International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences © 2015 Available online at ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 9 (4): 596-602 Science Explorer Publications Weighting Organizational Conflict Sources through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the Ministry of Youth and Sport in Iran *Tahereh Azmsha1, Faride Ashraf Ganjouei2, Saeid Sadeghi Boroujerdi3, Ali zarei2 1. Academic Member in Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz 2. Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Department of Physical Education Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran 3. Associate Professor Sport Management, Kourdestan University. *Corersponding Author : Tahereh Azmsha Abstract: The purpose of this study is weighting the sources of organizational conflict through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the country. The method of this study is of mixed a method that has been conducted in the field study form. The population consists of 20 sports executives and professionals. Due to the nature of the study, the sample was considered as equal to the population.This study consists of two stages. The first step of this research is qualitative Delphi method consisting of studying articles, documents and interviews and questionnaires and the second step consists of a quantitative method ofdescriptive - heuristic (AHP) type. After the first phase of the study, 10 sources of organizational conflictwere identified.The results showed that the components of the sources of organizational conflict of differentiated component has been with score (0/146) and the lowest value of the functional contrasts with score (0/046). Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP); Conflict of Sources; Ministry of the Youth and Sport; Iran INTRODUCTION Organizational conflict is a normal part of our everyday lives. Conflicts are created when there is nocoordination and compatibility between the needs of the individual and the organization. Conflict is an inevitable thingand is created due to different goals and ideas and it should be guided and minimized (Hoteop et al. 2010: 2).Organizational conflict is our basic and ubiquitous part of our corporate life. Indeed, given the diversity of the organization's workforce, coupled with globalization and corporate events and common human experience, knowledge managers managing organizational conflict seems inevitable (Yi-Hui-Lee, 2011: 43). Undoubtedlythe ability to overcome conflict is one of themost important skills that people need (Bankovskaya, 2012: 16).Organizations where there is less conflict generally fail in a competitive environment.Members of these organizations are either too heterogeneous that have little preparation to adjust with or adapt to a changing environment or are happy with the status quo in a way that they imagine they have no need to improvement of the status quo (Patok 2010: 2). Conflict is a process in which a conscious effort is being made by a person to attempt to neutralize the individual b’s attempts. As a result, the individual bbecomes desperate on the path to his goal or he adds the individual ‘a’ to his interests (Robbins, 2006, quoted in Bennerrman, 2012: 1). The conflict is, in another sense, a function of gaining power (McDonald, 2011: 21).Studies on high and middle level managers indicate that an average of twenty percent of their time is spent on management of Organizational Conflicts (Amin Al-Din, 2009: 5). Because of the importance of managing conflict, it is more important than decision-making skills, leadership, organization, and communication; and organizations and individuals can improve their personal and general effectiveness with conflict management (Yi - Hui - Lee, 2011: 41).Conflicts are not created by themselves and have various reasons. Studies show that the main causes of the conflicts involves three factors including: communication differences, structural differences, and individual differences (Nadin, 2012: 111).Organizations Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 596-602, 2015 have different means of communication, dreams, religious andpolitical views, and cultural backgrounds (Richie et al, 2007: 46). In many communities, these differences lead to conflicts between individuals and groups of species (groups).Therefore, the existence of differences, dangers, and incentives distinct from one another in organizations’ staff from one side and sustainability of the organization and coordination of efforts of individuals and other components of organizations from the other side make the organizational context inevitable in confronting organization conflicts (Amin Al-din, 2009: 2). In many organizations, especially sports organizations that have a daunting task, conflict is in form of a serious problem. Maybe this phenomenon does not have such a power in any place that lead to the dissolution of the organization, but without a doubt it can be awfully effective on the function of organization or create conditions that make most organizations lose their most efficient forces (Rahim, 2002, 207).The present complexity in the structure of most of organizations causes conflict among those groups of members whose duties are interdependent but their roles are incompatible with one another (Zikic, 2012, 202). These conflicts are seen in greater organizations (ministries) each of which compete with one another for receiving scarce sources (Amin Aldin, 2009: 2). Conflicts