Faculty of Engineering THE EVALUATION OF MARSHALL PROPERTIES OF OIL PALM FLY ASH (OPFASH) AS A FILLER MATERIAL IN ACW 20 HOT MIX ASPHALT (HMA) HENRIETTA RAMUS ANAK HENRY MAKIM Bachelor of Engineering with Honors (Civil Engineering) 2010 UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS JUDUL: THE EVALUATION OF MARSHALL PROPERTIES OF OIL PALM FLY ASH (OPFASH) AS A FILLER MATERIAL IN ACW 20 HOT MIX ASPHALT (HMA) SESI PENGAJIAN: 2009/2010 Saya HENRIETTA RAMUS ANAK HENRY MAKIM (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis * ini disimpan di Pusat Khidmat Maklumat Akademik, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. 2. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Pusat Khidmat Maklumat Akademik, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. Membuat pendigitan untuk membangunkan Pangkalan Data Kandungan Tempatan. Pusat Khidmat Maklumat Akademik, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. ** Sila tandakan ( ) di kotak yang berkenaan 3. 4. 5. SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972). TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/ badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan). TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) Alamat tetap: (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) Lot 712, DAH YUH GARDEN MARUDI, 98050 BARAM, SARAWAK Tarikh: CATATAN En. LARRY SILAS TIRAU Nama Penyelia Tarikh: * ** Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah, Sarjana dan Sarjana Muda. Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT dan TERHAD. The following Final Year Project Report: Title : THE EVALUATION OF MARSHALL PROPERTIES OF OIL PALM FLY ASH (OPFASH) AS A FILLER MATERIAL IN ACW 20 HOT MIX ASPHALT (HMA) Name : HENRIETTA RAMUS ANAK HENRY MAKIM Matric No. : 16317 Has been read and approved by: ____________________________ MR. LARRY SILAS TIRAU Supervisor _______________________ Date: THE EVALUATION OF MARSHALL PROPERTIES OF OIL PALM FLY ASH (OPFASH) AS A FILLER MATERIAL IN ACW 20 HOT MIX ASPHALT (HMA) HENRIETTA RAMUS ANAK HENRY MAKIM This project is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honors (Civil Engineering) Faculty of Engineering UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK 2010 “Dedicated to my beloved ones….’’ ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I wish to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Larry Silas Tirau for guiding me throughout the period of my thesis work and generously sharing his knowledge with me. Without his patient and guidance, this report would not be successfully completed. My sincere appreciation also extends to the technicians of Highway and Transportation Laboratory and Concrete Laboratory for helping and guiding me to implement the laboratory works. To all my dearest friends, thanks for always being helping hands. I am also very thankful to thank my parents, Mr. Henry Makim and Mdm. Juliana Larek for always supporting and encouraging me in the period of pursuing the knowledge. In additional, sincere gratitude to my sister for helping in laboratory works. Last but not least, I would like to convey my appreciation to Christopher Damian for always being supportive. iii ABSTRACT Increasing number of traffic loads at present and future is a main issue in highway construction. Factors such as durability, strength and economic need to be consider into account in design and construction of road pavement. Many researches have been conducted to explore material which can produce good properties for asphalt pavement. This study was conducted to evaluate the suitability of OPFASH as replacing material for alternatives filler with normal ACW 20. The asphalt cement use varies from 4.5% to 6.5% and having penetration grades of 80/100. Marshall Test was done to evaluate this study and compare the physical properties of OPFASH Hot Mix Asphalt and normal Hot Mix Asphalt. The ACW 20 for the normal mix aggregate and OPFASH does not satisfied JKR requirement for void in total mix mean. The optimum binder content for the normal mix asphalt was 4.83% and 5.13% for the OPFASH mix. iv ABSTRAK Pertambahan beban lalulintas pada masa kini dan masa hadapan merupakan salah satu isu utama dalam pembinaan jalanraya. Faktor-faktor seperti ketahanlasakan, kekuatan dan ekonomi perlu dipertimbangkan dalam merekabentuk dan pembinaan jalan raya yang memainkan peranannya sebagai salah satu media perhubungan yang terpenting. Banyak kajian telah dijalankan untuk mencari bahan baru atau bahan ganti untuk menghasilkan ciri-ciri yang baik bagi turapan berbitumen. Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengkaji kesan terhadap ciri-ciri Marshall dan kesesuaian penggunaan bahan OPFASH sebagai bahan penganti dalam campuran panas asfal ACW 20. Kandungan asfal berbeza dari 4.5% ke 6.5% dengan gred penembusan 80/100. Keputusan kajian menunjukan campuran menggunakan agregat biasa mempunyi ketumpatan yang lebih besar tetapi campuran menggunakan OPFASH akan mempunyai kestabilan yang lebih tinggi ACW20 campuran agregat biasa dan OPFASH gagal menepati piawaian JKR lompang dalam campuran (VTM. Kandungan asfal optimum untuk campuran biasa adalah 4.83% manakala 5.13% untuk campuran OPFASH. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Content Page DEDICATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii ABSTRACT iv ABSTRAK v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF SUBSCRIPTS xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS xiv CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 General 1 1.2 Statement of Problem 3 1.3 Objectives 5 1.4 Scope of study 6 vi CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 General 7 2.2 Bituminous Materials 8 2.2.1 Types of Bituminous Materials 9 2.2.2 Bituminous Mixtures 10 2.2.3 Classification of Bituminous Mixtures 11 Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) 12 Cold-Laid Plant Mix 13 Mixed-in- Place Mix 13 Penetration Macadam 13 2.3 Aggregates 14 2.4 Mineral and Waste Based Filler 16 2.5 Oil Palm Fly Ash (OPFASH) 21 2.6 Marshall Mix Design 23 2.7 Marshall Stability and Flow Test 26 2.8 Volumetric Properties of Hot Mix Asphalt 27 2.8.1 Void in Total Mix (VTM) 30 2.8.2 Void in the Mineral Aggregate (VMA) 31 2.8.3 Void Filled Bitumen (VFB) 32 2.8.4 Density 32 2.8.5 Stability 33 2.8.6 Flow 34 2.8.7 Stiffness 34 vii CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3.1 General 36 3.2 Aggregate Selection 37 3.3 Asphalt Binder Content 39 3.4 Sample Preparation 39 3.5 Specific Gravity 40 3.5.1 Determination of Specific Gravity for Coarse Aggregates 41 Apparatus, Procedures and Calculation 41 3.5.2 Determination for Specific Gravity for Fine Aggregates/OPFASH 42 Apparatus, Procedures and Calculation 43 3.6 Marshall Mix Design 44 3.6.1 Apparatus, Procedures and Calculation 3.7 Marshall Stability and Flow Test 3.7.1 Apparatus, Procedures and Calculation 45 46 47 3.8 Result Calculations 49 3.8.1 Specimen 50 3.8.2 Binder 50 3.8.3 Aggregate 50 3.8.4 Mass and Volume of Marshall Specimen 51 3.8.5 Mass and volume of binder 52 3.8.6 Mass and Volume of Aggregate 52 3.8.7 Volume of Air in Total Mix (VMA) 53 3.8.8 Volume of Void-Less Mix 53 viii 3.8.9 Binder Contents 53 3.8.10 Bulk Density, (d) 54 3.8.11 Maximum theoretical density, (D) 54 3.8.12 Voids in total mix, (VTM) 54 3.8.13 Voids in Mineral Aggregate, (VMA) 55 3.8.14 Voids Filled with Binder, (VFA) 55 3.9 Optimum Asphalt Binder Content Selection 55 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Introduction 58 4.2 Sieve Analysis and Aggregate Distribution 59 4.3 Bulk Specific Gravity 59 4.3.1 Bulk Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregates 61 4.3.2 Bulk Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregates 61 4.3.3 Specific Gravity of Asphalt 61 4.4 Marshall Properties Analysis 62 4.4.1 Analysis of Mixture Density 62 4.4.2 Analysis of Void in Total Mixture (VTM) 63 4.4.3 Analysis of Void Filled with Asphalt (VFA) 63 4.4.4 Analysis Void in Mineral Aggregate in the Mix 64 4.4.5 Stability Analysis 64 4.4.6 Flow Analysis 65 4.4.7 Stiffness Analysis 65 4.5 Optimum Binder Content ix 66 4.6 Comparing the Characteristic with the Jabatan Kerja Raya Standard. 