Scotia Howard Weil Energy Conference March 2015 Forward-Looking & Other Cautionary Statements Th e followin g p resen tation in clu d es forward -lookin g statemen ts . Th ese statemen t s relate to fu tu re even ts, su ch as an ticip ated reven u es, earn in gs, b u sin ess strategie s, comp etitiv e p osition or oth er asp ects of ou r op eration s or op eratin g resu lts or th e in d u stries or markets in wh ic h we op erate or p articip ate in gen eral, in clu d in g gu id an ce regard in g th e timin g an d location of ad d ition al rigs, resu lts of th e Comp an y 's d rillin g p rogram, 2015 cap ital b u d get, th e p rojected d rillin g an d comp letion cost savin gs an d th e resu ltan t imp act on 2015 cap ital b u d get, p rojected in tern al rates of retu rn , resu lts of ou r h ed gin g p rogram, th e ab ility to fu n d th e Comp an y ’s 2015 cap ital exp en d itu re b u d get largely with free cash , p rojection s regard in g total p rod u ction , average d aily p rod u ction , p ercen tag e liq u id s, op eratin g exp en ses , p rod u ction taxes as a p ercen tage of reven u e, G& A exp en ses an d cap ital exp en d itu re levels for 2015. Actu al ou tcomes an d resu lts may d iffer materially from wh at is exp ress ed or forecast in su ch forward -lookin g statemen ts . Th ese statemen t s are n ot gu aran tees of fu tu re p erforman ce an d in volve certain risks, u n certain ties an d assu mp tion s th at may p rove to b e in correct an d are d ifficu lt to p red ict su ch as oil an d gas p rices; op eration al h azard s an d d rillin g risks; p oten tial failu re to ach ieve, an d p oten tial d elay s in ach ievin g exp ected reserv e s or p rod u ction levels from existin g an d fu tu re oil an d gas d evelop men t p rojects; u n su ccessfu l exp loratory activities; u n exp ecte d cost in creases or tech n ical d ifficu lties in con stru ctin g, main tain in g or mod i fy in g comp an y facilities; p oten tial liab ility for remed ial action s u n d er existin g or fu tu re en viron men tal regu lation s or from p en d in g or fu tu re litigation ; limit ed access to cap ital or sign ifican tly h igh er cost of cap ital related to illiq u id ity or u n certain ty in th e d omestic or in tern ation al fin an cial markets; gen eral d omestic an d in tern ation al econ omic an d p olitical con d ition s, as well as ch an ges in tax, en viron men tal an d oth er laws ap p licab le to Jon es E n ergy ’s b u sin ess an d oth er econ omic, b u sin ess, comp etitiv e an d /or regu latory factors affectin g Jon es E n ergy ’s b u sin ess gen erally as set forth in Jon es E n ergy ’s filin gs with th e Secu ritie s an d E xch an ge Commission (SE C). We cau tion y ou n ot to p lace u n d u e relian ce on ou r forward -lookin g statemen ts, wh ich are on ly as of th e d ate of th is p resen tation or as oth erwise in d icated , an d we exp ressly d isclaim an y resp on sib ility for u p d atin g su ch in formation . Th e SE C req u ires oil an d gas comp an ies, in th eir filin gs with th e SE C, to d isclose p roved reserve s, wh ich are th ose q u an titie s o f oil an d gas, wh ich , b y an aly sis of geoscien c e an d en gin eerin g d ata, can b e estimated with reason ab le certain ty to b e econ omically p rod u cib le—from a given d ate forward , from kn own reservoir s, an d u n d er existin g econ omic con d ition s (u sin g u n weigh ted average 12-mon th first d ay of th e mon th p rices), op eratin g meth od s, an d govern m en t regu lation s— p rior to th e time at wh ich con tracts p rovid in g th e righ t to op erate exp ire, u n less evid en ce in d icates th at ren ewal is reason ab ly certain , regard les s of wh eth er d etermin isti c or