The Collegian Okl ahoma Panhandle State Universit y Vol. 89 No. 10 08 Wednesday, March 25, 2009 S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r One More Down for OPSU Rodeo On This Day 31 A.D. 1st Easter, according to calendar-maker Dionysius Exiguus. Company of Thieves Playing sounds with style and substance. Photo Courtesy ofDale Hirschman Seth Schafer had plenty of his teammates helping him out of the chute on his championship round ride Sunday afternoon in Fort Scott. He not only won the saddle bronc riding, he was also crowned All-Around Cowboy. Jordan Muncy Rodeo Reporter As everyone else on campus began winding down and embarked on spring break activities, the women and men of the OPSU rodeo team were hard at work looking to secure a victory at the Fort Scott meet. Fort Scott, Kansas — Planning a trip over spring break? Well, the Oklahoma Panhandle State University rodeo teams made a trip to Fort Scott, Kansas for the Fort Scott Community College rodeo this past weekend. Located on the Kansas/ Missouri line, both teams gave it their best effort to leave a mark in Fort Scott with the women’s team coming in second overall and the men third. As the crowd flocked to Arnold Arena on Sunday for the championship round, many Aggies found their names on the program for the top qualifiers in each event. The first cowboy of the entire short round to perform was Quirt McDaniel in the bareback riding. McDaniel kicked it off on a good note, receiving a qualified ride for a combined total good enough for a fourth place finish. Also qualifying for the short round was Seth Hardwick, a regular in short rounds throughout the Central Plains Region. In the breakaway roping, several Aggie women proved their skills by qualifying for Sunday’s championship round. First to rope for the Aggies was multiple-event cowgirl and Colorado native, Becky White. White showed great consistency with two solid runs, landing her a fifth place finish. But the big excitement was soon to take place. Next to rope for the Aggies was last year’s regional champion, Katie Jolly. Her combined total of 6.8 seconds gave her the lead in the average with six ropers to go, and one of those was fellow teammate Whitney Harding. Harding was able to clock in another great run and tie Jolly for the title, with both women making Coach Craig Latham proud. It was a rough weekend for the saddle bronc riders of OPSU. Usually filled with red and blue vests, the short round only consisted of four Aggie cowboys. Of the four, Troy Crowser and Cort Scheer faced some tough luck with the rank horses they drew. Canadian Tyrel Larsen walked away as the reserve champion after riding the crowd favorite, Stuart Little, and before competing in the championship round in the bull riding. It was Seth Schafer who was crowned the champion after thrill- ing the crowd Sunday afternoon, and Schafer was also named the All-Around cowboy. The goat tying saw a couple of OPSU cowgirls back for the short go. First to run was Hannah Harrington, who posted two solid runs and was able to land a fifth place finish when the last goat was tied. Why don’t you | Go outside | Go outside | Kiss the rain Graduating seniors ....................................................................................................3 conference standings.............................................................................4 Photo CollAge...............................................................................................................4 Football looks forward............................................................................................4 lady aggies split..........................................................................................................4 On the big screen.....................................................................................5 BSG SERIES FINALE...........................................................................................................5 Dvd Release March 10, 2009........................................................................................5 Company of Thieves reviewed....................................................................................5 never say never (STEPHANIE CHRISTIE).....................................................6 more than a face (aARON RUIZ)..................................................................................6 Sudoku . .........................................................................................................................6 “We Suck Again…” feedback....................................................................7 » continued, pg. 5 Josef Fritzl’s Change of Heart » continued, pg. 2 Inside One more down for opsu rodeo . .............................................................................1 On this day, 31 AD..........................................................................................................1 Previews . ......................................................................................................................1 6 day weather forcast................................................................................................1 Just around the corner..........................................................................2 Nursing Program requests public’s help..............................................................2 Argentinean Students................................................................................................2 Campus Quotes..............................................................................................................2 Towns Abandoned across Oklahoma.....................................................3 Fritzl’s Day in Court ....................................................................................................3 Staff Directory, Letter to the Editor ......................................................................3 Things that make you go Hmm...................................................................................3 Psychology club quote of the week ........................................................................3 Spring break. The perfect time for catching up on class work. Or a spur of the moment trip to a live show in New Mexico. See what our editor thought of one of the group’s recent performances from their first nationwide tour. America, land of limited options.............................................................................7 Intelligent Design v. Evolution................................................................................7 Advertising .............................................................................................8 announcements . .........................................................................................................8 Learn about the disturbing tale of Josef Fritzl’s decades long imprisonment and abuse of his daughter. Closed in a cellar for 24 years, 42 yearold Elisabeth Fritzl’s father and captor Josef Fritzl admits to raping and holding his daughter underground against her will. After first denying two of the six charges, with a final look from Elisabeth, he changed his plea to guilty of all six. »continued pg. 3 WED. High 64o THURS. High 62o FRI. High 42o SAT. High 62o SUN. High 69o MON. High 71o TUES. High 72o Low 36o Low 28o Low 22o Low 29o Low 37o Low 36o Low 41o News 2 BLA BLA BLA Exero 01, 5555 2 JUST BUSINESS AS USUAL 25 Production Studio Dedication SL Rm 314 8:00 AM 26 New Horse Stalls Dedication “Doc” Gardener Arena 12:00 PM Student Nurses Ask for 27 Softball/Lincoln Jefferson City, MO 2:00 PM Softball/Lincoln Jefferson City, MO 12:00PM 28 Baseball/St. Mary’s Baseball/St. Mary’s 12:00 PM (Home) 12:00 PM (Home) Help with Men’s Golf Amarillo, TX 29 Men’s Golf Amarillo, TX 30 Men’s Golf Amarillo, TX 31 Baseball/West Texas 2:00 PM (Home) Projects Submitted by Dawn Hemphill, MS, RN, OSU-OKC, OPSU campus Nursing Instructor Nursing program turns to public for help with expanding and engaging in two very worthy causes. I would take me and my friends to Lincoln, Nebraska in an OPSU van and we would all wave orange flags. Alit Atetuer Courtesy of Julia Ancarani relations at OPSU and UNVM. The Presidents of both universities signed formal agreements of cooperation, and it was later agreed that in 2009, two UNVM students would come to OPSU for a cultural and academic exchange. Now Sassa and I are spending our last days at OPSU, but we would hate to leave without letting OPSU students know about the possibility of applying to enjoy the same experience we were offered. Knowing new people, new habits, customs, and lifestyles not only enriches one’s life—it helps one Rodeo Cont... understand how similar we all human beings are, how much we enjoy family and friends, and how much we all want to live a peaceful and decent life. OPSUUNVM gave us the opportunity to come to Goodwell and offers you the opportunity to know us back home in Villa María. How did we get to come? Each university decides the procedure, but at UNVM, all candidates interested in participating had almost a month and a half time to turn in the required documentation. First of all, we submitted a record of academic performance and recommendations from two teachers. We also had to sit for an oral and a written exam which tested four skills: listening, writing, speaking and reading in English. Eligible candidates had to prove acquisition of at least an intermediate level of English. Then we were tested on our computer skills. We also had to undergo a health check by doctors at UNVM. After that, the »continued pg. 6 There is no ideal spring break; nothing is ever perfect. A spring break with no sports. Teri Bingham I am Julia Ancarani, an English major from Universidad Nacional de Villa María (UNVM), Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina. Together with Juan Sassatelli, “Sassa,” a music major from UNVM, we would like to let you know a little bit about our university and share with you why we are here at OPSU. UNVM is rather a small university in the center of the province of Córdoba, in the heart of Argentina. Our area is similar to where OPSU is located and is devoted to farming activities -- mainly milking, cheese, and cattle raising. We are also quite young: we were founded in 1996, and since then, we have grown in many ways and right now, our campus buildings are being finished. Last year, Mariana Falco, an Argentinean graduate, and currently a teacher of English at UNVM, visited OPSU on a Rotary program and met Dr. Bryant and other OPSU officials. From then on, emails went back and forth between officials in charge of international What‘syour idealspringbreak? Olowofela Daniel A Very Rewarding Experience opportunity for the community to “go green” by recycling a common item. The OPSU SNA members will collect, clean, remove labels and package the used pill bottles to send to Africa to be reused. Often, medical missionaries receive medications in large quantities such as 500 pills in one container. They need the smaller bottles in order to repackage into groups of 10, 20 or 30 pills to be given to their patients. Our campus SNA plans for this recycling effort to be an ongoing project and would appreciate any donations. The bottles will be sent to the International Health Care Foundation which will forward them on to the missionaries in Africa. You may drop off your used pill bottles in the Nursing Department on the 3rd floor of Hesper Hall or in the Student Health Clinic in the Student Union. If you have any questions you may contact Dawn Hemphill at 580-349-1430. Hillary Sherwood Department on the 3rd floor of Hesper Hall by March 30. For more information or to make other arrangements about donation, contact Dawn Hemphill, advisor, at 580-349-1430. Guidelines for donations and Wish List: Toy items must be new since many of these children are more susceptible to illness.; Donation of gently-used books, DVDs, videos, video games are acceptable.; Only G, PG, PG-13 movies and video games with E (Everyone) ratings are accepted. CDs with a Parental Advisory label cannot be distributed. Suggestions include stuffed animals (new); board games; DVDs or videos; card games; infant rattles or toys; bubbles/bubble tumblers; markers; PushButton Books or I Spy Books; video games; Toiletries (travel-size shampoo, conditioner, deodorant,toothpaste, toothbrush); underwear, sweats, or T-shirts (all sizes) In addition, the SNA is collecting used plastic pill bottles to send to medical missionaries in Africa and it provides another Alisha Sladek Goodwell, Okla. — The Student Nurse Association (SNA) at Oklahoma Panhandle State University has two community service projects underway and invites the public to participate in their efforts. They have organized a toy drive for ill children and are also collecting used plastic pill bottles. The student nurses at OPSU seeking an Associate’s Degree will be traveling to Bethany, Okla. the first week in April to help care for medically fragile pediatric patients at The Children’s Center (TCC) as part of their pediatric hospital rotation. Many of these children suffer from severe birth defects, trauma, or other significant health challenges, and have a special need for toys, books and videos. Please consider helping our nursing students gather special greetings from the Panhandle to deliver to the patients. Following is a Wish List of items that would be put to good use at TCC. If you wish to participate, please drop off your donations in the Nursing From Page 1 Guymon April 2nd through the 4th. Always a good show, be sure to stop by and support your Aggies at one of the toughest rodeos of the year in the Central Plains Region. Laying on a beach with a piña colada and a good looking pool boy waiting on me. Kenann Matkin Also making the short round was Jordan Muncy, who after winning the long round with a 7.8, finished just behind Harrington in sixth place. Muncy also qualified in the barrel racing, and as the only Aggie to make it back finished third in the aggregate. In the team roping, Krista Johnson was paired up with Bodelle Mueller of Dodge City Community College and proved that they roped as good as the guys, being the only female team to make Sunday’s championship round with an 8.3 second long go time. Latham said, “I’m really proud of the women’s team effort. I see improvement in the riding this year over last year and we are also improving at the other end of the arena in the timed events.” Both rodeo teams have the rest of spring break off before preparing for their very own “Doc” Gardner Memorial Rodeo held in Photo Courtesy of Dale Hirschman Being on a nice beach somewhere. News 24 Years Later, the Light of Justice Shown Rachael Beck Staff Writer 42 Year Old Elisabeth Fritzl finally charges father for imprisonment and abuse of the past 24 years. Amstettan, Austria- March 18, 2009, Josef Fritzl of Austria pleaded guilty for the raping and imprisonment of his daughter Elisabeth Fritzl. As well as fathering seven of his daughter’s children, Fritzl also kept Elisabeth incarcerated in the family’s cellar without any doors or windows for 24 years. 