International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences © 2015 Available online at ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 9 (4): 538-541 Science Explorer Publications Investigating the deviation of conventional annual budget performance across public organizations (case study: West Azerbaijan general attorney) Mehran Molavi, Mehdi Sheykhmohammadi Department of Public Administration, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran Corresponding author email: ABSTRACT: The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of deviation of conventional annual budget performance across public organizations (case study: West Azarbaijan general attorney). The statistical population comprises of 83 employers working at West Azarbaijan general attorney. The sample size was estimated as 70 subjects who were chosen based on stratified random sampling method. Researcher-developed questionnaire was used to collect the required data and reliability as well as validity of the questionnaire was determined. The questionnaires were distributed and analyzed through making use of descriptive and inferential statistics. Also, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and one-sample t-test was used to make detailed analysis. The results of the study manifested that the deviation process of conventional annual performance was affective in West Azarbaijan general attorney. In addition, factors such as human barriers, structural as well as organizational factors and technical factors had an impact on deviation of conventional annual budget performance in West Azarbaijan general attorney. Keywords: deviation from conventional annual budget performance, human barriers, structural as well as organizational barriers, technical barriers INTRODUCTION Budget is deemed as the main route of the government since the government accomplishes its financial activities such as getting revenue and paying the expenses for implementing a verity of plans within the framework of budget law. Hence, budget is considered as the reflection of al programs and activities of government which has a big role in developing the national economy. Progressed trend of budgeting does not provide sufficient information regarding the results of expenses for credits and the values of effectiveness and efficiency. Also, this trend has been planned based on the short-term view and is limited by management power when it comes to controlling the expense and supervising the affairs of each section. Public organizations that make use of the approved budgeting are not allowed to use the budget which have been solely devoted for specific area; however, lack of continuous supervision and meticulous investigations across financial system it is observed that organizations have violated the rule and spend the budget on other areas which leads to the way that budget deficit appears. Deviation of conventional annual budget performance values from the predicted values for budgeting developmental programs is considered as one of the facts of planning and budgeting system. The main components of financial decision-making systems are as follows: planning, policy-making and budgeting where lack of consistency of relationship among these components or the inclusion of weakness will lead to disintegration in financial decision-making process in a way that no association is observed among the rules, quantitative goals and quantitative indexes of developmental program and annual budget. In most of the cases, confliction of budget policies and aiming the proposed plans leads to the change in goals and implementation plans which are not considered as optimum for planners and leaders (Doshman Ziari, 2010). Research foundations Deviation of conventional annual budget performance Budgeting is concerned with the process of devoting limited resources to infinite demands. Total efforts made to determine the resources devotion is done to make the maximum use of resources which are not suffice and are said to be scarce. Hence, it is necessary to make use of every limited resource to achieve optimum goals in a way that one is able to declare that the maximum use has been made with the lowest Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 538-541, 2015 expense. Inconsistency between the two facts and limited resources lead to the fact that one should make use of the limited resourced to remove every infinite requirement so that the appropriate extent is met and this is the first assumption of budget (Aronoson, 2006). An important part of the budget control responsibility is met through computing the budgeted values and those obtained by operations. So, it is required that the results of performance and conducted activities in organization for one financial year as a measurement index are given to the management section. Determined by implementation, the real performance is revealed by comparing budget and deviation of it. The indifference between real performance and procedural predetermined plan in organization is identified as the deviation of performance, it is not necessarily sufficient to estimate the deviations; rather it is required that the estimated deviations are analyzed meticulously by experts and professionals. In case the real values are less than the predicted values, the deviation is optimum, otherwise it is inappropriate, it is worth noting that inappropriate deviations in organization means lack of management qualification. Deviation of budget can