Atmospheric Research 125–126 (2013) 12–19 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Atmospheric Research journal homepage: “North drying and south wetting” summer precipitation trend over China and its potential linkage with aerosol loading Jiansheng Ye a,⁎, Wenhong Li b, Laifang Li b, Feng Zhang a a b State Key Laboratory of Grassland and Agro-Ecosystems, School of Life Science, Lanzhou University, No. 222 Tianshui South Road, Lanzhou, 730000, PR China Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 23 February 2012 Received in revised form 23 January 2013 Accepted 24 January 2013 Keywords: Eastern China Rainfall Aerosol loading East Asia summer monsoon Land-sea temperature contrast Aerosol optical depth a b s t r a c t Changes in summer precipitation over China and their linkage to aerosol loading during 1957–2008 were analyzed. Increased (decreased) summer precipitation has been observed over the Southern (Northern) China, presenting a “north drying and south wetting” pattern. Such a change in precipitation pattern is related to the decreased summertime temperature over South-central China (cool zone). The cool zone, in turn, is likely caused by the increased aerosol loading, as manifested by the increased Aerosol optical depth (AOD) over this region. The cooling effect in the cool zone together with steady warming over adjacent oceans (the South China Sea and the Western North Pacific) weaken land–sea temperature contrast, and thus the East Asia summer monsoon (EASM) circulation. The weakened EASM might restrain the rainbelt in southern China longer with less moisture penetrating further north in summer season. Our analysis suggests that the aerosol loading induced “cool zone” could contribute to the “north drying with south wetting” pattern over Eastern China by altering the intensity of EASM. Furthermore, this change in precipitation pattern is also reflected in the trend of Palmer Drought Severity Index in Eastern China, which indicates a more extensive tendency of dryness in Eastern China by considering both precipitation and temperature. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Summer precipitation is a critical water source for China, which contributes to 40% (in wet areas) — over 60% (in dry areas) of annual precipitation nationwide (Lei et al., 2011a). Changes in summer precipitation influence many aspects of social economy and ecology in China, such as population, food security, ecosystem productivity and resilience. From the late 1950s, summer precipitation has undergone substantial changes in China related to greenhouse-gases (GHGs) induced global warming, as suggested by both observation and climate model simulations. Generally, GHGs induced global warming could moisten the atmosphere and intensify the atmospheric hydrological cycle, causing pattern shifts of global and regional precipitation (Li et al., 2011b; Seager et al., 2012; Trenberth, 2012). Over Eastern China, summer precipitation is closely ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 13919145033. E-mail address: (J. Ye). 0169-8095/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. related to the intensity of East Asia Summer Monsoon (EASM) (Sperber et al., 2012; Zhou and Yu, 2005). As the GHGs concentration increases, EASM is expected to strengthen because of stronger warming over high-latitude land compared to adjacent oceans (Xu et al., 2006). Model simulation with doubling CO2 suggested an increase (decrease) of precipitation over the north China (the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River) (Li et al., 2011a), which is a typical precipitation pattern associated with anomalously strong EASM. However, observation shows the opposite: precipitation generally decreased at most northern stations in China and increased in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in recent decades (Lei et al., 2011a; Liu et al., 2005; Xu et al., 2006; Yang and Lau, 2004). Such a “north drying and south wetting” pattern is more likely associated with weakened EASM (Ding and Wang, 2007; Xu et al., 2006; Xu, 2001; Zhao et al., 2010) instead of strengthened one as predicted from GHGs forcing. The discrepancies between observed precipitation change and that predicted by GHGs forcing suggest that factors other J. Ye et al. / Atmospheric Research 125–126 (2013) 12–19 13 than GHGs are responsible for the “north drying and south wetting” pattern. One of these factors to counteract the effect of GHGs could be the increase of aerosols over East China due to rapid industrialization (Cowan and Cai, 2011; Menon et al., 2002; Xu, 2001). Modeling simulations suggest that the atmospheric aerosol particles can reflect incoming solar radiation, weaken land-ocean thermal contrast in summer and thus suppress the EASM, which would contribute to the observed “north drying and south wetting” pattern (Cowan and Cai, 2011; Menon et al., 2002; Xu et al., 2006; Xu, 2001). Although previous studies link aerosols with the “north drying and south wetting” over Eastern China, uncertainties remain about how aerosols counteract the effect of GHGs induced global warming