3 2008 when the case came to life, reported to police that her father had been repeatedly raping and abusing her for the past 24 years after Josef allowed his daughter to see the outside world for the first time since 1984. Although Fritzl attempted to give his daughter’s reappearance an alibi, it only led police to finding the truth behind her imprisonment. DNA tests taken on April 29, 2008 confirmed suspicions and Josef was taken into custody. Over 41 years after serving prison time for the rape of a 24 year-old woman in 1967, Fritzl claimed that, “I was born to rape, and I held myself back for a relatively long time. I could have behaved a lot worse than locking up my daughter.” According to Mail Online, Fritz also claimed that he should be looked highly upon; “I could have killed them and then sealed the place with concrete. It would have been very easy. I have not been treated fairly, it has all been one-sided.” At first only pleading guilty to four of the six charges, the third day of the trial brought Fritzl’s plea to guilty of all charges including incest, rape, coercion, false imprisonment, and the initial denials of the other two charges of murder of the infant Michael and enslavement. Josef Fritzl was given life in prison on the fourth and final day of the trial. His change of heart to plead guilty to all charges was said to be caused by his daughter looking into his eyes. Sources;,, NewYorkTimes The only way of accessing the dungeon was by way of a small keyless opening. Josef Fritzl had allegedly started molesting his then 11 year-old daughter in 1977, but August 29, 1984, Elisabeth Fritzl now 18, had been called downstairs in the assistance of carrying a door for her father but was instead drugged with ether and Above Left- Photo Courtesy of DailyMail. com Josef Fritzl’s House and cellar. While three of Elisabeth’s children were raised by Josef and his wife, the others were held in captivity in a downstairs cellar. Until Elisabeth’s release in 2008, she had not seen the sun in 24 years. The Collegian Exero 01, 5555 BLA BLA BLA 3 Editor Layout/Staff Advisor Photography Sports/Idea Man Rodeo Reporter Staff Staff Staff/Headlines Campus Quotes Staff David Šuto Rachael Beck Laura Hays Hector Cobos Andres Balandria Jordan Muncy Martin Kiruri Randi Jones Sarah Sweatt Dasha Guymon Stephen Skacall Published by Oklahoma Panhandle State University, P.O. Box 430, Goodwell, OK 73939. The Collegian is distributed on campus of OPSU every Wednesday during the fall and spring semester with the exceptions of major holidays, finals, and breaks. All opinions expressed in editorials are that of the writer and not necessarily the opinion of the university. Do you have an opinion or comment about something on campus? Is there something we should know or an issue to be addressed? Write your letter to the editor, e-mail it, or bring it by Muller Hall. Letters must include writer’s name, signature, and phone number. Telephone numbers will not be printed. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for length, libelous statements, and personal attacks. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT FUN VALLEY FAMILY RESORT South Fork, Colorado Needs students for all types of jobs: kitchen, dining room, housekeeping, stores, maintenance, horse wrangler, office. For information and employment application write Student Personnel Director, 6315 Westover Drive, Granbury, TX 76049 or call 1.800.548.1648 or e-mail “I could have killed them and then sealed the place with concrete. It would have been very easy.” Josef Fritzl Random thoughts for random people A fetus develops fingerprints at eighteen weeks! Right- Photo Courtesy ofDailyMail. com Josef Fritzl and wife Rosemarie on their 50th wedding anniversary in 2006. Rosemarie allegedly had no knowledge of her husband’s imprisonment on their daughter. She is now living alone in an apartment with occasional visits from her grandchildren. - Vikings used the skulls of their enemies as drinking vessels. - taken to a secluded part of the family’s chamber. Following the disappearance of her daughter, Fritzl’s wife filed a missing persons report. Later, Fritzl forced his daughter to write a series of letters stating that she had been staying with friends and if she was sought after, she had every intent of leaving the country. Josef told friends that she had most likely joined some kind of religious sect and that it was best if she was left alone. The letters had been posted from Braunau. graduating in Spring or Although seven children had been born since the imprisonment, three were taken above as infants (Lisa, Monika, and Alexander) to be raised by Fritzl and his wife. Social workers stated they had been told that the three children had been placed on the family’s doorstep, and although they took frequent visits to the home, there had been no complaints or suggestions of foul play. The three were raised as foster children. a Graduation Application and a Graduation Evaluation. The Graduation Applications can be picked up in the Admissions Office (SL 128). The Graduation Evaluation is to be completed by your academic advisor and submitted to the Registrar’s Office. The deadline for the submission of these materials has passed. It is very important that anyone planning on graduating in Spring or Summer 2009 submit these materials as soon as possible. Various threats of gassing and electric shock detoured Elisabeth and her children from wandering upstairs or escaping. Born April 6, 1966, Elisabeth Fritzl, 42 in If you have any questions or concerns, If you are planning on Summer 2009, it is very important that you have submitted please feel free to contact Bobby Jenkins at 349-1376 or you may come by the Registrar’s Office (SL 131). Psychology Club Quote of the Week “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. ” Oscar Wilde The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building. - Orangutans warn people to stay out of their territory by belching. Every second over 7,000 Coca-Cola products are consumed. The average person laughs 15 times a day. The three most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro, Coca-Cola, and Budweiser, in that order. Donald Duck’s middle name is Fauntleroy. Courtesy of Sports Heartland Conferance Update 4 B as e b a l l S t a n d i n g s 1. Texas Permian Basin 17-7 2. St. Mary’s 19-8 BLA BLA BLA Exero 01, 5555 3. Incarnate Word 17-8 St. Edward's 17-8 5. Newman 14-11 6. Texas A&M International 9-15 7. Lincoln 7-18 8. Oklahoma Panhandle State 0-24 for the Week 4 of March 25 S o f t b a l l S t a n d i n g s Newman Baseball Wins 7 Straight/St. Ed’s Softball Cont Undefeated 1. St Edward’s 8-0 2. Texas A&M International 10-2 St. Mary’s 10-2 Incarnate Word 10-2 5. Oklahoma Panhandle State 3-9 Lincoln 2-6 7. Texas Permian Basin 1-11 8. Newman 0-12 OPSU Football Working Hard this Spring for Success this Fall By Scott Puryear of OPSU Sports on 03-20-2009 Football team looks to build on last season’s upsides; has high hopes for the upcoming season. Goodwell, Okla. — The Oklahoma proven leader in senior-to-be Vinny Gay, joining the squad when pre-season pracPanhandle State football team is prepar- who will be pushed for playing time by tices begin in August. ing for full contact spring drills (to begin underclassman Kevin Lauchland. OPSU will play 11 regular season next week) and head coach Mike Wyatt All-American linebacker Matt Warner will games this fall. They will open with a pair has more than 90 players who have been be graduating and Wyatt expects upper- of road games – on August 29 against Fort working hard in off-season conditioning classmen Ben Lane and J.C. Ramirez to step Lewis College and on September 5 against and who are ready to demonstrate their up and lead the linebacking group. Truman State. skills on the field. On the defensive line, solid performers Following an open Saturday on Septem Fans can get their first official look of Will Turnbo and Gus Overstreet will be back ber 12, the Aggies will play