Progressive Waste Solutions Code of Business Conduct and Ethics 1 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Contents 2 Purpose 3 Scope 3 People 4 Personal Health and Safety 5 Operational Health and Safety 6 Responsibility to the Company 7 Competitive Practices 8 Conflicts of Interest 9 Computer Systems and Business Communications 11 Our Communities and Environment 12 Dealings with Governments, Regulators, and Charitable Organizations 13 Guidance from the Company’s Corporate General Counsel 14 Whistleblower Incident Reporting Line 14 Trading in Securities of the Company 14 Conclusion 15 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Purpose This Code of Conduct and Business Ethics establishes Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd.’s commitment to its employees, as well as its standards for conducting business, and its relationship with the community. Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. and its subsidiaries (collectively the “Company”) will pursue each of their respective activities with a commitment to basic values and principles of ethical behavior. The Company’s reputation for integrity and good corporate citizenship will be maintained through adherence to the highest ethical standards, embracing open and honest relations with Personnel (as defined below), shareholders, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. The Company expects all of its Personnel to act ethically, in accordance with all applicable laws (including securities laws) and with the highest standards of integrity. Scope This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) applies to all directors, officers, employees and contractors (“Personnel”) of the Company and will be posted on the Company’s website at Upon hire, all Personnel must sign a document (the “Attestation”) (i) acknowledging that they have read and understood the Code, and (ii) agreeing to comply with the Code as a condition of continued employment or service. Failure to observe the Code may result in disciplinary action (up to and including termination of employment). All Managers – from Executive Management to District and Division Level Management within the Company, as well as controllers and sales representatives – are required to sign the Attestation on an annual basis as a condition of continued employment or service. To the extent that the Company’s Board of Directors or Audit Committee determines to grant any waiver from the Code for an executive officer or director, the waiver will be disclosed within four business days of such determination. Disclosure will be made by distributing a press release, providing website disclosure on the same site where the Code is posted, or by filing a report with applicable securities authorities. Only the Board of Directors or the Audit Committee may grant such a waiver from the Code. 3 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics People The Company strives to communicate with Personnel in an open, honest and timely manner in all matters that affect them, encouraging feedback to ensure a two-way flow of communication. The Company expects Personnel to commit their best efforts to the Company’s success, to act prudently in their use of the Company’s property and other resources, and to uphold the Company’s good name and reputation in all day-to-day dealings. Both the Company and Personnel have a responsibility to create a workplace where everyone is treated with honesty, dignity, fairness, and respect, which includes, but is not limited to: • refraining from using demeaning terms or gestures to refer to an individual’s race, colour, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, faith or religion, marital status, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, citizenship status, or other protected group status as defined from time to time by applicable federal, state, provincial, or local laws or regulations; and • refraining from harassment in every form, or intimidating, hostile or offensive behavior, which may include but is not limited to, making obscene jokes, unwelcome physical touching or bullying or inappropriate threats of any kind. The Company is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to an environment free from discrimination of any sort. The Company will provide equal employment opportunity for all persons without regard to race, colour, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, marital status, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, citizenship status, or other protected group status as defined from time to time by applicable federal, state, provincial, or local laws or regulations. This applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including hiring, placement, promotion, demotion, transfer, recall, recruitment, recruitment advertising, lay-off or termination, rate of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training. 4 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Personal Health and Safety The Company is dedicated to providing a safe working environment for all its Personnel. The Company has a zero tolerance principle and standard for acts of violence and verbal or physical behavior that could lead to, contribute to or cause workplace violence. The Company does not tolerate violent behavior of any kind at any of its places of business, whether committed by or against any Personnel. Prohibited behaviors include: • making threatening remarks; • causing physical injury to someone else; • intentionally damaging someone else’s or the Company’s property; • vandalism; • sabotage; and/or • acting aggressively in a way that could reasonably cause someone else to fear for his or her personal safety. Both the Company and its Personnel have a responsibility to remain alert to any of the violent or illegal behavior identified above within the workplace. Personnel are to immediately report any such behavior to their supervisor. For the protection of all Personnel and others involved, Personnel are encouraged to err on the side of safety when reporting all concerns. 