resulted from incompatibility of role may overlap with conflicts resulted from individual differences or information deficiencies. Personal differences of members generally remain dormant unless it is emerged by an organization stimulus such as cross-functional responsibilities (Bankovskaya, 2012: 12). One of the reasons, which make employeesperceive that roles granted to them are incompatible, is that it is working based on different data bases.They are in contact with various groups of individuals and are placed in different reporting systems and receive instructions from different managers (Rahim, 2002, 207). In a research done by Amin Al-din (2009) investigating conflict management in Malaysian sporting organizations, they concluded that the competition for gaining power, focus, incompatibility in objectives are of the most effective sources in creating conflict in Malaysian sporting organizations (Ministry of Youth and Sport of Malaysia, National Council of Sport, and Malaysian Olympic Council). One of the other effective sources in organizational conflict is pressures that are resulted from the environment. Conflicts resulted from personal differences and incompatibilities of role and incompatible objectives are intensified to a great extent by a stressful environment (Patok, 2010: 3)."Baron" suggests, in a research paper while citing numerous research, that personality traits may cause interpersonal conflicts (McDonald, 2011: 14). Zikicet al., came to the conclusion during a study in 2012that from 25 success factors of managers, conflict management plays the most important role in the success ofmanagers (Zikic et al., 2012: 203). Yi – Hui – Lee (2011) dealt with a research titled “Conflict in Virtual Relations within the Enterprise” as well and the results of this research demonstrated that three sources are identified as the most effective obstacles in the creation of organizational conflict including communication issues, variety of organizational culture, and incompatible objectives. It is true that the Physical Training Organization had changed to a ministry, but it should not be forgotten that the potential conflicts in the previous Physical Training Organization, which had been resulted from inefficient and political forces, have still remained in the roots of the Ministry of Youth and Sport and regarding the haphazard integration of the Ministry of Youth, which was directly responsible for the affairs of the young such as marriage, employment, loans, etc., with the Ministry of Youth and Sport, which has separate objectives and policies compared to the Ministry of Youth, will include more than ever the conflict in role, role ambiguity, and incompatibility of objectives in the body of the Ministry of Youth and Sport. Restructuring and change of name of the Physical Education Organization of Islamic Republic of Iran to the Ministry of Youth and Sport, of course, increases the demand and the needs of society from this organization. Ministry of Youth and Sport will be an organization of great diversity and high extensity ranging from the sport construction to public education of sports, and all the great responsibility of the Ministry of Youth and Sports is acknowledged.This issue encompasses the needs to change the organizational chart, the rise of new powers, a clear definition of objectives, and preventing the conflicts because, in case of the emergence of organizational conflict, organization’s forces, instead of convergence and optimal use of the mind, will be after neutralizingeach other that it completely will cause less efficiency insources and the organization will not be able to provide their services (Mozaffari et al., 1391: 100). Another issue is the lack if identification of the sources of organizational conflict in the Ministry of Youth and Sport that should cover a wide range of people that cause the organization to be shown inefficient in the view of the customers and instead of paying attention to customer in this wide range, the attention of organization be directed to its inner problems and issues. From the other side, another concept that brings this organization into focus is the interest of the young in sports and following them especially in championship sectors that have had the national pride with itself like in Olympic Games 2012, London that good results in Greco-Roman wrestling lead to the pride and national honor for the young. 597 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 596-602, 2015 Another important issue that is raised here is the public attitude and culture towards sports.Obviously, it is impossible to ignore the role of sport as an agent of vitality in the society. It is obvious that an organization that has such duties should have dynamic and vibrant organizational environment that, regarding the status quo and the existence of traditional views as an inseparable section in the authorities’ outlook from one side and the existence of traditional forces or individuals with such thoughts that control fundamental changes in the organization, it is reminding us of this fact that until sources of organizational conflicts are not identified, the possibility of changes in the minds of these traditional forces is perhaps far a remote thing. Regarding the above cases, researches are trying to identify the main sources of conflict by identification and weighing these sources through semi-structured interview and field survey with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach from experts and elites that had been in contact with, or working in, this ministry (previous Physical Training Organization). Since the researches have dealt more to the management, strategies for solving conflict, and styles of conflict management in organizations, (without regard to this important point about the nature of the sources of organizational conflict) naturally this will be a new discussion topic in order to increase organizational efficiency in the Ministry of Youth and Sport. And also, the lack of integrated researches and consequently the scientific hole related to sources of conflict and the absence of a comprehensive research for investigation of this source in the ministry of youth and sport of the country and the lack of identification of these sources for next steps of effective management in the Ministry of Youth and Sport, have made the researcher of this study more adamant for doing a scientific research. Based on what mentioned, researchers attempt to scientifically find proper answers for the following questions: Is it possible to independently extract the main sources of conflict, particularly in this ministry, from among various sources of conflict that are in theoretical bases in the Ministry of Youth and Sport and to obtain a precise weighing of sources of organizational conflict? METHODOLOGY Regarding the main objective of the research and the proposed issues, the method of doing this research is mixed method. Grounded theory is used for making the conceptual model of the research. Mixed research method is of sequential exploratory type that is a qualitative and then a quantitative method is done in the form of descriptive-exploratory and of field study type. The statistical population in the first stage of the research, which is research’s Delphi stage, is gotten with N=25 from university faculty members whose range of activities has been related with the Ministry of Youth and Sport (or the previous Physical Training Organization), senior managers of the Ministry of Youth and Sport, chief executive officers of the Ministry of Youth and Sport, Parliament member who have had constant cooperation background with the Ministry of Youth and Sport (or the previous Physical Training Organization), and also from prominent experts of physical training that have had at least masters’ degree. The statistical population in the second stage of the research, which is the researching stage, includes: sport managers and experts that have experience of working in the Ministry of Youth and Sport (previous Physical Training Organization) together with university elites in the special field of sport management and planning in a 27-year-old period from 1365 to 1392 with a number of N=20. In Delphi and AHP stages, accessible and selected samples that have been qualified for this research have been considered. Regarding the nature of the research, the sample is considered as equal to the population. The Second Stage of the Research At first the designer and analyst team is formed from a 4-member group including the researcher, supervisor and faculty advisor in order to design the questionnaire. And later, it is dealt with the investigation of the sources causing organizational conflicts in the Ministry of Youth and Sport, the investigation of the sources causing organizational conflicts in sport organizations in different countries and a review of the theoretical principles and the literature of the topic and comparing them with one another by referring to the present information in internet bases, books, and various journals. Then, first stage Delphi questionnaire is sent to the selected group. Respondents should respond in yes and no forms with regard to the objective of the research and research components, and finally the questionnaire are completed by adding component or components (in case of detection) at the end of each section. After the end of the first stage of Delphi, the questionnaires are collected and the components with 60 percent of respondents’ positive answers will stay in this questionnaire and others with less than 60 percent positive answer (yes) are eliminated. In this stage, regarding the importance of research, some of the Delphi 598 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 596-602, 2015 1 questionnaires are completed with semi-structured interviews and finally, after repeating this stage, the results obtained from two Delphi stages the number of sources of organizational conflicts reached 10. Table 1 indicates range, the number, and variety of samples and the number of interviews with separate work and social status in the Delphi method. Table 1. The Range, the Number, and Variety of Samples and the Number of Interviews with Separate Work and Social Status in the Delphi Method Job and Social Position and Condition Faculty members and university professors in the field of planning and management of sports Senior executives of the Ministry of Youth and Sport and General Manager of Provincial Youth and Sports Parliament Member Master’s degree and sport specialist Total No. of People 10 No. of Interviews 4 7 2 1 7 25 1 3 10 The Second Stage of the Research: The goal of this stage of the research is weighing and ranking the identified components from the second stage of the research. A number of 10 sources of organizational conflict are identified in the second stage. It has been several years that Multiple Attribute Decision-making«MADM» methods have opened their place