Maximising yield potential in irrigated faba beans Wayne Hawthorne Pulse Australia Industry Development Manager (Southern Region) Faba beans are a profitable option for growers in both the Murrumbidgee and Coleambally irrigation areas. Yields of 5 t/ha are achievable and growers have been paid excellent prices in past seasons. Marketer support is strong for the current crop with Egypt and the Middle East being the target markets. Coming into spring it is important to maximise the yield potential of your crop through disease control and making sure the first flowers contribute to the final yield. Early flowers and their pods have the greatest impact on final yield. The key actions to maximise yield potential in irrigated faba beans are to: QUICK TAKE ›› With good management irrigated faba beans can yield 5.0 t/ha; and market prospects are strong in Egypt and the Middle East. ›› Monitoring for and protecting the crop against foliar disease is crucial throughout the whole growing season, and especially before irrigation or rainfall. ›› New research has shown that having bees located near or within the faba bean crop at early flowering, aids pollination and can increase yield by up to 17%. MM implement a protectant fungicide strategy MM monitor trace elements MM consider managed beehives to improve pollination MM prepare for harvest and storage. Disease management Monitoring for and protecting against foliar disease is crucial, especially during favourable conditions for disease development. In-crop humidity after irrigation or rainfall provides ideal conditions for the spread of foliar disease and so application of protectant fungicide prior to irrigation or rainfall is recommended. Chocolate spot and rust are the main foliar diseases to watch out for, along with ascochyta blight if growing Fiesta, Doza or Cairo varieties. Early in the season cercospora leaf spot is becoming more prevalent. The most successful control strategy for disease is prevention, so plan for at least four fungicide sprays, with seasonal conditions and the irrigation schedule dictating total spray requirements. Initial fungicide sprays should have been applied for ascochyta blight and cercospora control at 5–8 weeks post emergence. The focus in spring should be on protecting the first flowers, lower leaves and stem before the canopy closes over. Next, will be to maintain strategic protection through the flowering and pod filling stages. Having the lower canopy disease-free initially will pay dividends later in the season when protective fungicides applied to new growth may not penetrate into the lower canopy. If the lower canopy is disease-free then there is less chance of the disease spreading to top growth. Monitoring for foliar diseases in spring, centres on the final two stages of production: MM MM flowering—target chocolate spot, but also consider any rust or ascochyta protection needs end of flowering—pods are filling so target chocolate spot and rust protection. Depending on the variety grown, protection against ascochyta pod lesions may also be needed. Applications can often be combined with a native budworm spray. Four main fungicides, mancozeb, carbendazim, chlorothalonil and tebuconazole are registered or used under permit for control of specific foliar diseases in faba beans. Often a mixture is required to cover all diseases. Total control is based on preventing new infections, not curing old infections. Procymidone can be used to provide some minor curative action for chocolate spot only. It is more commonly used if chocolate spot has developed more than was expected. 30 IREC Farmers’ Newsletter – Large Area No. 189: Spring 2013 faba beans management Good coverage of leaves and stems is essential when applying fungicides, along with the rotation of chemical groups of the fungicides being used. When deciding on which fungicide to apply as the final spray of the season, be aware of withholding periods for grazing and harvesting. Managing irrigation Faba beans are actively growing in August and will need water earlier than winter cereals. The first irrigation should be applied as soon as water becomes available and should continue as required until near maturity, when 75% of pods have turned black. Faba beans respond well to irrigation and can tolerate some waterlogging, but less so during pod fill. Good drainage is essential for the crop to achieve its full potential. Crops planted on beds should be watered and drained within 15 hours while flat-planted crops should be drained within 6–8 hours of irrigation. Up to four spring irrigations may be required to maintain adequate moisture. Monitor soil moisture and schedule irrigations to avoid moisture stress during flowering and pod fill. Take note of any signs of slow drainage or waterlogging in the fields so they can be fixed before the next crop of faba beans is planted. Managing pollination It now appears that bee and hive management is a practical and affordable option for pollination in faba beans. Research published recently in the scientific journal Field Crops Research has demonstrated a large yield response to honey bees placed strategically in faba bean crops. A seven-year field study in South Australia has shown beyond doubt that there is an economic benefit to using commercial honey bees to increase pollination and crop yield. The study measured an average 17% yield response and found that 90% of the yield benefit consistently occurred in crops that were within 750 metres of beehives. An economic analysis has shown that placing hives in groups through the crop is profitable for both the grower and the apiarist. A hive density of 1 hive/ha is practical and profitable and grouping 30 hives together every 300 m, or larger groups further apart, will achieve a yield response. It is important to consider the placement of the hives in relation to other crops such as canola, because the bees will preferentially graze in canola. A yield response can be expected in all faba bean growing localities and will be most noticeable in areas far from wooded areas, which host a higher population of native pollinators. It is important to introduce the beehives early in the season, preferably at the onset of flowering. When bees are active it is common to see large pods very low on faba bean plants. Increased seed set through bee activity is well accepted in horticultural crops and now we know it also occurs in field crops. These additional and larger pods are a major contributor to the increased yield. If bee hives are placed in the faba bean crop, talk with your apiarist about fungicide and insecticide use. Some products, if applied at the right time of day, can be used without needing to shift hives. The development of chocolate spot should be monitored throughout spring as the crop goes through the flowering and pod-filling stages. Photo: Wayne Hawthorne Faba beans respond well to irrigation and can tolerate some waterlogging, but less so during pod fill. Good drainage is essential for the crop to achieve its full potential. Photo: Wayne Hawthorne IREC Farmers’ Newsletter – Large Area No. 189: Spring 2013 An opportunity to achieve substantial yield increases such as this are rare and well worth investigating. Recent research in South Australia has demonstrated a large yield response when honey bees are placed strategically in faba bean crops. Photo: Danny Le Feuvre 31 faba beans management Managing nutrients During crop growth it is worth assessing nodulation on roots. While nothing can be done for the current crop it will help plan for next year’s crop if you find nodulation has been variable. If the beans show signs of yellowing, poor nodulation is a likely reason and this can make the crop more susceptible to foliar disease. Trace element deficiency can have a significant impact on yield. In pre-flowering vegetative stages you can use a tissue test to monitor trace elements so that any deficiencies can be corrected with foliar applications as required. Managing pests Budworm is a significant pest that can cause significant yield losses and grain quality downgrades. Monitor for the presence of budworm in the crop regularly during pod fill. If budworm is found, treat with a registered pesticide. It may be possible to combine budworm treatment with fungicide application but do not compromise either control by delaying one to cater for the other. Windrowing & crop desiccation Paddock situations such as a heavy lodged crop, uneven ripening, weed escapes or to advance harvest date may necessitate windrowing. The benefits of crop desiccation (crop topping) are similar to those for windrowing except the crop is left standing, which can be beneficial in a wet harvest season. If windrowing or crop desiccation is used as an early harvest or weed control strategy, correct timing of this operation is critical in faba bean. Going in too early can have a huge negative impact on yield and grain quality for marketing. To determine crop physiological maturity, assessing the colour of the hilum of the grain in the upper-most pods. The hilum on these seeds should be turning grey-black. At this stage there will still be green foliage and some lower pods will be turning black. Managing harvest & storage A well-grown crop can give disappointing returns if there are losses or downgrades due to harvest delays, incorrect harvesting or poor storage. Harvest should start at 14% grain moisture, at which stage it can be delivered. Take time to set the header to obtain a clean sample of whole, undamaged seeds. Lodging of tall crops can be an issue at harvest, and crops on beds can be the most difficult to harvest. Harvesting in one direction and slowing down drum speeds to avoid cracking of the grain can help. If you plan to store beans on farm make sure they are at less than 14% moisture when they enter storage and keep them out of sunlight to avoid weather staining. Aeration and cooling helps to slow the darkening of bean grain in storage, and so helps prolong its storage life for human consumption markets. 32 Market growth for faba beans is strong and yields of 5.0 t/ha are achievable in irrigation farming systems in the Murrumbidgee Valley. Photo: Trevor Bray Boost your knowledge Pulse Australia provides a best management practice course that covers the A-to-Z of faba bean production. The course offers participants the opportunity to engage in open conversation with a range of specialists, including growers, discussing different management practices suited to specific areas. A comprehensive reference manual is available only to workshop participants and provides a source of ongoing support and information as the season progresses. This course provides the science and reasoning behind recommended management practice and an update on the latest research and advancements in the pulse industry. Courses are conducted in conjunction with leading faba bean researchers from GRDC-funded projects in the respective government departments of each state. Growers and advisors wanting to reserve a place at the 2014 workshops can contact their Pulse Australia Industry Development Manager or send an email to to express their interest. Further information Wayne Hawthorne Pulse Australia Industry Development Manager – Southern Region M: 0429 647 455 E: Gordon Cumming Pulse Australia Senior Industry Development Manager – Northern Region M: 0408 923 474 E: Alan Meldrum Pulse Australia Industry Development Manager – Western Region M: 0427 384 760 E: IREC Farmers’ Newsletter – Large Area No. 189: Spring 2013
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