t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie CGCC t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie CE Technical File One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test CONTENTS No. Name I General Description II Quality Control Procedures III Design Documents IV Production Process V Risk Management Report VI Essential Requirements VII Principle, Test method and Limitation VIII Performance Evaluation Data IX Labels and Instructions for use X Results of Stability Studies XI Declaration of Conformity Appendix I Test Report Appendix II Certificate of Analysis For Biological Products t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie Appendix III Instruction for use I General Description 1 Product Introduction 2 Classification 3 Characteristic 4 Intended Use 5 List of Components 6 Storage and Stability 7 Warnings & Precautions We are committed to make diagnostics of diseases easier, faster and less expensive by transferring the benefits of new research results to the people all around the world. 1. Product Introduction The One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test is a highly sensitive test kit for the determination of HCG in urine specimens. This test kit is used to obtain a visual, qualitative result for early detection of pregnancy. 2. Classification Product: One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test Classification according to IVD Directive 98/79/EC Annex IV Selftesting Cassette according to IVDD 3. Characteristic 4-1 Easy to use, no additional instrument or reagent is needed; 4-2 Detect within one week of pregnancy; 4-3 Designed for professional and home users; 4-4 High sensitivity and specificity; 4- 5 Each test is enclosed in a moisture proof aluminum pouch with a Silicon Gel for long time storage. 4. Intended Use 5- 1 Cassette: One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test measures the presence of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) in human urine for the early detection of pregnancy. 5- 2 Strip: One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test measures the presence of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) in human urine for the early detection of pregnancy. 5- 3 Midstream: One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test measures the presence of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) in human urine for the early detection of pregnancy. 5. List of Components t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie Catalog No. Product Name Package HCG 100 HCG Urine Strip 50tests/Bottle HCG 110 HCG Urine Strip 100pcs/box HCG 111 HCG Urine Cassette 25pcs/box HCG 112 HCG Urine Midstream 1 Test/Pack 36 Pack/Outer 6-1 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Tests Cassettes 61-1 Specification No. 6-1-2 Composition [Cassette] Gold conjugates: antip-HCG Antibody 2ug/ml Test Line: antia-HCG Antibody 1.0-1.2mg/ml Control line: Rabbit anti Mouse IgG 1.5-2.0mg/ml Nitrocellulose membrane (S1) (+0.5mm) 260*19mm Conjugate pad (S4 ) (+0.5mm) 260*6mm Absorbent pad (S3) (+0.5mm) 270*30mm Fiber glass (S2) (+0.5mm) 270*24mm Spinning cloth (S5) 22mm Double-side plastic tape 58mm [Strip] Gold conjugates: Mouse anti-beta HCG monoclonal antibody-gold colloid 1+0.2^g Test Line: Goat anti HCG 4+0.8^g Control Line: Goat anti-mouse IgG 2+0.4^g Nitrocellulose membrane 25+5x4.5+0.9mm Sample pad 20+4x4.5+0.9mm Absorbent pad 36+7.2x4.5+0.9mm Sticker of the indication of sample Sticker for the indication of detection materials Accessories Silica Gel Foil 0.5-1.0g/bag pouch Plastic 60*120mm Cassette Size:80*24mm Midstream Size:140.3*15mm Plastic tube Size: 49*11mm 6-1-3 Biological action The antibody on the membrane will react specifically with the HCG present in human urine. Mouse anti-beta HCG monoclonal antibody-gold colloid will react specially with HCG present in human urine/serum. 6-1-4 Appearance The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Tests Cassette (Strip) has a letter of T and C as “Test Line” and “Control Line” on the surface of the case. Both the “Test Line” and “Control Line” is used for procedural control. Control line should always appear if the test procedure is performed properly and the test reagents of control line are working. A purple “Test Line” will be visible in the result window if there is enough HCG in the sample. If HCG are not present or are present at very low levels in the sample, there is no color appears in “Test Line”. A. Cassette B. Strip t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie 6-2 HCG Midstream 6-2-1 Characteristic To squeeze 3 to 4 drops of urine into the sample well. 62-2 Number of droppers 25 tests/kit-25 disposable urine droppers. 100 tests/kit-100 disposable urine droppers. 6-2-3 Biological action N/A 6-2-4 Appearance Semitransparent polyester like a shape of a club. 6. Storage and Stability The test kit can be stored at room temperature (2°C to 30°C) in the sealed pouch to the date of expiration. The test kits should be kept away from direct sunlight, moisture and heat. 7. Warnings & Precautions 8-1 Read directions for use carefully before performing this test. Pay attention to the position of the C and T line. 8-2 Do not use beyond the labeled expiration date. 8-3 Do not reuse the test Cassettes. Discard it in the dustbin after single use. 8-4 Do not use if pouch is damaged or opened. 8-5 Do not touch the membrane on the strip. 8-6 Once open the pouch, the test Cassette should be used immediately. Prolonged exposure to ambient humidity will cause product deterioration. 8-7 Treat urine samples and used Cassettes as if they are potentially infectious. Avoid contact with skin. 8-8 Examine if the urine cup exists before usage. II Quality Control Procedures 1. Specification and Control of Raw materials 2. Specification and Control of Intermediate Products 3. QC Test Protocol 4. Specification and Control of the Finished Products 5. Specification and Control of the Packaging Materials 1. Specification and Control of Raw materials 1.1 Mmouse anti- Human HCG (as Test line) 1- 1-1 Purity 1) Specification: >95% 2) The purity of the protein is determined by check. A sample of the purified material as well as the material before purification are electrophoresed and stained with Brilliant Blue R. 1- 1-2 Protein Concentration 1) Specification:>1.0mg/ml 2) The protein concentration is determined by check of optical density used by spectrophotometer at 279nm. (factor OD 1.20=1mg/ml) 1- 1-3 Reactivity 1) Specification: 5-10^m against reactivity of passed reference batch. 2) The purified protein is blotted onto nitrocellulose membranes. The capture antibody coated membrane is assayed with a reference HCG positive panel as well as a reference HCG negative panel. Approval of the capture antibody is based on the results meeting the specifications set for the reference panel. 1- 2 Goat anti-mouse IgG (as Control line) 1- 2-1 Protein Concentration 1) Specification:>1.0mg/ml 2) The protein concentration is determined by check of optical density used by spectrophotometer at 279 nm. (factor OD 1.20=1mg/ml). t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie 1- 2-2 Purity 1) Specification: >95% 2) The purity of the protein is determined by check.. 1- 3 Mouse anti beta HCG monoclonal antibody-gold conjugate 1- 3-1 Optical Density 1) Specification: 10.0+1 2) The optical density of the gold conjugate solution is determined by check by spectrophotometer at 540 nm. 1- 3-2 Reactivity 1) Specification: within+ 10% against reactivity of passed reference batch. 2) The gold conjugate solution is dispensed into conjugate pads. The conjugate pad-assembled with passed coated membrane is assayed with a reference HCG positive panel as well as a reference HCG negative panel. Approval of the gold conjugate is based on the results meting the specifications set for the reference panel. 2. Specification and Control of Intermediate Products 2- 1 Coated Membrane [Reactivity] 1) Specification: within+10% against reactivity of passed reference batch. 2) The coated membrane-assembled with passed gold conjugate pad is assayed with a reference HCG positive panel as well as a reference HCG negative panel. Approval of the coated membrane is based on the results meeting the specifications set for the reference panel. 2- 2 Mouse anti beta HCG monoclonal antibody-gold conjugate pad [Reactivity] 1) Specification: within+10% against reactivity of passed reference batch. 2) The gold conjugate pad-assembled with passed coated membrane is assayed with a reference HCG positive panel as well as a reference HCG negative panel. Approval of the gold conjugate pad is based on the results meeting the specifications set for the reference panel. 2- 3 Laminated (Assembled) Strip [Reactivity] 1) Specification: within+10% against reactivity of passed reference batch. 2) The laminated (assembled) strip is assayed with a reference HCG positive panel as well as a reference HCG negative panel. Approval of the laminated (assembled) strip is based on the results meeting the specifications set for the reference panel. 3. QC Test Protocol 3- 1 Introduction Quality control evaluation is performed on all raw materials, intermediate components produced as well as the assembled kit. 3- 2 Control Procedures 3- 2-1 In-coming QC evaluations are performed on all in-coming raw materials. The quarantined raw materials are prepared by the respective productions section and are sent to QC section for evaluation. Upon evaluation, QC section Head will endorse the evaluation data and assign quality status to the raw materials accordingly. Only approved raw materials are used for production of products. 3- 2-2 On-line QC inspection and Test All lots of individual intermediate components produced are inspected and tested on-line. Systematic sampling of each individual lot of intermediate components is done and the samples are sent to QC for evaluation. Function tests are performed by assaying the test intermediate component in parallel with a reference intermediate component on our product. Physical inspections of the test component are also carried out. Upon analyzing the evaluation results, QC section Head will assign the quality status for the intermediate components. The approved intermediated components are moved from the quarantined storage area to the approved storage area. Those components that did not passed the evaluation will be rejected and not used in the production. 3- 2-3 Final QC Test and inspection Final QC evaluation is carried out once the individual approved intermediate components are assigned to be assembled into a kit. This test is to ensure that the individual assay components in a kit are properly matched to produce optimal results during assays. Evaluation of a in-house QC specificity and sensitivity panel must also meet the specifications before approval. The QC panel consists of 6 samples, 4 for the sensitivity test and 2 for the specificity test. Upon QC approval, the individual approved components will be assigned for kit assembly. Physical inspection is performed on all assembled kits. Physical inspection is performed on all assembled kits. Physical inspection of kits includes checking the labels, lot number and expiry date of the individual components as well as the assembled kit. The kits are ready for shipment once they passed this final stage QC inspection. 