1 FREE Neighbors No. 118 Serving the inhabitants and environment of northeastern Connecticut May 2013 Willimantic, Now and Then: A little paper big on community :KLVWOHEORZHU6WULNHV&KRUGIRU/RFDO0DQ By Mark Svetz Bill Potvin is proud of Bradley Manning, and he’s going to carry a sign to Fort Meade, Maryland next month to tell everyone about it. Potvin is a local activist and businessman; he and his brothers own Hosmer Mountain Soda Company in Willimantic. He also served in combat in Viet Nam, which is one of the reasons he is proud of Bradley Manning. “I’ve always been a pretty conventional guy,” Potvin said. “I believed we were the good guys. Now, I don’t see us as the good guys any more.” Bradley Manning served as an Intelligence Analyst in the US Army until he was arrested in May, 2010 IRUDOOHJHGO\UHOHDVLQJFODVVLÀHGPDWHULDOWR:LNL/HDNVDQ organization established to distribute leaked information via the internet to journalists for publication. Among the PDWHULDOVUHOHDVHGE\:LNL/HDNVZDVWKHVKRFNLQJYLGHR now called Collateral Murder, which showed US Army Apache helicopter air strikes in an eastern district of Baghdad in July 2007, which killed two staffers for Reuters DQGDGR]HQRUPRUHRWKHUV:LNL/HDNVVDLGLWKDGREWDLQHG the video from unnamed “whistleblowers” in the military. 6RPHRWKHUVWRULHVDPRQJWKH:LNL/HDNV· revelations about the U.S war in Iraq include: 15,000 more Iraqi civilians killed than were reported in any other count at the time; U.S. soldiers were formally commanded not to investigate reports of torture committed by the Iraqi Federal Police with whom they cooperated; the American occupation of Iraq has failed to stabilize the widespread violence and corruption that has escalated following the destruction of Iraq’s infrastructure. Manning has been held in prison since his arrest in May 2010. His Court Marshall (military trial) is scheduled to begin in June, more than three years after his arrest. Amnesty International and other organizations called the conditions under which he has been held torture. Manning is charged with 22 offenses, including aiding the enemy, stealing US government property, espionage and computer crimes. These charges carry a sentence of up to life imprisonment and even death, although prosecutors have said they will not seek the death penalty. On Saturday, June 1, there will be a rally for Bradley Manning at Fort Meade, MD. Potvin wants to arrange for a bus from Willimantic to Fort Meade so local people can go and show their support for Manning. “He (Manning) made public (information about) war crimes, misconduct on the part of the government and other criminal acts,” Potvin says, “but what does our government do? They put the messenger in prison, or worse, while the crimes go unpunished.” Anybody who knows Bill Potvin knows he is a busy man, working 60-70 hours a week with his brothers at Hosmer Mountain. That he is taking time for this issue shows how important it is for him. “I am making a public appeal to get enough people to go so we can hire a bus,” Potvin said recently. “We have to convince people of the high level of importance of this issue. We are Bradley Manning. We have to stand up for our own liberty. Why should the truth tellers pay such a high price? “There will be a march and speakers,” he went on to say. “I’m sure there will be some of my favorite people there –– you know, Bill Moyers, Chris Hedges and others.” Moyers and Hedges are veteran journalists; Moyers is best known for his work at CBS News and PBS and Hedges was Bureau Chief for the New York Times. Both men now work as independent journalists exposing the mainstream media’s uncritical and inaccurate coverage of events. “This trial is not simply the prosecution of a 25-year-old soldier,” Hedges wrote in a recent article, called ‘We Are Bradley Manning,’ at Truthdig.com. “It is a concerted effort by the security and surveillance state to extinguish what is left of a free press, one that has the constitutional right to expose crimes by those in power. The lonely individuals who take personal risks so that the public can know the truth ... are from now on to be charged with ‘aiding the enemy.’ “ Hedges also believes the goal of the US government is to have Julian Assange, an Australian FLWL]HQDQGWKHIRXQGHURI:LNL/HDNVH[WUDGLWHGWRWKH86 to be tried on espionage charges. Electronic journalists, who have the savvy to pierce the secrecy surrounding government actions, are the real target of this action against Bradley Manning, according the Hedges and many others. The administration of Barack Obama has, LQÀYH\HDUV prosecuted more whistleblowers than all of the previous administrations combined. For Potvin, his own experience in combat leads him to activism today. He is troubled by the corporate control of our government, leading us into imperialist wars and destructive economic policies. He believes the interests of average citizens are ignored in this corporate-dominated system. When he was a young man during the Viet Nam war, Potvin had a college deferment from the draft, “but then I thought it was my turn to go and stand up for this country I love. I enlisted in the army and served in combat. You know I used to have a good feeling about what the U.S. was back then,” he tells us. “Then, during the Bush administration, with Cheney and Rumsfeld, well it just seemed like evil people had taken charge.” 3RWYLQKDVORQJEHHQÀJKWLQJDJDLQVWKLVFRUSRUDWH competitors in the soft drink industry. Coke and Pepsi get exclusive contracts from state agencies and other places, while the local producers like Hosmer Mountain are shut out. He has also helped organize a successful effort to get a resolution passed by the Windham Town Council opposing the so-called Citizens United Supreme Court decision that allows corporations to make unlimited and secret contributions to political campaigns. “If we are turning a page toward totalitarianism,” he said, “then let’s get on board and try to do something about it. It seems like Obama is in charge of the U.S. ZKHQLW·VDFWXDOO\PDNLQJLWVÀQDOGURSRIIWKHHGJHRI democracy.” Bill Potvin is a man of irrepressible energy. He is “on board” to try and change the direction of U.S. policy decisions, but even if there wasn’t a movement to board, I suspect he would be out in front trying to pull the rest of us in the right direction. In this case, the right direction is south, toward Fort Meade, MD, because, as Potvin says: “I’m proud of Bradley Manning!” Editor’s note: An update from Bill Potvin as we go to pressFor information about the June 1 rally at Fort Meade and to reserve a place on the bus, contact Bill Potvin at 860-234-8351. We have arranged for a bus to be parked at the major parcel off Valley Street in Willimanic after midnight. To leave about 2am Saturday, June 1st-and return about 2am June 2nd. We will provide grinders and Hosmer. Round trip cost will be $54.00 per seat to be paid in advance. Anyone requesting a physical ticket will have one mailed to them. (not required to board) Those who cannot make it, but are willing to buy a seat for someone less fortunate, may do so or make a lesser donation for the cause. Any excess funds would go to the Bradley Manning Defense Fund to help with his legal costs. Credit card payments can be made by calling 860423-1555 Monday-Friday 9am to 6pm. Payments may also be made via Pay Pal by emailing johnschwenk@juno.com. For any additional information email Bill at wpotvin1@ juno.com. Mark Svetz is a Tutor at Quinebaug Valley Community College in Willimantic. Read more of Mark’s writing at SarahWinterClothworks.com/writing. Merrimack Valley Ringers in Tolland Submitted by Jan Bittner The Merrimack Valley Ringers will perform Sunday, May 19th at 3:30pm, at United Congregational Church of Tolland, 45 Tolland Green. Now in their 11th season, the M.V. Ringers is an auditioned community handbell ensemble devoted to sharing the art of handbells and handchimes with everyone. MVR’s members delight audiences with their infectious joy, and make it their goal to capture WKHLUDXGLHQFHIURPWKHÀUVWQRWHZLWK their gusto and warmth. Considered partners in each performance, audiences are drawn in by the ensemble’s personality, spontaneity, DQGXQÁDSSDEOHVSLULW For Spring 2013, the Merrimack Valley Ringers present “Carnivale!” The tour title comes from the handbell piece of the same name, which came to be after the composer was issued a challenge to write something that was “pure fun.” It is described as a relentless romp that’s the embodiment of every fantastic circus, fair, and carnival you’ve ever been to, rolled into one.” Inspired by the concept of a traveling amusement show, MVR has assembled a diverse assortment of music, including “Carnivale,” and featuring many highenergy original handbell pieces, as well as a variety of recognizable favorites including the toe-tapping “Tarantella,” and a you gotta see it to believe it” quartet arrangement of “Flight of the Bumblebee.” 2 Willimantic RiverFest When: May 18, 2013 Where: Bridge Street, Willimantic, CT Featuring: River Float from Eagleville Dam to Willimantic (shuttle provided) Kayak Ramp Whitewater kayak demonstrations Live Music (at least 3 acts) Games for Kids Food Activities will be added as plans DUHӾQDOL]HG Fees: the RiverFest is free of charge; there is a $20 use fee for the kayak ramp (all day use); there is a $10 fee for individuals GRLQJWKHULYHUӿRDWDQGD fee for families doing the river ӿRDW)HHVFRYHUWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ and insurance. For more info go to: www.willimanticwhitewater.org/ www.facebook.com/ WillimanticWhitewaterPartnership Or contact: Dan Mullins at WilliWhitewater@gmail.com Kids Club Event: “It Was Frogs!” Saturday May 11, 2013 1:00-2:30pm 7R%HQHӾW:LQGKDP7H[WLOH & History Museum 7KH:LQGKDP7H[WLOH+LVWRU\ Museum will host its May Kids Club Activity on Saturday, May 11th from 1 - 2:30 pm. Kids learn about the famous Windham frog legend, make frogs and enjoy a frog tea party. Kids Club Members are FREE. General Admission: $5 for children. All supplies and refreshments included. For Reservations call 860-4562178. For more information, contact WKH:LQGKDP7H[WLOH+LVWRU\ Museum, 411 Main Street, Willimantic, CT 06226. 