AMER. ZOOL., 36:537-554 (1996) Unsteady Mechanisms of Force Generation in Aquatic and Aerial Locomotion1 MICHAEL H. DICKINSON Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720 adult leeches, all questions in aquatic locomotion involve, to some degree, the fluid These are exciting times for the study of aquatic locomotion. As illustrated by the mechanical mechanisms of force producpapers within this volume, the field is ex- tion. In order to sustain the efforts outlined panding both in breadth and sophistication. above, researchers will need to tackle ever There are several reasons for this accelera- more complex views of hydrodynamics. tion. First, analyses have become much Presently, the analysis of aquatic locomomore comparative, both across and within tion is dominated by "steady-state" models species. The great diversity of teleost fishes in which the time-variant properties of provides one of the best backgrounds for force generating mechanisms are ignored. exploring the evolution of locomotor sys- Although researchers have made enormous tems at both the physiological and anatom- progress applying steady-state assumptions ical levels (see papers by Fish [1996], West- to many forms of aquatic locomotion, the neat [1996], Gillis [1996], and Lauder and current tool kit does not seem sufficient to Jayne [1996] in this volume). By doing so, keep pace with the diverse new directions researchers are discovering new and diverse outlined above. In this review, I will atpatterns of locomotory behavior. In addition tempt to summarize some of the latest adto cross species comparisons, researchers vances in our understanding of unsteady are attempting to focus on the more subtle fluid mechanics as they might apply to the but equally important changes in swimming study of aquatic locomotion. Many of the problems encountered in the behavior within the ontogeny of single species (see paper by Hale [1996] in this vol- study of aquatic locomotion are identical to ume). The second reason for an alteration those found in the analysis of animal flight. in perspective is that researchers are not Unfortunately, the separate histories of the simply satisfied with treating locomotion as two fields serve as obstructions to a useful a means of getting efficiently from one and powerful synthesis. Non steady-state point to another, but also as a complex and approaches are currently much more comflexible system of behavior required for mon in analyses of flight, due in large part feeding, courtship, and escape. In this new to the influence of Torkel Weis-Fogh in the perspective, maneuverability is often con- 1970s, and more recently by Charlie Ellingsidered a more important design criterion ton and his colleagues. However, many if than energy efficiency. And finally, the not all of the unsteady mechanisms that availability of powerful desktop microcom- have been identified in studies on insect puters makes it possible to develop more flight are immediately applicable to forms sophisticated mathematical models of of aquatic locomotion. Given the diverse aquatic locomotion (see papers by Jordan landscape of locomotory behaviors displayed by fishes (Videler, 1993), the oceans [1996] and Fauci [1996] in this volume). may provide the most fertile ground for apWhether focused on juvenile salmon or plying the principles of unsteady fluid dynamics to Biology. INTRODUCTION 1 From the Symposium Aquatic Locomotion: New Approaches to Invertebrate and Vertebrate Biomechanics presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 27-30 December 1995, at Washington, D.C. DEFINITIONS AND OUTLINE Several excellent overviews of animal propulsion in fluids have appeared in recent 537 538 MICHAEL DICKINSON years (Blake, 1983; Daniel et al., 1992; Ellington, 1995; Maxworthy, 1981; Rayner, 1995; Spedding, 1992; Webb, 1975), most of which discuss unsteady mechanisms to some degree. In addition, Van Dyke (1982) provides an excellent collection of flow visualizations that provides graphic exposure to the structure and beauty of fluid wakes. This less comprehensive review will attempt to serve as a primer for students and researchers who (like the author) were not originally trained in fluid mechanics, yet find themselves inadvertently sucked into its messy realm. In order to foster a more intuitive sense of unsteady fluid mechanics, I will attempt to form an explicit link between force generation and wake structure—two topics that are often discussed in isolation. As a fish swims through water, it generates forces with its body and creates a distinct wake. These two processes are inextricably linked, since the forces acting on an animal must be countered by an equal and opposite change in fluid momentum. Thus, there are two basic approaches to the study of aquatic locomotion, either focusing on the forces produced by the fins, or examining the changes in wake momentum. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages, but any complete understanding of fluid mechanics must integrate the two. culatory forces, which are sources of both lift and drag and require the creation of vorticity. Circulatory mechanisms are dependent on the inertial properties of fluids and are inhibited by viscosity—making them most relevant to animal propulsion at intermediate and high Reynolds numbers. Consequently, the interesting realm of low Reynolds numbers will not be discussed. Using fundamental principles of fluid mechanics and lessons taken primarily from the insect and bird literature, I will attempt to reconstruct the dynamics of wake structure and force generation for swimming animals. I will focus on two simple kinematic patterns: the undulation of a single rear biofoil, and the beating of paired lateral biofoils. The first mode includes the forward motion of a whale or killifish, while the later includes the flight of a pigeon and the pectoral fin swimming of many fish (see also papers by Lauden and Jayne [1996] and Westneat [1996] in this volume). Although these are certainly rough distinctions, they will nevertheless serve to illustrate important general principles in the underlying unsteady fluid mechanics. Many locomotory patterns, such as anguliform undulation, do not fit easily into this simplified scheme (see papers by Jordan [1996] and Gillis [1996] in this volume). The studies of aerial and aquatic locomotion have independently spawned complex nomenclatures that often function to obscure important similarities in the underlying fluid mechanics. For example, although animals use a variety of specialized appendages for moving themselves through a fluid medium including fins, flukes, flippers, and wings, the mechanism underlying their functions may be identical. For the sake of generality, I will use the term biofoil when referring to a generic biological device that creates forces via circulatory mechanisms. One commonly applied distinction in aquatic locomotion is that between lift- and drag-based mechanisms of propulsion (Vogel, 1994). As discussed later, even this dichotomy blurs when applied to unsteady flows, since both can result from the same underlying phenomenon. This paper is primarily concerned with cir- STEADY-STATE MECHANISMS OF FORCE PRODUCTION Although the goal of this paper is to offer a conceptual overview of non-steady state fluid mechanics in three dimensions, it is prudent to begin with simple steady-state