3- 3 Reference Components used in QC The reference components used for evaluation of individual intermediated components as well as the final t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie assembled kits are approved components from pervious production lots. These reference components are tested to ensure that results obtained are within the QC specification for the product. 4. Specification and Control of the Finished Products 4- 1 Introduction The finished products of One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test kit includes test Cassette. Quality control evaluation is performed on every lot of test Cassette. 4- 2 Control Procedures The quality control procedures used of evaluation of the finished products are: 4- 2-1 Test Cassette’s appearance must be suitable of product-licensing status. 4- 2-2 Performance test for Test Cassette For the quality testing of the our HCG Cassettes, there are two in-house reference panels, one for HCG positive while the other for HCG negative. 1) In-house reference panel for the sensitivity test (HCG positive) (1) The QC panel consist of 4 members, numbered 25,50,250,500 mIU HCG/ml. (2) An assay is performed using the standard assay procedure with the members of the QC panel. (3) Each panel is assayed in replicate. (4) If there is and indication of two lines (C,T), assign a positive result. (5) If there is an indication of only one line (C), assign a negative result. (6) Specification: all panels must be interpreted as positive. 2) In-house reference panel the specificity test (HCG negative) (1) The QC panel consist of 2 members, 0 mIU HCG/ml, 200m IUhLH/ml. (2) An assay is performed using the standard assay procedure with the members of the QC panel. (3) Each panel is assayed in replicate. (4) If there is an indication of two lines (C,T), assign a positive result. (5) If there is an indication of only one line (C), assign a negative result. (6) Specification: all panels must be interpreted as negative. 4- 3 Specification 4- 3-1 Performance test for Test Cassette. 1) In-house reference panel for the sensitivity test (HCG positive) HCG Concentration Acceptable Criteria 25 mIU/ml Weak Positive 50 mIU/ml Medium Positive 250mIU/ml Strong Positive 500mIU/ml Strong Positive * Intensity of the overall intensity of the test lines are scored as follows: - Strong Positive Intensity: 3+ - Medium Positive Intensity: 2+ - Weak Positive Intensity: 1+ - No test lines /Intensity: 2) In-house reference panel for the specificity test (HCG negative) Concentration Acceptable Criteria 0 mIU HCG/ml Negative 200 mIU hLH/ml Negative 5. Specification and Control of the Packaging Materials 5- 1 Introduction Packaging materials are materials purchased from vendors for the purposed of production (packaging process). 5- 2 In-coming QC evaluation on the packaging materials are performed upon receipt of goods. 5- 2-1 Plastic Cassette (Cassette) 1) Appearance: No dust and no debris 2) Specification for size: Inner-strip’s frame must be rightly located as a specification. 5- 2-2 Aluminum foil pouch 1) Degree of strictness: Confirmation of maintenance for tightness. 2) Printed contents must be suitable for product for product-licensing status. 5- 2-3 Silica gel [Confirmation of Drying] 5- 2-4 Instruction for use (Insert) Printed contents must be suitable for product-licensing status. 5- 2-5 Package Printed contents must be suitable for product-licensing status. t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie III 1. Parts List 2. Raw Material Specifications 3. Drawings 4. Test Procedure Design Documents 1. Parts list Cassette Strip Midstream Test Strip Test Strip Test Strip Cassette Desiccant Stick Urine dropper Foil pouch Desiccant Desiccant Box Foil pouch Foil pouch Box Box 2. Raw Material Specifications 2- 1 Specification Item Membrane @Sj@ Specification Cellulose nitrate membrane Thickness 110-160^m Absorption time 0.2750.333mm/sec Intensity > 1 Lb/per inch Colloidal gold@S4@ Fiber glass@S2@ Particle size: 60nm Absorbent paper0 S3 0 Absorbent cotton Thickness 15mils Size of the pore 39^m Spinning cloth0S5@ Plastic Board Size: 7.9*26cm Thickness: 0.5mm color: white weight: 11g 2-2 Membrane Lines on the membrane Control Line Material Name Rabbit anti Mouse IgG Specification Classification: IgG1 Activity: ELISA 1:128 Work Concentration: 1.5-2.0mg/ml Preservative: 0.05%NaN3 Storage: 4°C Test Line Anti a-HCG antibody Classification: IgG1 Purity: SDS-PAGE Work Concentration: 1.0-1.2mg/ml Preservative: 0.05%NaN3 Storage: 4°C 2-3 Colloidal gold Material Name Antibody on the colloidal gold Anti P-HCG Antibody Specification Classification: IgG1 Purity: SDS-PAGE Work Concentration:2ug/ml Preservative: 0.05%NaN3 Storage: 4°C 2-4 Desiccant Item Specification Silica gel Gel: white particle and some blue particle Diameter: 1~2mm Water amount: < 4% Weight: 0.5g, 1.0g Desiccant package paper Size: 27cm Color: white & blue Words: DESICCANT, THROW AWAY, DO NOT EAT t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie 2-5 Others Item strip Specification Size:75*3.5mm, 7.5*0.35cm Color: blue handle Item Cassette Specification Size:80*24mm, 8*2.4cm Color: white, white/pink Item midstream Foil pouch Specification Size:140.3*15mm, 4.3* 1.5cm Color: white and purple cup For strip: 120 *50mm For Cassette: 120*65mm For midstream:190*55mm Sealed in three sides: 5.0±1.0mm Colored pouch with instruction, English colored pouch Packing box Strip: 210*125*55mm (for 50pcs) Casseete:210*125*65mm (for 25pcs) Midstream:190*60*15mm (for single package) 3. Drawings 3- 1 Cassette 3- 2 Test strip 3- 2 Midstream Cap Absorbent Sampler Show Window Handle 4. Test Procedure 4-1 Strip 4-1-1 Bring the test pouch and urine to room temperature. To begin testing, open the sealed pouch by tearing along the notch. Remove the test from the pouch.. 4-1-2 Immerse the strip into the urine with the arrow end pointing towards the urine. Do not immerse past the MAX (maximum) line. Take the strip out after 5 seconds and lay the strip flat on a clean, dry, non-absorbent surface (See the picture). 4-1-3 Wait for colored bands to appear. Depending on the concentration of HCG in the test specimen, Positive results may be observed in as short as 40 seconds. However, to confirm Negative results, the complete reaction time (5 minutes) is required. So read the result within 5 minutes. Do not read results after 10 minutes. 4-1-4 Discard the test Cassette after single use in the dustbin. 4-2 Cassette 4-2-1 Bring the test pouch and urine to room temperature. 4-2-2 To begin testing, open the sealed pouch by tearing along the notch. Remove the test from the pouch. 4-2-3 Using the sample dropper, draw about 3 drops (approximately 120~150^L) urine sample from the specimen t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie cup into the pipette, and dispense it into the sample well on the cassette. (Please send the “Slip Shutter” to sample well if it has.) 4-2-4 Wait for the colored bands to appear. Depending on the concentration of hCG in the test specimen, positive results may be observed in as short as 40 seconds. However, to confirm negative results, the complete reaction time (5 minutes) is required. So read the result within 5 minutes. Do not read results after 10 minutes. 4-2-5 Discard the test Cassette after single use in the dustbin. 4-3 Midstream 4-3-1 To begin testing, open the sealed pouch by tearing along the notch. Remove the test kit from the pouch and use it as soon as possible. 4-3-2 Hold the handle of the test with one hand. Use the other hand to remove the cap and expose the absorbent. Put the cap aside for now. 4-3-3 Point the absorbent tip downward; place the absorbent tip in urine stream for at least 10 seconds to be thoroughly wet. Otherwise, you can collect your urine into a clean container (not provided ) and dip half of the absorbent pad into the urine for at least 10 seconds 4- 3-4 Re-cap the Cassette and wait for colored bands to appear. Depending on the concentration of hCG, positive results may be observed in as soon as 40 seconds. However, to confirm negative results, the complete reaction time of 5 minutes is required. It is important that the background is clear before the result is read. Do not read result after more than 10 minutes. 4- 3-5 Discard the test Cassette after single use in the dustbin. IV Production Process 1. Overall Flow Chart of Production Process 2. Raw Materials Production 3. Test Cassette Components Production 4. Cassette Assembly and Sealing 5. Packaging Process 6. In-process Control of Production Process 1. Overall Flow Chart of Production Process t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie 000 Reagent making 000 S4 00 S5 00 S2 00 Membrane coating S4 making S5 making S2 making Preparation of reaction membrane S2: 0000 Fiber glass S1000000 cellulose nitrate membrane S3: 000 Absorbent paper S4: 000 Colloidal gold S5: 000 Spinning cloth 0 0 0 0 0 Sealing used by foil pouch printed 2. Raw Materials Production 2-1 Manufacturing of goat anti HCG (as Test line) 2-1-1 Acquiring of human chorionic gonadotrophin in urine of pregnant woman. 2-1-2 Isolation, purification of immunogen (HCG) The desired immunogen was made as following procedures. 1) The urine of pregnant woman is purified by monoclonal antibody to HCG coupled sepharose gel, and then eluted by 0.1M glycine solution. 2) After dialyzing of eluted HCG, it uses as a immunogen. 3) The immunogen is made up by mixing purified HCG, Freund’s adjuvant, complete and saline. 2-1-3 Injection of 2-1-2 immunogen to goat. 2-1-4 Collecting whole blood from 2-1-3 immunized goat and then centrifuge to get serum. 2-1-5 Titration of goat anti HCG in goat serum used by ELISA method. 2-1-6 After purification of goat anti HCG, protein concentration is determined by BCA method. 2-1-7 Goat anti HCG solution as test line is prepared with 1.0 mg/ml. 2-2 Manufacturing of goat anti-mouse IgG (as Control line) 2-2-1 Isolation and purification of mouse IgG from mouse serum by using of protein A gel. 2-2-2 Preparation of immunogen. The immunogen is made up by mixing purified mouse IgG, Freund’s adjuvant, complete and saline. 2-2-3 Injection of 2-2-2 immunogen to goat (body weight about 30kg) 4 times as the interval of 1 month. 2-2-4 Collecting whole blood from 2-2-3 immunized goat and then centrifuge to get serum. 2-2-5 Titration of goat anti-mouse IgG in goat serum used by ELISA method. 2- 2-6 The goat serum is then purified by mouse IgG coupled sepharose 4B gel. 2- 2-7 Eluted solution containing specific goat anti-mouse IgG are then pooled together and protein concentration is determined with BCA protein assay. 2- 2-8 Solution as control line is prepared with 1 mg/ml. 2- 3 manufacturing of mouse anti beta HCG monoclonal antibody-gold conjugate 2- 3-1 Acquiring of human chorionic gonadotro-phine in urine of pregnant woman. 1- 3-2 Manufacturing of Immunogen (HCG) The desired immunogen was made as following procedures; 1- 3-3 Injection of 2-1-2 immunogen to balb/c mouse. 1- 3-4 Making hybridoma for producing of mouse anti beta HCG. 2- 3-5 Isolation of cell line to produce mouse anti beta HCG and culture of cell line. 2- 3-6 Inoculation of the cell line into abdominal cavity of mouse. 2- 3-7 Purification of mouse anti beta HCG, acquiring of mouse anti beta HCG monoclonal antibody. 2- 3-8 Preparation of gold chloride solution. This solution is made up by mixing 0.01% gold chloride and 0.1% t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie sodium citrate. 