6th Annual Irvine Korean Cultural FesƟval Live Entertainment, food, and family fun! Saturday May 16th, 2015 Irvine Civic Center 1 Civic Center Plaza Irvine, CA www.irvinekoreanfes val.com Irvine Korean Cultural Fes val IKCFes val IKCFes val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ounder’s Le er !!"# $ %#"!&'"##&(&"##()* '#('!!#)&## +&#*&,!#*!&$-)'&!(& #(&&.!!!#&& '&)&*!#))*!.& (..'&''*+(!&# & ($ /!)'&#(#'!'0(.'#0**# '!'#'#&'&&#!..#$ #..#.##(&#)!) "#)!&*.##*$ ,&$ 1 /0123456 !"#$% &'()(*+,-. 78#-$9: ;<=/0>? @ABCD)EFGF0HIJ"6K $ 2$3$ 4"#"!& President’s Le er I R V I N E K O R E A N C U L T U R A L F E S T I V A L May 16, 2015 (Hello), On behalf of the Irvine Korean Cultural Festival Committee, I would like to extend everyone a warm welcome to our 6th Annual Festival. Each year, with the support of the community, the Festival has gained popularity and grown at an amazing rate. We hope you enjoy both the traditional and modern elements of Korean culture we have prepared. This event would not be possible without our generous sponsors, the dedication of our committee members, and the support of our community. We are truly fortunate to have the support of such an exceptional group. Please visit each one of our sponsor booths to get to know them and see what they are offering. As the Festival Chair I have been very fortunate to witness the dedication of our committee members who volunteer their talent and time to bring this great event to the community. I would personally like to thank all the committee members who have put in endless hours and tireless efforts in putting this event together. I would also like to thank our partner, the City of Irvine, for their continued encouragement and support. It is my privilege to work with such a fantastic group of individuals. As we share and celebrate Korean culture, our hope is to promote an appreciation and understanding of different cultures within our diverse community. Thank you all for coming and I look forward to sharing this day with you! Warmly, Diane Kim President, Irvine Korean Cultural Festival Taste of Korea Kimchi Kimchi is a tradi onal Korean dish made of seasoned vegetables and salt. Koreans eat it at nearly every meal. It can be fresh, like a salad, or it can be fermented. While the most popular variety is spicy kimchi made of cabbage, there are hundreds of different types of kimchi made of different vegetables, and not all of them spicy. Kimchi is also a main ingredient in many other Korean dishes. Colors of Korea Hanbok Hanbok is the tradi onal Korean dress. It is o en characterized by vibrant colors and simple lines without pockets. Although the term literally means “Korean clothing”, hanbok today o en refers specifically to hanbok of the Joseon (Chosŏn) period and is worn as semi-formal or formal wear during tradi onal fes vals and celebra ons. Throughout history, Korea had a dual clothing tradi on, in which rulers and aristocrats adopted different kinds of mixed foreign-influenced indigenous styles, while the commoners con nued to use a dis nct style of indigenous clothing that today is known as Hanbok. In 1996, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Korea made ‘Hanbok day’ to encourage people to wear Hanbok Together We’re Generating More Than Electricity We believe we have a common purpose with the communities we serve. 4HATISWHYWEPARTNERWITHNONPROÚT organizations where we can have an impact. Edison International is proud to sponsor the 2015 Irvine Korean Cultural Festival. 