Training Pack for Medicine in Care Homes – Order Form 714kb

Training Pack for
Medicines in Care Homes
The Medicines in Care Homes training pack has been
designed to assist pharmacists in providing training on
the management of medication to care staff working in
residential care settings. The provision of training to care
staff is a requirement of the National Quality Standards
for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland
published by HIQA. The training can be used as an
introduction to medicines for new care staff or as a refresher
for existing staff. Each pack contains one pharmacist’s
manual and six training workbooks for care staff.
Pharmacy Information
Pharmacy Address:
Pharmacy Tel:
IPU Membership No:
Training Pack Order Form for Medicines in Care Homes
Medicines in Care Homes Packs
Cost €95 for Members and €155 for Non-Members (Each pack contains one pharmacist’s
manual and six training workbooks for care home staff.)
Number Required:
Additional Training Workbooks for care home staff (contains 6 training workbooks)
Cost €60 for members and €90 for non-members.
Number Required:
Payment Options
By Cheque
By Credit / Debit Card
Please make cheques payable
to IPU Services Ltd.
I authorise the amount of €
Card Number:
Exp Date:
to be debited from my credit/debit card.
Please Return Completed Form to:
Email: or, Janice Burke or Susan McManus, IPU Training Unit, Irish Pharmacy Union,
Butterfield House, Butterfield Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14. Tel: 01 493 6401, Fax: 01 493 6626