International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences © 2015 Available online at ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 9 (3): 355-360 Science Explorer Publications Investigating the Relationship between Civilorganizational Behavior in Financial Organizations and Organizational Structure Aspects (the case study of West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank) Mehdi Jamshidi Shorje, Masoud Ghahremani Department of Public Administration, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran Corresponding Author email: ABSTRACT: The present study strives to investigate the relationship between organizational civil behavior in financial organizations and organizational structure aspects in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. The study is applied and descriptive-survey in terms of goal and the design. The statistical population comprises all workers employed in Mehre Egtesad bank of West Azarbaijan. The sample size was estimated as 103 people to be chosen using stratified random sampling method. The study made use of questionnaire to collect the required data i.e. Robins and Posakof questionnaires for organizational structure variable and civil behavior variable, respectively. The validity of questionnaires was evaluated by the experts and supervisors. The reliability of questionnaires was estimated as 0.783. Using descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients), the data were analyzed. The results indicated that there was a correlation between organizational-civil behavior in financial organizations and organizational structures in Mehre Egtesad bank of West Azarbaijan. Keywords: Developing organizational civil behavior in financial organizations, organizational structure aspects, Mehre Egtesad Bank of West Azarbaijan INTRODUCTION Public and private banks are currently regarded as the key factors of social, economic, cultural and political development in societies which play a great role in the economic progression. These centers are considered as the leading elements to the developments of societies which indicates that the efficacy and effectiveness of banking system would assist the development of that country from different perspectives. It has been found by financial and banking institutes that they are not able to meet the needs of their customers without enjoying committed and professional human resource when it comes to difficulty (Moshbbaki, 1999). Organizational-civil behavior guarantees that the individual makes sure of what elements are important to him and ascertains the values and criteria that he would lead his affairs and behaviors based on them. In addition, seeking for genesis would lead to self-actualization and qualification (Navabakhsh et al., 2009: 36). It would be claimed that the more the values of people are more acknowledged, people are easily adjusted to the organizational civil behavior. in other words, the more the values and point of views if individuals in relation to occupation and his organizational position differs highly with those of others, it will be more probable to meet the confusion in making organizational civil behavior (Ahanchian and Baratlo, 2005). Organizational structure involves the identification of all components in roganziations and determining the quality oif relationship among these elements (Schekkerman, 2004). The importance of organizational and organizational civil behavior would lead to teams’ integrity, hence it is worth to Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (3), 355-360, 2015 investigate the relationship between the two variables whose identity providing structure has not formed yet (Hoseinpor, 2005). The staff working at West Azarbijan Mehre Egtesad Bank, to be known as the largest capitals of each society, play an important role in treating human resource leading to the human community development. Review of literature Johnson and Holadi and Queens (2009) indicate that organizational civil behaviors are taken into account as the informal cases to be useful in behavioral and environmental behaviors which are regarded as important in the form of cooperation and other colleague. In short-term organizational civil behavior, the behavior of staff working in work setting to be related directly or indirectly to the amount of reward where these rewards are contributive to the level of efficiency and progression of organizations (Lin, 2008). Organ (1988) considers the staff civil behavior as the positive and effective implementation in relation to increasing the efficiency and integrity in the work setting. Also, he believes that organizational civil behaviors emphasize three main characteristics: The behavior should be optional, i.e. it should not be pre-determined and as the official task of an individual. The benefits of this behavior are organization-based. The organizational civil behavior are multidimensional nature. Categories of organization civil behavior Graham believes that the civil behavior falls into three categories including organizational information, organizational loyalty and organizational cooperation. 1. Organizational obedience: this term describes the behaviors whose importance and efficiency of identification have been adopted, organizational obedience indexes such as respecting the organizational rules, doing the tasks completely and doing the responsibilities based on organizational resources. 2. Organizational loyalty: such a loyalty to organization is different from those having to do with other people which indicate the level of staff loyalty in line with organization benefits and protecting the organization. 3. Organizational cooperation: the term is meaningful in relation to organization affairs. It describes the participation in congregations, sharing the ideas with others and getting knowledge in relation to current issues of organization along with involving in all aspects of organizational life (Binstock, 2003, cited in Ramin Mehr et al., 2009). Aspects of organizational civil behavior Organizational civil behavior includes the behaviors to be called aspects of organizational civil behavior (Mormen, 1993). Altruism is based on the factor including the visual behaviors which affects the assistance to other people in relation to organizational mission. Such behaviors are led in line with assisting the staff where they have to do with the task of gathering the information. When an organization organizes a social event in which the cooperation of organization members is taken into account as an important factor, such a condition preserves the integrity and describes the whole organization as an independent identity. Alison et al. (2001) have described such a performance as the chastity of organizational civil behavior. In general, this aspect of organizational civil behavior includes the support of the best organizational benefits categorized by cooperation in organizational policies taking part in optional meetings and drawing attention to the objective events (Organ, 1997; Werber, 2007). Implications of organizational civil behavior The study conducted by Organ (2005) shows that organizational civil behavior maximizes the efficiency in staff members. Poosakof et al (1997) have highlighted on the underlying level that organziaitonal ciivl behavior assists the new employers in making efficient affairs and helps developing the best performance in organization (Chiboiwa et al. 2011). Organizational civil behavior has been developed as the affective fctor of client satisfaction, service quality and client loyalty (Poodsakof, 2000). Conceptualization of organizational structure Organizational structure is the reflection of systematic thought. The organization is the combination of elements, the relationship among the elements and the relations framework as the general term leading to unity (Check Land, 1999). As indicated by Bong (1979), the structure is the ultimate 356 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (3), 355-360, 2015 composition of the relations among elements which form the basis of organizational tasks and activities, the systematic point of view to organization shows that structure is the combination of soft elements in one and the hard elements on the other. In hard continuum, there are tangible elements such as groups and organizational units. The relationship among these groups and the reflective groups are considered as the soft element in the organization structure, the end of soft element continuum, there is the judgment of organizational people of the structure (Draft, R.L. 2006). Blu (1974) defines the organizational structure as follows: “determining and positioning the people in different areas of organizational diagram in social positions and the ones to be contributive to organizational relations”. Traditional client-based structures The traditional structures are considered to have fallen into three categories, namely the kind of task, the kind of product and geographical scope. Providing the organizational structure on account of the kind of activities and the kind of product are considered as the common methods to be used by the organizations, the activities in the structures based on the kind of task are categorized as bottom-up (Stevenson, H., Gumper, D. 1985). When it comes to structures based on the product, different sections of organization are organized based on the kind of product, the kind of service, group of products, the kind of task, plans and programs or on the account of benefit centers. Such a structure is appropriate for non-consistent contexts categorized by low-to-medium level of confidence and this is suggested for multi-product organizations, the drawbacks of such a structure have to do with not making economic considerations, incompetency in different production lines and lack of observation in production (Jafari and Akhavan, 2006). Related studies The result of the study conducted by Ansari et al (2010) titled investigating the relationship between job stresses, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational civil behavior have been obtained through using the modelling method where they showed that the suggested model was appropriate and there was a positive and strong relationship between job satisfaction and organizational civil behavior. Both job satisfaction and organizational commitment revealed a direct and significant relationship. The study carried out by Zeinabadi (2009) revealed that the mean of female teachers was significantly less than that of male participants in terms of the variable, however, the correlation between them was significant in male participants. Also the fitting was better in male teachers in terms of the data. Although direct and indirect standard coefficients were higher in male teachers, there was no significant difference with regard to female teachers. The predictability power of organizational civil behavior was determined by male samples. Andalib Korshi (2011) conducted a research titled the investigation of the effect of self-confidence and organizational identity on organizational civil behavior in which the staff of different state universities of Pakistan were chosen. In addition, the gender and career relation were studied. Organizational identity and self-confidence were reported to be effective in predicting organizational civil behavior. Jahad Mohamad et al (2011) conducted a research titled “job satisfaction and organizational civil behavior: an experimental study in Higher Educational Center”. The finding of the study showed that job satisfaction was significant predictor of job satisfaction both internally and externally. Research hypotheses Main hypothesis There is a significant relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and subscales of organizational structure in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. Secondary hypotheses There is a significant relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and complexity in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. There is a significant relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and formality in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. There is a significant relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and focus in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. 357 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (3), 355-360, 2015 METHODOLOGY The statistical population of the present study comprises of all 141 employers working in West Azrbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank among which 103 people were chosen using Cochran formula and determined as 22 strata. In order to make the study, the survey method was employed and Robins (1987) standard organizational structure was utilized to collect the statistical data. Also, Podsakof et al. (2000) 5scale organizational civil behavior was used. Determining variables of complexity criteria, formality, focus and organizational civil behavior were given to questions 1-7, 8-14, 15-24 and 25-41, respectively. This questionnaire has been designed based on the integrated items ranged from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high) to be chosen by the participants. Inferential analysis of statistical data The result of the study indicate that 90.3% and 6.85 of the participants have to do with male and female, respectively. Also, the highest age range of the participants fall into 40-50 years of age and the job experience of 10-15 years comprised the most frequent case where the level of education for participants was that of Bachelor of Arts. Main hypothesis There is a significant relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and subscales of organizational structure in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. Table 1. Studying organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and aspects of organizational structure complexity Organizational civil behavior in financial institutions Pearson correlation coefficient 0.232 Level of significance 0.019 Frequency 103 According to the above table, less than 0.05 level of significance was obtained (first-class error estimation is called level of confidence or level of significance. the choice of this level is optional, however, 0.05 and 0.01 levels are considered acceptable for scholars. in other words, in case the difference with 95% is due to sampling error, the difference is said to be significant and the null hypothesis is rejected). So, null hypothesis is rejected i.e. there is a significant relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and subscales of organizational structure in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. One would say that since Pearson correlation coefficient is 0.232, there is a positive and strong relationship between the two variables. Secondary hypothesis 1: There is a significant relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and complexity in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. Table 2. Studying organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and complexity formality Organizational civil behavior in financial institutions Pearson correlation coefficient Level of significance Frequency 0.326 0.001 103 According to the above table, less than 0.05 level of significance was obtained So, null hypothesis is rejected i.e. there is a significant relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and complexity in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. One would say that since Pearson correlation coefficient is 0.326, there is a positive and strong relationship between the two variables. 358 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (3), 355-360, 2015 Secondary hypothesis 2: there is a significant relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and formality in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. Table 3. Studying the relationship between organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and formality focus Organizational civil behavior in financial institutions Pearson correlation coefficient Level of significance Frequency 0.052 0.0603 103 According to the above table, greater than 0.05 level of significance was obtained. So, null hypothesis is accepted i.e. there is no significant relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and formality in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. One would say that since Spearman correlation coefficient is 0.052, there is no correlation between the two variables. Secondary hypothesis 3: there is a significant relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and focus in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. Table 4. Studying the relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and focus Organizational structure aspects (subscales) Organizational civil behavior in financial institutions Pearson correlation coefficient Level of significance Frequency 0.102 0.305 103 According to the above table, greater than 0.05 level of significance was obtained. So, null hypothesis is accepted i.e. there is no significant relationship between developing organizational civil behavior in financial institutions and focus in West Azarbaijan Mehre Egtesad Bank. 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