Faculty of Engineering MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BEMBAN FIBRES COMPOSITES Norhayati binti Yahaya Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Systems) 2004 Borang Penyerahan Laporan Projek Tahun Akhir Universiti Malaysia Sarawak BORANG PENYERAHAN LAPORAN PROJEK TAHUN AKHIR Judul: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BEMBAN FIBRES COMPOSITES SESI PENGAJIAN: 2004/2005 Saya NORHAYATI BINTI YAHAYA (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis ini disimpan di Pusat Khidmat Maklumat Akademik, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hakmilik laporan adalah milik penulis dan UNIMAS. Naskhah salinan di dalam bentuk kertas atau mikro hanya boleh dibuat dengan kebenaran bertulis daripada UNIMAS atau penulis. Pusat Khidmat Maklumat Akademik, UNIMAS dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk pengajian mereka. Laporan hanya boleh diterbitkan dengan kebenaran penulis atau UNIMAS. Bayaran royalti adalah mengikut kadar yang dipersetujui kelak. * Saya membenarkan/tidak membenarkan Pusat Khidmat Maklumat Akademik membuat salinan laporan ini sebagai bahan pertukaran di antara institusi pengajian tinggi. ** Sila tandakan ( ) di mana kotak yang berkenaan SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972). TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/ badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan). TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) Alamat tetap: 1386 PERMATANG KERIANG, 13110 PENAGA, SEBERANG PERAI UTARA, PULAU PINANG. Tarikh: CATATAN (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) CIK MAHSHURI YUSOF Nama Penyelia Tarikh: * ** Potong yang tidak berkenaan. Jika laporan ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/ organisasi berkenaan dengan menyertakan sekali tempoh laporan. Ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD. Approval Sheet This project report attached here to, entitled “Mechanical Properties of Bemban Fibres Composites” prepared and submitted by Norhayati binti Yahaya as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree in Bachelor of Engineering with Honors in Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing System is hereby read and approved by: MISS MAHSHURI YUSOF SUPERVISOR DATE: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to express my grateful to Allah s.w.t., as I had managed to complete my final year project successfully. I would like to take this opportunity to thank numbers of people that have contributed directly or indirectly to my final year project. A special thanks goes to my supervisor, Miss Mahshuri Yusof for the supervision along the time I was doing my project. I greatly appreciate her dedication, comments, valuable time, suggestions and supports. I would like to express my thanks to the Mechanical Engineering technicians, for their cooperation and guidance when I was using the laboratory. Also, my gratitude to all my course mates, housemates, and friends, for all the kindness helps and laughers that we shared together. Finally, to my beloved family, thank you for the strong moral support given. Once again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. i ABSTRACT Bemban (Donax Grandis) bast fibre, natural fibre was combined with polyester resin matrix to produce fibre composites. The composites were fabricated using continuous reinforcing fibres, 0 and 90-degree properties. These are to evaluate the effect of lay-up sequence on the mechanical properties of the composites. A tensile test has been carried out and all the specimens were conditioned according to ASTM D3039 before carry out the test. This research and experimental work are done in order to evaluate the potential of natural fibre that can be found in Sarawak, which are bemban. ii ABSTRAK Fiber daripada tumbuhan Bemban (Donax Grandis) dicampurkan dengan ‘polyester resin’ untuk menghasilkan fiber komposit. Komposit ini menggunakan fiber yang berterusan serta berorientasikan 0, 90, dan 0/90 darjah. Ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesan ‘lay-up sequence’ terhadap ciri-ciri mekanikal komposit. Ujian ‘tensile’ dilakukan ke atas spesimen dan keseluruhan spesimen ini disediakan dengan merujuk kepada “America Standard Test Method’ ASTM D3039. Kajian dan kerja-kerja eksperimen dijalankan ke atas fiber komposit bemban untuk melihat potensi fiber semulajadi yang terdapat di Sarawak, iaitu Bemban. iii CONTENTS CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER BORANG PENYERAHAN LAPORAN APPROVAL SHEET ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i ABSTRACT ii ABSTRAK iii CONTENT iv LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF TABLES ix CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Composite Materials 1 1.2 Scope and Objectives 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Natural fibres 6 2.2 Properties of Natural fibres 7 iv 2.3 Problems in The Characterization of The Mechanical 12 Properties of Natural Fibres 2.4 2.3.1 Influence of the clamping length 12 2.3.2 The Calculation of The E-Modulus 13 Polyester resin 15 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 15 3.2 Fibre Processing 15 3.3 Preparation of Specimen 15 3.4 Experimental Procedure 17 3.4.1 17 Tensile Test 3.4.2 Speed of Testing 20 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Introduction 21 4.2 Results and Discussions 22 4.2.1 Stress versus Strain graph for 90 degree orientation 26 4.2.2 Stress versus Strain graph for 0 degree orientation 27 v 4.2.3 Stress versus Strain graph for 0/90 degree orientation 28 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusion 32 5.2 Recommendations 34 REFERENCES 35 APPENDICES 38 vi LISTS OF FIGURES Lists Page Number Figure 1.1 The Bemban Reed Plant 4 Figure 2.1 Use of Natural Fibres for Automotive 8 Composites Figure 2.2a SEM micrographs of longitudinal views of 11 untreated hemp fibre Figure 2.2b SEM micrographs of longitudinal views of 11 6% NaOH treated hemp fibre Figure 2.3 Dependence of the fibre tenacity on the 13 clamping length Figure 2.4 Possible distinctions in the initial range of 14 different natural fibre stress–strain curves Figure 2.5: Modulus values of different natural fibres 14 Figure 3.1 Fibre orientations 16 Figure 3.2 The Testometric Machine 18 Figure 4.1 Force versus Displacement for 0/90 degree 22 orientation Figure 4.2 Force versus Displacement for 0 degree orientation vii 23 Figure 4.3 Force versus Displacement for 90 degree orientation 24 Figure 4.4 Force versus Displacement for 0, 90, and 0/90 25 degree orientations Figure 4.5 Stress versus Strain for 90 degree orientation 27 Figure 4.6 Stress versus Strain for 0 degree orientation 28 Figure 4.7 Stress versus strain for 0/90 degree orientation 29 Figure 4.8 Stress versus strain for 0, 90 and 0/90 30 degree orientation viii LISTS OF TABLES Lists Page Number Table 1.1 Properties of Glass and Natural Fibres 3 Table 2.1 The Effect of Alkalization (6 % NaOH) on 10 fibre Bulk Density Table 2.2 Comparison of typical properties of epoxy and 15 polyester resins used in composite materials Table 3.1 Evaluation of the ASTM-D3039 standards 19 Table 3.2 The Width and Gage Length of Specimens used for a 19 Particular fibre Orientation Table 4.1 Widths and Gage Lengths of Specimens 21 Table 4.2 Mechanical Properties of Bemban Fibres Composites 31 Table 5.1 The Young’s Modulus of Various Natural Fibres 33 ix MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BEMBAN FIBRES COMPOSITES NORHAYATI BINTI YAHAYA This project is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Systems) Faculty of Engineering UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK 2004 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Composite materials The use of composite materials dates from centuries ago, and it all started with natural fibres. In ancient Egypt, some 3000 years ago, clay was reinforced by straw to build walls (W.D. (Rik) Brouwer, 2003). Bledzki and Gassan (1999) reported that natural fibers were used as early as 1908 in the fabrication of large quantities of sheets, where paper or cotton was used to reinforce sheets made of phenol- or melamine-formaldehyde resins. Later on, the natural fibres lost much of its interest. During the sixties, the rise of composite materials began when glass fibres in combination with tough rigid resins was produced on large scale. The last decade, there is a renewed interest in the natural fibre as a substitute for glass. The reason for the interest in using natural fibres is due to the composite possesses better electrical resistance, good thermal and acoustic insulation properties and higher resistance to fraction. Fibres like flax, kenaf, hemp, jute or sisal, have better stiffness per unit weight, renewability, and biodegradability. Natural fibres are relatively low cost than synthetic fibre and could replace them in applications where cost consideration outweighs strength requirements. 