Pag« Four — Section It !*T""' THE WAVE, ROCKAWAY BEACH, N. Y. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1950 -COMING EVENTS- Science Of Linguistics To Be Shown 'M' Drive Set By F.R.HS.. Parents Historic Mrs. Lucille Gordon, president Waldorf-Astoria Hotel last Sat In "Alphabet Conspiracy" Over NBC(Continued from Editorial Page) School of the Far Rockaway High urday, representatives of the lo Parents Association has •—•• JANUARY 22 (11 a.m. to 2 nual supper dance of Orah and Kneseth Israel, at Capri Beach • p.m.) — "Dime-a-Dip" luncheon Tova Groups of Far Rockaway Club, Atlantic Beach, L. I, or bustles, feet large, cabin unby the Women's Regular Demo- Chapter of Hadassah, at Far MARCH 28 (evening) — "Cabpainted, with a skillet always in cratic Club of Broad Channel at Rockaway Jewish Center. aret Night" at the Bayswater the front yard. On leaving home, the Clubhouse, Shad Creek road. FEBRUARY 8 (all day) — Jewish Center, Far Rockaway, by they lock -their door by leaving a JANUARY 24 (evening) — Country Day fair of Parents As- the Jack Chernoff-Mark Haas log against it. They are fearfully Annual bagel and lox card party sociation of P. S. 104, at school, Rockaway Chapter Cancer Care. prolific. a t the Temple Beth-El auditori- 2601 Mott avenue, Far Rocka"A number of years ago, a corMARCH 28 (evening) - Conum,. Beach 121st street and the way. respondent of the New York Hergregation Shaary Teiila annual Boulevard, by the Belle Harbor FEBRUARY 10 (evening) — ald discovered a tribe of these Chapter of Mizrachi Women. Movie Party of the Arverne Chap- dinner at Capri Beach Club, Atpeople living a few miles from lantic Beach, L. I. JANUARY 24 (8 p.m.) •— Gi- ter of American Jewish Congress. Bast Hampton. He announced MARCH 28 (8:30 p.m.) — FEBRUARY 10-12 (evening) — gantic Card party by the united forthwith the existence of pure societies of St. Virgilius R.C. Bazaar of Sisterhood of Congre- Card party by "Chai" Chapter of healhens on the east end of Long Chuflch at the parish hall, Cross gation Shaare Zedek, Edgemere P.T.A. Women's League of H.I. Island. The missionary sent out L.I. at Temple Beth-El auditoriBay, boulevard and 20th roaii, at the center. got no further than Southampton um, Beach 121st street and the Broad Channel. FEBRUARY 11 (evening) — Boulevard. whore he established a church. JANUARY 24 (9 P.M.) — Lob- Theatre Party of Rockaway SecMeantime, the savage 'AckaAPRIL 4 (evening) — Social stei\ dinner-party and dance by tion of National Council of Jewboln nackers' never heard of this of Equality Lodge and Chapter, Rockaway Council No. 2672, ish Women in New York. missionary sent for them. They at Harbour Bridge Club. Knights of Columbus at the clubFEBRUARY 14 (evening) — are now pure and practical maAPRIL 4 (evening) Annual house, 833 Beach 90th street. Squaare dance and country-stylo terialists. If they worship anyof Congregation Shaare ,'JANUARY 25 (7 p.m.) — supper at the Democratic Club, dinner thing, It is a clam." Mrs. JeanZedek, Edgemere, at Washington Supper party at a Brooklyn Night 6841 Rockaway Beach boulevard Hotel. nette Edwards Rattray, editor of Club sponsored by the Equality by the Parents Association of P.S. The East Hampton Star and the APRIL 8 (evening) - Theatre No. 42, of Arverne. Chapter of B'nai B'rlth. author of several outstanding hisFEBRUARY 14 (evening) — party by the Sisterhood of TemJANUARY 26 and 27 — Movie torical works on that town, departy in Far Rockaway by the St. Valentine Dance at the Ameri- ple Beth-El for the show, "A Mascribes with much more authority Sisterhood Cnesses Israel, 64-04 can-Irist Society Clubhouse, 102- jority of One*" a native group, which she calls APRIL 15 - ~ Donor-day lunch 21 Rockaway Beach boulevard, Larklh avenue, Arverne. Bonackers, as an industrious, adeon at the Plaza