here - IP & FOOD

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20 th May 2015
Institutional greetings and introduction
Renata RIGHETTI (President, Aippi Italian Group)
Enrico ZANOLI (President, Italian Institute of IP Attorneys)
Giovanni FAVA (Assessore Agricoltura, Regione Lombardia)
Fil Rouge: Perspectives from an Italian icon
Elena Brioschi & Chiara Pappalardo
I session The International Framework
Geographical trademarks, PDOs and PGIs in the Community law
Volker SCHOENE (Lawyer)
Protection outside Europe and international Conventions
Juerg SIMON (Professor University of St. Gallen, Lawyer)
Geographical signs on the global market: convergences and conflicts
Cesare GALLI (Professor University of Parma, Lawyer)
Round Table
Chairperson: Fausto CAPELLI (Professor University of Parma, Lawyer)
Speakers and
Marina TAVASSI (President of Milan Court)
Lunch Time
II session Geographical Names
and A gro -F ood P roducts : I nstructions
Strategies and registration procedures of PDOs and PGIs
Paolo PEDERZINI (Industrial Property Consultant , Councillor Italian Institute of IP Attorneys)
Collective trademarks and quality trademarks in the agro-food sector and the role of Consortia and of their members
Federico DESIMONI (Lawyer, Director of the Consortium Aceto Balsamico Modena IGP)
Problems and prospects of protection in the winery sector in China
Davide FOLLADOR (Lawyer, IP Key Action, Beijing) - connecting from Pechino
Round Table
Chairperson: Andrea DE GASPARI (Lawyer, Trademark Attorney)
Paolo MIGANI (Trademark Attorney, Director of the Consortium Piadina Romagnola),
Riccardo RICCI CURBASTRO (President of FederDOC and EFOW)
Coffee Break
III session IP Rights
Territorial Marketing
Geographical names and protection against parasitic appropriation
Alberto BOTTARINI (Lawyer)
Marketing and licensing opportunities of PDOs and PGIs
Alberto CONTINI (Lawyer)
Distinctive signs of municipalities and other local authorities
Giuseppe CAFORIO (Lawyer, Professor at Perugia University)
Round Table
Chairperson: Cristina BIANCHI (Lawyer, Trademark Attorney)
Lorenzo BERLENDIS (Vice President, Slow Food Italia)
Giuseppe SALVIONI (CEO - Consortium Tutela Franciacorta)
Alessandro MERLO (Tema S.p.A.)
End of the first day
21 st May 2015
IV session Internet
and the
Geographical Signs
Protecting European businesses’ intellectual property:
the Commission’s digital agenda and the development of Internet
Maciej TOMASZEWSKI (Policy Officer at the European Commission, Internet Governance Task Force, DG Connect)
The Italian intergovernmental position at the ICANN
Rita FORSI (Director at the Ministry of Economic Development)
Connections between IGT and “”
Rita ROSSI (Responsible at Law Office of
Round Table
Chairperson: Pierfrancesco C. FASANO (Lawyer)
Lorenzo SANGIOVANNI (President, Consorzio Tutela Taleggio)
Annibale BIGONI (Director, Consorzio di Tutela del Salame di Varzi)
Coffee Break
V session Quality
Investigations on the web: listening to online conversations
Matteo FLORA (CEO, The Fool)
Food safety and consumers’ rights
Gustavo GHIDINI (Professor, Milano University and LUISS, Lawyer)
Protection under criminal law
Daniela MAININI (Lawyer, President of Centro Studi Anticontraffazione)
Controls for protection of public health
Umberto MASSOLO (General of NAS - anti fraud in food task, Carabinieri Corps)
Protection of Competition and Consumer Protection in the field of food-The role of the Italian Competition Authority
Gabriella MUSCOLO (Member of The Italian Competition Authority - AGCM, formerly Judge of the Court of Rome)
Lunch Time
on and
Geographical trademarks and designations of origin between distinctiveness and vulgarisation
Giulio SIRONI (Lawyer)
Trademarks and geographical signs: connections and disconnections
Stefano SANDRI (Professor, Special Counselor of UAMI, UIBM Examiner)
The territorial reputation: the birth of the designation of origin
Stefano MAGAGNOLI (Professor, University of Parma)
Round Table
Chairperson: Stefano VATTI (Industrial Property Attorney)
Name SURNAME (Representative of OHIM) - tba
Giuseppe MATTERA – Sales Manager D’Ambra Vini d’Ischia S.r.l.
