Solid State Communications 166 (2013) 60–65 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Solid State Communications journal homepage: Critical behavior of the in-plane weak ferromagnet Sr2IrO4 Min Ge a, Lei Zhang b,n, Jiyu Fan c, Changjin Zhang b, Li Pi a,b, Shun Tan a,b, Yuheng Zhang a,b a b c Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China Department of Applied Physics, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 25 January 2013 Received in revised form 4 April 2013 Accepted 13 May 2013 by S. Miyashita Available online 18 May 2013 Critical behavior of the single-layered Sr2IrO4, which exhibits weak ferromagnetism in the ab plane, is investigated by the bulk magnetization study. Critical exponents β ¼ 0:284 7 0:008 and γ ¼ 1:726 7 0:004 with the critical temperature TC ¼230.8 70.9 are obtained by the Kouvel–Fisher method, and δ ¼ 4:443 7 0:008 is generated by the critical isotherm analysis at TC ¼231 K. The obtained critical exponents of Sr2IrO4 are close to prediction of the theoretical model with fd : ng ¼ f2 : 1g (where d is the partial dimensionality and n is the spin dimensionality), which indicates one-dimensional ferromagnetic interaction in the two-dimensional layered material. On the other hand, the critical exponents lie between the prediction of long-range and short-range models, indicating that the short-range Heisenberg interaction alone cannot totally describe the critical behavior. It is suggested that the Dzialoshinsky– Moriya interaction caused by rotation of the octahedra and the symmetric anisotropy result into a lower spatial short-range interaction, which competes with the long-range interaction caused by expansion of 5d orbits. & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: A. Magnetically ordered materials D. Exchange and superexchange 1. Introduction The iridium-based compounds have triggered great interests due to the abundant physical phenomena, such as topological quantum phase transition in Na2IrO3 [1], orbital magnetism in Ba2IrO3 [2], charge-orbital density wave in IrTe2 [3,4], orbitally driven Peierls instability in CuIr2S4 [5], the theoretically predicted topological semimetal in Y2Ir2O7 [6], etc. The layered perovskite Srn+1IrO3n+1 has been deserved considerable attention due to the strong spin–orbital coupling and magnetic ordering, especially the single-layered Sr2IrO4 with n ¼1 [7–11]. The cell of Sr2IrO4 belongs to K2NiF4-type structure with space group I41/acd [12–15]. A rotation of about 111 along the c-axis happens to IrO6 octahedra in each unit cell, which corresponds to a distorted in-plane Ir1-O2Ir1 bond angle [16–18]. The distorted bond angle plays an important role in the electronic structure. The ground state of electronic structure in Sr2IrO4 consists of a completely filled band with total angular momentum Jeff ¼3/2 and a narrow half-filled Jeff ¼ 1/2 band near the Fermi level, where the Jeff ¼1/2 band is split into an upper Hubbard band (UHB) and a lower Hubbard band (LHB) due to on-site Coulomb interactions [17]. In addition, it almost exhibits antiferromagnetic ordering of effective Jeff ¼1/2 moments below TN ¼240 K [13,19]. However, the Jeff ¼1/2 moments are significantly canted, resulting in weak ferromagnetic n Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 551 65595141; fax: +86 551 655951149. E-mail address: (L. Zhang). 0038-1098/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. moments of ∼0:1μB =Ir within each IrO2 (ab) plane [13,19]. A Mott insulating gap between UHB and LHB in the Jeff ¼ 1/2 bands is induced by the Coulomb repulsion U (about 0.5 eV). Therefore, magnetic coupling representing the complex spin–orbital states areanticipated in this spin–orbital coupling dominated compound [20]. Recent investigations revealed that Sr2IrO4 exhibits a twodimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic behavior of Jeff ¼1/2 isospins even in the paramagnetic state, where the estimated antiferromagnetic coupling constant as large as J∼0:1 eV comparable to the small Mott gap ð o 0:5 eVÞ [7]. It is suggested that Sr2IrO4 is a unique system in which Slater- and Mott–Hubbardtype behavior coexist [8]. As mentioned above, Sr2IrO4 exhibits a weak ferromagnetic behavior within the ab plane, which suddenly vanishes at a pressure of ∼17 GPa with the material retaining insulating behavior to much higher pressures [21]. In this work, critical behavior of the weak ferromagnetic Sr2IrO4 is investigated by bulk magnetization. It is found that the weak ferromagnetic interaction of Sr2IrO4 lies between the long-range and short-range models with {d: n}¼{2:1} (where d is the partial dimensionality and n is the spin dimensionality), ambiguously indicating a one-dimensional weak ferromagnetic coupling in the two-dimensional layered material. 