Hotel in New sponsored by Jimmy's Meat Fingers play a role in Monday's television program. mirable and God-fearing people. JANUARY 27 (10 a.m. to 4 York followed by theatre party East Itockaway's Names pjfy.y •— Cake sale by the Ar Market of Rockaway Park. The story of language, how based on sounds rather than alLike some other communities FEBRUARY 18 (12:30 p.m.) ~ sponsored by Equality Chapter and vetne Chapter of Hadassah at the why people talk as they do, phabets, and that man has been in Nassau County, East Rockabakery located at 6804 Rockaway Winter luncheon and card party of B'nai B'rith, will be presented in color on Mon- talking for 70 times as many way has had several names, tourAPRIL 16 (evening) - Spring by the Sisterhood of Temple Beach boulevard. day, In "The Alphabet Conspira- centuries as he has been writing. JANUARY 27 (8 p.m.) — Card Beth-El in the Temple Beth-El luncheon and theatre party of cy" over NBC-TV at 7:30 p.m. Another Is that a machine that ing the latter 1800s it was known party sponsored by the Parents auditorium, Beach 121st street the Long Island Division of the This news program in the prize- actually talks was Invented as as Near Rockaway as opposed to Brooklyn Jtwish Convalescents Far Rockaway at the Southern Association of P.S. 44, at the and the Boulevard. winning Bell System science early a 1780 and that there is a tip Home of Far Rockaway in Man of the Rockaway peninsula. school, Beach 94th street and FEBRUARY 18 (afternoon) — series is devoted to the SjClence of speech. A third fact is that the hattan. Before that for many years it Rockaway Beach boulevard. Member-Bring-A -Member Lunchlinguistics. modern machine that produces was called Atlantic, but still APRIL 10 (afternoon) •--• 1 eon by the American Jewish JANUARY 27 (12:30 p.m.) home areas of people can be loDv, Frank C. Baxter is feaLuncheon and card party by the Congress, Rockaway Park Sec- Spring luncheon and theatre hired in the program, which cated with surprising accuracy earlier it was known simply as Clinktown, so named, according Ladies) Society of the Rockaway tion, at the West End Temple, party of Brooklyn Jewish Con shows a fantasy in whtah Hans by their speech. to some authorities from one of valescents Home In Far RockaBeach Hospital at the Palace 147-02 Newport avenue. Both animation and scientific Conreid, Cheryl Callaway, and the last survivors of the RockaFEBRUARY 21 (evening) — way in Manhattan. Restaurant, Central avenue, Far motion pictures are used to illusway tribe of Indians who made Dolores Starr plot to kill all the Social by Equality Lodge and Rockaway, letters in the alphabet and thus trate this story of lanugage. his home in the then little shoreJANUARY 28 (12:30 p.m.) — Chapter at the Harbour Bridge Oldamobile SetB Safely destroy But they are Among the latter are motion pic front village. Clink, who lived to Club. Luncheon and card party by the Record For Work Year foiled byallDr.words. Baxter as the sci- tures of vocal chords In action a ripe old age, claimed direct deFEBRUARY 26 (8 p.m.) — Parents Association of the BethOldsmobile, during 1958, estabentist who shows thettl many and of the unique whistlLng lan- scent from one-eyed Chief PenaEl P a y School at the Temple Paid-up membership affair and lished the best safety record In facts about language that they guage used in the Canary witz, one of the island's most IlBe^h-El Community Center, 445 fashion show by the Jack Cher- the company's 61-year history, It noff. Mark Haas Rockaway Chap- was announced by Jack F. Wol- had never considered Be*ch 136th street. lustrious Indians'. ter Cancer Care, at Congregation fram, general manager of OldsOne fact is that language Is Islands. JANUARY 28 (afternoon) Youth Aliyah luncheon by the Ar Shaare Zedek Center, Beach 36th mobile