860456-2178. www.millmuseum. org. Dear Reader6SULQJLVÀQDOO\KHUHDQG,ZLOOEHRQFHDJDLQPRXQWing my mighty scooter and delivering Neighbors papers to mail posts throughout our region. If you found this paper on your mail post it won’t be there again, so check out ‘Where to Find Neighbors’ on the back page. Thank you, Tom King Calendar items wantedAs you may have noticed, Neighbors has a great calendar section and we want to make it better. Publishing monthly requires extra lead time to get your item in the calendar. Deadlines are usually around the 20th of each month. Much thanks to Dagmar Noll for doing a great job. T.K. As We Go To Press Monday, April 29, 12:49am I intentionally left little space to write. After a beautiful Sunday spent with family at our granddaughter’s sixth ELUWKGD\SDUW\DQGPDQ\KRXUVWU\LQJWRÀQLVKWKLVLVVXH ,DPH[KDXVWHGDQGMXVWZDQWWRJRWREHG0D\WKHÀQH weather forcasted for the upcoming week put smiles on our faces and spring in our step. TK NEIGHBORS P.O. Box 430 Ashford, CT 06278 860-933-3376 email: neighborspaper@yahoo.com web: neighborspaper.com Tom King, Editor & Publisher Steve Woron, Mac Guru and Webmaster Dagmar Noll, Calendar Editor Marisa Calvo, Graphic Design Writers: Phoebe Godfrey, David Corsini, Mike Griswold, Donna Nicolino, Dagmar Noll, Dennis Pierce, Mark Svetz, Dianisi Torres, Amy Van Winkle, Steve Woron, Tom :RURQ/RUHWWD:UREHO The Purpose of Neighbors: -To encourage reading -To provide a place where ideas, writing, artwork and photographs of area residents can be shared -To encourage people to get involved in their communities -To begin to solve national and global problems on a local basis -To provide useful information -To serve the inhabitants and environment of our region 1HLJKERUVLVSXEOLVKHGPRQWKO\E\1HLJKERUVSDSHU//& Thomas A. King, member Amy White, Coventry, Marsha Flowers, 5HQR1HYDGD/LVD*HUURO:HVW+DUWIRUG and Bob Flowers, Bolton pose before the start of the 2013 Walk MS, held Sunday, April 21, in Manchester. Gerrol is president of the National MS Society, Connecticut Chapter, which hosts the annual walk fundraiser, which has been sponsored by Travelers since 1997. Bob Flowers is a managing director at Travelers Insurance. He participates on the Travelers Walk MS fundraising team. Bob Flowers was named the state’s individual top event fundraiser last year, having raised more than $40,000 to help assist 6,000 Connecticut residents living with MS, a potentially debilitating disease. White, who works for Travelers Insurance, is also a member of the Travelers Walk MS fundraising team. To date the Travelers team has raise more than $50,000 toward a $70,000. The April 21 walk event attracted more than 9,500 participants, about 1,100 walkers in Manchester. To date the 2013 Walk MS, presented by Travelers, has raised $985,000 toward a $1.4 million JRDO/DVW\HDU·V:DON06UDLVHGDUHFRUG $1.38 million. Individuals and teams are encouraged to continue raising funds WKURXJK0D\WKHRIÀFLDOGHDGOLQH for prizes. Suggestions for increasing fundraising totals include, launching letter writing campaigns, utilizing social media networking sites to reach out to contacts DQGKRVWLQJIXQÀOOHGZUDSDURXQGHYHQWV such as backyard barbeques, beer and wine tastings, and theme parties. For more information on Walk MS, presented by Travelers, to donate to a team or for ideas on Do It Yourself Fundraising, visit www. FWÀJKWV06RUJ Submitted photo. Running With Dr. Rachel By Rachel Tambling On Patriots’ Day 2013, a running friend and I had the honor of being spectators at the Boston Marathon. We started the day bright and early, driving to Riverside and then riding the T into Newton. We were super excited, runners heading to our holy land. Our plan was to walk out to the course in Newton, around PLOHWRYLHZWKHUDFH:HZHUHGHOLJKWHGWRÀQGWKDW we emerged from the T just past mile 20, at the foot of Heartbreak Hill. We had plenty of time before the elite athletes were expected to arrive, so we walked around and took pictures. Our excitement only grew as the race updates indicated that the lead runners were getting closer and closer. Before long, the lead group was in front of us. It was amazing to be so close to the elite athletes I admire. The women’s and men’s leader groups passed by, and then came the rush of sub-elites and “normal people”. It was thrilling. I loved cheering for the runners and seeing their joy as they came up and over Heartbreak Hill. We watched for hours, cheering and ringing our bells. Back at the T station, we began getting text messages. Friends and family were worried, asking if we were safe, ok, and not QHDUWKHÀQLVKOLQH:HKDGQRLGHDZKDWKDGKDSSHQHG ,LPPHGLDWHO\JRWRQVRFLDOPHGLDWRÀQGRXWZKDWKDG KDSSHQHG,ZDVKRUULÀHG([SORVLRQVDWWKHÀQLVKOLQH had killed some, hurt hundreds, and ruined what, for many people, was an amazing, empowering, and beautiful day. In the midst of great achievement and euphoria, there was all this horror and suffering. It was so incongruous that it ZDVGLIÀFXOWWRXQGHUVWDQG7RGD\,VWLOOGRQ·WXQGHUVWDQG how something so terrible could happen at an event that is truly about the power of the human spirit. Since the tragedy in Boston, I’ve been keeping up on the news, following the recovery efforts, and generally staying informed. What’s been most inspiring to me is the amazing outpouring of support for the One Fund Boston and the Boston Strong/Run for Boston campaigns. All across the country (and the internet), runners are coming together to support the citizens of Boston, law enforcement, and our running brothers and sisters who were impacted by the tragedy. I have heard so many stories of individuals and groups who have been inspired to donate, run, and speak out to support our community. I hope that you will join me in donating to the One Fund Boston and in supporting the many charities that are helping Boston recover. Boston is strong and resilient. Runners are strong and resilient. We will not be defeated. We are united. We are Boston. Each column will feature tips and training advice inspired by reader questions. Send your questions to Coach@DrRachelRuns.com – to see your questions answered in print. 2013 Boston Marathon photo by Rachel Tambling 3 Survivor Tools %\/RUHWWD:UREHO To pronounce that these are challenging times is an understatement. How do we describe the tenor of our times? :HDUHOLYLQJLQDPHGLDÁDVKRIFKDRWLFUDSLGO\EUHDNLQJ horrors. I look around in shock and disbelief as more violence erupts everywhere. In this era of ever increasing access to every imaginable injustice instantaneously, I search for some survivor tools to help me cope. To fortify myself I look to my heroes for inspiration, courage and bravery. One hero who VLJQLÀFDQWO\HQOLJKWHQHGWKHZRUOGLV5DFKHO&DUVRQ Another hero is Dr. Sandra Steingraber who stood up WR,QHUJ\&RPSDQ\LQWKH)LQJHU/DNHVRI1HZ<RUN to protest their attempts to pollute an entire region. She UHIXVHGWRSD\KHUÀQHIRUWUHVSDVVDQGZLOOJRWRMDLOIRU civil disobedience. Both of these women stood up for what they believe, which is the right for us as humans to live in a nontoxic environment. Their actions demonstrate great resolve and provide all of us with role models for how to tackle overwhelming issues. We live in times of confusion, greed, violence and disruption. These role models give me hope, as I am vulnerable and can lapse into negative thinking and become frozen in fear and anxiety. Rachel Carson was a marine biologist and conservationist who authored Silent Spring. This book, published in 1962, brought environmental concerns to the forefront and fueled opposition to the chemical companies. It triggered a shift in national pesticide policy and led to the ban on DDT and other pesticides. She also inspired a national grassroots environmental movement that led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. No surprise here that she is one of my heroes. My newest hero is another biologist, Dr. Sandra Steingraber, the mother of two children. I like the brainy intelligent types. She blocked access to a compressor station site where Inergy Company plans to store gases in XQXVHGVDOWFDYHUQVEHQHDWK6HQHFD/DNH6KHHQJDJHGLQ civil disobedience against the risks of underground storage of liquid gases. Incidentally, this company has been out of compliance with the EPA regs for the past three years. Still they were able to obtain a permit to discharge SRXQGVRIFKORULGHLQWR6HQHFD/DNH7KDWLV WRQVDGD\6HQHFD/DNHLVWKHVRXUFHRIGULQNLQJZDWHU IRUSHRSOH,QHUJ\·VSODQQHGÁDUHVWDFNZRXOG release hazardous pollutants into the atmosphere. “Who, Steingraber asks, is trespassing?” My hero, Dr. Steingraber maintains that her action is to protest Inergy’s trepass on our air, water and the safety for all residents. This lone woman, like my other hero, is VWDQGLQJXSWRWKHELJEXVLQHVVLQWHUHVWVWKDWFRQÁLFWZLWK the interests of us all. We want a healthy environment DQGVDIHW\DQGVHFXULW\IRURXUZDWHUZD\VQRWSURÀWIRU business at any cost. Whenever I feel stopped by what I see as injustice or irrational malignant behavior, I think of these two powerful women. They charge on with a faith and trust in themselves and what they know. They are not intimidated by a bigger entity. Sandra Steingraber did not back down, and chose jail to make a bolder statement. The pesticide companies with their highly paid experts did not silence Rachel Carson. I rely on these role models to give me that boost when I feel that I am powerless and feeble. Their fortitude is such an inspiration and catalyst that I forge ahead on the paths they have set before me. One person, especially a puissant woman, can and has made a gigantic difference. So what is holding me back? This question I ponder as I let out a sigh. “Nothing!” I hear vigorously from Rachel and Sandra. My resolve is to listen to my heroes as I blaze my own trail through the disappointments and turmoil that face me, and face all of us, in the Pandemonium of our world in 2013. It is always easier for me if I have a blueprint or example to guide me. Another piece of good news is that I know I will not run out of mentors. I witness brave pioneers standing in the winds of bedlam and havoc with a clarity and sense of purpose that juice me with a shot of adrenaline. When I am having a low power day, ,KDYHDUHDG\WRXVHÀ[ on hand that never fails to ignite my passion and spur me onward. I encourage and invite you to grab a hero (feel free to use either of my favorites), especially when gloom and doom are knocking at your front door or peering into your window. Added Bonus—You can hear more about Rachel Carson, the mother of the environmental movement. The Ashford Conservation Commission is sponsoring a Rachel Carson Celebration/bird walk on May 18. Rachel Carson was born May 27 and we are having an early birthday honoring for this quiet-spoken nature warrior. The event starts at Ashford Memorial Park off Route 44 at 8:30am for a bird walk and ends up at the Ashford Town Hall for refreshments and a short talk about her impact on birds, the environment and all of us. %H/LJKWDVD)HDWKHU /RUHWWD:UREHO)HPLQLVW7KHUDS\ 860-429-2629 297 Pumpkin Hill Road, Ashford, CT 06278 2IÀFH6OLGLQJ6FDOH *' +0'#.56#6' 1#*+0)X '#.614 1/''..+0)'#/ &RQWDFWPHIRUDIUHH PDUNHWDQDO\VLVRU KRPHEX\HU FRQVXOWDWLRQ 01#*u*1/'5'..