2015 IPAA OGIS NEW YORK MONDAY, APRIL 20, 2015 1 DISCLAIMER Forward Looking Statement This presentation includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements express a belief, expectation or intention and are generally accompanied by words that convey projected future events or outcomes. The forward-looking statements include statements about the company’s corporate strategies, future operations, development plans and appraisal programs, and projections and estimates of our drilling inventory and locations, production, reserves, rates of return, projected capital expenditures and other costs, efficiency initiative outcomes, infrastructure utilization and investment, liquidity, debt maturities, capital structure, asset sales, price realizations and hedging strategies. We have based these forward-looking statements on our current expectations and assumptions and analyses made by us in light of our experience and our perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors we believe are appropriate under the circumstances. However, whether actual results and developments will conform with our expectations and predictions is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including the volatility of oil and natural gas prices, our success in discovering, estimating, and developing oil and natural gas reserves, the availability and terms of capital, our timely execution of hedge transactions, credit conditions of global capital markets, changes in economic conditions, regulatory changes and other factors, many of which are beyond our control. We refer you to the discussion of risk factors in Part I, Item 1A – “Risk Factors” of our Annual Report on Form 10K for the year ended December 31, 2014 and in comparable “Risk Factors” sections of our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q filed after the date of this presentation. All of the forward-looking statements made in this presentation are qualified by these cautionary statements. The actual results or developments anticipated may not be realized or, even if substantially realized, they may not have the expected consequences to or effects on our company or our business or operations. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements. The SEC permits oil and natural gas companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only proved, probable and possible reserves, as each is defined by the SEC. At times we use the term "EUR" (estimated ultimate recovery) and refer to their location and potential to provide estimates that the SEC’s guidelines prohibit us from including in filings with the SEC. These estimates are by their nature more speculative than estimates of proved, probable or possible reserves and, accordingly, are subject to substantially greater risk of being actually realized by the company. For a discussion of the company’s proved reserves, as calculated under current SEC rules, we refer you to the company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K referenced above, which is available on our website at www.sandridgeenergy.com and at the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. Regulation G Disclosure: This presentation includes certain non-GAAP financial measures as defined under SEC Regulation G. A reconciliation of those measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measures is available on our website at www.sandridgeenergy.com. SandRidgeEnergy.com 2 2 3 SANDRIDGE HAS A LEADING U.S. MIDCONTINENT OIL & GAS POSITION WE ARE SKILLED, LARGE SCALE DEVELOPERS OF OIL AND GAS RESOURCES • 1,400 wells drilled, over $5B invested since 2010 ($1.6B in 2014) • Producing over 90 MBoe/d, largest water gathering system in U.S. (over 1.2 MMBw/d) • Expert at horizontal redevelopment of legacy vertical oil and gas plays TRANSFERABLE SKILLSETS TO OTHER PLAYS • • • • • Drilling: ran 30+ rigs in 2014, sub - $3MM cost per horizontal lateral Infrastructure and logistics: optimizing extensive water and electrical systems Production: Midcon production grew 47% yoy to 76 MBoe/d in Q4’14 Artificial Lift: optimizing gas lift, ESPs, and rod pumps Engineering and geology: growing multi-year inventory of drilling locations INNOVATION AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ARE PART OF OUR CULTURE • • • • Premier operator of the Mississippian Limestone in Oklahoma and Kansas Developing stacked pays such as Chester and Woodford Pioneered use of multilateral wells Cost leaders: well costs, production expense BUSINESS MINDED CULTURE • Management background includes Wall Street, oil majors, independents, and midstream • We efficiently accelerate value creation with large scale activity levels more typical of larger companies SandRidgeEnergy.com 4 4 ACTIONS TO THRIVE IN LOWER PRICE ENVIRONMENT SUCCESS DEMONSTRATED BY HITTING GROWTH GUIDANCE AND ADDING RESERVES • Reserves up 37%, PUD type curve up 27% • 2014 production of 29 MMBoe, 1% over guidance; Midcon grew 47% YoY to Q4’14 76 MBoe/d IMPROVED CAPITAL EFFICIENCY THROUGH 2015 AND INTO 2016 • $2.4MM lateral cost target for 2H’15 • Lower lateral cost and improved type curve provide 27% more EUR for 80% of cost • 2014 multilateral program at 85% of cost of single laterals for 100% of 90-day type curve volume NEW COVENANT PROVIDES BALANCE SHEET FLEXIBILITY • $900MM borrowing base affirmed in February • 2.25x senior secured covenant INTRODUCING 2015 GUIDANCE - PRESERVES LIQUIDITY AND PRODUCTION BASE • • • • SandRidgeEnergy.com $700MM Capex, ~6% organic production growth Ramping down from current 9 rigs to 7 40% of 2015 program comprised of multilaterals Targeting $200MM of capital raised from asset sales and monetization 5 5 27% MORE EUR FOR 80% OF THE COST At lower well costs… returns are preserved… drilling location count grows. Development inventory is preserved with lower costs and expanded with oil price recovery Service cost reductions plus increased efficiencies while drilling more multilaterals Type curve returns at target costs and current strip comparable to 35% IRRs from higher price and cost environment in 2014 * PUDs + Risked Probables @ Strip * 04.13.15 Strip Pricing SandRidgeEnergy.com 6 6 2015 CAPEX OF $700MM VS. $1.6B IN 2014 Reducing Capital Spending While Increasing Efficiency PRINCIPLES Drilling projects must generate hurdle returns at strip pricing Unlock value in this market • Efficiency gains • Service cost reductions • Expanded use of multilaterals PLANNED SPEND AND RESULT $700MM Capex budget 28.0-30.5 MMBoe guided production Guiding 6% YoY volume growth despite rig ramp down 7 Rigs running by 2H’15 Efficient infrastructure utilization Appraisal New Ventures commitment Transition toward operating within cash flows 40% multilaterals in drilling plan Defend and Extend capabilities SandRidgeEnergy.com 7 7 STRONG HEDGE POSITION $50 Oil in 2015 Realizes $81.50 per Bbl * • • • As of 02.25.2015 Positions displayed include royalty trusts, but are exclusive of basis hedges. Liquids hedged to NYMEX WTI; Natural Gas hedged to NYMEX Henry Hub * NGL barrels hedged at 3:1 ratio to WTI SandRidgeEnergy.com 8 8 23 CAPITAL STRUCTURE FOCUS Ample Liquidity, No Near Term Maturities • $900MM borrowing base • New senior secured covenant (2.25x EBITDA beginning 3/31/15) • No bond maturities before 2020 MARKET VALUE ($ in millions) Market Cap (4/14/2015) Net Debt(1)(2) Preferred Stock Enterprise Value $1,002 3,014 565 $4,581 ASSET OVERVIEW(3) Q4’14 Production (MBoe/d) 88.4 Proved Reserves (MMBoe) 516 % Reserves as Liquids 42% YE14 PV10 Value ($Bln)(4) $5.5 1) 2) 3) 4) SandRidgeEnergy.com (a) $100MM drawn as of February 20, 2015 Non-GAAP financial measure. Refer to the Disclaimer slide for additional disclosure As of 12/31/2014 SandRidge consolidated reserves as of YE2014 including royalty trusts Based on YE14 SEC pricing ($91.48 / 4.35) 9 9 2014 ACHIEVEMENTS Hit our Operating Stride in 2014, Now Focused on Balance Sheet 2014 FULL YEAR RESULTS • • • • • • • • 37% Proved reserves growth 27% Type curve growth 47% Midcon production growth 1% over production guidance midpoint Added Garfield county to focus area Pioneered multilateral success in Miss Initiated redevelopment of Chester & Woodford Prepared infrastructure monetization (S1’d SWG) TOTAL SD PRODUCTION * Q4’14 ACTIVITY • • • • • 76 MBoe/d in Mid-Continent 121 New Midcon laterals delivered 378 Boe/d 30-day IPs 10 New Chester wells delivered 470 Boe/d 30-day IPs (59% oil) 3 New Woodford wells delivered 397 Boe/d 30-day IPs (77% oil) Permian Royalty Trust drilling completed SandRidgeEnergy.com * Excludes production related to divested GOM assets. 