UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20549 FORM 8-K CURRENT REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Date of report (Date of earliest event reported) March 24, 2015 Digital Turbine, Inc. (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter) Delaware (State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation) 000-10039 (Commission File Number) 1300 Guadalupe Street, Suite 302, Austin, Texas (Address of Principal Executive Offices) 22-2267658 (IRS Employer Identification No.) 78701 (Zip Code) (512) 387-7717 (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code) (Former Name or Former Address, if Changed Since Last Report) Check the appropriate box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the following provisions (see General Instruction A.2. below): o Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17 CFR 230.425) o Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14a-12) o Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b)) o Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c)) Item 7.01 Regulation FD Disclosure. A copy of the Company’s updated investor presentation is attached to this Current Report on Form 8-K as Exhibit 99.1. These slides will be posted on the “Investor Relations” area of the Company’s website at www.digitalturbine.com. From time to time, the Company may also use this presentation in conversations with investors and analysts. The information reported in Item 7.01 shall not be deemed "filed" for any purpose, including for the purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), or otherwise subject to the liabilities of that Section. The information in Item 7.01, including Exhibit 99.1 attached hereto, shall not be deemed incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Exchange Act regardless of any general incorporation language in such filing. Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits Exhibit No. 99.1 Description Investor Presentation Slides 2 SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. Digital Turbine, Inc. Dated: March 24, 2015 By: /s/ Andrew Schleimer Andrew Schleimer Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 3 Exhibit 99.1 D igtalT urbine,Ic.vstoP resntaio S afeH arboS taem ents.S taem entsihpraom entsofhircaldum operatins,fclm icondts,pruelavygm petivnhacm entsadyohrm entham aybeconstrudpifm anceorvts,iludghA pia'stechnolgyw ilenhacD igtalT urbine'sxtgpodcfw technolgyiva,prdbfsm thebusincom binato,hecqusw ilresutncadv,ogbm petivosn,rhaD igtalT urbinew ilsucefyntgraA pia’stechnolgy,rfw ard-lokingstem entshapkolyfdm adenw hicnvolekw nadukow nrisk,ucetadohfw hicm ay,shouldnerm orefthsikuncam aterilz,cusodfm aterilyfom thosexprdim pliedbysuchtam ents.T hesfactorinludA piacqustonrelhw ithcusom ers,opatinguldby;hxcm binedcom pany’sglobrech,tw thandecslb,ow -capexbusinm odeltharivsE B IT D A ;failuretozncpds,v(gj)yw th,E B IT D A andfrecshlow conversi;abltyfhum edbtorfinachvlm s;unforechalgtdipw ithoperas,ublndvxgm aintghoserlp;byxcu,dzfm ,potenialvucrshgfdbym sforcaie;undltpvgA pia’s-ntlfruceoD igtalT urbine’sxtgplafom ;theinradlspcfgovuw ithcaresnoulp;C om pany’sbiltm alercom panytom angeitrol,dsufhpm erg,laoptins;vydfucbhm entcsaryom aintheC om pany’scom petivadng;holfrusm atedcshrquim entscaryoblhigzd,kufm tim etoim einD igtalT urbine’sflgoF orm s10-K and10-Q w itheS E C ,preslandothcm m unicatos.Y oushldntpacerifw ard-lokingstem ents.T heC om panydoesturkfw ard-lokingstem ents,w hetrasulofnw inform ation,furevshw ise,xcptarqudbylw .U seofN on-G A A P F inaclM easur.T osuplem enthC om pany’scodefiltm entsprdiacow ithU .S .G enralyA ceptdA countigP rincples(“G A A P ”),D igtalT urbineso-G A A P m easurofctinm ponetsfiaclrm ance,thxm ountfw hicarenotulydm inable.T hesno-G A A P m easurincldo-G A A P adjustegropfinm argindo-G A A P adjusteE B IT D A .F urthem ore,thxpcdn-G A A P resultabjcom pletionfhC om pany’ser-dcoutig,w hicnludetfazosvrm sthacouldfer.T hesitm sinclude,am ongthers,im ationfcerglbsdhzC om pany’srovifcm etaxs.F inalresutcodbfyqvw ithG A A P .N on-G A A P m easurpovidtnhc’lgfC om pany’scuretfilom ance,prostfhudm eanstovluprid-cm parison.T heC om panybelivstho-G A A P m easurpovidm eanigfulspm entaliform ationregdfclpm ancebyxludigrtpsfhm aynotbeidcvfrugspl.T heC om panybelivstho-G A A P m easurthxcldim sw henviw edincojutw ithG A A P resultandhcom panyigrecoltshm parbiltyofesugndw forgeatnspcyilu.T heC om panybelivso-G A A P m easurfciltm angem ent’siralcom parisonftclem ancetohfpridsw elastrndyifobugp.T heprsntaiof-G A A P m easurinotdbclf,phm ationpredscw ithG A A P .N on-G A A P A djustegrom arginsdefG A A P grosm argindjusteoxclhfbm ortizanexps.R eadrscutionh-G A A P A djustegrom arginshouldtbecvm argindetm inedacorw ithU .S .G A A P asnidctorfpblyem ance,w hicstem ostcm parblem easurndG A A P .N on-G A A P A djusteE B IT D A iscalutedG A A P netlosxcudighfw ingcashdo-exp:tr,f(l)bum entxps,gaiorluhm entofdb,icm etaxs,im pairm entchargs,dpiom ortizan,sck-bedm pensatiox,chgfrvludqyb.B ecausA djusteE B IT D A isano-G A A P m easurthdonvizm eanig,tm aynotbecm parbletosim ilarm easurpntdbyohcm panies.R eadrscutionhN on-G A A P A djusteE B IT D A shouldntbecraivm e(los)dtrm inedacorw ithU .S .G A A P asnidctorfpem ance,w hicstem ostcm parblem easurndG A A P .N on-G A A P adjustegropfinm argindjusteE B IT D A areusdbym angem entasirlm easurofpitblyndm ance.T heyavbnicludstC om panybelivsthm easurdbyctinvohC om pany’sficlerom ancebfor-shgdtiC om panydoestblivrfcug.© 2015D igtalT urbine,Ic.2 A gendaM arketO portuniyD igtalT urbine’sS olutinD istrbuon& C ustom ersT eam & InvestorF inaclO veriw © 2015D igtalT urbine,Ic.3 S m artphones& apsrethcnolgyfm ofurtim e1.4B n+ 2B n1.3M sm artphonesid2014m artphonesdic2015bG ogleP layndtheA pS tore+ 10knew apsechm onthS m artphonesim entsarpdicoxm orethan2bildvcs015,w hileapctondvm entacrosG ogleP layndiO S soar© 2015D igtalT urbine,Ic.4 86% O fm obiletm espntoalicU ntapedM onetizaO portuniyA pscontiuedm inatem obilew ebA pdiscoveryahlngw ithm orethan2.6M + apsT otalm obileaprvnufcsth$46B in2016M obiles20% ofm ediatm e,butonly4% ofadvertisngp© 2015D igtalT urbine,Ic.5 F acebokisurntlydvgpxm ately$2.5bionqurm obileadrvnuF B stockhilw of$17.3nS eptm ber4,201L aunchespitldoO ctober17,20F aceboknw hasgenrtdov70M dow nloadsw ith1.2blonm obilem onthlyaciveusrF acebokP arleS ource:F acebokF ourthQ uarte2014R esult© 2015D igtalT urbine,Ic.6 O urM isonT he‘A pE conm y’isexplodngarfbthum anlives.O urm isontdelvrhgapcum erathigm e…anyw herontpla. 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