Gaming with Millennials Syndicated Study 2015 Canada Insights on Technology Use, Social Media, and Everything Lottery & Gambling Now entering its sixth year of publication, the Gaming with Millennials Syndicated study will examine a variety of topics related to all forms of gaming behaviours and preferences, technology usage and social networking. Marketers can expect to get answers to the following questions: One of the biggest challenges facing gaming entities today is how to grow market share – something that is especially difficult in light of the ever-changing gaming and entertainment landscape. The lottery and gaming sector is also changing dramatically, with the implementation of online distribution across a number of Canadian lottery jurisdictions, and a consideration to develop this channel among those who don’t currently offer online sales. The gradual convergence of gambling, social gaming, and lottery, and the impact of this convergence on entertainment spending, is resulting in a murkier competitive landscape for gaming entities. • What types of gaming products are most appealing? • What are the barriers to participation in various gaming categories? • What are the general play behaviours and preferences for lottery? Casinos? Internet gaming? Social gaming? • What is internet gaming penetration in our current environment and where do future opportunities lie for gaming organizations? • What differences exist within the group of 18-34 year olds? As marketers grapple with these issues, it becomes clear that an approach to increasing market share is to focus on consumer groups that have the potential to grow and become loyal customers down the road, and who are already accustomed to the digital universe. For most, this means a focus on consumers in the 18-34 year old demographic. Topic Areas Specific topic areas for the study include: • Lottery play, including traditional and online channels • Key lottery trends, such as increased interest in higherpriced scratch games and declines in national draw game jackpots (New in 2015!) Gaining an understanding of this group as an existing and potential consumer takes on even greater importance given the decision by the U.S. Department of Justice to reverse the federal government’s long-held opposition to Internet gambling. This decision has implications for all North American gaming entities, but one thing is certain: Internet gaming continues to build momentum and it is likely that this age cohort will be one of the first to jump on board. It has never been more important to understand both what the existing competition is as well as the potential for legalized and regulated i-gaming among this group. • Casinos, including social gambling, and an exploration of licensed brands (New in 2015!) • Internet gaming participation, spending and top websites • Technology usage and trends, including applications for gaming, digital currency, and social gaming • Social media usage The 2015 version of the study will have a strong focus on all aspects of gaming and technology and will explore how intertwined these two categories have become. 1 G A M I N G W I T H M I L L E N N I A L S S Y N D I C AT E D S T U DY 2 015 C A N A DA Methodology Cost Web-based Internet Study: A 25 minute survey will be conducted using Ipsos’ proprietary online panel in Canada Deliverable Cost Canada Report & Data Tables $6,500 CAD n=1,000 surveys completed in Canada (A sample size of n=1,000 provides a margin of error of +/- 3.1%) Booster Sample Please contact Ipsos for pricing Additional Crosstabs Please contact Ipsos for pricing Clients have the option to purchase booster samples if they subscribe prior to fielding. Booster samples can be collected on any desired criteria and will be priced on an ad-hoc basis, provided they are feasible to obtain. Contact Us Timing To learn more about this study, please contact: Please note that this timeline is tentative and subject to change, primarily pending client response. Paul Lauzon Senior Vice President, Lottery & Gaming Managing Director, Ipsos Marketing Client Commitment May 2015 Questionnaire Design May/June 2015 Data Collection June 2015 Data Analysis June/July 2015 Report Writing July 2015 Report Available July 2015 Ipsos in North America has a solid team solely dedicated to research in the Lottery and Gaming sector. Visit our website to view upcoming events, read articles, press releases and more at: Deliverables We will provide the following deliverables: • Detailed tables with essential crosstabs; and • A detailed presentation report in PowerPoint format For booster samples purchased: • Additional PowerPoint report and crosstabs with booster sample 2 Copyright© 2015 Ipsos. All rights reserved. 1 5 - 0 4 - 1 8
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