circulatory forces in two dimensions. Lift is defined as the force that acts perpendicular to the direction of motion. The most common method for calculating the sectional lift generated by a biofoil is the familiar 'velocity-squared' relationship valid at high Reynolds numbers: L' = %CLU2pc, (1) where U is the velocity of the biofoil relative to the fluid, p is fluid density, c is the chord width of the biofoil, and L' is the lift force per unit length. The dimensionless force coefficient, CL, is a time invariant dimensionless parameter determined by the FORCE GENERATION IN LOCOMOTION: UNSTEADY MECHANISMS biofoil's geometry, the Reynolds number at which it operates, and the angle of attack with respect to the oncoming fluid. An identical equation is given for drag, the force acting parallel to the direction of motion: 539 blatant problem is that lift and drag coefficients, while extremely useful terms for comparison, are opaque parameters that offer little insight into the underlying fluid mechanics. Specifically, they obscure the connection between force production and wake structure—an essential interface for 2 D' = %CDU pc, (2) developing a useful intuition of unsteady where CD is the dimensionless drag coeffi- fluid mechanics and testing models of locomotion. cient. Since dimensionless coefficients are The alternative and, for present purposes, time-invariant, the forces generated by bio- more useful formulation of steady-state foils during locomotion can be derived force production incorporates the important solely from kinematics and some indepen- concept of circulation. Figure 1 illustrates dent measure of CL and CD—which is typ- the canonical view of the flow around a bioically performed by studying excised or foil under steady-state conditions at a low model biofoils in a wind tunnel or flow angle of attack. The oncoming flow sepatank. This approach is called "quasi-steady rates around the biofoil at an anterior stagstate" or "blade element" analysis, and has nation point on the underside, but flows been used extensively in the study of ani- smoothly off a rear stagnation point that is mal locomotion (Ellington, 1984c). The located precisely at the trailing edge. The most straightforward use of this method be- asymmetrical locations of the forward and gins by determining how lift and drag co- rear stagnation points are only possible if efficients vary with angle of attack. Next, a fluid velocity is greater above the biofoil researcher must gather kinematic data and than below. This velocity differential is reconstruct the velocity and angle of attack most conveniently expressed as a net cirof the biofoil(s) at a series of discrete time cular flow or circulation around the biofoil. points within each locomotory cycle. The Mathematically, the circulation is quantified two data sets are then combined using Eqs. by solving a line integral of velocity around 1 and 2 to calculate the forces generated at a closed loop (any closed loop) enclosing each stroke position. This may be done by the biofoil. Circulation is thus a scalar with considering average values along the bio- units of velocity times distance or L2T~'. foil, or by treating the biofoil as a number By Bernoulli's equation of energy conserof thin sections and integrating along the vation, an increase in velocity is concomitotal length. Finally, the net force generated tant with a decrease in pressure, and thus throughout the stroke is found by averaging the higher the value of circulation, the the forces determined over the entire stroke greater the velocity differential and the greater the resultant pressure force sucking cycle. the biofoil upward. This relationship beThere are many problems with the quasi- tween the upward lift force and circulation steady state analysis (Ellington, 1984c). is expressed in the Kutta-Joukowski equaThe simplest and most fatal deficiency is tion (Milne-Thomson, 1966): that force coefficients are not constant, but rather display complex time histories. Thus, (3) the performance of a biofoil measured un' = P ur. der steady-state conditions in a wind tunnel where L' is the lift per unit span, p is the may bear little resemblance to its perfor- density of the fluid, and F is the magnitude mance while being flapped and rotated by of circulation. We can also derive an exan animal. The main experimental hurdle is plicit relationship between circulation and to reconstruct the full 3-dimensional kine- the more familiar lift coefficient by commatics of biofoil motion, which is extreme- bining Eqs. 1 and 2, which yields: ly difficult to accomplish accurately using the 2-dimensional view of a single imaging C - ^ (4) device. (Gibb et al, 1994). Another less 540 MICHAEL DICKINSON FIG. 1. Steady-state theory of lift. (A) The velocity of fluid flow over the top surface of a biofoil is greater than that below. By subtracting away the background symmetrical velocity field, this differential can be expressed as a net circular flow or circulation around the biofoil. (B) The Wagner effect. When a biofoil begins translating from rest, it takes several chord lengths of travel for the bound circulation to reach steady state levels (indicated by line thickness). This sluggishness is due to the proximity of the starting vortex. The starting vortex is required by Kelvin's Law so that the net circulation within the fluid remains zero. (C) At the end of translation the bound circulation of a biofoil is shed as a stopping vortex, which will be equal and opposite in strength to the original starting vortex. Expressed in this way, the lift coefficient can be viewed as a dimensionless form of circulation. The tangential flow at the trailing edge is termed the Kutta condition, and results from viscosity which tends to equilibrate the velocity of the fluid above and below the biofoil as it approaches the trailing edge. This phenomenon illustrates the importance of viscous effects within the boundary layer, the region that surrounds all fluid-solid interfaces. Even at high Reynolds numbers where fluids are often described as 'inviscid,' boundary layers and viscous properties are critical in determining flows and forces produced by biofoils. The importance of the Kutta condition also explains the sharp trailing edges of biofoils, which provide a long and gradual trajectory over which the separated fluid may approach a common velocity. Another important and useful concept for discussion of both steady and unsteady fluid mechanics is that of vorticity. The circulation around a biofoil may be represented as a point vortex, which acts as an infinitely thin cylinder spinning in the fluid at a constant rate. Because of the fluid's viscosity, the thin spinning cylinder induces a circular flow in the surrounding medium. This induced velocity, u,, at a distance, r, from the center of a point vortex is given by: Us = KT 1 , (5) where K is the strength of the vorticity. The direction of the induced velocity is always tangent to the family of concentric circles centered on the point vortex. The circulation associated with a point vortex is found by taking any line integral of the velocity along a loop that encloses the vortex, which reduces to: FORCE GENERATION IN LOCOMOTION: UNSTEADY MECHANISMS T = 2ITK. (6) 541 ping vortex is precisely equal and opposite to that of the original starting vortex. In accordance with Kelvin's