IPU NET Launch Guide 868kb

IPU NET Launch Guide Cover
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Launch Guide
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IPU NET Launch Guide
Welcome to IPU NET, a web-based application designed to support members of the Irish
Pharmacy Union in both the delivering and recording of services to patients. This service is
designed for use by any pharmacist working in a pharmacy registered on IPU NET.
To avail of the suite of products available, both the pharmacy and any pharmacist users must
register with IPU NET.
• Clinical Support Tool
IPU NET creates a range of products which can be used as a step-by-step guide in delivering a
patient service in a community pharmacy. This complements Standard Operating Procedures
and other support material already provided by the IPU for members’ use.
• Record Service Provision
IPU NET also facilitates the recording of service provision. Records created can either be saved
in electronic or paper format.
The very useful “Reports” function provides each registered pharmacy with information on
services delivered by their pharmacy, such as an “Activity Log” which allows the identification
of trends in service delivery in that pharmacy and supports planning to meet this need.
• Demonstrate Value of Pharmacy Services
As this is a web-based application, records from individual pharmacies can be aggregated on an
anonymised basis, purely for statistical purposes. The anonymised information collated will
allow the IPU to promote the role of community pharmacy in patient services and demonstrate
evidence of the effectiveness of delivering these patient services in community pharmacies.
IPU NET is an innovative application to support and promote the role of community pharmacy
in providing a broad range of convenient, accessible and cost effective healthcare care services
to our patients and the public.
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Section One: Registration Procedure
Step One: Log on to www.ipunet.ie
This will bring you to IPU NET’s home page where you can register with IPU NET.
Step One: Log on to www.ipunet.ie
Click here
to begin
Step Two: Registration of Pharmacy and Pharmacist
As part of the PHARMACY registration, one PHARMACIST must also register in order to use
the service. We suggest that the pharmacist registered at this stage should be the SUPERVISING
PHARMACIST as they will have access to the REPORTS for your pharmacy’s activity on IPU
NET and the ability to EDIT the pharmacy details. Once the pharmacy is successfully registered
additional pharmacists can also register on IPU NET. (Please see Section Three.)
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Registration Page
Suggest Supervising
Provides Access to
Reports Feature and
ability to Edit
Pharmacy Details
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Step Three: Confirm Registration
You will then receive an email confirming your registration. Click on the link to verify both
your pharmacy and pharmacist registration. If the pharmacist, at the time of registration, entered
a different email address from that of the pharmacy email address, then confirmation emails will
be received at both addresses. Please verify the pharmacy email address first and then verify the
pharmacist email address by clicking on the link in both emails. After successfully completing
the registration process, you will receive the following email:
You have successfully registered on IPU NET. Before you can start using IPU NET you must
first verify that this email address is valid.
To do so, simply click the link provided below:
Step Four: Pharmacy Login
Clicking on the link in the email brings you to the Pharmacy Login. By clicking on here, this
automatically brings you to the Pharmacist Login.
Step Four: Pharmacy Login
Click here
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Step Five: Pharmacist Login
The Supervising Pharmacist now logs in using the email address and password used at the
registration stage.
Step Five: Pharmacist Login
Step Six: Welcome to IPU NET
Once successfully registered, you can now avail of the suite of services available on IPU NET
which includes the Reports feature and the facility to edit the pharmacy registration details.
See Section Two for more information on editing pharmacy details and Section Six on Reports.
Step Six: Welcome to IPU NET
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As a safety feature, if you do not proceed further at this point, you will be automatically logged
out from the site after ten minutes. This requires you to log back in as a pharmacist.
Step Six: Welcome to IPU NET (continued)
Click here
to Log In
Should this happen, simply, repeat Step Five, Pharmacist Login, to re-enter IPU NET and avail
of the suite of services.
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Section Two: Edit Pharmacy Details
Edit Pharmacy Details
Click on
This allows you to change any details, related to your pharmacy.
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Click on Save to complete process.
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Section Three: Register Additional
Pharmacist Users
Step One: Registration
By clicking on Pharmacist Logout, additional pharmacists can register. The Pharmacy remains
logged in during this process. Clicking on here opens up the Pharmacist Registration page.
Step One
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Step Two: Pharmacist Registration
Additional pharmacists must complete the registration process. You will receive an email
confirming registration. Click on the link in the email to verify your registration.
Step Three: Welcome to IPU NET
You can now avail of the suite of services available on IPU NET. See Section Five on how to
edit the Pharmacist details.
Step Three: Welcome to IPU NET
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Section Four: Multiple Pharmacist Users
IPU NET is designed to support more than one pharmacist in a pharmacy delivering services to
patients and records the name of the pharmacist delivering the service.
Step One
Clicking on Pharmacist Logout will facilitate switching access from one pharmacist user to
another and thus record the name of the pharmacist delivering the service in the Reports.
The Pharmacy remains logged in during this process.
Click on
Log Out
Step One
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Step Two
This will bring you back to the Pharmacist Login screen.
Step Two
Enter your email address and password and access IPU NET. Your name will now appear as the
Login Pharmacist. If you are the Supervising Pharmacist, the Reports Feature will now appear.
Different pharmacist
now logged in
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Section Five: Edit Pharmacist Details
Click on the Edit Pharmacist Button to access this facility. Once details have been amended,
click on the Save button.
Click on Save to complete process.
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Section Six: Reports
The reports feature is only available to the first pharmacist registered with IPU NET.
Information generated in these Reports refers only to records created at your pharmacy.
Step One
Select the Reports tab.
Step Two
Using the dropdown menu, choose which module you wish to create Reports for.
Step Two: Choose Module
Step Three
From the drop down menu, choose from a range of Reports. Select a date range for the selected Report.
Step Three: Choose Report
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Select a report, e.g. Activity Log. It includes the name of the pharmacist who carried out the
service and the date and time the service was provided.
Step Four: Generate Report
Step Four: Generate Report
Click here
You can now either create a Report in a PDF format or Excel Format. These can either be
saved in electronic format in a folder on your computer or as printed paper copies.
If you experience any difficulty with the registration process for IPU NET, please contact the
office on 01 4936401 or email ipunet@ipu.ie.
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Benefits of IPU Membership
The Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) is the representative and professional body for community
pharmacists, who are Ireland’s most accessible healthcare professionals.
The IPU’s sole focus is on protecting, promoting and strengthening the profession now and long
into the future, and advising and supporting members in their professional and business lives.
The IPU belongs to its members.
This is Your Union.
We are Your Voice.
As a Member you get:
Support and access to IPU expertise regarding professional issues, business issues,
payments from PCRS, HR issues, and much more;
Opportunities to influence policies and strategies that affect your profession;
Up-to-date information on all contractual negotiations and changes;
Inclusion on the IPU communications mailing list to receive updates on important
matters and breaking news;
Monthly updates on the Situations Vacant List and Locum List;
Better deals on a range of services through IPU Affinity Schemes; and
Reduced rates on IPU Training courses and other events.
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Butterfield House Butterfield Avenue Rathfarnham Dublin 14
T 01 493 6401 F 01 493 6407 E ipunet@ipu.ie W www.ipu.ie