PDF: 1569 KB - Infrastructure Investment

© Commonwealth of Australia 2015
ISBN 978-1-922205-89-6
May 2015/INFRA2241
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National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
BEFORE YOU BEGIN .................................................................................................................... 2
What is the National Stronger Regions Fund?............................................................................. 2
Who is eligible to apply for NSRF funding? ................................................................................. 2
The Application Process ............................................................................................................. 2
Disclosure of Information............................................................................................................. 2
Accessing the Application Form .................................................................................................. 3
Creating or Continuing an Application ......................................................................................... 4
Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................... 7
ELIGIBILITY CHECKLIST .............................................................................................................. 8
APPLICANT INFORMATION ......................................................................................................... 9
Application Information ................................................................................................................ 9
Consortium Details ...................................................................................................................... 9
PROJECT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 10
Project Licences or Approvals ................................................................................................... 12
PROJECT FINANCIALS .............................................................................................................. 13
Partner Funding ........................................................................................................................ 14
Project Delivery ......................................................................................................................... 14
Application Financials ............................................................................................................... 15
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA ........................................................................................................... 16
DOCUMENTS DROPBOX ............................................................................................................ 17
Submitting the Application ......................................................................................................... 20
Legal Authorisation ................................................................................................................... 21
SUBMIT ........................................................................................................................................ 23
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 1
What is the National Stronger Regions Fund?
The National Stronger Regions Fund (NSRF) is an Australian Government programme to support
economic development in Australia’s regions.
Who is eligible to apply for NSRF funding?
Eligible organisations must be a legal entity with an Australian Business Number (ABN). They must
also be one of the following, either in their own right or on behalf of a consortium:
Local Government Authority, or
not-for-profit organisation that is not owned by a state or territory government.
The Application Process
Round Two will open on Friday, 15 May 2015 and applications must be submitted by 5.00 pm local
time on Friday, 31 July 2015. Local time refers to the applicant’s local time.
Funding will not be provided for activities commenced prior to the announcement of the funding
decision. Financial commitments entered into before the announcement and before a grant
agreement has been executed with the Department remain the risk of the proponent.
Disclosure of Information
As part of the assessment process, information contained in the application may be provided to
relevant third parties such as state/territory government agencies, organisations and individuals, and
any others you identify in your application.
Information relating to individuals will be protected under the Privacy Act 1988. Requests for access
to such information, where not agreed to by proponents, will be dealt with under the provisions of the
Freedom of Information Act 1982.
The Commonwealth Grant Rules and Guidelines requires that all projects to receive grant funding
are listed on the supplying agency’s website. As such, a list of projects that receive grant funding
under NSRF will be published on the Department’s website.
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
Accessing the Application Form
The NSRF application form can only be accessed, completed and submitted via the secure online
Grant Management System (GMS) Portal. The online form is not downloadable to your personal
Registering to use the GMS Portal
Organisations must register for access to the GMS Portal on the GMS Portal home page
(http://gms.infrastructure.gov.au/UI). Each organisation must have:
an ABN;
an Administrator, who is responsible for managing, adding and deleting users; and
a Signatory, usually a Chief Executive Officer or General Manager, who is responsible for
completing legal authorisations and declarations for applications.
All registered users can update their organisation’s contact details within the GMS Portal, however
only the Administrator can perform some functions such as adding users.
Opening the GMS Portal
To enter the GMS Portal open the link at http://gms.infrastructure.gov.au/UI and login using your
user name and password. If you have forgotten your password contact the Department on either
IMSHelp@infrastructure.gov.au or 1800 005 494 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm AEST.
Once you login you will be taken to the Organisation Details page to check that your organisation’s
details are correct. Any incorrect details should be changed at this stage. Once you have ensured
details are correct, select the ‘Save Organisation Details and Continue’ button. If the details are
correct and no updates are required, select the ‘Continue – no changes made’ button.