Law, the motion of a biofoil in two dimensions at a low angle of attack may be modeled as two point vortices: one that represents the bound circulation of the biofoil, and the starting vortex created at the onset of translation. For an infinite biofoil in three-dimensions, these point vortices become infinite vortex filaments. In order to construct the wake of a finite biofoil it is necessary to consult another conservation law, the Second Theorem of Helmholtz, which determines the behavior of vortex filaments (Milne-Thomson, 1966). According to Helmholtz' Theorem, a vortex filament cannot come to an abrupt end within a fluid, and therefore must either terminate at either a solid-fluid interface or join with its other end to form a continuous ring. Therefore, as a biofoil moves along at a constant velocity, it creates a complete vortex loop (Fig. 2B). One segment of the vortex loop consists of the bound vorticity of the biofoil itself, while the opposite segment consists of the starting vortex filament. The bound and starting vortices are linked together by two tip vortices that extend from the two ends of the biofoil. Helmholtz' first theorem states that the intensity of vorticity is equal at all points along a vortex filament or loop. Thus, as a biofoil moves through the fluid at a small angle of attack, the vortex loop grows in size but not in strength. The orientation of the vorticity is such that the velocity of fluid is downward through the center of the loop. The momentum of a continuous vortex loop, Mv, is given by (Milne-Thomson, 1966): Because of this simple relationship between circulation and vortex strength, the terms are often used interchangeably to describe fluid flows. Strictly speaking, however, vorticity is a vector quantity, co, that is denned as the curl of fluid velocity at a particular point. The vorticity at a point vortex in the x-y plane is a vector oriented in the z direction and has a magnitude equal to K. One advantage of expressing lift in terms of circulation is that it directly relates the pressure force exerted on the biofoil to the magnitude and direction of fluid flow. The extension of this concept to unsteady flows in three dimensions will help to make a more explicit connection between force production and wake structure. Before forging this link, it is first necessary to consider a series of fundamental conservation laws concerning the behavior of fluids. The first is Kelvin's Law, which states that the net circulation within a fluid system cannot change (Milne-Thomson, 1966). Before a biofoil starts to move, it generates no circulation. At the onset of motion, it begins to produce bound circulation which, by Kelvin's law, must be accompanied by additional circulation nearby that is of precisely equal and opposite strength. As the movement begins, this counter circulation is manifest in a free starting vortex that develops near the original resting position of the biofoil (Fig. IB). The fact that total circulation is always zero creates an apparent paradox that might seem incompatible with the production of circulatory forces by Eq. 3. If the total circulation is zero, why is not the total force zero as well? The paradox is resolved because the effect of a vortex on the pressure distribution around a biofoil depends critically on its proximity. The vor(7) Mv = ticity and resultant circulation that is bound to the biofoil exerts an influence on velocity where p is the density of the fluid, A is the and pressure throughout translation. The in- area of the loop, and Y is the circulation fluences of the starting vortex, on the other around the ring filament (Fig. 2A). The hand, becomes infinitesimally small as the force associated with the formation of a biofoil moves farther away. Kelvin's law is vortex ring is found by differentiating Eq. also manifest when a moving biofoil comes 7 to yield: to rest (Fig. 1C), at which point all the bound circulation of the biofoil is shed as F, = p-(TA). (8) a free vortex. The magnitude of this stop- 542 MICHAEL DICKINSON c M =pTA v v B F v =pr dA. starting vortex bound vortex tip vortex FIG. 2. Forces exerted on biofoils are matched by a corresponding change in wake momentum. (A) The momentum of a vortex ring is given by the product of ring area, fluid density, and the circulation around the loop filament. (B) As a biofoil moves, the area within the resultant wake loop increases at a constant rate. Differentiation of the equation for loop momentum gives the corresponding upward force exerted on the biofoil. (C) Since the change in loop area with respect to time is equal to velocity, U, times biofoil length, R, the differentiation of wake momentum returns the Kutta-Joukowski Theorem. If the strength of circulation is constant, then the above equation reduces to: as a concentric series of many vortex rings—or even more accurately—as a continuous sheet of vorticity. Nevertheless, it is Fv = pfUR (9) important to recognize that the blade elesince the change in loop area with respect ment and wake momentum approaches reto time is equal to the product of biofoil ally do meet in the middle. Force generalength, R, and the velocity, U, at which it tion by fins, flippers, or wings requires a moves (Fig. 2B). Dividing both sides by R change in fluid momentum that could be returns the familiar Kutta-Joukowski equa- quantified as a change in wake structure. tion: Under steady-state conditions the rate of momentum transfer is constant, which (10) means that the force encountered by the biofoil is constant, but that the size of the Thus, the forces generated by an biofoil can vortex ring increases at a steady rate. So far, this description has only briefly be related directly to the strength and structure of the resultant wake. I have made a mentioned the drag of a biofoil, which has number of implicit assumptions in the three independent components: skin friccourse of this derivation. For example, the tion, induced drag, and pressure drag. Skin circulation along the wing was assumed friction results from viscous shear acting on constant, when in reality circulation is the surface of the biofoil. The drag coeffigreatest around the center of the airfoil and cient due to skin friction may be estimated lowest at the ends. In order to satisfy Helm- from the following relationship (Schlichtholtz' Theorem, the wake must be modeled ing, 1979): pru I- - FORCE GENERATION IN LOCOMOTION: UNSTEADY MECHANISMS 2.66 VRe' (11) Since skin friction is due to viscosity, not vorticity, its influence attenuates quickly with increasing Reynolds numbers. Induced drag results from the altered velocity and pressure distribution around a hydrofoil caused by the vorticity within the wake. As seen in Figure 2B, the tip vortices induce a downward velocity or downwash that alters the direction of flow around the biofoil. This alteration of the velocity changes the pressure distribution so that the lift vector tilts slightly backward. The rearward component of the resultant force vector is the induced drag. Using the standard assumptions of thin airfoil theory, the drag coefficient due to induced drag may be estimated as (Kuethe and Chow, 1986): r Dl -£k. TTM (12) where the aspect ratio, M, is the ratio of wing length to chord length (R/c). The third component of total drag, pressure drag, is caused by the separation of flow from the top surface of the