66 4.7 Discussions 68 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Introduction 71 5.2 Conclusion 72 5.3 Recommendation 74 REFERENCES 75 APPENDIX A-C 81 x LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Page Suitability of Using Industrial Waste Products in 19 Highway Construction 2.2 Comparison of Physical Properties and Chemical 22 Composition between Portland Cement and OPFASH 2.3 Specification of Asphalt Concrete Mixture 27 (JKR/SPJ/1988) 3.1 Weight in Percentage of the Aggregate Should 38 Obtain 3.2 Weight of Aggregate and Binder the Each in Sample 39 3.3 Stability Correction (ASTM D1559) 48 4.1 Bulk Density for Normal HMA Specimens 60 4.2 Bulk Density for OPFASH HMA Specimens 60 4.3 Comparing the JKR standards (JKR/SPJ/1998) with 67 the Normal HMA 4.4 Comparing the JKR standards (JKR/SPJ/1998) and the OPFASH HMA xi 67 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1 Mass/Volume Relationships in Asphalt Mix 28 2.2 Relationships between Aggregate, Asphalt and Air 35 3.1 Flow diagram for Methodology 37 3.2 Graphs to Determine Optimum Asphalt Binders 57 xii LIST OF SUBSCRIPTS HMA Hot Mix Asphalt VMA Voids in Mineral Aggregates VTM Voids in Total Mix VFA Voids Filled with Asphalt Cement ASTM The American Society for Testing and Materials OAC Optimum Asphalt Content OPFASH Oil Palm Fly Ash SSD Saturated Surface Dry JKR Jabatan Kerja Raya UNIMAS Universiti Malaysia Sarawak xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS % Percentage ºC Degree Celsius μ Micro mm Millimeter m Meter VB Volume of constituent binder M Mass of specimen V Bulk volume of specimen MBA, VBA Mass and Volume of absorbed binder MB Mass of constituent binder VB Volume of constituent binder VMM Volume of void-less mix VA Volume of air between coated aggregate particles in the mix MG Mass of aggregate VG Bulk volume of aggregate VGE Effective volume of aggregate Wa \Weight of specimen in air (kg) Ww Weight of specimen in water (kg) ρw Density of water ( = 1000 kg/m3) Wpa Weight of specimen and paraffin wax coating in air (kg) Wpw Weight of specimen and paraffin wax coating in water (kg) xiv Gp Relative density of paraffin wax PAG Binder absorption, % of mass of aggregate PB Binder content, % of total mass of specimen ρB Density of binder ρG Bulk density of aggregate m3 Meter cubic mm Mili Meter kN Kilo Newton kg Kilogram g Gram xv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Road as one of land transportation infrastructure is very important in supporting the economic for both regional and national development. The quality of material for road construction will also influence the road performance. During 1900’s, the bituminous paving technique was first used on rural roads and so as to handle rapid removal of fine particles in the form of dust which was caused due to rapid growth of automobile [Roberts et al. 2002]. Construction of highway involves huge outlay of investment. A precise engineering may save considerable investment as well a reliable performance of the in-service highway can be achieved. Two things are of major considerations in this regard are the pavement design and the mix design (Das, 1998). 1 Nowadays, better techniques and methods have been developed and implemented for improving roadway lifetime. Mix design is one of the factors that play a strong role in roadway performance and life. A good mix design is expected to result in a mix which is adequately:i. Strong ii. Durable iii. Resistive to fatigue and permanent deformation iv. Environment friendly v. Economical Asphalt mix design is a method of designing pavement structure. The process of designing including selecting appropriate graded aggregate materials and optimum bitumen content, so that the most suitable combination of composition and properties will give required strength or stability to withstand repeated load applications and get the most economic of pavement structure. For asphalt mix design, there are two mix design methods which are Hveem Mix Design Method and Marshall Mix Design Method. [Sandah, 2008] Marshall Method was the commonly used in the Malaysia road construction which is easy to conduct and simpler. The Marshall Mix Design Method was originally developed to address specific mix design issues confronting the USCOE during World War II. Therefore, it was developed to be simple, light, quick, and reasonably accurate for the wheel loading of the time. 2 Since then it has been modified and supplemented to address new concerns but the basic testing apparatus and selection