INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE SQC&OR UNIT SIX SIGMA GREEN BELT and BLACK BELT Integrated PROGRAMS- 2015 INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE SQC & OR UNIT, COIMBATORE Improving Performance Dramatically To 99.9997% Analyzing Risk Statistically Where you have Rights,choice, Controls on “Inputs, Supplier and Process” you may not have adequate Information. But , on “Output” where you have no choice you may have more data. SIX SIGMA studies “Inputs” as “Process Approach” to get the “Desired Output”, meeting and exceeding service level agreements without rework and at a competitive price Venue: Programme Period: Indian Statistical Institute First Floor, 514, Mettupalayam Road, Coimbatore - 641 043 Flexible- But 168 HoursOn Saturdays & Sundays CONTACT: COURSE DIRECTOR Prof. A. Rajagopal Head, SQC & OR Unit Office Phone No: 0422-2452197 / 2441192 Mobile No: +91 98422 45219 E- Mail: E- Mail: Training Charge : Rs.50000/- (Including Service Tax) 1 FAQ’S ANSWERED 1. What is six sigma? 2. How six sigma work? 3. How it is helpful to business? 4. How Six Sigma helps Participants? 5. What the participant, ‘‘gets out of six sigma’’? 6. What is the Learning methodology & Training to Individuals? 7. What are the leading corporate Trained? 8. What is Lean manufacturing? 9. fruits of profit and benefits of six sigma 10. What is the course content? 11. Who can attend the programs and at what cost? 12. What are the requirements for Green/Black Belts SIX SIGMA TOWARDS BUSINESS PROCESS EXCELLENCE WITH LEAN CONCEPTS ABOUT THE INSTITUTE Indian Statistical Institute is an institution of National importance, started way back in 1931 by Prof. P C. Mahalanobis as Non – Profit distribution learning Society. The Statistical Quality Control and Operation Research Division of the Institute is promoting Quality Improvement, Waste Reduction, Rejection/ rework elimination, Lead time reduction Cost estimation and Control, Optimization of Product, Process, Quality system Implementation, for Certification to International Standard, ISO 9001 Quality System, ISO 14001 Environmental System, SA 8000 Social Accountability System, OHSAS System, CMMI Analysis, Vendor Development and Impart Training in various Industries. Training and Implementing Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and Master Black Belt programme are Branded and recognized to world class. The Balance Scorecard for the effective operations of the company is targeting during the training programme. This is the exceptional academic research institutions that recognize merits and financially support +2 students for pursuing their studies up to post graduate and Ph.D Programme, preparing for career prospects. No fee is charged, and the courses are conducted in Kolkata, Delhi and Bangalore. But, In Coimbatore practical application oriented industrial training and consultancy promotional project assignments are carried out including Six Sigma Green and Black Belt training Programme , to the current need of the business world. 2 ABOUT THE SIX SIGMA INTEGRATED BLACKBELT PROGRAMME ISI Coimbatore as a National Institute of Importance Under Ministry of Statistics & Programme implementation is well known for training, promotion and Six Sigma methodologies in India. The Black Belt Programme was accredited by Quality Council of India (QCI).The batch size is restricted to 10 to 15 participants on a “First Come First Serve Basis” and so far more than 200 Black Belts been trained and are working in leading companies and institutions. Flexible class timings according to batch suitability are always considered. EXECUTIVES EARLIER ATTENDED FROM THE FOLLOWING CORPORATES Lakshmi Machine Works Jansons School of Business Tata Consultancy engineering Management solutions Post Graduate Engineers Cognizant Technology Solutions Bpo’s Wipro Textile Consultants Robert Bosch Sambandam Group General Motors Financial Institutions Ford Motors Suppliers Deutushe Bank Fluid Control Research Institute Post Graduate Engineers Saradha Textiles Eltech Ceramics Suguna Poultry Indo Shell Hospitality Industries Such As Psg Hospitals, Hotel, Franklin Institutions, K G Hospital Pump Set Manufacturers Premier Mills Insurance Officials Amity Software Garment Merchandisers Various SME’s and Management School Faculties 3 Answers to the Frequently Asked Question 1) SIX SIGMA The Proven statistical method in order to achieve the conformance level of 99.9997%, Aiming at almost Zero defect in any process 2) SIX SIGMA WORKS Recognition: The issues are pertaining to business and process strategies Characterization: Defining and measuring using statistical principles. Optimization: Analyze and improve using statistical tools and techniques. Institutionalization: Control and Documentation, Various integration methods such as control plan, SOP, System Development 3) HELPFUL TO BUSINESS 1. Quick decision. 