biofoil. The flow separation results in an underpressure that pulls the biofoil rearward. At angles of attack less then 15°, where steady-state assumptions are valid, pressure drag is quite small and is often ignored. Above 15°, however, pressure drag increases rapidly with increasing angles of attack. Under steadystate conditions, the mechanism giving rise to lift and pressure drag are usually considered distinct. As described in a following section, however, this is not generally the case for unsteady conditions, and we may consider lift and drag to be two components of a single circulatory force. UNSTEADY MECHANISMS OF FORCE PRODUCTION The underlying principle of steady-state mechanics is that the bound circulation of a biofoil is time-invariant as long as velocity and wing geometry do not change. In most forms of animal locomotion, however, biofoils reciprocate back and forth—all the while changing their velocity and angle of attack. Under these conditions force pro- 543 duction will not be steady, and the wake will probably not form a simple single ring structure. This does not mean that steadystate approaches are necessarily invalid for biological systems, but any analysis that excludes unsteady mechanisms is turning a blind eye to a long list of potentially crucial phenomena. Two dimensionless parameters provide some simple indices of whether or not unsteady mechanisms may be important for a given locomotory behavior. The first is advance ratio, which is the velocity of the body divided by the velocity of the propulsive biofoil. For an appendage of length R, flapping with amplitude <J>, at frequency f, the advance ratio, J, is given by (Ellington, 1984a): J = U (13) where U is the forward velocity of the body. This same concept is also commonly expressed (inversely) as the reduced frequency parameter, <j (Daniel and Webb, 1987): a = 23>fR U ' (14) These two parameters quantify how much of the fluid flow past a biofoil is due to its own flapping, and how much comes simply from the forward motion of the body. At large J (and low cr) the situation approaches gliding, and steady-state mechanisms may be sufficient to account for force generation. At low J (and largeCT),the fluid velocity is due to the continual back and forth oscillation of appendages that are unlikely to be under steady-state conditions. Reduced frequency and advance ratio thus offer a quick and dirty assay for the relative importance of steady-state and unsteady mechanisms. However, this method is filled with many implicit assumptions, and must be viewed with great caution. Before delving into the complexities of force generation and wake dynamics associated with unsteady flow, it is necessary to consider a few key unsteady phenomena that, again, are best introduced in two dimensions. One important unsteady effect 544 MICHAEL DICKINSON concerns the growth of circulation when a biofoil is started from rest. As was discussed above, Kelvin's Law requires that the bound circulation of a biofoil is balanced by an equal and opposite starting vortex (Fig. 1). At steady-state, this starting vortex may be safely ignored because it does not influence the flow over the moving biofoil. However, the starting vortex does affect circulatory lift at the onset of translation when it is still close to the biofoil. Since the starting vortex and the bound vorticity of the biofoil induce fluid velocity in opposite directions, they reduce each others strength (Fig. 1A). This reduction in circulation over the first several chord lengths of travel results in a diminution of lift. This phenomenon is termed the Wagner effect, after the German aerodynamicist who first predicted it in 1931. The influence of the starting vortex falls off with its separation from the biofoil. After about 6 chord widths of travel, the separation is large enough that the lift approaches its steady-state value. The Wagner effect has limited importance for the aeronautics industry, since airplane wings move hundreds of chord lengths by the time they reach the end of the runway. In animal locomotion, however, a biofoil may only travel a few chord lengths before stopping and reversing direction. For this reason, the Wagner effect probably limits the development of circulatory forces in many forms of animal locomotion (Ellington, 19846). FIG. 3. Impulsive start of a biofoil at a high angle of attack. The rapidly increasing circulation does not remain bound to the biofoil, but rather forms an attached vortex on the leading edge. As translation proceeds, a small trailing edge vortex forms as the leading edge vortex continues to grow. The leading edge vortex is eventually shed from the biofoil as von Karman shedding commences. Kelvin's Law is maintained throughout. The figure was traced from an actual flow visualization of a model biofoil at a Reynolds number of 192 (Dickinson and Gotz, 1993). biofoil, it temporarily reattaches to the upper surface in front of the trailing edge to form a leading edge bubble that encloses a vortex (Fig. 3). The resultant circulation is no longer 'bound' as it is under steady-state conditions, since the rotational center of the vorticity enclosed within the bubble does Another important unsteady effect not lie within the center of the biofoil. Nevemerges from considering an impulsive ertheless, the presence of a strong attached start at a high angle of attack (Fig. 3). Most vortex still results in lift by creating an unman-made wings or hydrofoils are designed derpressure on the top surface of the bioto function at angles of attack less than foil. For animals that oscillate their biofoils about 15°. Above a critical angle, the flow back and forth, the phenomenon of delayed separates off the trailing edge increasing stall may have enormous importance. A pressure drag and attenuating circulatory biofoil that moves only a few chord lengths lift—a process that is collectively termed in a given stroke could generate lift of stall. However, the phenomenon termed de- much greater magnitude than could ever oclayed or dynamic stall follows from the fact cur under steady-state conditions (Fig. 4). that this separation does not occur instan- This mechanism can more than offset the taneously. Consequently, a biofoil can tran- deleterious effects of the Wagner effect, and siently produce circulatory forces that are probably explains why animals as different much greater than those possible at steady as fruit flies and sunfish use extremely high state. Delayed stall is often associated with angles of attack (Gibb et al, 1994; Zanker, the formation of an attached vortex. As the 1990). flow separates from the leading edge of the Force generation by delayed stall at high 545 FORCE GENERATION IN LOCOMOTION: UNSTEADY MECHANISMS 2.5 2 ooo° o 1.5 V4-4 § 1 o • • . 