You will then proceed to the Manage Users page which lists your organisation’s:
‘Signatory’ – the delegate responsible for submitting the application;
‘Administrators’ – who have access to the application form, can grant general user access
and assign the signatory role to the CEO/General Manager or their delegate; and
‘Users’ – who have access to the application form to input information.
On the Manage Users page it is important to check that your details are correct and inform your
organisation’s ‘Administrator’ to make updates if required.
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 3
Managing GMS Portal Users
Check that existing users are still current for your organisation and advise the Administrator to
deactivate users who no longer require access by selecting the relevant blue hyperlink next to the
User’s name.
Ask the Administrator to register new GMS Portal Users if required by selecting the ‘Add a User’ link,
then enter the new Users details and select the Save and Continue button.
GMS Portal Administrator Additional Instructions
If you are a GMS Portal Administrator you can correct any errors at this point by clicking on the blue
hyperlinks on the Manage Users page.
Confirm that the Signatory is correct and has access to the system. As the Administrator you may
assign multiple Administrators but only one Signatory by selecting the relevant blue hyperlink next to
the Users name. The Signatory is the only person who can submit the application and should be the
CEO or General Manager of the organisation.
Creating or Continuing an Application
To create or continue an existing application, go to the Home page:
select the Create/Continue/Submit Applications button next to the NSRF programme under
Available Grants (see Figure 1), and
Figure 1. Click on link (circled in red above) to create, continue or submit an application.
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
start a new application by selecting the Create a new Application button (see Figure 2), or
continue an application by selecting the Continue Application button (see Figure 3).
Figure 2. Click on the button (circled in red above) to create an application.
Figure 3. Click on the button (circled in red above) to continue an existing application.’
Only two applications can be active at any time.
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 5
Navigating the Application Form
The application form is divided into sections and each section is accessed via a tab. Tabs are
located in a row near the top of your screen. Each tab relates to a different aspect of the application.
In addition, some tabs contain sub-tabs that form a row under the primary tab.
You must complete the 'Before you Begin' and 'Eligibility Checklist' tabs before you can access the
remaining tabs. It is recommended that you read through this document before you begin answering
questions from the 'Applicant Information' tab onwards. You can only jump (or skip) tabs after all
tabs have been opened for the first time.
All questions in the application form are mandatory unless otherwise stated. The application form
will automatically detect whether you have not answered a mandatory question or your answer is not
within the defined parameters e.g. the Project finish date is before the Project start date. The tabs
with colour codes, ticks and crosses are a guide to the status of the information:
white indicates that the tab has not yet been opened;
yellow indicates that the tab is currently open on your screen;
red (with a cross) indicates invalid or incomplete fields on the tab; and
green (with a tick) indicates that all the required information has been provided and has been
validated by the system.
If you have a red tab, notifications with a cross will appear in a box at the top of the screen to inform
you of the fields that require changes on that tab. If the tab has sub-tabs you must click on the red
sub-tab to view the relevant notification.
In addition, the system provides for information icons (see Figure 4) which informs users that nonmandatory information can be included in this tab which is not currently present. Application forms
can be submitted if an information icon is present but cannot be submitted if a cross icon is present.
Cross icons will make the tab or sub-tab red.
Figure 4. Mandatory warning icon shown as a ‘x’ (or ‘error’) icon and information icons are shown as
an ‘i’.
IMPORTANT: You cannot submit an application form that has a red tab as the form has invalid or
incomplete fields.
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
Responding to Application Questions
Questions in the application form should be considered in conjunction with NSRF Guidelines,
Frequently Asked Questions and other supporting information available from
All questions in the application form are mandatory unless otherwise specified or greyed out. Some
fields are pre-populated with information stored in the GMS Portal, for example your organisation’s
details may be found in the Applicant Information tab.
IMPORTANT: Application information in this Document is a sample only.
Saving Information in the Application Form
Select the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save your responses and remain on the
same tab. Select the Next>> button at the bottom of the screen to save your responses and
continue to the next tab.
If you are completing a table in the application form, you must select the ‘Update’ button to save the
information in that table. If an error notification appears you must correct the error before the
information will be saved.
