City of Le Sueur Parks & Recreation Department & Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education Winter/Spring 2015 Parks & Rec. 665-3325 LSH Community Ed. 665-4620 821 East Ferry Street, Le Sueur Scan this code with your smartphone or tablet to visit our mobile site. TABLE OF CONTENTS What’s Inside Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Special Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Early Childhood Family Education. . . . . . 4-8 Aquatics.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18 Little Giants Preschool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Adult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19-24 Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Trips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-27 Drivers Ed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Adult Basic Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-30 Youth.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-14 Registration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Com. Center fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Kids Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5 Easy Ways to Register • 24 hour On-Line Registration – Register on-line at www.cityof or with your Visa , Mastercard or Discover. card • By Fax 24 hours – (507) 665-2367 Fill out a registration form, include your Visa or Mastercard number and fax it to (507) 665-2367 (24 hours a day). • In Person.– Visit our office at 821 East Ferry Street, Le Sueur. See hours on next page. • By Mail – Fill out the registration form and mail it with your check. Checks are made payable: City of Le Sueur. Mail to Community Education/Park & Rec. at 821 East Ferry Street, Le Sueur MN 56058. • By Phone – (507) 665-4620 or (507) 665-3325 – Credit Card only Register early! Many classes fill quickly, so early registration is encouraged. Registrations are taken on a first come first served basis until a class is full. Most registration deadlines are one week before the start of class. Decisions are made on the registration deadline to hold a class – register early! Are You In? There will be no confirmation notices sent to you. Consider yourself registered for the class. You will be contacted ONLY if the class is full or cancelled. Please include your daytime phone number and e-mail address on your registration form. Refund Policy –– Community Education only. Refunds will be made only under the following conditions: 1. If your class is filled to capacity before your registration is received. 2. If your class is cancelled. 3. If you cancel your registration before the registration deadline – However, you will be assessed a $5 processing fee in this instance. Trip Refund Information: If you cancel your registration before the registration deadline there is a $5 processing fee. If you must cancel after a trip deadline has passed, we cannot refund your fee; however, you may find someone to replace you. Also, please understand that some risk is involved in purchasing theater tickets because of weather conditions. If travel is possible in the Twin Cities, most theaters will not give refunds or reschedule to a different date. Therefore, the possibility exists that you may lose your money if travel is impossible outside the metro area. COMMUNITY EDUCATION CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FORFEITED TICKETS! All activities require payment upon registration. We accept cash, check by mail or in our office or credit card payments online, fax or by phone. 2 Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4620 Welcome to Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education and the City of Le Sueur Parks and Recreation Le Sueur-Henderson Public School VOCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES ANNUAL NOTIFICATION Le Sueur-Henderson Public School District offers a variety of vocational opportunities through the Business Education, Industrial Technology and Family and Consumer Science Departments. The purpose of this notice is to inform students, parents, employees and the general public that these opportunities are offered regardless of race, color, national origin, sex or disability. Admission in the specific courses is determined by grade level, and in some cases, completion of prerequisite courses. The district has designated the following individuals to coordinate compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. Section 504 Coordinator: Kevin Enerson 901 E. Ferry St., Le Sueur, MN 56058 (507) 665-5803 Alternate Section 504 Coordinator: Stacy Carpenter 901 E. Ferry St., Le Sueur, MN 56058 (507) 665-5807 Title IX Coordinator: Richard Hanson 115-1/2 N. 5th St. Le Sueur, MN 56058 (507) 665-4601 Alternate Title IX Coordinator: Dave Swanberg 901 E. Ferry St., Le Sueur, MN 56058 (507) 665-5804 A brief summary of the program offerings are as follows: Program offerings include woods, technology, industrial technology/engineering and agricultural science A link to the course descriptions is Want to Help Your Community? Join the Community Education Advisory Council. The Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education Advisory Council is the voice for the community and advises the community ed. staff and school board about future initiatives, directions, and or pertinent policies. The Community Education Advisory Council of Le Sueur-Henderson Schools makes recommendations to the staff and school board on items pertaining to finance, programs, classes, policies, services, facilities, communication, community, and philosophy. The Community Education Advisory Council has openings for volunteers on the council. If you have an interest in representing the life-long learning opportunities in our school district, contact us at (507) 665-4620. Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education Advisory Council Ideas for future classes and activities may be directed to the advisory council members listed: Bill Floyd Rich Hanson Becky Pollack Mary Frazier Paul Menne Bob Broeder Layne Wilbright Paula Scheffler Community Education / Parks & Recreation Staff Layne Wilbright, Park & Recreation/Community Education Director, 665-3325 Cheri Lemmer, Park & Rec. Administrative Assistant, 665-3325 Becki Hawkins, Adult Basic Education, Coordinator, 665-4625 Karyl Engel, Early Childhood Family Education/Little Giants Preschool Coordinator, 665-4631 Pat Willaert, Community Ed. Administrative Assistant, 665-4621 Melissa Goettl, Kids’ Club Coordinator, 612-756-2136 Tom Gerlich, Park and Rec. Maintenance Supervisor Community Center/Community Education Hours Fall/Winter (After hockey starts Oct.- Feb. Monday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Tuesday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Wednesday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Thursday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Friday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am - 8:00 pm City of Le Sueur Parks & Recreation (507) 665-3325 3 Early Childhood Family Education • ECFE is a program for all families with children between the ages of birth and kindergarten. • ECFE’s Mission is to strengthen families through support and education by providing an environment for healthy growth and development of families. • ECFE’s Philosophy is based on the belief that parents are the first and most important teachers for their children. ECFE recognizes and supports parents’ understanding of their children as well as their parental roles. • ECFE includes: Parent/child time, parent discussion groups, play and learn activities, special events for the entire family, field trips, day care visits, new baby visits all provided to help you meet the challenge of being a parent. • Where are ECFE Classes held? • Park Elementary School, Le Sueur, Rooms 106 and 107 • United Church of Christ in Henderson • Henderson Library NOTE: The ECFE and Little Giants Preschool office is located at Park Elementary School in Room 141. Early Childhood Screening State law requires all children to participate in Early Childhood Screening before they may enter Kindergarten. Identifying possible concerns early is the best way to prevent serious problems later. Children turning three by September 1, will receive a letter of invitation to Early Childhood Screening which takes place each fall, winter and spring. Early Childhood Screening provides an opportunity for parents to discuss concerns and find out about resources in the school and community. Early Childhood Screening includes: • health history and immunization assessment • hearing and vision screening • speech, developmental and fine and gross motor screening • height and weight assessment • summary interview with parents Screening Dates: January 29, April 23 & 24, 2015 Early Childhood Family Education Staff ECFE Coordinator Child Specialists Program Assistants Karyl Engel Karyl Engel, Denise McGraw Ruth Steinborn, Renee Berger, Diane Bode, Maggie Fredrickson Mary Anfinson, Heidi Hagen, Parent Educators Catherine GoettlChristina Padgett Sue Forcelle The Early Childhood Advisory Council makes a difference..... We are looking for Advisory Council members to assist in planning and evaluation of the early childhood programs within District 2397. Be part of a team that makes a difference in the lives of children and families in Le Sueur and Henderson. If you are interested in serving on this council, call the Early Childhood office at (507) 665-4631. Calling all babies, toddlers and preschoolers! We need you on the district census! Being on the school district census ensures you will be notified about early childhood screening, that the elementary school will be expecting your child at kindergarten and that you will receive mailings from the Early Childhood Family Education program. Call (507) 665-4631 if: • You are new to the area. •Your family size has increased • You have a child entering kindergarten next fall who you believe is not on our census. • Your child is three and has not received an invitation to Early Childhood Screening. 