1 The most common is jute, which is cheap, and has a reasonable strength and resistance to rot. Jute is mainly used for packaging (sacks and bales). Flax has strong and stiff fibres. The fibres can be spun to fine yarns for textile (linen) (W.D. (Rik) Brouwer, 2003). On the other hand natural fibres have their shortcomings. They have lower durability and lower strength than glass fibre. However, recently develop fibre treatments have improved these properties considerably. Among the natural fibres, bemban is one of the plants, which naturally consists of long natural fibres and commonly found in lowland forest in Sarawak. Bemban reed is plant belonging to the family Marantaceae, especially the species Donax grandis. The bemban reed grows on wet ground near streams or on more hilly terrain. It’s tall and bamboo like stems with leafy branches at their ends and large oval leaves are quite distinctive. The stems are made into second quality baskets and matting, and are also used for sewing ataps. The Iban bemban is a handsome, light to deep green plant with broad shiny leaves growing to a height of several metres (www.sarawakhandicraft.com/bembanfiles/mid_2_htm). They are two types of bemban that used in planting: bemban air and bemban batu. Bemban air or also known as bemban paya (water or marsh bemban) grows closer to water, is fragile and only used in mats. Bemban batu or bemban bukit (stone or hill bemban) is 2 tougher and lives on higher ground. It is of a deeper green than the other varieties and is used for baskets. Table 1.1 shows the properties of glass fibres and some of the natural fibres. The picture of bemban reed plant is illustrated in Figure 1.1. Table 1.1: Properties of glass and natural fibres (W.D. (Rik) Brouwer, 2003) Fibre E- hemp jute ramie coir sisal Cotton 2.55 1.4 1.48 1.46 1.5 1.25 1.33 1.51 strength* 2400 800 - 550 - 400 - 500 220 600- 400 900 800 Properties flax glass Density g/cm3 Tensile 10E6 N/m2 1500 700 E-modulus (GPa) 73 60 - 80 70 10 - 30 44 6 38 12 Specific 29 26 - 46 47 7 - 21 29 5 29 8 1.2 1.8 2 15 - 2-3 3 - 10 11 8 - 25 (E/density) Elongation at 3 failure (%) Moisture - 1.6 1.6 - 7 25 8 12 12 -17 10 absorption (%) *Tensile strength strongly depends on type of fibre, being a bundle or a single filament. 3 Figure 1.1: The bemban reed plant 1.2 Scope and objectives It is reported that there were many researches have been done on natural fibre composites such as kenaf, flax, jute, coir, and hemp. However, bemban fibres do not have been used before commercially as a composite materials and thus, this study is aim to evaluate the potential of the bemban fibres in the future. To evaluate the potential of this natural fibre composites, the research concentrates on the basic properties of this fibre composite is carried out. Basically the objectives of this research are to determine the mechanical properties of unretted bemban fibres and the mechanical properties of bemban fibre composite. 4 In order to determine the objectives of this research, tensile test would be done on the specimen and the data from the test will be used to evaluate the mechanical properties of unretted long fibres composites. 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Natural fibres Before synthetic fibre reinforced composites are utilized, human being liked centuries ago, used natural composites in some applications. The Professional Way in ancient Babylon, one of the lesser wonders of the ancient world, was made of bitumen reinforced with plaited straw. Straw and horsehairs have been used to reinforce mud bricks (improving their fracture toughness) for at least 5000 years. A study done by Centre of Lightweight Structure TUD-TNO (2003) claimed that natural fibres as a substitute for glass fibres in composite components, have gained renewed interest the last decade, especially in automotive industries. According to Mohanty et al. (2003), in automotive parts, compared to glass composites, the composites made from natural fibres reduce the mass of the component and can lower the energy needed for production by 80 %. Natural fibres possess excellent sound absorbing efficiency and are more shatter resistant and have better energy management characteristics than glass fibre reinforced composites. The application of 6 natural fibres is motivated by a combination of environmental friendliness and economical feasibility, natural occurrences, renews ability of fibre resources, and biodegradability. 