2-3-9 Adding 1^g/ml of mouse anti beta HCG monoclonal antibody and 0.2MK2CO3 solution to 2-3-1 solution, and then stirring the mixture for 3 minutes. 2-3-10 Adding 1% stopping solution. 2- 3-11 Solution as gold conjugate is prepared with the O.D 10 at 540 nm using by spectrophotometer. 3. Test Cassette Components Production 3- 1 Manufacturing of Coated Membrane 3- 1-1 Preparation for membrane lamination: Fix a 25mm x 300mm of nitrocellulose membrane onto the 300mm x 68mm of plastic card. 3- 1-2 Dispensing of materials for control line and test line at the concentration of above 2-1 and 2-2. 3- 1-3 The coated membranes are then dried in a 370 incubator for 1 hour. 3- 2 Manufacturing of Conjugate pad. 2- 2-1 Preparation of pad material (glass fiber). 2- 2-2 Immerse prepared conjugate pad materials in of mouse anti beta HCG monoclonal antibody-gold conjugate solution at the concentration of above 2-3. 2- 2-3 And then the conjugate pads are dried in a 400 incubator for 2 hours. 3- 2-4 Above dried conjugate pads are then cut into the size of 7mm x 30mm with a cutter. 3- 3 Preparation of sample pad, Absorbent Pad. 3- 3-1 Preparation of sample pad material at the size of 20mm x 30mm. 3- 3-2 Preparation of absorbent pad material (cellulose pad) at the size of 18mm x 30mm. 4. Cassette Assembly and Sealing 4- 1 Lamination Laminating of above 2-1~3-3 materials as below. [Cross Section Scheme of Lamination] 1) 2) 6) 3) 7) 1) Sample pad 2) Gold-conjugate pad 3) Coated nitrocellulose membrane 4) 5) 4) Test line 5) Control line 6) Absorbent pad 7) Plastic card 4- 2 Cutting Laminated plastic cards are cut into the size of 4.5mm x 68mm with a cutter. 4- 3 Plastic Cassette Assembly Assemble cut-strips into the complete plastic Cassette. 4- 4 Sealing Individual Cassettes are sealed together with silica gel using aluminum foil pouch. The pouch is clearly labeled with lot number and an expiry date. 5. Packaging Process 5- 1 5- For final kit assembly, the required QC approved components are issued from the components’ storage area. 2 All the components are issued according to the lot numbers on the packaging detail list. The kit is then assembled. The number of a component type issued, corresponds to the number of kits assembled. 5- 3 Final kit inspection of the outgoing kits is carried out by QC technicians prior to shipment. 6. In-process Control of Production Process 6- 1 Introduction The in-process control steps are introduced at strategic steps to monitor the quality of products. The in-process controls performed, within the various levels of production, are in accordance with in-house standard operating procedure. 6- 2 Raw materials Production 6- 2-1 The in-process control steps are introduced at strategic steps of goat anti-HCG (as Test line), goat antimouse immunoglobulin (as Control line) and of mouse anti beta HCG monoclonal antibody-gold conjugate production to monitor the quality of products. The in-process controls performed are in accordance with in-house standard operating procedure. 6- 2-2 Goat anti-HCG (as Test line) production 1) Titration of hybridoma cell line to produce goat anti-HCG is used by ELISA method. 2) The protein concentration of acquired goat anti-HCG is determined with optical density of spectrometer at 280nm (factor: 0D1.20=1.0mg/ml). 6- 2-3 Goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin G (as Control line) production. 1) Titration of goat anti-mouse IgG in goat serum used by ELISA method. t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie 2) The protein concentration of the acquired goat ant-mouse IgG is determined with optical density of spectrophotometer at 280nm. (factor OD 1.39»1.0mg/ml) 6- 2-4 Mouse anti beta HCG monoclonal antibody-gold conjugate production. 1) Optical density of prepared gold conjugate is determined at 540 nm using by spectrophotometer. 2) Check the migration appearance of prepared gold conjugate. 6- 3 Test Cassette Components Production The three kinds of production capacity of One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test is approximately 28,800 tests, 57,600 tests and 115,200 test per production run, respectively. The in-process controls performed are: 6- 3-1 Membrane Coating (C, T line) 1) 100% visual inspection of all nitrocellulose membranes to make sure that none are damaged or moldy. 2) The dispensing volume is calibrated at the start of the process by checking the accuracy of the dispensing volumes. 3) 100% visual inspection to ensure that the designated areas on all the membranes are spotted with the antibody for test line and antibody for control line. 4) 6- Visual inspection of membranes to ensure that all membranes are dried before cutting (100% sampling). 3-2 Immersing the conjugated pad in mouse anti beta HCG monoclonal antibody-gold conjugate solution. 1) 100% visual inspection of all conjugate pads during the immersing stage to ensure that the conjugate pads are submerged under the solutions. 2) Visual inspection of all conjugate pads to ensure that all conjugate pads are dried before cutting (100% sampling). 6- 4 Assembly into plastic Cassettes 100% visual inspection of assembled Cassettes to check the membranes are properly attached and assembled. 6- 5 Assembly of Final Kit 6- 5-1 Inspection of component being issued for assembly is carried. 6- 5-2 Checks on the assembled kits are carried out at the completion of assembly. This is done prior to the final out-going QC inspection being performed by the QC section. V Risk Management Report 1. General Information 2. About Product 3. Implementation of risk analysis procedure 4. Result of the risk analysis 1. General Information 1.1 Summary 1.1.1 For in vitro diagnostic medical devices, taking into account the particularities and specific aspects of these medical devices, the large majority of such devices do not constitute a direct risk to patients and are used by competently trained professionals, and the results obtained can often be confirmed by other means, however, indirect risks may result from hazards associated with in vitro diagnostic medical device, leading or contributing to erroneous decisions. In addition, whereas specimens from any patient could be infected with bloodborne pathogens, use-related hazards and their associated risks should be considered. 1.1.2 This document is a risk analysis for One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test (hereinafter called HCG). All hazards and each potential reason causing the relevant hazard have been judged in this document. This document also estimates the degree of harm caused by all kinds of hazards and the possibility of occurrence of the hazards. If there are acceptable ways to reduce the risk, descriptions have been made and the remaining risk level after making the ways has been estimated. 1.1.3 Note: The HCG product has twelve years history of production in marketing this product in world. For this existing product, this risk management will be performed retrospectively. In the unlikely case that the retrospectively performed risk analysis for this product, which is already on the market shows an unacceptable risk, the product has to be re-designed before CE marking. 1.1.4 Result: By means of considerable ways, all risks, which may cause hazards, are reduced to an acceptable level, and the total number of all kinds of hazards is reduced to an acceptable level. Risk is proportional to usability. 1.2 Purpose 1.2.1 The main purpose of this risk analysis is to make judgment to the risk that may be caused by HCG and to determine the diagnostic requirements for this product. Furthermore, description of necessary measurement shall be made to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. 1.2.2 The description makes a requirement to the HCG product, and will be reevaluated after finishing the t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie improvement. 1.3 Scope The HCG product concerning in this risk analysis consists of the following mode: A. Cassette B. Strip C. Midstream 1.4 Reference 1.4.1 Reference to Standards Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 1998 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVD) EN ISO 14971:2000 Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical devices 1.4.2 Specification See ALK-CE-HCG “General Description” 1.4.3 Other information or data For estimating risks, other information or data can be obtained, for example, from —scientific technical data —field data from same or similar medical devices already in use including published reported incidents —usability tests employing typical users —clinical evidence —feedback information from customer —observation and research of market requirement —information during the development —material diagnostic safety data sheet from Material vendor —expert opinion —external quality assessment schemes 2. About Product 2.1 General Description and Intended Use 2.1.1 General Description The HCG product is a highly sensitive test kit for the determination of HCG in urine specimens. This test kit is used to obtain a visual, qualitative result for early detection of pregnancy. There characteristics are: (1) easy to use, no additional instrument or reagent is needed; (2) detect within one week of pregnancy; (3) designed for professional and home users; (4) high sensitivity and specificity; (5) each test is enclosed in a moisture proof aluminum pouch with a Silicon Gel for long time storage. 2.1.2 Intended Use Cassette: HCG measures the presence of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) in human urine for the early detection of pregnancy. Strip: HCG measures the presence of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) in human urine for the early detection of pregnancy. Midstream: HCG measures the presence of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) in human urine for the early detection of pregnancy. 2.2 Principle of the function 2.2.1 The HCG assay is a rapid one-step test, based on an immunochromato graphic technology. A membrane with an absorbent pad overlapping a strip of fiber glass paper that is impregnated with a lyophilized colloidal conjugate of gold particles and monoclonal solid phase antibodies to HCG. Other absorbent pads at the end of the assay absorb excess sample fluid. The urine sample is introduced into the device, and moves along the absorbent pad, then laterally onto a chromatographic membrane. As it contacts the membrane, the sample dissolves the lyophilized conjugate. In a reactive sample, the HCG antigen will attach to the antibodies in the colloidal solution. As the conjugate moves forward on the membrane, anti-HCG monoclonal antibody affixed on the test zone (“T”) will bind the HCG-gold conjugate complex, forming a pink line (“T”). Any sample will cause a pink colored line to appear in the control zone (“C”). 2.2.2 This line is formed by the binding of the polyclonal antibodies (Anti-mouse IgG) affixed onto the control zone to the sample-colloidal gold conjugate. Presence of this line indicates that the test has been carried out correctly. In less than 5 minutes, levels of HCG as low as 25mlU/ml can be detected. 2.3 Applicable environment 20-300 2.4 Reference data of risk analysis 3. Implementation of risk analysis procedure According to ISO14971:2000 method for Implementation of risk analysis can refer to the list of judgment of risk analysis report in following: 3.1 Urine samples 3.1.1 168 randomly selected urine samples from specimen bank which is maintained in Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Hospital. 