Run. Dance. Glow. March 28th, 2015 Sponsorship Packet | | 919.515.3238 What is Run. Dance. Glow? A 5k glow run and concert planned, coordinated, and executed by students, for students. Offering a unique experience to thousands of students and the local community, the run covers over three miles of roads and trails on NCSU’s Centennial Campus, and the aUer-‐party blacklight concert will feature three of Raleigh’s best DJs. By the Numbers 8,400+ 2,500 $15,000 15+ residents served by IRC expected par3cipants event budget campus & community partners What is the Inter-‐Residence Council? IRC is an award-‐wining leadership development organiza]on that represents the on-‐ campus residen]al popula]on at NC State. We are dedicated to enriching campus life and be^ering every student’s experience. The Leadership Experience Run. Dance. Glow. is planned by a commi^ee of representa]ves from every residence hall area on campus. Divided into four teams to best address each aspect of the event, they receive firsthand experience with event planning, budget management, and interpersonal development. Who are our partners? Special Olympics of North Carolina Our chosen philanthropy, the mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-‐round sports training and athle]c compe]]on in a variety of Olympic-‐type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabili]es. SONC is one of the largest Special Olympics programs in the world with nearly 40,000 registered athletes. NCSU Police Department Our on-‐campus partner, the University Police Department provides professional law enforcement, effec]ve emergency response, crime & incident reduc]on and community outreach & educa]on for the NCSU campus community. | | 919.515.3238 Levels of Sponsorship Silver -‐ $500 Voice Recogni*on: vocal recogni]on before and aUer the race, tailored to your request Website Promo*on: logo linked to your website on the RDG homepage and registra]on site Email Blast: logo placement in the event reminder emails sent to all 8,500 residents on campus Social Media: shoutouts to your company through IRC’s Facebook and Twi^er pages Gold -‐ $1,250 Every item from the Silver category, plus: Posters: logo placement on 230+ 11”x17” posters distributed through the residence halls Handouts: logo placement on race informa]on bulle]ns given to every event par]cipant Digital billboards: logo placement on 75+ TV screens located throughout campus A-‐frames: regular size* logo placement on 24”x36” sandwich boards placed in high traffic areas on campus Pla]num-‐ $3,500 Every item from Silver and Gold, plus: Horizontal stage banner: Company adver]sement on 37’5” x 3’11” front-‐facing stage banner** Ver*cal stage banners: Company adver]sement on two 6’ x 16’ front-‐facing stage banners** A-‐la-‐carte A-‐frames: $300* Ver*cal stage banners: $1,500 each, or $2,000 for both** Horizontal stage banner: $3,000** *Package-‐level and a-‐la-‐carte A-‐frame logo size starts at the regular size defined on next page. **Banner placement is first come, first serve, for up to four logos per banner. The final design will be approved by your company before prin]ng. | | 919.515.3238 A-‐frames – 24” x 36” Regular size logo spots are shown here. For an addi]onal $100, we can quadruple the size of your logo. Horizontal Stage Banner – 37’5” x 3’11” Up to four full-‐color logos can be displayed here. Banner is high-‐quality vinyl; the final design will be approved by your company before prin]ng. Ver]cal Stage Banners – 6’ x 16’ Up to four full-‐color logos can be displayed on each banner. Banners are high-‐quality vinyl; the final design will be approved by your company before prin]ng. | | 919.515.3238 Inter-Residence Council Inter-Residence Council 1112 Pullen Hall Campus Box 7315 Raleigh, NC 27695-7315 Run. Dance. Glow. 2015 Sponsorship Contract 919.515.3238 (phone) Company Name Contact Name Address City, State, and Zip Code Phone Email Address Donation Type q In-Kind (value: $______) q Monetary Packages q Silver ($500) q Gold ($1250) q Platinum ($3500) A-la-carte q A-frames ($300) q Larger A-frame logo (+$100) q Horizontal stage banner ($3000) Total Sponsorship Amount q One vertical stage banner ($1500) q Two vertical stage banners ($2000) $ We hereby agree to donate the amount indicated above to the Inter-Residence Council’s Run. Dance. Glow. 2015 with Special Olympics of North Carolina, with compensation as described in this Sponsorship Packet. We also agree to make the donation within one week of submission of this form by e-mail to Please mail checks to the address above, payable to North Carolina State University Inter-Residence Council. Company Contact Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Inter-Residence Council Representative Acknowledges: __________________________ Date: ___________________ Questions? Contact Chris Becker, President, at | | 919.515.3238
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