10 10 YEAR END PROVED RESERVES +37% TO 516 MMBOE Consistent Growth of a Strong Reserves Base • • • • • $5.5B SEC PV-10(a) (+34% YOY) $10.69 Proven Value/Boe(a) 604% All-in Reserve Replacement 65% Proved Developed All-in F&D $9.00/Boe • 42% Liquids Mix • 18.7 Years Reserve Life • 12.2 Years Proved Developed Reserve Life • $2.8B PV-10(b) at Strip RESERVES MIX RESERVES GROWTH Note: SandRidge consolidated reserves as of YE 2014 including royalty trusts (a) Based on YE 2014 SEC pricing ($91.48/4.35) (b) 04.13.15 Strip Pricing SandRidgeEnergy.com 11 11 WELL PERFORMANCE SUPPORTS TYPE CURVE GROWTH Several Quarters of Stronger Gas IPs and Early Volumes SandRidgeEnergy.com 12 12 2015 MISSISSIPPIAN PUD TYPE CURVE 484 MBoe, 44% Liquids 2015 OIL: 118 MBo 30 Day IP (Bo/d) 1st Year Decline(a) B Factor 190 80% 1.26 2015 NGL: 97 MBbls Yield (Bbls/MMcf) Shrink 51.6 86.1% 2015 GAS: 1.6 Bcf (b) 966 62% 2.00 MBoe 30 Day IP (Mcf/d) 1st Year Decline(a) B Factor SandRidgeEnergy.com (a) Represents decline from month 1 to month 13 (b) Wet gas, wellhead volumes 13 13 MEANINGFUL WELL COST REDUCTIONS $250K of $600K Targeted Savings Realized as of March 2015 EFFICIENCY GAINS • Rig efficiency • Location high-grading • Wellbore + completion design SERVICE COSTS • • • • • Rig rates Directional drilling Stimulation Liner packer system ESPs MULTILATERAL EXPANSION • 40% multilaterals • 85% of the cost of single laterals for 100% of 90-day type curve production SandRidgeEnergy.com 14 14 40% MULTILATERALS IN 2015 DRILLING PLAN 100% of 90-Day Type Curve Production for 85% of the Cost of a Single Lateral FULL SECTION DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY AND SUCCESS IN 2014 • Sole multilateral operator in the Midcontinent • Multilateral program consisted of 28 projects with average completed well costs of $2.6MM per lateral • Wells with greater than three months of production averaged 100% of the 90-day type curve Boe – 98% of 90-day type curve oil – 102% of 90-day type curve gas DRIVING CAPITAL EFFICIENCY • Two or more laterals from a single vertical wellbore create significant cost reductions, yielding enhanced returns • Rock integrity of our carbonates (vs shales or sandstones elsewhere) allows for effective use of open hole completions • Shared pad drilling operations drive reductions in location, day rate, rig mobilization, & facility costs SandRidgeEnergy.com 15 15 MULTI-ZONE DRILLING LOCATIONS AND 2015 ACTIVITY Ramp Down to 6 Development Rigs + 1 Committed to Appraisal New Ventures DRILLING LOCATION INFORMATION MISS CHESTER WOODFORD* Producing Laterals 1,375 37 5 Peak 30-Day Boe 365 361 418 Future Locations(a) 3,212 401 147 ( As of February 2015) * Wells developed under new geological model (a) PUDs + Risked Probables @ 04.13.15 Strip SandRidgeEnergy.com 16 16 LARGE MIDCONTINENT FAIRWAY FOR APPRAISAL Material Success in Chester and Woodford • Appraisal / New Ventures is a critical piece of SD business • Focused on redevelopment of additional legacy vertical reservoirs and technology transfer of SD expertise from existing to new areas • $46MM CAPEX budget in 2015 (of $700MM total) in D&C, land, and geophysical – Arkoma Shelf – Central Kansas Uplift (Miss HZ, Viola, & Arbuckle) – Southern Anadarko (Latigo and Chester Targets) – Other recompletions and legacy acreage appraisal SandRidgeEnergy.com 17 17 NEW VENTURES SUCCESS CASE Pioneering Chester Oil Development • First industry horizontal re-development of legacy Chester vertical production – Fine grained silty sandstone, distinct pay intervals separated by shale – Existing infrastructure in area – Higher oil cut and less water production than Miss carbonates – Shallow decline profile • Growth potential with appraisal success to the south and west of focus area counties • 230-270 MBoe EUR per well • Program: 37 wells @ 361 Boe/d 30-day IP (63% oil), 3% above new Miss Type Curve • 10 Wells currently completing SandRidgeEnergy.com LEGACY CHESTER VERTICAL PRODUCTION HZ APPRAISAL SUCCESS FOCUS AREA 18 18 GEOLOGICAL EXPERTISE UNLOCKS WOODFORD Refined Geological Model Yielding Strong Results • Woodford targets now identified based on four desirable characteristics: – Production interval above Woodford (example: Mississippian) – Siliceous Woodford member with