5 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Operational Health and Safety Conducting operations in a safe manner is central to the Company’s culture and purpose. All Personnel have a responsibility to work in a safe manner and contribute to the continuous improvement of the Company’s health and safety practices. The Company will not compromise safety in the interest of profit. Personnel should ensure that they: • understand and will comply with all health and safety principles and standards applicable to their operating unit; • attend and actively participate in the Company’s operating health and safety training programs that are offered periodically throughout the year; • speak up if they believe they have not received the training or resources needed to perform their job safely, and that they will continue to escalate the matter if not adequately and promptly addressed by their immediate supervisor; • report any actual or potential health and safety violations or hazards (in each case actual or potential including dangerous situations which if left unaddressed could reasonably lead to a safety incident) to their immediate supervisor, and promptly take whatever steps resonably necessary to prevent bodily injury or harm to others, and that they continue to escalate the matter if not adequately and promptly addressed by their immediate supervisor; • cooperate with their workplace health and safety colleagues or committee and with all safety investigations, inspections and audits; and • if necessary, avail themselves of the Company’s Whistleblower Program (described below) to alert the Company’s Corporate General Counsel of any actual or imminent health and safety issues. 6 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Responsibility to the Company Information Disclosure All Personnel are required to protect the Company’s material and confidential information pursuant to the Company’s disclosure principles and standards, and applicable laws. Unless required by law, disclosure of confidential information is not permitted without written authorization of the Company. The responsible Personnel may be held liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Company and will be subject to disciplinary action (up to and including termination of employment). When Personnel leave the employ or service of the Company, all business-related documents and information of the Company must be returned to the Company and are not to be used or disclosed to third parties in any way by the departing Personnel. Communication with the Media and Investors Communications with the news media, securities analysts or investors that are made on behalf of the Company must be in compliance with the Company’s disclosure principles and standards, and in consultation with the Company’s Vice President of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications. Proper Maintenance and Retention of Records It is the Company’s principle and standard to provide full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents filed with, or submitted to, the Securities and Exchange Commission, securities regulatory authorities in Canada and in other public communications. The Company’s accounting records must be maintained in accordance with all applicable laws and standards, must be proper, supported and classified, and must not contain any false or misleading entries. Accordingly, all transactions and agreements of the Company must be properly recorded and accounted for in the books of the Company, and retained in accordance with the Company’s records retention principles and standards, and guidelines. All Personnel are responsible and accountable for the accurate reporting of transactions in which they are directly involved. No Personnel shall make entries that are intentionally false or that obscure the true nature of a transaction. Company Assets All Personnel should protect the Company’s assets and ensure their efficient use. The Company’s assets should only be used for legitimate business purposes. 7 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Competitive Practices “Competition” or “Anti-Trust” laws prohibit businesses from engaging in certain restraints on trade and making false or misleading representations about their products or services, along with other requirements. These prohibitions are intended to ensure a competitive and efficient marketplace for goods and services. Although the Company will compete vigorously in the marketplace, the Company will always do so fairly and in compliance with applicable laws including Competition and Anti-Trust Laws. For this purpose, “competitor” means anyone who currently competes with or could potentially compete with the Company in relation to one or more of its services. Personnel must: • never make any agreements with any competitor of the Company in relation to: –– pricing; –– the allocation of customers or markets; or –– the supply of products and services to the market; • never agree with any competitor on the terms of a bid or whether or not to submit a bid to a potential customer; • never agree with other competitors to “boycott” or otherwise refuse to do business with one or more suppliers or customers; • never exchange competitively sensitive information with competitors of the Company; and • ensure that all marketing materials and communications about the Company are accurate and disclose all information which, if withheld, could create an impression of the pricing, services or offering that is false or misleading in a material respect. 