2. Data based decisions support system. 3. Customer driven approach meeting, exceeding SLA requirements 4. Minimize quality cost, adding value to customers. 5. Reduce wastages of all 8 types. 6. Prevent customer complaints. 7. Prevent delays, waiting times in deliveries. 4) SIX SIGMA HELPS PARTICIPANTS 1. Competitiveness Enrichment of the product and the individual. During the interview. 2. Develop skills among Participants to analyze and conclude data based decision 3. Competency in identifying chronic problems in the use of high level statistical techniques. 4. Enhances existing knowledge and confidence for achieving target results. 4 5) PARTICIPANTS GAIN FROM SIX SIGMA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recognition from the management and associates. Priority in Placement. Confidence of Promotions. Quality culture with Quantitative Analysis. Capability for strategic planning 6) LEARNING METHODOLOGIES AND TRAINING TO INDIVIDUALS Through CONTINOUS LEARNING AND INTERATIVE PROGAMME, Conducting test with Real time application of projects with exposure to data analysis using simple excel sheet up to Software applications presenting Case studies, group discussions and Quiz will be organized, Easy learning with enjoyment is experienced so long. 7) LEADING CORPORATE ENABLED SIX SIGMA PROGRAMME Cluster Development Programmed of MSME of MICROSOFT, UNIDO, TIRUPUR Textile Cluster, large and Medium corporate Reliance, Wipro Technologies L&T, Automobiles, Textile mills, Infrastructures, Academic Institutions, Process and Heavy Industries, Including Petroleum Industries, are availing ISI services 8) LEAN MANUFACTURING Dramatically reduce the waste chain Reduces Inventory and floor space requirements. Creates more robust production systems Develops appropriate material delivery systems. Improves layouts for increased flexibility. Quick change of jobs in the floor for maintaining flow. Reduction of Rework, Rejection, Repair and Returns. 5 9) FRUITS OF PROFIT AND BENEFITS OF SIX SIGMA People are trained over a period of 2 - 3 months with week-end classes. Individuals need to Practice for the following six months. Results from there on wards Savings in crores of rupees. Progress in multiple folds. Prospects of growth Assured in turn over. Bottom line improvement of the companies. 10) COURSE CONTENT OF BLACK BELT As per Documented Procedure of ISI Authorized by Quality Council of India following topics with flexibility of option are taught with appropriate case study 11) TARGET PARTICIPANTS: Industrial Executives, SME’s, Health Care Personnel, Textile Personnel, Academic Personnel and Students 12) REQUIREMENTS FOR GREEN BELT AND BLACK BELT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 100% Attendance Compulsory. 168 Hrs of classes for Black Belts Assignments to be submitted on time. Six Sigma Software classes to be practiced during free hours. Model Exam will be conducted at two stages each 3 Hrs Final Exam at two stages each 3 Hrs. Approximately 7 days classes totally for green belt followed by 14 days classes for black belt convenient to participants, One Real time Application Project should be done by Black Belts 6 13. TOPICS COVERED GREEN BELT . 