It is recommended that you press the Update/Save button frequently (at least every 20
minutes) as you work on the application in the GMS Portal. It is also good practice to copy and
paste a copy of GMS Portal application information into a word document as you progress through
the GMS Portal questions.
Completing Fields
A response to all questions which are not greyed out in the application form is mandatory. Table 1 of
this document contains a list of documents that must be uploaded at Question 30. In addition to the
mandatory documents, users may upload up to 20 additional documents in support of their
Before commencing the application in the GMS Portal you will need to press the acknowledgement
button to confirm you have read and understood the information provided above.
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 7
1. Before proceeding, confirm that you meet each of the following eligibility criteria by
ticking the appropriate checkboxes:
Select a box by clicking on an empty square (see Figure 5). A tick will appear. To remove a tick
select the box and confirm it has been removed.
Figure 5. Example of tick boxes
Please proceed to the application form on the next tab.
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
Application Information
Legal Name of the Applicant [pre-populated]
Australian Business Number of Applicant [pre-populated]
Applicant Type [pre-populated]
Physical address of the Applicant [pre-populated]
Postal address of the Applicant [pre-populated]
Signatory for your organisation (the Chief Executive Officer, General Manager or equivalent) [prepopulated]
Note: if the pre-populated details above are not correctly recorded in the GMS Portal, ask your
organisation’s GMS Portal Administrator to update the Manage Users or GMS Organisation
Details page.
Contact Person within the Applicant organisation regarding the Project
(for example, the Project Manager)
Note: this person must be a User of the GMS Portal. The Administrator may add a new User,
by going to the Manage Users page.
Please provide additional details of Contact Person (for example, relationship to the project,
professional memberships, qualifications etc).
Consortium Details
You are applying as:
o A sole Applicant
o The lead organisation of a consortium – please add evidence of Consortium Organisation
Details in the Documents Dropbox at Question 30 and list consortium organisations in table
below (only complete if part of a consortium).
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 9
Figure 6. Consortium Organisation Details
Note: The following definitions apply to the NSRF programme:
Free text fields
You can type directly into free text fields. All free text fields have a character limit that is identified in
the Remaining Characters at the bottom of the text field (circled in red in Figure 7).
Figure 7. Example of a text field.
Project Title
Please provide a Project Title Maximum 50 characters
Project definition – the component for which funding is being sought in this application
Project Title example: Upgrade the Regional Airport at Smalltown (using the preferred format of
activity – infrastructure – location as per this example)
Brief Description of the Project Outcome.
Please provide a brief overview description of the Project outcome, to be used in media
releases, launches and other promotion documents. Maximum 700 characters.
Outcome definition – what the project expects to achieve through implementation.
For example: The outcome of this project is to redevelop the Airport to increase visitor numbers and
facilitate trade
Describe the Output(s) of the Project.
Maximum 1500 characters.
Output(s) definition – the individual items delivered on completion of the project.
For example: The outputs for the project consist of:
Airport building
1km extension to runway
25 new runway lights and associated electrical upgrades
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
Terminal apron
Please provide the following dates.
You can enter dates by selecting the calendar icon (circled in red in Figure 8) and selecting a date
from the calendar.
Figure 8. Example of date fields.
Please provide estimates of the full-time equivalent employment (FTE) generated as a
result of the Project (Note: The figures entered here should be consistent with your
application evidence at Question 30).
FTE during construction:
FTE post construction:
An FTE of 1.0 is equivalent to a full-time worker of approximately 40 hours per week, while an FTE
of 0.5 signals half of a full work load.
For example: You have three employees and they work 50 hours, 40 hours, and 10 hours per week
– totaling 100 hours. Assuming a full-time employee works 40 hours per week, your full time
equivalent calculation is 100 hours divided by 40 hours which equals 2.5 FTE. This field in the online
application is to one decimal place only and you may need to round accordingly.
Please indicate the current stage of development in relation to the progress of your
Project (Note: Select one radio button option only).
The project is at an advanced stage of planning, final quotes have been received or
preferred suppliers have been selected.
