any errors occur a file will not be created until these errors are fixed. 12. The files can be regenerated on the following menu options FPRSMM-28 (V10) and FPRM-28(V11 and V12). ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 229 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 230 of 332 Monthly Run 6.11. Chapter 6 Pay Status Report {FPRNR1-1} Ä This “Ins and Outs” exception report does extensive comparison between the current pay cycle and the previous one, and is intended for rapid auditing of the reasons for variances in the total remuneration and the number of employees paid across the two months. The total remuneration that is reported here, should be the same as that of the Full Calculation, Payslip Summary, etc. Every employee who appears on this report will also appear on the exception option of the “Detail per Earning/Deduction Report” of option {FPRNR1 -6}. The report consists of six sections, of which the first two refer to employees who were in service during only one of the two months: 1. New appointments this month These employees were newly appointed and paid in this pay cycle. Appointment date, notch and current earnings are shown. 2. Resignations last month These employees resigned during the previous pay cycle. Resignation date, notch and previous earnings are shown. The next four sections refer to employees who were in service both months: 3. Payees In (Employees paid this month but not last month) Reason for non-payment, notch and current earnings are shown. Two possible reasons can be identified, i.e. payment stopped or no E/D's were specified. 4. Payees Out (Employees paid last month but not this month) Reason for non-payment, notch and previous earnings are shown. Three possible reasons can be identified, i.e. payment stopped, no salary notch, or no E/D's were specified. 5. Notch changes Effective date of change, reason for change, new and old notches, and current and previous earnings are shown. All changes in notch will be shown here, i.e. automatic increases, general increases (new salary scales) and individual (manual) changes. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 231 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Note that, if an employee had a notch change as well as other changes in earnings during this month, he/she will appear in this section of the report and not in Section 6 below. 6. General changes in package This refers to a change in earnings for reasons other than a notch increase, e.g. bonus, additional deductions, overtime earnings, etc. Notch, previous and current earnings are shown. ∗ The user can elect to show detail of salaried employees only, pay-by-claim employees only, or all. The control totals will always include information on all employees, whether detail is shown or not. If all employees are printed, pay-by-claims are clearly indicated. The report can be based on either gross or net remuneration. ∗ Since this is an exception report, detail of employees with no change in remuneration across the two months will not appear on the report; their information is, however, added into the control totals. ∗ The control summary will indicate any employees who have salary transactions beyond their resignation date - such cases can make reconciliation between two months very difficult. ∗ Please note that if an employee is in service and is not paid in two successive months, s/he will not appear on this report at all. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: This report can show detail of : Salaried Personnel only ( S ) Pay-by-Claims Only (C) All Personnel (A) Enter your choice (<RETURN> = “A”) : Must (G)ross or (N)et Remuneration be used ? Select section(s) of report required : 1. New appointments this month 2. Resignations last month 3. Payees in 4. Payees out ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 232 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 5. Notch changes 6. General changes in package 10 . Control summary only 11 . Complete report Supply your choice [11] : Calculation number or <RETURN> for entire pay cycle PRINT SEQUENCE: Numeric by personnel number SYSTEM SELECT: All employees paid in cycle of “C” record in Run Cycle Control File and/or in previous cycle. Pay Status Report: New Appointments This Month; Resignations Last Month 03-JUL-2002 11:23:51 f8Tccc.pc V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Pay Status Report for Monthly Cycle 200207(All) 01-JUL-2002 to 31-JUL-2002 New Appointments this Cycle (ALL PERSONNEL Printed) =========================== Person Name Appt Date ------- ------------------------------ ----------- REPORT TOTALS : ============= Notch ---------- Net Remun. Net Remun. This Month Last Month ------------------- Page 1 Page 1 Difference ---------- PRINTED ======= SALARIES CLAIMS TOTAL PAYEES 03-JUL-2002 11:23:51 f8Tccc.pc 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------0 ======= ----------0.00 =========== ----------0.00 =========== ----------0.00 =========== INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Pay Status Report for Monthly Cycle 200207(All) 01-JUL-2002 to 31-JUL-2002 Resignations Last Cycle (ALL PERSONNEL Printed) ======================= Person Name Resg Date ------- ------------------------------ ----------- Notch ---------- Net Remun. Net Remun. This Month Last Month ------------------- Difference ---------- REPORT TOTALS : PRINTED ============= ======= SALARIES CLAIMS TOTAL PAYEES 0 0 0.00 0.00 ------0 ======= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------- ----------0.00 0.00 =========== =========== ----------0.00 =========== ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 233 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Pay Satus Report: Payees In; Payees Out 03-JUL-2002 11:23:51 f8Tccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page Pay Status Report for Monthly Cycle 200207(All) 01-JUL-2002 to 31-JUL-2002 Payees In (ALL PERSONNEL Printed) ========= Person Name Reason ------- ------------------------------ --------3 5656 5659 11100 11101 11997 15609 15610 20000601 GORDON, DR Q LEADBEAD, ME ENG PROCTOR, ME L Mostert, MR B Eleven, TEST V Eleven, MS VV VAN DER WALT, MR H.P. LE ROUX, ME D TEST, MEV T REPORT TOTALS : ============= NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Net Remun. This Month ---------- Net Remun. Last Month ---------- Difference ---------- 136000 50000 100000 160000 180000 150000 60000 50000 25000 10670.67 15920.11 24447.73 13333.33 44265.24 37367.66 15050.87 15025.07 9400.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10670.67 15920.11 24447.73 13333.33 44265.24 37367.66 15050.87 15025.07 9400.43 185481.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 185481.11 0.00 E/D's E/D's E/D's E/D's E/D's E/D's E/D's E/D's E/D's PRINTED ======= SALARIES CLAIMS TOTAL PAYEES 03-JUL-2002 11:23:51 f8Tccc.pc 9 0 ------9 ======= ----------- ----------- ----------185481.11 0.00 185481.11 =========== =========== =========== INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page Pay Status Report for Monthly Cycle 200207(All) 01-JUL-2002 to 31-JUL-2002 Payees Out (ALL PERSONNEL Printed) ========== Person Name Reason ------- ------------------------------ --------- REPORT TOTALS : ============= Notch ---------- 1 Notch ---------- Net Remun. This Month ---------- Net Remun. Last Month ---------- Difference ---------- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 PRINTED ======= SALARIES CLAIMS TOTAL PAYEES 0 0 ------0 ======= ----------- ----------- ----------0.00 0.00 0.00 =========== =========== =========== Pay Status Report: Notch Changes; Changes In Package 03-JUL-2002 11:23:51 f8Tccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page Pay Status Report for Monthly Cycle 200007(All) 01-JUL-2000 to 31-JUL-2000 Notch Changes (ALL PERSONNEL Printed) ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 234 of 332 1 Monthly Run Chapter 6 ============= New Old Net Remun. Net Remun. Person Name Incr Date Reason for Increase Notch Notch Diff This Month Last Month Diff ------- ------------------------- --------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- -------- ----------- ------------------ REPORT TOTALS : ============= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRINTED ======= SALARIES 0 0 0 0 0.00 CLAIMS 0 0 0 0 0.00 ------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------------- ----- ---------TOTAL PAYEES 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 ======= =========== ========== ========== ======== =========== ========== 03-JUL-2002 11:23:51 f8Tccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page Pay Status Report for Monthly Cycle 200207(All) 01-JUL-2002 to 31-JUL-2002 Changes in Package (ALL PERSONNEL Printed) Person Name ------- ------------------------------ Notch ---------- Net Remun. This Month ---------- Net Remun. Last Month ---------- Difference ---------- 50000 100800 243119 5056.67 11492.80 14302.94 5663.34 11914.05 17840.21 -606.67 -421.25 -3537.27 30852.41 0.00 35417.60 0.00 -4565.19 0.00 ----------- ----------30852.41 35417.60 =========== =========== -----------4565.19 =========== 1 MAFUMA, DR. T.H.O 2 VAN JAARSVELD-JONES, DR. W 8 Johnson, MEJ C REPORT TOTALS : ============= PRINTED ======= SALARIES CLAIMS TOTAL PAYEES 3 0 ------3 ======= ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 235 of 332 1 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Pay Status Report: Control Summary 03-JUL-2002 11:23:51 f8Tccc.pc A. SALARY ====== INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page Pay Status Report for Monthly Cycle 200207(All) 01-JUL-2002 to 31-JUL-2002 Control Summary (ALL PERSONNEL Printed) =============== 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. New Appointments Resignations Last Month Payees In Payees Out Notch Changes General Package Changes No Change SUBTOTAL: SALARY B. CLAIMS ====== SUBTOTAL: CLAIMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1 <-- THIS MONTH --> PAYEES Net Remun. ------ ------------ <-- LAST MONTH --> PAYEES Net Remun. ------ ------------ <-- DIFFERENCE --> PAYEES Net Remun. ------ ------------ 0 0.00 0 0.00 9 185481.11 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 30852.41 0 0.00 ------ -----------12 216333.52 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 35417.60 0 0.00 ------ -----------3 35417.60 0 0.00 0 0.00 9 185481.11 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 -4565.19 0 0.00 ------ -----------9 180915.92 New Appointments Resignations Last Month Payees In Payees Out Notch Changes General Package Changes No Change 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 ------ ----------------- ----------------- -----------0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 TOTAL: SALARY plus CLAIMS ====== ============ 12 216333.52 ====== ============ ========== ====== 3 ====== END OF REPORT ============ 35417.60 ============ ====== 9 ====== ============ 180915.92 ============ ========== ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 236 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Net Salary Comparison {FPRNR1-2} Ä 6.12. This report compares net salaries for all employees who received salary this month and/or last month. When used in conjunction with the Pay Status Report (Section 6.6), many of the differences between the two pay cycles will become immediately apparent. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Calculation number or entire cycle PRINT SEQUENCE: Numeric by personnel Number SYSTEM SELECT: Date : 03-JUL-2002 11:35 Program : f8Grpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 Personnel Number -----1 2 3 8 5656 5659 11100 11101 11997 15609 15610 20000601 Title ----DR. DR. DR MEJ ME ME MR TEST MS MR ME MEV All employees paid in cycle of “C” record in Run Cycle Control File and/or in previous cycle, for given calc number. INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page No : 1 Comparison Report For Net Salary for Monthly Cycle 200207 ( 01-JUL-2002 / 31-JUL-2002 ) Calculation Number : ALL Initials -------T.H.O W Q C ENG L B V VV H.P. D T Net Salary This Cycle ---------5056.67 11492.80 10670.67 14302.94 15920.11 24447.73 13333.33 44265.24 37367.66 15050.87 15025.07 9400.43 Net Salary Prev Cycle ---------5663.34 11914.05 ----------216333.52 =========== ----------35417.60 =========== Surname ------MAFUMA VAN JAARSVELD-JONES GORDON Johnson LEADBEAD PROCTOR Mostert Eleven Eleven VAN DER WALT LE ROUX TEST Totals => Employees 12 17840.21 Difference ----------606.67 -421.25 10670.67 -3537.27 15920.11 24447.73 13333.33 44265.24 37367.66 15050.87 15025.07 9400.43 ----------180915.92 =========== ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 237 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 238 of 332 Monthly Run 6.13. Chapter 6 Payslip Summary {FPRNR1-3} Ä A summary of the earnings/deductions for this month with totals for gross remuneration, deductions and net remuneration. This report is a combination of reports {FPRNR1-4} and {FPRNR1-5} below. Comparison between this month's and last month's figures will rapidly indicate which detailed reports for earnings or deductions should be requested for reconciliation purposes. The net total of the Payslip Summary must agree with the net total of the Full Calc Report of {FPRN-2}. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Calculation number or entire cycle Supply Calculation Sequence Number (N2) or <RETURN> For ALL : PRINT SEQUENCE: E/D Code sequence SYSTEM SELECT: Date : 03-JUL-2002 11:38 Program : f8Nrpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 Code Type Difference ------0001 E 75916.66 0009 E 1000.00 0010 E 51250.00 0015 E 1666.67 0055 E All transactions for cycle of “C” record in Run Cycle Control File for given calc number. INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page No : 1 Payslip Summary for Monthly Cycle 200207 ( 01-JUL-2002 / 31-JUL-2002 ) Calculation Number : ALL Prior Amount Description -----------------------------BASIC SALARY ------ Period ------ --------- 102343.25 26426.59 1000.00 .00 ONE-TIME EARNINGS 53250.00 2000.00 KAAPTECH HOUSING ALLOWANCET 1666.67 TEST IRP5 OVERTIME WORKING DAYS 24513.72 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 239 of 332 .00 3452.06 Monthly Run 21061.66 0100 11383.33 1113 700.00 2330 1000.00 3000 3023.17 3010 .00 3402 375.92 3488 .00 4050 113.33 4100 109.42 E001 51250.00 KASH 46023.33 E E E E E E E E E Chapter 6 PENSIONABLE ALLOWANCE - PERM ENTERTAINMENT ALL 2300.00 BURSARIES 1000.00 PENSION FUND 1: EMPLOYER CONT PENSION FUND 2: EMPLOYER CONT EMPLOYERS NI CONTRA 357.60 WCA: EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION E CASH BENEFIT 2629.61 1500.00 DISABILITY INSURANCE CARINA TEST 3023.17 563.88 ENTERTAINMENT ALL CONTRA E 15385.99 122.21 59650.00 46966.53 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 240 of 332 4002.66 1600.00 .00 .00 2629.61 187.96 1500.00 244.27 12.79 8400.00 943.20 Monthly Run 6.14. Chapter 6 Summary Per Earning {FPRNR1-4} Ä The earnings for this month are summarised, and compared to last month's figures. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Calculation number or entire cycle Supply Calculation Sequence Number (N2) or <RETURN> For ALL : PRINT SEQUENCE: Earning Code sequence SYSTEM SELECT: Date : 03-JUL-2002 11:39 Program : f8Orpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 Code ---0001 0009 0010 0015 0055 0100 1113 2330 3000 3010 3402 3488 4050 4100 E001 KASH Type ---E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E All earnings for cycle of “C” record in Run Cycle Control File for given calc number INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page No : 1 Earnings Summary For Cycle : for Monthly Cycle 200207 ( 01-JUL-2002 / 31-JUL-2002 ) Calculation Number : ALL Description -----------------------------BASIC SALARY TEST IRP5 ONE-TIME EARNINGS KAAPTECH HOUSING ALLOWANCET OVERTIME WORKING DAYS PENSIONABLE ALLOWANCE - PERM ENTERTAINMENT ALL BURSARIES PENSION FUND 1: EMPLOYER CONT PENSION FUND 2: EMPLOYER CONT EMPLOYERS NI CONTRA ENTERTAINMENT ALL CONTRA DISABILITY INSURANCE WCA: EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION CARINA TEST CASH BENEFIT Amount -----102343.25 1000.00 53250.00 1666.67 24513.72 15385.99 2300.00 1000.00 3023.17 2629.61 563.88 1500.00 357.60 122.21 59650.00 46966.53 Prior Period -----26426.59 .00 2000.00 .00 3452.06 4002.66 1600.00 .00 .00 2629.61 187.96 1500.00 244.27 12.79 8400.00 943.20 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 241 of 332 Difference ---------75916.66 1000.00 51250.00 1666.67 21061.66 11383.33 700.00 1000.00 3023.17 .00 375.92 .00 113.33 109.42 51250.00 46023.33 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Summary Per Deduction {FPRNR1-5} Ä 6.15. The deductions for this month are summarised, and compared to last month's figures. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Calculation number or entire cycle Supply Calculation Sequence Number (N2) or <RETURN> For ALL : PRINT SEQUENCE: Deduction code sequence SYSTEM SELECT: Date : 03-JUL-2002 11:41 Program : f8Prpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 Code ---3400 3401 3516 5000 5001 5010 5011 5302 5900 6000 6045 6251 6400 6677 9901 SKIL Type ---D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D All deductions for cycle of “C” record in Run Cycle Control File for given calc number INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page No : 1 Deduction Summary for Monthly Cycle 200207 ( 01-JUL-2002 / 31-JUL-2002 ) Calculation Number : ALL Description -----------------------------EMPLOYER'S NI CONTRIBUTION EMPLOYEES NI CONTRIBUTION MEDICAL: EMPL CONTR ACCELERATE PENSION FUND 1: EMPLOYEE CONT PENSION FUND 1: EMPLOYER CONT PENSION FUND 2: EMPLOYEE CONT PENSION FUND 2: EMPLOYER CONT BOND PAYMENT WCA: PAYMENT TO FUND P A Y E PENSION DEDUCTION ENTERTAINMENT ALL DISABILITY INSURANCE TUITION FEE DEDUCTION SUNDRY DONATION SKILLS LEVY TEST Amount -----563.88 563.88 180.00 1100.00 3023.17 956.80 2629.61 240.00 122.21 85961.96 1760.00 1500.00 357.60 80.00 900.00 886.90 Prior Period -----187.96 187.96 40.00 .00 .00 956.80 2629.61 30.00 12.79 9282.15 .00 1500.00 244.27 10.00 900.00 194.15 Difference ---------375.92 375.92 140.00 1100.00 3023.17 .00 .00 210.00 109.42 76679.81 1760.00 .00 113.33 70.00 .00 692.75 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 242 of 332 Monthly Run 6.16. Chapter 6 Detail Per Earning / Deduction {FPRNR1-6} Ä This report lists all transactions for this pay cycle, for a range of E/D types. For each employee the amount and a reference number (if applicable) is shown. The reference number is selected from the individual earning/deduction, except in the case of the tax number and pension, medical aid and group insurance membership numbers. ∗ The report is particularly useful as a reconciliation tool, the more so since there is an EXCEPTION option, which allows the printing of only those employees who, changed since last month. ∗ The report can also be used as a payment advice when paying over deducted moneys to the instances or funds on whose behalf the deductions were made. ∗ The net total of this report, if drawn for ALL E/D's, must agree with the Payslip Summary. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Calculation number or entire cycle Supply Calculation Sequence Number (N2) or <RETURN> For ALL Specify E/D Code selection criteria: 1. Range 2. Selectively If 1., specify range If 2., include up to 10 E/D Codes or ALL If ALL, exclude up to 10 E/D Codes (F)ull report or (E)xceptions only ? [F] Sort Order for Personnel (A/N) [N] : PRINT SEQUENCE: As per above sort order SYSTEM SELECT: All transactions within above selection for pay cycle “C” record in Run Cycle Control File for given calc number. of ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 243 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Detail Per Earning / Deduction {FPRNR1-6} Date : 03-JUL-2002 11:43 Program : f87rpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 Employee -------1 2 3 8 5656 5659 11100 11101 11997 15609 15610 20000601 12 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page No : 1 Detail For A Specific Earning/Deduction for Monthly Cycle 200007 ( 01-JUL-2000 / 31-JUL-2000 ) Calculation Number : ALL Earning/Deduction Codes Included : 0001 Earning/Deduction Codes Excluded : -------------------------------------------------------Earning : 0001 BASIC SALARY Name ---MAFUMA, DR. T.H.O VAN JAARSVELD-JONES, DR. GORDON, DR Q Johnson, MEJ C LEADBEAD, ME ENG PROCTOR, ME L Mostert, MR B Eleven, TEST V Eleven, MS VV VAN DER WALT, MR H.P. LE ROUX, ME D TEST, MEV T Employee(s) W Total For Earning => Total For All Earnings/Deductions => Amount -----4166.67 2000.00 11333.33 20259.92 4166.67 8333.33 13333.33 15000.00 12500.00 5000.00 4166.67 2083.33 Prior Period -----4166.67 2000.00 .00 20259.92 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ----------102343.25 =========== ----------26426.59 =========== Difference Cumm Total ---------- ---------.00 4166.67 .00 4000.00 11333.33 22666.66 .00 20259.92 4166.67 4166.67 8333.33 8333.33 13333.33 26666.66 15000.00 15000.00 12500.00 12500.00 5000.00 10000.00 4166.67 4166.67 2083.33 2083.33 ----------75916.66 =========== ---------134009.91 ========== ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------102343.25 26426.59 75916.66 134009.91 =========== =========== =========== ========== ===== End Of Report ===== ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 244 of 332 Reference Number ------ Monthly Run Chapter 6 E/D Code Summary Per GLA {FPRNR2-24} Ä 6.17. This report provides a summary of report {FPRNR1-6} per GLA Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply Calculation Number (N1) Or <RETURN> For Entire Pay Cycle : Specify E/D Code Selection Criteria : 1. Range 2. Selectively Your Choice ? : 03-JUL-2002 11:54 f9Rccc.pc V12.0.0.0 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE GLA Summary Per E/D Code Page: 1 Calculation Number Or 0 For ALL : 0 Range Of E/D Codes (1) Or Selective (2) : 2 E/D Codes To INCLUDE : 0001 E/D Codes To EXCLUDE : E/D Code : 0001 ---------Cost Account Centre Number ------ ------MAC1 2012 BASIC SALARY Cost Centre Description ----------MAC ENGLISH Account Number Description -------------Stationery General Current Cycle ----------102343.25 -----------------102343.25 Prior Cycle Difference ---------------------26426.59 75916.66 ------------------ ---------26426.59 75916.66 ------------------ ------------------ ---------102343.25 26426.59 75916.66 ================== ================== ========= *** End Of Report *** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 245 of 332 Monthly Run 6.18. Chapter 6 Variance Report {FPRNR2-5} Ä The standard report {FPRNR1-6} on the variances of salary transactions between current and previous pay cycles is produced by E/D Code. This report is intended to identify such variances BY EMPLOYEE. It will assist with the detailed validation of the monthly payroll, and the comparison of all processed transactions against source documentation. ∗ Report totals can be validated against the standard control reports for audit purposes. ∗ Space is available on the report for hand -written comments. ∗ When the option is executed, the program tells the user which pay cycles will be compared, the current pay cycle being determined by the “C” record in the Run Cycle Control File. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: Supply calc number (N1) or ALL : [ALL] Supply Calc Seqno (N2), ALL or [Blank for latest Full Calc] : Do you want (E)xception Or (F)ull Report ? : [F] Please Supply First Paypoint Code (A4) Or ALL : [ALL] Enter Your Choice of Personnel Number Selection 1. By Range, 2. Selectively. Your Choice : [2] Enter Your Choice of E/D Code Selection 1. By Range, 2. Selectively. Your Choice : [2] Must Report Be Sorted Within Paypoint ? (Y/N) : [N] Is The Above Information Correct ? (Y/N) : [Y] ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 246 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 PRINT SEQUENCE: Paypoint / personnel number according to above SYSTEM SELECT: All payees as per above selection. For (F)ull report, all transactions are listed, otherwise only variances ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 247 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Variance Report - Exception {FPRNR2-5} f9Bccc.pc V12.0.0.0 Person : 1 ====== Med : 4 Full Variance Report for Cycles 200206 and 200207(Calc ALL) : All Paypoints; ================================================= For Personnel : 1 For E/D Codes : 0001 MAFUMA .. DR. T.H.O A/Type : 1 FULL-TIME PERM:ACAD A/Date : 01-FEB-2001 R/Date : 31-DEC-2001 Female Tax : A5 Current Previous E/D Description Lev GLA Amount Amount Variance ---- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------0001 BASIC SALARY 0 MAC1 2012 4166.67 4166.67 **Late R/Back LATE ROLLBACK(S) for cycle 200007 ------------------ ------------------ -----------------4166.67 4166.67 0.00 ================== ================== ================== 03-JUL-2002 11:57:31 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE f9Bccc.pc Full Variance Report for Cycles 200206 and 200207(Calc ALL) : All Paypoints; ================================================= For Personnel : 1 For E/D Codes : 0001 Totals For ALL PERSONNEL AND PAY POINTS For the Entire Cycle : =============================== Page: 2 Current ============ Previous ============ Variance ======== Net Pay : 102343.25 26426.59 75916.66 Total Payees : 12 3 9 ***** End Of Report ***** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 248 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Validate Non-Printables {F PRNR1-7} Ä 6.19. It is possible for the payslip net total to differ from that of the payslip summary, if nonprintable items do not contra out. This option allows the user to identify such events. ∗ This program is executed automatically when a full calculation is done (refer section 5.2 above), and it is suggested that the option be executed again prior to the printing of payslips if any single rollbacks and calcs were done subsequent to the full calc. ∗ If any non-balancing transactions are found, the employees are identified as well as their transactions. A running net total is kept of all non-printable entries - this amount will be the difference between payslip net and payslip summary net. It should be zero. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: USER SELECTION: None PRINT SEQUENCE: Personnel number SYSTEM SELECT: INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE 03-JUL-2000 12:02 Page 1 Non-Balancing Non-Printable Salary Transactions For Monthly Cycle 200207 ( 01-JUL-2002 / 31-JUL-2002 ) Calculation Number : 8 Program : f8Trpt.rdf V12.0.0.0 Person Number Month Year As above, for the cycle and calc number of the “C” record in the Run Cycle Control File E/D Code Date Total Earnings : Total Deductions : Net Difference : Print Type Amount .00 .00 .00 Payslips Are In Balance - End Of Report ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 249 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Print Payslips {FPRN-4} Ä 6.20. Payslips are produced on pre-printed stationery in the employee's preferred language. ∗ Payslips will be printed for the cycle and calculation number as per the “P” record in {FPRM-2}, for all employees who had salary transactions for the corresponding calculation, unless excluded by the user (see “User Input” below). ∗ A “P” record is inserted by the system into the Event Log File whenever this option is executed. If re-runs are required, further “P” records will be inserted. The following information is displayed on a payslip: Payslip Header − − − − − − − Pay Point Number and Name Employee number Title, initials and surname Tax reference number Tax status, Marital Status, No. of tax deductible dependents, No. of medical dependents Pay date (see “User Input” below) Sequential payslip number. Payslip Body ∗ Up to 37 entries with descriptions will be printed in three blocks, the earnings preceding the deductions. If there are more than 37 entries for an employe e, a second payslip containing up to 42 entries will be printed with a B/F total, thus catering for a maximum of 79 entries per employee per pay cycle. ∗ Whenever the system finds a transaction resulting from calc method ' 8 ', the quantity and the amount will be printed at the end of the description in the format 12.5 @ R 25.00. This means that the E/D description for this calc method should be sufficiently short to allow space for the figures to be printed. ∗ Furthermore, whenever the system finds a transaction resulting from − − − − calc method '3 ' (advised amount), '8 ' (quantity * amount), 'D' (unpaid days) or 'E' (overtime hours), it will print a not-null reference number on the next line. This allows a few standard E/D codes (e.g. “Sundry Debtors”) to be used for many different one-off allowances or deductions, the necessary comment being shown to the employee on the payslip and to the ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 250 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 salaries department on the E/D Detail Reports. If the deduction was in respect of a staff loan, the loan balance will be shown immediately after the reference number. ∗ At the bottom of the right hand block are displayed the employee’s payment method, bank name, branch name, type of account and account number. Payslip Footer ∗ Six cumulative totals are provided, which automatically start at zero at the beginning of the tax year. For the RSA, these totals represent the following: Item IRP5 Total Gross Earnings Contribution to Pension Funds Total Tax Deducted Contribution to Medical Aid Bond Subsidy Received Other Fringe Benefits 1 => 9 10, 11 13 => 15 12 6 2 => 5, 7 => 9 ∗ The available leave credit for the leave types (as specified in the Personnel System, option {PLCS-2}), is also displayed, as well as three totals for this pay cycle , viz. Total Earnings, Total Deductions and Net Pay. Control Payslips ∗ The total Net Pay should reconcile with the Payslip Summary, option {FPRNR13}, as well as with the Payment Analysis {FPRNR2 -3}. ∗ Control payslip(s) are provided per pay date within calculation, as well as for the entire calculation, indicating the total number of payslips produced as well as control totals for Earnings, Deductions and Net Pay. The existence of non-cancelling non-printable transactions is clearly indicated by a “Payslips out of Balance” message. The details can be obtained by running the validate program of option {FPRNR1-7}. An out of balance condition means that the net total of the payslips does not agree with that of the payslip summary, and that certain payslips are incorrect. Payslips should not be distributed before these errors have been corrected. User Input ∗ When the program is executed, the user must respond to a number of prompts and questions. ∗ If payslips have already been printed for this cycle and calc number, the system will advise the user, who must respond with a <RETURN>. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 251 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 ∗ The user will be requested to Supply the Calc Sequence Number (N2) to print or return for the latest [default is latest] : ∗ The user then has the option of grouping the earnings and deductions on the payslip according to whether they are taxed or non-taxed. If the option is taken, the pre-tax earnings and deductions are first printed, followed by the post-tax earnings and deductions, in salary level sequence; otherwise, all earnings will be grouped together on the payslip followed by all deductions, also in salary level sequence. ∗ The program next checks the sort indicators of {FPRM-1}. If both are set to “N”, the user is given the option of sorting the payslips numerically within pay date or straight numeric across pay dates. ∗ The user is next given the option of supplying pay dates to be printed on the payslip. If the answer is (N)o, the date will be printed as the month name (in the employee's language of preference) and the year of the pay cycle. If the answer is (Y)es, the user can supply up to nine pay dates in a format of own choice; up to 12 characters are allowed per date, e.g. 24/05/92, 1992-05-24, 24-MAY-92, etc. After the last pay date has been supplied, a <RETURN> will continue. ∗ The next option makes reprinting of payslips possible after a printer jam. The question is whether all payslips for the cycle and calculation number must be printed. If the answer is (Y)es, the run begins. If the answer is (N)o, the user must supply the following selection criteria: 1. Range of Payslip Numbers 2. Range of Personnel Numbers 3. Selective Personnel Numbers ∗ The output file of the payslip program is not deleted automatically after the print run, thus making it possible for technical personnel to edit this file in case of a printer jam, and to reprint the required payslips by spooling the edited file to the printer. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 252 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Payslips {FPRN-4} 0001 1 DR. T.H.O MAFUMA A M 5 4 CHEMISTRY DEPT JULY 2002 1 ** EARNINGS ** BASIC SALARY PENSIONABLE ALLOWANCE - PERM ENTERTAINMENT ALL DISABILITY INSURANCE 4166.67 416.67 1500.00 41.67 ** DEDUCTIONS ** P A Y E MEDICAL: EMPL CONTR ACCELERATE DISABILITY INSURANCE SUNDRY DONATION 12166.68 -0.00 606.67 20.00 41.67 400.00 606.67 PAID BY CHEQUE BANK : NEDBANK BRANCH : YEOVILLE CURRENT ACCOUNT No 4567 -0.00 0.00 3000.00 89.18 6125.01 1068.34 English test message1 *********************************************************T Test message *********************************************** English test message3 *********************************************************T ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 253 of 332 5056.67 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Control Payslips {FPRN-4} 03-JUL-2002 120527 Control Payslip for Monthly Cycle : 200207(8) =========================================== Payslips between range 0 to 99999999 printed 12 payslips printed for Actual Printed Difference EARNINGS -------317159.53 314772.63 2386.90 12 people DEDUCTIONS ---------100826.01 98439.11 2386.90 NET PAY ------216333.52 216333.52 0.00 Payslips in Balance =================== ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 254 of 332 Monthly Run 6.21. Chapter 6 GENERATE CHEQUES {FPRN-5} Ä The generation of cheques is a process that can be performed only once per calc number. No rollback or re-run of this process is possible. This function is controlled by the “Q” record of the Run Cycle Control File, and a “Q” record will be inserted by the system into the Event Log File when the option is executed (refer Section 2.2). • Since the generation of cheques will prevent any further full rollbacks for this calc number, due care must be taken before executing this option. • This program also performs another function, namely the generation of a number of General Ledger- and Cash Book transactio ns for those events which have bearing on salary calculations, as follows: Before the first generation of cheques is attempted, the user must make sure that the Cash Book Definition, {FCSM-5}, for the default cash book is complete. Furthermore, up to five transaction types (TT’s) must be defined on option {FCSO-7} of the Code Structure Subsystem. These are to be linked to the five events which have bearing on salary calculations. Thereby allowing the generating program to take the actions as indicated below (note that whereas code 993 must be used as indicated, the other codes are the user's choice and the codes used here serve merely as examples): TT 994 : TT 993 : linked to event RS = PR - Salary Calculation Credit GLA must be supplied Debits will be to normal expense GLA's Credits will be deductions, and the net credit will be to Salary Control GLA linked to event RQ = PR - Cheque Payments Debit and Credit GLA's must be supplied. Debit will be to Salary Control GLA Credit will be to Bank GLA ∗ When cheques are generated, the necessary inserts are done to the two cheque files. No Cash Book journal need therefore be created by the generating program. TT 995 : linked to event RC = PR - Cash Payments Debit and Credit GLA's must be supplied. Debit will be to Salary Control GLA Credit will be to Cash Control GLA ∗ The user has two options regarding cash payments: ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 255 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 1. the cash withdrawal can be made directly from the bank, with an instruction that the amount be debited directly to the bank account; in this case the user must pass a Cash Book journal to credit Bank and debit Cash Control 2. alternatively, a covering cheque could be sent with the cash request, in which case the CTS will have created the necessary transactions. ∗ Since the method chosen by the user is not known, the generating program can create no Cash Book Journal. TT 996 : linked to event RD = PR - Bank Transfers Debit and Credit GLA's must be supplied Debit will be to Salary Control GLA Credit will be to Trans fer Control GLA ∗ The net amount will be directly debited and will appear on the bank statement; the generating program will create a Cash Book journal to debit Transfer Control and credit Bank. TT 997 : linked to event RA = PR - ACB Payments Debit and Credit GLA's must be supplied Debit will be to Salary Control GLA Credit will be to ACB Control GLA ∗ The net amount will be directly debited and will appear on the bank statement; the generating program will create a Cash Book journal to debit ACB Control and credit Bank. ∗ The same TT is used for Bond Payments via ACB, and will result in a Cash Book journal to debit Bond Control and credit Bank. • It is important that the above TT's are created before the first generation of cheques is attempted. The generation program will verify that TT's have been linked to the events as above. If not, the program will terminate with the message: “TT's are not linked to events or TT's incorrectly specified” . In this case cheques will not be generated, nor will a “Q” record be created. • A control report provides subtotals per TT, allowing the following comparisons: − the total of TT's 993, 995, 996 and 997 will equal the amount posted to the Salary Control GLA under TT 994 for the current pay cycle; − the cheques issued via CTS will contra the amounts posted to the Cash Control account; − the Cash Book journals will contra the amounts posted to the Transfer- and ACB Control accounts. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 256 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 When the option is executed, cheques will first be generated by paypoint within paydate as per the sort sequence of option {FPRM-1}. A record will be generated in the Cheque Subsystem for each person with payment method che(Q)ue, with the print indicator set to null, indicating that this cheque has not yet been printed via option {FPRN-6}. After cheques have been generated, the appropriate Cash Book- and GL journals will be created. A control list of generated cheques per paydate is produced, with subtotals per paydate and report totals, as well as a control report for the generated Cash Book and GL journals. PLEASE NOTE: The ITS Financial System has one central table in which sequential cheque numbers are generated automatically. The Payroll, Counter and Accounts Payable Subsystems share this table. When a subsystem accesses this table, it “locks” it until the particular program has finished, thereby denying access to either of the other two subsystems. Bearing in mind that Payroll and Accounts Payable cheque runs could be lengthy, it becomes essential that the generation of cheques must be scheduled between the users of these three subsystems in order to avoid unexpected, extremely long response times, particularly for on-line users of the Counter Subsystem. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 257 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Generate Cheques: Control List {FPRN-5} Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: USER SELECTION: The Payroll Calculation Sequence Number for which cheques are to be generated is currently set as 3 Should this be incorrect, please supply the desired Sequence No. now (N2), or press <Return> to accept this current Sequence : Date to appear on cheques per paydate Are above date(s) correct ? (Y/N). If (N)o, re-enter dates. PRINT SEQUENCE: Within paydate as per indicator of option {FPRM-1} SYSTEM SELECT: All personnel members with payment method “Q” for calc number of “Q” record in Run Cycle Control File. 03-JUL-2002 105216 Program : f86ccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page: 1 Control List Of Salary Cheques for Monthly Cycle : 200207 Calculation Number : 8 ================================================================================ Generated on 03-JUL-2002 Employee Pay Pay Cheque Cheque Number Employee Name Point Date Number Date Amount Bank and Branch --------- ------------------------------------ ----- ---- ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------------------------1 2 11100 11101 11997 20000601 ARCADIA 3 5659 5656 15610 MAFUMA, T.H.O VAN JAARSVELD-JONES, W Mostert, B Eleven, V Eleven, VV TEST, T 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 1 1 1 1 1 0001 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 1 31-jul-2000 31-jul-2000 31-jul-2000 31-jul-2000 31-jul-2000 5057 31-jul-2000 GORDON, Q PROCTOR, L LEADBEAD, ENG LE ROUX, D 0004 3000 6030 6030 1 1 1 1 5058 5059 5060 5061 31-jul-2000 31-jul-2000 31-jul-2000 31-jul-2000 10670.67 24447.73 15920.11 15025.07 -----------------186979.71 5062 31-jul-2000 14302.94 1 14302.94 Paydate 1 : 8 Johnson, C -----------------Paydate 2 : Number of Cheques Generated => 0001 2 Number of Cheques Generated => 10 5056.67 1004 NEDBANK YEOVILLE 11492.80 13333.33 44265.24 37367.66 9400.43 10845 STANDARD BANK ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 258 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Total Number of Cheques Generated => 03-JUL-2002 105216 f86ccc.pc GLA Code Post Date F001 F001 9350 9351 03-JUL-2000 03-JUL-2000 F001 F001 F001 F001 9350 9354 9354 7320 03-JUL-2000 03-JUL-2000 03-JUL-2000 03-JUL-2000 -----------------201282.65 11 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Payroll Payment Postings and Cash Book Journals For Pay Monthly Cycle 200207 and Calculation No. 8 Trans Type Description Reference 993 993 DEBIT SALARY CONTROL CREDIT BANK GLA PR-CHEQUES PR-CHEQUES 997 997 997 997 DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT PR-ACB PR-ACB PR-ACB PR-ACB SALARY CONTROL ACB CONTROL ACB CONTROL BANK GLA Page: 1 Debit Credit 201282.65 0.00 0.00 201282.65 15050.87 0.00 15050.87 0.00 0.00 15050.87 0.00 15050.87 ******** END OF PAYROLL POSTINGS ******** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 259 of 332 Monthly Run 6.22. Chapter 6 PRINT CHEQUES {FPRN-6} Ä Salary cheques are produced for all employees whose payment method is set to che(Q)ue, in the language of preference of the employee. The print run must, of course, be preceded by the generation of cheques via option {FPRN-5}. The system will set the print indicator to “Y”es for each cheque as the print file is generated, and save the associated pre-printed cheque number to facilitate bank reconciliation. • When the option is executed, the user can supply the starting pre-printed cheque number, or accept the current starting value as per {FCSM-5}. If the system finds that a pre-printed cheque number already exists which is greater than the starting number provided, the user has the opportunity of continuing or terminating the run. Hereafter, an opportunity is given to line up the pre-printed cheque stationery, after which the system displays the cycle and calc number for which cheques will be printed. If this is incorrect, the user can terminate the run, or else supply the paydate (or “ALL” ) for which cheques must be printed. Control totals per paydate are provided on the screen at the end of the run, for comparison with the totals from the cheque generation run. The user must acknowledge these totals with a <RETURN>. In view of the tight control that must be exercised over pre-printed cheques, provision must be made for paper jams or other mishaps during the print run. Should such an event occur, the balance of the cheques must be printed after the problem has been rectified. The Salaries Officer can then individually reset the print indicator for the damaged cheques to “N”o via option {FPRM-7}, after which the cheque print option {FPRN-6} is repeated, now printing only those cheques that were damaged. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: USER SELECTION: Start pre-printed cheque number Paydate or “ALL” PRINT SEQUENCE: In cheque number sequence as generated by {FPRN -5} SYSTEM SELECT: All cheque payees for calc number of “Q” record in Run ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 260 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Cycle Control File, and for above paydate(s), for whom cheques have not yet been printed. K B LAVALLE 134 15/05/2002 001306 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO FIVE EIGHT NINE THREE 19 ****5893.19 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 261 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 PRINT CHEQUES NEW STANDARD FORMAT 95 {FPRN-21} Ä 6.23. When this option is executed, the system will respond with: Enter the Cash Book ID Code: Do you want the remittance advice with the cheque (Y/N) Enter the starting pre-printed cheque number (N6) or <RETURN> if the pre-printed cheque number is xxxxxx (where xxxxxx is the number selected from {FCSMN-5}, a systemsmaintained number). “If you intend printing these cheques on pre-printed paper, please make sure that the cheques are lined up correctly, before proceeding. Press <RETURN> to continue” The system will ask for a new or old cheque format (Y/N) When (Y)es or (N)o is replied, the system will print all those cheques that have not previously been printed. It will, simultaneously, mark these cheques as printed in the “Generated Payment Table”, option {FAPMN -1}. CREATE FILE FOR ACB TAPE {FPRN-7} Ä 6.24. This option allows the creation of the ACB tape file in the format, which applies from April 1993 when the ACB and BDB services merged. The file will contain records for all employees whose payment method is (T)ape Transfer to a Bank or a Building Society account. Option {FPRNR1 -21} will provide a report of this information (refer Section 6.19 below). Execution of this option must be preceded by the generation of cheques as per option {FPRN-5}. Upon execution of the option, the system will request the following: ∗ Supply 1 of 9 Calculation Numbers (9) or [RETURN] : ∗ Supply 1 of 99 Calc. Sequence Numbers or [RETURN] : ∗ Must Calc No 8,Sequence 1 be INCLUDED in tape ? (Y/N) ∗ Supply 2 of 99 Calc. Sequence Numbers or [RETURN] : ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 262 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 ∗ Supply 2 of 9 Calculation Numbers (9) or [RETURN] : ∗ “First Action Date (DD-MON-YY)”: the earliest date on which payment may be effectively transferred; both net salaries and bond repayments may be credited on this date. ∗ Enter Pay Date Number. 1 or 2 : ∗ “Purge Date (DD-MON-YY)”: the date on which the ACB organisation may delete the records from their database. ∗ “Is this a Test Tape ? (Y/N)” : if the answer is “Y”es, the program will insert the characters “TEST” as per the ACB instructions into the ACB tape file listing and DCV (every user is allowed two test tapes which will be validated by the Bureau free of charge). ∗ “Is the above input correct ? (Y/N)”: if the answer is “Y”es, the program executes, otherwise it takes the user back to the first date input. The system will generate the UNIX file for the ACB tape (called “acb.tape ”), thereafter listing the file on the system printer. This printout should accompany the tape to the Bureau. A “Tape Delivery Advice (TDA)” and “Data Control Voucher (DCV)” are also produced in duplicate, for submission to the bureau. In addition, the “ ACB Itemand Aggregate Limit Report ” flags items and totals that exceed these limits, and the “ ACB Tape Summary Report” shows a breakdown of salary- and bond credits per bank/building society per paydate, to allow easy reconciliation with E/D Detail reports. The system checks for invalid account numbers and payment types, with explicit error messages on the tape listing. If any errors are encountered, the User Generation Number and Installation Generation Number in option {FCSMN-5} will not be increased. If the Aggregate Value Limit or the Credit Item Limit is exceeded, a clear warning message to this effect is produced after the DCV, thus allowing sufficient time for making arrangements with the bureau (refer Section 2.1). To create the physical ACB tape, the technical staff should use the following UNIX commands: dd^if=acb.tape^of=/dev/”tape^device”^bs=1800^cbs=180^conv=ebcdic ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 263 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 The character ^ indicates a space. The command cbs=180 will pad records to 180 characters with spaces. ACB Tape Listing 021001ITSACB.*02340021931021931031111618000180MAGTAPE 0402349310219310319310159310270000011116TWO DAY 1002010312345678901023400000105020390000010101100000929711931015610000ITSACB...* SALARY 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400000201030490202020202100000873374931015610000ITSACB...* SALARIS JAARSVELD-JONES W 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400000363200590303030303200000535081931015610000ITSACB...* SALARY 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400000414710590034343434100000548153931015610000ITSACB...* SALARY 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400000503020395656565656200000441028931015610000ITSACB...* SALARY 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400000604020397676767676300000321549931015610000ITSACB...* SALARIS 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400000704020390000180180100000174261931015610000ITSACB...* SALARY 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400000872002690195195195300000426104931015610000ITSACB...* SALARY 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400000942000590220220220200000400543931015610000ITSACB...* SALARY 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400001002020390234234234100000332563931015610000ITSACB...* SALARIS 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400001173004590000000456300000306276931015610000ITSACB...* SALARY 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400001200010390087123765100000530667931015610000ITSACB...* SALARIS M 00 000000000000000000 21 1202010312345678901023400001302010312345678901100005819310931015100000ITSACB...*CONTRA TERTIARY SOFTWARE 1002010312345678901023400001463200590404040404200000435192931027610000ITSACB...* SALARIS 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400001502020390190190190100000489871931027610000ITSACB...* SALARY 00 000000000000000000 21 1202010312345678901023400001602010312345678901100000925063931027100000ITSACB...*CONTRA TERTIARY SOFTWARE 1002010312345678901023400001700010211111111111100000111100931015640000ITSACB...* BOND 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400001800010222222222222100000022200931015640000ITSACB...