0.5 • o 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 angle of attack (degs) FIG. 4. Delayed stall can greatly augment the magnitude of circulatory forces. The instantaneous lift coefficient during an impulsive start of a model biofoil at a Reynolds number of 192, is plotted against angle of attack. The open circles show the lift coefficients measured 2 chord lengths after the start of translation when a large leading edge bubble was still attached to the model biofoil. The dark circles indicate the values after 7 chord lengths of translation, approximating steady-state conditions. Notice that the curves diverge at angles of attack over 15°, the point at which the flows become unsteady. Data are replotted from Dickinson and Gotz (1993). angles of attack differs in many critical ways from steady-state mechanisms at low angles of attack. In conventional steadystate fluid mechanics, lift and pressure drag are considered to be cleanly separable phenomena. Lift, acting perpendicular to flow, results from bound circulation, while pressure drag results from separation of flow from the top surface of the biofoil. As illustrated in Figure 5, this phenomenological distinction is not valid at high angles of attack. The under pressure created by an attached vortex will produce a force that acts roughly perpendicular to the plane of the biofoil, not the direction of motion. Consequently, at a 45° angle of attack, an attached leading edge vortex will contribute about equally to lift and drag. The two forces are therefore manifestations of exactly the same fluid mechanics phenomenon. For this reason, it may be misleading to distinguish between "lift-based" and 'dragbased' modes of propulsion at high angles of attack. Rather than dealing with separate lift and drag coefficients, it is simpler to define a total circulatory force coefficient, CT, that is related to the conventional force coefficients by: (15) CT = V(C L 2 + CD2). The orientation of the total circulatory force with respect to the surface of the biofoil, 6F, is given by: 9FT = a + a r c t a n f ^ |, (16) B 01 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 210 'S- 180 3 •' 150 a> 120 . - oL' 0 • 90 30 60 a (degs) 90 0 30 60 9 a (degs) FIG. 5. Lift and drag forces are components of a single circulatory force that acts perpendicular to the surface of a biofoil. (A) At an angle of attack, a, the total circulatory force is oriented at an angle, 8F,, with respect to the surface of the biofoil. (B) The magnitude of the instantaneous total circulatory force as a function of angle of attack. The forces were measured after two chord lengths of motion following an impulsive start at a Reynolds number of 192. Notice that the magnitude increases linearly to angles of attack as high as 60°, where it then plateaus. (C) At angles of attack above 15°, the circulatory force is almost perfectly normal to the surface of the model biofoil. Data are replotted from Dickinson and Gotz (1993). 546 MICHAEL DICKINSON where a is the angle of attack. The behavior of the total force is rather more intuitive and straightforward than lift and drag. As indicated in Figure 5, The total force coefficient rises linearly with angle of attack from 0 to 60°. At angles of attack above 10°, the total force is oriented almost exactly at 90° with respect to the surface of the model biofoil. This is not surprising since pressure forces act perpendicularly on solid surfaces. The fact that unsteady lift and drag are caused by the same mechanisms is also manifest in their dependence on Reynolds number. Lift coefficients should rise with increasing Reynolds numbers since circulation is supported by fluid inertia and attenuated by fluid viscosity. In contrast, one of the great icons of steady-state fluid mechanics is the monotonic decline in drag coefficients with increasing Reynolds number (Schlichting, 1979). However, the instantaneous drag coefficients measured during the process of delayed stall actually grow in parallel with lift coefficients as Reynolds number increases (Dickinson and Gotz, 1993). The effect is expected, since under unsteady conditions lift and drag are simply arbitrary components of a single circulatory force caused by an attached vortex. The increasing strength of vorticity at higher Reynolds number will augment the strength of attached vortices, resulting in an elevation of both and lift and drag. Given enough distance, a biofoil translating at a high angle of attack will eventually stall. However, within a biologically relevant range of Reynolds number (from about 5 to 200,000), the process of stall itself is quite dynamic. By Kelvin's Law, the vorticity generated by the moving biofoil must be matched by an equal and opposite starting vortex. At a low angles of attack, the bound circulation grows asymptotically to a constant value, and all the counter-circulation resides in the starting vortex (Fig. IB). The essential feature of unsteady flow at high angles of attack is that the circulation is not stable, but rather continues to grow throughout translation. At the start of translation at a high angle of attack, an attached vortex grows on the leading edge (Fig. 3). As the biofoil pulls away from the starting vortex, this growing vorticity is bal- anced by the formation of another attached vortex that forms on the trailing edge. As this trailing edge vortex grows, the center of the original leading edge vortex moves farther from the biofoil and is eventually shed into the wake. As the trailing edge vortex grows, a new leading edge vortex is formed, in accordance with Kelvin's Law. The process continues, producing a long chain of alternating vortices that is called a von Karman street. Are von Karman streets important for aquatic locomotion? In most reciprocating forms of locomotion, biofoils move over too short a distance to ever generate a full-blown von Karman street. Periodic vortex shedding probably does occur from the bodies of swimming organisms, however, and these vortices may influence force generation on more posterior appendages (Ahlborn et al., 1991). In any event, a familiarity with von Karman wakes is essential for developing an intuitive sense of unsteady flows. For example, the 'constant' steady-state forces measured on a biofoil at angles of attack greater than about 15° are actually the time-averages of oscillatory forces caused by von Karman shedding. Now we may extend these unsteady phenomenon to three dimensions by considering the force generated and wake formed by a finite biofoil. As with a low angle of attack, the translating biofoil will generate a vortex ring consisting of the starting vortex connected to two tip filaments. At high angles of attack, however, the vortex along the biofoil may be attached, rather than bound. From the work of Charlie Ellington and his colleagues (Ellington, 1996; Willmott, 1995) it seems that leading edge bubbles grow more slowly on three-dimensional biofoils than one would predict from two-dimensional models. This delay is probably caused by extensive length-wise flow along finite biofoils. Although this lengthwise flow reduces the magnitude of circulation, it may also extend the distance over which force is generated before the leading edge vortex detaches from the biofoil. In any event, the circulatory forces generated during a short translation at high angle of attack can be much greater than could be stably produced under steady-state conditions. During a single stroke started FORCE GENERATION IN LOCOMOTION: UNSTEADY MECHANISMS from rest, the benefits of delayed stall outweigh the detriments of the Wagner effect. At the end of the translation, the vorticity along the biofoil is shed as a stopping vortex filament, and the entire ring is free within the fluid. While translation is occurring, the relationship between instantaneous force production and wake structure is still given by Eq. 8, but modified for time variant circulation as: (17) Thus, in order to recreate the instantaneous