4 Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4620 Early Childhood Family Education 4 1 h c r a M , y a d r u t a S r Supe Saturday, March 14 10:00 a.m. to noon Band begins at 10:00 a.m. Exhibitors until noon. Park Elementary School Auditorium and Large Gym for exhibitors. Happy 30th Anniversary to the Teddy Bear Band! This is a FREE event which is co-sponsored by H.A.V.E. and Early Childhood Family Education. Join us at Super Saturday and visit the many exhibitors where you can have your face painted, create fun craft, meet McGruff and much more! Teddy Bear Band is a REAL band, playing REAL instruments, in REAL time. In this age of computers and pre-programmed entertainment, the Teddy Bear Band believes it is important to give kids a musical experience they can see and feel for themselves, as it happens! BYOB Bring Your Own Bear! ECFE Fees FAMILY INCOME FEE In order to keep our classes affordable for everyone, (before taxes) fees are based on the sliding scale to the right which $19,999 and below $10 per child takes into consideration income level. Please note $20,000-$39,999 Half Fee per child that all fees are per child. A second child registering $40,000 and above Full Fee per child for the same class will pay half the fee. This does not include special events or field trips. When child We appreciate your support and thank you for being a care is offered, a separate fee will be charged. part of our program. **Class and child care fees are per child. Locate your gross family income category in the chart Registration is required for all special events. Please above and register for classes accordingly. Class fees note deadlines when registering for trips. For questions can be found in this catalog next to the class descripregarding upcoming classes or special events, please tion. Each additional child registering for the same call our office at (507) 665-4631. class will pay half the determined class fee. **Fee for sibling care. How to Register for ECFE in Le Sueur & Henderson: • Visit or mail to the Community Education Office, 821 East Ferry Street, Le Sueur Phone (507) 665-4620) • Need a copy of your child’s immunization records by first day of class. All families are welcome to attend ECFE. No one will be denied participation due to inability to pay. To request a waiver, please contact the ECFE office at Park Elementary School or phone us at (507) 665-4631. Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4620 5 Early Childhood Family Education Thrilling Thursdays/Open Gym Night Do you and your little ones have cabin fever? Are you in need of a chance to run, jump, holler and scream? We invite you to bring some of your favorite large muscle toys and we will bring out some of ours. No pedal toys please! Winter Session Tuesdays, January 20 - March 10 8:45 - 10:15 a.m. $40 (8 weeks) Park Elementary, Room 107 Registrations close on Jan. 13 Toddler Togetherness Ages 0-2 Children and parents enjoy 90 minutes together with planned activities. There will be a short informal discussion time for parents. During informal discussion, children are given a chance to explore. This is a non-separating class. Spring Session Tuesdays, March 24 - May 12 8:45 - 10:15 a.m. $40 (8 weeks) Park Elementary, Room 107 Registrations close on March 17 Fabulous Fridays Winter Session Fridays, January 23 - March 13 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. $40 (8 weeks) Park Elemetary, Room 107 Registrations close on Jan. 16 Spring Session Fridays, March 27 - May 15 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. (No class April 3) $35 (7 weeks) Park Elementary, Room 107 Registrations close on March 20 Ages 1-4 Come join us for fun-filled Friday mornings. Parents can enjoy this time with their children doing crafts, singing songs and doing many age appropriate activities. Parents are given the opportunity to participate in discussion time, lead by a parent facilitator. There will be a new theme each week. Parent and Kids Night Ages 12 months - 4 years Keeping the family together is important, which is what this class is about. This class involves lots of opportunities for parents and children to participate together in a variety of fun learning activities. Observe the growth of your children right before your very own eyes as they interact with others and participate in classroom activities. Parents have the opportunity to separate for a discussion with parents about timely parenting topics led by a parent facilitator. Grow together as a family while attending an ECFE class. 6 Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education Details Thursdays, January 15, 22, February 5, 12, 19 & 26 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Park Elementary, Small Gym Free No Registration necessary Details Mondays, February 2 - March 23 (No Class Feb. 16 & March 9) 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. $30 (6 weeks) Park Elementary, Room 107 Registrations close on Jan. 26 ( 507) 665-4620 Early Childhood Family Education Music, Motion and Laughs Come join us for a class full of musical adventures. Music will be explored through instruments, motion and your own voices. Each class will bring a new adventure. Details Thursdays, February 5 & 19, March 5 & 19 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. $20 (4 weeks) Park Elementary, Room 106 Registrations close on Jan. 29 Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss Come join us for a fun-filled adventure of discovering all things about Dr. Seuss. Each week’s theme will be a different favorite Dr. Seuss story. The last week of class we will celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday as only ECFE can do! Details Tuesdays, February 10, 17, 24 & March 3 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Park Elementary, Room 106 $20 (4 weeks) Registrations close on Feb. 3 Open Play Are you and your child looking for a fun place to go with different toys and activities? Or, do you provide care for an extended family member, a friend or a neighbor? We would love to have you join us for a funfilled hour. We will have the room ready with fun toys and an art project. Details Thursdays, February 12, 26, March 12, 26, April 9 & 23 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Park Elementary, Room 107 Free No Registration required. Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4620 7 Early Childhood Family Education Family Literacy Night Come join us for an event all about literacy and reading. There will be information about reading, and fun projects. Every child who attends will receive a book. Parents, you get an opportunity to spend a fun-filled evening to interact with kids while doing great literacy things with them. What a great way to start February, “I Love Read” month. Details Thursday, January 29 Time: TBD Park Elem. School Free event for all preschoolers through Grade 5. Watch for more details in January. Como Zoo Join Early Childhood Family Education for a day at Como Zoo. Visit the monkeys, tigers, zebras and camels as you walk the friendly pathways meeting its inhabitants. Join Sparky the seal at one of his hilarious shows. See polar bears swim in their white coats in the clear pool. You don’t want to miss this fun-filled day! Bring along a picnic lunch to eat at the park as you enjoy this day outside, visiting the many animals at the zoo. Details Tuesday, May 19 Depart: 8:15 a.m. Le Sueur, Park Elem. 8:30 a.m. Henderson, Community Bldg. Return: 2:30 p.m. Henderson 2:45 p.m. Le Sueur $8 per person Registrations close on May 14 This event happens rain or shine! ECFE Classes Come to the Day Care Community An early childhood teacher will be making her way to your day care site with a bag full of fun! She will provide a circle time filled with special songs and learning activities for everyone. Details Thursday or Friday mornings Free Call 665-4620 Times are limited, so sign up as soon as possible for your on-site visit. Storyhour/Henderson Library Come and enjoy listening to some of the very best stories for children along with rhymes, music, puppets, fingerplays, and fun! It is a time of quiet listening and fun activities that will introduce children to reading and books. Children up to age 10 (parents may judge if their child will sit for stories). Details Thursdays, January 8 - June 25 No Storyhour March 19 & April 2 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. Henderson Public Library *Free, no registration is required. Parents must remain with their children during storyhour. 