ARTA DOGU TEKNiK UNiVERSiTESi M}DPLE EAST TECHHICAL I.-INIVERSITY u L usi A TtAt rAS I li,iQKi [_Lt1 Br:]LrJ 'rEf-:At?TrdEl.lT Lri $J t-EF rilL,r t4Af f:)htAl RELAT{OI.iS INSTYTUT NAUK POLIT'YCZNYCH DECLARATION OF INTENT ON COOPERATION The Institute of Political Science of University of Warsaw, represented by its Director Professor Stanislaw Sulowski and The Department of International Relations of Middle East Technical University (METU) from AnkaraTurkey, represented by its Chair, Professor Hi.iseyin Bafict, Sign this declaration of intent, fully aware of the importance of collaboration between scientific communities and academic institutions, as well as of the necessary internationalization of university practices, with emphasis on the similarities and potential for cooperation between Turkey and Poland. Clause One By signing this declaration of intent, the Institute of Political Science of University of Warsaw and Department of International Relations of METU declare their common intent to promote cooperation between the two institutions in common scientific areas and through activities of mutual interest. Clause Two 1. Concrete forms of collaboration willtake place in the following areas: a) Exchange of teachers and researchers; b) Exchange of students, creating the necessary conditions to assist their mobility; c) Joint participation in research projects and in scientific and academic events; d) Co-editing of scientific publications; e) Exchange of publications and support for the mutual enrichment of the respective libraries. f) Support given to the preparation of studies, syllabi of current courses or courses to be taught in future and corresponding contents and cooperation in the areas including but not limited to: establishment of a double MA diploma programme in English, cooperation within 2. the existing MA programmes in English at both universities, organizing summer schools for partner's students - on both countries' politics and society respectively. Each of the activities carried out as part of this declaration of intent ought to be governed by a written document or exchange of correspondence, which must include the specific purposes, corresponding commitments, deadlines, and eventual sharing of costs. Clause Three intent shall become the agreement after exchange of relevant signatures at the University of Warsaw. In the case of an agreement, the parties to the declaration agree that the The declaration of agreement shall include the following clauses: joint committee is hereby created, with representatives of the two institutions, to implement, monitor and evaluate the objectives of this agreement. To this effect, the representatives are Professor Stanislaw Sulowski, Director of the Institute of Political Science of University of Warsaw and Professor HUseyin Ba$cr, Chair of the Department of International relations of METU. A L. This cooperation agreement will last for a period of three years, starting from the date it is signed, and will be automatically renewed for the same period. 2, 3. Each institution may propose the amendment or revocation of these clauses by giving reasonable notice to the other institution, The content of the previous paragraph is without prejudice to the continuation of ongoing activities and full compliance with what has been agreed. Two identicalcopies will be made of this agreement, which, after having been dully signed, will be given to the two pa 5 June 20L5 Professor Chair of the Depaftment of International Relations of METU of The I S of Political Science of of Warsaw
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