3.1.2 Positive panels-25. 50, 250, 500mIU/ml HCG. 3.1.3 Negative Positive panels-0 mIU/ml HCG, 200miu/ml HLH Normal urine samples including 200mIU/ml HLH Normal urine samples including 1000mIU/ml HFSH t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie Normal urine samples including 1000mIU/ml Htsh. 3.1.4 Analysis of the Results The sensitivity and specificity will be calculated as follows: No. of urine samples with positive results Sensitivity (%) =100X ----------------------------------------------------------------------------No. of positive urine samples confirmed as pregnancy No. of urine samples with negative results Specificity (%) =100X----------------------------------------------------------------------------No. of negative urine samples confirmed as non-pregnancy 3.2 Classification of the result of risk analysis The detailed result of risk analysis is classified: 1) very serious; 2) Serious; 3) Mild; 4) Trivial 3.3 Judgement of potential hazards 3.3.1 Definition of ‘ ‘hazard” Occurrence of hazard is usually a result of causality. It begins with technical (mostly can not be copied) and trivial psychological causes, bringing harm to human, property and environment. This risk analysis define “hazard” as a link between the first point in the casual chain and the sufferer (the person or the product) 3.3.2 Relevant potential hazards According to clinical use of products in many users, relevant information, professional knowledge and experience acquired, EC team judged the potential hazard of HCG product as follows: Hazard to the person (the person subjected to examination/user/other person) The time that becomes pregnant to be short. Hazard to the product A. Some kind of component has falls off (i.e. Colloidal Gold layer) B. Product term of validity 3.3.3 Existing and Foreseeable Hazards to Human Bodies During the Using Process of HCG test kits (Three Formats) Strips Version/Rev. B/1 Number 01 02 Cassette Number Risk Description Causes Grade of harms to human Specific harms to Preventive body (1, Negligible; 2, human body Measures that Marginal; 3, Critical) can be taken False Positive Negligible The effect of Perform lab analysis Make a mistake interfering with every lot of conclusion substances products False Negative Risk Description Negligible The effect of Perform lab analysis Make a mistake interfering with every lot of conclusion substances products Grade of harms to human Causes body (1, Negligible; 2, Marginal; 3, Critical) Preventive Measures that Specific harms to human body can be taken 01 False Positive Negligible The effect of interfering substances Perform lab analysis with Make a every lot of products mistake conclusion 02 False Negative Negligible The effect of interfering substances Perform lab analysis with Make a every lot of products mistake conclusion Midstream Number Risk Description Grade of harms to human Causes body (1, Negligible; 2, Marginal; 3, Critical) Preventive Measures that Specific harms can be taken to human body 01 False Positive Negligible The effect of interfering substances Perform lab analysis with Make a every lot of products mistake conclusion 02 False Negative Negligible The effect of interfering substances Perform lab analysis with Make a every lot of products mistake conclusion If not totally avoidable, what extra measures can we take to reduce harms to human body. Beside above measures, we can also reduce potential hazards by performing test for more than one time. 3.4 Estimation of the occurrence probability of each reason No. Class Likelihood (events per year and device) 1 Incredible < 10-6 2 Improbable 10-4 - 10-6 3 Remote 10-2 - 10-4 4 Occasional 10-1 - 10-2 5 Probable 1 - 10-1 t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie 6 Frequent > 1 The assumed occurring probability to the potential reasons of each hazard is recorded in the column “W” of the risk management table with the type of classification number (1-6). 3.5 Estimation of risks and relevant measure 3.5.1 Two risk parameters are summarized for each item of hazard/cause: the degree of harm and the occurring probability. Therefore, the risk is identified. According to the proposal of Annex E, IS014971:2000, three “risk scope” are defined. 1. Not acceptable region 2. Broadly acceptable region 3. Risk as low as reasonable practicable (ALARP) 3.5.2The degree of harm and occurring probability of each group are fallen under the three classes in the following table. Severity Likelihood Class No 1 Negligible 2 Marginal 3 Critical -------------------------6 Frequent 5 Probable 4 Occasional 3 Remote AK 2 Improbable AK AK 1 Incredible AK AK AK NAK = not acceptable AK = broadly acceptable ALARP = risk as low as reasonable practicable The evaluated risk of each hazard/cause is recorded in the column “R” of the risk management table with the type of the classification of risk scope (NAK/AK/ALARP). 3.5.3 Definition of measure Supposed estimated risk is not to be recorded in risk scope “AK” as no measure has been taken, it is necessary to specify the measure for each hazard/cause. Should there be many measures at the same time, it is necessary to refer to the result brought by all measures using together for its effect. Drafted measures are recorded in Column “Relevant Measure” in the Form of Risk Management and marked as “M...”. 3.5.4 Estimation of risk after taking measure It is supposed to limit damage or reduce its occurrence, or both will minimize after applying relevant treatment. To what degree a group of treatment can limit the causes of risk, generally speaking it is hardly to judge the degree of reduction (degree of damage or probability of occurrence) as a fixed item. This estimation is a summarization of essence from members of EC team in company. Each change is recorded in column “Applying Relevant Treatment” in the form of Risk Management and marked as “M...”. Remaining risk of each hazard/cause can be judged from the above table for risk scope (NAK/AK/ALARP) to which it belongs. RemarkB ALARP does not mean fulfill the goalBbut risk scope “Acceptable” Bonly if the fee caused by measure taken to reduce risk further more is larger than the profit it broughtBALARP as remaining risk can be acceptable. If result of reducing risk is ALARPBit is necessary to make an explanation why it is impractical to reduce the risk further more. 4. Result of the risk analysis 4.1 As displayed on the risk management table, the remaining risk of each hazard/cause is reduced to the region of AK or ALARP. Meanwhile, an explanation is made to each ALARP situation why it’s impractical to reduce the risk farther more. 4.2 In the following table, the number of the hazard/cause item in every column under the situation of applying treatment and not applying treatment are showed. Thus it can be seen that under the situation of not applying treatment, there are 2 NAK and 1 ALARP. While under the situation of applying treatment, NAK doesn’t appear any more. Not applying relevant treatment 1 Applying relevant treatment Severity 23 Probability 6 5 4 3 2 1 ¥//s?/A In this way, the total number of remaining risk can be considered acceptable. Because is broadly used in developed countries for many years, and also used in partial developing countries over recent years, and the clinical effect of the HCG product is obvious, the benefit refer to ALK-CE-HCG Device Description, the benefit needn’t explain here. Therefore, the remaining risk keeps under a low level, and the risk is proportional to the benefit. VI Essential Requirements t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie 1. List of European Standards and International Standards 2. Essential Requirements Checklist 1. List of European Standards and International Standards No. Standard Reference Titles 1 IVDD 98/79/EC 2 EN 376:2002 3 EN 13532:2002 testing General requirements for in vitro diagnostic medical Device for self-testing 4 EN 13640: 2002 Stability testing of in vitro diagnostic medical Device 5 EN 13641: 2002 6 EN 13612: 2001 Performance evaluation of in vitro diagnostic medical Device 7 EN 980:2002 Graph and symbol used in the label of medical Device 8 EN 928:1995 Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 1998 on in vitro diagnostic medical Device Information supplied by the manufacturer with in vitro diagnostic reagents for self- Elimination or reduction of risk of infection related to in vitro diagnostic reagents In vitro diagnostic systems - Guidance on the application of EN29001 and EN46001 and of EN29002 and EN46002 for in vitro diagnostic medical Device 9 ISO 13485: 2003 The demand of quality management system of medical Device and standard Quality 10 ISO 14971: 2000 systems Medical Device Usage of risk analysis and management on medical Device 11 EN 540:1993 Clinical investigation of medical Device 2. Essential Requirements Checklist Essential Requirement A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence ISO 14971:2000 EN ALK-CE-HCG I. General requirements 1. The Device must be designed and manufactured in such a way that, A when used under the conditions and for the purposes intended, they will 540:1993 not compromise, directly or indirectly, the clinical condition or the (Risk Management safety of the patients, the safety or health of users or, where applicable, Report) other persons, or the safety of property. Any risks which may be ALK-CE-HCG associated with their use must be acceptable when weighed against the (Clinical Data) benefits to the patient and be compatible with a high level of protection of health and safety. 2. The solutions adopted by the manufacturer for the design and A ISO 14971:2000 construction of the Device must conform to safety principles, taking ALK-CE-HCG (Risk account of the generally acknowledged state of the art. Management Report) In selecting the most appropriate solutions, the manufacturer must apply the following principles in the following order: — eliminate or reduce risks as far as possible (safe design and construction), — where appropriate take adequate protection measures in relation to risks that cannot be eliminated, — inform users of the residual risks due to any shortcomings of the protection measures adopted. 3. The Device must be designed and manufactured in such a way that A EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG they are suitable for the purposes referred to in Article 1(2)(b), as (Clinical Data) ALK- specified by the manufacturer, taking account of the generally CE-HCG acknowledged state of the art. They must achieve the performances, in System) particular, where appropriate, in terms of analytical sensitivity, diagnostic sensitivity, analytical specificity, diagnostic specificity, accuracy, repeatability, reproducibility, including control of known relevant interference, and limits of detection, stated by (Packing t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie Essential Requirement A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence the manufacturer. The traceability of values assigned to calibrators and/or control materials must be assured through available reference measurement procedures and/or available reference materials of a higher order. 