Chemical complexity and gas-dust evolution

Observational Properties
of Protoplanetary Disks
Leonardo Testi - ESO/Arcetri;
Tracing water, deuteration and link with Solar System
Complex Organic Molecule
Transition disks
Questions from this morning
CO Snowlines: why are so hard to see?
Close to the star and traced by *faint* molecules!
Need ALMA sensitivity!
We can observe directly only gas-phase molecules
How can we probe the cold midplane gas?
Need molecules that do not condense on the grains (hard/faint)
Moderate desorption due to CR&induced UV possible
Part X
Water and Complex
(van Dishoeck+2014)
The complex chemistry of YSOs and disks
Tracing water in protostars
and disks
Systematic difference
between HD, HDO
and other molecules
Need resolved
Models of Deuteration in Disks
Disk is not capable to produce the deuteration => ices
Can we detect water with ALMA in disks?
(Brinch et al. 2010)
è Herschel
(Hogerheijde et al. 2011)
detects much less water than originally
expected in protoplanetary disks
è Freeze out and dust settling expose only a tiny
fraction of the water ice to stellar radiation
è Deuterium fractionation and water isotopes
(van Dishoeck 2013)
Chemical complexity
Complex molecules are formed on the ices and then can be
released in the gas phase as ices sublimate
Chemical complexity
Climbing the ladder of chemical complexity
Hot molecular cores
This process is commonly observed in hot molecular cores
where young massive stars evaporate the icy mantles
Chemical complexity
Simple sugar (glycolaldehyde) in low mass protostar
(van der Marel+2014)
Chemical complexity - Future
Full ALMA sensitivity required
Very hard to detect complex molecules in disks
5 min pause
• How can we explain the radial distribution of [D]/
[H] in our own Solar System?
• Are we focusing too much on a chemistry of life
tuned on what we have on Earth?
• What about chirality?
Take home points
• Molecular spectroscopy is potentially a very powerful tool
to study disk kinematics, physics and chemistry
Complex modelling
Missing/uncertain key data: collision rates, reaction rates
• ALMA will be the prime tool to study gas in disks
• kinematics, physics and chemistry of disks
• The Chemical heritage of the Solar System may be linked to
a pre-disk evolution
Part XI
Transitional Disks
and Disk Dissipation
What if we carve a hole?
Transition disks
~10-20% of disk population, likely represent a variety of
evolutionary patterns
Transition disks
Lack of dust opacity in the inner disk
Grain growth?
Photoevaporated hole
Dynamically carved hole
Early growth in protostars
(Pinilla et al. 2014)
Grain properties in TDs
Disk photoevaporation
Energetic stellar radiation heats the disk surface
Unbound material flows away from the system
Simple Theory of Photoevaporation from in
Outer disk inflow maintains inner disk, when Macc fades a gap is created
and the inner disk is removed
Fast removal of inner disk
Monday, 7 May 2012
Evidence of photoevaporation
EUV – M ~ 10-10M⊙
X-ray – M ~ 10-8M⊙ /
Ercolano & Owen 2010
• Blueshifted [NeII] line from the wind
Monday, 7 May 2012
Dust depleted inner regions
• mm continuum images reveal inner cavity
Accretion in TDs
• Accretion phase should be very short
Accretion in TDs
• There is a relatively large population of TDs with large inner
holes that show accretion compatible with classical disks
ALMA results on TDs
ALMA results on TDs
• Vortices or planet-induced azimuthal asymmetries in the gas
distribution that lead to particle confinement
Take home points
• Photoevaporation alone has troubles in explaining
transition disks
Especially the accreting disks with large inner holes
• A combination of various effects may conspire to explain
the characteristics of transition disks
Combination of planet formation and photoevaporation?
• ALMA reveals asymmetries in the large grains distribution
in the outer disk
may promote formation of large bodies in the outer disk