through modulation of the EASM in China. Our analysis focuses on the impact of aerosols on the processes involved in the onset and establishment of EASM. Climatologically, the onset and establishment of the EASM consist of three distinctive stages: 1) rainbelt moving to southern China (18°–25°N) with the development of EASM in late May and early June; 2) rainbelt jumping northward to the Yangtze River basin with the northward expansion of the EASM from mid-June to mid-July and 3) rainbelt advancing further northward to northern China from mid-July to August (Ding and Chan, 2005; Gao et al., 2011; Lau et al., 1988). This study aims to investigate 1) aspects of the weakened EASM associated with the land-sea temperature and pressure contrast, the spatial distribution of aerosol loading and its impact on air temperature, changes of the location of the moist potential temperature isoline; 2) the potential linkage between the precipitation pattern and increased anthropogenic aerosol loading in recent decades. The rest of the manuscript is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the data and methods used in this study. Changes in summer precipitation and EASM are presented in Section 3. Impact of aerosols on the changes of the EASM and associated precipitation are also analyzed in the Section. Sections 4 and 5 give discussion and conclusion, respectively. 2. Data and methods The observed precipitation and air temperature are collected from 338 meteorological stations (Fig. 1a), each station has a lack of data no more than 5 years during the whole study period (1957-2008). These station data have been quality controlled (Zhai et al., 2005) and are available at the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) Data Sharing Service System. Due to lack of daily observational data prior to 1957 and relatively sparse meteorological stations over the western China (west of 105°E), the study focuses on Eastern China (east of 105°E) during the 52-year period of 1957–2008. Precipitation and surface air temperature (0.5° latitude×0.5° longitude) from the University of Delaware (abbreviated as udel) are also used and compared with weather stations during the same period of 1957–2008 because of their spatial uniformity and temporal consistency (Matsuura and Willmott, 2009). We also analyzed the monthly dataset of Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) over global land areas on a 2.5° latitude×2.5° longitude grid box, derived using historical precipitation and temperature data, spanning from 1870 to 2005 (Dai et al., 2004). Sea level pressure (SLP), 10-m wind speed, and specific humidity are from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Monthly data. Fig. 1. Trends in summer precipitation over China during 1957–2008 based on data at 338 weather stations (a), and the udel-precipitation gridded data during 1957-2008 (b), Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) over China during 1957–2005 (per decade) (c). Yellow River (north) and Yangtze River (south) are also shown in the figures. SLP data from International Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS, is also analyzed in this study to avoid the possible discontinuity in the property of NCEP/NCAR SLP data before and after 1968 (Yang et al., 2002). SSTs used here are the Extended Reconstructed monthly 2-degree global SST (ERSST) (Smith et al., 2008). The difference between SST over the South China Sea and the Western North Pacific (7.5–20°N and 105–120°E) and surface air temperature over Eastern China is calculated to represent the land-sea temperature contrast. Similarly, difference of SLP between the South China Sea and the Western North Pacific (7.5–20°N and 105–120°E) are also analyzed using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and 14 J. Ye et al. / Atmospheric Research 125–126 (2013) 12–19 ICOADS. These two indices reflect the land-sea thermal contrast, the driving force of EASM (Ding, 1994). Aerosol optical depth (AOD), which reflects the attenuation of solar radiation by aerosol scattering and absorption between the point of observation and the top of the atmosphere, is a measurement of the integrated columnar aerosol loading and the single most important parameter for evaluating direct radiative forcing (Seinfeld and Pandis, 1998). In this study, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Terra Version 5.1 monthly Aerosol Optical Depth at 550 nm data (1° latitude× 1° longitude, available from 2000 onward) [] are used to characterize the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of aerosols over China. 