* VERBAND 1 MAGNIFICUS A 2 VAN 3 GORDON Q 34 LAVOUSEUR B K 56 FARRADAY R 76 MILLIKAN RA 180 SMITH V 195 LAPLACE C 220 BOOL OP 234 ANGSTROM A 456 BOHR NN 8000 VAN JAARSVELD INTEGRATED 4 BESTER B 190 DARWIN C INTEGRATED 1 MAGNIFICUS A 2 VAN ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 264 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 JAARSVELD-JONES W 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400001942000595656565656200000015600931015640000ITSACB...* BOND 00 000000000000000000 21 1202010312345678901023400002002010312345678901100000148900931015100000ITSACB...*CONTRA TERTIARY SOFTWARE 1002010312345678901023400002100010290101010101100000011100931027640000ITSACB...* BOND 00 000000000000000000 21 1002010312345678901023400002276000500000000000400000017600931027640000ITSACB...* VERBAND 00 000007676767676767 21 1202010312345678901023400002302010312345678901100000028700931027100000ITSACB...*CONTRA TERTIARY SOFTWARE 900234000001000000000000000000000004000019000004000006921973000006921973620445223477 920234000001000023931015931027000004000019000004000006921973000006921973620445223477 941001ITSACB.*02340021931021931031111618000180MAGTAPE 000003000028000002 56 FARRADAY R INTEGRATED 1 76 MAGNIFICUS A MILLIKAN RA INTEGRATED ACB TDA and DCV ACB TAPE DELIVERY ADVICE (TDA) ============================== DATE : 20021021 SUBMITTED BY : INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE TDA VOLUME TAPE SERIAL NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER 00001 1001 ITSACB.* INST I.D. CODE INST GEN NO. 0234 1116 ACTION DATES FIRST LAST 931015 931027 SIGNED ON BEHALF OF ACB BY : TAPE STANDARD : TIME : 9 TRACK 1600 BPI / 6250 BPI RUN TYPE : LIVE / TEST SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS : TOTAL NUMBER OF DCV's : DATE RECEIVED : SIGNATURE : 1 (Accompanied by this TDA) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACB DATA CONTROL VOUCHER (DCV) ============================== USER NAME : INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL HASH TOTAL : ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 265 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 USER CODE VALUE OF DEBITS VALUE OF CREDITS NO. OF ENTRIES HOMING ACCT NOS USER GEN NO 0234 000000000000 000006921973 000019 620445223477 1116 ACTION DATES FIRST LAST 931015 931027 TDA NUMBER 00001 SERVICE TYPE : TWO DAY SIGNED ON BEHALF OF USERS BY : NAME : DATE : SIGNATURE : ACB Item- and Aggregate Limit Report 21-OCT-93 17:03:20 Program: f9Zccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE : 1 ACB ITEM- AND AGGREGATE LIMIT REPORT FOR CYCLE 9310(1) ============================================== PERSON -----1 MAGNIFICUS A 2 VAN JAARSVELD-JONES W TRAN TYPE ---- PAYDATE --------- CREDIT ------ ITEM LIMIT ---------- EXCESS ------ SALARY SALARY 15-OCT-93 15-OCT-93 9297.11 8733.74 8000.00 8000.00 1297.11 733.74 NUMBER OF ITEMS EXCEEDING LIMIT = 2 ****************************************************************************************************************************** NOTE: Total credits 59682.10 for FIRST Paydate 15-OCT-93 exceeds Aggregate Value Limit 55000.00 by 4682.10 ****************************************************************************************************************************** ACB Tape Summary Report 21-OCT-93 17:03:20 Program: f9Zccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE ACB TAPE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CYCLE 9310(1) ================================= ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 266 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 SALARY ------ PAYDATES -------- BANK / BUILDING SOCIETY 15-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 17366.04 4898.71 NEDBANK 5481.53 0.00 VOLKSKAS BANK 4410.28 0.00 FRENCH BANK OF SOUTHERN AFRICA 4958.10 0.00 TRUST BANK 9297.11 0.00 ALLIED BANK 4005.43 0.00 NBS BANK LTD 4261.04 0.00 SAAMBOU BANK 3062.76 0.00 UNITED BANK 5350.81 4351.92 ------------- ------------- 58193.10 9250.63 TOTAL STANDARD BANK 22264.75 5481.53 4410.28 4958.10 9297.11 4005.43 4261.04 3062.76 9702.73 ------ ------TOTAL SALARY 67443.73 BONDS ----- PAYDATES -------- BANK / BUILDING SOCIETY 15-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 1333.00 111.00 156.00 0.00 0.00 176.00 ------------- ------------- 1489.00 287.00 ------------- ------------- 59682.10 9537.63 ============= ============= TOTAL STANDARD BANK 1444.00 ALLIED BANK 156.00 PERM 176.00 ------ ------TOTAL BONDS 1776.00 ------ ------TOTAL SALARY / BONDS 69219.73 ============= ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 267 of 332 Monthly Run 6.25. Chapter 6 PAYMENT ANALYSIS {FPRNR2-3} Ä This option prints a Payment Analysis by Payment Method. The total of this report should agree with the payslip net total. It also indicates the total of payments that are not allocated to one of the allowed payment methods, and provides an exception report of employees with negative net pay for this pay cycle, indicating their payment methods; a total is given. Employees with positive net pay less than a user-stipulated minimum, e.g. 10-00, are flagged with a string of asterisks. Appropriate diagnostic messages with instructions for remedial action are provided. The report will assist the Salaries Section in its cash reconciliation, and in identifying small net payovers that result from out-of-balance adjustments. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: USER SELECTION: The 'C' Cycle on {FPRM -2} is set for Monthly Cycle 200207 Supply Calculation Sequence Number (1-9) : Minimum net pay to be flagged PRINT SEQUENCE: Personnel number sequence SYSTEM SELECT: As above, for transactions in cycle and calc number of “C” record in Run Cycle Control File. Payment Analysis 03-JUL-2002 12:25:53 f8Cccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Payment Analysis for Monthly Cycle : 200207 (01-JUL-2002 / 31-JUL-2002), Calc Number : 8 By ACB Tape Transfer 15050.87 1 payees ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 268 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 By Bank Transfer By Cheque By Cash Unallocated TOTAL PAYMENT 0.00 201282.65 0.00 0.00 -----------216333.52 ============ 0 11 0 0 ----12 ===== Employees with zero payslips = 0 Active employees = 12 Total of Negative Payslips ---------0.00 ========== payees payees payees payees payees No. of Negative Payslips = 0 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 269 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 PAY DISTRIBUTION LIST {FPRNR2-4} Ä 6.26. This report identifies the paydate, paypoint and Paymaster. Space is provided for each person's signature, to acknowledge receipt of his/her payslip. People who are not linked to valid paypoints, are linked to an “Unknown” pay point. Upon entering this option, the user will be prompted for: Previous Request: A <LIST OF VALUES> is available and will list all previous report requests. Should the user select one from the list, the answers supplied will default. The user is then prompted for the following: USER SELECTION: Include up to 10 paypoints or ALL If ALL, exclude up to 10 paypoints PRINT SEQUENCE: Within paydate / paypoint / payment method, personnel according to the setting of the sort sequence indicator in option {FPRM-1}. SYSTEM SELECT: All payees for cycle and calc number of “C” record in Run Cycle Control File The Payslips, Cheques and Coinage Analysis are produced in the same sequence, for ease of handling and reconciliation. Date : 03-JUL-2002 12:27 Program : f8Lrpt.rdf Paydate Number : Pay Point : Responsible Person : Number ------- INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Pay Distribution List For Cycle : 200207 Calculation Number : 8 Paypoints Included : all Paypoints Excluded : --------------------------------------------- Page No : 1 1 0001 CHEMISTRY DEPT 2525 Mrs ZX Peters Title Initials Surname ----- -------- ------------------------------ Signature -------------------- Pay Method = > Q CHEQUE 1 Dr. T.H.O Mafuma ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 270 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 2 Dr. W Van Jaarsveld-Jones ____________________ 11100 Mr B Mostert ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 271 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 TAPE TRANSFERS REPORT {FPRNR1-21} Ä 6.27. This report reflects the automated transfers of salaries to Banks and Building Societies on behalf of personnel, either in summary only or in detail plus summary. The example is detail plus summary. USER SELECTION: Report in (S )ummary or (D)etail Supply the paydates Please supply the calc sequence number (N2) [Default latest] : PRINT SEQUENCE: Within paydate / bank code / branch code, personnel according to the setting of the sort sequence indicator in option {FPRM-1}. SYSTEM SELECT: Program: f8Accc.pc All personnel with payment method (T)ransfer in cycle and calc number of “C” record in Run Cycle Control File Bank Detail (TAPE Transfers) Paydate : 31-jul-2002 ==================================================== For Monthly Cycle : 200207 (01-JUL-2002 / 31-JUL-2002) Calculation No. : 8 BANK : 30 VOLKSKAS BANK ARCADIA, PRETORIA 334945 Employee Number --------------15609 Employee Name ------------- Bank Account Number ------------------------ VAN DER WALT H.P. 123333212 Total Transactions = 1 Amount ------ 15050.87 ------------------**** Total For Bank/Branch **** 15050.87 =================== ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 272 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Tape Transfers Report: Bank Summary {FPRNR1-21} Date: 03-JUL-2002 12:31 Program: f8Accc.pc Bank Number Transactions -----------30 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Bank Summary (TAPE Transfers) Paydate : 31-jul-2002 ===================================================== For Monthly Cycle : 200207 (01-JUL-2002 / 31-JUL-2002) Calculation No. : 8 Bank Name --------- VOLKSKAS BANK Branch Name ----------- ARCADIA, PRETORIA Page: 1 Bank IT Number -------------- 334945 Amount ------ ---------- 15050.87 1 ------------------- ------15050.87 1 =================== ======= ------------------- ------*** Total For Calculation Number 8 *** 15050.87 1 =================== ======= ** Total for Paydate 31-jul-2000 ** *** END OF REPORT *** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 273 of 332 Monthly Run 6.28. Chapter 6 BANK TRANSFERS REPORT {FPRNR1-22} Ä This report reflects the (M ) transfers to Banks and Building Societies on behalf of personnel, either in summary only or in detail plus summary, and may be used as a covering advice when the money is paid across to the financial institutions. It is similar to report {FPRNR1-21} for Tape Transfers, hence no sample output is given. 6.29. COINAGE ANALYSIS FOR BANK {FPRNR1-23} Ä This report to the institution’s Bank, as defined in option {FCSM-5}, will contain records for every employee who is paid in (C)ash. The report is produced per paypoint, with subtotals per paypoint. A summary report is produced for the Bank. Execution of this option must be preceded by the generation of cheques as per option {FPRN-5}. USER SELECTION: The paydates on which money will be required PRINT SEQUENCE: Within paydate / paypoint, personnel according to the setting of the sort sequence indicator in option {FPRM-1}. SYSTEM SELECT: All cash payees in cycle and calc number of “Q” record in Run Cycle Control File ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 274 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Coinage Analysis for Bank {FPRNR1-23} 07-AUG-2002 20:32:40 Program: f8Gccc.pc COINAGE ANALYSIS BY PAYPOINT FOR CYCLE : 200207, CALC NUMBER : 1, PAYDATE : 25-AUG-2002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE : 1 PAYPOINT: 0001 CHEMISTRY DEPT -------DENOMINATION Personnel Detail 50 20 10 5 2 1 .50 .20 .10 .05 .02 .01 TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Mr J Bond 120 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6022.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2804 Mr MR Malatji 53 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2671.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=================================================================================== SUBTOTAL FOR: CHEMISTRY DEPT 173 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 8693.00 ============ =================================================================================== 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | .............................................................................................................................. .. 07-AUG-2002 20:32:40 Program: f8Gccc.pc PAYPOINT: -------- 0002 COINAGE ANALYSIS BY PAYPOINT FOR CYCLE : 200207, CALC NUMBER : 1, PAYDATE : 25-Aug-2002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE : 1 PHYSICS DEPT DENOMINATION Personnel Detail 50 20 10 5 2 1 .50 .20 .10 .05 .02 .01 TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------55555 Ms Y Carter 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1504.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=================================================================================== SUBTOTAL FOR: PHYSICS DEPT 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1504.00 ============ =================================================================================== 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | .............................................................................................................................. .. 07-AUG-2002 20:32:40 Program: f8Gccc.pc COINAGE ANALYSIS BY PAYPOINT FOR CYCLE : 200207, CALC NUMBER : 1, PAYDATE : 25-Aug-2002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 275 of 332 PAGE : 1 Monthly Run Chapter 6 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE 50 20 10 5 DENOMINATION 2 1 .50 .20 .10 .05 .02 .01 TOTAL *********************************************************************************** TOTAL CASH REQUIRED on 25-MAR-92 203 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 10197.00 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | *********************************************************************************** Coinage Analysis: Letter to Bank 07-AUG-2002 20:32:40 COINAGE ANALYSIS FOR CYCLE : 2002075, CALC NUMBER : 1, PAYDATE : 25-AUG-2002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE The Manager, First National Bank Central Dear Sir Kindly arrange for the preparation of the following cash to be collected on 25-MAR-92, and debit the amount to our account no. 12345678901: 50 20 10 5 DENOMINATION 2 1 .50 .20 .10 .05 .02 .01 TOTAL *********************************************************************************** TOTAL CASH REQUIRED 203 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10197.00 0 | *********************************************************************************** Thank you SIGNED BY DATE PREPARED BY DATE COLLECTED BY DATE ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 276 of 332 0 | Monthly Run 6.30. Chapter 6 IRP4 TAX REMITTANCE RETURN {FPRNR1-24} Ä The information on this report is used to complete the monthly RSA “Employees Tax Remittance Return”, form IRP4. USER SELECTION: None PRINT SEQUENCE: Receiver of Revenue code sequence SYSTEM SELECT: All transactions coded to tax boxes on the IRP5 for the cycle of the “C” record on the Run Cycle Control File NOTE: Transactions, which are not allocated to a valid Receiver, are totalled as “Unallocated”. The user should check for null or invalid Receiver Codes in option {FPRI1}, and correct such cases to ensure that the IRP5's will be correct. Date : 03-JUL-2002 12:32 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Program: f8Occc.pc IRP4 Tax Remittance Detail For Cycle : 200207 ============================================= Receiver Code ---0001 9090 Receiver Name ---PRETORIA RUSTENBURG Total Allocated => Page : 1 Amount Paid Over --------47451.13 5557.70 -----------53008.83 ============ Total Unallocated => -----------32953.13 ============ Total Per Detail For P A Y E Deduction => -----------85961.96 ============ ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 277 of 332 Monthly Run 6.31. Chapter 6 EARNING / DEDUCTION PER GLA {FPRNR1-25} Ä The net total of this report, if drawn for ALL GLA's, must agree with the Payslip Summary. One posting is created per earning or deduction that was linked to the GLA. ∗ Any transactions, which must be posted to a GLA, which is not valid for the Financial Year of the Payroll System, are printed, identifying the personnel number, E/D Code, GLA code and amount. The total of all such transactions is given at the end of the report. They will be posted to the GL by {FGLP-5} even though the GLA('s) are inactive for the current financial year. ∗ It must be noted that the totals of this report need not necessarily correspond with the “Post to GL” totals from {FGLP-5}. The reason being that the former reflects only transactions generated during the current pay cycle, whereas the latter will post all transactions generated since the previous posting date, i.e. also late transactions for previous pay cycles that have been generated since the previous posting. Report {FGLPR1-2} can reconstruct the detail of summary postings to GL, thus facilitating reconciliation between the two reports, particularly as regards late rollbacks and calcs. USER