+0)6'#/T%1/ LJNgHINgLEGH 6WRUUV5G0DQVILHOGƔ0HUURZ5G7ROODQG 62/' ZZZKRPHVHOOLQJWHDPFRP 4 2Q&KDQJLQJ$/LJKWEXOE By David Corsini As Delia went off to work, she mentioned that the light in the exhaust fan of her bathroom was blinking and needed to be changed. I had worked on this unit before and, although I remembered that it was QRWDSOHDVDQWWDVN,ZDVFRQÀGHQW I could do it. After getting a stool from the basement, I pulled the unit down from the ceiling, unfastened the spring from one side of the unit, and began to wrestle the WZRSURQJFRPSDFWÁXRUHVFHQWRXWRILWVVRFNHW,KDG failed to remove the heavy glass lens from the unit. As I was about to get the bulb out, the lens fell to WKHÁRRUDQGVKDWWHUHG1RWDJRRGVWDUWWRWKH day, but at least I got the bulb out. After picking up the big pieces and vacuuming, I was on hands and knees with a wet cloth towel followed by on hands and knees with a wet paper towel. Then it was time to tell Delia, but how should I do it—phone call or e-mail? I decided it might be “safer” to go for e-mail to give her time to process the situation before a direct conversation. Soon a response came back and she was sympathetic to my predicament. Whew! Then I was off to True Value Hardware. Sales staff at True Value had helped me in the past and I was known by sight to several people there. I didn’t expect True Value to have the lens, but perhaps they could order one or have a whole new unit that would work with the fan that was already installed. One can dream! At True Value I found one of the staff I knew and he assured me that the part could be ordered but the model number was needed. The brand name (Neuco) was on the parts I brought (the only parts that could be detached) but of course the model number was not there. So I would have to go home and look for the model number on the part that was permanently installed. But while I was at 7UXH9DOXH,ÀJXUHG,PLJKWDVZHOOJHWWKHEXOE,QHHGHG 7KHEXOEZDVDZDWWWZRSURQJHG6\OYDQLDÁXRUHVFHQW Wouldn’t you know, there were no two-pronged 26 watt bulbs. I was not discouraged and thought that perhaps the bulb was a little special and that the electrical supply place off of Main Street was sure to have the bulb. The electrical supply store probably did have it a year ago when it was still open, but now it was boarded up. So the alternative seemed to be Home Depot, where they would sure have the bulb and maybe even the Neuco unit. The Home Depot greeter directed me to the bulb section. There was a huge bulb section but no two-pronged 26 watt and, in addition, the two-pronged 13 watt bulb that was available had prongs oriented in a different way. Things were starting to look bad. At this point I thought that perhaps I could get a whole new unit and just replace the pieces I needed. I went to the exhaust fan section and found that Home Depot did have Neuco units but since I didn’t have my model number, I couldn’t make progress. So I went home to look for the model number and wait for Delia. /DWHU'HOLDDQG,DUPHGZLWKWKHPRGHOQXPEHU of our fan, head off in search of a solution. First we stopped at Sears Hardware but there was no bulb and no exhaust units. Then we went to Home Depot. Delia VHDUFKHGIRUEXOEVDJDLQDQGFRQÀUPHGWKHUHZDVQR ZDWWÁXRUHVFHQW$WOHDVWP\RULJLQDOFRQFOXVLRQLQWKLV UHVSHFWZDVFRQÀUPHG7KHQZHYLVLWHGWKHH[KDXVWIDQ section. For all the Neuco units the model numbers were not even close. We could have bought a whole new unit WKDWPLJKWÀWLQWRWKHH[LVWLQJFHLOLQJKROHEXWWKDWZRXOG require both taking out the working fan and certainly an electrician. Not wanting to get that complicated and admit defeat, we headed back to True Value with the model number to order the lens and perhaps the bulb. Delia searched for the bulb and in a discontinued product section low and behold she found two Sylvania two-pronged FRPSDFWÁXRUHVFHQWEXOEVZLWKWKHSURQJVRULHQWHGLQ the correct way. They were only 13 watt but perhaps that would do for the time being. Since the bulbs were a discontinued item selling at a discount, we bought them both just to be sure to have a spare. Delia grew up in Argentina with a grandfather that was creative in solving problems with material things. When things do not come out as originally planned, rather than UHGR'HOLDZLOOÀJXUHRXWDZD\WRPRGLI\WKHRULJLQDO plan to make things work. She is excellent at making “lemonade”. Delia put her creative mind to the situation at hand and decided that instead of ordering a new lens, we could get a piece of Plexiglas. The saleswoman agreed WRFXWDSLHFHRI3OH[LJODVWRÀWWKHRSHQLQJDQG'HOLD found some tape to put on the Plexiglas to give it a “frosted glass” look. The saleswoman used a scrap of Plexiglas so there was no charge even though labor was involved—nice people at True Value. So we went home with the two bulbs, the free Plexiglas cut to size and tape. Delia set to work with the tape and Plexiglas as I attempted to plug in one of the bulbs. It was two-pronged with the correct orientation but WKHUHZDVQRZD\WKHEXOEZRXOGÀW1RZZKDWZHUHZH to do with these useless bulbs? Probably I should have just sent them to the Smithsonian. (What I really did was WDNHWKHPWRWKHÁHDPDUNHWWKHQH[WWLPHZHZHQW7KHQ I unobtrusively placed them onto a vendor’s table and walked away. This maneuver also works with old toasters!) I looked on-line and found what appeared to be the exact correct bulb for our fan. I could buy two bulbs for $6.34 but the shipping would be $8.96. At this point in our sage, $15.30 didn’t sound too bad. But before I put in the credit card number, Delia got irritated with the insanity of the bulb issue and said that if the fan still worked, she would just do without the bulb. The fan worked! ,PDQDJHGWRÀWWKHIDQFRYHUEDFNLQWRWKH brackets without falling off the stool. But as I was getting back off the stool, the stool wobbled. I thought: “Boy, a fall from the stool would have been the “perfect” ending to this adventure.” Next time I should use the small stepladder from the barn. Hopefully, there will not be a next WLPHIRUWKLVÀ[WXUHEHFDXVHQRZWKHEXOELV´FKDQJHGµIRU good. And please, if you need a bulb changed, don’t call PHXQOHVV\RXDUHLQWHUHVWHGLQDSHUPDQHQWÀ[ . Victorian Days in Willimantic 6XEPLWWHGE\/\QQ'XYDO Where Readers & Authors Meet .................................................................. 2075 Hillside Road, Storrs, CT * www.bookstore.uconn.edu .................................................................. Sign up for our email announcements of visiting authors and other literary events. Go to www.bookstore.uconn.edu and click on General Books. And committed to that belief, we strive, everyday to make a difference in the lives of those we serve. A good bookstore is vital to a community. On May 31, June 1 & 2, the 15th annual Victorian Days event in Willimantic, presented by the Willimantic Victorian Neighborhood Association, will once again take visitors on a trip back to the 19th century to experience the beautiful Victorian lifestyle once enjoyed in Willimantic, where \RXZLOOÀQGPRUHWKDQ9LFWRULDQVW\OH homes on the National Register of Historic Places. The tour will also feature three in North & South Windham and Windham Center. Concerts, walking tours of Windham Mills, Willimantic Cemetery, museums and gardens as well as Victorian Teas all add to the enjoyment of the weekend. Victorian Days kicks off on Thursday, May 30 with a Walking Tour of historic North Windham. On Friday, May 31 the public is invited to a free-admission Britishstyle Classic Brass Band Concert at the First Congregational Church, 199 Valley Street. This is the church’s gift to the community funded by the Carl Webber fund. On Saturday, June 1 & Sunday, June 2, Victorian homes/historic sites will be open for guided tours. New this year (Saturday only) - Tours of 18th century homes in historic Windham Center. Weekend events include tours of 10 Victorian homes, Willimantic Camp Meeting Association 6DWXUGD\ WKH KLVWRULF (ONV /RGJH 2OG Willimantic Cemetery (Sunday), Windham Mills (Saturday), Windham’s historic Town Hall, the Garden on the Bridge, and the Wright’s Pleasant Street garden. The Windham Textile & History 0XVHXP ZLOO IHDWXUH D /DWLQR 0LJUDWLRQ Exhibit. The Windham Historical Society at Jillson House will be open. The Northeast Connecticut Railroad Museum will be open, featuring train rides. Visitors will also enjoy Concerts, Museum Exhibits, Art Shows, and the always delightful Victorian Teas. For information, advance tickets, reservations for tea, or to receive a brochure with full details and the Summer Events Calendar, call 860-428-7573. Also visit www. victorianwillimantic.org PLANNING A NIGHT OUT? CAFEMANTIC 5 )URP7KH*URXQG8S%X\LQJ/RFDO,Q&RQQHFWLFXW Spring Rhubarb By Dennis Pierce Spiced Rhubarb Pickles Spring is a season that sometimes is missed. Much like a magic trick with all of your attention watching the grass turn a vibrant green you neglect to see that your yard is now full of daffodils. What marks spring for me is the ÀUVWGD\RIÀVKLQJVHDVRQ:KHQP\VRQZDV\RXQJHU we would get out of bed while it was still dark and walk through our backyard to the Fenton where fellow anglers would be tugging on their waders, adjusting their rods and waiting for the 6:00am starting time. Some years we were successful and others not. What came out of that spring ritual is that when my son returns from college each year he pulls out the waders, VHDUFKHVIRUDOORIWKHÀVKLQJ paraphernalia and drives GRZQWRÀQGDOORIWKRVHÀVK that were not tricked by this year’s, “guaranteed to catch the big one” shiny lure or that fat worm that was a skinch too slow when the shovel revealed its hiding spot. “From the Ground Up” is an appropriate title for this column. Each spring there are two early bloomers in my bedraggled garden, a crop of chives and the HYHUODVWLQJUKXEDUESODQW5KXEDUEÀUVWFDPHWRWKH8QLWHG States in the 1820s, entering the country in Maine and Massachusetts and moved westward with the European Settlers. A rhubarb plant was found in Massachusetts in the kitchen garden at Thoreau’s birthplace. Rhubarb was a major crop for the progressive farm town of Concord, Massachusetts. In those days rhubarb was usually considered to be a vegetable; however, in the United States, a New York court decided in 1947 that since it was used in the United States as a fruit, it was to be counted as a fruit for the purposes of regulations and duties. It appears that a side effect was a reduction on imported rhubarb tariffs, as tariffs were higher for vegetables than fruits. My early memories of spring rhubarb came from turning over a neighbor’s garden and eyeing the broad leaf plants that ran along the garden’s edge. As kids we grabbed those old thick mason jars and stole granulated sugar from our mother’s cupboard, dipping the chunky stalks into the jar we perhaps encountered what our children now know, as “sweet tarts”. Scrunched faces, puckered lips we added more