14) BLACK BELT TOPICS COVERED: Overview of Six Sigma Methodology Identification, Prioritization and selection of Improvement opportunities Roles and responsibilities in Six Sigma implementation Over view of Six Sigma Project execution (DMAIC or DFSS/ DMADV) (DefineMeasureAnalyze- Improve & Control or Design for Six Sigma/Define- Measure- Analyze- Design And Validate), and Gate Review Questionnaire Development of Project Team and Charter 7 Define and Map Processes to be improved (SIPOC (supplier, input, process, output, Customer) / COPIS (customer, output, process, input, supplier), Activity Flow Chart) Identification of critical to customer / critical to business characteristics (concept of tree Diagram) Voice of Customer & Quality Function Deployment Type of Data Knowledge of Statistical distributions Binomial, Poisson ,Normal and other continuous Distributions Prioritization Matrix and FMEA and use of it in Data Collection Planning Introduction to various statistical software packages for data display & analysis like Excel, Minitab, understanding in usage & interpretation of output along with each topic Measurement System Evaluation (Gauge R&R) for variables as well as for attribute Measurements (Kappa Value and Confidence interval for agreement with expert) Understanding variation-special causes vs. common causes (like dot plots, box plots, Histogram and control charts) Stratification methods (like Pareto, Bar Diagrams, stratified dot plot, stratified scatter plot, Box Plot, Multi -Vari Charts etc) Normality test of a data, evaluation of Process Capability for data from a Normal/NonNormal distribution and concept of confidence interval Evaluation of Process Capability for Data from Normal/Non-Normal Distribution Concept of Short Term, Long Term Process Capability and assessment of Sigma level Identification of value added and non value added activities (use of lean concept) Organizing for potential causes using cause and effect diagram, FMEA & Tree Diagram Verification/validation of causes using work place investigation (GEMBA) Concept of correlation and regression and use of the same in validating causes Concept of Test of Hypothesis like 2 Sample t, Chi Square, ANOVA etc and use of the Same in validating the causes Sample Size determination for a given confidence level 8 Concept of Multiple Regression and use of the same in validating the causes Concept of logistic regression and use of the same in validating the causes Concept of Design of experiment and details of full factorial, fractional factorial and Screening designs Generate Improvement Ideas using Creativity Techniques (Traditional & nontraditional) Lean Concepts, including Kaizen and SMED Solution Evaluation Criteria, Evaluation of solutions and selection of solutions Change Management Process dealing with resistance to change Process of piloting the solutions Risk Analysis through use of FMEA or related methodologies Concept and Examples of Poke Yoke, Visual Workplace and 5S Planning for full scale implementation (use of Gantt Charts, Microsoft project, planning Grid, involvement Matrix, Evaluation of results after implementation Monitoring the results through statistical Process Control (like Control Charts, PreControl Charts etc) after implementation of the solutions Monitoring the results as a part of established QMS through use of process audit, product Audit and internal audits Institutionalization and integration of the solutions Process of Closing the Project Work through at least 3 six sigma projects of different applications Documentation of a Project 15 BLACK BELT OPTIONAL TOPICS COVERED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Probability distribution like exponential, Weibull, etc. Reliability theory Design FMEA Pugh matrix Value stream mapping Multi variate analysis Time series analysis POKE - YOKE 9. 5S Methodology (SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU, SHITSUKE ) The course content shall also cover local requirements, culture, practice or approaches and the application of six sigma tools as appropriate. 16. ELIGIBILITY Must be more dedicated and interested towards Mathematical Calculations. More fascination to work in Excel sheet and Software Preferably employed candidates 9 17. ORIENTATION, AWARENESS, PRESENTATION SIX SIGMA BLACK BELT AWARDEES Six Sigma Black Belts receiving certificates (2011) from Giridhar Gyani, Secretary General (Quality Council of India) in presence of Padmasri Dr. G.Bakthavachalam DR. L. NARASIMHAN (VICE PRESIDENT OF R & D - LMW) RECEIVING THE BLACK BELT FROM PADMA VIBHUSAN DR.C.R.RAO. (AWARDEE OF US MEDAL OF SCIENCE AND INDIAN NATIONAL SCIENCE CONGRESS 2009) LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR EARLIEST ENROLLMENT 10
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