their home the year at the Aggies on opener against Saturday, April 18th at the traditional rival annual Spring Intra-Squad Langston Unigame, set to get started at versity on Sep3:00 p.m. tember 19. The Aggies were 3-7 After last season and though a road game they showed great progagainst Southress and potential, Wyatt west Assem(a veteran coach with over blies of God, the 200 wins to his credit in Aggies will open the high school, college October with and professional ranks) three consecuis determined to take his tive Saturday squad to the next level. home games – Make no mistake about 10/3 against the it, last year was last year University of the and in Mike Wyatt’s Incarnate Word, system, players will earn 10/10 against their starting spots based Southwestern upon their performances Kansas, and in spring drills and August 10/17 against pre-season practice. another tra According to Wyatt, ditional rival Photo Courtesy of Roger Pasque Oklahoma Panhandle State quarterback Vinny Gay (#7) “We will have some battles will be returning for his senior season this fall as one of many Aggie players looking for a big 2009 – Northwestfor positions in spring foot- season. ern Oklahoma State. ball, this year. We have told all our players that competi T h e tion breeds excellence and we want them for their junior seasons and transfer Jayden Aggies will take to the road on 10/24 and Roseboro will be in the mix at nose guard. 10/31 for contests with Bacone College and to earn their positions this spring.” Wyatt has been especially impressed Veterans Dyran Wright and Andrew Walker Southwestern College, respectively. with the conditioning work of his offensive will also return and things look to be very They will have their final home game linemen, including a pair of junior college positive for the 2009 “D LINE.” of the season on November 7 against Texas Many other Aggies will make an impact College and close the regular season the transfers – Tim O’Neil and Carlos Perez. In his third season as the Aggie mentor, on the success of the team and Wyatt and next week with an away game against Wyatt also looks for big things from his his staff will be evaluating all the players Southern Nazarene. running backs, headed by returners Darryl during spring drills. In addition, over thirty 2009 could quite possibly be a very big Brister, Jose Mendoza and Zacchaeus recruits from the high school ranks will be year for OPSU football. McCaskill. At quarterback, Wyatt has a Lady Aggies Split with League’s Top Team Goodwell, Okla. — The Oklahoma Panhandle State softball team is continuing to improve and they showed it on Friday and Saturday with their performance against Texas A&M International, a squad that began the weekend tied for first place in the Heartland Conference. The teams played two games on Friday and two games on Saturday and each team got a pair of wins on the separate days. OPSU 5, Texas A&M International 3 In the first game of the Friday double header, the Lady Aggies jumped out to a 5-0 lead after four innings and held on for a 5-3 victory. Arlene Soto (the winning pitcher) scattered eight hits over 5-1/3 innings and Joni Stegman came on for the rest of the way and earned the save. Third baseman Rachel Adaza slammed a two-run homer in the third inning and outfielder Stacia States had two doubles. Shortstop Krista Bomak had two singles while Cathy Daza, Whitney Warner, and Lezlie Lumbreras also had RBIs. The Lady Aggies also played errorless ball. OPSU 6, Texas A&M International 5 It took nine innings instead of the regulation seven in Friday’s second game, but OPSU’s Daza singled home the winning run in the bottom of the ninth for the 6-5 win - OPSU’s second victory of the day. Daza, an All-Conference second baseman in each of the last two seasons, was three of five with the bat, including a double and a pair of RBIs. Warner, Soto, and Stegman each had two hits. Stegman drove in two runs while Adaza and Bomak also had RBIs. The OPSU defense continued to excel and the Lady Aggies committed just one error. The Lady Aggie pitching duo of Stegman and Soto also continued to be up to the task. Stegman was the starter and By Scott Puryear of OPSU Sports on 03-23-2009 scattered five hits over five innings. Soto (the winning pitcher in both Friday games) came on to pitch the last four innings and gave up two hits and not a single run. Texas A&M International 8, OPSU 2 In Saturday’s first game, Texas A&M International jumped out quickly with seven runs in the top of the first inning and finished with the 8-2 victory. Stegman drove in both Lady Aggie runs with a fourth inning double. Adaza and Bomak each had a pair of hits and the Lady Aggie defense continued to be strong with just a single error. Texas A&M International 9, OPSU 7 Saturday’s second game was a wild one. After a four-run sixth inning, the Lady Aggies went to the top of the seventh (and final) inning with a 7-5 lead but Texas A&M International plated four unanswered runs and picked up a 9-7 win. Soto had three hits in four trips to the plate including a two-run homer in the fifth inning. Bomak also was three of four, including two doubles. Warner, Adaza, and Kayla Joos all had two hits in four tries and one of Adaza’s was a double. Daza also smacked a double. OPSU RBIs came from Soto (three), Bomak (two), and Warner and States each with one. With the two weekend wins against a good team, OPSU moved up to fifth place in the eight team Heartland Conference with a league record of 3-9. Texas A&M International dropped to second in the league with a 10-2 record. The Lady Aggies will continue their home stand with big nonconference games on both Monday and Tuesday. On Monday, they will face Fort Hays State in a double header set for 2:00 p.m. and Tuesday they will play a pair of games against Midwestern State, with the first pitch set for 1:00 p.m. Arts & Entertainment All Good Things Must Come to an End StephenSkacall Staff Writer that “Edward James Olmos told my family that I have a new family now. And he was right...that’s certainly what it’s turned into.” Veteran actor Michael Hogan, who played Colonel Saul Tigh on Galactica, said that “shooting Battlestar Galactica has been, as an actor, the greatest experience in my life to date.” And in the words of one of the fans, Mary Gallagher of the US Air Force, “goodbye BSG, this show has been with me during my deployments and together we made it Exero 01, 5555 BLA BLA BLA 5 For the Week of March 27 Monsters vs. aliens PG Reese Witherspoon, Rainn Wilson, Stephen Colbert You may have to drive to Amarillo to see it in 3D, but Guymon’s newly opened drive-in makes for a nice alternative. The Haunting in Connecticut Long considered by both viewers and critics alike as one of the best shows on televison, Battlestar Galactica aired its season finale this past week. “It’s the frakkin’ best job I’ve ever had,” says Edward James Olmos as he reflects on the life (and death) of the SciFi Channel’s hit series, Battlestar Galactica. Olmos, known for his work in such films as Zoot Suit, Blade Runner, and Selena, played Admiral William Adama for the past six years on Galactica. It was a special thing for cast and crew, not just a job, and it was also a very special thing for the millions of fans who tuned in weekly for their Galactica fix. The series finale aired Friday, March 20th, marking the end of the critically acclaimed four season run of what Time Magazine called “the best show on TV.” Over the past six years, Galactica fans got to see Adama lead the last surviving members of humanity, aboard a starship named the Battlestar Galactica, to a new world, a new hope--Earth. The losses along the way were staggering. But unlike so many other television series, the cast and crew and, yes, even the fans, became a family. When a character was killed off, viewers felt like they had lost a small piece of themselves; they felt it, it was real. In the end, the loss was terrific. The ending itself, though, was bitter and beautiful at the same time. Galactica did touch the hearts of many, both on and off the stage. Grace Park, who played Sharon Valeri in the show, said PG-13 Virginia Madsen, Martin Donovan, Elias Koteas Is that Wayne Gretzky? On steroids? 