be contributed to controllable factors either as internal or external factors and can be considered in cause and effect relationship due to appropriate or inappropriate deviation (Esmaeili, 2009). Reasons for deviating the conventional annual budget performance Intra-organizational barriers Human aspect In case the knowledge of human force is considered in determining the implementation of budget, human –related factors appear. The level of employers' knowledge is regarded as the human factors when it comes to exploring the needs of organizations. Regarding the human barriers one can mention the level of skill, expert and awareness of people who have to do with the financial issues of organization. Lack of skilled supervision and investigations of officials can lead to the problems in line with correct implementation of budget to be derived from their expert human force. These factors include: the knowledge expert of planners, the degree of motif in experts of planning, the degree of developers knowledge, the quality of cooperation in decision-making, the change of managers and instability of management. Lack of expert and knowledge of professionals who have taken the responsibility of predicting monetary, time-based and place-based plans can be regarded as the contributive factors of performance difference and approved budget due to the fact these predictions are related to budgeting (Bakhtiari, 2003). Structural and organizational aspect It is attributed to the factors which have been formed based on the organizational official structures. These elements which do not undergo the changes easily are in need of fundamental changes in organizational legal official structure. The components of these factors include: traditional budgeting, strong monitoring devices, use of feedback of budget program, duration of budget planning period (i.e. not categorized as years), the financial system of distribution, resource allocation, clear transparency provisions of the budget, the structure of decision making, coordination, consistency between goals development programs, bureaucracy levels, expanded size of government, providing required telecommunication and information technology infrastructures (Irannejad, Parizi & Sasangohar, 2002). Technical aspect Budget is said to be technical in that it predicts the required credits in receiving and paying section, budget-based predictions or credit estimations require the use of determined regulations that have been formed during the time. Technical aspects of budget processes from the initial levels of providing and determining to confirming the agenda, the quality of legislative proposal, handling customs, notification procedures and the quality of executives achievement to the confirmed and approved resources. Important technical factors can be categorized as total increase of costs, providing on-time credit, incorrect delivery of proposed budget, acceptable standards, and strong supervising sections as a control device. Total increase of costs: is one of the important factors of economic instability, the occurrence of which leads to inflation and the increase of expenses and cost. In case such inflation is not predicted correctly, budget deficit will be manifested and this causes delay of budget. Lack of timely funding: when the budget is approved but the source of financial support is not determined and the receiving of budget is delayed, this mode leads to delay in implementation of budget resulting in deviation of performance in line with approved budget. Failure to provide proper budget proposed: organization faces problem when there is no comprehensive considerations of technical, financial and economic aspects in accomplishing the activities. Acceptable standards for control: when one tends to have an appropriate control system, it is required that there are standards through making use of which one is able to control the financial activities of organizations so that the credit and budget spend is determined and controlled (Khoshkrodian, 2010). Strong supervision section: the very initial point to notice when studying the quality of supervision is the existence of integrated, altered and determined system. In such a system, the role and responsibly of each financial and budget-based sections as well as the quality of their 539 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 538-541, 2015 relationship should be identified and the content of reports to be provided should be clarified, otherwise the professional would not be able to attain optimum results of supervision. In addition, supervision should not be viewed only as the modifier and progression-inducer element. In such a case, supervision can be done in an efficient way and be regarded as the factor to improve the failure of performance. Budget as a tool to control: budget has lost its real meaning across organizations and public administrations where it is regarded as an issue of paying cost and expenses. Such a problem can be effective in the resulted chasm (Doshmanziari, 2005). Related studies Esmaeili (2009) investigated the factors of budget deviation in Keshavarzi bank form managers' perspective indicating on six provinces of Khorasan, Fars, Mazandaran, Kerman, Markazi and Hamedan. The aim of the study was to survey the factors of budget-driven deviations in Keshavarzi bank indicating on 6 provinces and the following hypotheses were provided: 1) Lack of funding diversion program to forecast the budget led to the deviation