moveable oil – Productive interval below Woodford (example: Hunton or Misener) – Underlying frac barrier separating the Woodford from wet intervals below (example: Sylvan) • 250-275 MBoe EUR per well • ~100 feet of targeted gross thickness • 5 Wells @ 418 Boe/d 30-day IP (79% Oil), 19% above new Miss Type Curve • 2 Wells currently completing SandRidgeEnergy.com Figure adapted from Amsden and Klapper (1972) 19 19 SALTWATER GATHERING & DISPOSAL (SWG) Most Efficient SWG Operator in the Mid-Continent PRODUCE ~$600MM INVESTED THROUGH 2014 • Average capacity of 15,000 Bw/d per well • ~1.3 million barrels of water gathered and disposed per day during Q4‘14 in the Mid-Continent and Permian Basin – Low pressure pumps at most locations GATHER & PROCESS – Various tubing sizes based on needed capacity • Produced water is transported to disposal location through SD owned pipeline system – Open hole Arbuckle completion • Pressure and volume continuously monitored • Typically Polyethylene pipe (8” to 12” diameter) connected to producing wells, buried under ground • Water is treated at disposal location • 191 SWG wells in Mid-Continent and Permian Basin 99% • Many take water on a vacuum (hydrostatic pressure is adequate to achieve disposal) IS PIPED INJECT OF WATER • Arbuckle has been taking produced water for ~80 years • Frac flowback is < 5% of total • Gathering system is interconnected – maximizing system flexibility (VS. TRUCKED) SandRidgeEnergy.com 20 20 LARGEST SALTWATER GATHERING SYSTEM IN THE NATION Pipeline Footprint Resembles Typical Gathering System • 191 SWG wells • 1,260 MBw/d current volumes • 99% of Water is Piped vs. Trucked • 1,049 miles of installed pipelines • Advanced hydraulic simulation • Resembles hydrocarbon gathering and processing system • Design based on actual type curves • Engineered design and construction • New assets, built since 2008 100 MILES Note: Map does not show other SWG assets in NW Kansas or West Texas. SandRidgeEnergy.com 21 21 Change look 22 2015 PRODUCTION GUIDANCE Note: Totals may not foot due to rounding (a) 2014: 1.3 MMBoe of non-recurring production related to divested GOM assets SandRidgeEnergy.com 23 23 CAPITAL STRUCTURE OVERVIEW Preferred Stock ($ in millions) Senior Notes ($ in millions) 8.75% Sr Notes due 2020 $450 7.5% Sr Notes due 2021 1,175 8.5% Convertible Perpetual Preferred (a) 7.0% Convertible Perpetual Preferred (b) $265 300 $565 8.125% Sr Notes due 2022 750 Total 7.5% Sr Notes due 2023 825 Credit Rating Moody’s S&P Total $3,200 Corp Rating B1 B Outlook Stable Negative (a) Convertible at holder’s option at $8.0125 per common share; convertible after Feb 20, 2014 (b) Convertible at holder’s option at $7.7645 per common share; convertible after Nov 20, 2015 SandRidgeEnergy.com (c) $100MM drawn as of February 20, 2015 24 24 HEDGING OVERVIEW LIQUIDS Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 2015 2016 2.29 $92.71 1.73 $91.55 1.01 $92.43 0.55 $94.11 5.59 $92.44 1.46 $88.36 0.72 $103.13 $90.82 $73.13 0.73 $103.13 $90.82 $73.13 1.56 $103.65 $90.03 $78.15 1.56 $103.65 $90.03 $78.15 4.58 $103.48 $90.28 $76.56 2.56 $100.85 $90.00 $83.14 Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 2015 2016 14.40 $4.62 1.82 $4.20 1.84 $4.20 1.84 $4.20 19.90 $4.51 0.00 NA 0.25 $8.55 $4.00 0.25 $8.55 $4.00 0.25 $8.55 $4.00 0.25 $8.55 $4.00 1.01 $8.55 $4.00 0.00 NA NA 9.65 ($0.291) 15.47 ($0.302) 15.64 ($0.302) 15.64 ($0.302) 56.40 ($0.300) 0.00 NA Swaps Volumes (MMBbls) Price ($/Bbl) Three-way Collars Volumes (MMBbls) Call Price ($/Bbl) Put Price ($/Bbl) Short Put Price ($/Bbl) NATURAL GAS Swaps Volumes (Bcf) Price ($/Mcf) Collars Volumes (Bcf) Call Price ($/Mcf) Put Price ($/Mcf) Basis Swaps (PEPL) Volumes (Bcf) Swap Price ($/Mcf) • As of 02/25/2015 • Hedge positions include contracts that have been novated to or the benefit of which have been conveyed to SandRidge sponsored royalty trusts SandRidgeEnergy.com 25 25 2014 YEAR END RESERVES Creating Value from a Strong Reserve Base SEC Pricing $91.48 / $4.35 RESERVES LIQUIDS MMBbls GAS Bcf PV10 PV-10 EQUIVALENT MMBoe % $MM % Reserves by Reservoir Status PDP – Producing 119 1,011 287 56% 15 117 35 PBP – Behind Pipe 2 76 PUD – Undeveloped 82 PNP – Non Producing Total $ 3,523 64% 7% 462 8% 14 2% 94 2% 585 179 35% 1,437 26% 218 1,788 516 136 