SELECTION: Calculation number or entire cycle Include up to 10 Cost Centres or ALL If ALL, then exclude up to 10 cost centres Account Code or ALL PRINT SEQUENCE: GLA Code sequence SYSTEM SELECT: All transactions for cycle of “C” record in Run Cycle Control File for given calc number ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 278 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Earning/Deduction per GLA {FPRNR1-25} Program : f8Frpt.rdf General Ledger Summary Per Earning/Deduction -------------------------------------------For Monthly Cycle 200207 ( 01-JUL-2002 / 31-JUL-2002 ) Calculation Number : ALL GL Allocation : E010 9479 LOGISTICAL SERVICES Creditors Control Ac Earn/Ded Code ---9901 1 Posting(s) Earn/Ded Type ---D Earning/Deduction Name ---SUNDRY DONATION Total For GLA E010 9479 => Amount ------900.00 -----------900.00 =========== ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 279 of 332 Monthly Run 6.32. Chapter 6 SALARY SUMMARY PER STATS CATEGORY {FPRNR1-26} Ä This report reflects the salary costs in the same format as STATS Table 4.07. ∗ For an earning or deduction to be included in this report, it must be linked to a STATS Row Code and the “Include in STATS Gross” indicator must be set to “Y”es in option {FPRG-6}. The report thus reflects the “STATS Gross Salary”. The nature of compensation is listed on the vertical axis, each of the rows representing a STATS Row Code. The horizontal axis represents the personnel categories as specified in the biographical detail when creating a personnel record. The detailed definition of personnel categories can be found in SAPSE Manual 007, page 7. The earnings of people who are linked to personnel category 8 can appear in one of two columns: − “Unclassified”, if the “Include in STATS” indicator on the cost centre of the person's post = ( Y)es (e.g. pensioners); − “Cat. 8 Excluded from STATS”, if the indicator = (N )o, since such earnings are excluded from STATS Gross. ∗ The program will abort if it finds any person with a null personnel category, or with a category not in the range 1 through 8. It will also abort if it finds salary transactions for a person, but no personnel biographical record. Please note that the total earnings as per this report need not equal the total gross earnings as per the Payslip Summary for the corresponding period, and will typically be smaller. The reason is twofold: there may be deductions that are included for STATS, e.g. “recovery of overpaid salary”, and there may be non-printable earnings that are not included for STATS, e.g. “Travel Allowance Control”. ∗ Report {FPRIR-4}, “Compensation Summary” can provide the STATS Gross Earnings per person per month, if it is requested for all personnel categories and the corresponding period. USER SELECTION: Report on (W)eekly or (M)onthly Paid Personnel : [M] Supply Start Monthly Cycle (YYYYMM) : Supply End Monthly Cycle (YYYYMM) : PRINT SEQUENCE: As above ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 280 of 332 Monthly Run SYSTEM SELECT: Chapter 6 See above ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 281 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Salary Summary per STATS Category 03-JUL-2002 12:36 f8Sccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page : 1 of 2 Compensation Summary per Personnel Category for Monthly Period 200007 to 200207 (01-JUL-2002 / 31-JUL-2002) Instr/ Ex/Adm/ Spec/ Non-Prof Res Man Supp Techn Adm <---- Type of Compensation -----> Prof Prof Prof Empl Empl ================================= =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== 1. SALARIES 2. Permanent Staff 3. Other Staff 126458.26 80095.91 1000.00 62186.99 44550.00 0.00 54164.38 33000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13333.33 13333.33 0.00 1666.67 0.00 1666.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8. EMPL CONTR: EXT INSUR SCHEMES 9. WCA 10. UIF 11. Group Insurance 12. Accident Insurance 13. Other Non-Statutory Schemes 291.85 89.25 0.00 0.00 202.60 0.00 171.48 16.48 0.00 0.00 155.00 0.00 16.48 16.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14. EMPL CONT EXT PENS/PROV FUNDS 15. Pens/Prov Fnds: Assoc Inst 16. Other 6085.26 5652.78 432.48 222.75 0.00 222.75 165.00 0.00 165.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66.67 0.00 66.67 17. EMPL PMTS: RETIR MEMB & DEPS 18. Leave Gratuity Payments 19. Ex Gratia Payments 20. Suppl Pens/Prov Fnd Paymts 21. Pens Paymt: Unsk Workers 22. Other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23. COMPENSATION i.r.o. EXAMS 24. Examiners' Fees 25. Invigilators' Fees 26. Other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27. ADDITIONAL BONUSES TO STAFF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4. SERV BON, 5. Service 6. Housing 7. Medical HOUS SUBS, MED AID Bonus Subsidy Aid Fund 28. STAFF ALLOWANCES 29. 1.5-2.5% All: Prov Fnd Memb ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 282 of 332 Monthly Run 6.33. Chapter 6 SALARY-RELATED AUDIT TRAIL {FPRNR1-27} Ä A comprehensive audit trail is kept of manual changes to salary-related information which were made in various options of the Personnel or Payroll Systems. Option {FPRM22}, Section 2.5, allows the user to “Clear the Audit Trail” . Apart from serving as a permanent record of such changes, the audit trail can assist in reconciling between pay runs. The following categories of information are audited, all of which can have some influence on various aspects of a salary calculation or the tax reports that are based on it: 1. Personnel Biographical Detail {PBOP-1} − − − − − − Initials, Surname, Previous Surname Birth date Sex and Marital Status Appointment and Resignation Dates Appointment, Post and Rank Codes Group Code 2. Pension Detail {PAOP-4b1} − − − − − − Membership Number Join and Resignation Dates Revised Join Date Pension Date Advised Pension Date Council Decision and Decision Date 3. Pension Bought Back Detail {PAOP-4b2} − − − − Start and End Dates Effective Days Amount Remark 4. Dependents {PBOP-7} − − − − − − Name Birth date Gender Type Relationship Tax- and Medical Dependence ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 283 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 5. Membership of Medical/Group {PAOP-5} − − Membership Number Join and End Dates 6. Salary Related Events: Service Records {PBOP-2}: − − − Appointment and Resignation Dates Post, Rank and Appointment Codes Leave Package Fixed Salary Information {FPRI-1}: − − − − − − − − − − − − Notch and Barrier Notch Increment Month and Date of First Increase Bonus Month Payment Method & Bank Account Type Bank Account Number Bank Branch Code Calc Number and Paydate Number Preferred Language Receiver of Revenue, I.T. Number and Tax Status Tax-on-bonus Indicator Paypoint Stop Pay Indicator, Start and End Cycles 7. ACB Bond Repayments {FPRI-2b2} − − − − − E/D Code Account Type Account Number Bank Branch Code Paydate Number 8. Global E/D's {FPRG-7} and E/D Types {FPRG-6} 9. Individual E/D's {FPRI-2} − − − − − − − − − − − − IRP5 Number Calc Method Transaction Start and End Dates Low and High Limit Amounts Cost Centre and GL Account Reference Number Amount Lookup Table Reference Salary Level and E/D Code Quantity Percent Fund Number ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 284 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 10. Claims against Secondary Posts {PAOP-3} − − − − − − − − − − − − − Secondary Post Code Start and End Dates of Contract GLA Contract number Contract Rate Max. Quantity Monthly Claim Max. Amount Allocated E/D Code Pay Cycle Salary Level Amount Quantity 11. Discontinued 12. Allocation of Scales - Ranks {FPRG-2} 13. Scale Detail {FPRG-1} 14. Personal Salary Scales {FPRI-3} Option {FPRNR1-27} prints the audit report, and is executed as follows: USER SELECTION: PLEASE ENTER YOUR SELECTION 1. Biographical Detail 2. Pension Detail 3. Pension Bought Back Detail 4. Dependents 5. Membership of Medical/Group 6. Salary-Related Events 7. ACB Bond Repayments 8. Global E/D's 9. Individual E/D's 10. Claims against Secondary Posts 11. Discontinued 12. Allocation of Scales - Ranks 13. Scale Detail 14. Personal Salary Scales 99. All of the Above 100. Quit ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 285 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 YOUR SELECTION: Enter 1st of 9 Events Start and end dates Department or “ALL” Username or “ALL” (i.e. Oracle username) Range of personnel numbers or “ALL” PRINT SEQUENCE: Per user in date-time sequence SYSTEM SELECT: Within selected range all records in log file. If the system cannot link a before and after image unambiguously, because too many changes were <COMMIT>ted simultaneously, it will flag such an events with the comment ** Unmatched **. The report will display all audited information for new records and deleted records, but for records that have been changed, only those fields that have actually changed will be shown. Each record is identified by the user who made the change and the date -time at which it was done. A new record is flagged as “INSERT”, a deleted record as “DELETE”, and changed records as “BEFORE” and “AFTER ”. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 286 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 Salary-Related Audit Trail {FPRNR1-27} 02-AUG-2002 12:20:49 f8Zccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE AUDIT TRAIL OF EVENTS BETWEEN 02-AUG-2002 AND 02-AUG-2002 FOR PERSONNEL NUMBERS BETWEEN 180 AND 180 FOR DEPT ALL AND USER ALL PAGE: 1 FOR EVENT : INDIVIDUAL E/D's ----------ACC = GL ACCOUNT HL = HIGH LIMIT AMT QUANTITY RC = REFERENCE E/D START DTE AM = AMOUNT IRP = IRP5 NUMBER CC = COST CENTRE LL = LOW LIMIT AMT CM = CALC METHOD LU = LOOKUP TABLE EDC = E/D CODE PC = PERCENT FN = FUND QT = RE = REMARK RSL = REF SAL LEVEL SL = SALARY LEVEL TED = TRANS END DATE TSD = TRANS USER DATE AND TIME STATUS J 02-AUG-2002 11:25:59 INSERT NO=0000180 EDC=0150 SL=11 IRP=1 CM=2 TSD=01-OCT-90 TED=31-OCT-90 LL=25.5 HL=10000 CC=F001 ACC=0211 RE=DAYS.MAX.........UPL AM=2000 LU= RSL=0 RC= QT= PC=100 FN= 02-AUG-2002 11:26:43 BEFORE NO=0000180 EDC:0150 SL:11 RE=DAYS.MAX.........UPL 02-AUG-2002 11:26:43 AFTER NO=0000180 EDC:0150 SL:11 RE=.....MAX.........UPL 02-AUG-2002 11:27:00 DELETE NO=0000180 EDC=0150 SL=11 IRP=1 CM=2 TSD=01-OCT-90 TED=31-OCT-90 LL=25.5 HL=10000 CC=F001 ACC=0211 RE=.....MAX.........UPL AM=2000 LU= RSL=0 RC= QT= PC=100 FN= ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 287 of 332 Monthly Run Chapter 6 MANAGEMENT REPORT {FPRNR2-22} Ä 6.34. The structure of this report is specified in {FPRC-5} (refer to Section 3.5 for detail). It provides comparison between the current and previous pay cycles, and also provides year-to-date totals for comparison. The “Net Pay” totals will agree with the Payslip Summary for the given pay cycles. USER SELECTION: Report code Current pay cycle Start pay cycle Calc number or ALL PRINT SEQUENCE: Report group sequence SYSTEM SELECT: 03-AUG-2002 13:30:05 f8Yccc.pc All transactions linked to report and falling within specified period. INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE PAGE: MANAGEMENT REPORT CT : COUNCIL's CONTRIBUTIONS: TOTAL FOR CALCULATION NUMBER : ALL ITEM DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------- TOTAL FOR 200208 ----------- TOTAL FOR 200207 ----------- PERCENT VARIANCE -------- CUMULATIVE TOTAL from 200201 ---------------- 2 BASIC SALARY: Permanent Staff 167520.00 217797.59 -23.08 1736221.86 3 BASIC SALARY: Temporary Staff 0.00 -0.31 0.00 7.08 5 BONUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 83671.96 6 HOUSING SUBSIDY 0.00 2834.57 0.00 15259.28 7 MEDICAL AID 0.00 120.00 0.00 2092.50 9 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 29.70 42.10 -29.45 297.12 198.45 275.00 -27.84 2370.65 10 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE FUND 11 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 DISABILITY INSURANCE 0.00 526.85 0.00 4868.35 15 PENSION FUNDS 0.00 7492.49 0.00 86689.82 32 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ 167748.15 ============ 229088.29 ======== -26.78 ================ 1931478.62 REPORT TOTAL : ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 288 of 332 1 Monthly Run NET PAY : Chapter 6 170715.07 213502.14 -20.04 1603364.24 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 289 of 332 Monthly Run 6.35. Chapter 6 SKILLS DEVELOPMENT REPORT {FPRNR2-6} Ä This report may be used to determine the value of the Skills Levy that is to be paid for a given payroll cycle. USER SELECTION: Enter The Year For The Skill Levy (N4): Enter The Month For The Skill Levy (N2): 02-JUL-2002 PROGRAM: f7cccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Skills Development Levy For Year 2002 Month 6 PAGE : 1 --------------------------------------------------E/D E/D Code Description E/D Value Code ---- ----------------------------------------0001 BASIC SALARY 26426.59 0100 PENSIONABLE ALLOWANCE - PERM 4002.66 E001 CARINA TEST 8400.00 -----------Total Remuneration Payable 38829.25 Total Employees this Period Total Levy Payable 3 ------------ -----------194.15 ------------ ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 290 of 332 Yearly Run 7. Chapter 7 Ä YEARLY RUN {FPRO-4} These programs allow the user to print year-end tax reports, generate STATS Gross Salary, and delete historical transactions . A facility is also provided for linking new salary notches to employees following a general salary increase. Note that it is not necessary to take any special year-end action to reset the accumulative totals on payslips. The program which prints payslips does this automatically during the first month of a new tax year (refer Section 6.15). 7.1. IRP5(C) REPORT {FPRY-3} Ä This option has been discontinued. 7.2. TAXABLE BENEFITS REPORT {FPRY-4} Ä This option has been discontinued. 7.3. EARNING / DEDUCTION SUMMARY {FPRY-21} Ä This report may be produced in any month. The totals on this report will equal the sum of the totals of the monthly Earning/Deduction Summaries {FPRNR1-4/5} for the corresponding period. The report can obviously be printed for either the Financial Year (i.e. the STATS Cycle, 1 January - 31 December) or the Tax Year (1 March - 28 February). USER SELECTION: Supply The Start Cycle (YYYYMM) For The Report : Supply The End Cycle (YYYYMM) For The Report : Supply Calculation Number (N1) or <Return> For Entire Pay Cycle : ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 291 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 Date : 05-JUL-2002 Program : f8Mrpt.rpt INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page No : 1 Earning/Deduction Summary For The Period : 200203 To 200302 ----------------------------------------------------------For Calculation Number : 8 -------------------------Earning/ Deduction Code -------------- Earning/ Deduction Type -------------- Earning/ Deduction Name ---------------------------------------- 0001 0009 0010 0015 0055 0100 0150 1113 2330 3000 E E E E E E E E E E BASIC SALARY TEST IRP5 ONE-TIME EARNINGS KAAPTECH HOUSING ALLOWANCET OVERTIME WORKING DAYS PENSIONABLE ALLOWANCE - PERM ANNUAL BONUS ENTERTAINMENT ALL BURSARIES PENSION FUND 1: EMPLOYER CONT Amount -----------1223952.33 12000.00 643166.67 20000.04 295876.97 184631.88 28833.33 26100.00 12000.00 36442.94 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 292 of 332 Yearly Run 7.4. Chapter 7 GENERATE STATS GROSS SALARY {FPRY-22} Ä STATS Reporting on “Gross Salary” is based on the Financial Year, i.e. the STATS Cycle 1 January -> 31 December (refer also Section 7.2 of Personnel System User Manual TPS). For management purposes the user may execute this option repeatedly, at any time during the year, and for any number of months. The program will update the “STATS Gross Salary” field in the personnel records {PAOP-8} only if the reporting period is the full current STATS reporting year; otherwise, only a report is printed. When the option is executed, the system indicates what the current STATS Reporting Year is (as per the STATS Control File, option {STMNT-1}), and then requests start and end month cycles. The “Gross Salary” is then calculated for each employee as per the Earning/Deduction definitions in option {FPRG-6}. For an earning or deduction to be included in the gross salary, it must be linked to a STATS Row Code and the “Include in STATS Gross” indicator must be set to “Y”es. Furthermore, for persons with personnel category 8, such earnings will be included in the gross salary only if the “Include in STATS” indicator on the cost centre of the person's post is set to (Y)es. Those people where the indicator is set to (N)o, are listed on a separate report. The report indicates the reporting period, the exact Gross Salary per employee and the exact and rounded period totals. Employees without earnings during the reporting period are not shown on this report. When the amount is written into the “STATS Gross Salary” field (option {PAOP-8}), it is rounded to the next Rand on 50 cents and above . A zero is written into the “STATS Gross Salary” field for employees without earnings during the reporting period. USER SELECTION: Supply Start Cycle (YYYYMM): Supply End Cycle (YYYYMM): ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 