Project planning is detailed, final designs and tender documentation have been prepared.
Project management plans are prepared, and the project is past the ‘concept’ stage with
at least preliminary designs or a well described scope for smaller projects.
The project is at the early stages, plans are conceptual and budgets have not yet been
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 11
Project Licences or Approvals
10. Does the Project require any licences or approvals before it can commence (for example,
building or planning approvals, or an environmental impact study)?
Note: Construction must commence within 12 months of signing the Funding
Agreement, and relevant licences and approvals must be received by the Applicant
within six months of signing the Funding Agreement.
Yes – please add details of a licence or approval at Question 30
11. Is this project part of a larger programme of works?
Yes – please add details in the text box
Project Location
12. Where is the Project you are applying for located?
Add location details below and if the Project is across multiple sites please add
these locations as well after completing details of the Primary Project Location
Figure 9. Example of Project location fields.
For each location please attach a satellite image or map at question 30 as an Other
document that shows the geographic location(s) of the Project.
Note: the Department will not accept hyperlinks to websites.
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
Impacts on the Project
13. Is the commencement of the Project dependent on the completion of any other works?
Yes – please provide details of the works and their potential impact on the delivery
of the Project at Question 30.
14 What is the total cost of the Project excluding any in-kind contributions (GST exclusive)?
These fields are automatically formatted for currency figures. Please enter the figures without using
$ signs or commas.
15. What is the total cost of the Programme of Works (GST exclusive)?
16. How much NSRF funding are you applying for (GST exclusive)?
17. Please enter budget items amounts for the project by selecting ‘Add budget line item’.
Figure 10. Example of Budget Line Item fields.
After filling in line item details select ‘Update’ and then ‘Save’. The line item will then be displayed in
a budget table and additional line items can be added by selecting ‘Add budget line item’
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 13
Partner Funding
18. Please provide Partner Funding details including in-kind (Partner Funding is defined as
any contribution in addition to the NSRF amount including the applicant’s contribution).
It is an eligibility requirement that all partner funding is at least confirmed.
Add Partner Funding Details for each Partner by selecting ‘Upload Partner Funding Details’
Upload evidence of Partner Funding in the Document Dropbox at Question 30 for each Funding
Partner listed in Partner Funding Table. This is a mandatory requirement and is outlined in the
NSRF Guidelines (Separate evidence of partner funding is not required where the applicant is
making an 'Own Contribution').
19. Have you previously undertaken projects of a similar size or scale to the Project in this
Yes - please provide evidence of your experience at Question 30.
Note: Only include recent projects that you believe effectively demonstrate your capacity
to deliver the current Project. Maximum of five projects.
Project Delivery
20. Do you have contingency arrangements in place to cover any cost overruns (including if
your funding partners fail to make their contribution)?
Yes - please give evidence of contingency at question 30.
If yes, please provide details of contingency arrangements. Maximum 1500 characters.
21. Have the cost estimates for the Project been independently assessed?
Yes - please give evidence of the assessment at Question 30.
If yes, please provide details of the organisation that assessed your cost estimates.
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
22. Have the ongoing costs for which you will be responsible once the Project is completed
(such as operational costs, maintenance, public liability and employment) been
budgeted for in the operation of the Project?
Note: NSRF funding cannot be used for ongoing costs.
No - please provide comments below.
If no, please provide reasons for not budgeting for ongoing costs. Maximum 300
23. Has anyone involved in managing the Project been bankrupt or convicted of fraudulent
or criminal activities?
o Yes
o No
24. In the past two years has the Applicant (or a consortium member, if applicable) been
involved in any legal proceedings that will impact on the Project?
o Yes
o No
Application Financials
25. Please provide a summary of the Applicant's financial details for two of the three most
recent financial years in the table below. Upload the Applicant’s audited financial
statements in the Document Dropbox at Question 30. The statements must include the
auditor’s statement and signature.
Note: Ensure that the figures are accurately transcribed into the table below and match the
mandatory documents uploaded at Question 30.