Coffee Break
VII session: Prohibition of Deception
and A dvertising of A gro -F ood P roducts
The prohibition of deception and the limitations of vested rights in Europe and worldwide
Monica RIVA (Lawyer)
Advertising of agro-food products
Paolina TESTA (Lawyer)
Agro-food products and labelling regulations
Afro AMBANELLI (Lawyer)
Round Table
Chairperson: Giorgia ANDREIS (Lawyer)
Monica DAVO’ (Lawyer, Secretariat IAP, Responsible Control Committee)
Fabio PICCIOLINI (President Consumers’ Forum),
Raffaele PASTORE (Director of Studies and Research , UPA – Utenti Pubblicità Associati)
Conclusions and Greetings
With the Patronage of:
In collaboration with:
Thanks to:
nica monica
notti benotti monica monica
benotti benotti
for the graphic design
for printings
for the confetti
Registration to the event is free of charge.
Simultaneous translation in English/Italian and vice versa will be assured.
Registration to the event is open from 04/05/2015 to 17/05/2015 and subject to availability.
For the registration complete the form at the website:
Because of the limited number, please send an email to if unable to attend.
How to reach us
How to reach Palazzo Lombardia:
• Train (stop Stazione Centrale FS - 500m)
• Train (stop Porta Garibaldi FS - 1200m)
• Line M2 (stop Gioia - 280m)
• Line M2 / M3 (stop Centrale FS - 500m)
• Line M2 (stop Porta Garibaldi FS - 1200m)
• Line M3 (stop Sondrio - 600m)
• Bus 43-60
Afro Ambanelli is a food lawyer and regulatory expert, author of several publications. From 1997-98 to 1999-2000 he was Professor on
contract in Food Laws and Regulations (integrated with the Food Chemistry course) for the degree course of Chemistry at the Faculty of
Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences in Parma University. During the college year 2000 – 2001 he was Professor on contract at the
Catholic University Sacro Cuore of Cremona branch in Food Technologies course. He was lecturer in the Master Specialization Course of
Food Defense and Environmental Sanity at the Catholic University Sacro Cuore of Piacenza branch. From the college year 2009 – 2010 he
is Professor on contract at Udine University.
Slow Food Italy
He is an elementary teacher. In the 1993 he was part of the first Italian Welcome Committee for Refugees of the ex -Yugoslavia. He coordinated technical groups on sustainable mobility and environmental education. One of his goals is to enhance local communities, supporting
the culture and the territory. With this philosophy in 2002 he knowed Slow Food, he become convivium Leader of Valli Orobiche and in
2006 he became head of projects of Terra madre and Presidi in Lombardy. In 2014, during the national Congress held in Riva del Garda,
he was nominated Vice President of Slow Food Italy. From that moment he is responsible for Expo15 and for Biodiversity and Water. He is
Board of Directors member of “Altra Economia” and of “ Comitato Scientifico di Comieco”.
Cristina BIANCHI
Jaumann s.a.s. di Paolo Jaumann & C.
University Degree in Law cum laude, University of Milan. Attorney at Law, Italian and European Trademark and Design Attorney, Mediator, Member of INTA Trademark Mediators Network (TMN). Legal areas of expertise: trademark and design law, out of court negotiation,
agreements. Trademark Specialties: pre-filing search analysis; Italian and foreign trademark filing and prosecution, including opposition
proceedings, trademark infringement and validity opinions. Since 2005 at Jaumann in Milan.