forces from the structure of the wake under unsteady conditions, it is necessary to measure both the change in ring area and change in ring circulation with respect to time. Rotational circulation So far this discussion has only considered circulation created by linear translation of a biofoil. However, just like the spinning cylindrical "sails" on Flettner's famous boat, a biofoil can also generate circulatory forces through angular rotation (Ellington, 1984fo). Kelvin's Law is still in play, so any change in rotational circulation must be accompanied by counter circulation nearby. For example, if a biofoil rotates impulsively from rest, the bound circulation of a rotating biofoil is accompanied by a free rotational starting vortex, and when rotation ceases, the biofoil will shed a rotational stopping vortex. Rotational circulation is important in biological fluid mechanics because reciprocating biofoils often undergo a rotation during each stroke reversal. Depending upon the precise kinematic conditions, the rotational circulation may either enhance or hinder the generation of forces during the subsequent stroke (Dickinson, 1994). BASIC KINEMATIC PATTERNS OF LOCOMOTION Locomotion with single posterior appendage From the palette of simple unsteady mechanisms described in the last section we can begin to consider the unsteady force generation and wake dynamics in real animals. Many fish swim by reciprocal undu- 547 lation of a posterior tail fin (Videler, 1993; Webb, 1975). In this pattern, the tail moves a few chord lengths at a high angle of attack, stops, rotates slightly, and repeats the motion in the opposite direction. During each stroke, the tail develops a force acting normal to its surface while generating a vortex ring (Fig. 6A). At the end of each stroke, the tail will deposit the old vortex ring into the wake, reverses direction, and starts to develop circulation in the other direction. Thus, each complete stroke cycle will produce a pair of vortex rings moving in opposite directions. After several undulatory cycles, the wake will consists of a series of rings that continue to translate through the fluid under their own induced velocity, thus spreading the wake laterally (Fig. 6B). This generalized wake is very similar to that observed behind slowly swimming danios (Rosen, 1959; McCutcheon, 1977). Under these conditions, the highest forces should be produced during the stroke as the vortex ring grows in size and strength. As long as the rotation of the tail during stroke reversal is slow with respect to the lateral translation, the contribution of rotational circulation during stroke reversal should be small. At faster speeds, the stopping and starting vortices of successive strokes may fuse, forming a linked chain (Rayner, 1995). Locomotion with paired appendages Many animals in air and water create locomotory forces using a bilateral pair of appendages. Predicting the forces and wake created by animals using paired undulating appendages is extremely difficult, but extensive work on the flight of birds, insects, and bats can serve as models for aquatic locomotion using pectoral fins and nippers. In addition, Freymuth (1990) has experimentally investigated the forces and wakes generated by a reciprocating biofoil in an elegant physical modeling study. Figure 7A illustrates the wake that results when two paired biofoils beat with a large stroke amplitude separated by only a spindly body. At the start of each stroke, the two appendages move apart without creating starting vortices. This peculiarity does not violate Kelvin's law, because the bound circulations 548 MICHAEL DICKINSON A B oo oo oo oo °o FIG. 6. Cartoon illustration of vortex wake expected behind a fish swimming with a reciprocating tail fin. The sequences starts at the bottom and moves to the right. (A) Each lateral stroke of the tail creates a single vortex loop, seen in cross-section as a pair of starting and stopping vortices. The direction of the total circulatory force is indicated by the biofoil outline drawn to the left of each figure. (B) After many stroke cycles, the fish creates a wake of alternating vortex pairs, each moving laterally under their own induced velocity. of the two biofoils are equal and opposite. Maxworthy, 1979). During the fling, a tip This trick of making the starting vortex of vortex forms connecting the bound or atone biofoil be the bound vortex of the other, tached vorticity of the two appendages, is one advantage of the fling mechanism that thereby creating a horseshoe-shaped vortex was first described by Weis-Fogh (1973) for loop attached to the body. At the end of the tiny insects, but may also be important in stroke, the two biofoils come together, shed many forms of aquatic locomotion. Another their vorticity in a stopping vortex. During advantage of the fling occurs because the this process, the tip filaments fuse to combiofoils pull apart first along their leading plete a circular vortex loop. edges. This rotation develops circulation beAfter a sufficient pause and rotation, the fore the start of translation and thus coun- process would repeat again in the opposite teracts the Wagner effect to augment the pro- direction. If the pause between strokes is duction of force during the subsequent sufficient, a complete upstroke and downstroke (Bennett, 1977; Ellington, 1995; stroke cycle would create two vortex loops, FORCE GENERATION IN LOCOMOTION: UNSTEADY MECHANISMS 549 FIG. 7. Cartoon illustration of the vortex wakes behind an imaginary fish swimming with pectoral fins. (A) When using a large stroke amplitude, the two fins will make a single large vortex loop during the downstroke. If the fins clap at the end of the downstroke, another loop may form during the upstroke. (B) If the wings do not clap at the end of the downstroke, circulation may be inhibited by the cumulative Wagner effect and no upstroke loop will form. After shedding, the ends of the vortex filaments may slide along the body before fusing together at the tail. (C) The 'double-loop' wake resulting from the kinematics shown in A. (D) The 'singleloop' wake resulting from the kinematics shown in B. (E) The linked chain wake that results from the fusing of stopping and starting vortices in a double-loop system (after Brodsky, 1994). (F) The wake resulting from low stroke amplitude kinematics, in which each wing makes its own vortex system. This mode of kinematics may be beneficial for maneuverability. 