3. Results 3.1. Spatial pattern of trend in summer precipitation Fig. 1a-b show the trends of summer precipitation over China during the period 1957–2008 using gauge and udel gridded data. Majority of the weather stations in the south of the Yellow River show positive trends in summer precipitation, whereas stations in the north generally show negative trends in Eastern China during 1957–2008 (Fig. 1a). The udelprecipitation data show a similar pattern (Fig. 1b). The “north drying and south wetting” precipitation pattern is also demonstrated by PDSI using both precipitation and surface air temperature as input. Positive trends (0.2–0.4/decade) are found in the middle and lower reach of Yangtze River; negative trends (less than −0.4/decade) are found over wide areas further north of Yellow River (Fig. 1c), indicating drying trend. Compared to the spatial distribution of summer precipitation trend (Fig. 1b), results from PDSI indicate 29% larger dry area in Eastern China (Fig. 1c). Previous study found that the effect of surface temperature accounts for 10%–30% of PDSI's variance (Dai et al., 2004), relatively wider dry areas over Eastern China from the PDSI analysis is likely associated with surface air temperature changes that will be discussed in the Section 3.2. Overall, the trend of PDSI in Eastern China shows “north drying and south wetting” pattern similar to that indicated by precipitation, although the drying trends are more prominent compared with wetting trends. 3.2. Spatial pattern of trend in surface air temperature and aerosol loading Surface air temperatures show a different spatial pattern compared to that of precipitation. Negative trends are observed at most stations in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (i.e. South-central China, hereafter as cool zone) and positive trends over the rest of China (Fig. 2a). Cooling is more significant in the north part of the cool zone, slight cooling is found in the south part of the cool zone (Fig. 2a). The total emissions of SO2 in China show a continuously increasing trend during 1954–2005 [Fig. 3 in (Qian et al., 2007)]; black carbon and organic carbon aerosols also increased in the recent decades (Streets et al., 2008). To explore the potential cause of the cool zone, both the trend and spatial pattern of aerosol loading are analyzed. In general, AOD (averaged over 2000–2011) and its increasing trend over the cool zone are Fig. 2. (a) Trends in mean air temperature (the cool zone, with negative trends in temperatures, in South-central China is shown); (b) Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) retrieved from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Terra Version 5.1 monthly AOD at 550 nm data during 2000–2011; (c) trends in AOD during 2000–2011 (per decade). higher than other regions of eastern China (Fig. 2b–c). We also find large AOD and its trend in some areas outside (northward and eastward) of the cool zone (Fig. 2b–c); however, increase in surface air temperatures is not statistically significant eastward of the cool zone (Fig. 2a). Discrepancies between the surface air temperature and AOD northward of the cool zone may be caused by stronger urban heat island effect (such as Beijing and Tianjin) in recent decades (Miao et al., 2009), and/or by different time periods of the two datasets (MODIS AOD data 2000–2011 and surface air temperature data during J. Ye et al. / Atmospheric Research 125–126 (2013) 12–19 15 The trend of air temperature in the cool zone (Fig. 1c) is also analyzed, a slight (but not statistically significant) cooling trend is observed at −0.025 °C per decade for the station data and − 0.03 °C per decade for udel-temperature (Fig. 4b). Warming (0.11 °C per decade) is evident over South China Sea and the Western North Pacific, the trend is statistically significant (pb 0.05). Since warming trends over adjacent oceans are slightly lower than over land averaged for the whole China (0.12 °C per decade), we would expect a slightly increase or similar SLP difference between land and adjacent oceans during 1957–2008. However, statistically significant decreasing trends of the SLP difference are observed using both NCEP/ NCAR (−0.83 mb per decade, p b 0.05) and ICOADS (− 0.80 mb per decade, p b 0.05) data (Fig. 3d). Summer monsoon wind speed, another indicator of EASM, also shows a significantly weakening trend during 1957–2008 using both weather station (−0.068 m s−1 per decade, pb 0.05) and NCEP reanalysis (−0.10 m s−1 per decade, pb 0.05) (Fig. 3d) data. To explore the relationship between precipitation and temperature over the cool zone, trends in precipitation and temperature in the cool zone are further analyzed (Fig. 4a). Significantly increases in precipitation are found using both station observation (6.1 mm/decade) and the udel-precipitation (6.2 mm/decade) during the whole period of 1957–2008. Increase in precipitation is negatively correlated to surface air temperature over the cool zone (Fig. 4b) and the correlations are statistically significant using both station (pb 0.001) and the udel (pb 0.001) data. Fig. 3. Time series of (a) mean summer air temperature anomaly ( °C) over China (black line shows data from 338 stations over China, gray line is the udel-temperature data), (b) mean air temperature anomaly over the cool zone shown in Fig. 2a (black and gray lines are the same as Fig. 3a), (c) summer sea surface temperature anomaly (SST, °C) over South China Sea and the Western North Pacific (SCS&WNP), (d) summer sea level pressure difference (SLP, millibars) between SCS&WNP and China (SLP difference = SLPsea – SLPland, black line shows data from NECP, gray line from Trenberth's Northern Hemisphere data), and (e) summer wind speed anomaly (m/s) over China (black line shows data from 338 stations over China, gray line from NECP). Dashed lines are linear trends during the whole period of 1957–2008. 