and vice president of Genand Far Rockaway boule- eral Motors. verne Chapter of Mizrachi Worn street For the olft you give with pride, vard. en a t the Community Men's Club, •'Although Oldsmobile employs Let EM-R'e Jewelers be your guide. MARCH 6 to 8 ~» Week-end at DR. A L L A N M I R K I N Arverne. "Laurel- in- the- Pines," Lake- more than 11,000 workers, in. . JANUARY 29 (Noon) — Altar wood, N. J., by the Belle Harbor Juries from lost-time accidents an* Rosary Society of St. Ger- Chapter of Women's American averaged less than one for every OPTOMETRIST trude's Catholic Club luncheon at ORT. million man hours worked durRings auditorium, Beach isth street. MARCH 10 (8:30 p.m.) — ing the past year," Wolfram and JANUARY 29 to February 1 - Fashion show and entertainment Bridal ANNOUNCES THE REMOVAL Ol" MIS OFFICE Weekerfd at Laurel-in-the-Pines, by the Rockatary Anns at the Sets Lakewood, N. J., by the Mr. and Washington Hotel, 124-05 Bou- W e b e r p a l s E l e c t e d TO M^s. Club of the Congregation levard. Bohack Vice President Ohab Zedek. MARCH 14 (evening)—Annual RELIGIOUS GIFTS 2 2 7 BEACH 1 1 6 T H ST., ROCKAWAY PARK Fred Weberpals, general merJ A N U A R Y 30 (8 p.m.) —• An- dinner-dance sponsored by the Rosaries Statues OPPOSITE SUBWAY nukl card party and social of the American-Irish Society at the chandising manager of the Bo hack Co., has been elected a vice Medals Misali Mothers' Auxnliary of Stella new clubhouse 102-21 Rockaway president of the firm, it is anMaris High School For Girls, at Beach boulevard, • nounced by William J. Kent, jr., thfc school cafeteria, Rockaway HOURS: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. SATURDAY MARCH 14 (evening) — St. president. Mr. Weberpals retains W A T C H E S $6.95 up Patrick's Night dance by the An- his duties as assistant to the 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. JANUARY 31, FEBRUARY 1, cient Order of Hibernians, Divi- president'^ coordinating departT U E S D A Y A N D F R I D A Y . 1 P. M. T O 8 P. M. 2 {Evening) — Guardian Chap- sion 21, at the Knights^ of Colum- mental programs. tet, B'nai B'rith, bazaar at bus Clubhouse, 333 Beach 90th Mr. Weberpals, with the comEYE EXAMINATIONS. CONTACT LENSES Knights of Columbus Hall, 1848 street. pany since 1024 and formerly PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Cdrnag*. avenue. MARCH 15, 16 and 17 *•*• An- head of Bohack's bakery departFEBRUARY 2 (12:30 p.m.) — nuai bazaar of the Rockaway ment, is a past president of the ternatlonal Day in Rockaway w , Park Chapter of Hadassah at the American Society of Bakery En- 87-16 BLVD. NE 4-7172 sented by National Council of Temple Beth - El PHONE NE 4 - 0 0 0 5 Auditorium, gineers and of the Bakers Club All Types Clocks Repaired dsh Women, featuring Mrs. Beach 121st street and Rockaway of New York. Expert Watch and Jewelry Gladys Young, folk singer, at Beach boulevard. the Washington Hotel. Repair Service MARCH 18 (evening) — TheaWave Wants Work W o o e r s ! )raiRUARY 4 (8:30 p.m.) - Vo- tre Party, Women's Quild of cational education card party at West End Temple, for performthe Arvenie Community House ance of "Red Head". MARCH 20, 21 and 22 — Amer193 Beach 68th street by the Arlean Jewish Congress, Rockaway vdrne Chapter of Hadassah. FEBRUARY 4 — Brotherhood Park Section weekend at Rock Night by Equality Lodge and ing Horse Ranch, Poughkeep Chapter a n d Anti-Defamation sie, N. Y. League at the Washington Hotel. MARCH 20-22 - Weekend trip fiTSBRUARY 7 (evening) - The of Rockaway Park Chapter of Rockaway-Five Towns Symphony American Jewish Congress at Orchestra at Lawrence High Rocking Horse Ranch, N. Y. MARCH 21 (Evening) — AnniSchool, Lawrence, L. I. FEBRUARY 7 (evening) — An- versary dinner of Congregation PC IVI-K5 EM JEWELERT S ( cal high school were