2. Experiment Polycrystalline Sr2IrO4 was prepared by the solid-reaction method which was described elsewhere [22]. The phase purity M. Ge et al. / Solid State Communications 166 (2013) 60–65 61 has been checked by the X-ray diffraction (XRD). The magnetic properties were measured by the Magnetic Properties Measurement System (Quantum Design MPMS). The isothermal magnetization was measured from 0 T to 6.5 T. The magnetization was performed after the sample was heated well above the critical temperature TC for long time enough to ensure every curve was an initial magnetizing curve. The sample was shaped into long ellipsoid, and the magnetic field was applied along the long axis to decrease the demagnetization energy. 3. Results and discussion Fig. 1 shows the temperature dependence of magnetization [M(T)] under H ¼0.2 T. A magnetic phase transition from paramagnetic (PM) state to weak ferromagnetic (WFM) state was detected with temperature decreasing. In addition, a divergency appears between the zero-field-cooling (ZFC) and field-cooling (FC) curves, which means spin canting behavior [22]. The inset of Fig. 1 depicts dM/dT vs T of the ZFC curve, where TC∼231 K was determined at the peak of the curve. Isothermal magnetization around TC was measured at intervals of 2 K to investigate the critical behavior, as given in Fig. 2(a). In high field region, the effect of charge, lattice, and orbital degrees of freedom is suppressed in a ferromagnet and the order parameter can be identified with the macroscopic magnetization [23]. Fig. 2(b) gives the Arrott plot of M2 vs H/M. Generally, M2 vs H/M should be a series of parallel straight lines in the high field range in the Arrott plot. The intercept of the M2 as a function of H/M on the H/M-axis is negative above TC, while it is positive below TC. The line of M2 vs H/ M at TC should pass through the origin. According to the criterion proposed by Banerjee [24], the order of the magnetic transition can be determined from the slope of the straight line: the positive slope corresponds to the second order transition while the negative to the first order one. Apparently, the positive slope of the M2 vs H/M implies that the PM-WFM transition is a second order one, as shown in Fig. 2(b). However, all curves in the Arrott plot are nonlinear and show curvature downward even in the high field region, which indicates that the long-range Landau meanfield theory with β ¼ 0:5 and γ ¼ 1:0 are not satisfied for Sr2IrO4 according to Arrott–Noakes equation of state ðH=MÞ1=γ ¼ ðT−T C Þ=T C þ ðM=M 1 Þ1=β [25]. Hence, a modified Arrott plot should be employed to obtain the critical parameters. Is is well known that for a second order ferromagnetic phase transition, its critical behavior can be studied through a series of critical exponents. In the vicinity of a second order magnetic phase transition, the divergence of correlation length ξ ¼ ξ0 jðT C −TÞ=T C j−ν leads to universal scaling laws for the spontaneous magnetization MS and initial susceptibility χ 0 . The mathematic definitions of the Fig. 1. (Color online) Temperature dependence of magnetization [M(T)] for Sr2IrO4 (the inset shows the dM/dT vs T of the ZFC curve). Fig. 2. (Color online) (a) Initial isothermal magnetization around TC measured at intervals of 2 K. (b) The Arrott plot of M2 vs H/M. exponents from magnetization can be described as [26,27] M S ðTÞ ¼ M 0 ð−εÞβ ; ε o 0; T o T C χ 0 ðTÞ−1 ¼ ðh0 =M 0 Þεγ ; M ¼ DH1=δ ; ε 4 0; T 4T C ε ¼ 0; T ¼ T C ð1Þ ð2Þ ð3Þ where ε ¼ ðT−T C Þ=T C is the reduced temperature; M0/h0 and D are critical amplitudes. Parameters β (associated with MS), γ (associated with χ 0 ) and δ (associated with TC) are critical exponents. Four kinds of trial models of 3D-Heisenberg model (β ¼ 0:365, γ ¼ 1:386), tricritical mean-field