421 West Travelers Trail | Burnsville, MN 55337 Phone 952.215.3220 | Fax 877.289.3860 | www.metafarms.com March 2015 Release Release Notes The MetaFarms software release was implemented on March 29th. We would like to share some of the enhancements available and defects that were fixed. Note: All new columns to reports will be available in the MetaFarms Full version, but hidden in the Summary version. Column changes may affect any macros you have for a report. These features were added in this release: Feature ID Release Notes 1595 Sow Manager > Data Entry > Wean Sheet Entry – We now have the ability to update Piglet Wean Age when additional weans are added to an existing sheet. The default will be to not update. (Which is how it works now) If you wish the wean age to update, a box must be checked in Sow Protocols for each sow unit. Go to Setup Structure > Producers, Sites & Barns. Search Producer. Click on the Site you wish to have update. Click on More. Click on the Sow Protocols button. Check the box Recalc Movement Age From Sheet Automatically then click Save. Finish Manager > Reports > Feed Budget Comparison and Groups Detail Closeout - On the Feed Budget Comparison report (MetaFarms Full), a column (G) has been added for Last Date Delivered. Column F has been renamed to Delivery Start Date. This could affect any macros you may have for this report. On the Group Detail Closeout, Feed Budget tab, a column (E) has been added for Delivery Start Date. Data Transfers > Movement Import - We now allow for Comments to be included in the Movement Import. Please contact customer support for setup. We now have the ability to see all unposted sheets for a time period: Farrows: Weans: Services, etc. to see anything open and due for corrections. # of weeks currently defaults to the last 4 weeks but can set per farm within the Sow Protocols. To do so, under Setup Structure > Producers/Sites/Barns, choose Producer, then choose Site then click the More button and choose Sow Protocols. Sow Cards mini format; mini format2; mini format3; Avery & Avery2 will now refer to the site name rather than the producer name. Finish Manager > Reports > Group Movement Reports – A new column has been added for Supervisor (Column H) Sales Manager > Reports > Movement Sales Summary – New columns have been added for Pig Flow (Column C) and Business Unit (Column D). Name change from "Sow SMART" to "Sow Analytics" with a new look and feel: More concise options, easier to understand. Finish Manager > Reports > Diet Ingredient Detail Report - A dropdown for Status has been added to the report criteria. You can choose to run the report for Active or Closed groups. Sow Manager > Reports > HNS Heat No Service, HNS First Heat Predicted Second, HNS Second Heat Predicted Third – A new column has been added for parity (Column B). Sales Manager > Reports > Market Sales Summary – Columns FFLI (Column AW), BF (Column AX) and HCW (Column AY) have been removed. This may affect any macros you have for this report. Sales Manager > Packer Sales > Prepare Movements Grid - We have added columns for Loaded By and Marked by to this grid. Once filled out, they will be part of the movement. Sow Manager > Reports > Breed Farrow Cohort - Added columns for Total Born Per Sow (Column N), Stillborn Per Sow (Column P), % Stillborn (Column Q), Mummified Per Sow (Column S), and % Mummified (Column T). Sow Manager > Reports > Recalc Production Week - This process will now also recalculate the Parity Comparison Report. Sow Manager > Data Entry > Retag - Previously when sows were retagged, we overwrote the Alt ID with the old ID unless the new Alt ID column was filled out. We will no longer overwrite the Alt ID. Setup Structure > Producers/Sites/Barns > More - Tabbing will move cursor to next field helping with data entry. Sow Manager > Matings Per Service (New Report): This new report gives a look at performance based on the number of matings and services over a selected period of time chosen by the user. Sow Manager > Reports > Conception Rate > Conception Rate Tab - Added calculation comments to the column headers: Number Farrowed (Column O), Actual Farrowing Rate (Column P), Total Dropout (Column Q) and Drop Out Rate (Column R). 1825 1953 2002 2008 2015 2019 2030 2038 2039 2046 2049 2056 2058 2059 2061 2062 2063 Page 1 421 West Travelers Trail | Burnsville, MN 55337 Phone 952.215.3220 | Fax 877.289.3860 | www.metafarms.com 2064 2069 2074 2076 2081 2087 2099 2109 2116 Sow Manager > Reports > Estrus Analysis (New Report): This new report is a breakdown of a breed week by breeding category (<7 day weans, >7 day weans, Returns, and Gilts). This report will show which category fell out by <35 days and > 35 days and why they fell out (Preg Check Neg, Abort, Found Open, etc.). This report will also have a Farrowing Performance breakdown by category (ex. Gilts had a 12.4 born alive while the Returns had a 12.0 born alive). This report will give the user an opportunity to take an in-depth look at how their breed week group performed. Sow Manager > Reports > Correction Sow Report – We are now able to see the Current Event you are trying to key as well as the error. Sow Manager > Data Entry > Unposted Sheets OR Sheet Review - We have expended the Search capabilities within these two areas. We are now able to search ALL event as well as ALL farms and search all unposted sheets for the entire company. Also able to filter all events by sow unit. We now have the ability to import feed directly into a sow unit. Please contact support for further information. Farmland Packer Import - Dead Value field modified to bring in on the import now. Sales Manager > Reports > Market Sales Summary - A new column (D) has been added for Sow Source. Packer Imports > We have added a new packer import for Smithfield packers. Please contact customer support if you are interested in adding to your company. Sow Manager > Sow Cards - Shrink to fit was added to all cards except for the mini formats and the Avery label format. We are no longer limited on sow tag number length. Finish Manager > Movement Report (Single Row) - Added Premise Identification Number (PIN) in column B - PIN will pull data from Sow Units, Nursery, Finish, Pig Suppliers, Customers, and Packers. These Defects were fixed in this release: Defect ID Release Notes Movement Search - The two search buttons for movements have been removed and replaced by "Search" button on 809 969 977 985 996 the right. The change was made to simplify which button to select and to improve security for customers that limit access to only one producer. Sales Manager > Reports > Market Sales Summary - A defect was fixed that was causing the Carcass Heavies % (Column BF) to not calculate correctly. Sow Manager > Reports > Sow Ranking - A defect was fixed that was highlighting multiple farms for being ranked #1 for a measurement. General Attributes > Feed Ingredient Master - When adding new ingredients to the master, you will now get blank lines at the bottom to fill in instead of the second screen where you checked the add box. This will not impose a limit on the number of ingredients a company can have now. Sow Manager > Data Entry > Sow Event Search - A bug was fixed that was preventing the correct dates to show up when any given number of weeks was selected. Please send us any comments regarding this release, both positive and negative. We appreciate them all as they help us to better serve your needs in future releases. Sincerely, Your MetaFarms Customer Support/Account Services Team support@metafarms.com 952.215.3233 Page 2
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