sugar, not caring about any potential cavities. We just hoped it would offset the tang that came with each bite. /RRNLQJEDFNRQWKHUHVRXUFHVRIRXUIRUHIDWKHUV I offer the following recipe that might show up at a family picnic or maybe as an impromptu snack. Ingredients: 2 pounds rhubarb 2 cups granulated sugar 1 3/4 cups cider vinegar RUDQJH=HVW<RXFDQDOVRSHHODQGFKRSYHU\ÀQHO\LI you do not have a zester) 1 teaspoon ground ginger 4 teaspoons mustard seed 6 cloves 1 cinnamon stick Directions: Cut the rhubarb into 1 inch pieces. Do not peel. Dissolve the sugar in the vinegar and add the orange zest and juice of the orange, the ginger, mustard seeds, cloves and cinnamon stick. Add the fruit and bring to the boil. Simmer carefully for 15 minutes. Strain the fruit and reduce the liquid by boiling until syrupy. Mix it with the fruit. Sterilize jars in boiling water. Pour the pickle into sterilized jars, top off with syrup and seal. Take jars and re-submerge into boiling water Cool jars The delight of spring may be so brief that we here in Quiet Corner joke “Oh, spring...yeah, I think last year it was on a Monday.” As we look around us we need to take the deliberate time to take it all in. Comedian Robin Williams captured the feeling in his quote, ““Spring LVQDWXUH·VZD\RIVD\LQJ´/HW·VSDUW\µ6RHQMR\WKH weather and all that blooms now when you have the moment. May I also suggest that you keep your eyes open for the Garden Gate Plant Sale and the F.F.A plant sale at E.O. Smith. These are two great ways to get a head start on your summer garden. If you are looking for recipes or want to suggest someone who should be featured in my column please feel IUHHWRFRQWDFWPHDW&RGÀVK#\DKRRFRP,QWHUHVWHGLQ reading more about the local food scene or checking out some new recipes using local ingredients? Follow on my blog at: http://everydayisaholidayeverymealisa banquet. blogspot.com/ A Reading By Curbstone Press Poets Textile Museum Tag Sale Submitted by Judith Doyle On Thursday, June 13, 2013, there’ll be a reunion reading in the Julia de Burgos Park by 5-6 of the poets that were published by Curbstone between 1975 and 2000. Poets participating include James Scully, Joan Joffee Hall, 0DUWLQ(VSDGD-RQ$QGHUVHQDQGRWKHUVXQFRQÀUPHG at press time. This event is occurring on a date other than the ongoing Poetry in the Park events held the 4th Thursday each month from May through August. All readings begin at 6:00 PM. The Julia de Burgos Park is located in Willimantic at the corner of Jackson street and Terry Ave. All the events are free and open to the public. Please join us. The Windham Textile and History Museum will be holding a spring tag sale on Saturday May 4 and Sunday May 5, 2013 from 9am – 1pm each day. The sale will be held in the Dugan Building at 153 Union Street. Ashford Farmers Market Opening day May 19th Sundays 10am-1pm Pompey Hollow Park Route 44, Ashford (across from the Town Hall) Enjoy fresh CT-grown products and meet your local farmer Swiftwaters Artisans’ Co-op 866 Main St. Willimantic Fiber 860-456-8548 Leather Willimantic’s Stone Favorite Photography Creative Fine Art Showcase Glass & Gift Shop Jewelry Paper You may drop off donations at the Textile Museum located at 411 Main Street on Saturday and Sunday, April 20 and 21 and April 27 and 28 from 10am to SP3OHDVHQRFORWKLQJHOHFWURQLFVRUÀWQHVVHTXLSPHQW For more information, contact the Windham Textile & History Museum, 411 Main Street, Willimantic, CT 06226. 860-456-2178. www.millmuseum.org. Pfalzgraf Pfarm *IJKWKS4QJZIZa*MVMÅ\ On Saturday, May 11th and Saturday, May 18th, Pfalzgraf 3IDUPZLOOEHDW$VKIRUG·V%DEFRFN/LEUDU\SDUNLQJORW during library hours. A donation will be made for every herb, vegetable, perennial or hanging basket sold. We will continue these donations for all sales at our stand on Route 44, 65 Ashford Center Road, for Memorial Day weekend, and the following two Sundays-June 2nd and June 9th. We have 17 varieties of tomatoes, 31 varieties of herbs, assorted vegetable plants, perennials and hanging baskets. Our hours are: Memorial Day Weekend-Sat. May 25, 1-4; Sun. May 26, 10-4; Mon. May 27, 10-4 Sun. June 2, 10-4 and Sun. June 9, 10-4 6 What’s Your Problem? %\'RQQD1LFROLQR/&6: Do you have a relationship issue about which you have a question? Are you concerned about something you’ve been experiencing, or that a friend or family member has been going through? Are you dealing with depression, anxiety, or addiction issues? Would you like to get some free advice IURPDWKHUDSLVWZLWKRXWWKHWLPHRUÀQDQFLDOFRPPLWPHQW of actually going into therapy? I am happy to answer \RXUTXHVWLRQV<RXUFRQÀGHQWLDOLW\ZLOOEHSURWHFWHG and pseudonyms are welcomed. Questions can be sent to: WhatsYourProblemNeighbor@gmail.com. The email messages will go to me directly and will be used only for this column. Please know that questions may need to be edited for brevity due to space limitations, but if they are edited I will do my best to keep the heart of your question. Dealing with Grief Share Curiosity. Read Together. w w w. r e a d . g o v 860-870-8200 V Now you CAN afford to get project d that on THIS YE e AR! ermont Painting & Home Services Low overhead means savings to you! Vermont Prices (Lower!), Vermont Quality in Connecticut FREE ESTIMATES –––––––––– PRICE GUARANTEE –––––––––– QUALITY GUARANTEE –––––––––– ON TIME GUARANTEE –––––––––– GREAT REFERENCES AVAILABLE t$PNQMFUF)PVTF1BJOUJOHo&OUJSF)PVTFPS1BSUJBM t1PXFS8BTIJOHo5VSO:PVS)PNF*OUPB$MFBO)PNF t8BMMQBQFSo3FNPWBMPS"QQMJDBUJPO t4UBJOJOH%FDL3FIBCT t3PPĕOHo.FUBMPS4IJOHMFT t(VUUFSTo3FQMBDFEPS$MFBOFE0VU t.JOPS$BSQFOUSZo3FNPEFMJOH0VUCVJMEJOHT&UD t%SJWFXBZ4FBMJOHBOE$PBUJOHo"41&$*"-5: Attic, Cellar, or Entire Household Clean Outs, ALSO A SPECIALTY – Broom Clean and On Time! Low Overhead Means Direct Savings To You! CALL TODAY – 860-870-8200 As I write this, I am grieving. Yesterday, I found out that someone I know had committed suicide. This is a person who I knew as kind, devoted, generous and spiritual. Someone who had welcomed me into his home. Someone who had others around him who loved him. In the past few months, he had been going through a very GLIÀFXOWWLPHDQGZDVFOHDUO\VWUXJJOLQJ7KRVHZKRZHUH able to reached out to him to offer support. Sadly, it was not enough. Grieving for someone who has committed suicide can be different than grieving for someone who has died in a different way. In addition to the feeling of sadness over losing the person, there may also be feelings of guilt over not having been able to prevent it, or anger at the person for their action, and for leaving you in emotional pain. Sometimes this is compounded by feeling guilty for feeling angry, since many people unrealistically believe that we should only have positive thoughts or words for those who have died in whatever way. But there are no “right” or “wrong” feelings in grief. It is normal and even healthy to go through a wide range of emotions, and attempting to suppress these feelings can complicate healing. Grief is not a linear process. There is no point at which we should or necessarily will be “over it.” Many times those who are grieving will start to feel a sort of guilt after a while, feeling like they “should” have resolved their grief and moved on. Unfortunately, this is sometimes encouraged by those around the grieving person, who will give the same message - “Aren’t you past it yet?” “You need to get on with your life.” Often those who give this PHVVDJHKDYHDGLIÀFXOWWLPHGHDOLQJZLWKJULHIRURWKHU GLIÀFXOWIHHOLQJVWKHPVHOYHVDQGVHHLQJVRPHRQHDURXQG them continuing to experience this makes them very uncomfortable. (However, “complicated grief” is a condition ZKHUHJULHIDIIHFWV\RXVRGHHSO\WKDW\RXKDYHGLIÀFXOW\ functioning in your normal activities for six months or more. If this is the case, then it is very likely not only the loss of the loved one, but also something else in your life which is affecting you, and it is best to see a professional counselor.) In actuality, grief seems to be more like ripples in a pond. Typically, it hits most strongly in the beginning, and over time the periods of intense grief have more distance between them, and the grieving person increasingly experiences a feeling of resolution or acceptance. But it’s not uncommon for someone who lost a loved one many years ago to suddenly feel a wave of grief when unexpectedly coming across a reminder of that person, or at the time of an important date: the anniversary of the event, the person’s birthday, a certain holiday, etc. Initially, especially in the case of an unexpected and tragic death such as a suicide, there is likely to be a feeling of numbness or disbelief. I experienced my own numbness as a sort of strange, heavy, calm feeling. There was the thought that, “I should probably be really upset about this but I’m not feeling it” coupled with a feeling of being weighed down in some way. My movements felt slow, although I was able to carry out my usual activities. When the grief started to come, it came in waves. I’d burst out crying, then be okay for a while, do something else, interact with people and feel sad but okay. Then the tears would come again, along with the thoughts of the apparent senselessness of this act, and the pain of his loved ones left behind. I thought of the person I knew, and how he would never again offer me a seat in his home, or offer me some fruit or a slice of his birthday pie. I wondered what his last thoughts were and what he could have been thinking or feeling to make him commit such an act. Telling the story of the loss is one way that we process it. Especially in the case of an unexpected death, our minds grapple with some way to make sense of the situation. One way that we naturally do this as humans is to verbalize it, and this may happen repeatedly. At times the grieving person may be surprised at their desire to talk about the incident, and it can even be challenging to those around her. In this case, outside of having a very understanding friend, the grieving person may want to tell the story of their grief through journaling, scrapbooking RUSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQDORFDO*ULHIDQG/RVVVXSSRUWJURXS, realize as I am writing this column that for me this is part of my grieving process. There is no one way to grieve, and no set time in which to do it. Everyone grieves in their own way and their own time. Try to be compassionate and patient with \RXUVHOIRUWKRVH\RXNQRZZKRDUHJULHYLQJ/HWWKH IHHOLQJVFRPHLQFOXGLQJWKHGLIÀFXOWRQHVOLNHDQJHUDQG know that if you are angry, it doesn’t mean that you love the person any less. There are no easy answers here, no simple way to make sense of a person’s life tragically cut short by their own hand. For some, their religious or spiritual beliefs may offer some sense of comfort or