1957–2008). Within the cool zone, the north part has higher AOD and its increasing trend than in the south, in agreement with the spatial pattern of decrease in temperature (see Fig. 2a-c). 3.3. Weakened East Asia summer monsoon Summer precipitation over Eastern China is closely related with the strength of EASM (Xu et al., 2006), which regulated by the land-sea pressure and temperature differences. During 1957–2008, a significant warming trend (0.12 °C per decade, pb 0.05) has been observed averaging the 338 stations in China (Fig. 3a, black line). The udel-temperature shows good consistency with station observations over China (Fig. 3a, gray line), with a significant warming trend of 0.14 °C per decade (pb 0.05). Fig. 4. (a) Time series of summer precipitation anomaly (mm) over the cool zone (black and gray lines are the same as in Fig. 3a, except for precipitation); and (b) relationship between temperature and precipitation over the cool zone (black points show data from 338 stations over China, gray point from the udel-data). 16 J. Ye et al. / Atmospheric Research 125–126 (2013) 12–19 3.4. Impact of EASM on changes in precipitation Based on daily precipitation observation at stations over Eastern China (east of 105°E), the seasonal evolution of summer monsoonal precipitation is analyzed (Fig. 5). Rainbelt moves northward from May to July and retreats southward from August to September (Fig. 5a–b, precipitation in May and September, not belonging to monsoon season, are also shown here to make comparison). Pre-monsoon precipitation starts to increase over southern China in early May (Fig. 5a–b), which indicates the onset of the EASM. Compared with the first 26-yr period (1957–1982), precipitation decreases over the south of 36°N in early and mid May in the second 26-yr period (1983–2008, Fig. 5c), suggesting a delayed or weakened onset of summer monsoon (Ding and Chan, 2005). Precipitation increases furthermore in June, while the rainbelt stays in the Yangtze River basin (25–35°N); heavy rainfall decreases in Yangtze River basin in July and rainbelt moves further north of 35°N (Fig. 5a–b). Although there are some noisy rainfall change signals probably due to the increased extremely dry and wet events during the recent decade (Zhai et al., 2005), precipitation generally increases in the Yangtze River basin from June to August in the second 26-yr period (1983–2008), wheras decreases north of 35°N in July and August (Fig. 5c). The rainbelt starts to retreat in August and returns back to Yangtze River basin in early September and further south in mid and later September (Fig. 5a-b). The negative precipitation difference in the mid and later September (Fig. 5c) indicates that the summer monsoon rain ends early in the second 26-yr period (1983–2008). The northward march of the EASM can also be demonstrated by the migration of warm, moist subtropical air at 850 hPa (Lei et al., 2011a; Suzuki and Hoskins, 2009). Fig. 6 compares the mean positions of 335 K moist potential temperature isolines at 850 hPa during the two 26-yr periods. Consistent with seasonal evolution of precipitation (Fig. 5), moist air progresses northward from May to July and retreats from August to September (Fig. 6). During July and August, the 335 K moist potential temperature isolines reside in further north of 35°N. Compared with the first 26-yr period Fig. 5. Seasonal evolution of precipitation (mm/day) over eastern China (105°–122°E) based on daily precipitation (seven days running average) (a) averaged over the first 26-yr period (1957–1982), (b) averaged over the second 26-yr period (1983–2008), and (c) the difference between the 2nd and the 1st 26-yr periods (Fig. 5b-a); daily precipitation data have been re-gridded at 1° latitude × 1° longitude. J. Ye et al. / Atmospheric Research 125–126 (2013) 12–19 17 Fig. 6. Location of the 335 K moist potential temperature isoline at 850 hPa from May to September in Eastern China; solid lines and dashed lines are climatological mean during the 1st 26-yr period (1957–1982) and the 2nd 26-yr period (1983–2008), respectively. (1957–1982), the positions of 335 K moist potential temperature isolines retreat about 1–4° southward in July and August of the second period (1983–2008) although the southward retreat trends are less apparent in May, June, and September. July and August is the third stage of the EASM, characterizing a northward movement of summer monsoon rainbelt into Northern China. The southward trends of 335K moist potential temperature isoline location (Fig. 6) thus suggest that the weakened EASM hold the rainbelt in the south and prevent it from advancing further northward to Northern China in the key stage of the northward movement of rainbelt of the summer monsoon circulation. The moisture flux in the summer season is also analyzed (Fig. 7). The northward moisture fluxes are apparent in eastern China during both of the 26-yr time periods (Fig. 7a and b). However, northward fluxes weaken during the second period (1983–2008, Fig. 7b) compared to the first period (1957–1982, Fig. 7a), resulting in a southward moisture flux differences between the two periods (Fig. 7c), which contribute to a “north drying and south wetting” pattern. 