4. The characteristics and performances referred to in sections 1 and 3 A EN 540:1993 ALK-CE-HCG must not be adversely affected to such a degree that the health or the (Clinical Data) ALK- safety of the patient or the user and, where applicable, of other persons, CE-HCG are compromised during the lifetime of the device as indicated by the System) (Packing manufacturer, when the device is subjected to the stresses which can occur during normal conditions of use. When no lifetime is stated, the same applies for the lifetime reasonably to be expected of a device of that kind, having regard to the intended purpose and the anticipated use of the device. 5. The Device must be designed, manufactured and packed in such a way A EN 980: 2002 ALK-CE-HCG that their characteristics and performances during their intended use will (Packing System) not be adversely affected under storage and transport conditions ALK-CE-HCG (temperature, humidity, etc.) taking account of the instructions and (Labeling) information provided by the manufacturer. B. Design and manufacturing requirements 1. Chemical and physical properties .1. The Device must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to achieve the characteristics and performances referred to in section A on the ‘General requirements’. Particular attention must be paid to the possibility of impairment of analytical performance due to incompatibility between the materials used and the specimens (such as biological tissues, cells, body fluids and micro-organisms) intended to be used with the device, taking account of its intended purpose. A EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG (Labeling) Essential Requirement 1.2. The Device must be designed, manufactured and packed in such a way A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence A EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG (Labeling) as to reduce as far as possible the risk posed by product leakage, contaminants and residues to the persons involved in the transport, storage and use of the Device, taking account of the intended purpose of the products. 2. Infection and microbial contamination 2.1. The Device and their manufacturing processes must be designed in such A EN 980: 2002 ALK-CE-HCG a way as to eliminate or reduce as far as possible the risk of infection to (General the user or other persons. The design must allow easy handling and, Description) where necessary, reduce as far as possible contamination of, and leakage from, the device during use and, in the case of specimen receptacles, the risk of contamination of the specimen. The manufacturing processes must be appropriate for these purposes. 2.2. Where a device incorporates biological substances, the risks of infection A ALK-CE-HCG must be reduced as far as possible by selecting appropriate donors and Design appropriate substances and by using appropriate, validated inactivation, Document conservation, test and control procedures. 2.3. Device labelled either as ‘STERILE’ or as having a special NA microbiological state must be designed, manufactured and packed in an appropriate pack, according to procedures suitable for ensuring that they remain in the appropriate microbiological state indicated on the label when placed on the market, under the storage and transport conditions specified by the manufacturer, until the protective packaging is damaged or opened. 2.4. Device labelled either as ‘STERILE’ or as having a special NA microbiological state must have been processed by an appropriate, validated method. 2.5. Packaging systems for Device other than those referred to NA t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie Essential Requirement A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence in section 2.3 must keep the product without deterioration at the level of cleanliness indicated by the manufacturer and, if the devices are to be sterilised prior to use, reduce as far as possible the risk of microbial contamination. Steps must be taken to reduce as far as possible microbial contamination during selection and handling of raw materials, manufacture, storage and distribution where the performance of the Cassette can be adversely affected by such contamination. 2.6. Device intended to be sterilized must be manufactured in appropriately N/A controlled (e.g. environmental) conditions. 2.7. Packaging systems for non-sterile device must keep the product NA without deterioration at the level of cleanliness stipulated and, if the devices are to be sterilized prior to use, minimize the risk of microbial contamination; the packaging system must be suitable taking account of the method of sterilization indicated by the manufacturer. 3. Manufacturing and environmental properties 3.1. If the device is intended for use in combination with other device or NA equipment, the whole combination, including the connection system, must be safe and must not impair the specified performances of the device. Any restrictions on use must be indicated on the label and/or in the instructions for use. 3.2. Devices must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to reduce N/A as far as possible the risks linked to their use in conjunction with materials, substances and gases with which they may come into contact during normal conditions of use. 3.3. Device must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to remove or reduce as far as possible: NA Essential Requirement A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence A ISO 14971:2000 — the risk of injury linked to their physical features (in particular aspects of volume x pressure, dimension and, where appropriate, ergonomic features), — risks linked to reasonably foreseeable external influences, such as ALK-CE-HCG magnetic fields, external electrical effects, electrostatic discharge, (Risk pressure, humidity, temperature or variations in pressure or acceleration Management or accidental penetration of substances into the device. Report) Device must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to provide N/A an adequate level of intrinsic immunity of electromagnetic disturbance to enable them to operate as intended. 3.4. Device must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to reduce N/A as far as possible the risks of fire or explosion during normal use and in single fault condition. Particular attention must be paid to device whose intended use includes exposure to or use in association with flammable substances or substances which could cause combustion. 3.5. Device must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to NA facilitate the management of safe waste disposal. 3.6. The measuring, monitoring or display scale (including colour change A ISO 14971:2000 ALK-CE-HCG and other visual indicators) must be designed and manufactured in line (Risk with ergonomic principles, taking account of the intended purpose of the Management device. Report) 4. Device which are instruments or apparatus with a measuring function 4.1 Devices which are instruments or apparatus having a primary analytical measuring function must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to provide adequate stability and N/A t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie Essential Requirement A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence accuracy of measurement within appropriate accuracy limits, taking into account the intended purpose of the device and of available and appropriated reference measurement procedures and materials. The accuracy limits have to be specified by the manufacturer. 4.2 When values are expressed numerically they must be given in legal units conforming to the provisions of council Directive 80/181/EEC of 20 December 1979 on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to units of measurement. 5. Protection against radiation N/A 5.1 Device shall be designed manufactured and packaged in such a way that exposure of users and other persons to the emitted radiation is minimized. 5.2 When devices are intended to emit potentially hazardous, visible and/or invisible radiation, they must as far as possible be. Designed and manufactured in such a way as to ensure that the characteristics and quantity of radiation emitted can be controlled and/or adjusted. Fitted with visual displays and/or audible warnings of such emissions. 5.3 The operating instructions for device emitting radiation must give detailed information as to the nature of the emitted radiation, means of protecting the user, and on way of avoiding misuse and of eliminating the risks inherent in installation. 6. Requirements for medical Device connected to or equipped with an energy source 6.1 Device incorporating electronic programmable systems including software, must be designed to ensure the repeatability, reliability and performance of these systems according to the intended use. N/A T CE Technical File Document No ALK-CE-HCG One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test Page 38/65 A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence Essential Requirement 6.2 Device must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to minimize the risks of creating electromagnetic perturbation which could impair the operation of other device or equipment in the usual environment. 6.3 Device must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to avoid, as far as possible the risk of accidental electric shocks during normal use and in single fault condition provided the device are installed and maintained correctly. 6.4 Protection against mechanical and thermal risks Devices must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to protect the user against mechanical risks. Device must be sufficiently stable under the foreseen operating conditions. They must be suitable to withstand stresses inherent in the foreseen working environment, and to retain this resistance during the expected life of the device, subject to any inspection and maintenance requirements as indicated by the manufacture. Where there are risks due to the presence of moving parts, risks due to break-up or detachment, or leakage of substances, then appropriated protection means must be incorporated. Any guards or other means included with the device to protection, in particular against moving parts, must be secure and must not interfere with access for the normal operation of the device, or restrict routine maintenance of the device as intended by the manufacturer. Device must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to reduce to the lowest possible level the risks arising from vibration generated by the device, taking account of technical progress and of the means available for progress and of the means available for limiting vibrations, particularly at source, unless the librations t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie Essential Requirement A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG are part of the specified performance. Device must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to reduce as far as possible the risks arising from the noise emitted, taking account of technical progress and of the means available to reduce noise emitted is part of the specified performance. Terminals and connectors to electricity, gas or hydraulic and pneumatic energy supplies which the user has to handle must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to minimize all possible