293 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 Generate STATS Gross Salary {FPRY-22} 05-JUL-2002 f8Eccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Stats Gross for Period 200201 to 200212 ---------------------- Person Number Initials ------ -------4 B 7 J 403 MR 404 MR 406 MR 998 V 2711 B 2712 J 2713 S 2714 A 5656 ENG 5659 L 5901 M 15609 H.P. 15610 D 9000000 S Surname -----------------------------BOTHA BOND TEST MONTHLY FOR ENGLAND KCODE TEST MONTHLY FOR ENGLAND LCODE TEST FOR ENGLAND NIC VENDA-TOETS MEYER BOSHOFF NAGEL VERMEULEN LEADBEAD PROCTOR Watson VAN DER WALT LE ROUX LEKWALE Active Personnel = 05-JUL-2002 f8Eccc.pc 16 197943.09 197942.00 -1.09 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Gross for Period 200201 to 200212 ---------------- Page: Initials -------- Excluded Personnel = 1 Gross Earnings --------51531.99 18483.86 7899.48 12809.97 214.98 4756.50 15378.96 4037.40 4207.40 4441.32 11168.57 40862.28 2333.33 3219.27 5417.78 11180.00 Total Exact Gross = Total Rounded Gross = Rounded - Exact = Stats Gross NOT UPDATED for Personnel with Person Number ------ Page : 1 CATEGORY 8 and Post Cost Centre EXCLUDED from STATS Gross Earnings --------============= Total Gross = 0.00 Surname -----------------------------0 ***** END OF REPORT ***** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 294 of 332 Yearly Run 7.5. Chapter 7 YEAR-END CLOSE {FPRY-23} Ä This option should typically be executed after the tax certificates have been produced at the end of a tax year. ∗ When the option is executed, the system will take the year of the “Y” record, “Yearly Run and Reports”, in option {FPRM-2} as base year. ∗ The system will delete all transactions from the salary transaction file, the late rollback file and the net earnings file. Transactions older than 24 months or the minimum age to be retained in the Payroll System as defined in option {FCSM-2} of the Financial Code Structure Subsystem, will be deleted. For example, if the “Y” record is set to “1996” and the minimum age is 36 months, the system will delete all records that were generated before 1993. If the minimum age is 24 months, the system will delete all records that were generated before 1994. ∗ The system will also reset all the “Print IRP5 ” indicators of option {FPRI-1} to null. If the user should deem it necessary to retain transactions older than this for statistical or other reasons, the transactions should be archived to tape before this option is executed. A control report is produced by this program, confirming that the deletions have been performed for a given pay cycle. It could run for a fairly lengthy time, depending on the size of the transaction file. It is linked to the batch processor. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 295 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 PRODUCE IRP10A {FPRY-27} Ä 7.6. IRP5 (and foreign equivalent) tax certificates are produced on pre-printed stationery as prescribed by the respective Receivers of Revenue, for unbroken periods of service. A person will receive as many IRP5's as the number of tax periods that applied to him/her during the period for which IRP5's are being printed, up to a maximum of twelve per year (refer Section 9.1). ∗ It is obvious from the above that the correctness of Personnel Service Records is crucial for the production of correct Tax Certificates. IRP5's can be produced in any month. The program assumes that the tax period ends in the pay cycle as defined in option {FPRM-2} for the “R” record (“SITE Calcs & Print IRP5’s”). For month cycles other than “02 ”, IRP5's will be produced only for those people who had tax period ends in that cycle, unless the user forces a full printout for interim reconciliation purposes. In month cycle “02” IRP5's will be produced for every person who was in service during the tax year. IRP5's will always be printed only for those people whose “Print IRP5?” indicator in option {FPRI-1} is not (N)o (i.e. the indicator must be null or (Y)es). This menu consists of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 21. Generate IRP5s and IT3a Display of IRP5s and IT3a Print of IRP5s and IT3a Rollback of IRP5s and IT3a Validate Payroll Transactions To produce IRP5/IT3a certificates, the following must be done: 1. Set the month/year of the ‘R’ record on menu option {FPRM-2} to the tax yearend cycle. 2. Execute menu option {FPRT-21}. This validates the following: Non-Taxable IRP5 Codes which were Taxed Validates that Non-Taxable IRP5 codes are not used in calculating taxes i.e. Codes such as 3602, 3604 and 3609 does not appear before salary level 50. List Invalid IRP5 Boxes ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 296 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 Any non-standard IRP5 Boxes will be reflected on this report. This is to report transactions that are linked to the old IRP5 codes. In the event of these instances arising, these must be corrected by ITS and the offending E/D codes must be corrected by the user on menu options {FPRG-6}, {FPRG-7} and {FPRI-2}. Validate Retirement Funding Details The output generated should be treated as warnings. These are not necessarily errors but reflect that these situations exist and the user must decide whether this is correct or not. Validation is done for each person contributing to a pension or provident fund within a tax year. The reference salary level of the pension deduction E/D code, for calculation method A, is used to determine which transactions should have RFI set. All transactions prior and equal to this reference salary level are checked to see whether the RFI is set to Yes and transactions after this level is set to (N)o. This validation is done on a month to month basis. Therefore, if there are months where no pension has been deducted, this will be shown on the report. Validate Travelling Allowances IRP5 Boxes 3701 and 3703 should not be used together within a tax period. The report will highlight personnel where this exists. For Re-imbursive travel allowance (3703) we advise that you use calculation method 8; so that the rate and kilometers travelled may be logged. If the rate is greater that R1.30 or the total kilometers travelled in a tax year exceeds 8000km then IRP5 box 3702 must be used. At this stage we ask the Payroll Administrators to advise ITS to switch to IRP5 box 3703 if these conditions are exceeded. The report will highlight where intervention is necessary. Validate Pension, Retirement and Provident Funds This section will validate clearance numbers linked to funds, which are allocated by the Receiver of Revenue. Validate Change in Nature of Person Type This section will validate that there is a break in service record whenever the nature of person is altered. Validate change in Fixed Tax Rate Indicator ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 297 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 This section will validate that there is a break in service record whenever the Fixed Tax Rate is altered. Validate Birth Date verses ID Number This section will validate the ID Number. Validate Primary Address This section will validate that a Primary address exists. Validate Negative amounts in Tax Boxes This section will validate whether Tax Boxes are negative. 3. Execute menu option {FPRT-1} and provide the following answers to the prompts: Supply Calc Number (N1) or <return> for ALL : <return> Supply The Start Employee Number (N9) : 0 Supply The End Employee Number (N9) : 999999999 Must A Tax Period End Be Forced For All Employees; irrespective whether this is the Last Month of the Tax Year or Not? (Y/N) : Y Do you wish to generate IRP5s to produce a : (T)est Tape, (L)ive Tape, (N)o Tape (validation of data), (Q)uit. Enter your choice : N Must Certificates Be Generated Within Paypoint? (Y/N) : Y or N The following report will be produced and the errors reflected MUST be resolved. Thus, this report must reflect no error messages before IRP5 certificates can be generated. 05-JUL-2002 14:06:50 f8Qccc.pc Personnel Number Name INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE IRP5 Generation Validation Report for Tax Year 2002 (01-MAR-2001 to 28-FEB-2002), Test/Live Tape: T For Calc Number 8 Error Message ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 298 of 332 Page: 1 Yearly Run Chapter 7 1 Mafuma Warning Persons Birth Date and I.D. does not correspond. Warning Persons Birth Date and I.D. does not correspond. 2 Van Jaarsveld-Jones Warning Pension Fund P2 does not have a clearance number. Warning Passport Number must be less than 13 characters Warning 1st 10 Digits of Income Tax Number : A1234567890 is not numeric. 3 Gordon Warning Passport Number must be less than 13 characters Warning Income Tax Number : TAX3 must be 10 numeric digits long. 8 Johnson Fault 5656 Leadbead Residential address must contain line 1 and 2 & Post Code Warning Persons Birth Date and I.D. does not correspond. Fault Residential address must contain line 1 and 2 & Post Code 4 Execute menu option {FPRN-25} – SITE adjustments. Make the necessary adjustments. If you have followed the normal monthly procedure your site report {FPRN25} should be in a healthy state. If you have not run this option on a monthly basis then this must now be run and discrepancies solved prior to your proceeding with any steps. We strongly recommend this option to run on a monthly basis. One reason why it is necessary is that the payroll calculation does not perform cumulative tax calculation where taxes have been advised; thus when the end of the year comes, the recovery of taxes becomes an easier process. 5 Once the above points have been satisfactorily completed, menu option {FPRT-1} can be executed. It is advisable to generate for a (T)est Tape before a (L)ive tape is generated. Generation of the (T)est tape on menu option {FPRT-1} is done as follows: Supply Calc Number (N1) or <return> for ALL : <return> Supply The Start Employee Number (N9) : 0 Supply The End Employee Number (N9) : 999999999 Must A Tax Period End Be Forced For All Employees; irrespective whether this is the Last Month of the Tax Year or Not? (Y/N) : Y Do you wish to generate IRP5s to produce a : (T)est Tape, (L)ive Tape, (N)o Tape (validation of data), (Q)uit. Enter your choice : T If you run the IRP5 for just one person, the program will then give the following message: ‘NOTE : You may only perform a re-calculation if the tape has not yet been sent to the Receiver of Revenue. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 299 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 You are performing a RECALCULATE. Is this correct? (Y/N) : N if this is the first generation : Y If this is a second and subsequent re-generation of a test tape. The program will produce the validation report discussed in 3 above, which should be clear of errors. The user may submit a test tape to the Receiver, the purpose of which is to get confirmation from the Receiver that the contents of the tape satisfy their requirements. In the event of the Receiver notifying users of errors, it is recommended that the test tape submitted be rolled back using menu option {FPRT-4}. The parameters are: Rollback of (T)est Tape, (L)ive Tape or (N)o Tape? : T The program will then give the following message: ‘You may NOT ROLLBACK a tape that has already been Sent to the Receiver. The Certificate Numbers will not be Sequential. Ask the Receiver if a tape can be created with previously submitted Certificate Numbers.’ Do you wish to continue with the Rollback? (Y/N) : Y Enter the Tape Generation Number N(4) : This number can be retrieved from menu option {FPRM-3b2}. See discussion hereunder. Enter the Tax Year for which IRP5 was generated N(4) : The program will produce the following report: 05-JUL-2002 17:27:46 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE f9Mccc.pc For Year 2001 and Tape Generation No 1 Live/Test: T Records deleted from Header Record = 1 Records deleted from Detail Record = 11 Page: 1 ***** End of Report ***** Upon the successful execution of the above, the program will insert a record on menu option {FPRM-3b2}. This record consists of the following: Tax Year The tax year for which the IRP5 certificates were generated. Live/ Tes t ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 300 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 Whether generation was a (L)ive or (T)est IRP5 Run Number The generation number. For each and every IRP5 run done, excluding a recalculation, this number is incremented. No differentiation is made between test and live runs. Creation Date The date and time the generation was executed. Run Type What type of IRP5 run was this. It can be (G)enerate, (P)rint or (X) Recalculation of IRP5’s. User The user who created the generation. Status The status is system generated. Only 1 of 2 messages may appear in this field viz., ROLLBACK or a Personnel Number (for Run type X’). IRP5 Numbers From/ To The IRP5 certificate number range. In the case of a test tape, the numbers begin with 1. In the case of a live tape, the numbers will start with 1000001. A “TO” number will not be shown if {FPRYT-1} was unsuccessful. In such a case a rollback needs to be done using {FPRT-4} using the IRP5 number. SARS Tape Generation Number The tape number, where the generation number is included, of the tape that was submitted to the Receiver. For Test tapes this number will always be a 1. Whereas for Live Tape the number follows the previous tape you had submitted to SARS. Thus, the user can at anytime query the status of the IRP5 generation process. 6 The IRP5’s that are generated above may be queried on menu option {FPRT-2}. The user can query for the specific tax year and/or person on block 1. User can then progress to block 2 to query the IP5 data for a specific person. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 301 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 7 When the user is satisfied that the data for IRP5’s is correct, the user can now generate the live tape on menu option {FPRT-1}. The parameters are the same as those discussed in 5 above with the exception that users must answer (L)ive instead of (T)est. Menu option {FPRM-3b2} is updated with a record to reflect that a live tape has been generated. 8 The next step is to create the tape and to print the IRP5’s. This is done using menu option {FPRT-5}. When the user executes this option, the user has a choice of printing IRP5’s only, generate the Tape or do both. The parameters are: Produce (L)ive or (T)est IRP5s. : Do you wish to : 1. Print IRP5s, 2. Generate a Ta pe (use to include IRP5s issued during the course of the year), 3. Both. Enter Your Choice. : [1] The Last LIVE Run of IRP5s was for Tax Year 2001, Using Run Number 1. See Event Log File. Enter FROM IRP5s Run Number, if different. (N4) : [1] Enter To IRP5s Run Number, if different. : [1] Here, users can include IRP5 generations that may have occurred during the course of the Tax year. Thus, users must now indicate from/to generation numbers that must be included on this tape submission and is sensitive to Live or Test Runs. Must Paypoint be printed on the IRP5s? (Y/N) : The program affords the user the opportunity to align the IRP5 stationery before printing. The following is produced: The first of two printer selection screen request: 05-JUL-2002 17:50:29 f85cc1.