1,203 336 65% 82 585 179 35% 218 1,788 516 $ 5,516 Reserves by Development Total Developed Total Undeveloped Total $ 4,079 74% 1,437 26% $ 5,516 Note: Totals may not foot due to rounding SandRidgeEnergy.com 26 26 2015 OPERATIONAL GUIDANCE PRODUCTION Oil (MMBbls) Natural Gas Liquids (MMBbls) Total Liquids (MMBbls) Natural Gas (Bcf) Total (MMBoe) CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ($ in millions) Exploration and Production Land and Geophysical Total Exploration and Production Oil Field Services Electrical/Midstream General Corporate Total Capital Expenditures (excl. A&D) EBITDA from Oilfield Services and Other ($MM)(a) Adjusted Net Income Attributable to NCI ($MM)(b) Adjusted EBITDA Attributable to NCI ($MM)(c) PRICE REALIZATIONS 9.0 – 10.0 4.0 – 5.0 13.0 – 15.0 89.5 – 93.5 28.0 – 30.5 $612 38 $650 5 30 15 $700 $10 $60 $90 Oil (differential below WTI) NGLs (realized % of WTI) Gas (differential below Henry Hub) COSTS PER BOE Lifting Production Taxes DD&A – oil & gas DD&A – other Total DD&A G&A – cash G&A – stock Total G&A Corporate Tax Rate Deferral Rate $3.75 30% $0.75 $12.25 - $13.00 0.65 – 0.85 12.00 – 15.00 2.00 – 2.20 $14.00 - $17.20 3.00 – 3.50 0.50 – 0.75 $3.50 - $4.25 0% 0% a) EBITDA from Oilfield Services and Other is a non-GAAP financial measure as it excludes from net income interest expense, income tax expense and depreciation, depletion and amortization. The most directly comparable GAAP measure for EBITDA from Oilfield Services and Other is Net Income from Oilfield Services and Other. Information to reconcile this non-GAAP financial measure to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure is not available at this time, as management is unable to forecast the excluded items for future periods and/or does not forecast the excluded items on a segment basis. b) Adjusted Net Income Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest is a non-GAAP financial measure as it excludes gain or loss due to changes in fair value of derivative contracts and gain or loss on sale of assets. The most directly comparable GAAP measure for Adjusted Net Income Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest is Net Income Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest. Information to reconcile this non-GAAP financial measure to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure is not available at this time, as management is unable to forecast the excluded items for future periods. c) Adjusted EBITDA Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest is a non-GAAP financial measure as it excludes from net income interest expense, income tax expense and depreciation, depletion and amortization, gain or loss due to changes in fair value of derivative contracts and gain or loss on sale of assets. The most directly comparable GAAP measure for Adjusted EBITDA Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest is Net Income Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest. Information to reconcile this non-GAAP financial measure to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure is not available at this time, as management is unable to forecast the excluded items for future periods. SandRidgeEnergy.com www.SandRidgeEnergy.com 27 27 27 2015 CAPEX GUIDANCE 2015 CAPEX GUIDANCE Development D&C Appraisal & New Ventures D&C Carryover Total D&C SWG - D&C Permian JV Carry Total D&C 2015 GUIDANCE $306 29 102 $437 11 0 0 $448 OTHER E&P Development Land & Geophysical Appraisal & New Ventures Land & Geophysical Total Land & Geophysical SWG Infrastructure Workovers & Non-Op Capitalized G&A and Interest Total Other E&P $21 17 38 27 86 51 $202 NON E&P Drilling & Oil Field Services Midstream and Electrical General Corporate Total Non-E&P TOTAL $5 30 15 $50 $700 SandRidgeEnergy.com LATERAL COUNTS Development Appraisal & New Ventures Total Laterals 2015 GROSS 182 11 193 2015 NET 116 8 124 28 28 Our Mission at SandRidge is to create the premier, high-return, growth-oriented, resource conversion company, focused in the Midcontinent region of the United States. SANDRIDGE INVESTOR RELATIONS 123 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 investors@sandridgeenergy.com www.SandRidgeEnergy.com SandRidgeEnergy.com 29 29
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