Figure 11. Example of Application Financials fields.
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 15
Your application will be appraised against the following Assessment Criteria.
Applicants are advised to present a strong case against each of the Assessment Criteria,
with all claims supported by evidence and to note the following:
Make sure you press the 'Save' button regularly (at least every 20 minutes) to prevent the
online application form access from timing out as this will result in unsaved work being lost.
Responses to the Assessment Criteria must be completed in the application form;
Responses to the Assessment Criteria must be concise and are limited to 5000 characters
(including spaces) per Assessment Criterion field;
Any response to the Assessment Criteria beyond 5000 characters (including spaces) will not
be recorded; and
Supporting documentation at Question 30 should provide evidence in support of the claims
against each Assessment Criteria rather than expand on your response to the Assessment
Criteria and be uploaded under 'Other document'.
26. Assessment Criterion 1: the extent to which the Project contributes to economic growth
in the region
27. Assessment Criterion 2: the extent to which the Project/ supports or addresses
disadvantage in a region
28. Assessment Criterion 3: the extent to which the Project increases investment and builds
partnerships in the region
29. Assessment Criterion 4: the extent to which the Project and Applicant are viable and
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
30. Please upload all mandatory and other documents:
A number of documents are mandatory and are listed at Table 1.
Note: Separately emailed documentation will not be considered.
In addition to the mandatory documents, users may upload up to 20 other documents in support of
their application. All documents must be attached at Question 30 to be considered.
Attach supporting documents to your application in the GMS Portal by:
- selecting the document type from the Drop down box (Figure 12);
- selecting the Browse button (circled in red in Figure 12);
- navigating to the document in the window that opens (Figure 13); and
- select the Upload button (circled in red in Figure 14) to upload the document and attach it to
the application.
To ensure the document has uploaded correctly, you must wait until the document appears as it
does in Figure 15, and selecting the [Document name] link button to check the document has been
uploaded. If the document needs to be changed select the Delete button and upload another
document. It is recommended that you select [Document name] again to confirm the upload has
been successful.
Figure 12. Drop down box to select document type
Figure 13. Example of area to upload documents – ‘Browse’ button.
Figure 14. Example of a document that has been opened but not yet uploaded.
Figure 15. Example of a document that has been successfully uploaded to the system.
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 17
IMPORTANT: ALL uploaded supporting documentation must be less than 15MB each and have a
file name less than 45 characters (including the file extension).
File Size
Any documents that are 15MB or larger will generate an error message and will not be uploaded by
the system.
It is recommended that document sizes be kept to a minimum to reduce upload times.
To reduce the file size of documents you can convert the document to a PDF (by opening the
document, selecting ‘Save As’ and choosing ‘PDF (.pdf) or by removing unnecessary images or
creating a zip file.
Where only a part of the supporting document is relevant to the application, that part plus the cover
and contents pages may be provided rather than the entire document. For example an excerpt from
a master plan or feasibility study.
File Name Character Length
Supporting documents must have a file name that is less than 45 characters long, including the file
extension (for example, ‘.docx’ or ‘.pdf’) and use the suggested file name conventions in Table 1.
The suggested file names in Table 1 will ensure that file names are less than 30 characters.
IMPORTANT: If you experience difficulty uploading documents you should contact the
Department’s Helpdesk on either IMSHelp@infrastructure.gov.au or 1800 005 494 (Monday to
Friday from 9am to 5pm AEST).
Figure 16. Example of successfully uploaded document.
Please refer to section 4.6 of the Guidelines for a list of all mandatory documents.
Note: each document to be uploaded must be under 15 megabytes and have a file name less than
45 characters (including the file extension).
For example if your application number is NSRF12330 then you would use the following
Project Location = NSRF12330_Project_Location.DOC
Evidence o Experience = NSRF12330_Evidence_of_Experience
Evidence of Licences and Approvals = NSRF12330_[Licence Name]
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
Table 1. Suggested file names for supporting documents.