ability to make meaning of such an event. But there’s no getting around the pain of it. It just is. As I sometimes say to my clients when it seems that everything is wrong and there’s no easy solution, “Sometimes things just suck.” And yet in the midst of this pain, our lives go on. We eat and sleep and go to work or school; we connect with friends and family; we play with our pets; we pay attention to events in our world. The morning after I had gotten this terrible news, I did my working member hours at the Wiilimantic Food Co-op, bagging wonderful smelling cocoa and talking to friends about the awful events in Boston. I spent time with a friend, cried, and in the afternoon worked on creating an area of my yard to DWWUDFWDQGVXSSRUWEHHVDQGRWKHUEHQHÀFLDOLQVHFWV7KH weather was warm and I noticed my pear trees were just starting to blossom. Deadline for June issue: Friday, May 17th. 7 New Housing Rehab Program Offers Opportunities For Volunteering and Homeownership Submitted by Kate Fortier :,//,0$17,&²7KH$FFHVV&RPPXQLW\ Action Agency is looking for participants in two new community-based programs: the Windham Area Hour Exchange and Housing Now!. The Windham Area Hour Exchange is a time bank — a network of individuals, businesses, and organizations that exchange services using a time-based currency, where one hour of service equals one “time dollar”. Housing Now! is a new program that rehabilitates multi-family homes using a combination of paid and volunteer labor, including Hour Exchange member labor, to provide safe and affordable homeownership and rental housing to the region’s working families. Access is seeking volunteers and homeownership applicants for Housing Now! as well as individuals, businesses, and organizations interested in joining the Windham Area Hour Exchange. Housing Now! uses a combination of local contractors, volunteer labor, in-kind materials support, and monetary donations on its projects. Construction recently JRWXQGHUZD\RQWKHÀUVW+RXVLQJ1RZSURMHFWKRPHDW 128 Main Street in Willimantic. This two-family home was partially condemned when purchased by the Access Community Action Agency last fall. Upon completion of the project, which is anticipated in the coming fall, the property will be completely renovated from foundation WRQHZURRÀQJDQGGUDPDWLFLQWHULRUFKDQJHVLQEHWZHHQ Additional multi-family home rehabilitations will follow. Multi-family homes rehabilitated Housing Now! will be sold to income-eligible homebuyers who meet program requirements, including proof of SUHTXDOLÀFDWLRQIRUDPRUWJDJH+RPHRZQHUVFDQ contribute toward their down payment through “sweat equity” — hours worked on the rehabilitation project VLWH³DQGZLOOUHFHLYHOLWHUDF\WUDLQLQJLQÀQDQFH homeownership, and landlord roles and responsibilities. Homeowners will further offset their monthly housing costs by renting remaining units in the home, agreeing to do so at an affordable rate to income-eligible tenants. Volunteers are needed to work on project sites in a variety of ways, from aid in all phases of demolition, FRQVWUXFWLRQDQGÀQLVKZRUNWRVLWHFOHDQXSODQGVFDSLQJ transportation, refreshments, and more. Individuals, teams representing businesses and organizations, and youth groups are encouraged to inquire. Experience is appreciated but not required; and individuals wishing to learn construction-related skills are welcome. Alex Flis, a tenant of the current project site temporarily relocated during construction with Access’ assistance for the safety of his family, is eager to return to the home once renovations are complete and is volunteering on the construction site to help move the process along. There isn’t much he will miss about the way his family’s apartment used to be. “The walls and windows weren’t well insulated. It was really noisy in the apartment,” he remembers. “And, we can’t wait to have straight, sturdy stairs,” he shares, referring to the narrow, steep, and dangerously code-violating stairs that once ZRXQGSUHFDULRXVO\WRWKHLUVHFRQGÁRRUEHGURRPV´:H all fell on them. My feet are humongous, so I don’t want to miss a step!” Housing Now! is aimed at turning blighted and non-code-compliant properties into safe, functional, attractive homes; fostering emotionally invested landlords who live in the properties they rent; facilitating budgetsmart homeownership and apartment rental for families; and building neighborhood and community connections through project and Hour Exchange participation. Housing Now! is made possible in part by DFRQWULEXWLRQRIIURP&RQQHFWLFXW/LJKW Power for the development of affordable housing in Windham through the Housing Tax Credit Contribution (HTCC) administered by the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority. Project partners include architect Dan Wright & $VVRFLDWHVRI9HUQRQDQGJHQHUDOFRQWUDFWRU)XQN/LWWOH ,QFRI0DQVÀHOG Housing Now! project volunteers and project contractors can join the Windham Area Hour Exchange — a free time bank network of individuals, organizations, and businesses — where they can earn “time dollars” for the hours they volunteer on Housing Now! project sites. They can then spend those time dollars with other Hour Exchange members to get services they need. Services available within the Hour Exchange are determined by member offerings and cover a wide variety of service categories, including but not limited to computer, FRQVWUXFWLRQDQGKRPHUHSDLUEXVLQHVVDQGRIÀFH JDUGHQLQJDQG\DUGZRUNÀWQHVVDQGQDWXUHFODVVHVDQG tutoring, moving and hauling, transportation, pet care, and more. Membership is free and open to all individuals, business, and organizations regardless of income, residency, age, physical ability, or other circumstance. New Housing Now! project volunteer and Hour ([FKDQJHPHPEHU$OOLQD/RYHWWLVDUHFHQWDGGLWLRQWRWKH programs, and describes the variety of reasons she decided to join other volunteers and Hour Exchange members on the Housing Now! project site. “For me,” she shares, “it means connecting with like-minded people, spending my time meaningfully, being a part of good changes, gaining skills and knowledge, getting a work out, and having a chance to be an owner of an affordable house.” Housing Now! project volunteer and Hour ([FKDQJHPHPEHU(YD&VHMWH\HFKRHV0V/RYHWW·V sentiments, citing the program as an opportunity to “build community relationships and share resources” while “satisfying self and satisfying others.” When asked what she would say to people on the fence about joining the Hour Exchange and volunteering for Housing Now!, she asks, “What are you waiting for?” If you are interested in volunteering on Housing Now! project sites, joining the Windham Area Hour Exchange, and/or inquiring about the application process for Housing Now! home ownership, please contact: Kate Fortier, Director Housing Now! Windham Area Hour Exchange-Access Community Action Agency, 1315 Main Street, Suite 2, Willimantic, CT 06226 2IÀFHH[W Buy fresh! Support our local farmers. Kerri Gallery presents “Still Life Pieces” The artwork of Dorothy Hall May 8 – June 21 Opening reception May 9 From 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Gallery hours: Wed, Fri 10 - 6pm Thurs 10 -2 & 5-8; Saturday 11-3 861 Main St. Willimantic (860) 456-8615 lets you give students at risk of dropping out the boost they need to make it through high school. Because over 30% of students in the U.S. aren’t graduating. And they’ve got a lot more to tackle than just their schoolwork. LOVE- a noun and a verb, something we need to feel and do. 8 Our Community Calendar Compiled by Dagmar Noll May 1. Wednesday Theatre: Hairspray, 7:30 p.m. Musical at Harriet S. -RrJeQseQ 7Keatre, 3 HillsiGe 5G, MaQs¿elG. 33. crt.uconn.edu May 2, Thursday Kids: (YeninJ Story 7ime, :30 p.m. )or aJes 3.. :illimantic 3uElic /iErary, 0 Main St, :illimantic. 5eJister: 030. ZZZ.ZillimanticpuElicliErary.orJ Theatre: Hairspray, 7:30 p.m. See . May 3, Friday Live Music: Sepiatone, =oo )ront and sinJersonJZriter Martin 7elle, :00 p.m. :illimantic 5ecords, 7 Main Street, :illimantic. )ree. ZZZ.Zillimanticrecords.com Theatre: Hairspray, :00 p.m. See . Puppetry: 8&211 SprinJ 3uppet Slam, :00 p.m. 0:00 p.m. . 3alace 7Keater, 7 Main St, StaIIord. 0 0339 bimp.uconn.edu May 4, Saturday Tag Sale: 8sed booN, taJ baNe sale, 7:00 a.m. :00 p.m. 3roceeds bene¿t tKe )riends oI tKe 3omIret 3ublic /ibrary. 3omIret &ommunity ScKool &aIeteria, 0 3omIret St, 3omIret &enter. 0937 ZZZ.pomIretlibrary.orJ Fundraiser: 7th $nnual 7oZn :ide 7aJ Sale, 7:00 a.m. 3urchase map oI taJ sales at 3omIret &ommunity School 3arNinJ /ot, 0 3omIret St, 3omIret &enter. Sponsored by the 3omIret 3roprietors Zith proceeds bene¿ttinJ 3omIret¶s 300th Anniversary. Fundraiser: 7e[tile Museum Sale, 9:00 a.m. :00 p.m. 'uJan Mill, Àoor , 3 8nion Street, :illimantic. 0 7 ZZZ.millmuseum.orJ History: 1athan Hale Homestead opens Ior the season, :00 p.m. :00 p.m. *uided tours oI one oI &onnecticut¶s most patriotic Iamilies, 99 South Street, &oventry. . 0797 ZZZ.ctlandmarNs.orJ Live Music:7ideland 7he &loth Irom 3hiladelphia and SZiIt :aters Irom :illimantic, 7:00 p.m. ,ndie rocN at :illimantic 5ecords, 7 Main Street, :illimantic. )ree. ZZZ.Zillimanticrecords.com Dancing: Quiet Corner Contra Dance, lesson at 7:30 p.m., dance Irom :00 p.m ± :00 p.m. Called dancinJ by Steve HoZland Zith )irst 7ime StrinJ %and. 30. All ages. Clean shoes. Pot luck snacks at break. Storrs Congregational Church, 2 North Eagleville Rd, Storrs. quietcornercontra.tripod.com Theatre: Hairspray, :00 p.m. See . May 5, Sunday Tag Sale: 7e[tile Museum Sale, 9:00 a.m. :00 p.m. See . Community Food: Pop 8p Market, :00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 2 local Iood vendors tomato, herb, perennial and ÀoZer greenhouse, ¿ddle music 7ai Chi. 7opmost Herb )arm, 2 North School Rd, North Coventry. 072239. topmostherbIarm.com Community Food: Sunday Cheese Tasting, 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Sample Spring cheeses and meet the baby goats. %ring a picnic. %eltane )arm, 9 Taylor %ridge Rd, /ebanon. 02027 ZZZ.beltaneIarm.com Theatre: Hairspray, 2:00 p.m. See 1. Live Music: Christine 2hlman Rebel Monte], :00 p.m. )undraiser Ior The Covenant Soup .itchen and )ood Pantry. St. Paul¶s Episcopal Church, 220 9alley St, :illimantic. 1. Tickets: 029220 ZZZ. breadbo[Iolk.org May 7, Tuesday Kids: Tot Time, 10:111:00am. Ages 3 under Zith a caregiver. %abcock /ibrary, 2 Pompey HolloZ Rd, AshIord. 0720 ZZZ.babcocklibrary.org May 8, Wednesday Skill Share: *arden Club oI :indham Monthly Meeting Zith Michelle Mc/ure on Herbal Remedies, 7:00 p.m. Meet at the %ernard Room at :indham Community Memorial Hospital, Mans¿eld Ave, :illimantic. ZZZ. gardencluboIZindham.org May 9, Thursday Gallery Reception: Equine Art oI Helen Scanlon, :00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. The /ily pad *allery, 3 North St, :illimantic, CT. 0233223 ZZZ.lilypadart.com Kids: Evening Story Time, :30 p.m. See 2. May 10, Friday Plants: Plant SZap, :00 p.m. Contact the library Ior more inIormation on this program. %abcock /ibrary, 2 Pompey HolloZ Rd, AshIord. 