Venturello e Bottarini, Avvocati
Lawyer since 2008, Law degree - University of the Study of Milan, thesis in industrial law ‘The recent modification of discipline of designs’,
supervisor Professor and Lawyer Giuseppe Sena, assistant supervisor Lawyer Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi Veli.
He practices his own legal activity as part of the litigation and court consulting in the field of intellectual and industrial property.
Speaker at a few meetings, he is a member of A.I.P.P.I., ECTA, UNION IP and IFLA.
Brioschi IP
Graduated in law - Università Statale of Milano, 2005. Second level master degree in Innovation Management of SMEs - Fondazione
CUOA Altavilla (Vi), 2006. Second level master degree in Industrial Property - Politecnico Milano, 2009. She deal with trademarks, design, unfair competition, copyright law, licensing, with special experience in filing and prosecution of 3D trademarks and the connections with designs and copyright rights. On February 2012 she has been part of the faculty of the Executive job leader training on “IP
Assets: basic topic and protection strategy on the market” (Fondazione CUOA). ECTA’s member since 2008.
Giuseppe CAFORIO
Professor of Industrial Law at the Department of Law of University of Perugia
He is a lawyer of higher courts, sponsoring in the Supreme Court and Council of State and at the Superior Water Court. He is owner of a
law firm where work ten employees, including five lawyers. He deals mainly Company Law and Administrative Law, in addition to the Tax
Law and Criminal Law. He defends mainly industrial groups of national and international importance, managing of the contracts and labor
relations, and he is lawyer for many governments, including the region, many municipalities and subsidiaries.
University of Parma
Professor of European Law and Food Law at the Collegio Europeo di Parma/University of Parma (Italy), Director of the Italian Review
«Diritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali», Co-director of the Italian Review «Rivista giuridica dell’ambiente», Member of the
Commissione Unica per la Dietetica e la Nutrizione - Ministero della Salute (Committee for Dietetics and Nutrition - Italian Ministry of
Health), Member of the Scientific Committee of the WWF-Italia, Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Court of Auditors for
the training of the judges of the same Court, Member of the Scientific Committee for EXPO-MILANO 2015 of the Lawyer Bar Association,
Author of many articles and books on European-Law topics, Lawyer specialized in European Law and in International Law.
Mina, Lanfranconi & Associati
Lawyer specialized in intellectual and industrial property rights where he gained considerable experience. Since the university he has dealt
with industrial property matters, having also earned a PhD in “Commercial Law: Intellectual Property and Competition” at the University
of Parma with a dissertation on Geographical Indications. He has participated as a speaker at numerous conferences organized by prestigious institutions, universities and training centers and he is the author of several articles with particular reference to the problems of
geographical indications.
Monica DAVO’
After finishing her degree in law and after her admission to the State Bar, she joined the Istituto dell’Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria. Since
2007 she has been head of the activities of the Review Board, reporting directly to the Chairman. Member of the Board of the EASA (European Advertising Standards Alliance), she actively participates at meetings at a European level and regularly holds seminars and conference
on advertising self-regulation.
De Gaspari Osgnach
Graduated in law from the University of Padua in 1995. Italian trademark consultant and professional representative before the OHIM since
1999. A licensed attorney since 1999. Member of some IP international associations. Member of the Design ECTA Committee. Founder
and partner of the IP Firm De Gaspari | Osgnach. Trademark strategist with experience in creating, prosecuting and managing complex
trademark portfolios, including related take-overs and restructuring operations, contracts and intellectual and industrial property rights
litigation. He specializes in industrial design and product shape related matters, and through his firm, of GI-related matters as well.