All Applicant Documents
Naming convention examples
Project Location
[NSRF ID]_Project_Location]
Business Case (Mandatory)
[NSRF ID]_Business_Case
Evidence the Asset will be maintained
Project Management Plan (Mandatory)
[NSRF ID]_Project_Man_Plan
Risk Management Plan (Mandatory)
[NSRF ID]_Risk_Plan
Procurement Management Plan (Mandatory)
[NSRF ID]_Procurement_Plan
Audited Financial Statements for two of the
[NSRF ID]_Financial_statements
three most recent consecutive years combined
into a single document for upload (Mandatory)
Evidence of Licences or Approvals
[NSRF ID]_[Licence Name]
Evidence of Disadvantage
[NSRF ID]_Disadvantage
Evidence of Partner Funding (Mandatory)
[NSRF ID]_Partner_Funding_1
Letter of Support
[NSRF ID]_Letter_of_Support
Evidence of In-kind Contributions (Mandatory)
[NSRF ID]_In-kind_Contributions
Selection Criteria documents
[NSRF ID]_Selection_Criteria_1 etc
Not for profit (NFP) only Documents
Naming convention examples
Evidence of Incorporation (Mandatory)
[NSRF ID]_Incorporation_Evidence
NFP Constitution or other governance document
[NSRF ID]_NFP_Constitution
Evidence of Capacity to deliver (Mandatory)
[NSRF ID]_Evidence_of_Experience
For NSRF requests over $1m only Documents
Naming convention examples
Evidence to Demonstrate Experience (Mandatory)
[NSRF ID]_Incorporation_ Experience
Asset Maintenance or Asset Management Plan
[NSRF ID]_Asset_Management_Plan
Evidence of Experience to deliver (Mandatory)
[NSRF ID]_Evidence_of_Experience
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 19
Submitting the Application
The application form can only be submitted by the organisation’s Signatory (nominated in the GMS
Portal). The Signatory must log into the GMS Portal, open the application form, complete the Legal
Authorisation tab and select the Submit button at the end of the application form.
All mandatory questions must be completed before the form can be submitted. All of the tabs apart
from the Submit tab must be green and ticked before the application can be submitted (see
Navigating the Application Form, page 6). Once the Legal Authorisation tab has been completed
only the Submit tab will be available. You will need to contact the Department if you wish to
make changes after the Legal Authorisation has been completed.
Applicants should allow sufficient time to complete and submit their application form. If possible,
avoid waiting until the last minute to submit your application as high volumes of users can slow
the system and may make it difficult for you to complete your submission.
A summary of the application form contents, including a list of all uploaded documents, is
automatically emailed to the Signatory as confirmation that the application has been received
by the Department.
IMPORTANT: Allow sufficient time to complete the online application and ensure the nominated
GMS Portal Signatory is available to submit your application
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
Legal Authorisation
Note: The Legal Authorisation and Declaration of Conflict of Interest should only be completed once
all other parts of the application have been completed.
The previous tabs in the application form will be locked once the Legal Authorisation and
Declaration of Conflict of Interest have been completed. To undo this tab you must send a request
via email to nsrf@infrastructure.gov.au.
This legal authorisation may only be completed by [pre-populated name], the registered signatory for
your Organisation.
[Pre-populated signatory name]
[Pre-populated signatory position title]
[Pre-populated organisation name]
[Pre-populated address line 1]
[Pre-populated suburb]
[Pre-populated state and postcode]
Confirm that:
I am a person authorised to make this declaration on behalf of my organisation.
The information provided in this form and all appended documents is complete and
correct. I understand that information provided in this webform will form the basis of
the funding agreement if the application is successful.
The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development (the Department), or
any third party authorised by the Department, may perform such investigations and
procedures as the Department may determine are necessary for the assessment of
this application. I confirm that my organisation may be required to provide additional
information including access to records requested by the Department or its third
party representative/s in order to facilitate the necessary investigations.
I agree that the Department may arrange for an Independent Viability Assessment
(IVA) of my project by an external adviser or consultant to the Department.