model (β ¼ 0:25, γ ¼ 1:0), 3D-Ising model (β ¼ 0:325, γ ¼ 1:24), and 3D-XY model (β ¼ 0:345, γ ¼ 1:316) are used to make a modified Arrott plot, as given in Fig. 3. All these models yield quasi-straight lines in high field region, and the line of M 1=β vs ðH=MÞγ at TC just passes through the origin. In order to distinguish which model is the best, the normalized slope (NS), which is defined as NS ¼S(T)/S(TC) (where S(T) is the slope of M 1=β vs ðH=MÞ1=γ , are plotted in Fig. 4. In an ideal model, all values of NS should be equal to ‘1’ because the modified Arrott plot should consist of a series of parallel straight lines. For Sr2IrO4, NS of the 3D-Heisenberg model is the one close to ‘1’ mostly, and the line of M2 vs H/M at 231 K passes through the origin. Moreover, Jackeli et al. and Katukuri et al. suggested a 62 M. Ge et al. / Solid State Communications 166 (2013) 60–65 Fig. 3. (Color online) Isotherms of M 1=β vs ðH=MÞ1=γ with (a) 3D-Heisenberg model. (b) Tricritical mean-field model. (c) 3D-Ising model. (d) 3D-XY model. Fig. 4. (Color online) The normalized slopes (NS) as a function of temperature defined as NS ¼ S(T)/S(TC ¼ 231 K). short-range antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interaction theoretically [28,29]. Therefore, the short-range 3D-Heisenberg model is chosen as the starting model to generate the initial MS and χ −1 0 . As can bee seen, the initial MS and χ −1 0 are obtained by the linear extrapolation from high field region to the intercepts. Then, a set of β and γ was yielded, which is used to reconstruct a new modified Arrott plot. Then, a new set of β and γ can be obtained. This procedure was repeated until that β and γ do not change. The last obtained MS and χ −1 0 are shown in Fig. 5(a). According to Eqs. (1) and (2), it is obtained from the modified Arrott plot that β ¼ 0:279 7 0:002 with TC ¼230.4 70.2 and γ ¼ 1:749 7 0:004 with TC ¼ 230.3 70.1. One can see that TC obtained from the modified Arrott plot is in good agreement with that obtained from the M(T) curve. Moreover, β and γ obtained by this iteration method are independent of the starting model. More accurately, critical exponents β and γ can be determined according to the Kouvel–Fisher (KF) method [30] M S ðTÞ T−T C ¼ dM S ðTÞ=dT β ð4Þ Fig. 5. (Color online) The MS and χ −1 0 vs T with the fitting curves. (b) KF plot for MS (left) and χ −1 0 (right) (solid lines are fitted). χ −1 0 ðTÞ −1 dχ 0 ðTÞ=dT ¼ T−T C γ ð5Þ M. Ge et al. / Solid State Communications 166 (2013) 60–65 63 −1 According to the KF method, MS(T)/[dMS(T)/dT] and χ −1 0 ðTÞ=½dχ 0 ðTÞ=dT are as linear functions of temperature, and the slopes are 1=β and 1=γ, respectively. Fig. 5(b) plots MS(T)/[dMS(T)/dT] and −1 χ −1 0 ðTÞ=½dχ 0 ðTÞ=dT vs T, where the exponents are obtained as β ¼ 0:284 7 0:008 with TC ¼ 230.870.9 and γ ¼ 1:726 70:04 with TC ¼230.570.2. The exponents obtained by the KF method are consistent with those generated by the modified Arrott plot, indicating reliability of these critical exponents. As confirmation, the critical exponents can be tested according to the prediction of the scaling hypothesis. In the critical asymptotic region, the magnetic equation can be written as [27] MðH; εÞ ¼ εβ f 7 ðH=εβþγ Þ ð6Þ where f 7 are regular functions with f+ for T 4 T C and f− for T o T C . Eq. (6) indicates that MðH; εÞε−β vs Hε−ðβþγÞ forms two universal curves for T 4 T C and T o T C , respectively. The isothermal magnetization around TC is plotted as this prediction of the scaling hypothesis in Fig. 6, with the log–log scale in the inset of Fig. 6. All experiment data collapse onto two independent curves. The obedience of Eq. (6) over the entire range of the normalized variables further indicates the reliability of these obtained critical exponents. The critical exponent δ can be determined by the critical isotherm analysis from M(H) at TC following Eq. (3). It is determined TC ¼231 K from the obtained critical exponents. Thus, the isothermal magnetization at T¼ 231 K is given in Fig. 7, where the inset plots the log–log scale. The lg(M)–lg(H) relation yields straight line at higher field range ðH 41:5 TÞ with the slope 1=δ, where δ ¼ 4:443 7 0:008 is obtained. According to the statistical theory, these three critical exponents should agree with the Widom scaling