8 Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4620 Little Giants Preschool Little Giants Preschool Le Sueur-Henderson Public Schools For children ages 3 and 4 by September 1 What is Little Giants Preschool? • Little Giants Preshool is a Parent Aware 4 Star Quality Rated Program. • Little Giants Preschool is a public preschool program for children age 3 (as of Sept. 1) to kindergarten enrollment. Little Giants provides preschool and other early childhood program opportunities to ALL children regardless of family income. Our Mission To provide educationally enriched experiences, helping to prepare all children for Kindergarten and life-long learning. Our Goals • To strengthen families by promoting partnerships between parents, staff, and the school; and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first and most important teacher. • Incorporate technology to enhance children’s education and creativity. • To guide children as they develop their physical, mental, social and cognitive potential. • To ensure seamless transition between pre-school and kindergarten. Curriculum Activities at Little Giants Preschool cross a variety of content areas including; math, literacy, science, social studies, music, art, health and nutrition. Our preschool is set-up for exploration and discovery. This environment provides opportunities to learn and grow socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. There are child-directed activities such as building with blocks, dramatic play, play dough, easel painting, a classroom writing center and more! Also included are teacher-directed activities such a circle time, calendar, stories, music and movement and small group learning activities in counting or number recognition, patterning classification pre-reading and writing, name recognition and alphabet games. To learn more about the Little Giants program, call the Early Childhood office at (507) 665-4631. The ECFE and Little Giants Preschool office is located at Park Elementary School in Room 141. Little Giant Preschool Options Option #1 Preschool 4-5 yr. olds M, W, F All Day $195 per month Available at Park Elem. only Option #2 Peschool 4-5 yr. olds M, T, W, TH Afternoons $140 per month Option #3 Preschool 4-5 yr. olds M, W, TH Afternoons $110 per month Option #4 Preschool 3 yr. olds M & W Mornings $75 per month Lunch is included Preschool sites at Park Elementary in Le Sueur and at United Church of Christ in Henderson. Call 507-665-4620 or stop in at the Community Education Office at 821 East Ferry Street, Le Sueur, for registration information. Find us on Facebook at Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4620 9 Families The instructor for the knitting and crocheting will be Tina Grapentine. She has over 20 years of experience with knitting and crocheting and has taught kid’s classes at Jo Ann Fabrics. Kids Crochet 101 Ages 8 & up Learn how to chain, slip stitch and single crochet. Please bring crochet hooks (any kind) yarn, tape measure and scissors. Kids Knit 101 Ages 8 & up Learn about materials and accessories, casting on, knit stitch and binding off. Children will learn how to knit and use the garter stitch. Please bring knitting needles (any kind) yarn, tape measure and scissors. Option 1 Friday, Jan. 30 - OR Option 2 Friday, March 20 - OR Option 3 Friday, April 24 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. LSH High/Middle School Media Center $18 per option Registrations close one week before class. Minimum: 2, Maximum: 10 Option 1 Friday, Feb. 20 - OROption 2 Friday, April 17 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. LSH High/Middle School Media Center $18 per option Registrations close one week before class. Minimum: 2, Maximum: 10 Mike Lynch Minnesota StarWatch Details Make the stars your old friends as we watch the great celestial show in the skies. This night starts off with an indoor orientation followed by quality time outside under the heavens. Get to know the constellations like the Big Bear, Cassiopeia, Orion and his gang, and some of the great stories behind them. We will use large reflecting telescopes, including a giant 20” reflector, one of the biggest mobile telescopes in Minnesota for close up views of the planet Saturn with its beautiful rings. We will also get close and personal with star clusters, nebulae, galaxies and other wonders in our early spring skies. You’ll get a great handout and package with user-friendly star maps and constellation charts, websites, a telescope-buying guide, and more! Your universe is waiting. Thursday, April 9 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. $10 per Adult $6 per Child Ney Nature Center in Henderson Registrations close on April 2 Minimum: 10, Maximum: 25 Mike Lynch is a meteorologist at WCCO Radio and has been teaching astronomy classes for over 40 years. He also writes a weekly stargazing column for the St. Paul Pioneer Press and has completed his first book, Mike Lynch’s Minnesota Star Watch. You’re invited to bring lawn chairs to make yourself comfy! Dress warm, we will go outside. 10 Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4620 Families Learn to Skate We are very pleased to have Thomas Wavrin teaching the Learn To Skate again this year! If you child was in Learn to Skate last year, you know what a GREAT instructor he is! He has been in skating competition for 3 years. He was Minnesota State Champion in pair skating and also placed in other skating categories. Learn to skate or improve your skills. This is for all ages, levels, and abilities. Small children require 1 parent to be on ice (no skates needed) during class until further notice. Helmets are recommended for first time skaters. Space is limited, call the Community Center to register today! Fee: $30.00 Class dates & times: Saturday 1/10/15 Sunday 1/11/15 Tuesday 1/13/15 Saturday 1/17/15 Sunday 1/18/15 Saturday 1/24/15 Sunday 1/25/15 6:00 PM 10:45 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:45 AM 6:00 PM 10:45 AM The indoor arena is going through some BIG changes! We are making great progress with the construction phase, with some of the final touches finished up in the Spring. Come on over and check it out! OPEN SKATE & OPEN HOCKEY at Indoor Rink New windows and entry doors on main floor provides easy access to arena and warm viewing of games from the hallway. Spectator seating is now next to the ice for better viewing and fans will be closer to the action! Go Bulldogs! OUTDOOR ICE RINK BEFORE OUTDOOR RINK WARMING HOUSE: AFTER GREAT improvements to the Outdoor Ice Arena thanks to the funds received from last years Giant Swim Fundraiser! Inside of warming house remodeled and painted New boards on rink New gates Primed and painted all boards/gates Concrete slab for rink entrance with ice resurfacer built from a golf cart A BIG thanks to all who organized and participated in the Giant Swim! City of Le Sueur Parks & Recreation (507) 665-3325 11 Youth Frozen Art Class Details Grades K-3 Come experience the magic of winter in a whole new way! This highly anticipated class inspired by the Disney movie Frozen will entertain and delight your child. They will love creating sparkly castle scenes, clay sculptures and more all featuring their favorite characters from the movie. The kids will get to work with a variety of different art supplies as they create masterpieces fit for royalty! Please pack a nut free snack and a drink for your child. Monday, January 19 (No School) 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Park Elementary, Art Room 151 $35 Minimum: 10, Maximum: 20 Registrations close on Jan. 12 Instructor: Kid Create Studio. Visit us at Lego Star Wars Art Class Grades K-3 Legos® and Star Wars® - what an amazing combination! We’ll work as a team to painta huge mural complete with stars, planets and far, far away galaxies. We’ll build star fighters out of Legos, stage an intergalactic battle and make a Lego Darth Vader bobble head. We’ll work with Legos®, paint, clay and other art supplies to create these masterpieces that your young Jedi will love! Details Monday, January 19 (No School) 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Park Elementary, Art Room 151 $35 Minimum: 10, Maximum: 20 Registrations close on Jan. 12 Please pack a nut free snack and a drink for your child. Instructor: Kid Create Studio. Visit us at Mischievous Minions Art Class Grades K-3 Those Minions are mischievous, marvelous and darn right silly. In this class, the kids will create a throwing game inspired by the Minions from the movie Despicable Me. Please pack a nut free snack and a drink for your child Instructor: Kid Create Studio. Visit us at 12 Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education Details Monday, March 9 (No School) 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Park Elementary, Cafeteria $35 Minimum: 10, Maximum: 20 Registrations close on March 2 (507) 665-4620 Youth/Drivers Ed Driver Education Classroom & Behind the Wheel Dates: M-F Feb. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 NEW STATE LAW A parent or guardian MUST attend a M-F Feb. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 meeting on Feb. 18 from 6:30 - 8:00 M-F March 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Time: 3:15 - 5:15 p.m. p.m. at the HS/MS in Room 110. Age Limit: Must be 15 by the start of class. Location: Le Sueur-Henderson High School, Room 110 Fee: $325 Half due ($162.50) at time of registration and the remainder due ($162.50) at the end of classroom to be able to get blue card of completion. Registrations close on Feb. 9 Minimum: 25, Maximum: 40 Classroom Participants must be 15 at the time of the class. If too many students register, however, the oldest students will have priority. Also, attendance is important––only two absences are allowed. Registration forms are available at Le Sueur-Henderson High School, Minnesota New Country School and the Community Education office. Instructor: Larry Hylarides is a licensed driver education instructor. For behind-the-wheel, call Community Education at 665-4620 to set it up. Crazy Commercials Grades 3 and up Details Wednesdays, March 5 & 12 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Park Elem. School, Cafeteria $38 Do you think you have the perfect idea to sell a product to millions? Students will choose a real or imagined product to market to the masses and write a commercial to be recorded and edited. Commercials can be done individually or together as a group. Registrations close on Feb. 26 Instructor: Andrew Velishek of Child’s Play Theatre Company LLC. Andy has a passion for teaching theatre and having fun doing it. Minimum: 4, Maximum: 15 Babysitting Training Ages 11 & Older The Child and Babysitting safety clinic (CABS) stresses the priority to keep you and the children you care for safe. Babysitting is not just “watching” the children, but being responsible for their safety and well being. This clinic is for all soon to be or current babysitters. Topics to be discussed include: age appropriate playtime, caring for a baby, how to feed and diaper a baby, basic First Aid, what to do if a child chokes and much more. Learn the skills to earn an income and be a responsible babysitter. Details Saturday, April 18 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. LSH High School Media Center $50 (includes materials) Minimum: 5, Maximum: 12 Registrations close on April 10 Please bring a bag lunch! Snack and drink will be provided. Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4620 13 Youth SOCCER REGISTRATION Thursday, January 15, 2015 4:00-6:00 PM. Register anytime before at the Community Center. We know it’s hard to think about Spring, but it is just around the corner. The level your child will play in is determined by his/her age as of August 1, 2015. Players will need to provide a small photo for their soccer club registration card, as well as a copy of their birth certificate for proof of age. You may call ahead to see if we have your child’s birth certificate on file (if they have participated in the past). There will be no exceptions to this rule, as it is a regulation within the Minnesota Youth Soccer Association. Fee Summary for Rec/Rec Plus Teams Competitive Players needing Ages 4-6 $31.50 Includes a t-shirt a jersey: $30.00 extra Ages 7 & 8 $47.25 Includes a t-shirt Ages 9 & 10 $73.50 Includes 2 t-shirts & shorts Late Registration Fee: $10.00 Fee Summary for Competitive Teams Ages 11 & 12 $ 126.00 Ages 13 & 14 $ 126.00 Ages 15 & up $ 126.00 You can also register at the Youth Expo, February 25th from 5:00-7:00 PM. T-Ball Time! For Boys and Girls age 4 - 2nd grade! We have 3 levels for future all stars: Pre K (age 4 & up)Must be 4 years of age by 5/1/15—no exceptions Kindergarten 1st & 2nd Grade: Parent pitched Equipment needed: Water bottle. Helmet - must be NOCSAE certified, Glove Running shoes-no open toe shoes, Metal bat - encouraged, but optional. Season runs from May 1st - June 27th Fee: $16 per player Registrations must be received by 4/25/15 to receive a t-shirt LSH BITTY BASKETBALL Le Sueur-Henderson Bitty Basketball League is for children school ages K-2nd grade. We will work on developing basic basketball skills. The children will have an opportunity to play each other at the end of practice. Tennis shoes are required. Cost: $30.00 (non-refundable) Includes a FREE T-shirt and Basketball Dates: January 5, 12, 19, 26 & February 2 Time: 6:30 - 7:30 pm Where: Le Sueur High School Gymnasium Players will show off their skills at the Le Sueur Henderson Girls Varsity Game half time Friday, February 6th. You can register anytime at the Le Sueur Community Center. You can also register at the Youth Expo, February 25th from 5:00-7:00 PM. Please make checks payable to City of Le Sueur. 14 City of Le Sueur Parks & Recreation (507) 665-3325 Community Center LE SUEUR COMMUNITY CENTER DAILY FEES AND MEMBERSHIP RATES Daily Fees at the Community Center Daily fees allow use of the facility for open gym, open lap/adult swim (outdoor/indoor pool), weight room and cardio room. A colored wristband will be placed on customers’ wrists after paying at the office. This is a one time fee, good for the whole day, as long as the wristband remains on! Daily Fees: Resident Non-resident Adults (19-59 Years) $4.25 $4.50 Senior Citizens (60+) $3.50 $4.00 Students (18 & under) $3.50 $4.00 Walk in fee: Person that would like to try out a class: $6.50 (Res. /Non Res.) Resident: Any person residing, owning a business or owning real estate within the official city limits of Le Sueur. Community Center Memberships 1 Month 3 Trial Months ($5 Dep.) Family Resident Non-resident Auto Withdraw (6 mo.+) $136.50 $199.50 $425.25 $666.75 $36.49 $56.62 $26.25 $31.50 $ 78.75 $ 94.50 $267.75 $320.25 $23.36 $27.74 Student & Seniors Resident $23.63 Non-resident $27.83 $ 61.95 $ 81.90 $189.00 $267.75 $16.80 $23.36 Adult Resident Non-resident $50.93 $66.15 Yearly All Memberships include 24/7 access. 1 Month Memberships required to pay $5.00 deposit for access card. Non-resident: Any person residing outside the official city limits of Le Sueur 3rd Annual March Madness Cardio Challenge Back by popular demand! Get in shape for the nice warm weather ahead! Must register at the Office. Must be a Member to participate. SWIM BIKE RUN/WALK Special THANKS to our March Madness Cardio Challenge Sponsors and their support towards good health! FREE for all Le Sueur Community Center Members Prizes will be awarded for each: Marathon, Duathlon, or Triathlon completed! You have the month of March to complete your challenge goal! Open to Members 12 and older. Choose your division: Novice or Expert. Exercise must be completed at the Community Center. Time to challenge yourself and feel GREAT! NEW PRIZES THIS YEAR! City of Le Sueur Parks & Recreation (507) 665-3325 15 Special Events Daddy/Daughter Dance Red hearts, pink balloons and girls in curls set the tone for the 7th annual Daddy-Daughter dance. Girls ranging in age from 18 months to 18 years can enjoy a wonderful evening of dancing and dinner with their fathers. Come and dance to the music of the “Lounge Cats,” a live band that will surely entertain. Fathers, be the knight in shining armor for your daughters this night. Friday, February 27 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Dinner served at 6:30 p.m. Baked Chicken and mashed potatoes w/gravy for the adults and Corn Dog and mashed potatoes w/gravy for the girls. Beverage, dinner roll and dessert also. nge u o L ts Ca e Liv d Ban Le Sueur-Henderson HS/MS commons Early bird rate: $28/couple, $5 more for each additional daughter if paid by Feb. 6 $35/couple after Feb. 6 and $5 more for each additional daughter. Registrations close on Feb. 26 Minimum: 50, Maximum: 200 Mother/Son Bowling & Pizza (For those of bowling ages) Here is an opportunity for all mothers to bond with their sons and show off their athletic prowess! Saturday, February 28 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. $25 per pair, $10 for each additional person Includes 2 games per person, shoes, pizza and pop. The 300 Club, 504 North Main Street, Le Sueur Registrations close on Feb. 20 Minimum: 6, Maximum: 40 LSH Youth Expo Here is your opportunity to have all of the youth serving agencies under the same roof on the same night. Learn what each group offers to students during the summer or school year. Find out registration information from the hockey association, basketball association, summer ball and many others! Thursday, February 26 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Le Sueur-Henderson HS/MS commons Free to all participants $1 pizza slices available from Pizza Ranch. Sponsored by: LeSueur-Henderson Community Education, LeSueur Parks and Recreation and Youth Opportunities. 16 Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4620 Aquatics Saturday, April 25th, 2015 from 6am – Midnight Community Center Pool All proceeds will go directly to our local SCORE (School and Community Outdoor Recreation Enhancements) organization. It is our intention to divide the proceeds from this event into 3 areas within SCORE: 50% will go towards renovations to the Le Sueur Community Center Ice Arena; 25% to enhance local pools and the remaining 25% to be sprinkled throughout other worthwhile SCORE projects. For more information visit: Proceeds from last year’s Giant Swim were used to upgrade the Outdoor Ice Rink and purchase the new basketball hoop for the Indoor Pool! Get a team together or join another team to swim for 1 hour. ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION AQUATIC PROGRAM The Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program is a warm-water exercise program shown to reduce pain and improve overall health. Class is in the shallow end of pool with movements to build upper body strength and lower body strength, also improves balance. Suitable for every fitness level, classes are held in a friendly and supportive environment that encourages social interaction among participants. Swim suit is required. Ability to swim not required. Day: Tuesdays and Thursdays Time: 9:30-10:30 AM Where: Indoor Pool at LS Community Center Instructor: Kris Krause ~ Arthritis Foundation Certified Instructor Fee: Free for Members, Silver&Fit and SilverSneaker Members, Daily fee for Non-Members DEEP WATER AEROBICS Brooke Casperson will lead you with energetic exercises that will strengthen and tone your whole body, and increase your flexibility. The harder you work the more calories you burn. Each session is 6 weeks long and has 12 classes. A great way to relax after a day at work. If you cannot make both Tuesday & Thursday evenings, then sign up for just one day a week and pay 1/2 of the fee. Floatation belts are provided, however, if you have your own, please bring it to class. Swimming ability is not required. Beginners are welcome. Class is for teens and up. So bring a friend and lets get started. Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays Sessions: 12/11/14-1/30/15 (no class 1/15 and 1/20) 2/3/15-3/12/15 Times: 5:15 – 6:15 pm Fee per session: $23 Member / $45 Non-member New sessions starting every 6 weeks. You can sign up at anytime during a session and we will prorate the fees for you. If you can only come one day a week, pay 1/2 price! Le Sueur Swim Club It is time to take those skills you learned in swimming lessons and turn them into skills like Olympic swimmers! Our 6 week swim club program will work on enhancing your swimming skills while teaching you all about strokes, pulls, kicks, turns, and starts. We will start week 1 with skill testing to make sure that you are ready for swim club. Weeks 2 - 5 we will work hard on our swimming skills and week 6 we will have a swim meet to show off your swimming abilities. Class size limit is 25sign up early! ** Must be able to swim at the American Red Cross Level 3 and be 7 years old. Day: Tuesdays 6:15 - 7:15 pm Sessions: 1/13/15-2/17/15 3/3/15-4/7/15 Coaches: Marni Dunning & Megan Gaudette Fee: $26.25 City of Le Sueur Parks & Recreation (507) 665-3325 17 Aquatics Time Le Sueur Community Center Indoor Pool Schedule Monday 6:30-7:30 am 6:45-7:45 am Water Walking Tuesday Early Bird Adult Swim Wednesday Thursday Early Bird Adult Swim Water Walking Arthritis Arthritis 8:00-9:00 am Aquatics Aquatics 11 am-Noon Adult Lap Swim 9:30-10:30 Adult Lap Swim 9:30-10:30 1:00-4:00 pm 4:00-5:00 pm Friday Saturday Water Walking Sunday Adult Lap Swim Adult Lap Swim Open Swim Open Swim Family Swim Family Swim Deep Water Deep Water Aerobics Aerobics Adult Lap Swim 5:15-6:15 5:15-6:15 Water Walking Swim Club Open Swim Open Swim 6:00-7:00 pm & Water Polo 6:15-7:15 6:15-8:00 Open Swim 7:00-8:00 pm Open Swim 5:00-6:00 pm Adult Lap Swim Open Swim Open Swim No School! Send them to the Pool! PRIVATE POOL PARTY The Indoor Pool can be rented for Private Parties. It’s good, healthy fun for young and old. Available during nonscheduled hours. Open Swim 1:00-3:00 PM Friday, January 2 Monday, January 19 Monday, January 26 Monday, February 18 Monday, March 9 Friday, April 3 Monday, April 6 $52.50/hour (Each additional 25 people, $10.50/hour) Youth Spring Swimming Lessons Saturdays & Sundays March 7,8,14,15,21,22,28,29 Fee: $26.25 for 8 1-hour sessions (Levels 1-6) $11.50 for 8 1/2-hour sessions (TinyTots) Levels do require Saturday & Sunday attendance. Classes fill up fast, register early! Come to the Le Sueur Community Center for the best training and tips on how to be safe in, on, and around the water. All classes are staffed with trained Water Safety Instructors and Lifeguards. Limited space, register early. Your child’s spot in class will only be held after payment is received. Level Saturday Sunday 1, 3, & 5 9:00am-9:50am 6:10pm-7:00pm 2, 4, & 6 10:00am-10:50am 5:10pm-6:00pm Tiny Tots 11:00am-11:30am 4:30pm-5:00pm W.S.I. (Water Safety Instruction) Class For age 16 and up at Le Sueur Community Center June 8th, 11th, 12th and 13th Must register by June 1st Cost: $298.00 includes class, books and card fee Through video and hands-on skill building, the course includes all the water safety and drowning prevention tools and information needed to plan and conduct courses in American Red Cross Swimming Lessons and Water Safety programs. Space is limited, call the Community Center to register, 507-665-3325. 18 City of Le Sueur Parks & Recreation (507) 665-3325 Adult Senior Dinner The dinner is prepared by the Le Sueur Knights of Columbus Council 2895 and coordinated by Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education. The event is funded in part by the Le Sueur Area United Way. The dinner is open to senior citizens age 62 and older who live in the Le Sueur-Henderson school district and is limited to the first 220 people who register. Cake Pops 101 Details Sunday, February 15 11:30 a.m. – Doors open 12:00 p.m. – Entertainment 1:00 p.m. – Dinner St. Anne’s School, Le Sueur Free, register by calling 665-4620 Registrations close on Feb. 13 Indicate if transportation is needed. in time t s u J ! New Taking cake to the Extraordinary! We will TER. S A E r fo take cake from pan to stick in a matter of Details Wednesday, March 25 an hour or two! 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. What you’ll learn: Creating/Shaping Dough, Melting and Flavoring Chocolate Covering and Decorating Cake Pops. LSH High/Middle School Rm.101 You will take home 20 cake pops. Please bring a container along. Le Sueur Adult Open Gym Wednesdays, Jan. - April 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. LSH High School Gym Free, just sign in when you come. Contact Community Ed office with questions. $35 includes all materials Registrations close on Mar. 18 Minimum: 10, Maximum: 15 Adult Volleyball Open Gym for Women Wednesdays, Jan. - April 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. LSH Middle School Gym Free, just sign in when you come. Supervisor: Stephanie Engel Henderson Adult Open Gym Sundays, Jan. - April 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Hilltop School Gym Free, just sign in when you come. Supervisor: Kelly Braun Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education Bring your own basketballs. (507) 665-4620 19 Adult The instructor for the knitting and crocheting will be Tina Grapentine. She has over 20 years of experience with knitting and crocheting. Crochet 101 for Beginners Adults Option 1 Saturday, Jan. 31 - OROption 2 Saturday, March 14 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Location: TBD (Le Sueur) $35 per option Learn the basics of crocheting such as materials, accessories, stitches, terminology, decreasing/increasing, working in rows, rounds and projects. Please bring crochet hooks (any kind) yarn, tape measure and scissors. Crochet 102 (Must have taken Crochet 101) Minimum: 2, Maximum: 10 Registrations close one week before class. In this class we will review what we learned in 101 and learn techniques such as chain stitch, double crochet and single crochet. We will make an easy crochet bag, 12” x 9”. For this project please bring: Caron Simply Soft (6 oz.) yarn, 2 colors, 1 skein each, (sold at any yarn shop). Also bring a tapestry needle, crochet hook (any kind) stitch markers and scissors. Option 1 Saturday, Feb. 21 - OROption 2 Saturday, April 25 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Location: TBD (Le Sueur) $35 per option Minimum: 2, Maximum: 10 Registrations close one week before class. Gauge: Using 2 strands, single crochet 12 sts + 16 rows = 4”. Knit 101 for Beginners Adults Learn the basics of knitting including materials, accessories, stitches, terminology, decreasing/ increasing, working in rows, rounds and projects. Please bring knitting needles (any kind), yarn, tape measure and scissors. Knit 102 (Must have taken Knit 101) In this class we will review what we learned in 101 and learn techniques such as knit, yarn over, purl, cast, bind and slip stitch. We will make a 6” x 68” Waves Knit Scarf. Please bring: Red Heart, “Heart & Sole” or Varigated super fine (1) yarn 1.76 oz/50g - 2 skeins. Also bring knitting needles (any kind) yarn needle, tape measure and scissors. 