24-25-26 April 2015 MOL – BELGIUM Mini Gasshuku with Bakkies Laubscher Sensei 8e Dan Senior Instructor Technical Advisor IOGKF Chief-Instructor IOGKF South Africa Schedule : Friday, 24 April 6.30 p.m. – 7.45 p.m.: children training ( 7-14 years old - all grades) 8.00 p.m. - 10 p.m.: adults - all grades Saturday, 25 April 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.: adults - all grades 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.: break 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.: adults - all grades Sunday, 26 April 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.: adults - 3th Kyu and higher 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.: break 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.: adults - 1st Dan and higher 7 p.m. : Sayonaraparty Location mini - Gasshuku: Sportscentre NUCLEA, Boeretang 202, 2400 Mol Training Fee: Children: 8€ All grades training: 2 hours training: 25€ (not-IOGKF: 30€) 4 hours training: 35€ (not-IOGKF: 40€) 6 hours training: 40€ (not-IOGKF: 45€) 3e Kyu and above: Sunday morning: 30€ (not-IOGKF: 35€) Sunday afternoon 30€ (not-IOGKF: 35€) Sunday all day: 50€ (not-IOGKF: 60€) 1 session on Sunday + 1 all grades session: 45€ (not-IOGKF: 55€) 1 session on Sunday + 2 all grades session: 55€ (not-IOGKF: 65€) Sunday all day+ 1 all grades session: 60€ (not-IOGKF: 70€) Complete weekend for 3e Kyu: 60€ (not-IOGKF: 70€) Complete weekend for black belts: 75€ (not-IOGKF: 85€) Saturday and Sunday : 70€ (not-IOGKF: 80€) . Sayonaraparty: Sunday 26 April, 7 p.m. Price 30 Euro (drinks not included) Make your reservation in advance with your registration. Group photo: On Friday evening, youth and adults Price 3 € Accommodation: In Mol and Dessel, a few km from the dojo there are many hotels and B&B. Please contact one of the following yourself to make a reservation. - Appart Hotel “Corbie”, Corbiestraat 64, 2400 Mol www.corbiehotel.com/mol/nl E-mail: mol@corbiehotel.com Tel. 0032 14 319871 Fax : 0032 14 320721 - Hotel “Alauda”, Turnhoutsebaan 28, 2480 Dessel www.alauda.be E-mail: info@alauda.be Tel. 0032 14 375071 Fax : 0032 14 389299 - Gasthof Tinkske, Molsebaan 26, 2480 Dessel www.tinkske.be E-mail: gasthof@tinkske.be GSM: 0032 477 735657 - B&B Sportservice, Kwademeer 40,2480 Dessel www.sportservice.be E-mail: info@sportservice.be Tel. 0032 14 373893 - 't Waterhuysje, Schans 6, contact: Meistraat 52, 2480 Dessel www.waterhuysje.be E-mail: info@waterhuysje.be Tel. 0032 14 375637 - Epicerie de Marie, Schans 14, contact Almenstraat 41, 2480 Dessel www.epiceriedemarie.be E-mail: info@epiceriedemarie.be GSM: 0032 497 476774 - Sunparks “Kempense Meren” Mol-Rauw www.sunparks.be/VL/BE/vakantiepark/kempense_meren - Provinciaal domein “Zilvermeer” Mol (camping possible) www.zilvermeer.be - B&B 't Zand , Sluis 199, 2400 Mol http://www.bbtzand.be/ E-mail: annwarmoes@hotmail.com Tel:0032 14 310147 GSM:0032 495 208530 - B&B 't Spijker, Volmolenheide 57, 2400 Mol http://www.tspijker.be/ E-mail: tspijker@telenet.be Tel: 0032 14 321223 GSM: 0032 494 213062 - B&B Ter Weiden, Weidestraat 7, 2400 Mol http://www.terweiden.be E-mail: info@terweiden.be GSM 0032 479 614 044 - B&B Kamer met ontbijt, Don Boscostraat 24, 2400 Mol www.kamermetontbijtmol.be E-mail: info@kamermetontbijtmol.be Tel. 0032 14 311946 GSM: 0032 475 771439 - B&B De Grote Kievit, Grotekievit 2, 2440 Geel http://www.degrotekievit.be E-mail: degrotekievit@gmail.com Tel. 0032 14 848267 GSM 0032 473 490666 - B&B Molmento, Sint-Leonardusstraat 12, 2400 Mol http://www.molmento.be E-mail: info@molmento.be Tel. 0032 14 756 51 Gsm: 0032 498 614131 Recreation in Mol and surroundings: On the website of " 't Waterhuysje" you can find a lot of info Please inform me if you are coming to the mini-gasshuku in advance. If you want to participate the sayonaraparty presubscribe before 10 April You can pay for it at the door. If you need more information do not hesitate to contact me. Patrick Curinckx Chief-Instructor IOGKF-Belgium patrick.curinckx@telenet.be Tel.0032 14 316499
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