risks. Accessible parts of the device (excluding the parts of areas intended to supply hear or reach given temperatures) and their surroundings must not attain potentially dangerous temperatures under normal use. 7. Requirements for Device for self-testing Device for self-testing must be designed and manufactured in such a A way that they perform appropriately for their intended purpose taking ISO13485:2003 into account the skills and the means available to users and the influence (Labels and Instructions for use) resulting from variation that can reasonably be anticipated in users’ technique and environment. The information and instructions provided by the manufacturer should be easily understood and applied by the user. 7.1 Device for self-resting must be designed and manufactured in such a A way as to : EN 980:2002 ISO13485:2003 -ensure that the device is easy to use by the intended lay user at all ALK-CE-HCG -reduce as far as practicable the risk of user error in the handling of the (General device and in the interpretation of the results. control, i.e. a procedure by which the user can verity that, at the time of use, the product with perform as (Labels and Instructions for use) stages of the procedure, and 7.2 Device for self-testing must, where reasonable possible, include user ALK-CE-HCG Description) A EN 980:2002 ISO13485:2003 ALK-CE-HCG (Labels and Instructions for Essential Requirement A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence intended. use) ALK-CE-HCG (General Description) 8. Information supplied by the manufacturer 8.1. Each device must be accompanied by the information needed to use it A safely and properly, taking account of the training and knowledge of the EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG ISO13485:2003 (Labels and potential users, and to identify the manufacturer. This information Instructions for use) comprises the data on the label and in the instructions for use. As far as practicable and appropriate, the information needed to use the A device safely and properly must be set out on the device itself and/or, EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG ISO13485:2003 (Labels and where appropriate, on the sales packaging. If individual full labeling of Instructions for use) each unit is not practicable, the information must be set out on the packaging and/or in the instructions for use supplied with one or more device. Instructions for use must accompany or be included in the packaging of A one or more device. EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG ISO13485:2003 (Labels and Instructions for use) In duly justified and exceptional cases no such instructions for use are needed for a device if it can be used properly and safely without them. 8.2. Where appropriate, the information to be supplied should take the form A of symbols. Any symboland identification colour used must conform to the harmonized standards. In areas for which no standards exist, the supplied with the device. considered as being dangerous, taking account of ALK-CE-HCG ISO13485:2003 (Labels and Instructions for use) symbols and colour used must be described in the documentation 8.3. In the case of device containing or a preparation which may be EN 980:2002 NA t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie Essential Requirement A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence the nature and quantity of its constituents and the form under which they are present, relevant danger symbols and labeling requirements of Directive 67/548/EEC and Directive 88/379/EEC shall apply. Where there is insufficient space to put all the information on the device itself or on its label, the relevant danger symbols shall be put on the label and the other information required by those Directives shall be given in the instructions for use. The provisions of the aforementioned Directives on the safety data sheet NA shall apply, unless all relevant information as appropriate is already made available by the instructions for use. 8.4. The label must bear the following particulars which may take A the form of symbols as appropriate: EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG ISO13485:2003 (Labels and Instructions for use) (a) the name or trade name and address of the manufacturer. For Device imported into the Community with a view to their distribution in the Community, the label, the outer packaging, or the instructions for use shall contain in addition the name and address of the authorized representative of the manufacturer; (b) the details strictly necessary for the user to uniquely identify the device A and the contents of the packaging; EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG IS013485:2003 (Labels and Instructions for use) (c) where appropriate, the word ‘STERILE’ or a statement indicating any NA special microbiological state or state of cleanliness; (d) the batch code, preceded by the word ‘LOT’, or the serial number; A EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG IS013485:2003 (Labels and Instructions for use) Essential Requirement (e) if necessary, an indication of the date by which the device or part of A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence A it should be used, in safety, without degradation of performance, EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG ISO13485:2003 (Labels and expressed as the year, the month and, where relevant, the day, in that Instructions for use) order; (f) in case of Device for performance evaluation, the words ‘for NA performance evaluation only’; (g) where appropriate, a statement indicating the in vitro use of the A device; EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG ISO13485:2003 (Labels and Instructions for use) (h) any particular storage and/or handling conditions; A EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG ISO13485:2003 (Labels and Instructions for use) (i) where applicable, any particular operating instructions; (j) appropriate warnings and/or precautions to take; NA A EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG ISO13485:2003 (Labels and Instructions for use) (k) if the device is intended for self-testing, that fact must be clearly A stated. EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG ISO13485:2003 (Labels and Instructions for use) 8.5. If the intended purpose of the device is not obvious to the user, the A manufacturer must clearly state the intended purpose in the instructions for use and, if appropriate, on the label. 8.6. Wherever reasonable and practicable, the device and separate components must be identified, where appropriate in terms of batches, to allow all appropriate action to detect any potential risk posed by the Device and detachable components. EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG ISO13485:2003 (Labels and Instructions for use) NA t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie Essential Requirement 8.7. Where appropriate, the instructions for use must contain the A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence A following particulars: EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG IS013485:2003 (Labels and Instructions for use) (a) the details referred to in section 8.4 with the exception of points (d) and (e); (b) composition of the reagent product by nature and amount or NA concentration of the active ingredient(s) of the reagent(s) or kit as well as a statement, where appropriate, that the device contains other ingredients which might influence the measurement; (c) the storage conditions and shelf life following the first opening of the NA primary container, together with the storage conditions and stability of working reagents; (d) the performances referred to in section 3 of part A; (e) an indication of any special equipment required including NA NA information necessary for the identification of that special equipment for proper use; (f) the type of specimen to be used, any special conditions of collection, NA pre-treatment and, if necessary, storage conditions and instructions for the preparation of the patient; (g) a detailed description of the procedure to be followed in using the NA device; (h) the measurement procedure to be followed with the device including as appropriate: — the principle of the method, — the specific analytical performance characteristics (e.g. sensitivity, and measurement range, including information needed for the control of known relevant interferences), limitations of the method and information NA Essential Requirement A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence about the use of available reference measurement procedures and materials by the user, — the details of any further procedure or handling needed before the device can be used (for example, reconstitution, incubation, dilution, instrument checks, etc.), — the indication whether any particular training is required; (i) the mathematical approach upon which the calculation of the NA NA analytical result is made; (j) measures to be taken in the event of changes in the analytical performance of the device; (k) information appropriate to users on: NA NA — internal quality control including specific validation procedures, — the traceability of the calibration of the device; (l) the reference intervals for the quantities being determined, including A a description of the appropriate reference population; EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG ISO13485:2003 (Labels and Instructions for use) (m) if the device must be used in combination with or installed with or NA connected to other medical Device or equipment in order to operate as required for its intended purpose, sufficient details of its characteristics to identify the correct Device or equipment to use in order to obtain a safe and proper combination; (n) all the information needed to verify whether the device is properly installed and can operate correctly and safely, plus details of the nature and frequency of the maintenance and calibration needed to ensure that the NA t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie Essential Requirement A or Reference Conformity N/A Standards Evidence device operates properly and safely; information about safe waste disposal; (o) details of any further treatment or handling needed before the device NA can be used (for example, sterilization, final assembly, etc.); (p) the necessary instructions in the event of damage to the protective NA packaging and details of appropriate methods of resterilisation or decontamination; (q) if the device is reusable, information on the appropriate processes to allow reuse, including cleaning, disinfection, packaging NA and resterilisation or decontamination, and any restriction on the number of reuses; (r) precautions to be taken as regards exposure, in reasonably foreseeable NA environmental conditions, to magnetic fields, external electrical influences, electrostatic discharge, pressure or variations in pressure, acceleration, thermal ignition sources, etc.; (s) precautions to be taken against any special, unusual risks related to the A EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG use or disposal of the device including special protective measures; (Labels and where the device includes substances of human or animal origin, Instruction for use) attention must be drawn to their potential infectious nature; (t) specifications