0720 ZZZ.babcocklibrary. org Skill Share: Composting Zith :orms, 7:00 p.m. )ree and open to the public. %abcock /ibrary, 2 Pompey HolloZ Rd, AshIord. 0720 ZZZ.babcocklibrary.org Reunion: <oung Alumni %ash, :00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. Classes oI 20032012 are invited to one more party at %larney¶s, 9 High St, :illimantic. RS9P by : 0 302 or alumni#easternct.edu May 11, Saturday Bus Trip: 9isit the %ron[ %otanical *ardens in NeZ <ork, all day. Travel Zith the *arden Club oI :indham. 70 includes bus ticket and garden admission. ,nIo: 0 017 ZZZ.gardencluboIZindham.org Skill Share: *oat Husbandry Class, 7:30 a.m. :30 p.m. Handson instruction limited to people per class. 10. Reservations: ptrubey#earthlink.net. %eltane )arm, 9 Taylor %ridge Rd, /ebanon. 02027 ZZZ. beltaneIarm.com Tag Sale: )undraiser Ior Soroptomist ,nternational oI :illimantic, :00 a.m. :00 p.m. 12 :indham Rd, :illimantic. soroptomistZillimantic.org Kids: All About )rogs, 1:00 p.m. Stories, craIts and a tea party celebrating the Irog story at the :indham Te[tile History Museum, 11 Main St, :illimantic. . Register: 0217 ZZZ.millmuseum.org Community Food: Mother¶s Day Tea, :00 p.m. Nathan Hale Homestead, 2299 South Street, Coventry. 1012. Register: 072917 ZZZ.ctlandmarks.org May 12, Sunday Community Food: Sunday Cheese Tasting, 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. See May . May 13, Monday Kids: CraIternoon, 2:00 p.m. :00 p.m. Drop in and make a springtime craIt in the Children¶s Department, %abcock /ibrary, 2 Pompey HolloZ Rd, AshIord. 0720 ZZZ.babcocklibrary.org Film: ³Seven Days ,n May´, 7:00 p.m. SuspenseIul 193 thriller about attempted coup d¶etat in the 8SA. )ree popcorn, drink and discussion at 88 )elloZship oI Storrs, Spring Hill Rd, Storrs. May 14, Tuesday Kids: Tot Time, 10:111:00am. Ages 3 under Zith a caregiver. %abcock /ibrary, 2 Pompey HolloZ Rd, AshIord. 0720 ZZZ.babcocklibrary.org May 15, Wednesday Live Music: %read %o[ )olk Artist ShoZcase, 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. )undraiser Ior The Covenant Soup .itchen and )ood Pantry. St. Paul¶s Episcopal Church, 220 9alley St, :illimantic. ZZZ.breadbo[Iolk.org May 16, Thursday Book Discussion: %ookto¿lm discussion oI ³:ives and Daughters´, by Eli]abeth *askell, 3:30 p.m. PomIret Public /ibrary, 9 PomIret St, PomIret. 09237 Kids: Evening Story Time, :30 p.m. See 2. May 17, Friday Skill Share: Certi¿ed ChainsaZ Training Ior the Novice Amateur, :00 a.m. :00 p.m. SaIe and Productive ChainsaZ 8se Through ³The *ame oI /ogging´ at the Nathan Hale State )orest, Coventry. 100120. Registrations is ¿rst come, ¿rst serve: 093 or sbroderick#ctZoodlands.org Book Discussion: ³Room´ by Emma Donoghue, 2:00 p.m. Copies alZays available at the library. NeZcomers Zelcome. %abcock /ibrary, 2 Pompey HolloZ Rd, AshIord. 0720 ZZZ.babcocklibrary.org Kids: Teddy %ear Sleepover, :30 p.m. %ring your Iavorite stuIIed animal Iriend to the %abckock /ibrary Ior bear stories, songs, and craIt. Tuck him in Ior a night¶s sleep and ask him about all the Iun he had Zhen you pick him up on Saturday betZeen 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Copies alZays available at the library. NeZcomers Zelcome. %abcock /ibrary, 2 Pompey HolloZ Rd, AshIord. 0 720 ZZZ.babcocklibrary.org Film: Nosey Parker, :30 p.m. %lend oI documentary and narrative about a CT transplant in 9T. PomIret Public /ibrary, 9 PomIret St, PomIret. 09237 May 18, Saturday Antiques: *lass %ottles ShoZ and Sale, :00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. Coventry *lass :orks, 29 North River Road, Coventry. Admission: 1. ,nIo: lsamot#co[.net ZZZ. glassmuseum.org Walk: %ird :alk led by Steve Morytko in Honor oI Rachel Carson, :30 a.m. Meet at AshIord Memorial Park oII Pompey Road on Rt , AshIord. )olloZed by reIreshments and short talk about Rachel Carson, author oI ³Silent Spring´, at AshIord ToZn Hall Irom 10:1 a.m. 11:00 a.m. RS9P by 1: 029229 or birdeye123# charter.net Gardening: Annual Plant Sale, 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. %ene¿t by and Ior the *arden Club oI :indham at :indham High School CaIeteria, High St, :illimantic. ZZZ.gardencluboIZindham.org Festival: RiverIest, 10:00 a.m. River Àoat, kayak ramp, ZhiteZater demo, Iood, live music, games Ior kids, and oneman damathon. 1020 Ior River )loat and .ayak Ramp. Preregister Ior Àoat at 9:00 a.m. or email ZilliZhiteZater#gmail.com. All other activities are Iree. %ridge Street, :illimantic. ZZZ.ZillimanticZhiteZater. org Live Music: Music in May, 11:00 a.m. :00 p.m. %ring your best pri]eZinning picnic to the :aldo House, 9 :aldo Road, Scotland. . 0001. codeamigo.com scotlandhs Skill Share: :illimantic )ibre Club, 12pm. .nit, Crochet, Ielt, spin All levels, all ages Zelcome to learn and share. Come any time during club time. SZiIt :aters Artisan¶s Cooperative, Main St, :illimantic. 0 )ree. No registration. ZZZ.sZiItZaters.org Dance: Spring Dance ShoZcase, :00 p.m. Capitol Theater Arts Academy, 9 Main St, :illimantic. ,nIo and tickets: 03 Dancing: Spring )ling )undraiser, 7:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. %ene¿t Ior the Partners in ,ndependence Adult Mentoring Program at the )rench Club, 11 Club Road. Music by %ruce -ohn the Eagleville %and and -ohn Hinckley the 2utriggers. 20. 07270 [11 Zaimct.org May 19, Sunday Community Food: AshIord )armers Market 2pening Day, 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. :eekly market every Sunday through 2ctober at Pompey HolloZ Park on Rt. across Irom the AshIord ToZn Hall. )resh produce, meats, herbs, soaps and massage. ZZZ.ashIordIarmersmarket.com Skill Share: 23rd Annual )arm Day, 10:00 a.m. :00 p.m. Demonstrations and goods by oldtime reenactors. admission. :aldo House, 9 :aldo Road, Scotland. . 0001. codeamigo.comscotlandhs Community Food: Sunday Cheese Tasting, 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. See May . Dance: Spring Dance ShoZcase, 2:00 p.m. See 1 Live Music: Take Note, 3:00 p.m. %ene¿t concert Ior the Mans¿eld Community Playground at Storrs Congregational Church, 2 North Eagleville Rd, Storrs. takenote.org May 20, Monday Kids: Preteen %ook Discussion oI ³HoZ to Steal a Dog´, by %arbara 2¶Connor, :30:30pm. %abcock /ibrary, 2 Pompey HolloZ Rd, AshIord. 0720 ZZZ. babcocklibrary.org May 21, Tuesday Kids: Tot Time, 10:111:00am. Ages 3 under Zith a caregiver. %abcock /ibrary, 2 Pompey HolloZ Rd, AshIord. 0720 ZZZ.babcocklibrary.org Book Discussion: Tag Man, by Archer Mayor, 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. NeZcomers Zelcome. %abcock /ibrary, 2 Pompey HolloZ Rd, AshIord. 0720 ZZZ. babcocklibrary.org Book Discussion: Tag Man, by Archer Mayor, 7:00 p.m. PomIret Public /ibrary, 9 PomIret St, PomIret. 092 37 May 25, Saturday Skill Share: *oat Husbandry Class, 7:30 a.m. :30 p.m. See May 11. History: :alking Tour oI Mills oI StaIIord Springs, :00 p.m. Meet on Main Street near the rotary. . Register Zith sponsor :indham Te[tile History Museum: 0 217 ZZZ.millmuseum.org Live Music: PomIret ,nvasion: Sally Rogers, HoZie %ursen -eII Davis, 7:30 p.m. )undraiser Ior The Covenant Soup .itchen and )ood Pantry. St. Paul¶s Episcopal Church, 220 9alley St, :illimantic. 10 Tickets: 029220 ZZZ.breadbo[Iolk.org May 26, Sunday Community Food: Sunday Cheese Tasting, 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. See May . May 28, Tuesday Kids: Tot Time, 10:111:00am. Ages 3 under Zith a caregiver. %abcock /ibrary, 2 Pompey HolloZ Rd, AshIord. 0720 ZZZ.babcocklibrary.org Live Music: Animal /over, Heats oI )ormation, 2ne Hundred <ear 2cean and )or Everest, 7:00 p.m. ,ndie rock shoZ at :illimantic Records, 7 Main Street, :illimantic. )ree. ZZZ.Zillimanticrecords.com May 30, Thursday Kids: Evening Story Time, :30 p.m. See 2. Our Community Calendar cont. on next page 9 Our Neighbor’s Poetry ,6/$1(&,$ )22/,6+,6/$1' By 5RVH/DXULH)LHOG6DQWLDJR By 5RVH/DXULH)LHOG6DQWLDJR Que isla tan bella de donde salen mis escogidos, /RVFXDOHVODOODPDQQXHVWUDLVOD /DLVODGHOHQFDQWR What a beautiful island where my chosen come from, Which they call it, our island, The island of enchantment. Es la isla, /DFXDOOHVLJRKDEODQGR y la sigo guardado con mi manto. It is the island, Which whom I keep on speaking to And I still protect with my mantle. $TXtSUHSDURDORVTXHÀHOPHQWHPHEXVFDQ \VHOHYDQWDQFRQÀUPH]D delante de esta isla tan necia. Here I prepare those who faithfully seek me DQGULVHZLWKÀUPQHVV in front of this island so foolish. Hay isla bella, pero mira que necia eres. Isla necia ¿Por qué no entiendes? Isla necia ¿Por qué no comprendes? Isla necia ¿Por qué no me escuchas? Acaso estas ciega en ver cuanto más la maldad aumenta? Oh beautiful island, But look at how foolish you are. Foolish island. Why do not you understand? Foolish island. Why do not you comprehend? Foolish island. Why do not you listen to me? Perhaps you are blind in seeing how much more wickedness increases? El sufrimiento de familia es a cada hora, y los muertos a cada minuto o sino a cada segundo. Ya no se oye felicidad en las calles, todo es miedo, todo es oscuridad. The families suffering is at every hour, and the dead at every minute or if not at every second. Now you don’t hear happiness in the streets, everything is fear, everything is darkness. /DVOiJULPDVGHPLLVODVRQWDQWDV que forman el tamaño del mar. El amor aquí era tan inmenso como el universo, ahora el amor es como el estado más frío, del mundo entero. The tears of my island are many, that form the size of the sea. The love here was as immense as the universe now the love is like the coldest state, of the entire world. Isla necia eres, las horas, los minutos, y segundos se te acortan, SRUTXHVRQPX\SRFRVORVTXHÀHOPHQWHPHEXVFDQ Foolish island you are, the hours, the minutes, and seconds are shorten to you Because there are very few who faithfully seek me. Te e hablado por muchos de mis escogidos pero, Sigues necia, ¿No entiendes? ¿No comprendes? y ¿No escuchas? I have spoken to you by many of my chosen ones but, You still foolish, You do not understand? You do not comprehend? and You do not listen? Muchos dicen que soy amor, Sí, Soy Amor, y aun haciendo maldad te sigo amando. Many say I am love, Yes, I am love, and yet still doing wickedness I keep loving you. Pero Isla necia sigues siendo, Porque todavía no entiendes, no comprendes y no escuchas, But foolish island you are still being, Because you still do not understand, do not comprehend, and do not listen. Que a través de mi amor traigo