New Client Setup Form Company Name:______________________________________________________________ D.B.A.:________________________________________________________________________ Fed ID#:_____________________________ State Tax ID #: __________________________ SUTA#:______________________________ SUTA Rate: ______________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Fax: ___________________________________ President/Owner: __________________ Email Address: _____________________________ Payroll Contact: ___________________ Email Address: _____________________________ Physical Address _________________________City ____________ State____Zip_______ Mailing Address _________________________City_____________ State____Zip_______ First Processing Date: _____________________ First Pay Period: ________________ to _______________ First Check Date: ____________________ Employees Paid: WEEKLY BIWEEKLY SEMI-MONTHLY Total employees _______ Full Time: ________ Part-Time: ________ 1099:________ Bank information (please include a VOIDED CHECK): Bank name:_______________________________________________________________ Routing Number:___________________________________________________________ Account Number:__________________________________________________________ Checklist for Implementation of Payroll Services: o Current Payroll Invoice/Register including Employee Earnings YTD o Any quarterly report filed in current year prior to start date with IPA o Employee Information including: Name, Address, City, State, ZIP, SSN, Phone #, Withholdings/Allowances, Marital Status, Date of Hire, Date of Birth o Employee Pay Information (Salary or Hourly Rate information) o Child Support Orders (if needed) o Proof of FEIN (941 Quarterly Report or any documentation from IRS reflecting FEIN) Client Signature & Title________________________________ Date__________________ Company Name__________________________________________________________ Authorization to Debit (payroll fees) I hereby authorize Reliable Premium Management dba Insight Payroll Associates to deduct my payroll fees from my checking account on a weekly or bi-weekly basis depending upon my payroll frequency. I understand that the debit will occur as a 1099 payment directly to Insight Payroll Associates from my bank account listed on this agreement. The amount debited will be varied based on number of employees paid on payroll and fees incurred by Insight Payroll Associates while managing this payroll account. You will be notified prior to the ACH for charges outside of the normal per payroll fee. I acknowledge that I am giving valid bank account information, that I do own it, and that I will maintain sufficient funds in this account to allow the payroll debits to clear on the applicable dates. Upon receipt of the ACH debit transfer, I agree and recognize that all deposits paid are due and any transactions reversed or omitted will incur additional charges. I realize that I am subject to a $25 overdraft fee if items are returned for insufficient funds. This authorization shall remain in full force and effect until a written ACH termination notice is received; such written notice must be received at least 10 days prior to the requested termination date. My payroll invoice per pay period will be as follows (based on number of employees paid) Payroll Setup/Implementation fee _____________ FOR WEEKLY PAYROLL: Approx. number of Employees __________ Price per pay period______________ FOR BI-WEEKLY/Bi-MONTHLY PAYROLL: Approx. number of Employees __________ Price per pay period______________ Service Agreement Terms: By signing this agreement I am authorizing and engaging Insight Payroll Associates to provide customer support for payroll and other services I have chosen. I am engaging Insight Payroll Associates to act as a third party administrator for implementation and on-going support when working with payroll and other service providers. I acknowledge that Insight Payroll Associates is unable to provide tax or legal advice and that I should contact a CPA or legal professional for such advice. I understand that it is MY responsibility to review all information in the payroll system and to review my payroll data prior to processing payroll to ensure accuracy. If Insight Payroll Associates provides assistance in entering information into the payroll system I agree to review the information immediately after completion to ensure accuracy and avoid errors. I further agree to notify Insight Payroll Associates or my payroll provider promptly of any errors in the payroll system so that they can be corrected. BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, I AUTHORIZE INSIGHT PAYROLL ASSOCIATES TO ACH DEBIT MY ACCOUNT FOR SERVICE FEES AND AGREE TO THE TERMS ABOVE. Client Signature and Title___________________________________________Date__________________ Payroll Fee Schedule ONE-TIME IMPLEMENTATION FEE $225 WEEKLY FEE PER PAY PERIOD BI-WEEKLY FEE PER PAY PERIOD 1-5 EMPLOYEES $44.95 $89.90 6-10 EMPLOYEES $54.95 $109.90 11-20 EMPLOYEES $59.95 $119.90 21-30 EMPLOYEES $69.95 $139.90 31-40 EMPLOYEES $79.95 $159.90 41-50 EMPLOYEES $89.95 $179.90 51-60 EMPLOYEES $99.95 $199.90 All-Inclusive Payroll Package Includes: Access to reporting payroll online through a user-friendly site Option to email, phone in, or fax in payroll per pay period Online Access to Payroll Check Register & Cash Requirements Statement Quarterly Federal/State Tax Filing and Depositing (940,941,FUTA,SUTA) Year-End W-2’s & Tax Filing General Ledger Posting Report – integration with accounting software New Hire Reporting Direct Deposit or Pay Cards Vacation/Sick/PTO Accruals Pay-As-You-Go Workers’ Compensation Calculation & Remittal Garnishment Services WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Reliable Premium Management Inc. Email: Phone – (888)731-8703 / Fax - (866)731-8703 PAY-AS-YOU-GO FORM Authorization for Third-Party Remit (Insight Payroll Associates Accounts) I, ______________________________________, acting as _______________________ of __________________________________________, Name Title Company authorize Reliable Premium Management (RPM) to automatically deduct payments to escrow for the payment of workers’ comp to my Insurance Carrier. I understand that I will be notified via phone, fax, or email prior to any charges being withdrawn from my account. My contact preference is (Please “X” one & provide your information): ____Phone #_______________________ ____Fax #___________________________ ____Email:_______________________________ I hereby authorize the use of the following checking account for automatic withdrawals of my work comp premium payments. Name of Financial Institution: __________________________________________ 9-digit Bank Routing #: _____________________________Checking Account #: _____________________________________ ** PLEASE ATTACH A VOIDED CHECK ** I understand that my work comp premium payments will be collected on a per pay-period basis based upon the payroll that I submit to Insight Payroll Associates. I understand that the Monday following my check date, I will receive an email, fax, or phone call from RPM with my work comp premium total. My work comp premium payment will be deducted from my checking account the Wednesday following my check date. I understand that the limit of authority given to RPM is only to deduct & remit payments received for the above named recipient. It is my responsibility to ensure funds are available at the time of draft, and I understand RPM is not responsible to make payment on my behalf if funds are not available. Should a check be returned unpaid, a $40 overdraft fee will be assessed. This amount may change without further notice. I understand that being a part of the pay-as-you-go program means that I will run payroll on a weekly or biweekly basis. If no payroll is posted, I understand that it is the responsibility of RPM to notify the carrier of this. ___________________________________________ Signed __________________________ Date ___________________________________________ Printed Disclaimer: RPM is not responsible for any balances due upon completion of a work comp audit by the insurance carrier. Internal use only (to be completed by the Payroll Rep or the Agent) Name of Servicing Insurance Agent: ____________________________________ Agency:____________________________ Phone _____________________________ Fax ________________________________ Email __________________________ Name of Payroll Rep: ___________________________________________________________ Cell: _____________________________Note to Payroll Rep: Please verify that each employee is classified by departmental/workers’ compensation code. Additional employees and/or codes will be handled by RPM and the Servicing Agent.
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