12 Rounds PG-13 John Cena, Ashley Scott See it(...if you have no dignity or self-respect)! Company of Thieves live @ The Launchpad David Suto Editor A look at the band’s live show as well as their debut album, Ordinary Riches. On something of a whim, I took off for Albuquerque over break for the lone purpose of catching Chicago-based Company of Thieves’ live act at The Launchpad on Sunday, March 15. Only a few weeks prior had I first encountered their music with the debut of their Rushmore blanketed “Oscar Wilde” video. Ceaselessly watching that endeavored me on a Google hunt to uncover more of their tracks. What I found impelled me to plunk down $30 unleaded and head off westbound that windy weekend morning. Recruited navigator Travis Boyd accompanied as we left our dead and dying comrades in the rear view. The near featureless five-hour plus trip turned into seven with various stops en route. After circling the city streets, we made our way into the venue minutes before Thieves took the stage. Beer bottles (or one) mysteriously rained from the sky, knotting 5 The Education of Charlie Banks R Jesse Eisenberg, Jason Ritter, Eva Amurri Directed by Fred Durst. Riveting. home! Thank you!” To be sure, Battlestar Galactica has touched the hearts of many. This show will be missed and celebrated by millions, for years to come. The series has also taken a place of prominence on the international scene, as the cast and crew recently spoke at the United Nations to explain why the values portrayed in Galactica should be a lesson for all of mankind. “[We] use the word race as if there is a Latino race, an Asian race...a Caucasian race. There’s no such thing as a Latino race. There never has been and there never will be. There’s only one race and that’s what the show brought out: there is the human race, period.” Whoopi Goldberg, who moderated the panel discussion at the UN, said that “much like the fictional ships and planets in the BSG universe, the UN is an imperfect place, but the fight for justice, equality, fairness, and understanding remains fundamental to both.” the heads of nearby patrons. Brawling broke out during the characterless followup group. Women of the evening took the term ‘frightening whore’ to a whole new level in another nearby bar as we awaited our post-show trout sandwiches. And Company of Thieves made it all 100% worthwhile. Transitioning from setup to sound with little warning, the trio backed by bass and keys quickly garnered the attention of an audience predominantly there for headliners, altrock group Thriving Ivory (who were, for me, fun but forgettable). Frontwoman Genevieve Schatz’rangy, awe-inducing voice, already impressive on tape, exploded in person. Her vocals effortlessly trickled along intimate, fierce, courtly, and quieting chords. Drummer Mike Ortiz and guitarist Marc Walloch guided out every note with sharp precision and a fine-tuned intensity restrained at all the right junctures. Company’s stage presence thrilled with Ms. Schatz’s peppy and inspired dancing and her bandmates’ electric focus. The sublime unison culminated in a festive energy suffusing the entire building. Which is the most remarkable thing about Company of Thieves. When seeing Oklahoma City U.S. Census Bureau Help Wanted HIRING 1000’s! $10+ (402) 254-9140 Retired, student, between jobs, need part-time work? z 1-866-861-2010 z D V D R e l e as e s F o r M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 9 2 Fast 2 Furious (LE) A Woman Called Golda Andy Richter Controls the Universe: The Complete Series Big Stan Bolt Bolt (DE) The Cake Eaters Doctor Who: Mega Set - V2 The Fast and the Furious (LE) The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (LE) Happily N’Ever After 2 Lilo & Stitch (SE) Master of the Game Never Say Never Again (CE) them perform live, you’re taken with the notion they’re doing exactly what it is they love. Beaming onstage, they celebrate every fleeting moment of it. And it’s absolutely infectious; you can’t help but smile in return. At the conclusion of their set, Travis leaned over to note, while not typically his kind of sound, he had a new band to list alongside his favorites. Already a fan myself, my heart all but burst at their sleek cover of Smashing Pumpkin’s “1979,” another personal favorite of mine. In talking with them afterwards, they were wholly down-toearth, demonstrating a genuine graciousness and appreciation toward their fans. It’s then that you wish them every imaginable success. Settled back in Oklahoma, several days accrued before Travis and I exchanged our impressions on the CD we each picked up. He perhaps more critical than I, both agreed it didn’t match the experience had the prior Sunday, though what a thoroughly absurd humor. Admittedly, the studio recorded offerings don’t quite hold up to the live numbers, but it’s like expecting the perfect steak and complaining because you’re served an exceptionally good cut (and despite it being Neverender New York City Serenade The Odd Couple (AE) Passengers Quantum of Solace Quantum of Solace (SE) The Riches: Season 2 Runaway: The Complete Series Secrets of the Furious Five Side Effects Star Wars: The Clone Wars - A Galaxy Divided TCM’s Forbidden Hollywood Collection V3: William Wellman at Warner Bros. To Catch a Thief (AE) The Venture Bros.: 3rd Season Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter & Under the Hood the best you’ve tasted in some time). The album, entitled Ordinary Riches, plays more laid-back, though it still possesses much of the diversity that the band scores with in concert. Listeners from almost any given background will find something to love. The band’s YouTube page references Wilco, Billie Holiday, Fiona Apple, Radiohead, Elliott Smith, among others, as influences. These definitely come through in their own still very distinguishable sound. All in all, my favorite collection since The National’s 2007 Boxer album, and certainly the most promising band to emerge since that time. Be sure to check ‘em out for yourself at: companyofthieves companyofthieves1 Interest 6 Stephanie Christie Never Say Never... 