20 Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education Option 1 Saturday, Jan. 31 - OROption 2 Saturday, March 14 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Location: TBD (Le Sueur) $35 per option Minimum: 2, Maximum: 10 Registrations close one week before class. Option 1 Saturday, Feb. 21 - OROption 2 Saturday, April 25 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Location: TBD (Le Sueur) $35 per option Minimum: 2, Maximum: 10 Registrations close one week before class. (507) 665-4620 Adult NEW EXERCISE ROOM/MEETING ROOM COMING SOON!!! The old bleacher area on the second floor of the arena is currently under construction. Part of the area is being converted to a new exercise room with exercise flooring, new paint, new lights, small kitchenette, new windows overlooking the arena and more. This room will also be available for rentals. You have the opportunity to name the NEW Room at the Community Center! Keep in mind that this is a public building and the room will be used for exercise classes, meetings and party rentals. Grand prize will be a $100.00 Gift Certificate to the Community Center and bragging rights that you named the room! NAME THE NEW ROOM CONTEST Room Name: ____________________________ Your Name: ______________________________ Telephone No.: __________________________ MIX IT UP Total body conditioning: A great 45 minute class incorporating circuit training style format using a wide variety of equipment. Open to all fitness levels. Instructor: KrisAnn Krause Day: Tuesdays at 4:15 pm Where: Gym Session: 1/6/15-2/10/15 3/3/15-4/7/15 4/21/15-5/19/15 Fee: $25/Members, $50/Non-Members, $6.50 Walk-In R.I.P.P.E.D. The One Stop Body Shock™ is a "Plateau Proof Fitness Formula" that helps you to create continuity, consistency and challenge in each and every R.I.P.P.E.D. class. It is Plateau Proof, because each component of the workout provides a uniquely different emphasis or system response, so your body never gets accustomed to the constantly changing format. This total body, high intensity style program, utilizing free weights, resistance and body weight, masterfully combines the components of R.I.P.P.E.D.--- Resistance, Intervals, Power, Plyometrics and Endurance as the workout portion along with Diet suggestions to help you attain and maintain your physique in ways that are fun, safe, doable and extremely effective. No boredom here! Instructor: KrisAnn Krause Day: Tuesdays at 5:30 pm Where: Gym Sessions: 1/6/15-2/10/15 3/3/15-4/7/15 4/21/15-5/19/15 Fee: $25/Members, $50/Non-Members, $6.50 Walk-In Fee City of Le Sueur Parks & Recreation Please cut out and mail or drop off at the Le Sueur Community Center Office. Deadline to submit names is January 16th, 2015. Entries can be mailed to: NAME THE NEW ROOM CONTEST LE SUEUR COMMUNITY CENTER 821 EAST FERRY STREET LE SUEUR MN 56058 Good Luck! Thank you for participating! CARDIO FITNESS TONING AEROBICS Are you one who likes to move to the music? It’s GREAT exercise! Instructors, Jill Frank and Barb Schaffler will show you low or high impact moves to upbeat music. Have fun while you get a great workout! Classes are in the gym. Sign up at the front office. Sessions: Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, etc. 8 Week Sessions start every 2 months. Sign up anytime and we will prorate the fee. Days & Times: Monday & Wednesday at 5:30-6:30 p.m. Saturday 8:30-9:30 am Fees: Per Session (2 mos.) 8 classes (1X’s/week) $14 Members, $28 Non-Members 16 classes (2X’s/week) $28 Members, $56 Non-Members 24 classes (3X’s/week) $42 Members, $84 Non-Members (507) 665-3325 21 Adult FREE EXERCISE CLASSES - see schedule below FOR OUR REGULAR ADULT MEMBERS AND SILVERSNEAKER MEMBERS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00 am Yoga 8:00 am Circuit 8:00 am Yoga 8:00 am Circuit 9:30 am MSROM 9:30 am Aqua 9:30 am MSROM 9:30 am Aqua 9:30 am MSROM Silversneakers MSROM Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement and activities for daily living. Hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a SilverSneakers ball are offered for resistance. A chair is available if needed for seated or standing support. Silversneakers Circuit Combine fun with fitness to increase your cardiovascular and muscular endurance power with a standing circuit workout. Upper-body strength work with hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a SilverSneakers ball is alternated with low-impact aerobic choreography. A chair is used for standing support, stretching and relaxation exercises. Please note you will need to be able to stand for 30 minutes. Silversneakers Yoga SilverSneakers Yoga will move your whole body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support is offered to safely perform a variety of seated and standing postures designed to increase flexibility, balance and range of movement. Restorative breathing exercises and final relaxation will promote stress reduction and mental clarity. Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program A warm-water exercise program shown to reduce pain and improve overall health. Suitable for every fitness levels, the class is held in a friendly and supportive environment that encourages social interaction among participants 55 Alive Defensive Driving Defensive Driving—An eight-hour course, Refresher—A four-hour course, this class Registrations close one week before class date. Registrations close one week before class date. this class is designed to help older persons improve their driving skills. Many insurance companies give a 10% premium discount after completion to people who are 55 and older. Bring driver’s license and pen. Class # Refresher 4 hr. Anne Porter Defensive 8 hr. Anne Porter 22 is for people who have already taken the eighthour defensive driving class and only need to renew their certificates. The refresher needs to be taken within three years of the longer course. Bring driver’s license and pen. Class type Refresher 4 hr. Date Mon. Feb. 23 Time 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. Defensive 8 hr. Mon. & Wed. March 23 & 25 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. City of Le Sueur Parks & Recreation Location LSH High School Room 101 LSH High School Room 101 Fee $16 $16 (507) 665-3325 Adult CPR Details Session 1 Tuesday, February 10 Learn the American Heart Association’s new 2010 guidelines for handling a person with an airway obstruction, both conscious and unconscious, and handling cardiac emergencies. Session 2 Tuesday, April 21 Please bring a notebook and pen or pencil to class. Class is open to adults and youth age 10 and over. Instructed by the Le Sueur Ambulance Association. 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $33 Joint Services Building 601 S. 5th Street, Le Sueur Registrations close one week before each session. First Aid American Heart Association’s new 2010 guidelines is OSHA approved training. This class does NOT include CPR. (CPR should have been taken in the past year to get full benefit of emergency care.) Please bring a notebook and pen or pencil to class. Class is open to adults and youth age 10 and over. Details Tuesday, March 17 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $45 Joint Services Building 601 S. 5th Street, Le Sueur Instructed by the Le Sueur Ambulance Association. Registrations close on March 10 Eat, Drink, Paint Details Thursday, February 26 Create your own masterpiece with one of our licensed art teachers as you sip a beverage and relax! Absolutely no experience required. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. LSH High/Middle School, Art Room 126 Bring your own snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. $30 Minimum: 6, Maximum: 35 Instructors: SMS Artists, Shelia, Maureen and Susan. Online Classes ED2go Registrations close on Feb. 19 Community Education is proud to continue its partnership with “ed2go,” an online learning company to offer many different online classes for Le Sueur-Henderson residents. Take the same online courses offered through South Central College through your local community education department at HALF the cost. Try the first two classes for free before making a financial commitment. Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education How to get started: • Visit • View Course Catalog to find classes offered • Most courses start on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, last six weeks and cost $75/class. • Must register online at (507) 665-4620 23 Adult Soups On Wildtree Freezer Meals Join Julie Goetsch-Landaas and Wildtree for a "Freezer Meal Workshop". In 1 hour you will create 4 healthy meals (each meal feeds 4-6 or can be split into 2 meals for smaller households) to bring home and put in your freezer. It's simple - you bring your own protein and do some preparation before the workshop. Wildtree products are natural, contain NO preservatives, additives, food dyes, MSG, corn syrup, or hydrogenated oils. Our products have low-sodium, sugar and is 100% nut free. Monday, February 9 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. LSH High/Middle School, Room 101 $48 (Includes 4 full size Wildtree products, communal ingredients, shopping/prep list and recipes. ) Meals - Southwest Chicken & Corn Chowder, Chicken Enchilada Soup, Potato Soup and Lasagna Soup. NOTE: Registration deadline is January 23 Minimum: 2, Maximum: 20 Homestyle Meals Tuesday, March 31 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. LSH High/Middle School, Room 101 $48 (Includes 4 full size Wildtree products, communal ingredients, shopping/prep list and recipes) Meals - Southwest Chicken Soup, Slow Cooker “Wicked" Pulled Pork Tacos, Easy Skillet Sloppy Joes and Stovetop Pork Chili Verde. NOTE: Registration deadline is March 13 Minimum: 2, Maximum: 20 AARP Tax Help O Joan May, Riki Anderson, Dick Smith, Bob Hansen, Jim Slinkard and LeRoy May are volunteers through the Tax Aide Program, which is sponsored by the Internal Revenue Service and AARP. Bring your tax records and forms. These tax returns must be simple––no businesses or farm taxes. Open to older adults and people with low incomes. Volunteers are not liable for errors. Note: Due to high volume of tax help needed, only one person, per time slot, per year. Exceptions are married couples. Hillside Court Dates: Tuesday, March 17 Wednesday, March 18 Time: 1:00 - 4:30 p.m. Preregister at Hillside Court Sunrise Plaza Dates: Thursday, March 12 Time: 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Preregister at Sunrise Plaza St. Mary’s Church, Le Center Date: Monday, March 9 Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Call 507-665-4620 to register. 