for Device for self-testing: (omit) A EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG (Labels and Instruction for use) (u) date of issue or latest revision of the instructions for use. A EN 980:2002 ALK-CE-HCG (Labels and Instruction for use) VII Principle, Test Method and Limitation 1. Principle and Physical Description of the Test 2. Test Method 3. Limitation of the Method 1. Principle and Physical Description of the test The HCG assay is a rapid one-step test, based on an immunochromato graphic technology. A membrane with an absorbent pad overlapping a strip of fiber glass paper that is impregnated with a lyophilized colloidal conjugate of gold particles and monoclonal solid phase antibodies to HCG. Other absorbent pads at the end of the assay absorb excess sample fluid. The urine sample is introduced into the device, and moves along the absorbent pad, then laterally onto a chromatographic membrane. As it contacts the membrane, the sample dissolves the lyophilized conjugate. In a reactive sample, the HCG antigen will attach to the antibodies in the colloidal solution. As the conjugate moves forward on the membrane, anti-HCG monoclonal antibody affixed on the test zone (“T”) will bind the HCG-gold conjugate complex, forming a pink line (“T”). Any sample will cause a pink colored line to appear in the control zone (“C”). t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie This line is formed by the binding of the polyclonal antibodies (Anti-mouse IgG) affixed onto the control zone to the sample-colloidal gold conjugate. Presence of this line indicates that the test has been carried out correctly. In less than 5 minutes, levels of HCG as low as 25mlU/ml can be detected. The One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test contains a membrane strip, which is pre-coated with capture antibody (goat anti-HCG) on test band region and goat anti-mouse IgG on the control band region. During testing, the specimen is allowed to react with colored conjugate (mouse anti-beta HCG monoclonal antibody-colloidal gold conjugate) which was pre-dried on conjugate pad. The mixture (mouse anti-beta HCG monoclonal antibody colloidal gold + HCG in specimen) then move upward on the membrane chromatographically by capillary action. For a positive result, a purplecolored band with the HCG in specimen-mouse anti-beta HCG monoclonal antibody-colloid conjugate complex will form in the test band region of result window. Absence of this purple-colored band in the test band region suggests a negative result. Regardless of the presence of HCG, as the mixture continues to move across the membrane to immobilized goat anti-mouse IgG, a purple colored band at the control band region of result window will always appear. The presence of purple-colored band serve as 1) verification that sufficient volume is added, 2) that proper flow is obtained, and 3) as a control for the reagents. One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test Cassette has a letter of “T” and “C” as “Test line “and “Control line” in the result window. Both the test line and control line in result window are not visible before applying any samples. Besides, One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test Cassette has a letter of “S” as “Sample well” for dispensing sample. 2. Test Method 2- 1 Specimen collection and storage [Urine] 2- 1-1 First morning urine typically contains the highest concentration of HCG and is therefore the best sample for performing the urine test. However, any urine specimen may be used. 2- 1-2 Collect the urine specimen in a clean glass or plastic container. Do not use preservatives. 2- 1-3 If the specimen is not used immediately following collection, but is to be used within 48 hours it should be refrigerated (2 to 80), and brought back to room temperature (15 to 300) before testing. If specimen is not going to be used for more than 48 hours, it should be frozen at -200. A frozen specimen must be completely thawed, thoroughly mixed, and brought to room temperature. 2- 2 Procedure of the test 2- 2-1 Remove the test Cassette from the foil pouch, and place it on a flat, dry surface. 2- 2-2 Holding the urine dropper above the test Cassette, squeeze 3 to 4 drops of urine into the urine well (S). 2- 2-3 As the test begins to work, you will see purple color move across the result window in the center of the test Cassette. 2- 2-4 Interpret test results at 3 minutes. 2- 2-5 Caution: The above interpreting time is based on reading the test results at room temperature of 15-300. If your room temperature is significantly lower than 150, them the interpreting time should be properly increased. 2- 3 Interpretation of the test 2- 3-1 A color band will appear in the left section of the result window to show that the test is working properly. This band is the Control Band. 2- 3-2 The right section of the result window indicates the test results. If another color band appears in the right section of the result window, this band is the test band. 2- 3-3 Negative Result The presence of only one purple color band (Control Band ) within the result window indicates that you are most likely not pregnant and the test has been performed correctly. 2- 3-4 Positive Result The presence of two purple color bands (“T” band and “C” band ) within the result window, regardless to which one appears first, means that you are likely to be pregnant. 2- 3-5 Note: A positive result will not change once it has been established at 3 minutes. However, in order to prevent any incorrect results, the test result should not be interpreted after 3 minutes. 2- 3-6 Invalid Result If the purple color band is not visible within the result window after performing the test, the result is considered invalid. Some causes of invalid results are : not following the directions correctly or the test may have deteriorated beyond the expiration date. It is recommended that the specimen be re-tested using a new test kit. 3. Limitation of the Method 3- 1 Precaution The One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test should be stored at room temperature. The test is sensitive to humidity as well as heat. Perform the test immediately after removing the test from the foil pouch. Do not use it beyond the expiration. 3-1-1 For in vitro diagnostic use only. 3-1-2 Do not eat or smoke while handling specimens. 3- 1-3 Wear protective gloves while handling specimens. Wash hands thoroughly afterwards. 3- 1-4 Avoid splashing or aerosol formation. 3- 1-5 Clean up spills thoroughly using an appropriate disinfectant. t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie 3- 1-6 Decontaminate and dispose of all specimens, reaction kits and potentially contaminated materials, as if they were infectious waste, in a biohazard container. 3- 1-7 Do not use the test kit if the pouch is damaged or the seal is broken. 3- 2 Limitation of the test 3- 2-1 One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test is not reusable. 3- 2-2 The test works only if the instruction are followed precisely. 3- 2-3 Unseal the foil pouch before using the test kit. In case of keeping under being refrigerated *2 to 8 degrees C), it should be brought back to room temperature (15 to 30 degrees C ) for 20 minutes before testing. 3- 2-4 Do not reuse the used. 3- 2-5 A negative result obtained from a urine specimen collected from a mother in very early pregnancy may be due to an extremely low concentration of HCG. In such cases, the test should be repeated on a fresh specimen obtained two days later. 3- 2-6 In addition to pregnancy, HCG has been found in patients with both gestation and no-gestation trophoblast, diseases. These conditions should be ruled out when interpreting HCG levels to establish a pregnancy diagnosis. 3- 2-7 After normal pregnancy, caesarean section, miscarriage, abortion. It can be detected the HCG for several weeks. 3- 2-8 A normal pregnancy cannot be distinguished from an entopic pregnancy based solely on HCG levels. Also, a spontaneous miscarriage may cause confusion in interpreting test results. In case of that, a suspected ectopic pregnancy may be further evaluated using a quantities HCG assay. 3- 2-9 A third of all pregnancy has a miscarriage naturally; so then, there is a positive result during the early pregnancy. And there are a negative result after the natural miscarriage. In the cases of a weak positive result, the test should be repeated on a fresh specimen obtained two days later. 3- 2-10 According to persons. It can be appeared as a negative result due to the low concentration of HCG even if there are the negative test result, don not take medicine, avoid strenuous exercise to be hazardous for a baby’s health. 3- 2-11 If there are no scheduled menstruation under the negative test result. Retest after 7 days. If the test result is just the same, meet the physician obstetrician. VIII 1. Expected Values 2. Sensitivity 3. Specificity 4. Storage 5. Expiration Dating 6. Method of Manufacture 7. Clinical Trials 8. Conclusion Performance Evaluation Data 1. Expected values The One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test rapid kit is capable of testing HCG levels of 25mIU/ml based capable of correlation with WHO 3rd International Standards. t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie Sensitivity 25 mIU/mL hCG in urine sample. 2. Specificity 3.1Cross Reactivity The cross reactivity of hCG test kits was evaluated with hCG homologous hormones. Homologous hormones FSH, LH and TSH were added to urine samples containing hCG at concentration of 0, 20 or 100 mIU/mL. No cross reactivity was observed in the study (shown in Table 1). 2.2 Non-specific interference One-Step hCG test was checked for possible interference from visibly hemolyzed, lipemic and icteric samples. Human hemoglobin, bilirubin or albumin was spiked into samples with different concentration of hCG and tested using un-spiked samples as controls. No significant interference was observed in 20 samples with results that were either positive or negative for hCG. The results are shown in Table 2. Table 1 - Cross-reactivity study of One-Step hCG test kit hCG conc. Unspiked in sample serum or urine (mIU/mL) samples 0 20 100 Urine samples spiked with homologous hormones FSH LH 1000 mIU/ml 1000 mIU/ml - TSH 1000 mIU/ml - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - Non-specificity study of One-Step hCG test kits Sample No Unspiked samples 1 2 3 - Urine samples spiked with (mg/mL) Bilirubin Albumin 0.06 100 - Hemoglobin 10 1 ---- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 3. Storage 4 to 30oC 4. Expiration Dating: 24 months from date of manufacture 5. Method of Manufacture: 6.1 Nitrocellulose Membrane Manufacture 6.1.1 The purified monoclonal antibody, diluted in phosphate buffer saline, is coated on the test region. Simultaneously, goat anti- mouse IgG polyclonal antibody, diluted in phosphate buffer saline, is coated on the control region. 6.1.2 The coated membrane is dried for a minimum of 24 hours then sealed in an aluminum bag which contains silica gel desiccant. 6.2 Anti-hCG colloidal gold conjugate pad manufacture 6.2.1 A buffer solution containing mouse Anti-hCG monoclonal antibody/colloidal gold conjugate is coated onto nonwoven cloth sheets. 6.2.2 The coated non-woven cloth is dried for minimum 24 hours then sealed in an aluminum bag which contains desiccant. 