relation δ ¼ 1 þ γβ−1 [31]. Thus, there is δ ¼ 7:269 70:04 from Fig. 5(a) and δ ¼ 7:077 7 0:09 from Fig. 5 (b). However, δ obtained from the Widom scaling law deviates from that generated by the critical isotherm analysis. It should be mentioned that the Widom scaling law is well obeyed for a ferromagnet with fully polarized spins. Nevertheless, Sr2IrO4 is a canted antiferromagnetism with incomplete polarized spins in the ab plane [22], which is very different from the conventional ferromagnet with spin–spin interaction. The incomplete polarization of spins in Sr2IrO4 may be the reason of this discrepancy. In addition, the strong spin–orbital coupling is suggested to renormalize the critical exponents significantly [33]. As we know, the strong spin–orbital coupling of Sr2IrO4 is as large as λ∼380 meV, which may be another fact causing the discrepancy of the critical exponents from theoretical values [32]. Besides, it is demonstrated that the weak ferromagnetism is caused by the Dzialoshinsky– Moriya (DM) interaction due to the lattice distortion, which can also result into the deviation from the Widom scaling law [15]. In a word, the weak ferromagnetic mechanism in Sr2IrO4 is very Fig. 6. (Color online) Scaling plot below and above TC using β and γ determined by the KF method (only several typical curves are shown). Fig. 7. (Color online) Isothermal M(H) at TC ¼ 231 K (the inset shows the same plot in log–log scale and the solid line is the linear fitting). different from that in a common ferromagnet, which results into the discrepancy from the Widom scaling law. The critical exponents of Sr2IrO4, as well as several theoretical models [34–36], are listed in Table I for comparison. As you can see, although the starting model is 3D-Heisenberg model, the final critical exponents by the iteration method are independent of the starting parameters. Moreover, the obedience of the scaling equations also indicates the reliability of these obtained critical exponents. However, the critical exponents of Sr2IrO4 does not belong to any single universality class. As we know, for a homogeneous magnet, the universality class of the magnetic phase transition depends on the exchange interaction J(r). A renormalization group theory analysis suggests that the long-range exchange interaction decays as JðrÞ∼r −ðdþsÞ (where d is the spatial dimension and s is a positive constant), and the short-range exchange interaction decays as JðrÞ∼e−r=b (where b is the spatial scaling factor) [34,37,38]. The long or short range of spin interaction depends on the s. According to the theory of renormalization group, s is determined by [34,40,39] " # 2Gð2dÞð7n þ 20Þ 4n þ 2 8ðn þ 2Þðn−4Þ 1þ Δs þ 1þ ð7Þ Δs2 ¼ γ 2 dnþ8 ðn−4Þðn þ 8Þ d ðn þ 8Þ2 where Δs ¼ ðs− 2dÞ, Gð2dÞ ¼ 3− 14 ð2dÞ2 , d is the spatial dimensionality, n is the spin dimensionality. The short-range Heisenberg model is valid when s 4 2, while the long-range mean-field model is satisfied when s o3=2. In present case, based on the experimental γ ¼ 1:726, it can be obtained that s ¼ 1:582 following Eq. (7). It can be seen that s lies between the long-range and short-range interaction ð3=2 o s o 2Þ. In addition, one can see that although γ ¼ 1:726 is close to the short-range interaction with {d:n}¼{2:1} (β ¼ 0:125, γ ¼ 1:75 and δ ¼ 15:0), β ¼ 0:284 approaches the longrange interaction with {d:n}¼{2:1} (β ¼ 0:298, γ ¼ 1:392 and δ ¼ 5:67) (as listed in Table 1). Here d¼ 2 indicates that the spatial dimensionality of Sr2IrO4 belongs to two-dimensional materials, and n¼1 generally implies uniaxial or Ising-like magnetic interaction. The experimental results ambiguously indicate that the critical behavior of Sr2IrO4 lies between long-range and short-range interaction with {d:n}¼{2:1}, which demonstrates one-dimensional weak ferromagnetic coupling in the two-dimensional layered Sr2IrO4. In addition, it is found that the experimental critical exponents are slight smaller that the theoretical values. In fact, for spin–spin and density–density correlations, the critical exponents decrease with the growth of the spin–orbital interactions [33]. The weak ferromagnetism of Sr2IrO4 is very different from the conventional ferromagnetism. As we know, the weak ferromagnetism of Sr2IrO4 correlates intimately with the antiferromagentism, which