2.2 Properties of natural fibres Natural fibres, including flax, are increasingly being used as reinforcement of polymer matrix composites (Joffe et al., 2002). Brouwer (2003) in his study entitled “natural fibre composites in structural: alternative applications for sisal” claimed in 1999, natural fibres used in the automotive industries comprised 75 percent flax, 10 percent jute, 8 percent hemp, 5 percent kenaf and 21/2 percent sisal. Eberle and Franze (1998) estimate that the coefficient for reduction in fuel consumption on gasoline powered vehicles ranges from 0.34 to 0.48 l/(100 kg×100 km) in the New European Driving Cycle, while the saving on diesel vehicles ranges from 0.29 to 0.33 l/(100 kg×100 km). In other words, over the lifetime travel of 175,000 km an automobile, a kilogram of weight reduction can result in fuel savings of 5.95–8.4 l of gasoline or 5.1–5.8 l of diesel, and corresponding avoided emissions from production and burning of these fuels. A survey has been done by Karus, M. and Kaup, M. (2002) on the most important German and Austrian producers of natural fibre composites for the automotive industry. Basically, the survey results amongst the tier-one suppliers show that in spite of the relatively poor economic situation in the automotive sector in 2001 and 2002, the use of natural fibres (exclude of wood and cotton) for composites has further increased. Figure 2.1 7 shows the current development till 2002. According to this delineation, 15,100 tons were used in 2001, and a use of 17,200 tons of natural fibres for composites is forecasted for 2002. Figure 2.1: Use of natural fibres for automotive composites (Karus, M. and Kaup, M, 2002) Bhattaeharyya et al. (1961) have studied the effect of process variables such as curing temperature and time on the mechanical properties of jute fibres in phenol formaldehyde. 8 Dweib et al. (2003), have explored mechanical strength of different natural composite materials made of soybean based resin and natural fibres. It was reported that the flexural modulus increased from 1 GPa for the neat resin to about 6 GPa when the same resin was reinforced with recycled paper made from old cardboard boxes. Kenaf, hemp and many other natural plant fibres have also been used widely in the European automotive industry. However, being hydrophilic, natural fibre need to be treated first to make them more compatible with hydrophobic thermosets and thermoplastics. Several researchers have reported improvement in mechanical properties of cellulose fibres when alkalized at different NaOH concentration. Bisanda and Ansell (1992) applied a concentration of 0.5 NaOH on sisal fibre while Sreekala and co-workers (1997), and Geethamma and co-workers (1995) used 5% NaOH to remove surface impurities on oil palm fibres and short coir fibres, respectively. Mwaikambo and Ansell (2002) treated hemp, jute, sisal and kapok fibres with various concentration of NaOH and found 6% to be the optimized concentration in terms of cleaning the fibre bundle surfaces yet retaining a high index of crystallinity. The bulk (apparent) density includes all the solid materials and the pores within the fibres. The bulk density is always less than the absolute density, which excludes all the pores and lumen due to the buoyancy effect caused by the trapped air. Lower bulk density indicates higher porosity as pores have been found to reduce the density of materials. The 9 absolute density of most plant fibre is between 1400 and 1500 kg/m3 (Mwaikambo and Ansell, 2001). Table 2.1: The effect of alkalization (6% NaOH) on fibre bulk density. (Sharifah and Ansell, 2003) From Table 2.1, both fibres do not show a significant change in bulk density after alkalization. However, a positive change in fibre densities was observed for both treated kenaf and hemp fibres. A positive change in fibre densities normally signifies cell wall densification. A negative change would signify cell wall damage leading to depolymerization of the cellulose molecule. Mwaikambo (2002) reported a negative change in bulk density of sisal fibre bundles at 6% concentration of NaOH implying that caustic soda may have degraded the primary wall by removing soluble components such as hemicelluloses. He also reported that higher concentrations of NaOH are likely to damage the cell wall and reduce the bulk density. Examinations were carried out on the untreated and alkalized fibres to study the morphological changes that occurred after treatment of the fibres. The scanning electron 10 microscopy (SEM) micrograph of the longitudinal surface of untreated fibre bundles in Figure 2.2(a) shows the presence of wax, oil and surface impurities. Waxes and oils provide a protective layer to the surface of the fibres. The longitudinal views of 6% NaOH treated hemp fibre in Figure 2.2(b) show a very clean surface. The surface of the treated fibre appears to be quite smooth but in fact is roughened by the chemical treatment. (a) (b) Figure 2.2: SEM micrographs of longitudinal views of (a) untreated hemp fibre and (b) 6% NaOH treated hemp fibre (Sharifah and Ansell, 2003) 11
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