19th-22nd MARCH, 2015.
Freedom Park, Broad Street,
www.irepfilmfes,val.com BACKGROUND
The iREPRESENT DOCUMENTARY FILM FORUM (registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission as Founda,on for the Promo,on of Documentary film in Africa), was ini,ated in 2011 with the aim of developing and promo,ng the prac,ce of Documentary Filmmaking in Nigeria and on the con,nent of Africa. T h e a n n u a l i R E P I n t e r n a , o n a l Documentary Film Fes,val is conceived as a celebra,on of the best works in the world of documentary films while providing an intense learning environment for young and aspiring filmmakers. VISION: iREP is conceptualized to create plaUorm of awareness and expression for aspiring and prac,cing filmmakers who are crea,ng socially relevant documentary films to posi,vely impact our world. The fes,val features hands-­‐on training and skills development workshops facilitated by an array of the most experienced prac,,oners in the field of documentary film making across Africa. CONCEPT & THEMES: The Conceptual framework of iREP Documentary Film Fes,val is AFRICA IN SELF-­‐CONVERSATION; and it is designed to promote awareness about the power of documentary format to serve as a means of deepening and sharing social and cultural educa,on as well as encouraging par,cipatory democracy in our socie,es. Though exploring the framework, the theme for every edi,on varies every year, and embraces issues pertaining to Africa’s social, poli,cal, cultural, spiritual and economic reali,es. To fully engage an array of trans-­‐cultural crea,vity, iREP provides a forum for everyone’s ingenuity to be showcased without prejudice to style or subject. iREP celebrates the ever expanding world of documentary films by invi,ng talents from across the globe to share ideas on trends and technological advancements in the format. REINVENTING
Digital media technology is expanding narra,ve possibili,es and shaping audiences’ experiences of how reali,es are ar,culated. Documentary filmmaking is coming to terms with these new reali,es and con,nuously finding hybrid strategies to navigate the blurred lines crisscrossing verite and sa,sfying the ever changing temperament of the digital world that is hip, fun-­‐seeking, chao,c, mul,-­‐tasking, and a]en,on sapping. For documentary filmmaking, digital technology presents a challenge and an opportunity that would either remarkably transform and redefine what passes as a documentary film or bury the art in its past. More than ever before there is a need to reinvent the art of documentary filmmaking within the space of the new elements that are dicta,ng the trend of media consump,on and experience globally. Documentary filmmakers must become more flexible and invent new ways of telling stories across mul,ple plaUorms and immersive formats. The thrust for a post-­‐modernist self-­‐aware documentary film culture must find a space for itself in the digital agenda and marry crea,ve storytelling with ,melessness of issues that are yearning to be told. The fi_h edi,on of the popular iREPRESENT Interna,onal Documentary Film Fes,val will interrogate how the documentary filmmaker is engaging his art within the digital space – can documentaries remain verite, or like beauty, the truth will be in the eyes of the beholder? OUR PARTNERS
**WEST AFRICA DOCUMENTARY FILM diversity of voices; breaking down the imagined FORUM, WADFF: The West African boundaries that have divided Africa for years; Documentary Film forum is an ouUit dedicated to the produc,on, post produc,on, archiving and distribu,on of documentary films. The forum seeks to encourage the emergence of new voices in documentary filmmaking and new scholarships on the medium. **REAL LIFE FILM FESTIVAL held yearly in Accra Ghana is a brainchild of the forum, whose membership is drawn from around the world. The WADFF is coordinated by Ms. Lydie Diakhate and Prof. Awam Amkpa as co-­‐founders and Directors of the Real-­‐Life Film Fes,val. **DOCUMENTARY NETWORK AFRICA, DNA: The vision of Documentary Network Africa is “to promote the importance of African documentary in the genre, and to use this to promote our view of Africa.” DNA’s goals include: sharing and building resources for African filmmakers; promo,ng the role of documentary in social change; promo,ng the telling of African stories by Africans themselves; being accountable and transparent to their audiences and subjects. GOETHE INSTITUT: The Goethe-­‐Ins,tut Lagos (German Cultural Centre in Nigeria) organises and supports a broad spectrum of cultural ac,vi,es that present the German culture in Nigeria and promote interna,onal cultural exchange through projects in coopera,on with Nigerian partners. Since incep,on five years ago, the Goethe Ins,tut has facilitated par,cipa,on of German filmmakers in the fes,val and providing technical assistances where necessary. The Ins,tut also facilitates the Producers Roundtable, and industry-­‐focussed mee,ng of African and German filmmakers towards exploring opportuni,es of co-­‐produc,on and exchange of ideas on produc,on and exhibi,on of documentary films. DOKFest: Germany’s leading promoters of documentary film, DOK.fest Munich, founded in 1985, is a key technical partner of iREP Documentary Film Fes,val in realiza,on of its (iREP) objec,ve of spreading awareness of African documentaries in Germany. Aside supplying some of the films, DOKFest also provide technical assistance. In recent edi,ons, iREP and DOKFest have firmed up the exchange and coopera,on between them by par,cipa,ng in each other’s fes,val. FORD FOUNDATION: The Ford Founda,on supports visionary leaders and organiza,ons on the frontlines of social change worldwide. It works mainly by making grants or loans that build knowledge and strengthen organiza,ons and networks. Since the third edi,on, Ford Founda,on has begun suppor,ng aspects of iREP Fes,val, even while exploring ideas on how to support the organisa,onal goals of the iREP. Ag.DOK: The associa,on of independent German documentary filmmakers has been a technical partner to iREP since incep,on. In partnership with its associate body, GermanFilms, it helps to co-­‐curate the films from Germany that feature in the fes,val; and ensures par,cipa,on of filmmakers and technical partners from Germany. It has also ac,vely contributed to designing discussions at the yearly Producers Roundtable now in its third year. CONTACT US
iREP INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FILM FORUM 3, Bishop Lanre Obembe Street (off Emmanuel High Str.) Ogudu, GRA, Lagos. info@irepfilmfes,val.com, toyin@irepfilmfes,val.com www.irepfilmfes,val.com CONTACT PERSONS: Femi Odugbemi (Execu,ve Director) – +2348034251963 femiodugbemi@gmail.com Makin Soyinka (Director/Co-­‐Founder) panseke@gmail.com Jahman Anikulapo (Director/Co-­‐Founder) jahmanoladejo@gmail.com Toyin Fajj (Fes,val Manager) -­‐ +2348082196534 CO-­‐ORDINATOR for Francophone West Africa: Theophane Pa,nvoh, email: tpa,nvoh@gmail.com or tpa,nvoh@yahoo.fr Phone: Senegal -­‐ +221.776361911 / Cotonou -­‐ +229.64848800