Consorzio Aceto Balsamico di Modena IGP
Graduated in law from the University of Parma and obtained the license to practice as a lawyer. He specialized in international contracts
and EU law. He assumes the role of office manager for legal affairs and supervision of the Consorzio Prosciutto di Parma; in 2011 he was
appointed Deputy Director of the same consortium. He deepens especially issues concerning the protection of intellectual property rights,
with specific reference to the area of trade marks and Geographical Indications in the EU and internationally.Member, of the certification
committee before, and then the Committee for Protection and Independence of Istituto Parma Qualità, explores the themes of control
systems and certification of PDO and PGI. From 2013 he is General Manager of the Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico di Modena; Member
of the Board of AICIG (Italian Association of Consortia for Geographical Indications).
Pierfrancesco C. FASANO
Fasano Avvocati
Founder and managing partner of Fasano Avvocati, Milan-based independent law firm. Admitted as Avvocato to Milan Bar, before the
Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione) and as Legal Practitioner before Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) Courts with
right of audience. Technical Expert, Court of Milan, ‘trademarks, domains and advertising’ special fields. Mediator at World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO) – International Council of Museums (ICOM) in Art and Cultural Heritage. Arbitrator on .eu domain disputes with Czech Arbitration Court and .it domains with Registry .it. Case Manager IP Mediation Centre and Scientific Director of Mediators
Training Centre MFSD accredited by Italian Ministry of Justice. Theoratical Trainer of Mediators accredited by Italian Ministry of Justice.
Member of Inter Pacific Bar Association (IPBA) and International Council of Museums (ICOM).
Giovanni FAVA
Regione Lombardia
Viadanese of birth (1968) and residence, entrepreneur of the services sector. Mayor of Pomponesco (MN) from 1993 to 2002, member of
the Regional board of ANCI Lombardy in 1996, of the Environmental Commission of ANCI Lombardy in 1996. Provincial Councillor of the
Province of Mantua from 1997 to 2012. National Member of Parliament from 2006 to 2008 (XV legislature) and Member of the National
Parliament from 2008 to 2013 (XVI legislature) and Chairman of the parliamentary committee of inquiry into the phenomenon of counterfeiting and piracy in the commercial field. Regional Minister Of Agriculture of Lombardy in 2013 (with responsibility for food chains, the
protection and promotion of the production, development and innovation of businesses, hunting, forestry). Board component of ISMEA
(2014) and Member of the Board of Directors of CremonaFiere (2015).
IP Key Action, Beijing
Davide Follador practices IP law since 2002, works in Beijing since 2011, currently project manager at the EU funded IP Key Action (www. focusing on government cooperation in IP enforcement policy. Previously lawyer at major IP law firms in Italy and China. He
served as First Lieutenant of Italian Police and subsequently obtained Masters in IP Law. Qualified European TM and Design Attorney,
admitted to Milan BAR. IP expert for the EU-CHINA/ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesk, Davide has been specialising in cross border EU China
IP issues and writes articles on IP protection strategy in China for major newspapers and magazines. His academic activities include research fellowship at EU funded projects and tutorship at the IP Summer Institute of Beijing University.
Italian Ministry of Economic Development
Rita FORSI up to now holds the position of General Director of ISCTI (Higher Institute of Communications and Information Technologies) within the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. She also is the Director of the SSTLC (Superior School of Specialization in
Telecommunications) as well as the Director of OCSI (Certification body of Information Security). Since 2009, Rita FORSI represents the
Italian Government at the Management Board of ENISA (The European Agency for Information Security). She holds the position of representative of the Italian Government at the GAC (Governmental Advisory Committee) in the framework of the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Rita FORSI is also representative of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development in the area of
the domain names allocation within the ccTLD “it”. Previously Rita FORSI was Director of the Tuscany inspectorate of the Italian Ministry
of Communications. Currently Rita Forsi coordinates several ICT research projects mainly in collaboration with universities and national
and international research institutes. She is particularly involved in cyber security issues, carrying out for the implementation of national
strategy, and in the start-up of the national CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) within the Ministry of Economic Development,
taking care, in cooperation with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, also of national and international cyber security exercises.