24 Ziebarth Learning Center Dates: Monday, Feb. 16 Monday, Feb. 23 Wednesday, Feb. 25 Friday, Feb. 27 Monday, March 2 Monday, March 16 Friday, March 27 Monday, March 30 Monday, April 6 Monday, April 13 Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Comfort First Assisted Living (105 Plum Run) Dates: Time: Tuesday, Feb. 17 Thursday, Feb. 19 Tuesday, March 31 Thursday, April 9 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Call Community Education at 665-4620 to register. Call Community Education at 665-4620 to register. Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4620 Trips Hello Dolly at Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Dolly Levi is a delightfully scheming busybody who makes her living as a matchmaker in glamorous New York City. She's out to make a match for Horace Vandergelder, the "well-known half-a-millionaire," with the charming hat maker, Irene Molloy - but in the process, Dolly snares a groom for herself. Dolly masterfully orchestrates romance and adventure in a glittering mixed up night on the town. Snow Tubing at Mount Kato If you like to sled, you’ll love snow tubing! Imagine the thrill of riding down a snowy long hill and then effortlessly riding your tube back up. Please dress appropriately. Riders must be 42” tall. Cost includes lift ticket, tube rental and bus. (Helmet rental available for $5 extra.) Details Saturday, February 14 Depart 10:15 a.m. Le Sueur Pizza Ranch Return 4:45 p.m. $85 (Includes bus, dinner and show) Registrations close on Jan. 16 Details Monday, February 16, No School Presidents’ Day Depart 11:30 a.m. Le Sueur Pizza Ranch Return 3:45 p.m. Early bird rate: $20 by Feb. 1 $25 after February 1 Registrations close on Feb. 9 Minimum: 15, Maximum: 45 Social Security at Daytrippers Theatre When a well known Manhattan art gallery owner and her husband receive a visit from her mother, all seems to be going smoothly... until they find out that the visit may not end. Panic and mayhem ensue as life takes a crazy turn in this hilarious comedy which starred Marlo Thomas and Olympia Dukakis on Broadway. Daytrippers Theatre is located in Bloomington. Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education Details Thursday, March 12 Depart 10:15 a.m. Le Sueur Pizza Ranch Return 5:15 p.m. $64 (Includes bus, dinner and show) Registrations close on Feb. 27 (507) 665-3325 25 TRIPS Macy’s Flower Show & Wabasha Cave Tour Our first stop will be at Macy’s Flower Show in downtown Minneapolis which is an annual favorite event. The smell of hundreds of fresh flowers fills the air even before the doors open to Macy’s Spring Flower Show. Each year’s show has a special theme. Throughout the auditorium, paths take visitors through the display and each section of flowers is marked to help gardeners and aspiring gardeners alike identify their favorite varieties. Lunch will be on your own. Our next stop will be at the Wabasha Caves. You will not want to miss this one! Come enjoy the history of these sandstone caves. Learn why these man-made caves were mined out in the 1800’s. Explore the original mined caves and see the finished caves (once a popular nightclub called the Castle Royal). Hear the legends of gangster massacres and ghostly lore in the most unique banquet facility from Chicago to San Francisco. This is a 45 minute walking tour. Details Friday, March 27 Depart 8:30 p.m. Le Sueur Pizza Ranch Return 4:30 p.m. $45 (Includes bus and entrance fees) Registrations close on March 13 Minimum: 25, Maximum: 45 Mary Poppins at Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Practically perfect in every way, Mary Poppins makes its debut on Chanhassen Dinner Theatres’ Main Stage! Based upon the iconic Disney animated film, Mary Poppins is a family musical featuring breathtaking dance numbers and unforgettable songs. What could be more jolly? Winner of 44 major theatre awards from around the globe, this enchanting musical has captivated audiences for generations, and now, she comes to life on Chanhassen's Main Stage to dazzle you! Details Wednesday, April 8 Depart 9:40 a.m. Le Sueur Pizza Ranch Return 4:40 p.m. $89 (Includes bus, dinner and show) Registrations close on March 10 26 Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4620 TRIPS Dirty Rotten Scoundrels at Old Log Theatre Based on the popular film, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is set in the colorful world of the French Riviera where casino culture is rife. Master con-artist Lawrence Jameson makes a living tricking old, rich ladies into giving him their money. When an American rival, Freddy, arrives on the French coast, he challenges the status quo and Lawrence’s position as chief conartist is threatened. They decide the town just isn’t big enough for the two of them and challenge each other to a bet; the first one to swindle $50,000 wins. As they both take on the bet, they fall for the same woman, but quickly realize that they may have bitten off more than they can chew. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels has been described as stylish, irreverent, and "a little bit of Broadway musical comedy heaven." Details Thursday, April 23 Depart at 10:45 a.m. Le Sueur Pizza Ranch Return at 4:45 pm $70 (Includes bus, dinner and show) Registrations close on April 8 LUNCH MENU (Please specify your lunch choice at time of registration). Beef Short Ribs, Pan Seared Tilapia (fish), Roasted Chicken Breast with seasonal vegetables and potatoes or Vegetarian Pasta. Dinner Rolls / Dessert/Coffee or Tea. The Grotto OF REDEMPTION “A Miracle In Stone” Grotto of the Redemption - a composite of nine separate Grottos, each portraying a scene in the life of Christ. The Grotto includes the largest collection of precious stones and gems found anywhere in one location. The artistry has to be seen to be appreciated, plus the message it gives is beyond words. It is frequently considered as the "Eighth Wonder of the World." Often described as "A Miracle in Stone." Father Paul Dobberstein, began the work in 1912. The magnificent structure of the Grotto covers more than one city block and includes hand-carved Italian marble statues, petrified wood, quartz crystals and semi-precious stones from around the world. The Grotto, a composite of nine separate grottos, tells the beautiful story of Christ’s life and our Redemption in stone. The Grotto Museum includes a large display of precious and semiprecious stones from throughout the world. Early pictures and news articles have been reproduced for your viewing. The Museum also includes tools used Father Dobberstein in the construction of the Grotto. Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education Details Friday, May 15 Depart 8:00 p.m. Le Sueur Pizza Ranch Return 5:00 p.m. $75 (Includes bus, morning treat and coffee, lunch, and Grotto fee.) Registrations close on April 24 LUNCH (included) in the Grotto Cafeteria. Menu: Marinated Chicken Breast, Baby Red Potatoes, Coleslaw, Corn, Tea Biscuits, Dessert and Coffee. There will be time after lunch to spend at areas of interest to you such as lakeshore settings and the gift shop. (507) 665-4620 27 AREA ADULT LEARNING COOPERATIVE Becki Hawkins, Coordinator AALC Office located at 706 Turril Street, Le Sueur Phone (507) 665-4626 Classes located at Ziebarth Learning Center Conference Room, 706 Turril Street, Le Sueur (Use front door on north side (by flag pole.) The Area Adult Learning Cooperative offers these programs in the Le Sueur-Henderson area: ABE (Adult Basic Education): Brush up on reading, academic, vocational or computer skills. GED (General Educational Development): Prepare for the GED examination, which consists of 4 tests: Social Studies, Science, Reasoning Through Language Arts and Mathematical Reasoning. ESL (English As A Second Language) & Citizenship: Learn to speak, read, and write in English and/or become citizens of the United States. High School Diploma: Work at your own pace to earn your high school diploma. Must pre-register. See Adult Diploma Completion page for more information. Las classes de Ingles Como Lengua Secundaria son disenadas para aprender y proporcionan la instruccion necesaria desde habilidades de supervivencia hasta educacion basica para adultos. CLASSES run from Jan. 5 to June 30, 2015. START ANYTIME! CLASSES MON TUES WED 9:00 a.m. - ESL Noon English/Second Ziebarth Language 28 FRI 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ziebarth 9:00 a.m. - Noon Ziebarth 9:00 a.m. - Noon Ziebarth Diploma THURS 9:00 a.m. - Noon Ziebarth 9:00 a.m. - Noon Ziebarth ABE/GED 3:30 - 8:00 p.m. *Must pre-register Ziebarth Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education 9:00 - Noon Ziebarth 4:00 - 8:00 Ziebarth 9:00 a.m. - Noon Ziebarth 3:30 - 8:00 p.m. *Must pre-register Ziebarth (507) 665-4626 Other Offerings by the Area Adult Cooperative O Adult Basic Education 2014 - 2015 Class Schedule Area Adult Learning Cooperative 706 Turril Street, Le Sueur, MN 56058 Program Coordinator––Becki Hawkins Phone: 507- 665-4626 Fax: 507-665-4187 E-Mail: Classes run from January 5 to June 30, 2015. Start Anytime! 