6 BLA BLA BLA Exero 01, 5555 Stephanie Christie, once set to become an accountant, now finds herself pursuing an entirely different career path thanks to the encouragement of those around her. Stephanie Christie is another student at OPSU experiencing a journey that she never thought she would pursue. Stephanie, an elementary education major, always assumed she would receive an accounting degree. In high school she even worked for an accounting firm in Dumas, Texas. After graduation, she went on to receive her associate’s degree in accounting from Amarillo College in 1994. After working many years in clerical work, this ambitious student decided to return to the classroom. She aimed to finish her accounting degree against the urging of her family members, many of whom were nurses. They wanted Stephanie to strive for a nursing degree just as they had. While taking classes, working 40+ hours a week, and caring for her mother who was suffering from multiple sclerosis, Stephanie encountered some encouraging words that she ended up returning to later on in life. As a student in a Masterworks of English Literature class, Stephanie was always helping the other students who w e r e faced with q u e s t i o n s. Many of her fellow students at the time assumed she was an education major, constantly commenting on how well she explained things to them. The determined accounting major didn’t think much of their comments, but was somewhat shocked when the professor who taught the class encouraged her to become a secondary English teacher. Stephanie, flattered by her fellow students and her professor’s comments, kept working steadily towards the accounting degree she had always dreamed of. It was not until her mother passed away that Stephanie returned to the comments of her fellow students and began to seri- RandiJones Staff Writer More than a Face... Aaron Ruiz SarahSweatt Staff Writer ously consider heading in a different direction. Her mother’s death forced her to question what she was doing with her life. She realized that she wanted to be involved in something that helped others. She wanted to make a difference in the lives of others through her job, and teaching seemed like the just the way to do it. At the advice of her husband, Stephanie decided to do some substitute teaching before pursuing a teaching degree fulltime. She substitute taught for about three months and was then asked to substitute for a teacher who was expecting a baby around spring break. Stephanie took the position and substituted a class of first graders from spring break until the end of the school year. Stephanie’s eyes still light up when she talks about this experience, describing it as the “most rewarding feeling I have ever had.” Realizing then that she definitely wanted to become an elementary teacher, Stephanie set out to find a school that offered an education program. After repeatedly calling West Texas A & M and being directed to voicemail, Stephanie became slightly frustrated. When her phone calls were not returned, she decided to try OPSU. Imagine her delight when her call was not only answered, but also transferred directly to Dr. Stewart, the Dean of Education. Optimistic about the atmosphere of this college, Stephanie scheduled a campus visit. The information and tour given by Lacy Jones helped her make the decision to begin her degree at OPSU. While it took many years, lots of encouragement, and some difficult circumstances, Stephanie has decided that teaching is her calling. For those of us who know this fellow student, there is no doubt that she has made the right decision. She will make a wonderful teacher, which just goes to show, once again, that one should never say never. OPSU students have most likely crossed paths with Aaron Ruiz, OPSU student-athlete extraordinaire. Aaron is not only an extremely pleasant and friendly person, but Aaron also plays basketball for the fighting Aggies where he serves as a 3 point specialist. Aaron, a native of Hooker, Oklahoma, is the sibling to one brother and one sister. He chose OPSU because of its affordability and enjoys being close to home on which he comments, “If I want some really good food or my laundry done, it’s only 30 minutes away. “ Aaron’s favorite aspect of OPSU is the privilege to play the great game of basketball; however, he sometimes wishes that there was more to do than just sports in Goodwell and humorously added, “I wouldn’t mind if there were more ladies running around here.” Aaron is not merely an athlete and brother, Aaron is also a talented musician, singer, and songwriter. Aaron’s favorite type of music is alternative rock and acoustic. His favorite bands are Something Corporate and Jack’s Mannequin, but Aaron is reminded of just how melodically splendid Blink 182 is every time he listens. Some of Aaron’s other favorites consist of chicken strips or spaghetti when the choice comes to food. The challenging dilemma of a favorite movie was too tough for Mr. Ruiz to decide, but his favorite shows are Family Guy, Fantasy Factory, and Sportscenter. Aaron’s destination of choosing that he would immensely enjoy traveling to is California. Aaron also dreams of being in a band and when asked what one thing he would do if he had the chance, Aaron replied, “Hang with Michael Jordan!” Although not quite Michael Jordan, Aaron is definitely a well recognized face among the OPSU population. From serving his basketball team to having aspirations of music legendry, this face is by no means void. When you see this 6’1 Junior around campus, realize that he is most assuredly more than a face. Top 5 Aaron Picks 1. Spiderman over Superman 2. OSU over OU 3. Snow cones over ice cream 4. Sneakers over flip flops 5. Dogs over Cats Rewarding Experience Cont... From Page 2 Academic Affairs Secretaries of the three Schools return, to try to strengthen relations between our at UNVM interviewed candidates to discover communities. Nine candidates applied on this first occasion, but the reason we believe me, were applying. very many In my case, I said I wanted students to establish lament not having tried, relationships especially with OPSU after we let students and them know staff, practice English, but about the mostly, share my warmth and dedication life with people in another everybody is investing culture, and not only expand to make this my personal program the beginning of horizons, but also try to make a long-lasting, enriching a contribution to Photo by Hector Cobos UNVM student Juan Sassatelli drums up between other people’s lives. We some entertainment at last months’ International Festival. He and relationship Julia provided the crowd with delicious cookies and empanadas. Goodwell and Villa María. also had to submit a plan of activities we would try If you think you to carry out while at OPSU, and at UNVM after our want to give it a try, contact Teri Mora for further information. She is part of a most dedicated team of people who have made everything easy for us, and to whom we are greatly thankful. Or try to see me for further info before I leave. My email is (Facebook); and mjulia1@ We would love to have you over! Opinion/Editorial Rewind... ” ! n i a g A k c u r t “We S In response to February 25th’s “We Suck Again, Wait, What?” by Rachael Beck, Staff Writer. Vicki Cleland-Special to The Collegian I am writing in reference to the article entitled We Suck Again...Wait..What? that was published in the Collegian on February 25. I am so appalled by this article! Being a graduate of OPSU and having sent many family members and friends to OPSU, I am sick to death of people, especially students of OPSU, writing and publishing articles like this. For one thing, OPSU HAD great football and basketball teams when I was in school (1980-84) and beyond, when it was supported greatly by the entire administration and student body and surrounding communities. The problem is NOT Goodwell or OPSU, the problem lies in the area of the country and lack of activities for the kids. Given a choice to go to an area where there are a lot of activities and things for the kids to do or go to OPSU where there isn’t...most will choose the activities. So, the problem then becomes being able to recruit talented athletes that want to go to the country. Not so much a problem for cowboys and cowgirls...they are country! Duh...just makes sense doesn’t it? Another problem is getting coaches that are willing to STAY in Goodwell and build a program...fortunately, I think that OPSU made a very wise decision to hire Mike Wyatt to coach football because he is a graduate of OPSU and cares about the program and the job for him is not a “OPSU is a GREAT University and I had more fun there while I was attending school. Too bad the kids now don’t see what an opportunity they have to support and encourage participation and positive words.” jumping block to something bigger and better after 2 years. Most coaches stay a short time, start building a program, then bail out on their recruits! This past season was the first time in a long time that I felt like the athletic program might be getting more support when I attended football games that had screaming fans in the stands. It brought back the old days for me and it was awesome! OPSU is a GREAT University and I had more fun there while I was attending school. Too bad the kids now don’t see what an opportunity they have to support and encourage participation and positive words. I hope that you will take the opportunity to find the good things about OPSU and write about them. Negativity breeds negativity and that’s a true statement! Winning programs breed other winning programs. I have bragged many times about OPSU’s Rodeo program but it goes beyond that. Each program should do their best to support the other programs...only in that will the yesterdays of OPSU be risen again! Signed...a true fan of OPSU and a Graduate...class of 1984! 