in the science of decision-making in which choosing a method from among the available strategies or prioritizingapproaches have been proposed. Among these, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been used more than other methods in management. AHP is one of the most versatile multi-purpose decision-making techniques that were invented for the first time by theIraqi-born Thomas L. Sa’ati in the 1970s. AHP reflects the human natural behavior and thinking. This technique investigates complex issues based on their mutual impacts and changes them to a simple form and deals with solving them. AHP can be utilized when the act of decision making is facing with some competing options and decision making criteria. The considered criteria can be both quantitative and qualitative. The basis of this method is based on paired comparisons. Decision-maker begins by providing a hierarchical tree.Hierarchical decision tree indicates the comparison elements and the competing options evaluated in the decision. Then a series of paired comparisons is carried out. These comparisons indicate the weight of each factor in line with the competing alternatives evaluated in decisions. Ultimately, the logic of AHP combines the matrices resulted from thepaired comparisons with one another to let theoptimized decision be achieved. All (AHP) questionnaires have been completedtogether with interviews. As it is indicated in the table 2, a number of 20 AHO questionnaires are filled and given back. Table 2. Completed Questionnaire in AHP Stage Type of Organization University Faculty Members in the Field of Sport Management and Planning (University Elites) Senior executives of the Ministry of Youth and Sport and General Manager of Provincial Youth and Sports Parliament Member The Federations’ Board of Directors CEO of Persepolis Club and Director of the Former Physical Training and Sport and Youth Total No. of People 5 8 1 4 2 20 1 Semi-structured interview and of conceptual interview type (it is with the aim of explaining and conceptual description of a phenomenon or subject. In this method, the interviewer is trying to explain a phenomenon in relation to notions of conceptual structure. Questions in this style of interviewing are with the exploration of meaning and conceptual dimensions of principal terms and their position and relation with conceptual networks) is done with a number of sport managers that are working or had been working more than ten years in sports (the physical training organization in the past and currently the Ministry of Youth and Sport) and also interviewing a number of university elites that have had or have executive experience in sports and also specialist and elite professors of university, it is dealt with the factors related to the main components if the research. 599 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 596-602, 2015 Findings of the Research Table 3 indicates the stages of Delphi method that has been done during a 3-month period. Table 3. Stages of Delphi Method Entered Components in the first stage of Delphi: Same level authorities, policies of organization, performance evaluation, competitive environment of the organization, specialization, ambiguity in accountability, large gaps between the face validity of the jobs, subtle control, organizational hierarchy, personality traits, perceptions, cultural differences, contrasts payroll, organizational stress, scarce resources, dependencies between t asks, incompatible goals, differentiation (different values and beliefs), ambiguity and conflict of role, communication problems, unclear regulations, conflicting mandates, imbalanced evaluation and reward system, mental stress of environment, duty conflicts, and failure in information systems. Modified Components from the First Stage: Same level authorities, policies of organization, performance evaluation, competitive environment of the organization, specialization, ambiguity in accountability, large gaps between the face validity of the jobs, subtle control, organizational hierarchy, pers onality traits,incompatible goals, differentiation (different values and beliefs), ambiguity and conflict of role, communication problems, unclear regulations, conflicting mandates, imbalanced evaluation and reward system, mental stress of environment, duty conflicts, and failure in information systems, lack of an update organization (communications and automation system), individual’s trait anxiety, gender gaps, and appointing and dismissals of directors. Extracted Components from Delphi Second Stage Incompatible goals, differentiation (different values and beliefs), ambiguity and conflict in role, communication problems, ambiguous laws, conflict of authorities, inconsistent evaluation and reward systems, environmental stresses, conflicts of duty, and failure in information systems of organizations. Finally, after extraction of the two-stage Delphi questionnaires, ten main source of organizational conflict in this study were identified as follows: 1. Incompatible goals, 2. Differentiation (different values and beliefs), 3. Ambiguity and conflict of role, 4. Communication issues, 5. Ambiguous laws, 6. Conflict of authorities, 7. Inconsistent evaluation and reward systems, 8. Mental Stress of the environment 9. Duty Conflicts, 10. Defects in the organization's information systems. Table 4. Determining the Obtained Rates of Organizational Conflict by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Integrated Number