corrección. That through my love I bring correction. Bella, bella isla eres. Pero Necia, tan necia eres. Beautiful, beautiful island you are. But foolish, foolish you are. El tiempo se te acorta, Y no cambias Isla Necia, Acaso, ¿Se te ha olvidado que no puedo ser burlado Your time shortens and you do not change foolish island, Perhaps, Have you forgotten that I cannot be deceived? Editor’s Note: 5RVH/DXULH)LHOG6DQWLDJR·VSRHPUHFHLYHGWKH 2013 Julius Sokenu Poetry Prize Award in the Spanish Heritage Speaker category. Ten Quinebaug Valley Community College (QVCC) students were awarded prizes in several categories. The awards were presented at the Capitol Theater in Willimantic on April 11th with Marilyn Nelson as guest poet. I hope to feature the winning poets and their poems in future issues of Neighbors. I want to thank Jon Andersen, Professor of English, for his help. I will ask each poet the same two questions: Why do you write poetry and why do you attend QVCC? Here is a photo of 5RVH/DXULH)LHOG6DQWLDJRDQG her answers. I write poetry because it is a unique gift that God has given me where I can show my inner feelings; where people can see what I see, feel what I feel, where I can reach out and touch someone’s life and make them think critically in general about life. I attend QVCC because I want to obtain my Administrative Business Management Degree. As a wife, mother of 3, working a full-time employment and a full-time student, 49&&RIIHUVDÁH[LEOHVFKHGXOHZLWKD variety of options and opportunities where I can use my abilities, talents, and skills in the best way possible to strive every day for my success in completing my degree. Our Community Calendar-cont. from previous page May 31, Friday Theatre: ³/HQG0HD7HQRU´SP$PDGFDSFRPHG\ E\7KH:LQGKDP7KHDWUH*XLOGDW7KH%XUWRQ/HDYLWW 7KHDWUH0DLQ6W:LOOLPDQWLF ZZZZLQGKDPWKHDWUHJXLOGRUJ Theatre:³<RX&DQ¶W7DNH,WZLWK<RX´SP$ PDGFDSFRPHG\DWWKH%UDGOH\3OD\KRXVH)URQW6W 3XWQDPZZZWKHEUDGOH\SOD\KRXVH org 10 7UDQVLWLRQ&RUQHU5HVNLOOLQJ/RFDOO\ By Dagmar S. Noll would consult my large stack of books until I found the right technique to sort out their problem. Sometimes, In the March issue of Neighbors, William Hooper it would take many months or even years to sort out a provided an overview of a popular aspect of Transition: particularly obscure trouble, and it was during these times re-skilling. Re-skilling is the relearning of “old time” skills that I began to imagine a group not where I imparted my currently exported to far-away communities, performed knowledge as a sole teacher to beginners, but where many by oil-driven machinery, or simply ones we don’t bother knitters of all levels freely gave and received knowledge with at all anymore, like making repairs that seem more and support as needed. expensive in time or money than buying a replacement. 7KLVÀQDOLGHDIRXQGDKRPHZKHQ6DOO\ Here is my experience with re-skilling locally. Pappenheimer from Swift Waters Artisans’ Cooperative Ten years ago, a friend gave me a trendy DSSURDFKHGPHODVWIDOOWRKHOSKHUVWDUWD´ÀEUHFOXEµLQ beginner’s knitting book. Modern garments sold in stores the store. She took the idea of a knitting circle to another are mostly knit by machines, but hand-knitting was level, opening it up to crocheters, spinners, and felters,-enjoying a resurgence of popularity as a hobby. It is also is UHDOO\DQ\RQHZRUNLQJZLWKÀEUH'XULQJDQHDUO\PHHWLQJ a great example of a skill that was of practical importance VSLQQLQJZKHHOVÁHZFURFKHWKRRNVKRRNHGNQLWWLQJ to humans mere decades ago and, in a world with no oil, needles clacked and carding brushes cleaned long alpaca would become valued as necessary once again in every ÀEEHUV3HRSOHRIDOO community. skill levels and ages Receiving that knitting book inspired me! I knit gathered to share a lot by myself for a few years, using books to learn new what they knew. stitches and techniques. Using this method, I became The highlight of my SURÀFLHQWDWWKHEDVLFVEXWLWZDVDZKLOHEHIRUH,UHDOO\ day was receiving a engaged other knitters and discovered that most people spinning lesson from learn to knit--indeed, learn most crafts-- from someone at DQLPEOHÀQJHUHG their side showing them the motions, correcting mistakes, teenager. Right away, DQGDQVZHULQJTXHVWLRQV/HDUQLQJDFUDIWLQDVRFLDOJURXS another member DSSUHQWLFHVKRSNLWFKHQRUÀHOGLVDQROGSUHOLWHUDF\ZD\ began bringing her of relaying knowledge, so it is no wonder many people box of extra yarn respond well to this kind of learning. and needles for In Eastford, where I grew up, an elder visited beginners to each the elementary school library once a week during recess session. Finally, in to teach willing kids crochet. There I learned to hook a April, a community chain and form a single crochet. I made several tiny square member donated a blankets to heap on the beds in my dollhouse. I don’t stack of knitting and remember my teacher’s name--I was very young--but I crocheting patterns do remember her willingness to pass on her knowledge to the club. and her patience. I use the skills she freely shared with me This kind of share is just one model for reto this day in my crochet work. Remembering this early skilling. Several months ago, I got the idea to have a and fruitful experience, I began to imagine holding a free mending circle at my house, thinking that having a few knitting instruction group in Willimantic. friends over to chat while we worked with would inspire As I got better and better at knitting, friends me to get some buttons sewed on. When I mentioned this would ask me to help them with a stitch, or to repair idea to Sarah Winter of Clothworks, she offered to hold something knit or crocheted that was damaged, and I would the circle at her shop, where we would have access to GRVRIUHHO\,I,GLGQ·WNQRZKRZWRÀ[WKHLUSUREOHP, sewing machines, scraps of cloth and notions. We got far more than that! The casual circle very quickly evolved into a mending workshop under the guidance of Sarah, as HYHU\RQHKDGEURXJKWWKHLUPRVWGLIÀFXOWSURMHFWVDORQJ perhaps hoping to tap into her expertise. While there was some sharing across the group, we primarily learned from Sarah, a jack-of-all-textile-trades willing to share her knowledge with us. Sarah and I put together two more mending workshops, one on repairing buttons, buttonholes, DQGSRFNHWVDQGDQRWKHURQÀ[LQJ]LSSHUVZLWKDKDQGIXO of friends participating in each. These new skills gave all FRQÀGHQFHLQUHSDLULQJFORWKHVXOWLPDWHO\NHHSLQJWKHP around for a long time. Another re-skilling model is a learning share, where no one knows much of anything, but everyone wants to read up, ask around, get together, and give whatever the skill is a try. For instance, I have been thinking about creating a wattle fence, but I don’t know of any wattlebuilding experts or classes in this neck of the woods. I have been thinking it might be fun to print out some instructions off the internet and just give it a try with some friends. A couple have already shown interest in joining me. Finally, there are local classes and workshops teaching “old skills” at farms, museums, and sometimes even stores. Two great places to explore old skills are the Windham Textile & History Museum and Old Sturbridge Village. The Windham Textile and History Museum holds regular Kids Club events that often include a re-skilling element like sewing, weaving and knitting. Old Sturbridge Village teaches classes on the goods produced in most of the shops in their outdoor museum. Think about what you have to teach or what you would like to learn and get a group together! Chances are, someday your community will thank you. Willimantic Fibre Club meets on the third Saturday of each month from noon to 4 p.m. at Swift Waters Artisans’ Cooperative, 866 Main Street, Willimantic. Membership is free, informal and open to all ages, levels of experience, and areas of interest. Come and leave any time within club hours. For more info, call 860-456-8548. For information on Kids Club Events at the Windham Textile & History Museum, visit www. millmuseum.org or call 860-456-2178. For information on classes at Old Sturbridge Village, visit www.osv.org and look up “Crafts at Close Range”, or call 1-800-733-1830. May Programs at the Connecticut Audubon Center in Pomfret Finding Quiet Corners Exhibit by Judy Doyle Opening Reception, Sun., May 5, 2-4pm Exhibit and Sale through May 31 Killingly resident, Judy Doyle presents landscapes in pastel DQGZDWHUFRORU6KHÀQGVMR\LQKHUSHUVRQDOGLVFRYHU\ of our area’s quiet corners, and in painting the treasured colors, textures and natural forms of our lakes, rivers and country roads. She has been a three-term president of the Northeastern Connecticut Art Guild and is a member of the Connecticut Pastel Society and Cape Cod Pastel Society. $SHUFHQWDJHIURPDOOVDOHVZLOOEHQHÀWWKH&HQWHU([KLELW will be held at the CT Audubon Center at 218 Day Road in Pomfret Center. Free ATTENTION TEACHERS!! SCIENCE IN THE WOODS 635,1*6&+22/352*5$06 &KHFNRXWRXUVSULQJÀHOGWULSVIRUHOHPHQWDU\DQGPLGGOH school classes. Aligned with the Connecticut science standards, our programs pack in four hours of hands-on activities on our 700 acre sanctuary. Spring titles include: Birding 101, Signs of Spring, The Dirt on Soils, Watershed Study, Nature Journaling & Photography at Trail Wood and more. For pricing and scheduling contact Sarah at sheminway@ctaudubon.org Third Sunday Walk May 19, at 2 p.m. Stretch your legs, breath in that early spring fresh air and look for signs of spring on the sanctuary with Fran Barnaski, longtime volunteer, tracker and nature photographer. Bring your camera if you are so inclined. Meet at the CT Audubon Center at 218 Day Road in Pomfret Center. Cost: Free members; $5 nonmembers. After School Nature Club May Session: Grades K-2: Tuesdays, May 7, 14, 21, & 28 Grades 3-6: Thurs, May 9, 16, 23, & 30 More info and forms on our website or call 860 928-4948 to sign up your child. Afternoon Bird Walks Thursday, May 9, 5 p.m. & Thursday, May 23, 5 p.m. This walk is designed for the person who is not up for early morning walks or works during the week. May is our peak spring migration time, so anything is possible. Meet at the CT Audubon Center at 218 Day Road in Pomfret Center. Cost: $5 members/$10 nonmembers. 