6.3 Test Device Assembly 6.3.1The coated membrane S1, the conjugate pad S4, and an absorbent pad is applied to an adhesive-coated backing. 6.3.2 A 2-part waterproof label is applied over the conjugate pad and the absorbent pad, the assembled sheet of t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie material is cut into strips. The test strips are then vacuum-dried for a minimum of 4 hours. 6.3.3 The assembled test strip is sealed in an aluminum pouch along with a desiccant packet. 6. Clinical Trials 7.1 To establish the sensitivity and specificity of Atals link One-Step hCG urine pregnancy test kit relative to other rates of qualitative urine hCG tests, 425 samples from women suspected of being pregnant were studied. The overall accuracy of Atlas link One-Step hCG urine pregnancy test kit in this study was 100%, i.e., 425 samples got the expected results when confirmed with results from clinical follow ups. 7.2 A commercially available qualitative test kits (ICON hCG) was used to compare with Atlas link One-Step hCG urine pregnancy test test kit for relative sensitivity and specificity in 803 urine samples. In total, 8 samples were discordant. In turn, the agreement is 99.0%. The results are shown in Table 3. Table 3 - Comparison of One-step hCG with ICON product for 803 cases Results of Atlas link One-Step hCG urine Subtotal pregnancy test kit Results of ICON kits Subtotal + 484 7 491 + - 1 311 312 485 318 803 Based on quantitative test results on those discrepant samples (n = 8), IND Diagnostic’s hCG test kits have better sensitivity and specificity. The results are shown in Table 4. All of these 8 discrepant samples were confirmed with clinical follow up 2 weeks later. Table 4 - Quantitative results of discrepant samples Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quantitative results (mIU/mL) 25 100 28 25 40 26 ICON kits Atlas link One-Step hCG urine pregnancy test kit + - + + + + + 7 8 50 28 - + + 7. Conclusion This study shows that One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test kit has its advantages. Using One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test kit is very simple, quick and it does not need any special equipments and with high degree of accuracy and specificity. Therefore, One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test will be suitable to be adopted in clinical laboratory of basic hospital for screening of pregnancy. IX 1. Label Design 2. Label Language 3. Special Requirements 4. 5. Instructions for use Attachment (Sample) Labels and Instructions for use 10 Label design There are three kinds of labels: small labels (the one on the tube), medium label (the one on the pack), outer labelB the one on the carton 0 A label must include the following content: 1.1 Name and address of manufacturer and Importer (authorized representative in Europe); 1.2 Product name, type, specification, quantity; 1.3 Symbol for ‘ ‘DO NOT REUSE” or ‘ ‘SINGLE USE”, ‘ ‘USE ONLY ONCE” t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie 1.4 Validated date and symbol (USE BY): 1.4.1 Symbol: 1.4.2 Symbol followed by date. 4 digits for year, 2 digits for month. 1.4.3 No stipulation for size and location of symbol and date. 1.4.4 The symbol and date shows that to use before this date. 1.5 Batch code and symbol 1.5.1 Symbol 1.5.2 Symbol followed by batch code. 1.5.3 No stipulation for size and location of symbol and date. 1.5 Date of manufacture and symbol (DATE OF MANUFACTURE): 1.6.1 Symbol 8 digits to show. 1.6.2 Symbol followed by date, the first 4 for year, the next two for month 1.6.3 No stipulation for the size and location of symbol and digit. 1.6.4 No stipulation for their size and location. 1.7 Please look up in the directions for the symbols and content 1.7.1 Symbol: 1.7.2 The background color is yellow, foreground color is black; the symbol size is not stipulated as long as it can be noticed. 1.7.3 Some content drawing user’s attention should go under the symbol: Method of use (special operation instructions); Storage condition; “DO NOT USE IF PACKING BROKEN” 1.8 Mark with CE after certification 1.8.1 Drawings C<E 0123 1.8.2 The diameter of the drawing >5mm. 1.8.3 At the lower right corner of the CE mark, label the registration number of the certification body. 1.8.4 CE-mark should be distinct, clear and wear well. 2. Label language 2.1 Language confirmation through following method: l Notify Body. l CE Representative l Forwarder l Samples provided by customers. 2.2 Instruction on all labels should be with at least one legal language of the country to which the goods are to be sold. Austria Belgium Denmark Finland Norway Portugal Spain ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl Slovenia Slovak ar n u Polish an ii Latvian n ot s Es Russian Czech Swedish Spanish Portuguese Italian Icelandic ffl Italy Luxembourg Greek German ffl Germany Iceland Ireland French ffl ffl ffl ffl France Greece Holland Finnish English Dutch Danish Country^ Norwegian a ii ^\Language Lithuanian 2.3 List t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie ffl Sweden ffl ffl Swiss ffl UK Cyprus ffl ffl Czech ffl ffl Estonia Latvia ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl Lithuanian ffl Malta Poland ffl ffl Slovakia Slovenia ffl ffl Hungary 30 Special requirements For that label (or mark) which has special requirements from the customer, design as above mentioned except the content that should meat customer’s requirements. 4. Instructions for use A urine specimen must be collected in a clean and dry container. The first morning urine specimen is preferred since it generally contains the highest concentration of HCG; however, urine specimens collected at any time of the day may be used. Urine specimens exhibiting visible precipitates should be settled to obtain a clear specimen for testing. Urine cup should be used to collect specimens (for strip/ cassette format). Please see Appendix III 5. Attachment (Sample) 5-1 Cassette format (pouches) 1 piKK'ptKkigk^ C^0f M M _|_ ■ ' ONE STEP (Caw<Hc) HCG URINE PREGNANCY TEST 1 fm to rttt C«a« •••!>. IIh Btly | lt»*» ,.r'A ® Mi WUH M t-Pt ' 1 L U For Self-Testing Dimension: I 120*60 mm ligrl MTUtrcmTioN or nuuin Ito MMbaidail i»c<w ■ be* nynii ■ '■trl -Mg Kami Di|Uiiit«*iN*MII I'twfci itr it 5-2 Strip format (pouch) 5-3 HCG Midstream, (pouch) Dimension: 190*55 inm 5-4 Strip box (sample) t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie 5-5 Cassette box (sample) (Cassette)L21 ()mm*W 12 5mm*H65mra t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie X Results of Stability Studies 1. Preservation and Storage 2. Stability Studies 1. Preservation and Storage 1- 1 Introduction The components of the kit are together treated to prolong its shelf life. Listed below the substances, which are used for preservation. Also listed are the methods of conservation of kit components. 1- 1 Preservatives used in kit components Preservatives Kit Component HCG Cassette HCG strip HCG Midstream 1-2 Conservation No Preservatives Methods for kit components Kit Component HCG No Preservatives Cassette HCG strip HCG Midstream No Preservatives Storage Condition 2-300 sealed 2-300 sealed 2-300 sealed 2. Stability Studies 2-1 Introduction The stability of One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test kit was evaluated using closed original kit, at room temperature (2300). 2-2 Materials Materials used in this study are QC approved and optimized components. 2-3 Procedure 2-3-1 Three kits of our HCG products were used, one each from Batch 901, Batch 902 and Batch 903. Assay was performed as per instruction manual. 2-3-2 All kit components are stored in the closed original condition at room temperature (22-300). 2-3-3 Evaluation of kits was performed at Month 0,6,12,18,24,26 from the date from the date of manufacturer. 2-3-4 Intensity of the overall intensity of the test lines for in-house reference panels are scored as follows: - Strong Positive Intensity: 3+ t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie - Medium Positive Intensity: 2+ - Weak Positive Intensity: 1+ - No test lines/Intensity: - 2-4 Results 2-4-1 The stability data of Lot 901 kit at room temperature (2-300) are summarized Table 1. 2-4-2 The stability data of Lot 902 kit at room temperature (2-300) are summarized Table 2. 2-4-3 The stability data of Lot 903 kit at room temperature (2-300) are summarized Table 3. Table 1. Summary of intensity score of Lot 901 for QC panels HCG Concentration Test Intervals (month) Concentration 0 6 12 18 24 26 25mIU/ml 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 0 mIU HCG/ml 50mIU/ml 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 200mIUhLH/ml 250mIU/ml 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 500mIU/ml 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ Test Intervals (month) 0 6 12 18 24 26 Table 2. Summary of intensity score of Lot 902 for QC panels HCG Concentration Test Intervals (month) Concentration 0 6 12 18 24 26 25mIU/ml 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 0 mIU HCG/ml 50mIU/ml 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 200mIUhLH/ml 250mIU/ml 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 500mIU/ml 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ Test Intervals (month) 0 6 12 18 24 26 Table 3. Summary of intensity score of Lot 903 for QC panels HCG Concentration 25mIU/ml Test Intervals (month) Concentration 0 6 12 18 24 26 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ Test Intervals (month) 0 0 mIU HCG/ml 6 12 18 24 26 50mIU/ml 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 250mIU/ml 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 500mIU/ml 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 200mIUhLH/ml 2-5 Comments 2-5-1 The 3 batches of closed original kits stored at room temperature is stable with no lessening of intensities of the test lines for in-house reference panels till 26 month, when the studies were completed. 2- 5-2 All 3 batches of kits, Lot 901, 902 and 903, showed similar stability till the completion of the studies. 2- 6 Conclusion Stability studies of the test kits at room temperature (2-300) indicated that the kits are stable for at least 24 months from the date of manufacture when stored unopened, in its original conditions. t: 01 835 2411 f: 01 835 2461 email: service@medguard.ie XI Declaration of Conformity Manufacturer: Atlas Link (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. Address: Room 811 Zeyang Plaza, No.166 Fushi Road, Shijingshan Dist., Beijing, China Tel: +86-10-8890 9112 Fax: +86-10-8890 9115 European Representative: Ciriano Global s.l. B50927532 C/BLANCAS 4-6 1 B OFICINA 1 50001 ZARAGOZA, SPAIN Tel: +34-97622 8974 Fax: +34-97636 0886 Product: One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test Classification: IVD Declaration of conformity: We herewith declare that the above mentioned products meet the provisions of the following EC Council Directives and Standards. All supporting documentations are retained under the premises of the manufacturer and the notified body. DIRECTIVES Directive of medical Cassette: IVD Directive 98/79/EC This declaration of conformity is based on the European In vitro Diagnostic Medical Cassette Directive 98/79/EC, Annex III. Notified Body: TUV Product Service GMBH NO. 0123 EC Certificate: Expiry date of the Certificate: General Manager: Date:
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