p rob ab ilistic meth od s are u sed for th e estimation . Th e SE C also p ermits th e d isclosu re of sep arate estimates of p rob ab le or p ossib le reserve s th at meet SE C d efin ition s for su ch reserv es , h owever, we cu rren tly d o n ot d isclose p rob ab le or p ossib le reserve s in ou r SE C f ilin gs. Factors affectin g u ltimate recovery in clu d e ou r ab ility to acq u ire th e acreage we are targetin g an d th e scop e of ou r on goin g d rillin g p rogram, wh ich will b e d irectly affected b y th e availab ility of cap ital, d rillin g an d p rod u ction costs, availab ility of d rillin g service s an d eq u ip m en t, d rillin g resu lts, lease exp iration s, tran sp ortation con strain ts, regu latory ap p rovals an d oth er factors; an d actu al d rillin g resu lts, in clu d in g geological an d mec h an ical factors affectin g recovery rates. E stimates of resou rce p oten tial an d d rillin g location s may ch an ge sign ifican tly as Jon es E n ergy p u rsu es acq u isition s. In ad d ition , ou r p rod u ction forecasts an d exp ectation s for fu tu re p eriod s are d ep en d en t u p on man y assu mp tion s, in clu d in g estimates of p rod u ction d eclin e rates from existin g wells an d th e u n d ertakin g an d ou tcome of fu tu re d rillin g activity , wh ich may b e affected b y sign ifican t commod ity p rice d eclin es or d rillin g c ost in creases. U.S. in vestors are u rged to con sid er closely th e oil an d gas d isclosu res in ou r Form 10-K an d oth er rep orts an d filin gs with th e SE C. Cop ies are availab le from th e SE C an d from th e Jon es E n ergy web site. 1 Jones Energy Overview NYSE Ticker: JONE Share Price: $8.64 Market Cap: $530 million Enterprise Value: $1.4 billion Shares Outstanding: 61.6 million Avg Daily Production: 23.2 MBoepd Proved Reserves: 115.3 MMBoe Liquidity: ~$500 million Anadarko Basin Key Formation: Cleveland Cleveland Production: 17.0 MBoe/d Arkoma Basin Key Formation: Woodford Woodford Production: 4.0 MBoe/d Austin Field Office Note: Proved reserves as of 12/31/14. Average daily production for FY 2014. Liquidity and share price as of March 20, 2015. 2 Prepared for Today and Focused on the Future Laser focus on execution and cost ~25% AFE reduction since December 2014 Strong hedging protects 2015 & beyond ~90% of 2015 oil and gas volumes hedged Flexible drilling program High HBP position offers optionality Proven cost leader in the MidCon 2015 program focused on Cleveland Solid balance sheet Tapped capital markets in February 2015 3 Well Results Prove Cleveland is a World Class Resource Play Strong results across Jones Cleveland acreage TOP 10 JONE CLEVELAND WELLS1 Well Elmer Graves 615-1H Peyton Ranch 417-1H Kelln 65-2H Buccaneers 11-2H Hager Trust 616-2H Robert Doyle B 614-3H Robert Doyle B 614-4H Peyton Ranch 417-2H Elmer Graves 615-5H Hager Trust 616-3H Average IP30 (Boe/d) 1,432 1,251 1,116 1,032 933 919 912 894 838 825 1,015 Well Location JONE Acreage 1 Top 10 Jones Cleveland wells by IP30 with first production since the beginning of 2014. 4 Solid Growth in 2014 EBITDAX Avg Daily Production 23.2 25.0 $301.4 $300 17.0 $ in millions MBoepd 20.0 $350 15.0 10.0 5.0 $250 $200 $205.0 $150 $100 $50 $0 2013 2013 2014 Oil Reserves Proved Reserves 140.0 89.0 millions of barrels MMBoe 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 - 2013 2014 27.7 30.0 115.3 120.0 2014 25.0 20.0 16.7 15.0 10.0 5.0 2013 2014 5 Focused on the Cleveland in 2015 3 rigs currently running AFE has dropped ~25% since December 2014 Targeting addition of 2 rigs in 2Q15 ~2,500 Cleveland locations remain Jones Cleveland Locations Gross: 704 Net: 477 >30% oil uplift achieved Frack optimization complete 33 stage OH completions