Observational Properties of Protoplanetary Disks Leonardo Testi - ESO/Arcetri ltesti@eso.org; lt@arcetri.astro.it Observational Properties of Protoplanetary Disks Leonardo Testi - ESO/Arcetri ltesti@eso.org; lt@arcetri.astro.it • Today: • • • Young stars: ages and related uncertainties Young stars: coronae and activity Disk-star interaction: accretion and its variability Questions from today • • • • Give me more on CAI/chondrules! • will come back to this, but not on dating process (Connelly+2012) This D/H story, is it relevant? • Will come back to this, have a look at Mumma & Charnley (2011) Where is ALMA? • Safe and sound on Chajnantor (…coming, no worries…) Aren’t you supposed to talk about disks? • Trust me, they will be coming… Present limits Species not present before processing wavelength ( m) 8% w.r.t. CO 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 4.2 0.2 4.4 4.6 12 12 CO2 4.8 C 3O 0.1 CO at 16 K C7O2 CO2 C5O2 C2O C4O 0.0 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 -1 wavenumber (cm ) Palumbo et al. 2008 26/03/2014 + CO C5O2 C3O2 Solid CO 5.2 +200 keV H 13 C7O2 13 5 as deposited CO C3O2 optical depth CO2 C3O2 C2O C3O Maria Elisabetta Palumbo – WP 6 – iALMA kick-off 23 1900 2 8 Core Disk Debris Disk L (Beckwith and Sargent 1996) From Cores to Planetary Systems Part III Stars, coronae, accretion Disk-star system Radio&cm& Wind## Protoplanetary#Disk# Ac/ve#star# X-rays Radio&m)dm& Accretion flow Oprical-UV 15#GHz# Testi et al. 2014/15 1#GHz#SKA1# Young star Palla & Stahler 1999 Pre-MS evolution • Protostellar phase: dM/dt~10-5Mʘ/yr • tKH~GM2/RL: • • 10 M 0.5 Mʘ; tKH~108 yr ʘ; tKH~10 • • 5 yr Stars more massive than ~8Mʘ do not show a premain sequence phase Initial conditions are uncertain Palla & Stahler 1999 Young stars ages Reggiani+2011 Young stars ages Baraffe+2002 • Comparison of pre-MS tracks from different groups • Different treatment of the internal physics, boundary (atmospheres) and initial (formation) conditions Young stars ages Baraffe+2015 • Comparison of pre-MS tracks from different groups • Different treatment of the internal physics, boundary (atmospheres) and initial (formation) conditions Young stars ages Reggiani+2011 • At young ages PMS tracks cannot be trusted to the level we would like • Different physics in the models yield to ~Myr differences in ages Young stars ages Bell+2013 • Comparison of pre-MS tracks ages with MS-fitting techniques • Up to a factor of 2 difference in ages • Use multiple techniques and cross-check when possible Disk-star system Radio&cm& Wind## Protoplanetary#Disk# Ac/ve#star# X-rays Radio&m)dm& Accretion flow Oprical-UV 15#GHz# Testi et al. 2014/15 1#GHz#SKA1# Stellar coronae • In optical infrared we probe the photospheres T~3000-10000K mostly Stellar coronae • In optical infrared we probe the photospheres T~3000-10000K mostly • X-ray observations reveal very active coronae in young stars • Highly variable: flares and flickering Stellar coronae • In optical infrared we probe the photospheres T~3000-10000K mostly • X-ray observations reveal very active coronae in young stars • Highly variable: flares and flickering Pillitteri+2010 Stellar coronae • In optical infrared we probe the photospheres T~3000-10000K mostly • X-ray observations reveal very active coronae in young stars • Highly variable: flares and flickering Preibisch & Zinnecker 2002 Stellar coronae Th. Preibisch • Coronal activity fades with time • Luminosities are ~3 orders of magnitude higher at early ages • Important implications on disk evolution (and young planets) 5 min pause • At least he started talking about disks, but why on Earth is all this relevant to “PP” disks? • Is there a relationship between all this and what we discussed earlier today? • Creative thinking ==> Disk-star system Radio&cm& Wind## Protoplanetary#Disk# Ac/ve#star# X-rays Radio&m)dm& Accretion flow Oprical-UV 15#GHz# Testi et al. 2014/15 1#GHz#SKA1# Accretion Manara+2014 (UV excess) L. Hartmann • Direct measurement of accretion: energy released in the collision • Indirect measurement: emission lines from accretion columns Gullbring+2000 Accretion Rigliaco 2011 (UV excess) L. Hartmann •L measured directly from the UV excess luminosity (with a correction factor for FUV/EUV acc Gullbring 1998 Rm ~ 5 Rstar Accretion (UV excess) L. Hartmann • Accretion rates fall “more or less” where predicted • Evolution still hard to constrain (need better age/acc measurements) Manara 2014 Accretion variability factor ~2-3 Costigan+ 2014 • Short term linked to rotational periods; small amplitudes • Long timescale variability hard to constrain, maybe very strong Early accretion Hartmann & Kenyon 1996 Rigliaco+2015 • Accretion highly variable in the early phases of disk evolution • Hard to measure directly: hope from infrared lines Young stars ages Baraffe+2010/2012 • Uncertainty from stellar accretion history • Do we know “relative” ages? • Early accretion history very uncertain, but potentially critical Take home messages • Young stars evolve relatively quickly • To study disks and planet formation we need to look at young stellar populations still in molecular clouds • Ages are derived comparing observational properties with evolutionary tracks • There is significant uncertainty in this process • Young stars are active: hard radiation will have an impact on the disk and its material • Accretion is a probe of the inner disk and has a feedback on the disk and on the star
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