of Questionnaires Sources of Organizational Conflict Differentiation Ambiguity and conflict in role Communication Problems Incompatible goals Ambiguous Laws Conflict of authorities Inconsistent evaluation and reward systems Mental and environmental stresses Defects in information system of organization Duty Conflicts Score 0/146 0/14 0/139 0/135 0/112 0/102 0/065 0/058 0/058 0/046 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 Figure 1. Comparison of the Scores Obtained from Sources of Organizational Conflict by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Integrated Number of Questionnaires 600 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 596-602, 2015 The obtained results from the calculations indicate that the inconsistency rate for the integrated questionnaires of 20 of the elites has been equal to 0/06 and the highest score obtained from among the components of the sources of organizational conflict has been related to the differentiation component with the score 0/146 and the lowest score has been related to duty conflicts with score 0/046. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings of the research in the section of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) showed that of the 20 studied individuals, 2 persons (10%) female and 18 (90%) are male.The most frequency is related to the age group 54 years old with 7 individuals (%35) and the lowest frequency is related to the age group 43 years old with 1 individual (%5). Furthermore, the descriptive findings of the research indicate that of the 20 studied individuals, 6 individuals (%25) are PhD, 9 (%45) are masters’, and 5 individuals (%30) are bachelors. Regarding the frequency distribution related to the experience among the studied population indicate that of 20 individuals the lowest frequency is related to the working experience of 13 years or more with 1 individual (%5) and the most frequency is related to 27 years or more with 6 individuals (%30). Also regarding the frequency distribution related to the management experience among the studied population indicate that of 20 individuals the highest frequency is related to the management experience of 10 years and 14 years with 4 individuals (%20) and the lowest mean is related to management experience of 16 years with 1 individual (%5). Following the findings of the research about the frequency distribution of education major among the studied population indicate that 10 people (%50) have studied Physical Education, 2 people (%10) education Technology, 3 people (%15) Laws, and 5 people (%25) Sport Management. Based on the research findings, in the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Iran, regarding the simultaneous integration of two separate ministries of the youth with fixture - Cultural or Sports - General approach, particularly, ten sources of creation of organizational conflict are identified which respectively are differentiation, ambiguity and conflict in role, communication problems, incompatible goals, ambiguous laws, conflict of authorities, inconsistent evaluation and reward systems, mental and environmental stresses, defects in information system of organization. Strong correlation between the sources of organizational conflict obtained in the Ministry of Youth and Sports according to research results of (Amin Al-din et al, 2009) confirm this important fact that in foreign organizations like those in Malaysia only two sources of incompatible objectives and specific power are identified as the sources effective in conflict in sporting organizations of Malaysia; this is in a while that ten main sources are identified in the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Iran. It seems that most of the disagreements of the managers and staff are resulted from the lack of proper knowledge in both parties of these objectives and the lack of clarity in the objectives. Given this finding, it is recommended that the long-term goals which are formulated by the directors should be quantitatively measurable, realistic, understandable, challenging, hierarchical organization, accessible, and be compatible with the aimsof the organizational units because if these long-term goals are specified in aclear manner,it will be highly beneficial that reduction of conflicts between managers and employees is one of them (Shirazi, 2011: 4).Increased commitment to the overarching goals of the Ministry of Youth and Sport from managers and the experts of this ministry results in the less focus of managers and experts on individual and sector’s objectives and consequently reduction of conflict as a consequence of cooperation (Bartlett, 2009: 91).Attempts in order to create a dynamic and vibrant working condition with the aim of accelerating the process of growth and achievement to objectives of organization with the participation of managers and experts because the main body of the ministry are not let to be involved in the formation of the ministry’s objectives that this aim will success with the participation of managers and experts in the development of objectives; the attempts of the Ministry of Sport and Youth directors to enhance the corporate loyalty in the experts and alignment of opinion of specialists with organizational goals.Participation of units’ members in decision-makings about job evaluations and organizational expectations and objectives can prevent the creation of conflict in organizations. 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