7 “Democrats say they value free speech yet they are now pushing the ‘fairness doctrine’ in an attempt to silence conservative talk radio. Republicans call Exero 01, 5555 BLA BLA BLA 7 themselves fiscal conservatives, yet they continue to advocate a massive military budget and foreign aid to countries that don’t need our charity.” America Needs More Choices Instead of being babysat, can we get things taken care of since we are actually paying customers? Since President Obama took office two months ago, little has changed in Washington. The trend of bloated budgets has continued, the federal debt has increased dramatically, and civil liberties remain under attack. The two choices presented to us, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, are essentially two sides of the same rusty coin. in our state capitals. The reality, unknown to many, is that there are dozens of active political parties across the country, each with their own values and beliefs. In America, we aren’t limited to Republicans and Democrats because we have Libertarians, Greens, Socialists, Naturalists, and even independent candidates. Oklahoma doesn’t give its voters the StephenSkacall Staff Writer tives took a big step in making it easier for smaller parties to get on the ballot here. HB 1072 passed the House by a vote of 86 to 5, meaning that the Senate will now have its say on whether this bill should become law. The bill would dramatically reduce the number of signatures needed to have political parties recognized and to put independent candidates on the ballot. It’s not perfect but it’s a step. Next year, Oklahoma voters will have the chance to choose our Governor, Lieutenant Governor, state Senators and Representatives, and other offices. If HB 1072 becomes law, which it very well could, then Oklahoma voters might for the first time in decades see candidates who aren’t Democratic or Republican appear on the ballot. We might get to choose something new for once. So you need to know what these other parties stand for, if you’re going to make an informed decision. Democrats say they value free speech, yet they are now pushing the “fairness doctrine” in an attempt to silence conservative talk radio. Republicans call themselves fiscal conservatives, yet they continue to advocate a massive military budget and foreign aid to countries that don’t need our charity. Both parties claim to respect the Bill of Rights, as long as it supports their party platform. The Republicans like the Second Amendment but not the First, while the Democrats like the First but not the Second. The term “lesser of two evils” might be accurate, because both major parties seem to be increasingly evil. It’s in times like these when Americans need more choices. We need new parties to step up to the plate and change the way things are done in Washington and option to vote for these parties. As it stands, ballot access in this state is a joke, because “It’s in times like these when Americans need more choices. We need new parties to step Eventually, we’ll all be able to vote for up to the plate and change whatever party or candidate we support. But for now, we still need more choices. If the way things are done in you live in Oklahoma and you want more choices, the best thing you can do is to Washington and in our state contact your state Senator and let him or her know that you support ballot access capitals.” reform and that you support HB 1072. It’s only Democrats and Republicans stand any chance of being on the ballot. But on March 11th, the Oklahoma House of Representa- Editor’s response to “We Struck Again!” Ms. Cleland, I appreciate your response as well as your continued interest in the goings-on of both the newspaper and OPSU. It was about this time last year that I first began working for The Collegian. Apart from a handful of humorous snippets, I don’t recall any undeserving criticisms of the school, or more specifically, the athletics department printed in our publication. As for Rachael’s article, I fail to see the controversy. You state during your tenure as a student, Panhandle championed many winning teams. In my four years here, not so much (this is of course ignoring the perennially butt-kicking rodeo squad). After “We Suck Again…” made the rounds, a number of student athletes complained about being presented in a poor light. Well, what should they expect? Re-Design For Intelligent Design SarahSweatt Staff Writer Throughout the film Expelled, daunting situations dealing with the rejection of Intelligent Design in the scientific community is portrayed; these depictions are by no means glamorizing to advocates of Evolution. Despite my opinion of the film, accusations against the film’s credibility have been made. The organization leading the stone throwing is the National Center for Service Education, and might I add that this is the very organization being accused of marooning pro-ID scientists throughout Expelled. One of the most interesting accusations made by this institution is the falsehood of Richard Sternberg’s case dealing with the clash between Evolution and ID. In this documentary, Sternberg claims that, “his The Libertarian Party is the third largest party in America and stands for eliminating the income tax, cutting foreign aid, and focusing on commitments here at home rather than unnecessary commitments overseas. The Green Party favors major reforms to make our nation’s economy more environmentally friendly. The Socialist Party favors redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor, expanding welfare programs and reducing personal property rights. a great thing to be active in government and to exercise your rights as an American citizen. Instead of walking around with a sense of self-entitlement and false bravado, perhaps they should instead attach their pride to their play on the field; maybe then we’ll begin seeing results. Now this isn’t to say we didn’t have plenty of respectable, reasonable athletes who took Rachael’s comments in stride. We did. But judging by the overwhelming negative feedback we received as a result of the original piece, it’s my belief that until our athletic teams learn to uniformly adopt that same composure and realistic outlook, they’ll be doomed to sitting out post-season play time and time again. It’s not a matter of negativity. It’s about being honest with ourselves and one another. life was nearly ruined,” and he was forced to leave his position at the Smithsonian Institution for writing a paper not devoted to the superiority of Evolution to be put in a scholarly journal . NCSE claims that this paper causing this so-called controversy does not even relate to ID or Evolution, that Sternberg did not lose