Mesdame; Thelma Fink, Eve Helman, Bery Kanley and Leonore Krelger. Guest speakers were Dr. H a m Gideonse, president of Brooklyi College; Mayor Wagner, Dr John Theobald, superintendent o: schools; Charles Silver, presides of the Board of Education, anc Mrs. "Gladys Harburger, u.Kn president announced that a door-to-door campaign will be conducted to sign up every parent of a high school child as a member of the association on Tuesday, January 27. Results of 'iM" day will be announced at the open meeting of the association to be held that evening in the high school cafe terla. The program will be de voted to a questlon-and-answer period concerning the opening of the new wing and the single session ten-period day. Guest speakfflLSE,,be Hyman Scldcn, adratl ffifj ™*distant; also Fred Katnjen and Harry Bruce, Mechanic Art Department. At the annual luncheon-conference of the United Parents Association of New York at the R a b b i L e v /To D e l i v e r 2 d l e c t u r e At Temple Rabbi Aryeh Lev will delivei the second in his series of t h m lectures on "Know Your Holi days" at the West End Temple Neponsit, on Monday night a 8:30 p.m. An open forum and (lis cusslon will follow. The lecture is open to the public. BlQOtSR HTORW BIGGER SELECTIONS BIGGER DISCOUNTS • Dolls • Carriages • Bicycles Lay-Away For Christmas ROGOFFS TOY SHOP 212 Beach 116th St. GR 4-8779 ROCKAWAY SHOE OUTLET BUI and Jay's Better Shoes at Ix>wer Prices Visit bur newly enlarged and redecorated store at 114-30 ROCKAWAY BEACH BLVD. for the best possible values and complete lines of footwear for the entire family. OPEN TILL 7 TV Sales & Service NE 4*6600 RADIO Grundiq - Majestic - Zenith - Olympic TV . Radio - Stereophonic $3oo Call NE 4-0241 PLUS PART3 Same Day Service if Possible PANORAMA TV and AIR - CONDITIONING CENTER, Inc. 241 Beach 116th Street OPEN TILL 7 P.M. Change to NOW! Kopper's Coke Quality Coal S i n wifiM * iMWWb * Coal tit O i l Corp. N E p m i l O 4" 1 0 0 0 Burner Service Fuel Oils Registering Now For Foil -J • NURSERY — KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM HALF AND PULL DAY SESSIONS Betty Rowan, Director GR 1-6650 For Further Information Call RO 4-0077 34-01 Molt Avenue, Far Rockaway up to HEATING...WITH 1 IMtTUKI !!! OlAHTWO OIL HEAT 25% SAVINGS tfttoia AMAto M S f i e 40 «C « A 4 * 9 4RC 4%0 4%8 5AAA BAA 0 A * f t * 8 C * 9 O 0B 5%AAA 5%AA 45% A 6%B f f t C 6 * 0 5 * f i 4AAAA 4AA 6A 6 0 « C 6 0 4 0 6KAAAA 6%AA^o%AA 6% A 6%» 0HC 6%X> 6 £ 6 3 r M A A v ^ P ^ 7 A A > J a V *** TA 7 8 7 C 7 D WAAAA 7 * norm 0AAA #A 0 0OftAAA «*AA 834* 9AAAA 9AAA 9AA WAAAATOAM 0ft*T~yftA9KB 9%C WOWi* tOAAAA I0AAA IOAA 10A tOB 10C 10 D tOB WAAAA 10)1 AAA 10% AA 10% A 10% B 10Vi C 1010 1010 I1AAAA I t AAA 11 AA 11 A 11 B 11 C. 110 118 111AAAA I11AAA 11%AA !1%A 11% B f t H C 1 1 1 0 11K8 12AAAA U AAA 1 2 M U A Fleet Utilities Co., Inc. FR 1 -1400 In just a matter of hours we can convert your old burner to clean, constant, economical gas neat. You can't lose with gas heat. No worry about storage, no delivery problems. You pay for what you use after you use it. And Donnelly's HA 7ft» over ordinary gun-typ© burners Redfern Avenue, Inwood 96, L. I. You can Convert to GAS HEAT in less than a day! Jp .A ; R R O Cf KF AWAY "Footwear Of Quality" FREE PARKING on MARCH !c£3 Install a GA& Hot Water Heater at the same t i m e pay nothing u n t i l . Mardh Rockaway Park mmm Untitled Document l'T-1 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 Call for FREE Heating Survey Over 30 Years in the Rockaways " 115-06 Beach Channel Drive CENTRAL AVENUE takes care of maintenance. There are no moving parts in a G A S boiler or conversion unit. Nothing to wear out or get out of repair. NE 4-3500 M. J. DONNELLY CO. «> ¥ FREE SERVICE POLICY
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