550 MICHAEL DICKINSON similar to the wake behind a reciprocating tail fin, except that the successive vortex rings would be oriented in the same direction (Fig. 7C). Experimentally, detection of two rings in each full stroke cycle is instructive, since it indicates that the wings generate circulatory forces during both half strokes and that the sign of circulation changes around the biofoil during each stroke reversal. The wake pattern many change, however, if the pause between strokes is short. The stopping vortex of each stroke has the same rotational orientation as the starting vortex of the next stroke (Fig. 7E). Consequently, the stopping and starting filaments may fuse in a combined "stopping-starting" vortex, linking successive vortex rings together. Brodsky (1991, 1994) first described this linked vortex chain in the wakes behind flying insects. The cumulative Wagner effect In order to reverse the sign of circulation and the direction of resultant forces, the biofoil must undergo an extensive rotation during each stroke reversal. The bound circulation of this rotation has the same sign as the previous translational circulation, and might possibly augment force production during the last portion of each stroke (Fig. 8A). Once shed, however, the rotational circulation has the same orientation as the stopping vortex of the previous stroke and the starting vortex of the next stroke. Consequently, unless the pause between strokes is long, each stroke reversal may produce a large combined 'stopping-starting-rotation' vortex that could have a profound influence on force generation during the next stroke. As the biofoil begins to translate in the opposite direction, a cumulative Wagner effect will operate, since the biofoil now must fight the large counter vorticity of the combined vortex (Dickinson and Gotz, 1996). An experimental illustration of the cumulative Wagner effect is shown in Fig. 8B. The magnitude of this effect will depend critically on the duration of the pause between half strokes, the speed of rotation, and the axis of rotation during stroke reversal (Dickinson, 1994). At the start of each stroke, paired biofoils may have to start their translation under the o B 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 impulsive start 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 chord lengths FIG. 8. The cumulative Wagner effect. (A) Before stroke reversal, a biofoil translates with an attached leading edge vortex. At the start of the next stroke, the large stopping vortex combines with the new starting vortex and hinders the development of translational circulation. For simplicity, the contributions of rotational circulation have not been included. (B) Experimental verification of the cumulative Wagner effect. The instantaneous lift coefficient is plotted for 7.5 chords of motion at a 22.5° angle of attack (Reynolds number of 192). The large peaks at the beginning and end of each trace are inertial transients. The lift is greatly attenuated over the first 3 chord lengths of travel if translation is proceeded by a reverse stroke and rotation (return stroke), compared to that generated following a start from rest (impulsive start). The lift following rotation eventually recovers, and attains an even higher degree of delayed stall, perhaps because the circulation develops more slowly. However, it is the first 3 chord lengths of travel that are most relevant to biological locomotion. Data are replotted from (Dickinson, 1994). influence of a cumulative Wagner effect. If, however, the wings could be brought close enough together, their shed stopping vortices might rapidly annihilate one another, providing a clean slate for the subsequent stroke. This might be one function behind the clap behavior that was also described by Weis-Fogh (1973) for small insects. Together, the clap and fling kinematics provide mechanisms for more efficiently changing the sign of circulation during stroke reversal (Ellington, 1995). If the biofoils close first at their leading edges, the FORCE GENERATION IN LOCOMOTION: UNSTEADY MECHANISMS clap would also squeeze fluid rearward in a jet providing an additional source of momentum exchange (Gotz, 1987). The efficiency of the clap and fling depends critically on the spatial separation between the pair of reciprocating biofoils. In many animals it is morphologically impossible to clap the biofoils together during one or both of the two stroke reversals. Since the circulation generated during one stroke interferes, via the cumulative Wagner effect, with the generation of circulation in the next stroke, it may be advantageous under certain conditions to limit the production of circulatory force to one of the two strokes (Fig. 7D). Indeed, the wakes of many animals, including many birds and insects, consist of only a single vortex loop in each stroke cycle, indicating that they limit the production of circulatory lift to the downstroke. (Dickinson and Gotz, 1996; Grodnitsky and Morozov, 1992; Grodnitsky and Morozov, 1993; Kokshaysky, 1979; Spedding, 1986; Spedding et al, 1984). For many of these animals, the wings come close enough for a clap and fling during the extreme upstroke position, but are separated by a large angle during the extreme downstroke position. While the development of circulation at the start of the downstroke is aided by the fling, the situation is quite different at the start of the upstroke. Without the clap to annihilate the vorticity on the two wings, the development of upstroke circulation is inhibited by the cumulative Wagner effect. The circulatory forces during the following upstroke are therefore small and little vorticity is shed into the wake. On the other hand, the absence of upstroke circulation is beneficial for force generation during the downstroke, because the cumulative Wagner effect will be greatly attenuated. In any locomotory system with paired biofoils, the inhibitory interactions between the vorticity generated by successive strokes probably plays a central role in the evolution of kinematic patterns. The situation is quite different for a single reciprocating tail fin where the forces generated by two successive strokes must be symmetrical. In this case, the animal cannot alter its kinematics to favor one stroke over the other. 551 If the stroke amplitude during hovering is small and there is a large angle between the paired biofoils at both their ventral and dorsal extremes, then the vorticity created by the two biofoils will remain separate. Under these conditions, Kelvin's law will be satisfied separately on each side of the body, and each biofoil will create its own wake consisting of stacked vortex rings (Fig. 7F). This double ringed structure has been identified behind a hovering crane fly by Brodsky (1991). One would expect the forces generated by the biofoils during low stroke amplitude hovering to be comparatively small, because the animal cannot exploit the advantages of the clap and fling during either stroke reversal. For this reason there seems little to gain from utilizing low stroke amplitude kinematics during hovering. However, in many cases maneuverability, and not power efficiency, may exert the strongest selective pressure in the design of locomotory behavior. By uncoupling the fluid mechanical interactions, the forces generated by one biofoil become independent of forces generated by the other. By exploiting this independence, an animal may produce much more sophisticated motions, enabling it to dodge in and out of coral heads or around flower stems. In this regard, it is worth noting that the hoverflies (which have my vote for the most maneuverable group of organisms on the planet), are noteworthy in their use of low stroke amplitude hovering. Much of the work on hovering has concerned insects and birds that must continuously generate a downward aerodynamic force to overcome the force of gravity. In contrast, fish using paired pectoral fins are mentally buoyant which may free the paired biofoils for more exclusive use in maneuvering. Another reason that fish may be relatively more maneuverable than flying animals results from their laterally compressed body morphology. While birds and insects have relatively thin and spindly bodies compared to their wings, the pectoral fins of many fish