Programme_EN - Institut IRE

Monday, 27 April 2015
Informal Get-Together „Broadband“: 19:00 hrs
Venue: Restaurant Josef, Sudhaus, Landstraße 49, 4020 Linz
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0 I will not participate
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Power Tower, Energie AG Oberösterreich, Böhmerwaldstraße 3, 4020 Linz,
1 floor - (PARKING in public park house LDZ opposite the Power Tower)
Welcome & Opening Statements: 08:30 hrs
0 I will participate
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Discussion I: 11:30 hrs
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0 I will not participate
Discussion II: 14:00 hrs
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0 I will not participate
Discussion III: 16:00 hrs
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0 I will not participate
IRE Expert Conference:
„Broadband supply for regions and cities as
precondition for the reduction of regional
Tuesday, 28th April 2015
Power Tower, Energie AG Oberösterreich AG,
Böhmerwaldstraße 3, 1st floor, 4020 Linz, Austria
Simultaneous translation: English / German
Function/Company: _________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Phone/Fax: _______________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________
Date/Signature: ____________________________________________________
Nowadays, the development of broadband and high-speed internet connections is
crucial for the quality of a location. Only with access to high speed rural and border
regions remain competitive, especially border regions and regions in rural areas.
Therefore, the European Commission supports further investments for broadband
supply on regional and local level. The aim of the conference is to highlight best
practice examples for the development of regional and local IT and business locations
on the way into the new digital age. An efficient telecommunication infrastructure
contributes to the development of interactive technologies, growth and innovation.
CONTACT: Fax + 43 (0)662 / 843 288 - 5050
TEL + 43 (0)662 / 843 288 - 10, E-mail
Institut der Regionen Europas (IRE), Nonntaler Hauptstraße 58
5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA
IRE Strategic Partner 2015:
picture: Open Knowlegde Foundation Deutschland (CC-BY)
08.10 hrs
08.30 hrs
Welcome & Opening
Franz Schausberger, IRE-Chairman, Salzburg, Austria
Josef Pühringer, Governor of Upper Austria, Linz, Austria
Leo Windtner, Director General, Energie AG Oberösterreich, Linz, Austria
Werner Weihs-Raabl, Managing Director, Group Infrastructure Finance,
Erste Group Bank AG, Vienna, Austria
Moderation: Claus Reitan, Journalist, Vienna, Austria
09.30 hrs
Opening Statements (Press Meeting in room 0130)
Johannes Gungl, Managing Director, Telecommunication, RTR GmbH,
Vienna, Austria
Anna Krzyżanowska, Head of Unit Broadband, European Commission,
Brussels, Belgium
„Open Access Networks and financial support for Broadband“
Werner Steinecker, Member of the Board, Energie AG Oberösterreich,
Linz, Austria
Alexander Schuster, CEO, ZTE Austria GmbH, Vienna, Austria
10.45 hrs
Networking Coffee break
11.30 hrs
Discussion 1: „Financing broadband supply in
Moderation: Claus Reitan, Journalist, Vienna, Austria
KEY NOTE Speaker: Alfred Ruzicka, Head of Department at Austrian Federal
Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna, Austria
Wolfram Koch, Policy Officer, Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy,
Transport and Regional Development, Wiesbaden, Germany
Mike Tschentschel, Relationship Manager, Public Finance, Infrastructure
Division, Specialised Finance, Investment Bank Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel,
„PPP-Models and broadband“
Andreas Weiss, Managing Partner, NeXtcom, Düsseldorf, Germany
„Financing models in the private sector“
13.00 hrs
14.00 hrs
Networking Lunch (Foyer in front of the conference venue)
Discussion 2: „Future development of broadband
supply on regional and local level“
Moderation: Manfred Litzlbauer, Managing Director, Energie AG Data
GmbH, Linz, Austria
KEY NOTE Speaker: Christoph Westhauser, Office of the Government of
Lower Austria, St. Pölten, Austria
Markus Fellhofer, FTTH-Coordinator, Energie AG OÖ Data GmbH, Linz,
Marcus Grausam, Chief Technical Officer of A1 Telekom, Vienna, Austria
Ernst-Olav Ruhle, Chairman, SBR-net Consulting AG, Vienna, Austria
„Municipal broadband concepts as driving force for the network
Jan Trionow, CEO, Hutchison Drei Austria, Vienna, Austria
15.30 hrs
16:00 hrs
Networking Coffee break
Discussion 3: „Challenges for Open Networkssolutions with regard to emplacement and
Moderation: Werner Weihs-Raabl, Managing Director, Erste Group Bank
AG, Vienna, Austria
KEY NOTE Speaker: Henri Piganeau, Cube Infrastructure Funde, Paris,
Huub van Ettekoven, Director, OpenNet Europe, Amsterdam, The
Alexander Kanhäuser, Head of Sales, ZTE Austria GmbH,
Vienna, Austria
Christian Kohr, European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxemburg
Hans-Peter Wilhelmer, CEO, Fibre Network Construction
GmbH, Vienna, Austria
17:45 hrs
Summary and closing remarks
FREE WIFI (internet code at the reception available)