Cesare GALLI
IP Law Galli
Professor of IP Law, University of Parma, in 2004 he set up his own Law Firm (IP_Law Galli), with the main office located in Milan. He
obtained the first Italian rulings in biotech patents and computer implemented invention patents and key decisions on renowned trademarks pharmaceutical patents and look-alike. Since 2005 he has been appointed Member of all the Governmental Commissions in charge of
drafting the new Italian IP rules, which drafted the Legislative decree that implemented the Directive n.2004/48/C.E. and between 2009
and 2010 he took part to the Governmental Commission in charge of drafting the Reform of the Italian IP Code. He has been defined by
Chambers “A formidable academic and formidably well-prepared practitioner”, and “the most precise practitioner in his field” with “an
excellent knowledge of the dynamics of IP”.
Ghidini, Girino & Associati
Born in Parma, Italy. Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Milan University, and Luiss Guido Carli University, Rome. Director of the
Observatory for Intellectual Property, Competition, Communications Law, Luiss Guido Carli University. Senior Partner of Ghidini, Girino
e Associati Law offices (Milan – Rome)
University of Parma
Associated Professor of Economic History at the University of Parma, he is among the founders of Food Lab (Laboratory for nutrition history – He obtained his PhD in Contemporary History from the University of Turin and held a scholarship from the
Foundation “L. Einaudi” of Turin. Already director of the historical study magazine “900”, he is currently editor-in-chief of “Sviluppo locale” (Local development), issued by Rosemberg&Sellier. He has taught at the universities of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Bologna (Italy),
and La Plata (Argentina). He has been studying research issues connected to nutrition for a long time. He has taken part in a number of
international meetings in the frame of FoodStudies.
Giuseppe MATTERA
D’Ambra Vini d’Ischia S.r.l.
Degree in Economics and Commerce. For 25 years an employee of D’Ambra Vini d’Ischia S.r.l., he currently holds the position of Administrative and Management Officer, as well as of Export Manager and Commercial and Marketing Consultant. As a teacher, he has held
various training courses, stages and internships for post-graduate courses, for students of the University of Naples and of the University of
Potenza (Italy).
Alessandro MERLO
University degree in Food Science and Technology (Università di Milano) and Master degree in Economics of the Agricultural and Food
System at Università Cattolica, Cremona. Member of the Local Farming Environmental Quality Committee. Expert in project cycle management in agricultural and food system. Project Leader/In charge of Food Area at TeMA/Milan Chamber of Commerce.
Consorzio Piadina Romagnola
Italian, San Marino and Community Trademarks and Designs Attorney, Expert in reassignment procedures of domain names, Expert in
procedures for registration as PDO PGI and TSG food products, Experienced in Italian and European funds for innovation, Consultant of
various Chambers of Commerce, Innovation Agencies, and Business Incubators, Member of ECTA (European Communities Trade Mark
Gabriella MUSCOLO
She was appointed trainee judge with Ministerial Decree in 1985, since 2003 she was sitting as a Judge of the Specialist Section for Intellectual Property Law at the District Court of Rome. She was appointed member of the Enlarged Board of Appeal-EBA of the European
Patent Office-EPO, for 2009/11 and 2012/14, before leaving this position as she was appointed member of the board of the Italian Competition Authority. She has been lecturer of Company Law at the School of Specialization for the Legal Professions at the University of
Rome – La Sapienza and has worked with many universities in Europe and US. She has published in both Italian and English in the fields of
Company Law, Industrial Law and Competition Law.
Born in Milan in 1985, Ms Pappalardo graduated in law from Milan’s Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in 2010, after having spent a year
studying international and EU law at Katholieke Universiteit in Leuven (Belgium), as part of the Erasmus project. Ms Pappalardo began her
training in 2010, was admitted to the Milan Bar in 2013. She deals mainly with industrial property matters. She cooperates with the Chair of
Private Law at the faculty of Economics, Milan - Bicocca University, as well as cooperating with the industrial law journal Rivista di Diritto
Raffaele PASTORE
Director of Research & Studies at UPA (the association that represents the companies that invest in advertising in Italy) since 2008.