are separated by a "wall" formed by a broad laterally-compressed body. The presence of a large flat body has several potentially interesting consequences for the mechanisms of force production. A 552 MICHAEL DICKINSON flat body would enhance maneuverability, since it would physically separate the hydrodynamics of force production by the two fins. Nevertheless, the animal could still exploit the advantages of the clap and fling to counteract the Wagner effect at the start of each stroke. This favorable arrangement is possible because solid walls within fluids are analogous to mirrors in Optics. The large body of the fish would act as an image plane to mimic the presence of a paired appendage. In fact, researchers have used the image plane trick in order to construct physical models of the clap and fling behavior using a single mechanical biofoil (Bennett, 1977). For these reasons, big flat bodies may be extremely beneficial for fish that employ pectoral fin locomotion. It offers them the benefits in maneuverability that are found in low amplitude hovering without sacrificing the benefits in force production that arise from the interactions between paired biofoils. Fast forward locomotion with paired biofoils The necessity for birds and insects to continuously generate lift to counteract gravity has important consequences for the transition from hovering to fast forward propulsion. As discussed above, in some hovering animals the direction of circulation changes from one stroke to the next in order to generate an upward force throughout the entire cycle. During forward flight, when the velocity over the biofoils is determined primarily by the forward velocity of the body, the sign of circulation must remain the same during both the upstroke and downstroke. Thus, the gait transition from hovering to forward flight will require a change in the direction of circulation during the upstroke. For hovering animals that generate circulation only on the downstroke, the transition is less extreme. (Rayner et ah, 1986). Once the direction of circulation stays constant from one stroke to the next, the structure of the wake simplifies, becoming topologically similar to that of an airplane with two continuous tip vortices trailing from the bound circulation of the wings (Spedding, 1987). For fish, penguins, and other aquatic animals using paired bio- foils, the functional constraints are quite different. Because of their buoyancy, aquatic animals need not create lift throughout the entire cycle. Indeed, in order to maintain a level trajectory they may need to balance the upward force during one stroke with a downward force during the next. To accomplish this during forward locomotion, the circulation must still change sign from one stroke to the next. The resultant wake of each paired biofoil would consist of a series of downward and upward direction vortex rings, perhaps similar to the pattern in Figure 7F. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The field of Biological Fluid Mechanics has made great progress in exploring adaptations of locomotion using steady-state models and other simplifying assumptions. Why is it all of the sudden necessary to explore the same problems using a more difficult and complex analysis? The simplest answer is that many forms of locomotion cannot be explained by steady-state approximations. This was certainly the case for insect flight (Ellington, 1984c), and is probably also true for many forms of aquatic locomotion. In addition, while simpler steady-state models are satisfying in that they emphasize unifying general principles, many important biological questions require that we identify subtle differences in behavior and physiology. The facility with which we can resolve these subtleties may determine how successfully Biological Fluid Mechanics can be integrated with other disciplines such as Ecology, Evolution, and Neurobiology. The methods employed must be precise enough to resolve functionally significant differences among closely-related species, different points along an ontogenetic series, or animals performing small but functionally important variations in steering maneuvers. The generalized descriptions presented throughout the paper have relied upon unequal doses of data, intuition, mathematics, and fantasy. The difficult but essential task is to measure forces and visualize flows on real behaving animals. There are three main avenues currently available for the study of biological fluid mechanics. The first and 553 FORCE GENERATION IN LOCOMOTION: UNSTEADY MECHANISMS most important path is the acquisition of more elaborate flow visualizations and force measurements from swimming animals. The ultimate experimental paradigm would allow direct measurement of instantaneous forces during locomotion while simultaneously visualizing kinematics and wake structure. At first glance, such a scheme might seem impossible for most animals. However, the continuous technological advances in computers, video, radio transmitters, and countless other devices will undoubtedly make such attempts easier in years to come. Clearly, the measurement of instantaneous forces is a particularly daunting task. However, such measurements with swimming animals are possible. Mark Westneat is currently using a "fish-on-a-stick" transducer to study the swimming mechanics of sunfish (personal communication). A second useful approach, is to develop physical models that more accurately replicate the complex kinematics of real animals. Devices that could re-create all the degrees of freedom of flapping biofoils would be extremely useful in testing models of unsteady force production. Charlie Ellington and his coworkers in Cambridge have constructed a giant mechanical model of a hawk moth, which has already proven of great importance in identifying new unsteady mechanisms of force production in insect flight (Ellington, 1996; Willmott, 1995). Mimi Keohl and her colleagues have developed a flapping model of a crustacean swimming appendage to examine oscillatory flows at low Reynolds numbers (Loudon et ai, 1993). In the future, simple flow tanks and static models should be replaced by complex machines flapping through towing tanks or wind tunnels. The flapping appendages could be equipped with an array of sensors for measurement of instantaneous aerodynamic forces. The reproducible and programmable motions of mechanical devices would facilitate flow visualizations of wake structure. Unfortunately, such devices require expense, space, and development time that may be beyond the resources of many individual laboratories. However, a single device, designed with flexibility in mind, could serve the needs of a large number of researchers. The third obvious direction for the analysis of unsteady fluid mechanics is the development and use of sophisticated computer models, as illustrated by the work of Jordan (1996) and Fauci (1996) within this volume. Recently, Liu and colleagues (1996) have used the computational fluid dynamic method (CFD) to presented an elegant and visually beautiful analysis of the flows and forces generated by undulating tadpoles. At the moment, such analyses are the domain of computational specialists, although the rise in cheap computer power is already spawning workstations throughout the labs of many biologists. 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