in Keshavarzi bank 2) the existence of the account debtors (accounts) led to the deviation in Keshavarzi bank 3) lack of adequate monitoring and control of budget performance led to the deviation in Keshavarzi bank 4) Lack of flexibility in the decisions of the Supreme Council of the PBO led to the deviation in Keshavarzi bank. The above hypotheses were tested by t-test. Also, first, third and fourth hypotheses were supported. Mahosh Vafaei (2003) investigated the main factors of performance deviation from the approved budget in electricity company projects in Fars. Four hypotheses were developed in the study and Wilcoxon as well as statistical mean test and method were used. It was found through making statistical calculations that deviation was seen and structural barriers were more affective in relation to this type of deviation. Beyond the budgeting of revised budgeting in Northern America was the focus of study conducted by Libby and Linsay (2009). This study was carried out by two medium and large size organizations of Northern America which had observed the budgeting regulations. The results showed that most of the corporations that observed these rules could proceed their goals and programs in an optimum way ad changed the problems to opportunities leading to lowering the extent of budget deviation. Design of the study The statistical population comprises of 83 employers working at West Azarbaijan general attorney. The sample size was determined as 70 using Morgan table and started random sampling was the assumed method. Surveys were provided to make reviews and researcher-developed questionnaire was employed to collect the required data which was based on Likert-5 scale items ranging from very low to very high. Analysis of statistical data Testing main hypothesis: Deviation of conventional annual budget performance has an impact in West Azarbaijan general attorney Table 1. The result of one-sample t-test for the main hypothesis Standard deviation 0.318 Mean Sample size 3.826 70 Test Mean difference Test statistic Degree freedom One-sample ttest 0.823 21.632 69 of Sample size Level of significance 70 0.000 According to the level of significance for one-sample t-test, since the level of significance is less than 0.05, null hypothesis is rejected with 0.5 confidence. Based on the mean difference (0.823), one can say that the man is greater than the mean of test. Thus, it is concluded that deviation of conventional annual budget performance has an impact in West Azarbaijan general attorney First secondary hypothesis: Human barriers have an impact on the deviation of conventional annual budget performance in West Azarbaijan general attorney 540 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 538-541, 2015 Table 2. The result of one-sample t-test for the first secondary hypothesis Standard deviation 0.466 Mean Sample size 4.700 70 Test Mean difference Test statistic Degree of freedom Sample size Level of significance One-sample ttest 1.700 19.977 69 70 0.000 According to the level of significance for one-sample t-test, since the level of significance is less than 0.05, null hypothesis is rejected. Thus, it is concluded that human barriers have an impact on the deviation of conventional annual budget performance in West Azarbaijan general attorney Second secondary hypothesis: Structural and organizational barriers have an impact on the deviation of conventional annual budget performance in West Azarbaijan general attorney Table 3. The result of one-sample t-test for the second secondary hypothesis Standard deviation 0.702 Mean Sample size 3.825 70 Test Mean difference Test statistic Degree freedom One-sample ttest 0.825 9.827 69 of Sample size Level of significance 70 0.000 According to the level of significance for one-sample t-test, since the level of significance is less than 0.05, null hypothesis is rejected. Based on the mean difference (0.825), one can say that the man is greater than the mean of test. Thus, it is concluded that Structural and organizational barriers have an impact on the deviation of conventional annual budget performance in West Azarbaijan general attorney. Suggestions for further researches Human barriers: Since human barriers have an impact on the deviation of conventional annual budget performance in West Azarbaijan general attorney, following lines are suggested from the respondents' point of view: Continuous training of expert in the field of budget Increasing the authorities and motif of experts and managers in decision-making and budgeting processes of organization Making use of expert, experienced and knowledge force in budgeting affairs Training management skills for managers in order to make use of correct risk management Structural and organizational barriers Since structural and organizational barriers have an impact on the deviation of conventional annual budget performance in West Azarbaijan general attorney, following lines are suggested from the respondents' point of view: Reducing the size of organization or removing the complexities of organization and lowering the sequential order of internal affairs of organization in relation to budgeting Planning the reform of bureaucracy system and reducing the official communications Establishing and making use of integrated financial system in order to improve the budgeting process Employing information feedback system as a control factor in budgeting REFERENCES Aronson R. 2006. 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