provide uplift plus savings High HBP position >80% HBP Only 9 out of 65 wells will be drilled in 2015 to hold leases 2014 leasing added 21,000 net acres ` 2015 Drilling Targets JONE Acreage 6 Cost Reductions for 33 Stage Open Hole Wells $900,000 in cost reductions since 4Q 2014 $4.0 $3.8 AFE in millions $3.0 $2.9 “All-in” Cleveland AFE Achieved Reductions: $900,000 Key Categories: Frack Services Rig Rates Fuel Cement Bits Drilling Fluid $2.0 $1.0 $2.6 47% 29% 45% 48% 32% 32% Achieved Cost Reductions Targeted Reductions: $300,000 Key Categories: Frack Services Rig Rates Locations Casing Targeted Reductions 35% 10% 30% 25% $Previous AFE Current AFE Next Target AFE 7 Impact of Cost Reductions on Returns Cleveland Drilling and Completion AFE Current $2,650 Price $2,850 $3,100 $3,800 Well level internal rates of return $70.00 / $4.00 58% 48% 38% 21% $65.00 / $3.50 44% 36% 28% 15% $60.00 / $3.25 34% 27% 21% 10% $55.00 / $3.00 25% 20% 15% 6% $50.00 / $2.75 17% 13% 9% 3% Note: Based on JONE Cleveland decline curve. IRRs reflect JONE potential cost reductions. 8 Cleveland Frack Optimization Completed 60 Number of Frack Stages 43 Open Hole Completion 33 Perf and Plug Completion Sliding Sleeve Completion 20 20 8-12 12 4-5 2004 - 2006 2007 - 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 9 Optimization Drives Oil Uplift Oil Uplift Comparison Oil Rate (bpd) 1,000 Oil (Mbbls) Gas (MMcf) NGL (Mbbls) Total (Mboe) 20 stage 81 541 70 241 EUR 33 stage 112 545 71 274 +38% increase 100 10 0 50 100 150 Days 200 250 300 350 2015 20 Stage Type Curve Production Data from Wells with Over 20 Stages 2015 33 Stage Type Curve 10 Uplift Has Created Significant Value $270,000 investment translates to: >$1,200,000 in incremental oil revenue per location (at $55 WTI) >$450,000 in PV-10 value per location (at $55 WTI) Value accelerates as oil price increases Incremental Oil Revenue (1) Cleveland Well Cost Comparison $3.0 $1,800 $1,600 >$1,200,000 oil revenue $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 20 stage well 33 stage well $700 >$450,000 PV-10 value $1,400 $ in thousands $2.5 $800 $1,200 $600 $ in thousands ~$270,000 increase $ in millions Incremental PV-10 Value $1,000 $800 $600 $500 $400 $300 $400 $200 $200 $100 $0 $0 $55 $65 (1) Incremental oil revenue for a 33 stage open-hole well as compared to a 20 stage open-hole well for full productive life of the well. Assumes 2015 Cleveland type curve. $75 $55 $65 $75 11 Commodity Price Realizations - Steady and Predictable Better differentials than many other regions 2014 average differentials (inclusive of transport): Oil: ~$4 per bbl differential to WTI Gas: ~$0.70 per MMBtu differential to HH Valero Pipeline Piper Oil gathering system for Cleveland production to begin service in 2Q15 Arnett Cleveland Oil Gathering System JONE Acreage Reydon 12 LOE and G&A Costs Among the Best LOE per Boe $12 $25 $10 $20 $8 $15 $6 $10 $4 $5 $2 $0 $0 1 2 JONE 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 $30 Note: LOE and Cash G&A per Boe calculated on full-year 2014 basis. LOE excludes ad valorem and production taxes. Peers include AREX, BBG, BCEI, CRK, CRZO, CWEI, FANG, GDP, LPI, MHR, MPO, MTDR, PDCE, PQ, REN, REXX, ROSE, SFY, and SGY. 1 2 JONE 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Cash G&A per Boe 13 Hedges Support Value Hedges provide security in an uncertain commodity price environment ~90% of estimated 2015 oil and gas production hedged at $85/bbl and $4.50 per Mcf >70% of total production hedged through 2016 at similar prices Fair value of hedges as a % of market cap 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 JONE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Note: Peers include AREX, BBG, BCEI, CRK, CRZO, CWEI, FANG, GDP, LPI, MHR, MTDR, PDCE, PE, PQ, REXX, ROSE, SFY, and SGY. Market cap as of March 19, 2015. Fair value of hedges as of December 31, 2014. 