3ODLQÀHOG)LVK+DWFKHU\%LUG:DON Saturday, May 11, 8 a.m. Join Andy Rzeznikiewicz as we search the expansive JURXQGRIWKH6WDWH)LVK+DWFKHU\LQ3ODLQÀHOG7KH large grasslands, shrublands, and mature trees along the Quinebaug River should provide great locations to observe nesting and migrating birds. Meet at the CT Audubon Center at 218 Day Road. Cost: $7 members; $12 nonmembers. Wednesday Noon Walks May 1 through May 29 Join Connecticut Audubon Society staff for fresh air, exercise, good company and naturalist lessons along the way. Seniors and parents with babes in backpacks welcome. Meet at the Center at 218 Day Road in Pomfret Center. Fee: Free to CAS members; $3 non-members. Thursday Morning Walks May 2 through May 30 at 8:30 a.m. Join us for a walk to who knows where. Different every week but always interesting. Meetat the CT Audubon Center at 218 Day Road in Pomfret Center. members. Early Morning Bird Walks Tuesdays, May 7 thru May 28 at 8 a.m. Come join Andy Rzeznikiewicz as he points out the various bird species. We have access to over 1,650 acres of protected land. Wear drab colored clothing and bring binoculars (on some occasions a spotting scope is useful). Meet at the CT Audubon Center at 218 Day Road in Pomfret Center. Cost: free CAS members; $5 nonmembers. %LUG:DWFKIRU3HRSOHZLWK/LPLWHG0RELOLW\: Wednesday, May 8, 8 a.m. Driving to scouted locations, we will observe numerous bird species from the road or in your vehicle. Andy hopes many of his long time followers who felt they were no longer able to attend his regular walks will join him on this new program. Birds will be called in to the group! Call to 860 928-4948 to pre-register. Cost: $5 members; $10 non- Mother’s Day Bird Walk Sunday, May 12, 8 a.m. Invite your mother, grandmother, sister or aunt out to enjoy the assorted colorful birds of spring. Many species can be found by this date including bobolinks and scarlet tanagers. Meet at the CT Audubon Center at 218 Day Road in Pomfret Center. Cost: $5 members; $10 non- members; Mothers Free! Fourth Annual - 20 Warbler Day Wednesday, May 15, 6 a.m. – 2p.m. :HDUHJRLQJWRDWWHPSWWRÀQGVSHFLHVRIZDUEOHUVLQ one day. This is the peak of warbler migration. We will be WUDYHOOLQJWRQXPHURXVORFDWLRQVLQRXUVHDUFK/DVW\HDU we documented 21 species. Call ahead at 860 928-4948 to register. Cost: $15 members/$30 nonmembers. Thompson Bird Walk Thursday, May 16, 8 a.m. :HZLOOH[SORUHDQHZDFUHV:\QGKDP/DQG7UXVW preserve in Thompson, CT. The property contains many HYHUJUHHQVDQGVKUXEODQG7KH/LWWOH5LYHUÁRZVWKURXJK continued on next page 11 continued from previous page the preserve. Expect Prairie Warblers, Brown Thrasher, and Black-throated green warblers. Meet at the CT Audubon Center at 218 Day Road in Pomfret Center. Cost: $7members/$12 nonmembers. Woodstock Bird Walk Saturday, May 18, 8 a.m. :HZLOOH[SORUHD:\QGKDP/DQG7UXVWSUHVHUYHLQ :RRGVWRFN&7/DVW\HDUZHIRXQGQHVWLQJ&DQDGD Warblers, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and possible nesting Hooded Warblers. Meet at the CT Audubon Center at 218 Day Road in Pomfret Center. Cost: $7members/$12 nonmembers. Eighth Annual - 90 Bird Day Sunday, May 19, 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. 285*2$/WRKHDURUVHHDWOHDVWVSHFLHVRIELUGV in nine hours or less. We will be visiting many locations within a 10-mile radius. Interesting sightings from past years include: Olive-sided Flycatcher, Bald Eagle, and Hooded Warbler. Bring lunch, drinks, and a snack. Cost: $20 CAS members; $35 non-members. Call 860 928-4948 to register! Bird Banding Demonstration Saturday, May 25, 9 a.m. Join Andy Rzeznikiewicz and fellow bird banders to see various songbirds up close. You will see how we gently catch them, record data, and safely release the birds. Participants may release a bird. Meet at the CT Audubon Center at 218 Day Road in Pomfret Center. Cost: $5 CAS members; $10 non-members. /RUL0F.HQQDLQ&RQFHUW: Friday, June 7 at 7:30 p.m. A Massachusetts native, /RUL0F.HQQDKDV long been a staple of the Boston folk music scene. Her exquisite songwriting caught the attention of Nashville and the likes of faith Hill, Alison Krauss, Tim McGraw and Keith Urban to name a few. She sings of love, family, community and place. We can’t wait to hear her voice soar here at the Center! Call 860 928-4948 to reserve your seat. 7LFNHWVLQDGYDQFHDWWKHGRRU/LPLWHGVHDWLQJ SUMMER CAMP STARTS JUNE 17! 8 WEEKS OF SUMMER FUN – AGES 6 – 13 Go to our website www.ctaudubon.oror call 860-928-4948 for brochure. 75$,/:22' 93 Kenyon Road, Hampton, CT 06247 The Edwin Way Teale Memorial Sanctuary: open to the public from dawn to dusk seven days. Teale’s writing cabin and study are open by appointment. Call (860)928-4948 After School Nature Club May Session: Wednesdays – May 8, 15, 22 & 29 Call 860 928-4948 to more information or to sign up your child. Full Moon Walk Saturday, May 25, 7:00 p.m. Meet at the Information Shed at Trail Wood at 93 Kenyon Road in Hampton, CT. Second Sunday Walk Sunday May 12, 2 p.m. Happy Mother’s Day! Trail Wood Bird Walks Thursday, May 9, 8 a.m. & Thursday, May 23, 8 a.m.Join Andy Rzeznikiewicz as he points out various birds at Trail Wood and a nearby preserve. In May expect to ÀQG+RRGHG:DUEOHUV0HHWLQWKH9LVLWRU·V3DUNLQJ/RW at Trail Wood at 93 Kenyon Road in Hampton. Cost: Members FREE and $5onmembers. 12 DYNAMIC ANDERSON & ROE PIANO DUO Where to Find the Neighbors paper TO APPEAR AT HSO Submitted by Katie Bonner Russo /HGE\+62PXVLFGLUHFWRU Carolyn Kuan, the Hartford Symphony Orchestra will explore the jazzier side of classical music at Rhapsody in Blue on Thursday, May 9 – Sunday, May 12, 2013 at the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts. The concert will feature the dynamic, young Anderson and Roe Piano Duo, with Elizabeth Joy Roe performing Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue and Greg Anderson performing Gershwin’s “I Got Rhythm” Variations for Piano and Orchestra. The program will open with WKH+62·VÀUVWHYHUSHUIRUPDQFHRI Vaughan Williams’ Sixth Symphony, a poignant work which, according to some music historians, expresses the emotions of a post-World War II England. After intermission, the program will feature two of Gershwin’s works for solo piano and orchestra- Rhapsody in Blue and “I Got Rhthym.” Following this, Anderson & Roe will team up for a series of four hand, two piano encores including “Ragtime alla Turca,” Rachmaninoff’s “Vocalise,” WKH´6DFULÀFLDO'DQFHµIURP Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring, and 3LD]]ROOD·V/LEHUWDQJR Known for their adrenalized performances, original compositions, and notorious music videos, Greg Anderson and Elizabeth Joy Roe are revolutionizing the piano duo experience for the 21st century. Described as “Fred Astaire and Ginger 5RJHUVWUDQVSRVHGIURPWKHGDQFHÁRRUWR the keyboard” (Southampton Press) and “the intense synchronization of genius” (ThirdCoast Digest), Anderson & Roe aim to make classical music a relevant and powerful force around the world. Their most recent album, When Words Fade 6WHLQZD\/DEHOZDVUHOHDVHGWRFULWLFDO acclaim in 2012 and spent nearly a dozen weeks at the top of the Billboard Classical Charts, while their wildly creative, selfproduced music videos have been viewed by millions on YouTube. Highlights of the 2012-13 season include tours in China, Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, and their orchestral debuts with the Hartford, /DID\HWWHDQG6DQWD)HV\PSKRQ\ orchestras. Mr. Anderson and Ms. Roe met in 2000 as freshmen at The Juilliard School and formed their dynamic musical partnership shortly thereafter. They have since toured extensively, with notable recitals in Vancouver, Beijing, Seoul, Singapore, Italy, and most major US cities, as well as in nearly every New York City venue imaginable, from Carnegie Hall to children’s hospitals. Together they have DSSHDUHGRQ079·V7RWDO5HTXHVW/LYH NPR’s All Things Considered and From the Top, APM’s Performance Today, the Cliburn Concert Series, the Gina Bachauer International Piano Festival, and dozens of summer chamber music festivals. &DOHQGDU/LVWLQJ HSO MASTERWORKS SERIES: 5+$362'<,1%/8( Featuring Carolyn Kuan, conductor; Anderson & Roe Piano Duo – Greg Anderson and Elizabeth Joy Roe Thursday, May 9, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 10, 2013 @ 8:00 p.m. Saturday, May 4th, 10-4pm 10% OFF One piece of Pottery Bolton %ROWRQ3RVW2IÀFH /\QGDOH·V6WDQG Chaplin Zlotnick’s Gas/Conv. Store &KDSOLQ3RVW2IÀFH )UDQN·V/LTXRUV Pine Acres Restaurant Columbia 6D[RQ/LEUDU\ Columbia Package Store /DQGPDUN)RRGV Saturday, May 11, 2013 @ 8:00 p.m. Sunday, May 12, 2013 @ 3:00 p.m. Belding Theater @ The Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts Program: George Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue and “I Got Rhythm” Variations for Piano and Orchestra; Ralph Vaughan Williams: Symphony No. 6 in E minor; plus four hand piano encores including “Ragtime alla Turca,” Rachmaninoff’s ´9RFDOLVHµWKH´6DFULÀFLDO'DQFHµIURP Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring, and Piazzolla’s /LEHUWDQJR Ticket Information: Tickets to this concert range in price from $35.50-$70.50. Student tickets are $10. On Saturday, May 11, $25 tickets are available for patrons age 40 and under. To purchase tickets or for more information, please contact HSO ticket services at (860) 244-2999 or visit www. hartfordsymphony.org. Rhapsody in Blue is made possible with support from Concert Benefactors Hartford Hospital and The Cly-Del Manufacturing Company. The 2012-2013 Masterworks 6HULHVLVVSRQVRUHGE\0HW/LIH)RXQGDWLRQ and The Edward C. and Ann T. Roberts Foundation, with additional concert support from Bank of America, Cigna, and WKH.DWKDULQH.0F/DQHDQG+HQU\5 0F/DQH&KDULWDEOH7UXVW7KH+DUWIRUG Symphony Orchestra’s 2012-2013 Season is sponsored by Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center. Open Studio/Sale MUG DAY! Ashford Ashford Spirit Shoppe Wooden Spoon Restaurant Terry’s Transmissions $VKIRUG3RVW2IÀFH %DEFRFN/LEUDU\ KSK Food Market Refreshments Live Music 11:00-1:00 Guitarist Jim Harkins Celebrating 26 years as your Local Potter! with this coupon Valid only 5/4/13 thru 5/31/13 Find your SOUL MUG! The perfect mug is waiting for you! 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Store :LOOLQJWRQ3RVW2IÀFH :LOOLQJWRQ/LEUDU\ First Niagara Bank :LQGKDP:LOOLPDQWLF &ORWKHVSLQ/DXQGURPDW Schiller’s /LO\3DG Cafemantic Willimantic Food Co-op Beacon Pharmacy Main Street Cafe Nita’s Tony’s Pizza That Breakfast Place Olympic Restaurant Subway/BJ’s Plaza 6XSHU:DVKLQJ:HOO/DXQGU\ Windham Town Hall :LOOLPDQWLF3XEOLF/LEUDU\ :LOOLPDQWLF3RVW2IÀFH Bench Shop McSweeney Senior Center Elm Package Store 2/:LOODUG&R Willimantic Interior Design Windham Center :LQGKDP3RVW2IÀFH 6FRWODQG 6FRWODQG/LEUDU\ 6FRWODQG3RVW2IÀFH 6RXWK:LQGKDP Bob’s Windham IGA /DQGRQ7LUH 6WDIIRUG Stafford Food Center Middle Ground Cafe Subway ƐƵŶŚĂƌǀĞƐƚϭΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ ĂůůdŽĚĂLJ&Žƌ &ƌĞĞ^ŝƚĞ ^ƵƌǀĞLJ Great Mother’s Day Gifts too! 5FBQPUTtTVHBSDSFBNFSTtWBTFTtQMBOUFSTt 5FBQPUTtTVHBSDSFBNFSTtWBTFTtQMBOUFSTt QJUDIFSTt QJUDIFSTt CFSSZCPXMTBOENPSF CFSSZCPXMTBOENPSF BIRCH MOUNTAIN POTTERY Like 223 Merrow Road - Rte 195 - Tolland, CT (860) 875-0149 www.birchmountainpottery.com ƐƵŶŚĂƌǀĞƐƚ͘ŝŶĨŽ ϴϲϬͲϰϱϰͲϳϳϳϮ
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