Sociologist, expert in media and audience analysis . Coordinator of Auditel Technical Committee. Member of the Board of Directors of
Audipress, Ads, Audimovie. Member of Audiweb and AudiOutdoor Technical Committees. As Communication Director he worked at
Censis from 1995 to 2008, and developed, in 2001, the “Censis Report on communication in Italy and Europe” that he has coordinated
until 2007.
Bugnion SpA
Partner and of counsel of Bugnion S.p.A. Industrial Property Consultants. Italian Industrial Property Consultant, member of the Industrial
Property Consulting Association, chartered to section patents and section trademarks. Chartered as technical expert before the Court of
Bologna about trademarks and patents. European Patent Attorney, and Community Trademarks and Designs Agent. He has co-authored
the ‘Commentario alla legge sui marchi d’impresa’ (Pirola, 1993 and 1995) and the “Codice Commentato della Proprietà Industriale e Intellettuale a cura di C. Galli e A.M. Gambino con la collaborazione di E. Falce, UTET, anno 2011”. Member FICPI- Italian Board of Industrial
Property Consultants. Member EPI - European Patent Institute. Member ECTA - European Communities Trademark Association. Member LES - Licensing Executives Society
Consumers’ Forum
University degree, after gaining significant working experience at Banca d’Italia - during which he took part to the operations regarding
the switch to Euro, the relations with supranational entities and authorities and, to conclude, the supervision of financial markets - he is
currently President of Consumers’ Forum and Head of “Ufficio Studi e Progetti dell’Associazione Difesa Consumatori ADICONSUM”
(Consumers’ association). He is member of study groups and committees of experts, and in his academic capacity he participated to seminars, courses and masters.
FederDOC and EFOW
Agronomist and winemaker, since 1979 he, along with his father, run their wine producing company (Gualberto Ricci Curbastro and Sons
Farm Estate) in Franciacorta, where he holds the position as director and head of marketing and production, and also the Rontana Farm
Estate, recently built. He held various positions in associations and confederations of the sector (ANGA, Confagricoltura, AGRITURIST,
Consorzio Vini a Denominazione d’Origine Franciacorta, VALORITALIA). He is President of the FEDERDOC (National Confederation
of Associations for the Protection of DOC Wines). He was one of the components of the Enforcing Committee with the task of coordinating and supervising the controlling activities for the production of the Brunello di Montalcino. He’s President of the Efow, European
Federation of OriginWines.
Bugnion SpA - Italy
Born in Milan, she attended the history faculty at Università Statale di Milano. After joining Bugnion in 1982, she has acquired a wide-ranging expertise above all vis-à-vis trademarks, in particular non-traditional trademarks as head of the Foreign Department of Bugnion. From
1995 until 2012 she was Director General of the Firm. Partner of Bugnion, has been President of Bugnion S.p.A. since 2004. Member of
the Bureau of AIPPI International as Assistant Secretary General from 2007 to 2014. She is President of AIPPI - Italian National Group
since February 2014.
Monica RIVA
Clifford Chance
Monica Riva is specialised in litigation and out-of-court advice to Italian and international clients regarding trademarks, patents, industrial
secrets, design, copyright and unfair competition. Ms Riva graduated in law at the Catholic University of Milan in 1998; she came first in
the 2005 competition for admission to the twentieth doctoral research programme in Intellectual Property Rights and Competition at Parma University and gained her research doctorate in 2009. Monica joined the Milan office of Clifford Chance in 2002 after working at the
Vanzetti law firm and has been head of the Intellectual Property Department since 2005. She was admitted to the Bar Association in 2002.
She authors articles and commentaries on intellectual property and since 2004 has been a member of the editorial board of the journal
“Giurisprudenza Annotata di Diritto Industriale. She is a speaker at conferences on IP.
Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the National Research Council CNR, Italian Registry
Responsible for the legal and contractual activities of the Italian Registry, ccTLD, at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT) of the
National Research Council. Since 1997, she has had a leading part in the preparation and application of rules for the management and resolution of conflicts related to the assignment of domain names in the ccTLD .it registry. From 2005 to 2008 she hold seminars at the University of Padua, for the master in network law, giving lectures on alternative dispute resolution and on the organization of the .it Registry.
From 2004-2012 she taught at the University of Pisa for the Master in Internet Technologies.
Stefano SANDRI
Former Special Adviser to OHIM, Avv.Prof. Stefano Sandri chaired for a number of years the Third Board of Appeal at Alicante’ Office.
Member of the Government Committee for drafting the Idustrial Property Code. At present, examiner at Italian Trademrk Office , TKs
opposition dpt. Stefano Sandri has published several works and articles on trademarks and design issues.
Consortium Taleggio
Born in Capralba (CR) on 03/03/1961. Entrepreneur of the Farm Cremasco, one of the most active farms of the territory of Crema, of
which milk is transformed directly in the milk farm of the same name. President of Consortium Taleggio since June 4, 2014 and participates
actively, in quality of manager, of other similar consortiums and companies.
Loschelder Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB, Cologne-Germany
Volker Schoene has been a Member of the Bar of Cologne since 1995 and practises in the fields of Food Law, IP Law and Unfair Competition. His research doctorate thesis was on the requirement of use in trademark law. He represents many groups of producers in relation to
their applications for PDO/AOP registration and has been involved in around 25% of proceedings for the registration of German names.
He is also the author of numerous publications on the matter.
Volker Schoene is a lecturer on specialization courses for lawyers on trademark law. He is also chief editor of the review GRUR Prax, published every fortnight by the publisher C.H. Beck Verlag in collaboration with AIPPI Germany and GRUR. The review contains essays and
summaries of decisions in the field of IP Law and Unfair Competition.
Lenz & Staehelin
Prof. Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, Executive M.B.L.-HSG. Jürg Simon is considered a leading lawyer with extensive and longstanding experience in intellectual property, competition law and related fields in Switzerland (non-forensic, dispute settlement (litigation, arbitration)
and transactional work). He mainly advises and represents clients in strat-egy, litigation and arbitration proceedings in the areas of trademarks, copyrights, designs, patents, appellations of origin, unfair competition, antitrust matters (with a focus on the interface be-tween
intellectual property and competition law) R&D, know-how, software licensing and distri-bution, media, and international distribution. He
has represented clients in a number of landmark cases. Before joining Lenz & Staehelin, Jürg Simon was director at the Swiss Intellectual
Property Institute, vice-president of the Swiss experts Commission on appellations of origin, and a partner in an IP boutique firm. He is a
titular professor for Intellectual Property Law at the University of St.Gallen and serves on the Boards of selected IP-related companies. He
regularly regularly publishes and gives lectures in his areas of expertise. He has been ranked as leading practitioner in the relevant international legal expert guides.
Giulio Enrico SIRONI
Vanzetti e Associati Law Firm
Partner of the Vanzetti e Associati law firm in which he has worked since 1995. He handles questions relating to all IP sectors.
Since 2013 he has been a lecturer in ‘Intellectual Property Law’ at the Faculty of Economics of the Università Cattolica of Milan.
Within AIPPI Italia he is a member of the Executive Committee, of the Study Group on Distinctive Signs and the Group in charge of educational events. Since 2011 he has been Chairman of the AIPPI Standing Committee on Geographical Indications.
He is a member of the editorial team of Giurisprudenza Annotata di Diritto Industriale and of the editorial board of The Trademark Reporter. He is the author of numerous publications in the IP sector and has been a speaker at various conferences, both in Italy and abroad.