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE IRP5 Print Control Report for Tax Year 2001, LIVE Run to Produce : Print + Tape, For Certificates 1000001 to 1000001 Page: 1 File containing electronic IRP5s : irp5.02 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 302 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 Sticker to attach to tape should contain the following: ====================================================== Name of Creator : INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Creator PAYE : 7700712393 Contact Person : DR. T.H.O MAFUMA Contact Tel No. : 012-3467789 Alternate Tel : 012-346 3850 Address : P O BOX 25168 : MONUMENT PARK : 0182 Creation Date : 20000705 Generation No. : 2 Certificate Nos.: 1000001 to 1000001 Test/Live : LIVE Tax Year : 2002 **** End of Report I **** The second of two printer selection screen requests: IRP 5 Bladsy : 1 of 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE 01000001 7700712393 P O BOX 25168 2002 MONUMENT PARK 0182 A WILLEM 3102285123082 65742378 19310228 VAN JAARSVELD-JONES W Tag a PRETORIA 0001 2 20000301 12.0000 3601 3713 3696 3697 3698 3699 4001 4101 4102 4103 Date: 12.0000 20010228 N Normale Inkomste Inkomste - Belasbaar Toelae Ander toelae – belasbaar Bruto Inkomste Bruto nie-belasbare inkomste Bruto uittredingsannuteitfondsinkomste Bruto nie- uittredingsannuteitfondsinkomste Bruto besoldiging Aftrekkings Lopende pensioenfondsbydrae 123456789 Werknemersbelasting Aftrekkings Standaard Inkomstebelasting op Werknemers SIBW Lopende Betaalstelsel LBS Totale werknemersbelasting 05-JUL-2000 17:50:29 N 220183 1200 0 0 221383 221383 11561 7000.00 59824.82 66824.82 Tax Year 2001 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 303 of 332 Yearly Run ** Controls: Chapter 7 1 IRP5's Printed ** 0 IT3a's Printed ** ---------------------1 Total Total SITE = 7000.00 Total PAYE = 59824.82 ------------------Total TAX = 66824.82 For LIVE Tax Certificates Numbers from 1000001 to 1000001 **** End of Report II **** 9 Tape Submission to SARS. To do this you would need the services to your IT department. The file name for them to copy onto a tape medium is shown on the headings of the above report. Shown as “File containing electronic IRP5s : irp5.02”. Therefore the file to copy , in this case, is irp5.02 from the fin directory. The file MUST be copied in text mode and NOT binary. The sample of contents of this file is shown below: 1010," INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE ",1020,7700712392,1030,… ,"LIVE",9999 2010,"INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE",.. ,9999 3010,01000001,3020,"A",3030,"VAN JAARSVELD-JONES",3040, …,9999 6010,2,6020,120299,6030,809359.64,9999 7010,4,9999 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 304 of 332 Yearly Run 7.7. Chapter 7 MENU FOR UPDATE OF NEW NOTCHES {FPRY-28} Ä The process of implementing a new set of scales and salary notches is straightforward, although somewhat laborious. The “A” record in the “Run Cycle Control File” will (temporarily) have to be set to the start cycle of the new scale set to be able to do this in advance. A. The new scale set is defined in option {FPRM-4}, and the new scales are defined in option {FPRG-1} and validated to ensure correctness. B. Next, it is advisable to make sure that all employees have valid notches and barrier notches on their old scales, by running the validation report in options {FPRI-1} or {FPRIV-21} and correcting all errors. It is also strongly recommended that the validation of personnel data of option {FPRIV-1} be run at this stage, to ensure that the service records are in good shape. Any fatal errors must be corrected before proceeding. Subsequently, menu {FPRU-3} allows the linking of new notches to employees, as in C., D., E. and F. below, via menu {FPRU}: 7.7.1. Create Old Notch File {FPRU-1} Ä When the option is executed, the system requests an Appointment Type Code or “ALL”. Old notches and barrier notches, which are in use for the specified Appointment Type(s), are copied from the employee's records into a special file, which is updated via D. below. Only those employees who are in service in the first cycle of the new scale set will be selected. This selection is based on the service records. No report is produced. 7.7.2. Create New Notches {FPRU-2} Ä Three empty columns are displayed, namely “Old Notch”, “New Notch” and “Appointment Type ”. The <EXECUTE QUERY> command will display all old notches as per C. above, or a query can be executed for a specific appointment type only, in which case only its old notches will be displayed. The corresponding new notches may then be supplied and <COMMIT>ted. If a particular notch must not be changed, the “ New Notch ” field must be left blank . Upon <EXIT>ing, the system validates the new notches against the latest scale cycle set to ensure that they comply with the new scales. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 305 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 7.7.3. Update Employee Notch with New Notch {FPRU-3} Ä The existing notches of employees are replaced with the new notches as defined in D. above. Only when the new notch is different from the old notch, does the audit report that is generated display both old and new notches for all employees in the Appointment Types requested in C. above. Personnel selection is the same as in C. above. 7.7.4. Rollback of Update {FPRU-4} Ä The update in E. above may be undone by executing this option. This may become necessary because of computer failure, or because the new notches may have been implemented merely to determine the effect on the total salary component by means of a “dummy” pay run. 7.7.5. Update Individual Scales {FPRU-5} Ä This option provides the facility to update the salary scales of individuals who are linked to salary scales that are not the approved scales of the rank they are appointed to. C. Hereafter the required adjustments for special increases, barrier notches, etc., are done via option {FPRI-1}. It is recommended that the notches be validated at this stage, to flag invalid notches and/or invalid scales. Note that a promotion to a different rank may be indicated by such an “error”, the elimination of which would require an update of the person's Service Record by the Personnel Section. D. Invalid or extended scales must be corrected via option {FPRI-3}, “Individual Salary Scales” (refer also Section 4.2). E. Furthermore, it must be ensured that Ranks are correctly linked to the new scales via option {FPRG-2}. If this linking is not done, validation of employee notches against the default scales will fail (refer Section 4.2). 7.7.6. Back-pay Calculation {FPRU-6} Ä This option provides the facility to calculate the value of back pay, on notch only , that is due to an employee for a specified period. This option can be run in (T)rial or (U)pdate. When run in (U)pdate, the program will link a transaction for the personnel involved on menu option {FPRI-2} for the value of the back pay. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 306 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 USER SELECTION: Enter Appointment Type (N2) OR ALL : Enter Start Personnel Number (N9) : Enter End Personnel Number (N9) : Enter Monthly Payroll Cycle in which back pay will be paid. (YYYYMM) : FROM which Cycle must back pay be calculated (YYYYMM) : TO which Cycle must back pay be calculated (YYYYMM) : Percent increase (99.999) : Enter Back pay Earning code (A4) : Enter Salary Level (N2) [1-49] : Enter GLA Account Code (A8) : Is this a (T)rial or (U)pdate Run [T/U] : [T] Date: 05-JUL-2002 Program : fc9ccc.pc (PR) Flags a) b) c) d) INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page : 1 Calculation of Back pay For Monthly Pay Cycle : 200204 Using Cycles 200201-200203 For Appointment Type ALL, Personnel 0 to 99999999 Percent Increase 10.00, E/D Code = 0001, Level = 1 Trail/Update = T used : S/R Service Record changed within back pay period, Incr Change in basic remuneration found, Appt Appointed within back pay period, Resg Resigned within back pay Period. Date: 05-JUL-2002 Program : fc9ccc.pc (PR) INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE Page : 2 Calculation of Back pay For Monthly Pay Cycle : 200204 Using Cycles 200201-200203 For Appointment Type ALL, Personnel 0 to 99999999 Percent Increase 10.00, E/D Code = 0001, Level = 1 Trail/Update = T Personnel Appt. Number Type Name 2 1 200102 Van Jaarsveld-Jones .. Dr. W 2000.00 Appointment Resignation Date Date Payroll Cycle 04-JAN-1997 200101 200101 2000.00 8400.00 200.00 840.00 200102 8400.00 840.00 ------------2080.00 Basic Pay Back pay 200.00 3 21 Gordon .. Dr Q 01-JAN-1996 200101 200102 11333.33 11333.33 1133.33 1133.33 ------------2266.66 8 Johnson .. Mej C 01-AUG-1999 200101 200102 20259.92 20259.92 2025.99 2025.99 ------------4051.98 2 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 307 of 332 Flags Yearly Run 7.8. Chapter 7 W.AS.8 REPORT {FPRY-5} Ä This report provides the information required for Report W.As.8 for the Workmen's Compensation Commissioner of the RSA. ∗ Before the report is run, the “Y” record (“Yearly Run and Reports”) in option {FPRM2} must be set to month “02”. ∗ As the correctness of personnel service records is a prerequisite for the correctness of this report, it is advisable to run the validation report {FPRIV-1} immediately before this report and to correct all fatal errors for the given tax year (as defined by the “C” record in {FPRM-2}). ∗ After the necessary service periods have been selected, the system will request the lower income break and upper income level for the WCA Fund, as well as the E/D Code that was used throughout the year for payments to the Fund. This code is checked for validity, and its description is displayed. The user can then check the input for correctness, and reply ( Y)es to continue, else (N )o to abort the run. ∗ Should more than one E/D code have been used, the report will have to be run once per E/D code, and the results added together. NOTE: The “lower income break” is the “Advised/Reference Amount” in the global transaction for WCA, and the “upper income level” is the “High Limit Amount” in the same global. These two amounts could be the same. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 308 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 W.As.8 Report 05-JUL-2002 11:41:50 f8Kccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE W.AS.8 REPORT FOR PERIOD 01-MAR-2002 to 28-FEB-2003 ======================== COMPULSORY COVER (All workmen earning R55068 p.a. or less) 9. Monthly avg no. of workmen employed 2 10. Total Annual Wages/Salaries for above period (a) Total annual cash remuneration 105458.00 (b) Cash value free food/quarters (c) Total salaries working directors -------------11. TOTAL WAGES (a) + (b) + (c) 105458.00 ============== VOLUNTARY COVER FOR PERSONS EARNING MORE THAN R72000 p.a. 12. Monthly avg no. of workmen employed 9 13. Total annual amount of wages paid 495612.00 -------------- 14. TOTAL WAGES (items 11 + 13) 601070.00 ============== Paid to Fund for above period 1356.52 PLEASE NOTE: This report includes ONLY those earnings/deductions for which the 'Include for WCA?' indicator has been set to 'Y' 'Paid to Fund' is the total of ALL deductions under E/D Code 5900 414 people examined 11 people proessed ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 309 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 W.As.8 Report (ctd) 05-JUL-2002 11:41:50 f8Kccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE W.AS.8 SUMMARY OF PROJECTED EARNINGS FOR PERIOD 01-MAR-2002 to 28-FEB-2003 =============================================== 15. Projected Monthly avg no. of workmen employed 2 16. Total Projected Annual Wages/Salaries for above period (a) Total projected annual cash remuneration 116004.00 (b) Projected cash value free food/quarters (c) Projected total salaries working directors -------------17. TOTAL PROJECTED WAGES (a) + (b) + (c) 116004.00 ============== 05-JUL-2002 11:41:50 f8Kccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE W.AS.8 STATISTICAL REPORT FOR PERIOD 01-MAR-2002 to 28-FEB-2003 ==================================== R p.m. 0 - 99 100 - 211 212 - 336 337 - 476 477 - 633 634 - 809 810 - 1006 1007 - 1227 1228 - 1475 1476 - 1752 1753 - 2063 2064 - 2411 2412 - 2801 2802 - 3237 3238 - 3726 3727 - 4273 No. persons as at 30 AUG 2002 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 310 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 4274 - 4886 2 4887 - 5573 1 5574 - 6342 6343 - 7203 7204 - 8150 ---------- No. of people on report 3 05-JUL-2002 11:41:50 f8Kccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE W.AS.8 REPORT FOR PERIOD 01-MAR-2002 to 28-FEB-2002 ======================== Employees earning more than R8150 per month during AUG. 2002 Monthly Earnings (R) 9166 10833 11000 12466 13333 18333 22285 27500 33000 No. of people on report No. of Employees 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ---------9 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 311 of 332 Yearly Run 7.9. Chapter 7 EVALUATION OF PENSION FUND FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES {FPRY-6} Ä This pension fund is due for a statutory actuarial evaluation every three years, when employers in the RSA are required to submit a magnetic tape in specified format to the Chief Director: Pensions Administration for this purpose. This option will produce a disk file, which contains the required information, as well as a control report. Before the option is executed, it would be worthwhile to ensure that the information carried in {PAOP-4} is up-to-date. When the option is executed, the user must supply the following input: − the end of the evaluation period (currently 31 March of the year as specified by the Administration) − the employer's code in respect of the fund − the fund code as defined in option {FPRG-3} − the salary level at which the contribution to this fund was calculated. The user is given the opportunity to check the above information, and to abort the run or to repeat the input. The program selects only employees in-service on above date, who joined the fund on or before this date, whose pension numbers are null or start in '41' or '71', and who have nonzero notches. Other information carried on this tape is the join date to the fund and the revised pension date (in case of bought-back pension). If the latter date is null, the program assumes the join date. The annual pensionable income is calculated as 12 times the total of regular salary transactions for March up to the salary level specified above, taking account of employment for less than a full month. If a person received no salary in March, his/her current notch will be assumed as the annual pensionable income. Such people will be flagged on the control report. After the run has ended successfully, your technical staff must create a 9-track magnetic tape with the following UNIX command: dd^if=pens.tape^of=/dev/”tape^device”^bs=6319^conv=ebcdic ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 312 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 The character ^ indicates a space. Evaluation Report and Tape File {FPRY-6} DATE: 08-AUG-2002 16:40:36 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE f8Xccc.pc CONTROL REPORT: Evaluation of P/FUND FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES as at 31-MAR-2002 =============== PAGE : 1 (Income up to Salary Level 10 taken into account) Emp Pens. Member Wife Appt. Start Number Name Code S R M Pens No. ID No. Salary D.o.B. D.o.B. Date Date ------- ------------------------------ --- ----- -------- ------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -----1 2 671 ASSUMED 6666 6000000 MAGNIFICUS O'DONOGHUE-SMATHERS VAN JAARSVELD JANSE VAN RENSZ CRAWFORD S *** KRUGER DE VILLIERSS SMYTHE B A VAN STADEN Y X Z 5 MEMBERS ON TAPE; ***** END OF REPORT 123 M 4 M 41-1-P2 123 M 1 M 41-2-P2 123 M 1 M 1311407665003 092400 341114 360312 891201 800101 00 111236 081900 310228 440101 891201 750101 00 012345 320219 910101 910101 00 *** NOTCH 123 M 1 M 71-6666030430 550514 123 F 1 M 8937497937499 064487 550101 890601 890601 00 910501 910501 00 1 NOTCHES ASSUMED ***** Contents of file pens.tape: MAGNIFICUS O'DONOGHUE-SMATHERS123M4M41-1-P2 131140766500309240034111436031289120180010100 VAN JAARSVELD JANSE VAN RENSZ 123M1M41-2-P2 111236 08190031022844010189120175010100 CRAWFORD S 123M1M 012345320219 91010191010100 KRUGER DE VILLIERSS SMYTHE B A123M1M71-6666030430550514 89060189060100 VAN STADEN Y X Z 123F1M 8937497937499064487550101 91050191050100 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 313 of 332 Yearly Run Chapter 7 E/D PER GLA SUMMARY {FPRY-24} Ä 7.10. This report is similar to {FPRNR1-25}, except that the user can select a range of pay cycles within a calendar year. USER SELECTION: Supply Year Of Calculation (YYYY) : Supply First Calc Month (MM) : Supply Last Calc Month (MM) : Supply Calc Number (N1) Or <return> For Entire Pay Cycle : Report on (W)eekly or (M)onthly Paid Personnel : [M] Enter your choice of E/D Code Selection 1. By Range, 2. Selectively. Your Choice : [1] Enter your choice of Cost Centre Selection 1. By Range, 2. Selectively. Your Choice : [1] Enter your choice of Account Code Selection 1. By Range, 2. Selectively. Your Choice : [1] PRINT SEQUENCE: GLA Code sequence SYSTEM SELECT: 05-JUL-2002 11:55:55 Program : f8Hrpt.rpt E/D Selection : Cost Centre : Account Code : All transactions within above pay cycles and calc number. INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE GL Summary Per Earning/Deduction For For Monthly Payroll Cycle : 200203 To 200212 Calc Number : 8 Selection Criteria -----------------Include : 0001 Include : mac1 Range : 0 99999999 Page : 1 INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE GL Summary Per Earning/Deduction For For Monthly Payroll Cycle : 200203 To 200212 Calc Number : 8 Page : 2 05-JUL-2002 11:55:55 Program : f8Hrpt.rpt GL Allocation : MAC1 2012 MAC ENGLISH Stationery General Earn/Ded Earn/Ded Earning/Deduction ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 314 of 332 Yearly Run Code ---0001 Type ---E 1 Posting(s) Chapter 7 Name ---BASIC SALARY Total For GLA MAC1 2012 => Amount -----1023432.50 ----------1023432.50 =========== ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 315 of 332 Correspondence 8. Chapter 8 CORRESPONDENCE SUBSYSTEM {FPR-4} / {FPRCOR} Ä 8.1. INTRODUCTION This subsystem allows the ∗ printing of address labels for employees who received a cheque during the monthly salary calc; printing of address labels for employees who received IRP5 and IT3(a) certificates. ∗ Å 8.2. CHEQUE RECIPIENTS {FPRCOR -3} Ä This option allows the printing of address labels (or lists) for salary cheques generated during a particular payrun. After the user specifies Letter, List, Label or ASCII File (Y/N), Letter code, date of letter, (P)ostal or (W)ork address, the following information must be supplied: 1. Pay Cycle (YYYYMM) During which the cheques were generated 2. Calc Number (N1) During which the cheques were generated 3. Appointment Type or ALL (N3) Up to 10 appointment types as defined in {PACS-1} can be selected. The first appointment type is mandatory. <LIST> is available. 4. Campus Code or ALL (N2) Up to 10 campus codes can be specified. 5. Test Letter (Y/N) (A1) Is this a test document? (Y)es or (N)o On <COMMIT> and <EXIT>, the user will be presented with the first of five printer selection screens. The first selection is to generate the document. The second printer selection screen is to print the letter, if applicable. The third, to print a list of recipients. The fourth, to print labels. The fifth, to generate the ASCII file. 8.3. IRP5 / IT3(a) RECIPIENTS {FPRCOR-4 and 5} Ä ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 316 of 332 Correspondence Chapter 8 This option allows the printing of address labels (or lists) for IRP5 and IT3(a) certificates generated during a particular run. After the user specifies Letter, List, Label or ASCII File (Y/N), letter code, date of letter, (P)ostal or (W)ork address, the following information must be supplied: 1. Document Selection 1 = IRP5, 2 = IT3(a) 2. Sort Sequence (N1) (A)lphabtic or (N)umeric 3. Variables Used in Last IRP5 / IT3(a) Run: − − − − First Personnel Number (N9) Last Personnel Number (N9) Tax Period Calc Number (DD-MON-YYYY) (N1) ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 317 of 332 SITE 9. Chapter 9 SITE (STANDARD INCOME TAX ON EMPLOYEES) {FPRN25} 9.1. INTRODUCTION This section of the manual is based on information contained in document IRP10, “PAYE and SITE, Volume 36, Book 1: Manual for Employers”, and consultation with representatives of the Department of Finance: Inland Revenue. • SITE is a concept that currently applies only to RSA taxpayers. • SITE is not a separate tax, but a procedure under which the normal tax in respect of (currently) the first R50 000 of an employee's so-called “net remuneration” is finally determined by the employer and deducted under the PAYE system (i.e. according to the PAYE Tables). • Because SITE constitutes either the final or minimum liability for normal tax, it is not normally refundable. • SITE is calculated only at the end of a “tax period”, and not at the end of every pay period. Hence, if a pay period does not contain the end of a “tax period”, PAYE is deducted normally. Thus, for most employees, SITE will be calculated only once during a tax year. • SITE applies only to employees who are in so-called “standard employment”, as follows: ∗ Only that portion of “net remuneration” during the “tax period” which was earned at a rate not exceeding a particular ceiling, is subject to SITE. This ceiling is currently R50 000 p.a., and may vary from year to year. ITS will ensure that the latest valid ceiling is always provided with new tax tables. ∗ The following remuneration, which is likely to accrue to employees of tertiary institutions, is specifically EXCLUDED from “net remuneration”, and is therefore NOT subject to SITE at all but only to PAYE: a) Income taxed at average rates, e.g. lump sum benefits from pension funds. b) Any remuneration not derived from “standard employment”. An example would be remuneration to an employee whose tax deduction is ALWAYS ADVISED, i.e. not according to the PAYE Tables. This advice could be a fixed amount or a percentage of salary - but it is not calc method “4”. Any employee whose entire compensation from the ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 318 of 332 SITE Chapter 9 institution is paid by claim, will also fall in this category, since such an employee is indicated as “Part Time” on the IRP5. c) Travel allowances. d) Any remuneration for an employee with “net remuneration” below a tax threshold (i.e. a person who pays no tax at all). 9.2. DEFINITIONS THAT APPLY TO SITE 1. Tax Period A tax period is any unbroken period in the year of assessment during which an employer employed an employee in the RSA in “standard employment”. A tax period starts − On first day of tax year, if employee was then in service − On date of employment, if the employee joined later A tax period ends − On last day of tax year, if employee was then in service − On date of termination of service, if earlier than above NOTE: SITE calculations and some year-end programs must take periods of broken service into account, i.e. instances where persons resign during the course of a tax year and are subsequently re-employed during the same tax year. Since such programs must use the Personnel Service Records (option {PBOP-2}) to determine periods of broken service, it is vital that the service records for all employees be kept up to date by the Personnel Section. 2. Net Remuneration This is the balance of taxable remuneration after the deduction of current and arrears contributions to approved pension and/or retirement annuity funds (up to the limits allowed by the Receiver). The salary calculation program assumes that all earnings and deductions which occur pretax, i.e. below salary level “50”, are to be counted as net remuneration, and will mark every salary transaction at time of calculation as either pre-tax or post-tax. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 319 of 332 SITE Chapter 9 3. Annual Equivalent Remuneration When the tax period is a full year, this is the total net remuneration received during the year. When the tax period is less than a full year, it is the net remuneration pro-rated to a full year. That is, the amount of net remuneration the employee would have received had he/she been employed for the full year at the rate of remuneration actually received during the tax period. SITE calculations must take into account exact tax periods, based on the inclusive number of days between start and end of a tax period. The net remuneration received during the tax period is annualised, SITE is calculated, prorated back to the tax period, and compared to the PAYE that was deducted during the tax period. Should the tax period not start and/or end at month beginning or end, the equivalent net remuneration during the fractional portion(s) of the month must be calculated as the net remuneration during the month(s) prorated by the number of days that fell within the tax period. The PAYE deducted for the month(s) is similarly prorated. Of course, only the actual “gross remuneration” received is shown on the IRP5, not the annual equivalent remuneration. 4. Annual (Non-Regular) Payment This is essentially a one-time payment, i.e. an amount of net remuneration which is payable once annually or is determined without reference to any period. The Receiver is prescriptive about what constitutes an annual payment or not, and the user must set the “Regular E/D?” indicator for each earning and deduction accordingly in option {FPRG-6} (“Non-Regular” meaning “Annual”). Examples would be a service bonus or accumulated leave payment on resignation. Note that occasional overtime is NOT recognised as an annual payment. 5. Annual Tax The amount of normal taxes payable, on any net remuneration, in accordance with the tables, less applicable rebates. 9.3. CALCULATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF SITE Since SITE is not refundable, the employer must, at the end of an employee's tax period, calculate SITE exactly, compare with the PAYE actually deducted for that tax period, and ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 320 of 332 SITE Chapter 9 pass the necessary adjustment for over- or under-deduction. In February, the SITE calculation must be done for all employees who were employed during the tax year. After the salary calculation for a pay cycle has been done (i.e. when the “C” record exists in the Event Log File), the SITE calculation can be performed by executing option {FPRN-25}, “SITE Adjustments ”. • When the option is executed, the system requests a range of personnel numbers, and offers the user the opportunity of calculating SITE as though this were the end of a tax year. If this option is exercised, the SITE calculation will be done for all tax periods year-to-date, otherwise only for employees who had genuine tax period ends during this pay cycle. • The system then collects the relevant Service Records, which could be a fairly lengthy process. • The user must next specify the destination of the list, and then select either a “(S)ITE Only Report” or a “(F)ull Report”. The system will now display what the current SITE Ceiling is. ∗ The “SITE Only” option calculates SITE for all employees who are subject to SITE only, and produces a report showing, per employee, what has actually been deducted, what should have been deducted, and what the adjustment should be. The PAYE deduction is deemed to be correct if it is within R5-00 of the exact SITE calculation. Adjustments of more than R5-00 to SITE are flagged by ****. If all tax has been advised for a tax period, the SITE calculation will accept the advised tax, with the message “ALL TAX ADVISED ***”. ∗ The “Full” option calculates PAYE and SITE for all employees. ∗ The report also provides column totals and net SITE adjustment (excluding those cases where all tax has been advised), and indicates how many IRP5 and IT3(a) certificates will be produced for this period. • Manual adjustments are advised at individual level for the last month of the relevant tax period, via calc method “3”, using a specially defined E/D Type, and rollbacks are done for these employees followed by single calcs. ∗ SITE adjustments must be posted either to IRP5 Box “4101” or Box “4102”, at a calc level higher than the normal tax calculation, e.g. 55. ∗ Box “4101” must be used whenever a tax period is longer than one month. ∗ Box “4102” must be used only when a tax period falls completely within one month. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 321 of 332 SITE Chapter 9 • Option {FPRN -25} can then be executed again, for a single person if desired, to ensure that the correct adjustments have been made. The correctness of PAYE and SITE calculations by the system depends on the timeous updating by the user of Appointment and Resignation Dates (option {PBOP-1}) and Service Records (option PBOP-2}). Note that if an employee is flagged for SITE adjustment during a particular pay cycle, the adjustment must be done before that pay cycle is closed off by “Generating Cheques”, otherwise the IRP5 will reflect the incorrect SITE deduction for this particular tax period. If the pay cycle has already been closed off, “Late Rollbacks” and “Late Calcs” will have to be done (refer Sections 6.4 and 6.5). Example of SITE Report {FPRN-25} USER SELECTION: Calc Number (<RETURN> = “ALL”) First - Last Personnel Numbers Must tax period end be forced? Printer selection (S )ITE only or (F)ull Tax report? PRINT SEQUENCE: Personnel number sequence. SYSTEM SELECT: Everybody in above range with tax periods ending in cycle of “R” record in Run Cycle Control File, unless tax period end has been forced or this is the last month of the tax year, in which case everybody in range is selected. If (S )ITE only is specified, report will contain only those employees subject to SITE only, otherwise also those subject to PAYE. 05-JUL-2002 18:29:11 f8Qccc.pc INTEGRATED TERTIARY SOFTWARE FULL TAX REPORT FOR TAX PERIOD 01-MAR-2001 to 28-FEB-2002 ============================== For Employees 2 to 2 Page: 1 For Calc Number 8 EMPL. EMPLOYEE TAX PERIOD <---------- DEDUCTED ---------> <----------- CORRECT ---------> <DIFFERENCE -> NUMBER NAME START END SITE PAYE TOTAL SITE PAYE TOTAL DEDUCT / REFUND ------- ----------------------- ----- --------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- -------- ------2 Dr. W Van Jaarsveld 01/03 28/02 7000.00 59824.82 66824.82 7000.00 59824.82 66824.82 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 322 of 332 SITE Chapter 9 ------- ------------------- - - ----- ----- --------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- -------- ------REPORT TOTALS: 7000.00 66824.82 59824.82 59824.82 7000.00 0.00 66824.82 0.00 ============= NET ADJUSTMENT (excluding all tax -0.00 ============== ****** 1 IRP5's (0 = SITE only), 0 IT3(a)'s THIS PERIOD ****** ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 323 of 332 advised): SITE 9.4. Chapter 9 CHECK LIST FOR SITE ADJUSTMENTS and IRP5/IT3(a) CERTIFICATES RSA users of the PRS should do a SITE run before closing every pay run to ensure that people who resigned during the month will get the correct IRP5 or IT3(a) tax certificate at the end of the tax year. If the procedures in this section are followed rigorously, the IRP5 run at the end of the tax year will become an anti-climax. Bear in mind that both the SITE and the IRP5/IT3(a) programs are driven by the service records. The following checks should be done before every monthly payrun is closed off : 1. The Correctness of the “Regular?” Indicator for E/D Types This point has been stressed repeatedly throughout this manual. Refer also Section 9.2. ∗ Check that indicator for new E/D types created during the month via {FPRG-6}, is correct, and do single rollbacks and calcs as required. 2. Allocation of Transactions to Correct IRP5 Boxes ∗ Check global transactions and individual advices, correct, and do single rollbacks and calcs as required. 3. Multiple Occurrences of Calc Method “2” Refer Section 4.7.2 of this manual. ∗ Check individual advices, correct, and do single rollbacks and calcs as required. 4. Handling of Pensioners As per Section 1.8 of this manual. 5. Service Records for People whose Contracts were Renewed during the Tax Year with Unbroken Service ∗ The point to remember is that such people must get only one IRP5. ∗ They should be re-appointed without any service break. This means that the previous resignation date should first be removed and the record <COMMIT>ted, and a new service record then created with a start date = (old end date + 1). ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 324 of 332 SITE Chapter 9 6. Advised Tax Transactions other than SITE Advices These are transactions for IRP5 Box 4103 with calc method not “4” - such transactions will prevent a cumulative tax calc at the end of any tax period. The only valid advices of this nature would be advices in terms of the current tax regulations (e.g. a 25% deduction for pay-by-claims), or deductions in terms of Tax Directives. ∗ Check individual advices and global transactions, and do single rollbacks and calcs as required. 7. SITE Adjustments Coded to Box 4103 SITE adjustments may go only to boxes 4101 and 4102. ∗ Check individual advices, correct, and do single rollbacks and calcs as required. 8. Non-SITE Adjustments Coded to Boxes 4101 and/or 4102 Non-SITE adjustments may go only to box 4103. ∗ Check individual advices, correct, and do single rollbacks and calcs as required. 9. SITE adjustments for people who changed from Pay-by-Claim to Salaried (or vice versa) without a service break ∗ Such people must get two IRP5’s. (Refer also Section 1.8 of this manual). ∗ Create a one-day service break at the end or the start of the Pay-by-Claim period, via {PBOP-2}. 10. Late SITE Adjustments in February for Persons Subject to SITE Only, who Resigned Earlier in the Tax Year If SITE adjustments are done for every payrun, there should be no such cases, EXCEPT those people who resigned before new tax tables and -regulations were implemented. In such cases the Receiver says the employer can leave things as they are, provided tax was deducted according to the then-current tax regulations. If, however, the SITE program indicates a late adjustment for a person who resigned after new tax tables and before end of tax year and the tax was NOT deducted, according to a valid regulation, a SITE adjustment MUST be advised for the person's LAST MONTH OF SERVICE, via a late calc and rollback. This is the only way to ensure that the IRP5 is correct. Of course, the net pay for those months, as well as the pay-over to the Receiver, must be reconciled outside the PRS. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 325 of 332 SITE Chapter 9 ∗ Such people must be identified by drawing SITE-only reports for every month since the new tax tables were implemented, via {FPRN-25}. Year-ends must not be forced. The “R ” record in {FPRM-2} must be set to the required month cycle before {FPRN -25} is executed. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 326 of 332 Key Layout Keys and Functions Following is a list of the standard shortcut keys that can be used: FUNCTION Block Menu Clear Block Clear Field Clear Form Clear Record Commit Count Query Delete Record Display Error Down Duplicate Field Duplicate Record Edit Enter Query Execute Query Insert Record KEY Ctrl+B F7 F5 F8 F6 Ctrl+S F12 Ctrl+Up Shift+Ctrl+E Down Shift+F6 Shift+F6 Ctrl+E F11 Ctrl+F11 Ctrl+Down FUNCTION List of Values List Tab Pages Next Field Next Primary Key Next Record Next Set of Records Previous Field Previous Record Print Return Scroll Down Scroll Up Show Keys Up Update Record Exit KEY Ctrl+L F2 Tab Shift+F7 Down Shift+F8 Shift+Tab Up Ctrl+P Return Page Down Page Up Ctrl+K Up Ctrl+U F4 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ITS Version 12 - 2002 Page 327 of 332
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