his position, that his paper was simply rejected due to “content and quality,” and also that, “his colleagues were civil in their communications with him.” According to Sternberg, “They were saying I accepted money under the table, that I was a crypto-priest, that I was a sleeper cell operative for the creationists.” Maybe that would sound civil to Charles Darwin but not to most humans. However, that’s just his opinion, a mere fabrication, right? Wrong! An article posted by The Washington Post reads, “The U.S. Office of Special Counsel, which was established to protect federal employees from reprisals, examined e-mail traffic from these scientists and noted that retaliation came in many forms... misinformation was disseminated through the Smithsonian Institution and to outside sources. The allegations against you were later determined to be false.” The principal David Suto Editor legal adviser for the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, James McVay stated in a letter to Sternberg, “The rumor mill became so infected…that one of your colleagues had to circulate [your résumé] simply to dispel the rumor that you were not a scientist.” In response to this whole situation, Linda St. Thomas, the spokeswoman for the Smithsonian Institution, replied, “We do stand by evolution -- we are a scientific organization.” I’m not quite sure why she would say that if the Sternberg’s paper had no relation to ID or Evolution. Also, maybe NCSE is completely correct on the issue of Sternberg losing his position since an unpaid, volunteer position cannot technically be “lost.” However, who can rightfully judge the trauma in this man’s life? He was called nasty things for simply questioning the norm, he was denied earned privileges, and he was persecuted in a supposed environment of equality, not to mention the stress caused on his marriage (yes, scientists have actual lives too). Another clash of ideas between the NCSE and Expelled is the role of Darwinism in the Holocaust. I claimed last weekend that Stein contradicts evolution by providing » continued, pg. 8 Aggie Peers Are Back! The OPSU Aggie Peers are back in business. Peer Educators Oklahoma City Associate of Applied Science in Nursing Program is currently taking applications for admission to the fall 2009 nursing class. are dedicated to informing their peers about healthy lifestyle choices and making responsible decisions. Topics include drinking responsibly, safe sex, STDs, eating disorders other issues that confront college students on 8 and BLA BLA BLA health Exero 01, 5555 campuses everywhere. OPSU currently has 10 certified Peer Educators who have been trained in the skills needed by all peer educators to: • understand the basics of prevention regardless of a particular health specialty Est. Graduated Online • become a caring helper to others Content 1996 85 OPSU • provide awareness on health and safety risks • make referrals of students at risk to professionals Alumni • conduct educational programs and events • increase their leadership abilities • increase awareness of personal wellness • teach team building Aggie Peers will be available for students who need someone Packets available in the OPSU Nursing Departmen, Hesper Hall 308 to talk to about homesickness, relationship issues, academic problems or any of the other troubles that college students find themselves facing. They are NOT counselors, but your peers who have been trained in active listening and being a caring helper. Their office is located in Hamilton Hall, Application Deadline is June 1 Room 310 and the hours are posted outside the door. Take Instrumental in assuring that registered nurses are advantage of having someone to talk to when you feel the available to serve the population of the Oklahoma need. panhandle and surrounding areas. Aggie Peers will also be doing educational programming throughout the semesters. Programming may include Graduates are eligible to take the National Council skits, games, educational presentations or just passing out Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses literature regarding health issues faced by college students. Watch for us! Your healthy life is our concern! NursingProgram Now Accepting Applicants 580-349-1520 Corral drive-In Theater 926 SW Hwy 54 Guymon, OK 73942 580-338-DRIV(3748) DRIVE IN THEATER SHOWTIMES 580-338-DRIV Eric & Alka Lammes, Owners 926 SW Hwy 54 Guymon, Ok 73942 $1.00 80oz popcorn with a valid student ID, double feature TWO MOVIES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. L o o k f o r T h e noun 1. A bad place. Urinetown is a mythical place filled with symbolism and things like that. 2. An awful title. A bad title, such as Urinetown, can kill a show pretty good. 3. A very funny show! You will need to come see Urinetown to laugh till you pee. Coming in April Opening This Weekend! The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Monsters Vs. Aliens $6.00 Adults $4.00 Kids w w w. c o r r a l d r i v e i n . c o m [ūr’in toun] Re-Design For Intelligent Design Cont... examples of its dominance in the Holocaust and Nazi theory. I did indeed say this because it is completely true. Webster defines contrary as a fact or condition incompatible with another. Stein’s attempts to convey that the Holocaust’s inspiration, not cause, is Darwinism by its presentation of Natural Selection which happens From Page 7 to be a fact that is incompatible with the theory of Evolution because if the roots of this book (the root of Evolution) give adequate incentive for harm, how can it be the basis of humanity? This incentive is stated clearly in The Origin of Species and in its entirety reads, “With savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated. We civilized men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination. We build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed and the sick, thus the weak members of civilized societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. Hardly anyone is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed. The aid which we feel impelled to give to the helpless is mainly an incidental result of the instinct of sympathy, which was originally acquired as part of the social instincts, but subsequently rendered, in the manner previously indicated, more tender and more widely diffused.” These words mentioned, even read with the ending statement of sympathy, is clear evidence of the Darwinism role played in the Holocaust. No, Darwinism did not create the Holocaust, like NCSE claims Expelled said; it did, however, influence Hitler and his regime to create the perfect race. In 1945, The New York Times wrote, “Long before he had dreamed of achieving power, [Hitler] had developed the principles that nations were destined to hate, oppose and destroy one another; [and] that the law of history was the struggle for survival between peoples …” The connection was made in 1945 between Hitler and Darwin and hopefully the tie is not lost after our country’s scientific “progression.” Evolution and ID are one of the most controversial pairs in society. However, controversial is no justification for cover up, fabrication, or even hate. The NCSE is obviously an organization on the prowl for anything “intelligent” and willing to accomplish their evolutionary agenda no matter what the cost. Now for a personal and peaceful Lincoln-esque quote by Abe himself to momentarily conclude the debate dealing with life that will luckily one day be forever concluded, “In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book.”(Note: He was not talking about The Origin of Species). Sources: The Washington Post,, C o l l e g i a n w w O n l i n e /dwn
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