11 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 14 Hedges Protect 2015 Revenue Hedging Impact on 2015 Revenue 100% Only ~5% change in total revenue due to hedges Projected Revenue 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% $60 oil / $3.25 gas $30 oil / $2 gas Unhedged Revenue $10 oil / $1 gas Hedge Gain 15 Ready for Market Opportunities with Strong Balance Sheet $500 million in available liquidity1 90% of debt outstanding matures in >7 years 2.8x net debt/EBITDAX for trailing twelve months2 Debt Maturities Summary $600 $ in millions $500 $400 $300 Undrawn credit facility1 $200 $100 $0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 1 2 Liquidity and undrawn credit facility as of March 20, 2015 Based on net debt as of year-end 2014 and full-year 2014 EBITDAX 16 Jones Energy – Prepared for Today and Focused on the Future Mid-Continent Focus History of success for over 26 years Expertise creates opportunities Operational Excellence “Fit for purpose” operations A leader in cost management Solid Financial Position Plenty of liquidity; spending within cash flow Substantial hedges at favorable prices Focused on Value Creation Oil uplift drives returns Will ramp activity as returns dictate Substantial Footprint with Running Room Lots to do in our own backyard Stacked pays provide growth opportunities 17 APPENDIX 2015 Cleveland Type Curve Key statistics shown below for 2015 Cleveland type curve (274 Mboe EUR) Cleveland 3P EUR of 305 Mboe, but with a higher gas component Key Statistic: Oil Gas NGL Total IP IP30 IP90 Bbl/d 228 189 Mcf/d 641 612 Bbl/d 83 80 Boe/d 418 371 Cumulative Production 1 Year 5 Year EUR % of Total Mbbl 36 68 112 41.0% MMcf 141 294 545 33.1% Mbbl 18 38 71 25.9% Mboe 78 155 274 100.0% 19 The Anadarko Basin – Prolific History with Stacked Pay Potential Stacked pay zones provide significant development opportunities Current Target Formations Tonkawa Sandstone Lease Acreage: ~122,000 Gross Locations: 324 Cleveland Sandstone Lease Acreage: ~163,000 Gross Locations: 704 Marmaton Sandstone Lease Acreage: ~97,000 Gross Locations: 566 JONE Acreage 20 Tonkawa – An Untapped Opportunity Drilled 6 wells in 2014 Target AFE of $3.5 million Drilling program halted due to oil drop Ready to scale when economics dictate Industry continues to derisk acreage Extensive vertical production footprint Over 500 horizontal wells drilled by industry Tonkawa 2.9 million acres Average formation depth: Tonkawa: 7,500 feet Cleveland: 8,500 feet Marmaton: 9,000 feet Still underdeveloped compared to Cleveland Jones has identified 324 gross (190 net) locations as of year-end 2014 Over 3,000 additional play locations Cleveland technical expertise derisks future Tonkawa development JONE Acreage 21 Marmaton Shows Promise As Others Drill Ahead Marmaton Lime 1.0 million acres Marmaton lies just below the Cleveland Majority of Jones Anadarko acreage lies within the Marmaton fairway Results by other operators indicate EURs and production profiles on par with other targets in the basin Marmaton Sand 2.1 million acres No locations booked in 1P Jones has identified 566 gross drilling locations (334 net) as of year-end 2014 Over 2,500 additional locations in play fairway Similar geology to Cleveland Often referred to as “Lower Cleveland” Completed geological study across 5 counties Average formation depth: Tonkawa: 7,500 feet Cleveland: 8,500 feet Marmaton: 9,000 feet JONE Acreage 22 Able to Ramp Activity as Margins Dictate Operational flexibility allows us to ramp activity up and down Drilling History by Formation Reduced 2015 activity with focus on the Cleveland 140 Brown Dolomite Tonkawa 120 Dropped all rigs in 4Q08, but ramped activity in 2010 after prices recovered 100 Cleveland 80 Granite Wash Morrow 60 Woodford 40 20 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 23 2015 Full Year Guidance and 1Q Production Guidance Total Production (MMBoe) Average Daily Production (MBoe/d) Oil (MBbls/d) Natural Gas (MMcf/d) NGLs (MBbls/d) 2015E 1Q15E 7.9 – 8.7 2.15 – 2.25 21.7 – 23.7 24.0 – 25.0 6.6 – 7.1 7.4 – 7.6 54.8 – 60.3 60.0 – 65.0 6.0 – 6.6 6.6 – 6.8 Lease Operating Expense ($/Boe) $4.75 – $5.25 Production/Ad Valorem Taxes (% of Revenue) 6.5% – 7.5% Cash G&A Expense ($mm) $25.0 – $28.0 Total Capital Expenditures $210.0 24 Hedge Positions 2015 1Q Crude Swaps (Mbbl) 2Q 2016 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 572 613 595 572 492 465 457 411 $85.48 $82.93 $84.60 $84.05 $83.53 $83.67 $83.64 $83.35 5,232 5,095 4,740 4,636 4,340 4,130 3,960 3,800 $4.49 $4.41 $4.47 $4.45 $4.65 $4.45 $4.45 $4.37 Ethane 119 110 101 92 15 14 12 12 Propane 172 226 192 168 102 102 102 102 Iso Butane 18 15 15 12 6 6 4 - Butane 50 45 42 41 12 11 9 6 N. Gasoline 63 60 57 53 24 22 21 16 Total NGL 422 456 407 366 159 155 148 136 Ethane $0.27 $0.27 $0.27 $0.27 $0.21 $0.21 $0.21 $0.21 Propane $0.98 $0.85 $0.89 $0.93 $0.56 $0.56 $0.56 $0.56 Iso Butane $1.29 $1.23 $1.23 $1.25 $1.30 $1.30 $1.39 N/A Butane $1.21 $1.21 $1.21 $1.20 $1.26 $1.28 $1.32 $1.26 N. Gasoline $1.94 $1.94 $1.95 $1.95 $1.99 $1.88 $1.89 $1.82 Hedge Price / Bbl Natural Gas Swaps (MMcf) Hedge Price / Mcf NGLs (MBbl) Hedge Price ($/gal) 25 NGL Hedge Position Detail 2015 1Q Mt. Belvieu NGLs (MBbl) Ethane Propane Iso Butane Butane N. Gasoline Sub-Total Mt. Belvieu Hedge Price ($/gal) Ethane Propane Iso Butane Butane N. Gasoline Conway NGLs (MBbl) Ethane Propane Iso Butane Butane N. Gasoline Sub-Total Conway Hedge Price ($/gal) Ethane Propane Iso Butane Butane N. Gasoline 2Q 2016 3Q 4Q 3Q 2Q 1Q 4Q 59 42 6 17 27 151 55 42 3 15 24 139 50 39 3 15 24 131 46 39 3 16 23 127 3 6 18 27 3 6 18 27 3 6 18 27 3 13 16 $0.34 $1.01 $1.55 $1.37 $2.04 $0.34 $1.01 $1.55 $1.36 $2.06 $0.34 $1.01 $1.55 $1.36 $2.06 $0.34 $1.01 $1.55 $1.31 $2.05 N/A N/A $1.48 $1.42 $2.09 N/A N/A $1.48 $1.42 $1.93 N/A N/A $1.48 $1.42 $1.93 N/A N/A N/A $1.42 $1.85 60 130 12 33 36 271 55 184 12 30 36 317 51 153 12 27 33 276 46 129 9 25 30 239 15 102 3 6 6 132 14 102 3 5 4 128 12 102 1 3 3 121 12 102 3 3 120 $0.20 $0.98 $1.16 $1.13 $1.87 $0.20 $0.81 $1.16 $1.13 $1.87 $0.20 $0.86 $1.16 $1.13 $1.86 $0.20 $0.90 $1.15 $1.13 $1.87 $0.21 $0.56 $1.13 $1.11 $1.70 $0.21 $0.56 $1.13 $1.11 $1.70 $0.21 $0.56 $1.13 $1.11 $1.70 $0.21 $0.56 N/A $1.11 $1.70 26 NGL Barrel Component Detail Cleveland Conway Cleveland (80% of forecasted 2015 NGL production) Ethane Propane Butane Iso Butane Natural Gasoline Woodford Basket 37% 34% 12% 5% 12% Mont Belvieu (20% of forecasted 2015 NGL production) Ethane* Propane Butane Iso Butane Natural Gasoline Basket 13% 45% 19% 5% 18% Natural Gasoline – 12% Iso Butane – 5% Butane – 12% Propane – 34% Ethane – 37% Woodford Natural Gasoline – 18% Iso Butane – 5% Butane – 19% Propane – 45% Ethane – 13% *Assumes ethane rejection in the Woodford 27 Corporate Structure Updated for recent capital markets transactions Stock trading liquidity has improved significantly post-recent transactions Metalmark, Management & Other Investors 59% of total economic interest of JEH LLC Class B Common Stock 59% of voting power in Jones Energy, Inc. Class A Common Stock 41% of voting power in Jones Energy, Inc. Public Shareholders Jones Energy, Inc. (NYSE: JONE) 41% of total economic interest of JEH LLC Jones Energy Holdings, LLC (JEH LLC) 28
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