8 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Conflicts of Interest General Conflicts of interest arise when individuals or organizations have personal interests that may interfere with their independent exercise of judgment in the Company’s business dealings. Personnel must avoid (i) making decisions on behalf of the Company that are influenced by conflicting interests, or (ii) being influenced themselves by any such interests. For these reasons, actual, potential and perceived conflicts of interest (each a “Conflict” and collectively described as “Conflicts” in this section) must be carefully managed. The following scenarios are indicative of more commonly encountered Conflicts. This is not an exhaustive list and Personnel must always be alert to other situations that may give rise to Conflicts. A Conflict can arise when any Personnel and any immediate family member: • takes actions or has interests that may make it difficult to perform his or her Company work objectively or effectively; • requests, accepts or offers improper personal benefits such as gifts in connection with any corporate expenditure or sale of goods and services, and to the extent gifts or gratuities are received, they may only be of nominal value and must be approved; • takes an opportunity for him- or herself that is discovered through corporate opportunity, or the use of corporate property, information or position; • uses Company property, information or position for personal gain. This includes engaging in insider trading or “tipping” each of which is illegal and expressly prohibited; or • accepts an outside position with either the Company’s competitors, suppliers, or customers during the term of employment or service of Personnel, or following such employment or service when post-employment or post-service restrictive covenants are operative. For purposes of this Code, an “immediate family member” includes any Personnel’s spouse, parents, stepparents, children, stepchildren, siblings, mothers- and fathers-in-law, sons- and daughters-in-law, brothers- and sisters-in-law, and any person (other than a tenant or employee) sharing any Personnel’s household. Personnel and their immediate family members must not accept loans or guarantees of obligations from any individual, organization or entity doing or seeking to do business with the Company (except from banks or other entities that provide such services in the normal course and at arms’ length). Personnel should report any offer of such a loan or guarantee to a supervisor or the Company’s Corporate General Counsel. 9 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Personnel must avoid activities or situations that involve or appear to involve Conflicts with the Company. The responsibility to avoid Conflicts or the perception of Conflicts arising from outside activities lies with individual Personnel. In all instances where a Conflict or the appearance of a Conflict exists, Personnel must disclose the nature of the Conflict to his or her supervisor or the Company’s Corporate General Counsel as soon as possible. Where there is a real or perceived Conflict involving a director of the Company, the matter should be referred to the Non-Executive Chairman of the Board. If Personnel ever doubt whether a situation creates or may create a Conflict, they should discuss the situation with their managers or supervisors. Personnel are required to act in the best interests of the Company at all times. Fair Dealing Personnel should deal fairly and transparently with the Company’s shareholders, customers, suppliers, competitors and employees. Corporate Opportunities Requests by Personnel to pursue opportunities that the Company has or may have an interest in will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and all such requests must be referred to the Company’s Corporate General Counsel or his designee, who will refer the matter to the Audit Committee for consideration. Any such opportunities that are not approved by the Audit Committee shall not be pursued. A list of approved related party transactions will be provided to the Audit Committee annually for review. 10 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Computer Systems and Business Communications Personnel who use a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smart phone or any other computing device (a “Device”) are responsible for the protection of Company information that may be stored on, accessed from or otherwise available through any such Device. This applies at all times, whether Personnel are using a Device for work-related or other non-work related purposes. All Company-issued Devices are provided for the purpose of conducting Company business matters. The Devices must not be used in any way that would violate any Company priniciple and standard. Acceptable use guidelines are provided in the employee handbook or are otherwise communicated from time to time to Personnel and the IT department. Any and all documents, data, and information, and any form of electronic or voice messages, composed, sent, stored and received on or over the Company’s systems is also the property of the Company. Users of these systems should have no expectation of privacy while using these systems and the Company reserves the right to monitor all uses of these systems. Furthermore, use of the Company’s systems must be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of Canada, the United States or any other applicable jurisdiction in which the Company may operate whether now or in the future. 