397 Le Sueur Mon. Tues. 9:00 a.m. - Noon ESL 9:00 a.m. - Noon ABE/GED 4:00 - 8 :00 p.m. Diploma Ind. Study Wed. 9:00 a.m. - Noon ESL Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - Noon ABE/GED/Diploma 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. ABE/GED/ESL 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Diploma Study Ziebarth Learning Center 706 Turril St. (Use front door by flag pole) 508 St. Peter 8:30 -11:00 a.m. ABE/GED 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. ABE/GED Tues. 8:30 - 11:00 a.m. ESL 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. ABE/GED Wed. 8:30 - 11:00 a.m. ABE/GED 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. ESL Thurs. 8:30 - 11:00 a.m. ESL 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Diploma 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. ABE/GED/ESL Fri. 8:30 - 11:00 a.m. ESL Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. ABE/GED/ESL @St. Peter Community Center Room 210, 600 South 5th Street Mon. 394 Montgomery Mon. 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. ABE/GED/ESL @Salvation Army Building 105 NW Third Street All Sites Independent Study for Diploma Alternative Learning Program Call for information: 507-665-4626 365 Gibbon-Fairfax-Winthrop Tues. 9:00 a.m. - Noon ABE/GED/ESL 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. ABE/GED/ESL @GFW High School in Winthrop Second Floor - Use South Door 310 Sibley East 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ESL 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. ESL Tues. 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ESL 3:00 - 5:30 p.m.. ESL Wed. 10:00 - 12:30 p.m. ESL 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. ESL Thurs. 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. GED @Gaylord City Library Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - Noon ESL @ Arlington Public Library Mon. Mon. 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. ESL Tues. 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. ESL Wed. 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. ESL Thurs. 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. ESL @ Sibley East School-Arlington Media Center 2nd floor 392 Le Center Tues. 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. ABE/GED/ESL Thurs. 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. ABE/GED/ESL @TCU PreK Building Room 210 Use door on East Side off from Maple “Like” us on Facebook for additional class information and resources. “Le Sueur Area Adult Basic Education” Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4626 29 ADULT DIPLOMA COMPLETION PROGRAM The Adult Diploma Completion Program will enable you to earn your high school diploma, and is a workable alternative to the GED. This program is an independent study program designed for learners age 16 or older who have either dropped out of high school and wish to return, or for learners who are in need of making up credits in order to graduate on time from high school. Meeting times are arranged to fit your schedule, and work is completed at your own pace. Instructional help from licensed instructors is arranged to meet your needs and schedule. If you are between the ages of 16-21 years of age you must meet one of the following criteria to be eligible for the program: 1.You are at least one year behind in obtaining credits for graduation. 2.You are pregnant or a parent. 3.You have been excluded or expelled from a traditional school system. 4. You have experienced mental health problems. 5. You have been assessed as chemically dependent. 6. You are a victim of physical or sexual abuse. 7. You have experienced homelessness in the past six months. 8. You speak English as a Second Language or have limited English proficiency. 9. Your high school principal is referring you for another reason. • If you are still enrolled in high school, you will need a referral form from your school. • If you are not enrolled in school, or over 21, you will need a copy of your school transcript. If you are interested in this program, have a strong ability to work independently and feel that you meet one of the criteria listed above, please call Bill Hahne, Program Coordinator, at 507-665-4627, for more information about the program. YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 16 YEARS OLD TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROGRAM. 30 Le Sueur-Henderson Community Education (507) 665-4626 Kids’ Club School Age Care Before school care 6:30 - 8:00 a.m. ($4 per day) 2 hr. late starts until 10:00 a.m. ($9 per day) After school care 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Option 1 $4.75 per day if picked up before 4:30 p.m. Option 2 $9 per day if picked up after 4:30 p.m. (2-day min. charge per week) $25 registration fee and pre-payment required. Held at Park Elementary School. Call Community Education 665-4620 for information. All-Day Kids’ Club For Preschool Students The Le Sueur-Henderson School District Community Education Department is offering all-day Kids’ Club for 3 & 4 year olds starting this fall during the school year. Kids’ Club currently is a before and after school child care program for K-5th Grade students which is located at Park Elementary during the school year. Students can be dropped off as early as 6:30 a.m. before school and stay until 6:00 p.m. after school. The program also offers full day programming over the summer, 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. The preschool age group would have a separate room(s) from the rest of the Kids’ Club attendees. Some benefits of Kids’ Club before and/or after Preschool Classes: *Field trips *4-H visits *Arts and crafts *Access to School Amenities (gyms, playgrounds) *Structured Programming *Flexible Hours *Age Appropriate Play *School Lunches (separate) Less Transportation Concerns *FUN! Requirements: MUST be enrolled in any preschool program within the school district. Fee: $25 One time registration fee for new students. See Kids Club packet for daily fees. If you have further questions, please call (507) 665-4620. Registration Form PAYMENT Name___________________________________DOB__________ Class Name______________Fee_____ Office Staff Name___________________________________DOB__________ Class Name______________Fee_____ Cash_____ Name___________________________________DOB__________ Class Name______________Fee_____ Ck #_____ Name___________________________________DOB__________ Class Name______________Fee_____ CC _____ Date _____ Staff _____ Parent’s Name (for child)_________________________________ Home Phone _______________________________ T-Shirt if applicable YS___ YM___ YL___ YXL___ AS____ AM____ AL___ AXL___ Cell #________________________________________________ Work #_____________________________________ Address_________________________________________ City_______________________MN_______Zip_________ Fee Enclosed:_____Date__________ e-mail address_______________________________________________________ Liability: “In order to participate in this program or activity, I agree to hold Le Sueur-Henderson School District, ISD 2397, LSH Community Education and the City of Le Sueur Parks and Recreation Department, their assignees, officers, directors, agents, employees and other related parties harmless and I waive any right to make claims or lawsuits against them or for any injuries or damages related to any injuries sustained while participating in this program or activity, including injuries sustained do to their negligence. This waiver does not apply to any injuries or damages that are the result of any willful, wanton or intentional misconduct. My participation in this activity is voluntary and I understand the effect of this waiver on my legal rights. I also understand that pictures may be taken for newspapers, newsletters and other forms of publicity and I consent hereby to the use of those pictures in those forms.” Signature___________________________________________Date___________________ Registering with a credit card?__Visa __Master ___ Discover # ________ ________ ________ ________Exp. Date______ Signature___________________________________________Date _________ • • • Make checks payable to City of Le Sueur, 821 East Ferry Street, Le Sueur, MN 56058 • Register online at or • Phone Com. Center 507-665-3325 or Com. Ed 507-665-4620 Fax at 507-665-2367 (credit card only) City of Le Sueur Parks & Recreation (507) 665-3325 31 LOCAL BOXHOLDER Bulk Rate U.S. Post Paid Permit No. 2 Non-Profit Organization Le Sueur, MN 56058 We’re So Much More... Hospital Senior Services Therapy Minnesota Valley Health Center 621 South Fourth Street Le Sueur, MN 56058 A Family of Healthcare Services and Living Options 507-665-3375 Radiology Suite Paid Advertisement Emergency Services 24/7 ER Outpatient Specialty Clinics Connect with MVHC on Facebook
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