Milan Court
President of the Industrial and Intellectual Property Division, now president and coordinator of the Specialized Section of Enterprises,
at the Milan Court of first instance. Joining the judiciary, she has always been involved in commercial law, Community law, intellectual
property and antitrust law, as judge of the court of first instance, then Counsellor of the Court of Appeals, up to the Supreme Court, where
she was Counsellor for five years. She is vice president of the Association of European Competition Law Judges, and vice president of IPJA,
Intellectual Property Judges Association. Since June 2014 she is member of the Expert Panel for the Rules of Procedures of the Courts of
the European patent with unitary effect, national judge for the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the EPO, and one of the Eligible Judges of the
Unified Patent Court . She has taken part in several seminars, as speaker and chairman, in the field of IP and competition law, publishing
numerous articles and monographs. She is also founder and co-director of a specialised law review, entitled “Italian IP Courts Case Law
Report”, that publishes the decisions of the Italian IP Courts, in Italian and English.
Paolina TESTA
FTCC Law Firm
She was admitted to the Italian Bar in 1981, and since 1987 she is qualified to appear before the Italian Supreme Court. She is a partner of
the FTCC law firm. She focuses on advertising law, on all aspects of intellectual property law and on food and beverage law. Author of
numerous legal papers and publications, she sits on the editorial board of AIDA and is a frequent lecturer at post-graduate master’s courses
and seminars. Since 2000 she is Chargée d’enseignement at CEIPI (Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Industrielle) in Strasbourg, France. She is a member of the Executive Committee of AIPPI Italia, and is in charge of the Committee on advertising and unfair
commercial practices. She is also a member of the ADR Standing Committee in AIPPI International.
Stefano VATTI
Fumero - Studio Consulenza Brevetti
Graduated in of Natural Science, practising in Fumero since 2002, becomes partner of Office in 2004. Member of the Ordine dei Consulenti Italiani in Proprietà Industriale (Institute of professional IP representatives before the Italian P.T.O.) since 2007, is authorised agent
before the Office for the Harmonisation of the Internal Market (Community Trademarks and Designs) and WIPO. Member of FICPI and
AIPPI Italia, is member of the trademark working committee in AIPPI italian group, in which he held the position of secretary, and is member of the special commitee about trademark law in AIPPI international group.
DG Connect
Lawyer specialised in EU Law and IT Law. He has been studying European Law in Warsaw (Warsaw University, Master of Law), Paris (Université Paris Descartes) and Bruges (College of Europe, LL.M.). Moreover, he did numerous additional training sessions in the area of IPR
and American Law (Center for American Law Studies). He has professional experience in the area of new technologies gained in different
places, for instance working in the Competition Law Department and at the European Patent Office and currently working as Policy Officer
at the Internet Governance Task Force of the European Commission, DG Connect, being responsible for the Internet Governance.
Zanoli & Giavarini
He graduated in industrial chemistry at the University of Turin. After a first job as researcher he joined the Patent and Licensing Dept. of
the ENI group, then worked with an IP firm in the private practice until 1991. In that time, he was admitted to the Italian Institute of Patent
and Trademark Attorneys and qualified as European Patent Attorney. In 1991 he joined the Montedison group and was appointed director
of the Patent & Trademark Department. In 1997 he joined Basell Polyolefins, a chemical joint venture between BASF and Shell, and was
appointed Senior Vice-President, Intellectual Property, with a worldwide responsibility on patents, trademarks, technology agreements
and IP litigation, a position that he kept until 2002. In 2002 he was co-founder of the IP firm Zanoli & Giavarini, of which he is president.
The firm has offices in Milano, Bergamo, Treviso and Piacenza. He collaborated to scientific magazines for IP matters and to of one of
the first textbooks on biotech patents: Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology Worldwide, Mc. Millan, UK, 1987. He is an Official
Technical Expert of the Court of Milano and is active in the field of patent litigation. He teaches courses on patent matters at the Polytechnic of Milano and at the University of Milano. He is affiliated to AIIPI, FICPI, INTA, and to the American Chemical Society. He is currently
Vice-President of the Italian Institute of Patent and Trademark Attorneys (Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale).