GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE INDIAN ORDNANCE FACTORIES ORDNANCE FACTORY DUM DUM, JESSORE ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 028 (WEST BENGAL) NO.01/035/DR/IE Online applications are invited, for the following Group ‘C’ posts of Industrial Establishment in SemiSkilled Grade in the Pay Band Rs.5200-20200/- and grade pay of Rs.1800/- plus allowances as admissible, from the citizen of India who are fulfilling the requisite qualifications as mentioned in the online advertisement. The applicants may visit the Factory’s website and carefully read all the instructions therein before applying online. The trade apprentices of Ordnance Factories, who are willing to apply for the post, would also have to apply online. The services are liable to be transferred to any other Factory or office in Ordnance Factories Organization. 1. NAME OF POST AND NUMBER OF VACENCY: (I) Industrial Post(IEs): Tradesman/S.S. Sl.No. Name of the Post/ (Trade/Grade) 01 Carpenter 02 Electrician 03 Electroplater 04 Examiner(Engg.) 05 Fitter(Gen./Mech.) 06 Fitter (Pipe) 07 Grinder 08 Machinist 09 Mason 10 Miller 11 Millwright 12 Painter 13 SMW 14 Turner 15 Welder Total = UR SC ST OBC Total 0 2 2 1 8 0 2 3 1 1 4 0 2 2 4 32 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 6 0 2 1 1 6 0 2 6 0 1 4 0 2 2 4 31 1 6 6 4 31 1 9 27 2 7 19 2 10 10 16 151 UR SC ST OBC Total PWD Ex-service man 26 11 02 11 50 HH-1 05 1 2 3 2 15 1 5 17 1 5 10 2 5 5 8 82 PWD Ex-service man OH-1 HH-1,OH-2, VH-1 HH-1,VH-1 14 (II). Industrial Post(IEs): Labourer/S.S Sl.No. Name of the Post/ (Trade/Grade) Labourer/Semi16 skilled (Abbreviation : SC – Scheduled Caste, ST – Scheduled Tribe, OBC – Other Backward Class, PWD – Persons with Disabilities) Page:1/10 2. POSTS IDENTIFIED FOR PHYSICAL DISABILITIES (P.H.) & FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION Physical disabilities must be 40% or above. NOTES - FOR PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PERSONS ONLY: Physical requirements and functional classification for ‘PH’ candidates in respect of different suitable trades are as follows:Name of the trade Physical Requirements Carpenter Electrician Electroplater Examiner (Engg.) Fitter (Gen./Mech.) Grinder Machinist Miller Millwright Painter SMW Turner Welder Labourer B, KC, SE, S, ST, L S. ST. W. L. MF S. ST. W. MF, SE, RW, H S, ST, W, KC, MF, SE ST. SE.MF ST. SE. MF ST. SE. MF ST. SE. MF S, ST. W, PP, KC, BN, MF S, ST, SE, MF, BN S, ST, SE, L, MF, BN ST, SE, MF S or ST, SE, MF, BN S, BN, MF, SE, PP, L, MF Abbreviations stand for: Categories of disabled suitable for the job. OL OL, BL OL, BL, HH OL, BL, HH OL, BL, HH, LV OL, HH, LV OL, HH, LV OL, HH, LV OL, HH OL, HH OL, HH OL, HH OL, HH OA, BL, OL, HH Physical Requirements: S = Sitting, ST = Standing, W = Walking, BN = Bending, CRL = Crawling, CL = Climbing, JU =Jumping, L = Lifting, KC = Kneeling & Crouching, RW = Reading & Writing, MF = Manipulation by Fingers, PP = Pulling & Pushing, SE = Seeing, C = Communication, H = Hearing, OA = One Arm, BA = Both Arms, OLA = One Arm and One Leg, BLA = Both Legs & Arms, BLOA = Both Legs & One Arm, OL = One Leg, BL = Both Legs, CP = Cerebral Palsy, LC = Leprosy Cured, OH = Orthopedically Impaired, VH = Visually Impaired, B = Blind, LV = Low Vision, HH = Hearing Impaired. Definition of disabilities; (i) Visual Impairment (Blindness or Low Vision) : The blind are those who suffer from either or the following conditions; (a) Total absence of sight. (b) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen’s chat) in the better eye with correcting lenses. (c) Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse. Low Vision: ‘Person with low vision’ means a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive devise. (ii) Hearing Impairment; Hearing impairment means loss of 60 decibels or more in the better ear in conventional range of frequencies. (iii) Locomotors Disability; Locomotors disability means disability of the bones, joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of movements of the limbs or any form of cerebral palsy. (iv) Cerebral Palsy means: a group of non-progressive conditions of a person characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain injuries occurring in the pre-natal, peri-natal or infant period of development. (v) All the cases of Orthopedically Handicapped Persons shall be covered under the category of ‘locomotors disability’ or ‘cerebral palsy’. Page:2/10 Competent Authority to issue disability certificate should be a Medical Board duly constituted by the Central or State Government. The Central/State Government may constitute Medical Board (s) consisting of at least 3 members out of which at least one should be specialist in the particular field for assessing Motor/Cerebral/Hearing/Visual disability as the case may be. The medical board shall, after due examination, give a permanent disability certificate in cases of such permanent disabilities where there are no chances of variation in the degree of disability. The medical board shall indicate the period of validity of the certificate, in cases where there are chances of variation in degree of disability. Note: The physical disabled candidates can apply against any post (s) irrespective of the fact that the post is reserved for PH or not. However, it will subject to the condition that the post is identified suitable for that particular type of physical disability. 3. PAY BAND & GRADE PAY: Rs.5200 – 20200 with Grade Pay of Rs.1800/- plus usual allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees from time to time. 4. ESSENTIAL EDUCATIONAL & TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION: SL. NO 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FOR THE TRADE Carpenter EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION / NCVT CERTIFICATE REQUIRED Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Carpenter trade. Electrician Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Electrician trade. Electroplater Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Electroplater trade. Examiner (Engg.) Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Fitter/Grinder/Machinist/Miller/Millwright/Sheet Metal Worker/ Turner/Welder ) Fitter(Gen./Mech.) Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Fitter(Gen.) Fitter(Pipe) Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Fitter (Pipe). Grinder Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Grinder or Machinist (Grinder) trade. Machinist Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Machinist trade. Mason Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Mason trade. Miller Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Miller / Machinist trade Millwright Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Millwright or MMTM (Mechanic Machine Tools Maintenance)* trade Painter Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Painter trade. SMW Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in SMW trade Turner Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Turner trade Welder Matriculation + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) / NTC(National Trade Certificate) issued by NCVT (National Council of Trades for Vocational Training) in Welder trade. Labourer MATRICULATION / CLASS 10TH PASS * The name of the trade Millwright has been changed as MMTM. Page:3/10 5. AGE LIMIT: The age limit of General candidates for Tradesman/Semi-Skilled and Labour/Semi-Skilled should be 18 to 32 years as on the closing date of online registration / filling application, irrespective of the area. The following age relaxation in upper age limit will be given to a candidate if the post for his/her category is available. Sl. No. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Category SC ST OBC (with Non-Creamy Layer) PH EX-SERVICE MAN DEPARTMENTAL CANDIDATE Ex-trade apprentices of Ordnance Factory Maximum limit of Age relaxation 05 years (Only in respect of the post reserved for SC) 05 years (Only in respect of the post reserved for ST) 03 years (Only in respect of the post reserved for OBC) 10 years (SC/ST- 15 years, OBC – 13 years) 03 years + Period of Military Service Up to 40 years of age with 3 years of continuous service in Central Government (SC/ST – up to 45 years) To the extent of the period for which they had undergone training. 6. SCHEME AND SYLLABUS FOR TRADESMAN SEMI-SKILLED (SL. NO. 01 TO 15) : SCHEME: 6.1 There will be a written examination of one paper. The paper will be of “ObjectiveMultiple-choice-type” of maximum 100 marks. 6.2 (a) The paper will consist of two parts: PART – A will consist of 20 marks having questions on General Science and Quantitative Aptitude, each having weightage of 10 marks. The question will be of up to 10th Standard. (b) PART – B will consist of 80 marks of NCVT syllabus for the relevant trade. The question paper for the written examination shall be in English followed by Hindi language. All the questions will be compulsory. There will be no negative marking. The subject of the written examination, the maximum marks allotted to each paper, no of questions and the time allowed is given in the table below: Subject No. of Questions Part A (Objective Type) i. General Science (10 Questions) 10 Marks ii. Quantitative Aptitude (10 Questions) 10 Marks Part B (Objective Type) Questions from the NCVT Syllabus of relevant trade Total = Maximum Marks 80 Questions 80 Marks 100 Questions 100 Marks Time allowed 2 hrs. Note: Candidates would be required to darken the circles in the OMR sheet with black/blue pen. OMR sheets marked in pencil would be rejected outright. No marks would be allotted for questions in which multiple darkening has been done in the OMR Sheet. Page:4/10 SYLLABUS: (i) General Science (10 Questions) Question will be aimed at testing the candidate’s General Awareness of the environment around him. Question will also be designed to test knowledge of basic science studied up to 10th standard and would include such matters of every day observations and experience as may be expected of any educated person. (ii) Quantitative Aptitude (10 Questions). The candidate will be tested for general mathematics of up to 10th Standard involving number systems, equations in two variables, simple and compound interest, perimeter, area and volume of geometrical figures, Direct and inverse proportions, Pythagoras theorem and trigonometry. (iii) NCVT Trade (80 Questions) Questions from the NCVT Syllabus of relevant trade. There shall be no interview for filling up of these vacancies. (iv)Trade Test (Practical) The syllabus for trade test (Practical) will be as per Trade Test Specification of the Semi- Skilled grade of the relevant trade. MODE OF SELECTION: The selection process shall comprise of Written Test of 100 marks and Trade Test (Practical).Written Test shall be fully objective type and OMR based. The Trade Test (Practical) shall be only qualifying in nature without any marks. On the basis of merit list based on marks obtained in Written Test, candidates 1.25 times the number of vacancies shall be called for Trade Test (Practical). The final select list shall be based on marks in the Written Test only, the Trade Test (Practical) being qualifying in nature. The final select list shall be prepared and displayed in order of merit. 7. SCHEME & SYLLABUS FOR LABOUR (SL. NO. 16) : SCHEME: 7.1 Written Test: SUBJECT Numerical Aptitude(10th Standard) (Objective Type) General Science (10th Standard) (Objective Type) General Awareness (10th Standard) (Objective Type) Total Marks 7.2 MAXIMUM MARKS 40 NUMBER OF QUESTIONS 40 30 30 30 30 DURATION 2 hours 100 Trade Test (Practical): For Trade Test, an unskilled workman will be mainly engaged on handling/shifting of material. He will also be required to clean machines, floors of shop/areas around machines and other similar places, if and as necessary. The trade test may be designed accordingly to test the aptitude of the candidate. However, this test will be of qualifying nature only. Final grading will be decided based only on marks obtained in written test subject to qualifying in the prescribed Trade Test. Page:5/10 SYLLABUS FOR WRITTEN TEST: (i) Numerical Aptitude: a. Number Systems b. Fractions, Decimals and Percentages c. Ratio and proportion d. Averages e. Interest, Profit & Loss, Discount f. Time & Distance, Time & Work (ii) General Science: The questions on science may be set keeping in view the standard appropriate to High School Questions may include subjects and activities which are more relevant to day-to-day existence/activities of human life. (iii) General Awareness: a. Current events-National & International b. History & Culture c. General policy and Indian Constitution d. General Geography The question paper for the written examination shall be in English followed by Hindi and the local language (Bengali). MODE OF SELECTION: The selection process shall comprise of Written Test of 100 marks and Trade Test (Practical).Written Test shall be fully objective type and OMR based. The Trade Test (Practical) shall be only qualifying in nature without any marks. On the basis of merit list based on marks obtained in Written Test, candidates 1.25 times the number of vacancies shall be called for Trade Test (Practical). The final select list shall be based on marks in the Written Test only, the Trade Test (Practical) being qualifying in nature. The final select list shall be prepared and displayed in order of merit. 8. ON-LINE APPLICATION & FEE: The candidate who is not exempted from payment of Application fee must pay the Application fee of 100/(One hundred only) for each post for which he/she is applying. The candidate after filling the requisite data for online registration/application shall have to take a printout of system generated Bank Challan from the website. The Bank Challan will be in three parts (Candidate’s copy, Bank’s Copy & OFDC’s copy). Each part shall contain the Registration Number of the candidates, amount of fees to be remitted in the State Bank of India power Jyoti Account No.34676949264 in favour of the General Manager Ordnance Factory Dum Dum , etc. The candidates after filling the challan and remitting the necessary fees at any State Bank of India across the country must invariably keep with him the receipted copy of Bank challan as a proof of remittance of examination. The same challan will be submitted by the candidate at the time of practical test along with the hard copy of the Application form. The application fee is non-refundable. The candidate must pay the application fee on or after the display / publication of this full Text Advertisement on the Factory’s Internet Website. A candidate who is not exempted from payment of application fee must pay the application fee properly and correctly strictly as per the instructions given in this Advertisement and on the Factory’s Internet Website. Otherwise, no cognizance shall be taken of the application fee paid by him under any circumstances for whatever reasons. The candidate must enter the Receipt No./Transaction No. provided by the Bank as a proof of payment of fees while applying for online application. Only after filling up such fields the online application must be submitted. 8.1 AMOUNT OF FEE / EXEMPTION OF FEE FOR SC/ST/PH AND FEMALE CANDIDATES: The candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH, FEMALE CANDIDATES and the Ex-Serviceman candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees. Page:6/10 9. GENERAL CONDITIONS: a) The number of vacancies mentioned above for Tradesman Semi-skilled & Labourer Semi-skilled is provisional. The General Manager, Ordnance Factory Dum Dum reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of vacancies, if necessary. b) The General Manager, Ordnance Factory Dum Dum reserves the right to modify/alter/restrict/cancel the recruitment process, if need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof. The decision of the General Manager, Ordnance Factory Dum Dum shall be final and no appeal will be entertained against the issue. All disputes shall be subject to local jurisdiction. c) Reservation for Physically Handicapped & Ex-serviceman falls under category of Horizontal Reservation which cuts across the Vertical Reservation i.e. reservation for SC/ST/OBC (in what is called inter-locking reservation). The person selected against the PWD & Ex-Serviceman quota has to be placed in the appropriate category of General (Un-reserved)/SC/ST/OBC as the case may be. 10. CLOSING DATE FOR REGISTRATION ON-LINE APPLICATION AND ACCEPTANCE: The ON-LINE registration will remain open for 21 days from the day of publication of advertisement in Employment News, Rozgar Samachar or local News paper, whichever is later. 11. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF ONLINE APPLICATION: 1) The submission of online application consists of the following three steps in the given sequence. Step-1: Making data entry in the online application format on the factory’s website. Step-2: Making payment of application fee where applicable. Seep-3: Up-loading passport size color photograph and signature. The submission of online application means proper and correct completion of above mentioned all the three steps. It is clarified that if any of the above mentioned three steps is not properly and correctly completed, the online application shall not be treated as submitted for the purpose of the recruitment process. 2) Eligible applicants are required to apply On-line only. They will also have to upload scanned copy of their colour photographs and signature. The ‘On-line Application Form’ will be available on Ordnance Factory’s website through a link. A candidate must submit his/her application for each post separately for which he/she is applying on the factory’s internet website online only. 3) Before registering/submitting online applications on the website, the candidates should process the followings; a. Valid e-mail id and Mobile number. In case a candidate does not have a valid e-mail id he/she must create his/her valid e-mail id. The e-mail id and Mobile Number entered in the Online Application form should remain valid / active until the recruitment process is completed. No change in the e-mail id and mobile number will be allowed once online application is submitted. Please note that all information/news relating to recruitment will be communicated through e-mail and SMS. Therefore, the candidates himself/herself will be responsible for non-receipt of any communication in case of wrong or expired e-mail id & Mobile number. b. While applying online application for any post, the candidate should have a facility to take print-out of the filled in Application Form & Acknowledgement Slip. After the completion of on-line application, the candidates are required to download/print the duly filled ‘Application Form and the Acknowledgement Slip’ generated by the system for future reference and action. Any correspondence will be based on the registration number generated at the time of submitting the application. Page:7/10 c. The candidates should have latest passport size colour photograph (<=20KB) and his/her signature (<=10KB) scanned in jpg or jpeg format for uploading in the Application Form. 2. HARD COPY OF APPLICATION FORM: 7 Initially no hard copies of the online applications are required to be submitted. However, the candidates must keep the hard copies of the applications submitted online by them. After the written test is completed, only the selected candidates for practical test (1.25 times of the vacancy for each trade) will be intimated to forward the hard copy of the application form in which the candidate must affix the same pass port size colour photograph which was uploaded during submission of the online application form along with proof of payment or exemption of application fee and photocopies of all necessary documents at the following post box/address : address to be mentioned by the firm. (Application received through any other mode or address will not be accepted under any conditions.) 8 The selected candidates in written examination will have to produce all the original as well attested copies of documents i.e. date of birth certificate, certificates of educational qualifications, mark sheets, caste certificate, physically handicapped certificate, no-objection certificate etc. duly attested by a gazetted officer at the time of practical test. 9 The candidate should put full signature and thumb impression on the hard copy of Main Application Form, Attendance Sheet(s) and Admit card(s) 10 The candidate should mention prominent and visible identification mark on Main Application Form, Attendance Sheet(s) and Admit Card(s). 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 The candidates must ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria prescribed for a post as given in the Advertisement before applying for that post. The candidates must ensure that they posses all the original documents required to a post as given in the advertisement before applying for the post. If at any stage it is found that a candidate has submitted more than one application for a post, then all such applications for that post shall automatically stand cancelled and corresponding application fee shall also stand forfeited. No correspondences in this regard shall be entertained. No withdrawal of an online application once submitted shall be allowed under any circumstances on any grounds. The candidates must note that if they do not submit the online application as per the instructions given in the advertisement or factory’s internet website, their online application may be rejected. Subsequently, the factory’s website shall have link for slot booking and printing of admit card cum call letter at relevant time. The factory Management shall not be responsible to inaccessibility of the factory’s website on account of non-availability of the internet connectivity on any date(s) including the dates towards the closing date for submission of online applications or for any other reason whatever. The candidates are advised in their own interest not to wait till the last date for payment of application fee and or submission of their online application. The On-line registration site will remain open from 9:00 AM of the online registration opening date to 12:00 midnight of the online registration closing date. 20 The candidates should cross check the information furnished in the ‘Application Form’ before finally submitting the same as no correction is possible later. 21 Person working in Central/State Govt./PSU must apply through proper channel along with the certificate from their establishment that no disciplinary action is contemplated against them and that they have no objection in releasing them in case of selection. 22 Only selected candidates will be informed for their selection in due course after the selection process and no other correspondence on the subject would be entertained. Page:8/10 13. ADMIT CARD AND ATTENDANCE SHEET: The candidates will download the admit card which will be in duplicate. The admit card will contain the details as filled up by the candidates as well as the photograph and the signature which was uploaded at the time of filling up the application form. The candidate will be also required to paste the same photograph in the admit card, which was uploaded during the time of filling up the online application form. The admit card will have space for affix the photograph. The candidates will have to mention prominent identification mark, put thumb impression as well as full signature in the admit card at the examination centre. One copy of admit card will be retained by the candidates after the examination and one copy will be taken by the Factory / Agency for future reference. The invigilators will also take signatures and thumb impression on the attendance sheet and verify appearance of the candidate 14. For any other valid query they may contact the helpline number +91-9840538264 (10:00AM-6:00PM) Monday - Saturday. (HELPLINE NO. OF AGENCY TO BE DISPLAYED IN THE OFDCWEBSITE.) 15. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES/APPLICANTS: 15.1The candidates in their own interest should go through this advertisement and satisfy themselves that they meet the eligibility requirement in terms of age, educational qualification, etc. Any wrong or incomplete information shall render the candidate ineligible without any further notice. The candidature is provisional at all the stages of recruitment process. 15.2 Candidates appearing in Written Test will travel on their own expenses. 15.3 The candidature of a candidate shall be cancelled if he/she submits more than one application form for the same post. 15.4 Submission of any false/incorrect/dubious information in the application form shall disqualify the candidate at any stage of the selection process. 15.5 Govt. servants must obtain N.O.C., pertaining to release in case of their eventual selection to the Post, from their employers before applying against any post. 15.6 Dates of Examination will be communicated separately to the eligible candidates through e-mail and SMS alert. All announcements regarding Examination Date, Information on availability of Admit Card online, Result of Written Examination, Physical Measurement & Endurance Test and Screening Test, etc. (wherever applicable) as well as final select list will be made available on OFDC’s website 15.7 The applicants are advised to visit OFDCs website frequently for important announcements/information throughout the selection process at various stages. 15.7 In case of selection of persons, working in Central/State Govt./PSU, will have to submit a disciplinary clearance and a No Objection Certificate from their employer. 15.8 New entrants to Government Service, entering on or after 01-01-2004 will be governed by New Pension Scheme termed as ‘Defined Contribution Pension Scheme’ and existing provision of CCS (Pension Rules), 1972 will not be applicable. 15.9 Ex-serviceman certificates & Discharge Certificates should have been issued by the Competent authorities. Please note that persons who have been dismissed or removed from service are not entitled for relaxation available to Ex-serviceman. Page:9/10 15.10 Mere fulfilling the minimum prescribed qualification and experience will not vest any right upon the candidates for being called for test. The Factory will not entertain any correspondence in this respect and interim enquiry will not be attended to. 15.11 Only selected candidates will be informed of their selection in due course and no other correspondence on the subject would be entertained. 15.12 Canvassing of any form will disqualify the candidates. 15.13 The services after appointment are liable to be transferred to any other Ordnance Factories in India subject to exigencies. 15.14 The advertisement will be subject to order/judgement, if any, by the Hon’ble Courts/Ministry of Defence/Ordnance Factory Board etc. 16. CANCELLATION OF CANDIDATURE : The candidature of a candidate shall be summarily cancelled on following grounds; 16.1 If the age of the candidate is found to exceed the prescribed age limit on final scrutiny. 16.2 If the candidate does not found to possess the desired essential qualification on final scrutiny. 16.3 If the candidate fails to produce/submit original copies of all the essential documents as and when asked to do so. 16.4 In case the candidate is found using unfair means or adopting any malpractice at any stage of the selection process. Caution to all applicants Some unscrupulous elements may approach you with assurance of procuring appointment for you in the factory through illegal gratification. You must not fall prey to such false assurance or exploitation and must not entertain or encourage such elements in any way. It is emphasized and re-assured that the written test and the selection exercised will be done on the merit only in a transparent manner. Page:10/10
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