makes this system can also be regarded as canted antiferromagnetism. Previously theoretically investigations have 64 M. Ge et al. / Solid State Communications 166 (2013) 60–65 Table 1 Critical exponents of Sr2IrO4 as well as different theoretical models (MAP ¼ modified Arrott plot; KF¼Kouvel–Fisher method; CI ¼ critical isotherm analysis). Material Ref. Method TC (K) β γ δ Sr2IrO4 Sr2IrO4 Sr2IrO4 {d:n} ¼{2:1} This work This work This work MAP KF CI 230.4 70.2 230.8 70.9 231 0.2797 0.002 0.284 7 0.008 – 1.7497 0.004 1.726 70.004 – – – 4.4437 0.008 2D short-range ðJðrÞ∼e−r=b Þ {d:n} ¼{2:1} [34] Theory – 0.125 1.75 15.0 2D long-range ðJðrÞ∼r −ðdþsÞ Þ {d:n} ¼{3:1} 3D-Ising model {d:n} ¼{3:2} 3D-XY model {d:n} ¼{3:3} 3D-Heisenberg model Mean-field model Tricritical mean-field model [34] Theory – 0.298 1.393 5.67 [35] Theory – 0.325 1.24 4.82 [35] Theory – 0.345 1.316 4.80 [35] [35] [36] Theory Theory Theory – – – 0.365 0.5 0.25 1.386 1.0 1.0 4.8 3.0 5.0 demonstrated that the antiferromagentism of Sr2IrO4 belongs to the short-range Heisenberg interaction [7,28,29]. Thus, the weak ferromagnetic interaction tends to be short-range interaction. However, as one can see from the experimental results that the short-range interaction alone cannot describe the weak ferromagnetic behavior. In fact, it is concluded that the weak ferromagnetism of Sr2IrO4 originates from the DM interaction from the structural aspect [15]. Therefore, the total Hamiltonian is written ! ! ! ! ! as: H ¼ J S i S j þ J z Szi Szj þ D ð S i S j Þ (where the first item is the short-range Heisenberg interaction, the second one is symmetric anisotropy, and the third one describes the DM interaction) [28]. The DM interaction, which gives rise to short ranged but of lower spatial symmetry, will explain the short-range and low spatial interaction with {d:n} ¼{2:1} in Sr2IrO4 [38]. Moreover, the second item of the Hamiltonian, i.e. symmetric anisotropy, also indicates a lower spatial interaction. Concerning the long-range interaction, it is suggested that the 5d orbits are more expansive than 3d or 4d orbits, which tends to forming long-range interaction [14]. Besides, the transport behavior implies negligible longrange Coulomb repulsions between electrons in this temperature region [14]. The critical behavior of Sr2IrO4 is determined by the competition of the short-range and long-range interactions. 4. Conclusion In summary, critical behavior of Sr2IrO4, which exhibits weak ferromagnetism in the ab plane, is investigated by the bulk magnetization study. Critical exponents β ¼ 0:284 70:008 and γ ¼ 1:726 7 0:004 with TC ¼ 230.870.9 are obtained by the KF method, and δ ¼ 4:443 7 0:008 is generated by the critical isotherm analysis at TC ¼230 K. The obtained critical exponents of Sr2IrO4 lie between the predictions of long-range and short-range theoretical models with {d:n}¼{2:1} (where d is the partial dimensionality and n is the spin dimensionality), which indicates one-dimensional ferromagnetic coupling in the two-dimensional layered material. On the other hand, the results indicate the ferromagnetic interaction distance lies between the long-range and short-range interaction. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China through Grant nos. 11204288, 11174262 and 11004196, the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China through Grant no. 2012M521226, the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences through Grant no. 106CS31121 (Hefei institutes of Physical Science, CAS), and the State Key Project of Fundamental Research of China through Grant no. 2010CB923403. References [1] C.H. Kim, H.S. Kim, H. Jeong, H. Jin, J. Yu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 106401. [2] M. Marco, D. Haskel, N.S. Neto, J.C. Lang, V.V. Krishnamurthy, S. Chikara, G. Cao, M.V. Veenendaal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 216407. [3] J.J. Yang, Y.J. Choi, Y.S. Oh, A. Hogan, Y. Horibe, K. Kim, B.I. Min, S.W. Cheong, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 116402. [4] A.F. Fang, G. Xu, T. Dong, P. Zheng, N.L. Wang, Sci. Rep. 3 (2013) 1153. [5] D.I. Khomskii, T. Mizokawa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 156402. [6] X.G. Wan, A.M. Turner, A. 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