4. Discussion Extensive warming is observed in China except the cool zone in recent decades. The northern part of the cool zone is characterized by rapid development of industrial and thus high aerosol emission (Streets et al., 2008) and AOD (Qian et al., 2003). Increase in anthropogenic aerosols and other air pollutants usually causes a decrease of incoming solar radiation (i.e., solar dimming) and cooling effect (Qian et al., 2007; Xu, 2001). Both AOD and its trend generally agree with the temperature changes in the cool zone, especially in its north part (Fig. 2b–c). Slight cooling are also found in the south part of the cool zone where AOD is also relatively high; this is probably due to combustion of biofuel in rural households and open crop residue across the agricultural areas (Lei et al., 2011b; Tang et al., 2013; Xue et al., 2012). Previous studies suggested that solar dimming induced cooling effect might have (partially) counteracted the effect of greenhouse gases on global warming (IPCC et al., 2007; Wild et al., 2007; Ye et al., 2010). It is probable that cooling effect of solar dimming has exceeded GHGs warming in the cool zone (especially the north part) in summer season during 1950s–1980s. The cool zone shows a slight warming after 1980s presumably caused by rapid increase in GHGs recently, however, the warming in cool zone (0.08 °C per decade, p > 0.05) is still smaller than that of SST (0.11 °C per decade, p b 0.05). In contrast, steady warming of SST is observed over adjacent oceans. These changes of temperature over land and adjacent oceans are favorable to a weakening EASM. Xu et al. (2006) suggested that it is probable that the weakened EASM could not provide enough force to transport the moisture. This is also evident in our analysis of the mean positions of 335 K moist potential temperature isolines at 850 hPa, which 18 J. Ye et al. / Atmospheric Research 125–126 (2013) 12–19 Impacts of aerosol on precipitation were not only found in China but also in other regions such as Indian (Wang, 2013) and Sahel (Booth et al., 2012). For example, the cooling effect of Northern Hemisphere aerosol loading caused shift in the seasonal migration of the intertropical convergence zone probably attributed to the 1940–1980 drying in Sahel (Ackerley et al., 2011; Kristjánsson et al., 2005), which share somewhat similar mechanism with our study. Consistent with previous study (Zhai et al., 2010), trend detection based on PDSI suggests a wet trend over the cool zone and extensive dry trends in the further north. The spatial pattern of PDSI trends indicated a more extensive tendency of dryness by considering both precipitation and temperature than by considering precipitation data alone in Eastern China. Considering the relative low precipitation, a weakening EASM could be a big threat to the water availability for daily life, agriculture, industry and ecosystem in the extensive areas of Northern China. 5. Conclusion Changes in summer precipitation over Eastern China are analyzed during 1957–2008. Both weather station and udel grid data show a “north drying and south wetting” pattern. Such a change in precipitation pattern is found to be related to weakening East Asia summer monsoon associated with increased aerosol loading and AOD over the cool zone. Continuously increasing AOD over the region leads to cooling effect in the cool zone, and attenuates land-sea thermal contrast together with steady warming over adjacent oceans (the South China Sea and the Western North Pacific) in a warming climate. The weakened EASM might keep the rainbelt in Southern China longer in the 3rd stage of the monsoon season, less moisture transport into Northern China in summer. Our analysis suggests an important role of aerosols over the China in a warming climate. Fig. 7. Summer season moisture flux over China (a) during the 1st 26-yr period (1957–1982), (b) the 2nd 26-yr period (1983–2008), and (c) the difference between the two periods. had retreated southward in summer during the second 26-yr period. The weakened summer monsoon circulation might restrain the isohyets in Southern China longer and less moisture penetrates further north during summer season, especially at the third stage of northward movement of rainbelt of the summer monsoon circulation in July and August. Consequently, this has led to the “north drought with south flooding” precipitation climate pattern. Previous study has suggested feedbacks between precipitation and temperature (Xu et al., 2006). On one hand, higher precipitations, such as in the cool zone because of high aerosol loading and AOD values, usually lower local temperature due to increased evaporation and reduced radiation caused by higher cloud coverage. 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