2015 Fes val Sponsors Pla num Sponsors Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors Bronze Sponsors Community Partners Zion Market, South Coast Plaza, Coca Cola, City of Irvine, Disneyland, HMart Southern California Assoica ons of Governments (SCAG), Chris na Shea Par cipa ng Restaurants Arirang (Korean BBQ), Bibimbap Backpackers, Doner G (Mediterranean-Korean fusion, Turkish Ice Cream), Love Le er Pizza (pizza and popcorn chicken), Miister potato (twirly potato, bbq squid, lemonade), Mochilato (macaroons, cream puffs, shaved ice, green iced tea), Sootha (ice coffee, sno-cone), Seoul Soondae (sausage, pigs feet, spicy rice cake), Urban Seoul We want to offer our sincerely thanks to these wonderful sponsors and partners. The fes val would not have been possible without their generous support and contribu on! Thank You Ṧ㌂䞿┞┺ Raffles The Irvine Korean Cultural Fes val will raffle off prizes throughout the day. Prizes include 2 roundtrip coach ckets from Korean Air, 1 roundtrip coach cket from Asiana Airlines, an Orange Bicycle from Great Park Neighborhoods, Water Filtra on/Ice Maker system by Chung Ho, lunch with City of Irvine Mayor Steven Choi, Raging Waters ckets, Disneyland Park Hopper ckets, one weekend (2 nights) at the Spectrum Courtyard, Skinn Makeup basket, View Cleaners gi card, Bioenno Power portable solar pack, and more. Raffle Rules: Winner must be present to win. Raffle mes are approxima ons and may be changed. All decisions are final at the me of announcement of winners. Prizes subject to change or dele on, rules, restric ons, expira on dates and non transferability. Taxes, fees, and any addi onal expense to be paid by winner. Good Luck! 2015 Fes val Organizing Commitee FesƟval Founder: Steven Choi, Ph.D. ExecuƟve Advisory Board: Steven Choi, Ph.D. Juweon Yun Amy Choo CommiƩee Members: Amy Choo, Bud O’Neill, Charles Choi, Daniel Han, Daniel Park, Dave Kwon, Diane Chu-Noh, Diane Kim, Grace Yun, Hyeshin Moon, Jenny Jung, JT Hwang, Juweon Yun, Kyung Hee Choi, Linda Lyons Justus, Steve Huang, Steven Choi, Thomas Jung, and Timothy Ryan We also want to thank all the volunteers from different organiza ons for dona ng their precious me to make the fes val a success. Without their assistance, the fes val would not have been as successful. !! # $" $ ! $! ! !" $" $ ! $!$ ! $ " " $ '& %$#$#'( ' !$$ $ ! !'$ # "$ !! "$%$# " &%$ !" $$"#! # %# %"$ ( & %#'' "$ '$( % $#'('!" %( #%!! "$$ " %$%"$" $"& " %$%"#$& 2015 IKCF Par cipant Surround View Monitor 1 Full-Length Side Curtain Airbags 2 Lane Departure Warning System 1 ůŝŶĚͲ^ƉŽƚĞƚĞĐƟŽŶ 1 Forward Collision Warning System 1 2015 IKCF Par cipant Korean American Brush PainƟng AssociaƟon Soon Ja Choo 714-788-2585 sosun96@hanmail.net 㑮ⶋ䢪G(Brush Pain ng) The Four Gracious Plants, alternately called the Four Gentlemanly Plants, or the Four Seasons symbols, consist of plum blossoms, orchids or wild orchids, chrysanthemums, and bamboo. They were originally Confucian symbols for the four quali es of a learned man, but are now more commonly associated with the four seasons. They are plum blossoms, which represented courage, the orchid stood for refinement, the chrysanthemum was a sign of a produc ve, and frui ul life, and bamboo represented integrity. In modern mes, the four have come to be associated with the seasons as well; plums blossoms bravely bloom in the cold of an early spring, orchids disseminate a dim fragrance far in the heat of summer, chrysanthemums overcome the first cold of a late fall and bloom, and bamboo bares its green leaves even in the winter. "%"" !