11 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Our Communities and Environment The Company is committed to responsibly managing all aspects of its business to meet or exceed recognized environmental, health and safety standards and legal requirements. To do this, the Company: • conducts its business in an environmentally responsible manner; • uses energy wisely and efficiently in its operations; • complies with all applicable federal, provincial and state environmental laws and regulations, and related professional standards of good industry practices; • uses technologies, business processes and operating procedures designed to minimize health and safety risks; and/or • encourages all Personnel to report immediately to their supervisor any known breach of the Company’s environmental, health and safety standards in accordance with the Company’s established environmental principles and standards, and manuals. 12 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Dealings with Governments, Regulators, and Charitable Organizations The Company is committed to honest and ethical communications and dealings with officials at all levels of government, including full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents filed with government organizations as well as in public communications. Under no circumstances will Personnel offer or accept economic or other personal benefits in dealings with government or regulatory officials. This applies to all situations, regardless of motive including governmental or regulatory officials’ attempts to obtain money or favors from the Company by the wrongful use of their official position. Any such incidents should be immediately reported to the Company’s Corporate General Counsel in Toronto. Company commitments or contributions of any kind, to political candidates or organizations, shall be pre-approved in accordance with the Company’s applicable principles and standards. 13 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Guidance from the Company’s Corporate General Counsel The Company operates in multiple jurisdictions in both Canada and the US and must comply with the laws of both countries. As a result, situations will arise where the guidance of the Company’s Corporate General Counsel (located in Toronto, Canada) should be sought. Actual or potential violations of this Code should be promptly reported to an officer of the Company and the Corporate General Counsel in Toronto, who will deal with such actual or potential violations in a confidential and unbiased manner. Whistleblower Incident Reporting Line Personnel may also call the Company’s Whistleblower Incident Reporting Line at 1-888-6324450 to report violations of this Code. Personnel are also strongly encouraged to report any concern regarding accounting, internal accounting control or auditing matters in writing to the Audit Committee at Only the foregoing matters will be dealt with via this reporting line. Calls to the Whistleblower Incident Reporting Line may be made confidentially and anonymously. For more detailed information, please refer to the Company’s Whistleblower Principles and Standards, or consult with the Company’s Corporate General Counsel in Toronto who can be reached at Trading in Securities of the Company All Personnel are prohibited by law and Company trading principles and standards from buying or selling securities of the Company whenever Personnel are in possession of material information about the Company that has not generally been disclosed. Personnel are also prohibited from engaging in “tipping” which consists of passing material information that has not generally been disclosed to someone who does not have a need to know that information in the necessary course of the Company’s business. All Personnel must review the Company’s trading and reporting principles and standards, which contain provisions concerning trades in the securities of the Company and public reporting requirements applicable to Personnel who are considered to be “Reporting Insiders” under applicable securities laws. 14 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Conclusion Upholding a high standard of business conduct is the responsibility of the Company and individual Personnel. Often answering such simple questions as “Is this course of action good for The Company?” and “Can I justify it?” or referring to a basic guiding principle, “Am I doing what is right?” will provide guidance. No principle and standard can provide definitive answers to all questions. It is difficult to anticipate every decision or action that Personnel may face or consider. Furthermore, whenever there is doubt about the right ethical or legal choice to make, or questions regarding any of the standards discussed or principles and standards referenced in this Code, Personnel should fully disclose the circumstances, seek guidance about the right thing to do, and keep asking until guidance is obtained. The earlier a potential problem is detected and corrected, the better off the Company will be in protecting against harm to the Company’s business and reputation. Please refer to other relevant documents, (e.g. Company Principles and Standards, Employee Handbook, etc.) which are available from managers or on the Company’s intranet website for more detailed information on these matters. All Personnel have the responsibility to ask questions, seek guidance and report suspected violations of the Code. Retaliation against Personnel who come forward to raise genuine concerns will not be tolerated. 15 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics 16 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Progressive Waste Solutions Corporate Headquarters 400 Applewood Crescent, 2nd Floor Vaughan ON L4K 0C3 Tel: 905-532-7510 U.S. Headquarters 2301 Eagle Parkway, Suite 200 Fort Worth TX 76177 Tel: 817-632-4000 For more information, contact:
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