To the best of my knowledge, I have disclosed (A Declaration of Conflict of Interest)
all actual, apparent or potential conflicts of interest that would prevent my
organisation from proceeding with the proposal outlined in this Application for
Funding under the NSRF programme or from entering into a Funding Agreement with
the Commonwealth to deliver a project which relates to this Application for Funding
under the NSRF programme.
This acts as my electronic signature.
[Pre-populated signatory name]
[Pre-populated signatory position title]
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 21
[Date and time stamp]
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
I confirm that, at the date of this Application, other than those interests listed below, no conflict exists
or is likely to arise that would prevent [Pre-populated organisation] from proceeding with the
proposal outlined in this Application for Funding under the NSRF programme or from entering into a
Funding Agreement with the Commonwealth to deliver a project which relates to this Application for
Funding under the NSRF programme.
If a Conflict arises I agree to:
notify the Commonwealth in writing immediately;
make full disclosure of all relevant information relating to the Conflict; and
to take any steps the Commonwealth reasonably requires to resolve or otherwise deal with the
Conflicted Interests:
[Describe conflicts of interest]
This acts as my electronic signature.
[Pre-populated signatory name]
[Pre-populated signatory position title]
[Date and time stamp]
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
Applications must be submitted using the GMS Portal. If possible avoid waiting until the last minute
to submit your application as high volumes of users can slow the system and may make it difficult for
applicant’s to complete the submission.
The NSRF Round Two application submission period is from Friday, 15 May 2015 until 5.00pm
local time Friday, 31 July 2015. Late applications will not be considered unless approval has been
received from the Department prior to the closing time and date.
If you have provided all information required for the application you’re ready to submit the form.
Once you click SUBMIT your form will be lodged with the Department. Please consider taking the
opportunity to review your responses before submitting the form.
Printing an Application
If you would like to print your application you should email the application to yourself by selecting
Email me a copy of this application button on the bottom left of your screen. You are able to email a
copy of the application to yourself at any time during the application submission period. If you do not
receive the email, you should check that the email address recorded against your account is correct
in the GMS Portal. If the email address is incorrect you should ask your organisation’s GMS Portal
Administrator to update your details.
The email contains a list of supporting documents that have been uploaded onto the GMS Portal.
Please note that the email version of the application will not contain all the information contained in
the application form fields. If you require a copy of each field you can copy and paste from the
GMS Portal into the email version of the application, or save the information into a Word document.
Cancelling an Application
Applications can be cancelled at any time prior to submission. To cancel an application, select the
Cancel Application button (circled in red in Figure 14) on the NSRF page. This will cancel the
application and leave an archived version in your list of NSRF applications.
You will receive an automated email confirming the cancellation of your application.
Figure 17. NSRF Round page – Cancel Application button (circled in red above). NSRF Round One
provided as an example.
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 23
Withdrawing an Application
To withdraw a submitted application your organisation’s Signatory must provide written notification
to the Department via email to nsrf@infrastructure.gov.au. Please allow three working days for the
Department to process the withdrawal of an application.
The Signatory requesting the withdrawal will receive confirmation via email from
nsrf@infrastructure.gov.au when the request has been received and when the withdrawal process
has been completed.
The withdrawn application will appear as an archived withdrawn application in the GMS Portal and
the Create a new Application button will reappear.
Withdrawn or cancelled applications are not considered submitted.
Contingency Arrangements
Late applications will not be accepted unless the Department considers there were exceptional
circumstances beyond the applicant’s control. Applicant’s must send an email to
nsrf@infrastructure.gov.au seeking contingency arrangements as early as possible and prior to the
applicable Round closing time. Further information is available in the NSRF Guidelines. It is
important to note that late applications will not be accepted without prior arrangement with the
Help and Support
If you are experiencing any technical difficulties regarding the completion of the application form
please contact the Department’s Helpdesk on either IMSHelp@infrastructure.gov.au or
1800 005 494 (Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm AEST).
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide June 2015
National Stronger Regions Fund: GMS Portal Application User Guide May 2015 25