%$"" !"!" "$ '# &$ !!'#&$!" " 2015 IKCF Par cipant Korean Folk painƟng Hongik Minwha InsƟtute Choi, Yong Soon-Korean Folk Ar st 4055 Wilshire Bl. Suite 531 Los Angeles, Ca 90020 USA (323) 896-1446 Minhwa (⹒䢪P means “Korean tradional folk pain ngs”, it is o en used to decorate a Korean tradi onal house or to celebrate a birthday or wedding. It is also u lised as a symbol of good fortune for the New Year. The main theme of Minhwa is a very ordinary portrayal of daily life, able to be easily approached and appreciated by all levels of the social demographic. The principal characteriscs of Minhwa are its u lity and symbolism. The symbolisms found in Minhwa are mostly wishes of good health and longevity, wishes of riches, wishes of many sons and of a life with honour and wealth. 1SPVEUP4VQQPSU5IF UI"OOVBM*SWJOF ,PSFBO$VMUVSBM'FTUJWBM 4JNJMBSUPQV[[MFQJFDFTFWFSZQFSTPOQMBZTBSPMFJOUIFDPNNVOJUZ "U64#BOLXFSFCBOLFSTCZEBZ"GUFSCVTJOFTTIPVSTXFmUJO UPPVSDPNNVOJUZBTOFJHICPSTWPMVOUFFSTBOEDJWJDMFBEFST*UTPVS XBZPGEPJOHPVSJOEJWJEVBMQBSUTUPDSFBUFBCFUUFSXIPMF VTCBOLDPN .FNCFS'%*$ 2015 IKCF Par cipant merchants 2015 IKCF Par cipant Korean Cultural Center Los Angeles Operated by the Korean Government’s Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Korean Cultural Center (KCCLA) works to broaden understanding of Korea and Korea-U.S. rela ons through cultural and academic ac vi es. KCCLA sponsors and hosts many different types of ac vi es, including art exhibits, stage performances, film screenings, tradi onal Korean music and dance events, Korean food fes vals, lectures, and spor ng events. KCCLA also provides informa on on Korea – U.S. rela ons and assists exchange programs between the two countries. The men and women of Rose Hills are pleased to join with the Irvine Korean Festival’s organizers, participants and attendees in commemorating the start of Korean immigration to theUnited States. We are proud to serve the Korean-American community, and to be a part of such a wonderfully diverse city. 2015 IKCF Par cipant Kyung Kim Web. www.kyungjakim.com Mail: kjkimdy@yahoo.com Tel: 213-999-1508 Her pain ngs mostly shows nature. The nature is one of the best thing that makes her to bring out her crea vity and moves her emo ons. She focuses to make those ordinary things to look and feel special on her canvas. $! "! ! # ␘㉬¦ᴴẠ¦㣠䞐㟝¦䘸⦐Ἤ⣜ Waste Management is proud to sponsor the Korean Cultural Festival and provide recycling to the Irvine community We remind all Irvine residents, including multi-family residents, to do their part and recycle. 㥉⸨⪰¦㛯㡸¦㍌¦㢼⏈¦㠭㇠㢨䏬 Informative Websites ThinkGreen.com ThinkGreenFromHome.com For additional information, contact Waste Management (949) 642-1191 cssandiego@wm.com 2015 IKCF Par cipant #"$ "$ $$ $%"&" %$%"#$& ,*(&%.*))).) '*&&.&+(!&$)*&*#-*(+) &+()&+*&&()&##&-*!)*!(). -.)*&(+&+*&&(-*(+)% ),*!$&)*$&%.&%.&+(-*("## #**!$$# (&-#&--*(+)"% '#%*)'* *&&+(#"$* ROGE R **!$% *(&($%&%#.-!%% )*!$!% $ %)*##("'"((" *"&%(&**"% )'(.%&//#) %-*!()"((" *"&%&%*(&##() Visit our website: www.irwd.com Join our fan page: Irvine Ranch Water District @ @IRWDnews IrvineRanchWD *),"##&((&**"% )'(.%&//#)%-*!()"((" *"&%&%*(&##()")"*$$ '''"'"$# 2015 IKCF Par cipant ( '% !) ( "#!! ))" #$ !"!'# "! "$) ( !"" ""% #$ !"!!! " & !#"%$ ) ( """"% $" " "&"#$(#) ( %!"!"#"" !"$ $##!"%!" 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