criteria remain the same. 1.2 Statement of Problem Nowadays, the road pavement or asphalt surface is exposed to higher loading because of the increasing numbers of the transportation or vehicles on road. When this road pavement is subjected to primarily repeat loading over a period of time, it can caused to permanent deformation or rutting, fatigue, cracking and skidding problems. Thus, the road pavement has a low durability and less workability. All of these problems regarding to road pavement can leads to any unfortunately incident such as accident. For these several decades, lots of testing and researches had been done to find the most suitable alternatives materials to improvise the road pavement. One of the common alternatives ways taken in concern is by manipulating filler material in the asphalt mix design. It is believe that modification of asphalt mix design materials used may improve the rheological behavior of the mixes which provide the better service life of the road pavement and strengthen the mix. 3 Traditionally aggregates, sand, bitumen or asphalt, and Portland cement are used in road construction. The demand of these materials for construction purpose is increased rapidly but naturally material become shortage in nature. The economic factors relating to the materials used in construction mainly derive from the costs of extracting the material, processing and hauling it to the site. Besides that, the environmental disturbance is made up of factors such as disturbance to the landscape leading to possible dereliction and the depletion of natural resources. Disposal issue of the waste products is a challenge today. Some of the materials are not biodegrade and often lead to waste disposal crisis and environmental pollution (Chua, 2008). For other alternative, industrial waste such as fly ash, blast furnace slag, colliery spoil, marble dust, waste tyres are used in the road construction. For instant, Malaysia is one of the largest countries that produced oil palm to other countries all around the globe. This oil palm has caused an excessive waste from its production in the factory and leads to disposal problem. Perhaps this oil palm waste can be used as alternative filler in asphalt mix design. By burning the waste of oil palm, it can produced oil palm fly ash or known as OPFASH. Recently, OPFASH is found to be useful and economical alternative filler replacing cement in concrete mix. However, the workability and capability of using 4 OPFASH is remaining unknown. It is hope that the used of OPFASH will decrease the cost of construction and increase the quality of asphalt mixtures. 1.3 Aim and Objective There were 3 objectives in this study that need to be achieved: i. Determine the Marshall properties of hot mix asphalt ACW 20 by using Oil Palm Fly Ash (OPFASH) as a replacing material for alternatives filler with normal ACW 20. ii. Evaluate the Oil Palm Fly Ash (OPFASH) suitability as filler in Hot Mix Asphalt. iii. Compare the optimum binder content for both normal ACW 20 and Oil Palm Fly Ash (OPFASH) ACW 20. 5 1.4 Scope of Study In order to investigate the effects of OPFASH on Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) properties, the scope of the study was included preparation of ACW 20 Marshall samples with bitumen content without additive were 4.5%, 5.0%, 5.5%, 6.0% and 6.5% as control samples. The Marshall Test was conducted to determine optimum bitumen content and Marshall Properties. This research will be carrying out according to the Marshall Mix Design and Marshall Stability and Flows test. Total number of 15 samples of normal ACW 20 (control sample) and 15 samples of OPFASH (modified sample) as the replacing material are prepared and tested referring to the AASHTO manual. The result on the density, stability, flow, voids in total mix, voids filled bitumen and stiffness from the modified sample and control sample were compared and analyze according to specification stated in JKR/SPJ/1988. All the sample preparation and testing was conducted at Civil Engineering Laboratory (Concrete Laboratory and Highway & Transportation Laboratory), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. 6
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